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Full text of "Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office"

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VOL.   I. 





And  to  be  purchased,  either  directly  or  through  any  Bookseller,  from 
EYRE  AND  SPOTTISWOODE,  East  Harding  Street,  Fleet  Street,  E.G. ;  or 
OLIVER  AND  BOYD,  Edinburgh;  or 
E.   PONSONBY,   116,   Grafton  Street,  Dublin. 


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'Cr<'-o  V  ^'...^^ 





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Pbeface vii 

Table  of  Beferences xi 


Calendab  1 

Index  of  Pbbsonb  and  Plages      -  815 

Index  of  Subjects 428 

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The  present  volume  is  the  first  instalment  of  a  Calendar  of 
certain  documents  selected  from  the  class  formerly  known 
as  Escheats,  or  Inquisitions  post  mortem.  The  guiding  principle 
of  selection  has  been  to  include  all  inquisitions  dealing  with  the 
hereditary  descent  of  land,  assignments  of  dower,  proofs  of 
age,  lands  of  lunatics  and  the  like,  reserving  for  separate 
treatment  all  inquisitions  ad  quod  damnum,  and  all  inquisitions  not 
bearing  upon  the  subjects  before  mentioned.  A  list  of  the  inquisitions 
ad  quod  damnum  is  now  in  course  of  publication;  and  a  detailed 
calendar  of  the  remaining  enquiries  will  be  published  later. 

The  period  covered  by  the  present  volimie  is  the  reign  of  Henry  III. ; 
and  the  earliest  inquisition  described  in  it  is  dated  in  the  20th  year 
of  that  king.  It  is,  however,  only  by  degrees  that  the  inquisition  on 
the  death  of  a  landowner  assumes  a  regular  form ;  and  the  growth  of 
the  administration  intended  to  deal  with  it  is  equally  gradual.  Even 
the  writ  of  diem  clavMt  eMremum  cannot  be  traced  beyond  the 
39th  year  of  that  king ;  and  to  the  very  end  of  the  reign  it  is  possible 
to  note  occasional   variations  from   the  regular  course. 

Two  stages  in  the  development  of  the  officer  known  as  the  Escheator 
can  be  traced.  In  the  first,  the  taking  of  the  inquisitions  is  the  duty 
of  the  Sheriff;  and  all  the  other  executive  functions  such  as  seizing  the 
lands  on  the  death  of  their  owner,  restoring  them  to  the  heir  and  the 
like  are  done  by  him.  But  the  actual  custody  of  the  lands,  while  in 
the  king's  hands,  belongs  to  officers  known  as  custodes  escaetarum^ 
and  sometimes  as  escaetores.  On  the  Close  Roll  of  16  Henry  III., 
m.  lid,  two  of  these  keepers  are  appointed  for  each  coimty;  two 
years  later,  we  find  two  for  the  whole  of  England,  namely  Richard 
de  la  Lade  and  Adam  son  of  William,  and  accounts  rendered  by  these 
last  for  lands  in  their  hands  are  to  be  found  on  the  Pipe  Rolls  of  the 
period.     The  first   Escheator   in  the  later  sense  seems  to  have  been 

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Robert  de  Creppinges,  who  acted  as  Escheator  North  of  Trent  from 
20  to  32  Henry  III. ;  but  even  after  this  appointment,  we  find  many 
writs  addressed  to  the  Sheriff  on  subjects  that  seem  rather  to  belong  to 
the  province  of  the  Escheator.  Henry  de  Wengham  occurs  as  Escheator 
South  of  Trent  about  the  year  30  Henry  III. ;  but  the  first  account  for 
that  office  is  the  account  of  William  de  Wendling  for  the  years  43-45 
Henry  HI.  These  two  chief  escheators  had  subordinates  in  each 
county,  known  as  co-escheators  or  sub-escheators,  to  whom  part  of 
their  work  was  entrusted;  but  the  writ  ordering  the  taking  of  an 
inquisition  is  always  addressed  to  the  chief  escheator,  who  transmitted 
it  to  his  subordinate. 

Certain  liberties  and  districts  lay  without  the  power  of  the  escheators ; 
and  writs  touching  lands  within  them  were  either  sent  direct  to  the 
officers  in  charge  of  them,  or  remitted  to  them  for  execution  by  the 
original  recipient. 

It  should  be  explained  that  when  the  Calendar  does  not  mention 
the  name  of  the  recipient  of  the  writ,  it  is  to  be  understood  that 
the  writ  was  addressed  to  the  Escheator. 

The  inquisitions  taken  by  the  Escheator  were  returned  by  him  into 
Chancery  j  but  a  further  duty  lay  upon  him  of  accounting  at  the 
Exchequer  for  t^e  profits  of  the  lands  in  his  hands  or  for  money 
received  by  him  on  behalf  of  the  king.  As  vouchers  for  these 
accounts,  he  was  compelled  to  produce  at  the  Exchequer  copies,  or 
notes,  of  the  inquisitions  taken  before  him  and  any  other  documents 
that  might  be  required  to  discharge  claims  against  him.  Hence 
arises  the  parallel  set  of  documents  known  as  Escheators'  Accounts 
and  Inquisitions,  Exchequer.  For  the  reign  of  Henry  HI.  there  is  only 
one  such  copy  in  existence,  and  several  writs;  these  have  be^n 
included  in  the  present  Calendar. 

Before  the  publication  of  the  present  volume,  the  only  means  of 
reference  to  the  class  of  Inquisitions  post  mortem  were  the  four  volumes 
published  by  the  Record  Commission  between  1806  and  1838.  On  the 
unsatisfactory  character  of  that  publication  it  is  needless  to  insist.  The 
omission  of  the  names  of  the  heirs  was  partially  remedied  by  the 
publication  in   1865   of  two   volmnes     of    extracts    edited    by    Mr. 

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Charles  Roberts  and  entitled  *  Calendarium  Grenealogicum.'  These 
only  cover  the  reigns  of  Henry  III.  and  Edward  I. ;  and  the  obvious 
inconvenience  of  pursuing  a  system  in  which  the  names  of  heirs 
were  given  in  one. calendar  and  the  lands  in  another  made  it  undesirable 
to  proceed  further  on  those  lines. 

It  was  determined  therefore  to  undertake  a  new  calendar  altogether; 
and  to  begin  by  classifying  the  mass  of  documents  on  the  principles 
already  explained.  In  the  abstracts  here  given  of  the  Inquisitions 
post  mortem,  the  lands,  the  tenures  of  lands,  the  date  of  the 
death  of  the  owner,  if  stated,  and  the  names  and  ages  of  the  heirs 
have  been  given,  with  an  abstract  of  any  information  contained  in  the 
document  as  titles,  relationship  and  so  forth ;  the  names  of  the  tenants 
of  knights*  fees  have  also  been  included.  On  the  other  hand,  extents 
of  manors  have  been  omitted,  their  presence  in  the  original 
documents  being  indicated  by  the  words  *  (extent  given).'  The 
names  of  jurors,  sheriffs,  and  escheators  are  also  for  the  most  part 
left  out. 

The  entries  in  the  Calendar  have  been  numbered  successively  for 
reference  only.  The  original  documents  are  bound  in  files  and 
numbered,  and  should  be  applied  for  by  the  file  and  number  to  be 
found  at  the  end  of  each  entry ;  the  initial  letter  C.  signifies  that  the 
document  in  question  belongs  to  the  Chancery  series ;  and  E.  in  like 
manner  refers  to  the  Exchequer  series. 

llie  table  which  follows  this  introduction  shows  the  new  arrangement 
of  the  Inquisitions  post  mortem  and  the  relation  between  the  old  and 
present  references  of  the  documents  in  it. 

The  text  of  the  present  volume  has  been  prepared  by  Mr.  J.  E.  E.  S. 
Sharp,  an  Assistant  Record  Keeper,  and  the  index  by  Mr.  A.  E.  Stamp, 
M.A.  of  this  office. 


Public  Record  Office, 
28  March,  1904. 

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Table  showing  the  present  reference  to  all  documents 
formerly  included  amongst  the  inquisitions  .post  mortem  of  the 
REIGN  OF   Henry  III. 

The  old  reference  is  given  in  the  first  column,  the  new  reference  in  the 
second)  third,  fourth,  or  fifth  column  as  the  case  may  be. 

Documents  which  cannot  now  be  traced  are  marked  '  missing.' 



\f  1  qppI  Ion  Ann  a 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 

iU.loL*CylXClllt7U  UD 


1-27  Hen.  III.  1 



Forest  Proc.  (An- 
cient) no.  23b. 



Forest  Proc.  (An- 
cient) no.  28c. 


22.  (18) 




1.  (1) 




Forest  Proc.  (An- 
cient) no.  100. 




1.  (2) 




1.  (3) 





1.  (4) 


Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 





1.  (5) 




1.  (6) 




1.  (7) 


1.  (1) 


1.  (2) 


1.  (3) 


1.  (4) 


1.  (5) 


1.  (8) 


1.  (6) 


1.  (7) 


1.  (9) 


1.  (8) 


1.  (5) 



22.     (1) 



1.  (10) 


1.  (9) 




1.  (11) 



1.  (12) 


1.  (10) 



1.  (11) 




22.     (2) 




1.  (13) 

Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

1-27  Hen.  III.  25  [ 

1.  (12) 

26  > 

1.  (13) 

27  1 

'   1.  (14) 


1.  (15) 

.29  ; 

1.  (16) 



1.  (17) 



1  (18) 


1.  (19) 

28-29  Hen.  III.  1 

1.  (20) 


2.  (1) 


2.  (2) 


6  ' 

2.  (3) 

6  1 

15.  (6) 


2.  (4) 

8  . 

2.  (5) 

9  , 

2.  (6) 


2.  (7) 


2.  (8) 


2.  (9) 


2.  (10) 



2.  (11) 


2.  (12) 




2.-  (13) 




2.  (14) 


2.  (15) 

24  1 

2.  (16) 



2.  (17) 

27  ' 

2.  (18) 


27b  I 

2.  (19) 


—  ' 



27E  ; 


28  ' 

1.  (19) 

29  1 

37.  (10) 

80  , 

2.  (19) 

Ad  Quod 


1.  (14) 
1.   (16) 

1.  (17) 

22.   (8) 

1.  (18) 

1.  (19) 

1.  (20) 

1.  (21) 

1.   (22) 
22.   (4) 


—  Forest  Proc.  (An- 
I      (Sient)  no.  28d. 


—  Criminal  Inq.  1  (1) 

Digitized  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

28-29  Hen.IIL81 

2.  (20) 




8.  (1) 




48.  (12) 




8.  (3) 


8.  (4) 


8.  (5) 


8.  (6) 



8.  (7) 


8.  (8) 


8.  (9) 


8.  (10) 











8.  (11) 



8.  (2) 

80  Hen.  m.   1 

8.  (14) 


8.  (15) 


8.  (16) 


8.  (17) 


8.  (18) 


8.  (12) 


8.  (19) 


8.  (20) 


4.  (1) 


4.  (2) 

11  1 

4.  (8) 


4.  (4) 


4.  (6) 


4.  (6) 



4.  (7) 

17  ! 

1.  (6) 

18  1 

19  I 

4.  (8) 

Ad  Quod 



1.  (28) 

22.  (6)      I 
1.  (24) 

1.   (26)      i 

1.  (26) 

1.  (2) 

1.  (27) 
1.  (28) 

1.  (29) 

Forest  Proc.  (An- 
cient) no.  23e. 

Criminal  Inq.  1  (1). 
Inq.  p.m.  10  Edw. 
It.  96. 

2.  (3) 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 



Henry  ill. 




80  Hen.  III.   20 

4.     (9) 


4.    (10) 



4.    (11) 


4.    (12) 



1.     (4) 




1.  (19) 



1.     (6) 



1.     (6) 










1.  (7) 


4.   (18) 


4.    (14) 


4.   (15) 



3.    (20) 


4.   (16) 


4.    (17) 


4.   (20) 



1.  (8) 


4.   (18) 







4.    (19) 














Criminal  Inq.  1(8). 


4.    (20) 


3.    (13) 






Criminal  Inq.  1(4). 

81  Hen.  III.      1 

6.     (2) 


6.   (16) 


6.     (3) 


5.     (4) 




















5.     (6) 


5.     (7) 


5.     (8) 


5.     (9) 


6.     (1) 


5.    (10) 


5.   (11) 


5.    (12) 


5.   (18) 


5.   (14) 





Digitize(d  by 





Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 


Ad  Quod 



81  Hen.  III. 



5.  (15) 
5.  (16) 
5.  (17) 
5.  (18) 
5.  (19) 






2.   (11) 




2.    (12) 


6.  (20) 


6.     (1) 


6.     (2) 


6.     (8) 


6.     (4) 



6.     (5) 



6.     (6) 



2.  (18) 


6.     (7) 


6.     (8) 


6.     (9) 




2.   (14) 


6.  (10) 



2.    (15) 


6.  (11) 




Missing  (1865). 


6.  (12) 




2.    (16) 


6.  (18) 


6.  (14) 



1.  (9) 


•   "" 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 




2.   (17) 


7.     (5) 


Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 22. 



2..  (18) 


6.  (15)' 



Warrants,  file  1759. 


6.  (16) 


5.     (5) 


2.   (19) 



2.   (20) 

82  Hen.  in. 


7.     (6) 
6.  (17) 


2.    (21) 




22.   (7) 


6.  (18) 

Digitize(d  by 



Inquisitions  |  Inquisitions 
Post  Mortem.      Ad  Quod 
Henry  III.       Damnum. 

82  Hen.  III. 



6.   (19) 

38  Hen.  III. 





3  , 


4  ; 

6.  (17) 

5   : 

7.  (4) 


7  ; 

8  : 

7.  (14) 


7.  (6) 




7.  (7) 




7.  (8) 



6.  (18) 


7.  (9) 


7.  (10) 


7.  (11) 


7.  (12) 



7.  (13) 


7.  (16) 






6.  m 


7.  (15) 




7.  (16) 


7.  (17) 


7.  (18) 


7.  (19) 


7.  (20) 



8.  (1) 


8.  (2) 

1.    (10) 

1.  (11) 


2.  (22) 

8.    (4) 

3.    (5) 

22.  (11) 

3.    (6) 

3.    (9) 

22.    (8) 

3.    (1) 

22.    (9) 

8.    (2) 
8.    (8) 

22.  (10) 

2.  (21)    ; 

22.    (7)      ' 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 

,  Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 

i       (4.) 

8.    (7)      I 

8.    (8) 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem, 

Ad  Quod 


Henry  III. 


33  Hen.  111.  40 

8.    (8) 


8.    (4) 


8.    (5) 



8.  (10) 




8.  (11) 


8.    (6) 


8.    (7) 



8.    (8) 


8.    (9) 


8.    (10) 


8.   (11) 




8.  (12) 


8.   (12) 


7.    (1) 


8.  (18) 


8.   (14) 


8.  (15) 



8.   (16) 


8.   (17) 


8.  (18) 


8.   (19) 


8.  (20) 


7.    (2) 



8.  (18) 


7.    (8) 



8.  (14) 


—          1 

8.  (15) 


9.    (1) 


9.    (2) 



2.  (22) 


9.    (8) 




Criminal  Inq.  1(5). 




Criminal  Inq.  1(6). 




Criminal  Inq.  1(7). 



22.  (12) 


'     22.  (13) 


9.    (4) 


9.    (5) 



8.  (16) 



8.  (17) 


9.    (7) 


9.    (6) 



8.  (18) 



8.   (19) 


8.  (20) 


— — 

— " 

22.  (H) 

*  There  was  no  number  69. 


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\f  1  ap  a1  1  a  ti  Anil  a 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  HI. 

Ad  Quod 


34  Hen.  HI. 


10.  (20) 





22.  (16) 



22.  (15) 




22.  (17) 




22.  (18) 




4.  (1) 


9.   (10) 


9.  (11) 


10.  (19) 






9.  (12) 


15.    (5) 


9.  (13) 


9.  (14) 


9.  (15) 




4.  (3)        ' 


9.   (16) 


9.   (17) 


9.  (18) 


9.  (19) 


9.  (20) 


9.  (11) 




4.  (4) 


10.  (1) 


10.  (2) 


10.  (3) 






10.  (4) 


10.  (5) 


10.  (6) 



10.  (7) 



1.  (12) 




4.  (6) 




4.  (7) 






10.    (8) 


10.    (9) 



10.  (10) 






10.  (11) 


10.  (12) 



10.  (18) 


10.  (14) 




4.  (10)       , 


Digitize(d  by 





\f  1 RP  a1  1  An  P011  fl 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 


34  Hen.  III. 


10.   (15) 

4.  (11) 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 15. 



4.  (12) 



4.  (13) 



4.  (14) 



.      4.  (15) 


1.  (18) 


10.  (16) 


10.  (17) 



10.  (18) 

35  Hen.  III. 




22.  (19) 



22.  (20) 





22.  (21) 




6.  (D 




5.  (2) 




5.  (3) 


12.  (3) 


22.  (22) 


11.  (1) 


11.  (2) 





1.  (14) 



5.  (5) 


1.  (15) 


22.  (23) 



5.  (6) 






11.  (8) 




5.  (10) 


5.  (11) 


5.  (12) 


1.  (16) 


1.   (17) 


22.  (24) 


22.  (25) 



Criminallnq.l  (8). 


11.  (4) 



1.  (18) 


11.  (5) 


11.  (6) 


11.  (7) 


11.  (8) 



6.  (13) 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad   Quod 


T                •      "i." 


Henry  III. 



85  Hen.  III. 

1.  (19) 



22.  (26)      . 




22.  (27) 


11.  (9) 


11.  (10) 




5.  (14) 


11.  (11) 




5.  (15) 




6.  (16) 




6.  (17) 




6.  (18) 




5.  (19) 


11.  (12) 


11.  (18) 




6.  (20) 


11.  (14) 


11.  (15) 




6.  (21) 


11.  (16) 


11.  (17) 


11.  (18) 


1.  (20) 


6.  (22) 


6.  (28) 


14.  (13) 


11.  (19) 



6.  (24) 


11.  (20) 


3.  (10) 


12.  (1) 



6.    26) 



5.  (26) 



5.  (27) 



5.  (28) 


12.  (2) 

86  Hen.  IH. 



28.  (1) 







23.  (2) 



28.  (8) 



23.  (4) 



6.  (2) 



Missing  (1806). 


13.  (11) 



6.  (8) 


12.  (4) 


12.  (6) 

Digitize(d  by 





1lf  1  RPa}  1  ATI  Anil  R 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  HI. 

Ad  Quod 


86  Hen.  HI. 



1.  (21) 


6.  (4)       ! 



6.  (5) 


1.  (22) 


6.  (6) 


6.  (7) 


6.  (8) 


6.  (9) 


12.   (6) 


1.   (23) 




6.  (10) 


12.    (7) 


12.   (8) 



12.  (9) 




6.  (11)      i 




6.  (12)       i 




6.  (18)       j 


12.  (10) 



12.  (11) 



12.  (12) 



28.  (5)       i 


44.  (14) 




6.  (14) 


12.  (18) 


12.  (14) 


12.  (15) 


12.  (16) 



12.  (17) 


12.  (18) 


12.  (19) 


12.  (20) 



12.  (5) 



6.  (15) 



18.  (1) 


1.  (24) 


18.  (2) 



1.  (25) 



1.  (26) 


18.  (8) 


18.  (4) 



—          iCo.PIacita,Kent,l. 



6.  (16)       '• 


18.  (5) 



6.  (17) 


6.  (18)      ; 


—   . 

Co.Placita,Norf.  1. 

Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 

36  Hen.  III.  56 



18.  (6) 


13.  (7) 



18.  (9) 


18.  (10) 


13.  (8) 



























18.  (12) 















87  Hen.  III.  1 



13.  (14) 





13.  (15) 




18.  (16) 


18.  (17) 








18.  (18) 


18.  (19) 


13.  (20) 


1.  (27) 

Inquisitions,  i 

6.  (19) 

7.  (2) 

7.  (8) 
7.  (4) 















23.  (6) 


8.  (4) 
8.  (9) 

1  Criminal  Inq.  1  (9). 
Criminal  Inq.  1  (10) . 

Digitized  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 



'  MiscellaneouE 
1  Inquisitions. 



37  Hen.  III.    18 

14.  (1) 


14.  (2) 



8.  (10)       , 


14.  (8) 


14.  (4) 


14.  (5) 



28.  (7)       i 


14.  (6) 


14.  (7) 


14.  (8) 



8.  (11)      ! 




8.  (12)     ; 


14.  (9) 


18.  (17) 




8.  (18)       1 

88     • 



8.  (14)    : 




8.  (15)       1 




8.  (16) 




8.  (17) 




8.  (18) 




8.  (19) 


14.  (10) 




—          1  Co.  Placita.Linc.  1. 


14.  (11) 

,    . 


14,  (12) 


14.  (18) 



14.  (14) 



14.  (15) 



7.  (17)       1 


2.  (80)       1 


14.  (16)      ] 



14.  (17)      i 




—              ! 

8.  (21)       1 


14.  (18) 



14.  (19) 



—        ! 


Missing  (1866). 

(m.  1  &  2)  54 



8.  (22) 

(m.  3)  54 



8.  (23)       j 


14.  (20) 


15.  (1) 


15.  (2) 

58     , 

15.  (3) 

(m.  1  &  2)  59 


1.  (28) 

(m.  8  &  4)  69 


8,  (24) 



8.  (25)       , 





23.  (8) 

Digitized  by 






l^{  anjA  1  $LH  Ann  r 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 



87Hen.  TTT.  62 

8.  (26) 


15.  (4) 



•     8.  (27) 


16.  (5) 


18.  (18) 




8.  (28) 




1.   (29) 




8.  (29) 





Criminal  Inq.  1(11). 




Criminal  Inq.  1(12). 


■ — 



Eccl.  Pet.  1,  no. 




28.  (9) 

88  Heu.  III.      1 



23.  (8) 


15.  (7) 


.    47.(26) 


16.  (8) 




28.  (10) 




28.  (11) 


16.  (9) 





15.  (10) 



—  - 



15.  (11) 


16.  (12) 


15.  (18) 




28.  (9) 


18.  (12) 


8.  (11) 



28.  (18) 


1.   (30) 


15.  (14) 



9.  (8) 


15.  (15) 


15.  (16) 


15.  (17) 


15.  (18) 



^ — 

9.  (4) 




9.  (5) 


15.  (19) 


15.  (20) 


18.  (18) 




9.  (6) 




9.  (7) 



—  - 

9.  (8) 

16.  (1) 

Digitize(d  by 






1^1  RO.(A  1  fLTi  A011  fl 


Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 


88  Hen.  IH. 


16.  (2) 
16.  (8) 
16.  (4) 
16.  (5) 
16.  (6) 
16.  (7) 
16.  (8) 
16.  (9) 
16.  (10) 
16.  (11) 
16.  (12) 
16.  (18) 



9.  (9) 




9.   (10) 




9.  (11)  , 


14.  (13) 



28.  (12) 




9.  (12)      : 



28.  (14)      j 


16.  (14) 




16.  (15) 



9.  (18)       ' 




—          1  Criminal  Inq.  1(13) 


15.  (6) 

39  ^en.  III. 


16.  (17) 
44.  (4) 


28.  (15) 



23.  (16) 



1.  (31) 




9.  (14)       1 


1.  (32) 



1.  (29) 




7.  (14) 


16.  (18) 



16.  (19) 



!      16.  (20) 



1       17.  (1) 




1          "~* 


23.  (17)      , 


1      16.  (16) 




7.  (15) 




7.  (16) 



1.  (33) 


28.  (18) 


9.  (16) 


'       17.  (2) 


1      17.  (8) 




Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem 


Henry  III. 

89Heu.  III.  28a 

ir.  (4) 


1     "^ 


'   17.  (5) 


17.  (6) 


1   17.  (7) 




1   17.  (9) 




17.  (8) 


17.  (9) 


17.  (10) 


17.  (11) 


17.  (12) 


17.  (13) 


17.  (14) 


17.  (15) 


15.  (11) 


17.  (16)  & 

10.  (18) 


17.  (17) 





17.  (18) 


17.  (19) 



10  Hen,  III.   1 




17.  (-20)   : 


—     ■' 


18.  (1)    ; 


18.  (2) 


18.  (8)   1 


—      1 



18.  (4)   ' 








18.  (5)  ; 


18.  (6)   , 


18.  (7) 


18.  (8) 


18.  (9) 


Ad  Quod 


1.  (27) 

y.   (16) 

I  Missing. 

I  Criminal  Inq.l (14). 

1.  (34) 


—  I      28.  (19) 

23.  (20) 
23.  (21) 

9.  (17) 
9:  (18) 

Criminal  Inq.l  (15). 
Criminal  Inq.l  (16). 

Criminal  Inq.l(17). 
Missing  (1806). 
Missing  (1806). 


9,  (19) 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 


Henry  III. 


40Hen.  TTT.   20 

21.  (14) 


18.  (10) 





28.  (22) 



1.  (85) 


18.  (11) 



18.  (12) 




9.  (20) 



1.   (86) 


18.  (18) 


18.  (14) 



1.  (37) 


18.  (16) 


18.  (16) 



1.  (88) 


18.  (17) 


18.  (18) 


18.  (19) 



9.  (21) 



9.  (22) 



9.  (28) 


18.  (20) 


19.  (1) 




9.  (24) 



9.  (25) 


18.  (17) 



9.  (26) 




9.  (27) 



18.  (25) 



9.  (28) 


19.  (2) 


19.  (8) 



Criminal  InqJ  (18). 


19.  (4) 


18.  (7) 


1.   (39) 


19.  (5) 




Criminal  Inq.  1(19). 

11  Hen.  III.      1 




Missing  (1806). 




10.  (1) 


19.  (6) 


19.  (7) 



10.  (2) 


19.  (8) 


19.   (9) 



19.  (10) 


19.  (11) 

Digitize(d  by 





\Tl  RPaI  1  ATI  POIIR 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 


41  Hen.  III.    10 



— — 

































































































(4)       , 




(5)       i 






,  Criminal  Inq.  2(1). 









(6)      1 




-           Miscellanea  Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1  (5.) 





42  Hen.  IH.     1 














































Digitize(d  by 



42  Hen.  III. 

43  Hen.  IH. 













Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 

19.  (11) 
21.  (8) 
21.  (4) 
21.  (5) 
21.  (6) 

20.  (12) 

21.  (7) 
21.  (8) 
21.  (9) 

21.  (10) 
21.  (11) 

21.  (12) 

21.  (13) 

21.  (14) 

21.  (16) 

21.  (15) 

21.  (17) 

21.  (18) 

21.  (19) 

21.  (20) 

22.  (1) 
22.   (2) 

22.  (8) 
24.  (11) 
22.  (4) 
22.  (6) 
22.  (6) 
22.  (7) 

81.  (5) 
22.  (8) 
22.  (9) 
22.  ilO)  I 
22.  (11) 
22.  (12)  i 
24.  (9)  I 
22.  (18)  I 
22.  (14)  I 
22.  (15) 
22.  (16)      j 

22.  (17)  ; 

22.  (18)      i 


10.  (9) 

10.  (10) 

28.  (24) 

11.  (18) 

28.  (26) 

Digitized  by 



43  Hen.  III. 

41  Hen.  III. 


































16  ) 


Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

23.  (8) 
22.  (19) 

22.  (20) 

23.  (1) 
23.  (2) 
28.  (3) 
23.  (4) 
23.  (5) 
23.  (6) 
28.  (7) 
23.  (8) 
23.   (9) 

23.  (10) 

23.  (11) 
23.  (12) 

28.  (13) 
23.  (14) 

31.  (6) 
28.  (15) 
23.  (16) 
28.  (17) 

28.  (18) 

28.  (19) 

23.  (20) 

24.  (1) 
24.  (2) 

Ad  Quod 

2.  (8) 


10.  (11) 
10.  (12) 
28.  (26) 
10.  (18) 
10.  (14) 
10.  (15) 
10.  (16) 

10.  (17) 


28.  (27) 
10.  (18) 

Missing  (1806). 
Missing  (1806). 
Missing  (1806). 

Missing  (1806). 

Missing  (1865). 
Missing  (1865). 

Missing  (1806). 

Digitized  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 

1  Miscellaneous 

44  Hen.  III.    22 

24.  (3) 
24.  (i) 







Missing  (1806). 


24.   (5) 


24.  (6)  &  45.  (5) 


23.  (10) 













2.  (9) 



2.  (10) 


24.  (7) 





Criminal  Inq.  2  (8). 


24.  (8) 



24.  (9) 


,      24.  (10) 


!      - 



Criminal  Inq.  2  (4). 


'      10. 


45  Hen.  III.     1 

24.  (18) 


24.  (14) 




Missing  (1806). 


24.  (15) 


'      24.  (16) 


:      24.  (17) 


j      24.  (18) 



24.  (19) 



1      24.  (20) 



;      45.  (19) 


;     25.  (1) 


46.  (1) 






25.  (2) 


25.  (3) 


25.  (4) 


25.  (5) 


25.  (6) 


25.  (7) 


25.  (8) 


25.  (9) 


1      25.  (10) 


25.  (11)      . 


25.  (12) 


25.  (13) 


25.  (14) 


26.  (15) 


25.  (16) 


Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 


T                  '      'A.' 

Henry  III. 



45  Hen.  III. 


U.  (1) 







2.  (11) 



11.  (2) 



2.  (12) 





28.  (29) 



28.  (80) 






•  Missing  (1806). 




11.  (3) 



— > 

11.  (4) 




Missing  (1806). 



2.  (13) 



11.   (6) 



28.  (81) 


26.  (17) 



11.  (6) 




11.  (7) 



Missing  (1806). 


25.  (18) 


24.  (12) 


25.  (19) 



11.  (8) 



11.  (9) 



Criminal  Inq.  2(5). 




Criminal  Inq.  2  (6). 




Criminal  Inq.  2  (7). 



11.  (10) 



11.  (11) 



11.  (12) 



2.   (14) 




Criminal  Inq.  2  (8). 

46  Hen.  III. 


26.  (20) 
26.  (1) 




11.  (13) 


26.   (2) 



26.  (3) 



26.  (4) 


26.  (5) 


26.  (6) 


26.  (7)       i 


26.  (8) 



26.  (9) 


26.  (10) 


26.  (11) 


26.  (12) 


26.  (13) 

Digitize(d  by 





M^i  rppI  Inn  Ann  f> 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  HI. 

Ad   Quod 


46  Hen.  III. 


26.  (14) 
26.  (15) 
26.  (16) 
26.  (17) 
26.  (18) 
26.  (19) 

26.  (20) 

27.  (1) 
27.    (2) 
27.     (8) 
27.     (4) 



11.  (14) 



2.  (15) 



24.    (1) 


24.     (2) 


2.   (16) 



24.  (8) 



24.   (4) 


27.   (5) 




17.  (12) 




11.  (15) 





Criminal  Inq.  2  (9) 




11.  (16) 




11.  (17) 




Criminal  Inq.  2  (10) 





Criminal  Inq.  2  (11) 


-— - 

2.   (17) 


27.  (7) 




11.  (18) 


27.  (5) 


27.   (8) 

47  Hen.  III. 


27.    (9) 
27.  (10) 
27.  (11) 
27.  (12) 




11.  (20) 


27.  (13) 


27.  (14) 


27.  (15) 



11.  (21) 


27.  (16) 


27.  (17) 


27.  (18)  & 
32.     (8) 


27.  (19) 


27.  (20) 


Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Ad   Quod 


~             1 

Henry  III. 


47  Hen.  III.   15 

28.  (1) 


28.  (2) 


28.  (3) 


28.  (4) 


28.  (5) 


28.  (6) 


28.   (7) 



28.  (8) 


28.   (9) 


28.  (10) 



28.  (11) 



28.  (12) 


28.  (13) 


28.  (14) 


28.  (15) 


28.  (16) 



28.  (17) 


29.     (2) 



29.    (1) 


27.     (5) 



11.  (10) 









Co.  Placita,  Herts,  1. 




11.  (22) 


28.    (6) 




Criminal  Inq.  2  (12). 


,      47.  (24) 


29.     (2) 


29.     (8) 




-  - 

11.  (28) 


80.     (1) 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1.(6.) 




Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1.(7.) 



11.  (24) 

48  Hen.  IH.      1 

80.  (2) 



30.  (8) 



30.  (4) 


80.  (5) 


30.  (6) 



— ■ 


Missing  (1806). 




11.  (25) 



11.  (26) 


30.  (7) 


30.   (8) 

Digitize(d  by 





IVTi  sppl  1  ft.n  Anil  R 

Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 


Henry  III. 


48  Hen.  III.    11 

80.    (9) 


80.  (10) 


85.  (19) 


80.  (11) 


80.  (12) 





Missing  (1806). 


30.  (18) 


30.  (14) 



30.  (15) 



80.  (16) 



30.  (17) 





Missing  (1806). 


80.  (18) 


80.  (19) 


80.  (20) 


81.     (1) 


31.     (2) 


31.     (8) 



2.  (19) 



2.  (20) 


31.   (4) 



2.  (21) 


81.   (2) 




2.  (22) 



81.   (5) 


31.   (6) 



81.   (7) 


11.  (27) 


81.   (8) 

49  Hen.  IH.      1 

81.   (9) 



Missing  (1806). 


31.  (10) 


31.  (11) 


81.  (12) 



81.  (18) 



81.  (14)    ; 


31.  (16) 




24.  (5) 


31.  (16)      ' 


31.  (17)      1 


81.  (18) 


81.  (19) 



31.  (20) 


82.     (1) 



82.     (2) 



82.     (8) 




82.     (4) 



Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

49  Hen.  m.  19 


















82.  (5) 


82.  (6) 




82.  (7) 






82.  (8) 


82.  (9) 





60  Hen.  III.   1 

82.  (10) 


82.  (11) 


82.  (12) 




82.  (13) 


81.  (7) 


82.  (9) 


32.  (14) 


82.  (16) 






19.  (8) 



82.  (16) 


82.  (17) 




82.  (18) 













25  , 



32.  (19) 


82.  (20) 

Ad  Quod 

2.  (28) 

Inquisitions.  ' 

12.  (1) 

12.  (2) 

12.  (3) 

12.  (4) 

12.  (5) 

12.  (6) 
12.  (7) 
12.  (8) 

12.  (9) 

12.  (10) 
12.  (11) 

12.  (12) 
12.  (13) 

24.  (6) 

18.  (1) 
18.  (2) 

18.  (8) 

18.  (4) 
16.  (5) 

11.  (27) 
18.  (6) 
18.  (7) 
18.  (8) 
18.  (9) 
18.  (10) 
13.  (11) 

Digitized  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 

50  Hen.  III.  28 



88.  (1) 


38.  (2) 


33.  (8) 


88.  (4) 


83.  (5) 


88.  (6) 




88.  (7) 


83.  (8) 


83.  (9) 


83.  (10) 


87.  (11) 






33.  (11) 


83.  (12) 

•   45 
















88.  (18) 


88.  (14) 














88.  (15) 








83.  (16) 

51  Hen.  III.  1 

88.  (17) 











88.  (18) 



2.  (24) 

■2.  (25) 


8.  (16) 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 3. 

18.  (12) 
13.  (18) 

18.  (14) 

.      18.  (15) 

i      13.  (16) 

I      13.  (17) 

18.  (18) 

13.  (19) 

—  Criminallnq.2(18). 
13.  (20)  ' 

13.  (21)  ' 

18.  (22)  : 

13.  (23) 

—  I  Criminal  luq.  1  (18). 

13.  (24) 
13.  (25) 

14.  (1) 
14.  (2) 
14.  (8) 
14.  (4) 

Criminal  Inq.  2  (14). 

2.  (27) 

Digitized  by 





1^1  qpaI  Inn  pnii  s 

Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 


Henry  III. 


51  Hen.  III. 


33.  (19) 




14.  (5) 


88.  (20) 


34.     (1) 


34.     (2) 




14.  (6) 


84.     (3) 


14.  (7) 


2.  (28) 


84.     (4) 


2.  (29) 



1.    (16) 



14.  (8) 



14.  (9) 



14.  (10) 


84.     (5) 



24,  (8) 


34.     (6) 


84.     (7) 



14.  (11) 




14.  (12) 


84.     (8) 


20.  (11) 


84.     (9) 



14.  (13) 


34.  (10) 


34.  (11) 







14.  (14) 


84.  (12) 


84.  (18) 


84.  (14) 


85.  (15) 


84.  (16) 




24.    (9) 


84.  (17) 




14.  (15) 



14.  (16) 


86.     (3) 


84.  (18) 



2.  (80) 



2.  (31) 








15.  (11) 




14.  (17) 




14.  (18) 

Digitize(d  by 






Post  Mortem. 
Henry  HI. 

Ad  Quod 


51  Hen.  III. 


2.  (32) 



14.  (19) 


34.  (IG) 



14.  (20) 



14.  (21) 




14.  (22) 


34.  (1) 

52  Heu.  ni. 



35.  (20) 

34.  (20) 

35.  (1) 
35.     (2) 
35.     (3) 
85.     (4) 
35.    (5) 
35.     (6) 
35.     (7) 
35.     (8) 
35.     (9) 

16.   (1) 



15.   (2) 



35.  (10) 


36.  (11) 


35.  (12) 


35.  (13) 



24.  (10) 



24.  (11) 



15.     (8) 


15.     (4) 


2.  (33) 


2.  (34) 



16.     (5) 




2.  (86) 



15.    (6) 


2.  (36) 


2.  (37) 



15.     (7) 


2.  (38) 



15.     (8) 


35.  (15) 



85.  (16) 


85.  (14) 




15.     (9) 


35.  (17) 


86.  (18) 


15.  (10) 


35.  (19) 




15.  (11) 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad   Quod 


Henry  III. 



15.     (2) 

62  Hen.  III.   41 




15.  (12) 


87.  (12) 


86.     (1) 



MiBcellauea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1.(8.) 




Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1.(9.) 



24.  (12) 

53  Hen.  III.      1 


24.  (18) 


8.       (2) 


36.     (6) 




16.  (13) 


86.     (7) 


86.     (8) 


36.     (9) 


86.  (10) 


86.  (11) 


86.  (12) 


86.  (18) 




15.  (14) 


86.  (14) 


86.  (15) 


36.  (16) 


86.  (17) 



86.  (18) 


87.  (13) 


86.  (19) 


86.  (20) 


37.   (1) 


87.   (2) 


87.    (8) 


37.    (4) 


2.  (39) 


24.  (14) 


37.  (5) 


36.  (4) 



24.  (15) 


37.  (6)      ■ 



15.  (15) 


87.  (7) 



16.  (25) 


87.  (8) 



2.  (40) 


Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 

Digitize(d  by 







IVf  i  RPpII  Q^Ti  Ami  n' 


Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 


itions.  j 

58  Hen.  III.    37 







89     i 

87.     (9) 











42     1 






86.     (5) 

44     1 

87.  (10) 

45     ! 

87.  (11) 

54  Hen.  IH.      1 

89.     (8) 


37.  (14) 


87.  (15) 

4    , 

87.  (16) 

^    i 

87.  (17) 


87.  (18) 

7  ; 

87.  (19) 


8     ' 

87.  (20) 

9    i 

88.     (1) 

10    1 

88.     (2) 

11     i 

88.     (8) 


88.     (4) 



18     i 

88.     (5) 


38.     (6) 


38.     (7) 


88.     (8) 


88.     (9) 



38.  (10) 


38.  (11) 



88.  (12) 



88.  (18) 


88.  (14) 


88.  (15) 




88.  ae) 





88.  (17) 




88.  (18) 




I     ^* 

.  (1) 



3.  (1) 





3.  (2) 


38.  (19) 


24.  (10) 



1       16 




8.  (3) 



8.  (4) 














Digitize(d  by 





\f  i  aof\\  1 PLD  P.ni1  fl 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 


54  Hen.  III.    38 

16.  (7) 




16.  (8) 


38.  (20) 



8.  (5) 


8.  (6) 


—           1 

8.  (7) 



16.  (9) 



8.  (8) 



3.   9) 


39.  (1) 




16.  (10) 



3.   (10) 



3.  (11)       ' 



3.   (12)       ' 



3.   (13) 


39.  (2) 



3.  (14) 



3.    (15) 


—           1 

3.    (16) 



3.   (17) 



—          1 

16.  (11) 



3.  (18) 



8.  (19)       1 




16.  (12) 




Criminal  luq.  2  (16) 



16.  (18) 




16.  (14) 



16.  (15) 



3.   (20) 



3.   (21) 



16.  (16) 




16.  (17) 



16.  (18) 




Miscellanea  (Chan 
eery)  8. 

55  Hen.  III.      1 

40.  (15) 



3.  (22) 




40.  (2) 




16.  (20) 


40.  (6) 




16.  (21) 


39.  (4) 


89.  (5) 



40.  (19) 


89.  (6) 


89.  (7) 

Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

89.     (8) 

Ad  Quod 


55  Hen.  m.    18 


89.    (9) 


24.  (16) 


89.  (10) 


89.  (11) 


89.  (12) 


89.  (18) 



24.  (17) 


89.  (14) 



89.  (15) 


39.  (16) 


89.  (17) 


89.  (18) 


89.  (19) 


89.  (20) 


40.    (1) 


40.     (2) 


40.    (3) 


40.    (4) 


40.     (5) 


40.     (6) 


40.  (7)  &  29.(1) 
&  81. (8) 


40.    (8) 


40.     (9) 



3.  (23) 



8.  (24) 



40.  (10) 



3.   (26) 



3.  (26) 



3.  (27) 



8    (28) 




Miscellanea  (Chan 
eery)  8. 



11.  (11) 



16.  (22) 





Criminal  Inq.  2  (17) 




16.  (28) 




16.  (19) 


1              — 

Miscellanea  (Chan 
eery)  15. 


40.  (11) 


40.  (14) 



16.  (24) 


40.  (12) 




16.  (25) 




24.  (18) 


1          — 


16.  (26) 

Qigitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 



56  Hen.  III. 


40.  (16) 


42.  (19) 


40.  (17) 


40.  (18) 


40.  (18) 


40.  (19) 


40.  (20) 


41.  (1) 


41.  (3) 




41.  (2) 


41.  (4) 



41.  (5) 



41.  (6) 


41.  (7) 


41.  (8) 


41.  (9) 


41.  (10) 


41.  (11) 


41.  (12) 


41.  (13) 


41.  (14) 


41.  (15) 


41.  (16) 


41.  (17) 


40.  (14) 


41.  (18) 


41.  (19) 


27.  (5) 



41.  (20) 



42.  (1) 


42.  (2) 



42.  (3) 


42.  (4) 


42.  (5) 



42.  (6) 


42.  (7) 


42.  (8) 


42.  (9) 


42.  (10) 




3.  (29) 









47  1 


3.  (30) 

24.  (18) 

17.  (1) 

20.  (18) 

17.  (2) 

17.  (8) 

17.  (4) 

17.  (5) 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 


T               •     'l.'     _^  — 

Henry  III. 



56  Hen.  m.    48 

42.  (11) 



17.     (6) 


42.  (12) 




17.  (7) 




24.  (19) 




17.    (8) 



8.  (31) 




17.    (9) 




17.  (10) 




Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1.(11.) 


— . 


17.  (11) 



17.  (12) 


40.  (19) 


42.  (13) 





Criminal  Inq.  2  (18). 




17.  (18)      1 


42.  (14) 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,no.  1.(12.) 




17.  (14) 





,17.  (15) 

57  Hen.  III.     1 

80.     (1) 


42.  (16) 


42.  (17) 


42.  (15) 


42.  (18) 




17.  (16) 




17.  (17) 

Hen.  III.   Un- 


certain  dateB.  1 



Missing  (1806). 




Missing  (1806). 



Missing  (1806). 



Missing  (1806). 




Missing  (1806). 




24.  (20) 


— _ 


I.P.M.  Edw.  I. 
Appx.  1.  61. 


43.  (4) 


43.  (5) 




Missing  (1806). 


46.  (20) 


48.  (18) 




18.  (1) 




Missing  (1806). 




21.  (22) 


48.  (7) 

Digitize(d  by 





Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 

Henry  III. 


Hen.  III.  Un- 

certain dates.  17 

43.  (6) 


46.  (2) 





46.  (3) 




46.  (4) 


46.  (5) 







48.  (20) 


46.     (6) 




45.     (9) 


46.     (7) 


46.     (8) 


^  • 


48.  (18) 






45.    (2) 


46.     (9) 




43.     (8) 


46.  (10) 



--  . 


10.  (17) 






19.     (4) 


84.     (1) 






27.    (1) 


46.  (11) 


18.     (7) 


19.     (9) 


48.    (2) 


46.  (12) 


46.  (18) 


81.  (11) 




45.     (6) 


18.  (2) 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1 

18.  (8) 

9.  (29) 
18.  (4)- 

18.  (5) 

18.  (6) 
18.  (7) 

24.  (21) 

I.  P.M.      Edw.   I 
Appx.  1.  62. 

Missing  (1806). 

Missing  (1806). 

Missing  (1806). 

18.  (8) 

Digitize(d  by 



Hen.  m.  Un- 
certain dates.  57 





Post  Mortem. 

Henry  HI. 

44.  (11) 

Ad  Quod 

48.  (10) 
48.  (19) 
18.  (14) 

44.  (18) 
44.  (14) 

44.  (10) 

45.  (8)  I 

46.  (14)  ' 

44.  (5)  i 

86.    (2)  ' 

46.  (15)  I 

45.  (15)  I 

45.  (14) 

46.  (16) 

45.  (12) 

46.  (17) 

44.  (15) 

44.  (6) 
17.  (19) 
88.  (6) 
44.  (12) 



18.  (9) 

18.  (17) 
18.  (18) 

18.  (18) 

24.  (28) 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 

18.  (10)  i 
5.  (29)  1 
18.  (11) 

18.  (12) 
18.  (18) 

18.  (14) 

18.  (15) 
18.  (16) 
24.  (22) 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14,  no.  1. 

Digitize(d  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 


Henry  HI. 


Hen.  III.  Up- 


certain  dates  97 

46.  (18; 




18.  (20) 




24.  (24) 


46.  (19; 





22.  (2) 




24.  (25 


5.  (5) 



18.  (21)    ; 



18.  (22)   , 



18.  (28) 


47.  (2) 






18.  (24) 


17.  (9) 


46.  (20) 


9.,  (7) 


88.  (8) 





18.  (25) 


48.  (8) 




18.  (26) 




18.  (27) 


47.  (8) 



18.  (28) 


45.  (1) 


27.  (18) 





18.  (29) 


47.  (21) 


45.  (18) 


26.  (8) 


47.  (4) 


85.  (10) 





19.  (1) 




18.  (80) 


47.  (5) 


47.  (6) 



19.  (2) 



19.  (8) 



19.  (4) 



19.  (5) 





47.  (7) 




19.  (6) 


86.  (1) 






19.  (7) 




10.  (22) 

Criminal  Inq.  1(17). 

Ancient    Petition, 

Co.  Placita,  Hants,  1. 

Digitize(d  by 





1  Afiftppllnnpons 

Post  Mortem. 
Henry  HI. 

Ad   Quod 
.  Damnum. 


Hen.  III.  Un- 

certain dates  142 

45.  (10) 




Missing  (1806). 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1  (17) 




Rentals,  &c.  1  (1). 


.  — 

19.  (8) 



19.  (9) 



19.  (10) 




Rentals,  &c.  1  (1). 



3.  (21) 



Missing  (1806). 



■   — 

Co.  Placita.    York 
1  (1). 



19.  (11) 




19.  (12) 



19.  (13) 



19.  (14) 




Missing  (1806). 




Missing  (1806). 



19.  (15) 



19.  (16) 


19.  (17) 



19.  (18) 




19.  (19) 


44.  (1) 



8.  (34) 




Missing  (1806). 





Warrants,  file  1869 



10.    (7) 




Missing  (1806). 




19.  (20) 


47.  (8) 



19.  (21) 


-  - 

19.  (2-2) 



19.  (28) 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 27. 


44.  (19) 




Missing  (1806). 



19.  (-21) 


47.  (9)       • 


19.  (25) 


27.  (6) 



19.  (26) 


24.  (3) 


34.  (2) 



19.  (27) 


Digitize(d  by 


Post  Mortem. 
'  Henry  III. 

Ad   Quod 


Hen.  III.  Un- 


certain  dates  186 

45.  (4) 



19.  (28) 





Missing  (1806). 


47.  (10) 


47.  (11) 


48.    (1) 


45.    (7) 


47.  (12) 



I.  P:  M.  3  Edw.  I. 
No.  2. 


17-  (20) 



19.  (29) 




19.  (80) 




20.    (1) 


48.  (14) 


25.  (19) 





Missing  (1806). 




20.    (2) 


12.    (2) 


44.    (2) 


4r.  (18) 




20.  (8) 


44.  (20) 






I.  P.  M.     Edw.  I. 
Appx.  1.  No.  68. 


47.  (14) 


84.    (9) 





47.    (1) 





44.   (7) 



44.    (8) 









85.  (19) 


47.  (15) 




20.   (9) 


47.  (16) 


45.  (10) 


45.  (11) 


42.  (14) 




20.  (10) 


16.  (14) 


1.   (84) 


I.  P.M.  88 Edw. I. 
No.  80. 

Digitize(d  by 





Post  Mortem. 

Ad  Quod 

Henry  m. 

Damnum.  Un- 

certaindates  230 

48.  (15) 


44.  (18) 








44,  (16) 


47.  (17) 


48.  (11) 


9.  (8) 


86.  (2) 


18.  (8) 


44.  (17) 


48.  (9) 


45.  (18) 


47.  (18) 




47.  (19) 





45.  (16) 


45.  (4) 


48.  (16) 


21.  (17) 








47.  (20) 





44.  (8) 


1.  (1) 



44.  (9) 









48.  (17) 


8.  (82) 


—  - 





20.  (11) 
20.  (12) 

20.  (14) 

20.  (15) 
20.  (16) 

20.  (17) 
20.  (18) 
11.  (19) 

20.  (19) 

20.  (20) 

20.  (21) 
20.  (22) 
20.  (28) 

20.  (24) 
20.  (25) 

20.  (26) 
20.  (27) 
20.  (28) 
20.  (29) 

I.P.M.  ISEdw.I. 
No.  48. 

Missing  (1806). 

Digitized  by 



Post  Mortem. 

Henry  HI. 

Hen.  III. 



certain  dates  274 















45.   (8) 


45.  (17)      1 







6.  (19) 

■     4 







■     289 




1.  (8) 









42.   (8)       ' 


3.  (13) 



1         17 



i        19 

6.  (19)       I 

1        20 


:      22 


1         23 

1        24 

19.  (5)       1 

Ad   Quod 


Rentals,  &c.  1  (1). 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 

cery) 14.  no.    1 
















Ancient  Petitions, 
2509  a. 







8.  (35) 








































Criminal  Inq.  2  (4). 

1.  (89) 




2.  (32) 

2.  (14) 







Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 

Digitize(d  by 



Inquisitions     Inquisitions  i  MispelUnpona 

Po«t  Mortem. '     Ad  Quod     I  AUscellAneous 

Henry  III.    ,     Damnum.    I^^^'^'^'OUB. 

Hen.  III. 









































9.  (7) 
9.  (6) 

10.  (16) 

8.  (19) 

10.  (17) 

12.   (2) 

1.  (18) 

1.  (29) 

16.  (14)      ! 

16.  (16)      I 

27.   (8)       I 
84.  (16) 

14.  (19) 

1        _ 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 

cery)  14.   no.  1 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 

cery)  14.    no.  1 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 

cery)  14.    no.  1 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 

cery) 14.    no.   1 


12.  (12) 

2.    (19) 

2.   (20) 

8.  (17) 

8.  (18) 

,      8.   (19) 

4.   (16) 



5.  (28) 

8.  (29) 

■ — 

Criminal  Inq.  1  (11). 



28.  (14) 

1       9.  (18) 

;     21.  (9) 

11.  (24) 

21.  (10) 

14.  (20) 

14.  (21) 

Digitize(d  by 




Post  Mortem. 

Henry  HI. 

Ad   Quod 



Hen.  III. 






14.  (22) 



16.  (12) 


87.  (12) 


36.   (1) 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 


Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 




16.  (16) 




16.  (17) 




16.  (18) 




Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 8. 








17.  (18) 


42.  (14) 


Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 



Eccl.  Petitions  1 

'      295 




Criminal  Inq.  2  (19). 




21.  (11) 




21.  (12) 




Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 




I.  P.  M.  Edw.  I. 


Appx.  1.  No.  60. 





21.  (18) 






Ancient  Petitions, 
2808  a. 


'  88 



21.  (14) 



Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 





21.  (15) 




—  ," 

24.  (27) 





11.  (28) 




I.  P.M.  10  Edw.  I. 
No.  15. 





21.  (16) 


Digitize(d  by 





Henry  III. 

Ad  Quod 


Hen.  III. 




45.  (20) 


814  I        97 

815  I         98 

816  I  99 

817  ;  100 
I  101 

318  — 

819  j  — 

820  i  — 


47.  (22)      ' 
47.  (28) 

'  Criminal  Inq.  2  (20). 
Criminal  Inq.  2  (21). 

!  Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.  no.  1 

Miscellanea  (Chan- 
cery) 14.    no.  1 



Digitized  by 




No.   10,  Gloucester,  for  Margaret  de  Gomery  read  Margaret  de  Somery. 

for  villeage  read  villenage. 
for  fish-hawk  read  sparrowhawk  {nisi), 
for  and  the  Circumcision  read  and  on  the  feast 

of  the  Circumcision. 
for  betrothed  read  married. 
for    Bametta    la  Vescuutesse    read  Bainetta  la 

for  Dadinton  read  Budinton. 
for  retornat  read  retornat'. 
313,  Westmoreland,    for  Ondhop  read  Midhopp. 
367,  Title,  for  Bossa  read  Boffa. 

414,  Northumberland, /or  boys  read  children  (pveronun), 
630,  Knights'  fees, 

Bedford,  for  Hineklon  read  Hiveldon. 
636,  last  two  entries,    for  j^    read  /o  and  for  ^   read  i\. 

Index, — Bovingdon  [co.  Hertf.]     'Jliia  idmtitirafion  in  vonjccturaL 

.   10,  Gloucester, 

32,  York, 
102,  Tenford, 
108,  York, 

128,  Heirs, 

202,  Knights'  fees, 

219,  Nottingham, 
285,  Endorsement, 

Digitized  by 



1.    BiCHABD   NOBL. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  17  June,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
William,  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.     Midd'  hundred,  lands  (unspecified)  worth  41.  10«.,  and  2  loads  {syuas) 
of  salt. 

Faveresham    hundred,  a  yearly  farm   of  4Z.      Paying  yearly  to  the 
king  from  all  the  above,  one  pair  of  gilded  spurs. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (1.) 

S2.  Gilbert  le  Bbet  alias  lb  Brut. 

Writ  to  the  sheriiBf  of  Southampton,  24  April,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Southampton.     Ly  manor,  1  carucate  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  and 
formerly  of  Fromund  de  Bichemund  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
His  mother  and  wife  have  their  dower  out  of  the  same. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (2.) 

3.  Cecily  Hoese  alioA  Huse. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  16  May,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Matthew  Huse,  her  son,  is  her  heir. 

Southampton.    Elinges  town,  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.   (3.) 

4.  William  Avenbl. 

Writ  to  the  constable  of  St.  Briavell,  5  May,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated-) 
Dulcie,  his  daughter,  is  his  heir. 

[Gloucbstbb.]     Bikenor  in  the  Forest  of  Dene,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  (service  unspecified). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (4.) 

5.  Mabgabet  alias  Mabgery  de  Gobmeilles. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford,  16  May,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Her  daughters,  Alice,  the  wife  of  Bobert  le  Archer,  and  Isabel,  the  wife  of 
Simon  de  Solers,  are  her  heirs  by  Walter  de  Stokes,  her  husband. 

Hbbbfobd.    Tatinton  and  Bolingehop'  in  Clehungre,  i  knight's  fee,  containing  8 
carucates  (and)  100s.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Eston  town,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Boger  de  Eston. 

A.  8548.    Wt.  22880.  S99.    400.— 23/1/02.  m.  a 

Digitized  by  VjOOQlC 


Gloucester.  Begesoure  and  Hennemerse,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  James  de 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  17  May,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Gloucester.  The  jury  know  of  no  land  held  by  any  Margaret  de  Cormailles  of 
the  king  in  chief,  but  one  Albreda  de  Marmiun  sometime  held  certain  lands 
of  the  king  in  chief  in  dower,  which  lands  Henry  de  Penebrigg*  now  holds 
of  Hugh  Giffard,  and  he  of  the  king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (5.) 

6.  Robert  son  of  Walter. 

Writ  of  extent  of  the  manors  of  Reyndon  and  Beninton  to  Adam  son  of  William, 
24  May,  20  Hen.  III.    ExUnt  {undated). 

[Essex.]     Reyndun  manor  (full  extent  given). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (6.) 

7.  Robert  de  Gouyz  alias  de  Guuyz. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Dorset,  28  June,  20  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 

Dorset.  Deuelich  demesne,  lands,  &c.,  worth  4/.  15«.  4d.,  rents  of  freemen 
41.  lis.  lO^d.f  and  villenage  rents  and  services  4Z.  158.  5^(2.,  yearly. 

Winterborn   demesne,   lands,  &c.,  worth   15s.    4d.,   rents  of  freemen 
68.  l^d.,  and  villenage  rents  and  services  59s.  lOd.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (7.) 

8.  Hugh  de  Mbriet. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  8  April,  20  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Nicholas,  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.  Meriet,  Lopene  and  Boclond,  IJ  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  of  the 
honour  of  Mortain. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (8.) 

9.  John,  earl  of  Chester. 

Writ  to  John  Lestrange  {J.  Extraneo),  Justice  of  Chester,  25  May,  26  Hen.  III. 
Inq.  {undated.) 

Chester.  Rushton  manor  was  given  by  the  said  earl  of  his  good  will  to  Hugh 
Fyton,  who  was  in  seisin  thereof  a  great  while ;  afterwards  the  said  earl 
disseised  him,  but  granted  him  the  manor  in  tenancy  until  he  should 
provide  him  with  20  marks  of  land  ;  meanwhile  the  earl  died  and  the 
king's  chief  bailiffs  in  the  county  and  S.  dean  of  Chester  disseised  him,  by 
what  order  the  jury  know  not. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FOe  1.  (9.) 

10.  Thomas,  earl  of  Warwick. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Worcester,  25  Aug.  Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  Michael, 
26  Hen.  III.  Concerning  knights'  fees  held  of  the  said  earl,  besides  those 
assigned  in  dower  to  Philippa  sometime  the  wife  of  Henry,  earl  of 
Warwick,  and  Maud  sometime  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Oylly. 

Digitized  by 



WoROBSTBB.  Half  a  hide  land  (uuspecified)  held  by  Richard  son  of  Robert,  by 
service  of  J  mark  and  21^  measures  (mittas)  of  salt,  and  another  half  hide 
by  Walter  son  of  Richard  de  Fortes,  by  the  same  service. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriil  of  Warwick  and  Leicester,  25  Aug.  26  Hen.  HI.  Inq, 

Warwick  and  Leicester.  8  knights'  fees  (unspecified)  held  by  Roesia  de 
Verdon;  5  by  Thomas  de  Elmton;  4  by  Richard  de  Harecurt;  2J  by 
Thomas  de  Estley ;  J  by  William  son  of  Hamon ;  1  by  Richard  de 
Amundevil ;  \  by  Robert,  son  of  William  de  Ulnhale ;  ^^  by  the  heir  of 
William  de  Warr' ;  \  by  Gilbert  de  Setgrave ;  1 J  by  Robert  Dayvil ;  3  by 
Henry  de  Lodbroc';  1  by  Ralph  de  Wylinton;  |  by  John  le  Vavasour;  \ 
by  the  heirs  of  Henry  Boscher ;  and  5J  by  tenants  of  Peter  Corbezun's 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  (undated.) 

Berks.     Northmorton,  1  fee  held  by  John,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  Basset. 

Eneborn,  J  fee  held  by  John  Belet  and  Andrew  de  la  Brech'. 

Elfreton,  |  fee  held  by  Richard  de  Elfreton. 

Charleton,  J  fee  held  by  GeoflErey  de  Bonofossato. 

Eston  and  Wynterburn,  1  fee  held  by  Alan  de  Farnham,  John  de 
Anvers  and  Simon  de  Luvek*. 

Bastlesden,  1  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Gynes,  which  he  holds  of  the 
king  and  it  was  of  the  fee  of  the  said  earl. 

Remenham,  1  fee  held  by  Peter  de  Monteforti. 

Swalewefeld,  ^  fee  held  by  Geoffrey  Dispensator. 
Of  the  fees  assigned  to  the  said  Philippa  and  Maud  the  jury  are  ignorant. 

Similar  icrit  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  25  Aug.  26  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Gloucester.  Dorsinton,  1  fee  held  by  Henry  de  Preeres  of  Roesia  de  Verdun, 
who  used  to  answer  for  it  to  the  said  earl. 

Weston  Mauduth,  J  fee  held  by  William  Mauduth. 

Cheddewrth',  1  fee  held  by  Richard  Siward  for  life. 

Pulton,  1  fee  held  by  Olimpia  de  Wilinton. 

Lydeneie,  J  fee  held  by  Richard  de  Mundevill. 

Lideneie  and  Overe,  J  fee  held  by  Margaret  de  Gomery. 

Lideneie,  i  fee  held  to  farm  by  Richard  de  Mundevill,  of  the  fee  that 
was  of  Gilbert  le  Kentes;  and  -ia  fee  held  by  John  de  Paris. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  25  Aug.  26  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Northampton.  Norton  juxta  Davintre,  1  fee  held  by  Nicholas  de  Nodariis  and 
Roger  de  Whelton,  and  J  fee  held  by  Roger  Gulafre;  and  Richard  de 
Vernun  is  between  them  and  the  said  earl. 

Suthwick,  1  fee  held  by  Thomas  Knyvet,  but  Peter  de  Monteforti  is 
between  him  and  the  earl. 

Craneford,  J  fee  held  by  Maurice  de  Audely  of  the  fee  of  the  abbot 
of  Peterborough  (de  Burgo),  but  the  earl  ought  to  be  between  the  said 
Maurice  and  the  abbot. 

Writ  (missing).     Inq.  (undated.) 

Southampton.  The  jury  know  not  of  any  fee  held  of  the  said  earl  in  the  county, 
except : — 

BromeshuU,  i  fee  held  by  Henry  de  BromeshuU  of  the  heirs  of 
William  Turvill  who  hold  it  of  the  honour  of  Warwiqk, 

Digitized  by 



Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Rutland,  25  Aug.  26  Hen.  III.  Inq,  (missing) 
(See  No.  21.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (10.) 

11.  WiLLUM    DE   AlBINIACO. 

Writ  of  Extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  15  Sept.  26  Hen.  III.     Extent 

Nottingham.     Orskinton  town,  32  bovates  land,  15Ja.  meadow  and  a  windmill ; 
and  68  bovates  held  of  the  said  William  in  free  socage. 

Thuruerton,  20  bovates  similarly  held  at  a  farm  of  10?.  Os.  2d.,  and 
i  acre  held  at  a  rent  of  4d.  and  4  hens  yearly,  and  pleas  &c.  worth  40«. 

Scherinton,    Screveton,   Coliston,   Dalinton,   Stanton   and   Orskinton, 
lOZ.  of  land  held  by  Roger  Bozon  by  J  knight's  fee. 

Scherinton,  100«.  of  land  held  by  William  de  Audedeleg'  by  i  knight's 
fee ;  and  20s.  rent  held  by  Richard  Hotoft  by  ■f\y  knight's  fee. 

Orskinton,  20s.  rent  held  by  William  de  Huntindon  by  ^V  knight*8  fee. 

Writ  of  Extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester,  17  Oct.  26  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undated). 

Leicester.     Redmilde  manor  (extent  given). 

Lincoln.  Extent  (undated).  Offinton,  16  bovates  arable  and  24a.  meadow, 
14  bovates  arable  in  socage,  14  bovates  arable  in  villenage,  and  from  freemen 
and  cottars  65s.  6d.,  including  6s.  in  Waie. 

Talinton,  10  bovates  and  18a.  in  socage,  15  bovates  arable  in  villenage, 
and  from  freemen  and  cottars  6s.  M. 

Deping,  8  bovates  arable. 

Belver,  8  bovates   land   and   8a.  meadow  in  demesne,  J  a  mill,  and 
from  freemen,  &c.  57s.  Id. 

Wulstorp',  from  freemen  2s.  and  lib.  pepper  or  6rf.  yearly,  in  villenage 
12^  bovates  land,  and  a  messuage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (11.) 

12.  William  db  Muncell'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  13  Aug,  27  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Southampton.  Compton  manor  was  held  by  the  said  William  of  Thomas  de 
Warblington  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee ;  the  manor  pertains  to  Sirefeld 
manor,  which  the  said  Thomas  holds  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (12.) 

\  13.  Reginald  Curtbbauint  and  William  db  la  Curt. 

.;;^     Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  10  July,  27  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
^'  ^  Richard,  heir  of  the  said  Reginald  de  Corbrant,  is  aged  8  and  more. 

Richard,  heir  of  the  said  William  de  la  Cort,  is  aged  3  and  more. 

Salop.  The  said  Reginald  had  5  bovates  land  (unspecified)  in  demesne,  and 
10s.  rents,  &c.,  whereof  his  wife  has  one  third. 

The  said  William  had  6  bovates  land  (unspecified)  in  demesne,  and 
20s.  13d.  and  1  pair  of  gloves,  rent,  «&c.  whereof  his  wife  has  one  third, 

Salop.    Inq.  (undated)  (?of  later  date). 

Richard,  son  of  Reginald  Corboraund,  aged  21,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Upinton,  2  virgates  and  1  nook  of  land  held  by  the  said  Reginald  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  f  part  of  a  sore  sparrowhawk.  Sir  J.  Maunsel 
has  the  wardship  of  the  king's  gift. 

C,  Hen.  IIL  File  1.  (13.) 

14.  Wentlyen'  late  the  wife  of  Robert  de  Butlers  (sic). 

Writ  de  dote  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  3  Oct.  27  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated). 

Wilts.  Pultun,  3  carucates  land  in  demesne,  20  virgates  in  villenage, 
1  virgate  held  by  Walter  the  franklin  (frankelaunm),  and  services,  &c. 
This  was  not  Norman,  but  English  land ;  Robert  de  Buthlers  held  it,  and 
after  his  death  it  descended  to  Baldwin  {Paudawinus)  his  younger  brother, 
who  married  the  said  Wentlelian. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (14.) 

15.  Roger  de  Burewardbsle. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Stafford,  12  Oct.  27  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Mabel  and  Margery,  his  sisters,  are  his  heirs. 

Stafford.  Essele  town,  2  carucates  land  in  demesne  and  7  virgates  in 
villenage,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  one  mounted  serjeant 
{senientis  equestris)  at  Montgomery  for  fifteen  days  in  time  of  war,  at  his 
own  cost.    Whereof  the  wife  of  Philip  de  Borewardeleg'  has  her  third  part. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  1.  (15.) 

16.  Giles  de  Berkele. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford,  15  April,  27  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Oxford.  The  said  Giles  did  not  hold  his  land  in  Saltford  of  John  son  of  Alan, 
in  chief,  but  of  the  heirs  of  Robert  de  Turvill,  who  gave  the  same  in  free 
marriage  to  William  de  Berkele  with  Denise,  his  daughter,  of  whom  the 
same  Giles  was  [son] . 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (16.) 

17.  Hugh  de  Sancto  Martino. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  1  Sept.  27  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Southampton.  The  land  of  Seruiton  (alias  Serueton)  descended  to  the  said  Hugh 
from  the  Lady  Ereburg,  his  mother,  and  his  ancestors  did  not  hold  it  of  the 
bail  (ballium)  of  any  of  the  king's  predecessors,  but  of  ancient  enfeoffment, 
holding  it  from  heir  to  heir  until  that  before  the  king  crossed  into  Brittany, 
he  seized  the  said  land  because  the  said  Hugh  crossed  into  Normandy  un- 
licensed. Afterwards  the  king  committed  the  land  to  Ingelram,  the  said 
Hugh's  younger  brother,  who  held  it  for  some  time,  but  in  his  absence  the 
said  Hugh  came  and  put  himself  in  seisin  thereof  and  holds  it  until  now.  If 
he  should  die  without  heir,  the  jury  know  not  whether  the  land  ought  to  be 
escheat  to  the  king  as  Normans'  land  or  not,  for  the  said  Hugh  and  his 
predecessors  held  of  Ralph  de  Mortuo  Mari  and  his  predecessors.  The  said 
Hugh  has  no  heir  except  nephews  on  the  side  of  his  sister,  who  are  in  the 
power  of  the  King  of  Prance  and  there  brought  up. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (17.) 

Digitized  by 



18.  Maud  db  Lucy. 

Writ  (rniising).     Inq.  (undated). 

Whether  her  heir  is  Sir  B.  de  Ripariis,  her  younger  son,  or  the  son  of  Sir 
Richard  de  Ripariis,who  was  the  son  of  her  elder  son  and  who  died  before  her 
decease,  is  unknown  to  the  jury ;  but  the  son  of  the  said  Sir  Richard  was  4  years 
old  on  the  morrow  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Mary,  27  {or  ?  28)  Hen.  [III.] 

Essex.  Stanford  manor  (full  extent  given)  held  of  the  king  as  his  escheat  of  the 
honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  3  knights*  fees. 

Angre  manor  and  hundred  (full  extent  given)  held  of  the  honour   of 
Gloucester  by  service  of  10  knights'  fees. 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (18.) 

19.  Richard  de  Bubgo. 

Return  of  Maurice  son  of  Gerald,  Justiciary  of  Ireland,  to  wHt  oj  extent^  and  of 
assignment  of  dower  to  Egidia,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Richard,  29  (?)  Dec, 
28(?)  Hen.  Ill  (defective).    Extent,  7  March,  27  Hen.  III.  (defaced.) 

MuNSTBB  [Ireland].    Est  Clone  manor  (extent  given). 

Castrum  Conign  manor  (extent  given). 

Wethemtire  (?)  manor  (extent  given). 

Kilfecle,  1  carucate  of  land,  with  meadow  and  garden  (extent  given). 

Clomele  borough  (extent  given). 

Eilsilan  manor  with  Baliglassan  (extent  given). 

Castrum  Wilekin  manor  (extent  given). 

Balihodan  and  Tristelaweran,  2 J  marks  (rent?). 
All  the  above  are  two  parts  of  the  lands  which  were  of  the  said  Richard  in 
Munster  (Momonia) :  the  Lady  Egidia  is  dowered  of  the  following,  viz. — 

Tiperacht  manor  (extent  given). 

Cloncridan  (extent  given). 

Clomele  borough,  81.  13«.  4d.  from  the  mills. 

Listrotherach  (?)  manor  (extent  given). 

Oleithach  (extent  given). 

Lother  manor  (extent  given). 

Grellach  manor  (extent  given). 

Tristelaueran  and  Balyhodan,  61.  9«.  4d.  (rent?). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (19.) 

20.  Walter  de  Baskervill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford,  24  May,  28  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Sir  Walter  de  Ba^kervile  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

Hereford.  Orcope  manor  in  Urchenefeld,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  in  free 
socage  in  the  law  of  Urchenefeld  rendering  yearly  60«.,  and  finding  two 
men  for  Orcope  manor  and  two  footmen  for  its  appurtenances,  to  go  in  the 
king's  service  towards  Wales  for  fifteen  days  at  his  own  cost,  and  one  day 
and  one  night  towards  England. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (20.) 

21.  Thomas,  earl  of  Warwick. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hertford  (sic),  5  Feb.  28  Hen.  III.  Inq.  (undated.) 
Concerning  the  knights*  fees  held  of  the  said  earl,  besides  those  which  were 

Digitized  by 



assigned  in  dower  to  Philippa  sometime  countess  of  Warwick ;  of  which  fees 
two  parts  are  to  be  assigned  to  John  de  Plesseto  and  Margery  his  wife,  sister 
and  heir  of  the  said  earl,  and  the  third  part  to  Ela,  late  his  wife  in  dower. 

Hebbford  (sic).  No  fees  were  held  of  the  said  earl  in  the  county  of  Hereford  {sic). 
(See  No.  10.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (1.) 

22.  Walter  de  Stocton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  13  July,  28  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Richsurd,  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Stocton  town,  4  virgates  of  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  service  of 
one  foot  Serjeant  with  bow  and  arrows  for  fifteen  days  at  Mongomeri  at 
his  own  cost. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (2.) 

23.  [Hbnry  de  Turbbrvil?] 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  16  Oct.  28  Hen.  HI.  Extent,  All  Souls  Day, 
29  Hen.  IH. 

Devon.  Braneys  (alias  Braidnes)  manor  (extent  given),  to  which  pertain  the 
homages  of  16},  }  and  |  knights'  fees,  and  the  advowson  of  the  church. 
Of  all  which  Hawisia,  late  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Turbervil,  holds  a  third  part 
in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  2.  (3.) 

24.  William  de  Turri. 

Writ  to  the  guardian  of  the  lands  late  of  Roger  Bertram,  10  May,  28  Henry  III. 

Extent  (undated). 

He  had  no  heir  of  his  body  in  these  parts,  and  the  jury  know  of  no  other 
heir  except  his  brother  Richard. 

[Northumberland.]  Midford  parish,  80a.  land  held  of  Roger  Bertram  by 
(service  of)  2s.  yearly  to  the  guard  of  Midford  Castle ;  whereof  the  said 
William's  wife  has  a  third  part  as  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (4.) 

25.  Mabel,  late  the  wife  of  Peter  de  Escoteny. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  19  Oct.  28  Henry  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Southampton.     Sutton,  IJ  carucate  land  held  in  dower. 

Bositon,  J  carucate  land  which  she  bought  in  her  widowhood. 
She  holds  no  land  in  the  county  of  her  own  inheritance.    King  John  married 
her  to  the  said  Peter  de  Scoteny. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  2.  (5.) 

26.  William  de  Stmely. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham,  16  Dec.  28  Hen.  IH.    Extent  (undated). 
Buckingham.    Rysenberg'   manor   (full    extent  given  ;    (which  is    the    king's 

escheat  as  Normans'  lands). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (6.) 

Digitized  by 



27.  II[alph],  bishop  of  Chichesxer. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex,  8  Feb.  28  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated), 

Sussex.    Bume  manor  (full  extent  given),  including  a  marsh,  a  meadow  called 
Smalewys,  and  pasture  in  Linche  and  on  the  hills. 

.    C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (7.) 

28.  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Robert  le  Archer. 

Wnt  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford,  10  June,  28  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undcUed). 

Hereford.    Lands  (unspecified)  worth  91.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (8.) 

29.  Geoffrey  de  Sane. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  21  Feb.  28  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Norfolk  and  Suffolk.  The  said  Geoffrey  never  had  land  in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk, 
but  in  20  Hen.  Ill  Earl  William  de  Warenn  gave  him  lOZ.  rents 
of  assize  in  the  towns  of  Geist,  Tymeltorp,  Binetre,  Folesham,  Norton, 
Geistweit,  Thirning,  Dalling,  Sparham,  Weston  and  Feletorp'. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (9.) 

30.  Adam  db  Adudno  alias  Auno. 

Return  of  Maurice  son  of  Gerald,  Justiciary  of  Ireland,  to  writ  of  5  March. 
Inq.  10  May,  28  Hen.  III.     Godfrey  de  Auno  is  his  heir. 

Ireland  [Munster?]  Kilcallan,  7J  carucates  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the 
king  for  1  knight's  fee  by  service  of  one  sore  goshawk  or  J  mark  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (10.) 

31.  Thomas  db  Warnettbham. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland,  3  March,  28  Hen.  HI. 
Ingelram  de  Warnetham,  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.  Bamburg*,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  20«. 
yearly  for  all  services. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  2.  (11.) 

32.  Ralph  db  Fetherestan. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  14  Jan.  28  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Olive,  his  daughter,  aged  16J,  is  understood  to  be  his  heir,  because  he  kept 
a  certain  woman  named  Emma  for  ten  years  before  he  married  her,  and  begot  of 
her  Bichard  his  son,  and  after  their  mamage  he  begot  of  her  the  said  Olive. 

York.  Fetherestan,  30a.  land,  a  messuage,  5a.  meadow,  and  pasture  in 
demesne,  2|  bovates  in  villeage,  49s.  S^d.  rents  from  freemen,  and  1  lb. 
pepper  and  2  lb.  cummin. 

Chevet  town,  1  mark  of  rent  of  assize. 
Stubbes,  8^. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (12.) 

Digitized  by 



33.  RicHABD  Masculus. 

Writ  (missing).     Inq.  {undated.) 

He  died  whilst  the  bishopric  of  London  was  vacant  and  in  the  king's  hands. 
William  his  son,  who  completed  19  years  the  week  before  Whitsunday,  28  Hen.  HI, 
is  his  heir. 

[Hertford  ?]     Upwyk  in  the  bishopric  of  London,  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (13.) 

34.  Hugh  de  Vivona. 

Writ  {missing).    Extent  {undated ,  but  indorsed  28  Hen.  HI). 

Wilts.  West  Kyngton  manor  (extent  given),  whereof  one  third  is  assigned  to 
Petronilla,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Hugh,  in  dower,  and  so  two  parts 
remain  to  the  king.     {See  Rot.  Fin.  42  Hen.  HI  m.  2  {alias  11). 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  2.  (14.) 

35.  Hugh  db  Kylpbk'. 

Writ  {missing).     Extent  {undated,  but  indorsed  28  Hen.  HI  and  defeetive). 
(He  had  two  ?)  daughters,  whereof  the  younger  is  aged  17. 

Gloucester.     Parva ,1  carucate  land  in  demesne,  5s.  rent  of 

assize,  and  72a.  in  villenage,  held  by  serjeanty member   of 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  2.  (15.) 

36.  Gerard  de  la  Bare  alias  de  la  Barre. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  28  Aug.  28  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  {undated). 

Nottingham.  Karleton  in  Lindrick  manor  (extent  given)  ;  whereof  the  said 
Gerard,  who  was  the  king's  crossbowman,  had  2^  bovates  land  in  demesne, 
22J  bovates  in  socage  and  a  water  mill  for  life  for  his  service,  of  the  king's 
gift ;  and  Walter  de  Ludham  had  by  the  king's  deed,  5^  bovates  land,  and 
8s.  rent  from  the  said  mill,  for  6s.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  2.  (16.) 

37.  John  de  Manebrigg'  alias  de  Manesbrig'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  2  Jan.  28  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Agnes  Peverel,  his  sister,  and  Juliana,  his  niece,  (daughter)  of  Clemencia, 
his  sister,  are  his  heirs. 

Southampton.  Manesbrig',  Berton  and  Winemanston,  IJ  carucate  land,  2  mills 
8«.  rent  of  assize  and  a  wood  within  the  bounds  of  the  forest,  of  the 
keepership  of  Estlj'^e,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  of  the  barony  of 
Hugh  de  Colonches  by  40s.  rent  to  the  king's  Exchequer. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  2.  (17.) 

38.  William  Ptnell. 

Writ  to  the  keeper  of  the  Island  of  Gerese,  21  March.     Inq.  Monday,  11  April, 

28  Hen.  HI. 

He  had  two  daughters,  who  are  married,  within  the  power  of  the  King  of 
France,  and  his  lands  are  the  king's  escheat. 

Digitized  by 



Jersey.  Lands  (unspecified)  worth  381.  5s.  4rf.  Toimiois  from  which  80«.  6d. 
Tournois  are  deducted  yearly  for  the  dower  of  the  late  wife  of  John 
Pynel.     This  inquisition  was  made  in  the  king's  full  court  of  Jerese. 

C,Hen.IILFUe2.    (18.) 

39.  Nicholas  son  of  Bbrnabd. 

Writs  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham,  30  Jan.  and  8  Feb.  28  Hen.  III.      Extent 


The  said  Nicholas  had  a  son  named  Bernard,  who  took  a  wife  in  Coure  in 
CO.  Here  [ford] ,  had  two  sons  and  a  daughter  of  whose  age  the  jury  know  nothing, 
and  died  before  his  father:  he  also  had  three  daughters,  of  whom  two  are 
married  in  Buckingham  and  the  third  in  Wilts. 

Buckingham.     Lands  (unspecified)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  J  (?)  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen,  III.  File  2.  (19.) 

40.  Peter  db  Pelbvill. 

Writ  to  the  keeper  of  the  honour  of  Haghele,  3  April,  29  Hen.  III.  Inq.  {undated.) 
Peter  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

[Norfolk?]  (Unspecified),  300 Ja.  arable,  26a.  pasture,  91.  Os.  3d.  rent  of  assize 
and  a  mill  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  (one)  knight's  fee  of  the  honour  of 

G.  Hen.  HI.  File  2.  (20.) 

41.  Alan  db  Singilton. 

Writ  to   the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  16  Nov.     Inq.  Monday  before  St.  Nicholas, 
29  Hen.  HI. 
William  de  Singilton  is  his  heir. 

Lancaster.  Singilton,  \  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  by  reason  of  the 
serjeanty  of  the  fee  of  the  wapentake  of  Aumondernes  and  Blakeburnesire 
by  hereditary  right. 

•  Ballisburg*  town,  2  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  paying 
2«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (1.) 


Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  25  Nov.  29  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
William  de  Hokesham  is  his  heir. 

Devon.     Buddele  hundred  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  40s.  rent. 

C.Hen.III.FUeS.  (2.) 

43.  Banulph  lb  Pobr. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  9  Nov,  29  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Banulph  his  son,  aged  9,  is  his  heir. 

Nottingham.  Normanton  town,  2  carucates  land  and  a  water-mill  held  of  the 
heirs  of  Thomas  de  Aufirton,  by  service  of  one  knight's  fee,  which  service 
(was  assigned  ?)  in  dower  to  Agnes,  late  the  wife  of  Bobert  de  Aufirton, 
mother  of  the  said  Thomas. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  11 

[Derby.]  Penkiston  town,  J  carucate  land  and  a  water-mill,  held  of  the 
said  heirs  for  J  knight's  fee,  viz. — A  moiety  of  Thomas  de  C(ha)wrcs  one  of 
the  heirs  and  (of)  the  elder  (branch)  (exnecia)  whose  wardship  the  king 
granted  to  Robert  de  Lathum,  and  the  other  moiety  of  the  said  Robert,  who 
has  to  wife  Amice,  the  other  heir. 

Boctheyt  (?)  mill  and  1  bovate  land,  rendering  5s.  yearly  to  the  lords  of 
the  fee  of  Kirkeby.     (See  No.  98.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (3.) 

44.  William  de  Wernevill  alias  de  Wennervile. 

Wtit  to  the  keeper  of  the  lands  of  J.  sometime  earl  of  Lincoln  and  constable  of 
Chester,  21  Jan.  29  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
He  has  an  heir  male,  aged  14  at  the  feast  of  St.  Giles  next. 

[York.]        (Unspecified)   252a.  land  and  18a.  meadow    in    demesne,   34s.   7d. 
from  freemen,   21J    bovates    land    in    bondage,   whereof    6J    bovates    in 
Himleswrd*,  and  15  bovates  in  Kyneslay,  4d.  Os.  lO^d.  rents  from  many 
cottars,  a  water  mill  and  a  wind  mill  held  by  service  of  one  knight. 
Of  all  which  the  lady  has  her  third  part  in  dower. 

(7.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (4.) 


Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  28  Oct.  29  Hen.  III.  Inq, 

Southampton.  Frivolk,  2  virgates  land  held  by  William  de  Pola  by  free  service 
of  4s.,  1  virgate  by  William  Crespin  for  12d.,  and  1  virgate  by  Nicholas  Page 
for  i  mark,  16  virgates  held  by  villeins,  250a.  land  in  demesne,  pasture 
worth  10s.,  a  mill,  Rifley  wood  containing  20a.,  2  fulling  mills,  cottars, 
meadow,  and  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

And  the  said  William  held  two  knights'  fees  of  Sir  W.  bishop  of  Winchester 
viz. — ^Frivolk  for  1  fee  and  Hamdon  extra  Overton  for  1  fee,  and  Sir  Roger 
de  Sifrewast  (held  them)  of  the  said  William  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (5.) 

46.  Henry  de  Colne,  sometime  sheriff  of  Huntingdon  and  Cambridge. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge  and  Huntingdon,  7  July,  29  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

[Huntingdon.]  Colne,  60a.  land,  4a.  meadow,  rents  and  pasture  (extent  given) 
excepting  his  wife's  dower,  rendering  25s.  6rf.  yearly  to  the  lords  of  the  fee. 

[Cambridge.]  Caxton,  80a.  land,  rents,  &c.  (extent  given)  rendering  20s.  to 
John  de  Escalariis,  besides  the  king's  foreign  service,  and  a  rent  of  corn, 
barley  and  oats  to  the  prior  of  Ely. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (6.) 

47.  WlLLLlM   DE   KbNTEWELL. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  the  morrow  of  All  Saints,  29  Hen.  III. 
Mabel,  daughter  of  Walter  de  Kentewell,  is  his  heir. 

[Suffolk.]  Meleford  town,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  10  knights'  fees,  and  65s.  id.  to  Norwich  Castle. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (7.) 

Digitized  by 



48.  John  le  Visconte. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland  25  July.  Inq.  Tuesday  before  St. 
Laurence,  29  Hen.  III. 

Raineta,  his  daughter,  wife  of  Everard  le  Tyeis  {Teutonicus)^  is  heir  of  the 
said  John  le  Viscunte. 

Northumberland.  Emildon,  Burton,  Staunford,  Dunstan,  Craucestre,  and 
Warnetham  (towns?),  besides  land  called  Witewrth*  in  the  same  town  of 
Warnetham  (extents  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  85  marks  rent 
paid  by  Henry  de  Neketon  for  the  waters  of  Twede. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  3.    (8.) 

49.  Gilbert  de  Umfranvill  alias  de  Umframvill. 

Writ  of  extent  to  Eobert  de  Creppinges,  31  March,  29  Hen.  Ill,  for  assigning 
dower  to  Maud,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Gilbert. 

[Northumberland.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Hyrbotle  manor  and  borough  (extent  given)  with  Otturburne  manor, 
member  of  Hyrbotle,  Alwenton,  and  the  advowfion  of  the  church  at 

Northumberland.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Prudehou  manor  with  its  members,  Hyrlawe,  Inghou,  and  Welpintan' 
(extent  given),  and  with  Ovingham,  Kerneslawe,  the  granges  of  BoUand, 
Fyleton,  and  Euhehop',  woods  in  Horsele  and  Prudhou,  and  the  advowsons 
of  Ovingham  and  Whelpinton.  Five  knights'  fees  and  nine  parts  of  a  fee 
pertain  to  Prudhu. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  3.  (9.) 

50.  Baldwin  de  Bipariis,  sometime  earl  of  Devon. 
Writ  (misting). 

[Devon.]     Extent  29  Hen.  III.    Enkedon  [manor]  (extent  given). 

[Devon.]  Extent  29  Hen.  III.  Erdewik  and  Bottesford,  lands,  &c.  (extent  given) 
with  the  foreign  Hundred  Court  and  borough  of  Plumton. 

[Devon.]  Extent  29  Hen.  III.  Huniton,  lands,  &c.  (extent  given)  with  the 

[Devon.]  Extent  29  Hen.  III.  Thuverton,  manor  and  borough  (extent  given) 
with  the  foreign  Hundred  Court. 

[Surrey.]  Extent  29  Hen.  III.  Suhlamhee  (alias  Suthlamhuth)  [manor]  with 
Suthstretham  and  Westmicham  (extent  given). 

[Southampton.]     Bremmora  [manor]  (extent  given). 

[Somerset.]     Portbury  [manor]  (extent  given). 

[Dorset.]     Extent  29  (?)  Hen.  Ill  (defective).     [Ebbrichton  ?]  (extent  given). 
Akford  (extent  given). 
Dorcester,  60a.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (10.) 

51.  BOBERT   ArTUR. 

Writ  (undated  fragment),     Inq,  Friday  before  St.  Andrew,  29  Hen.  III. 
Bobert  his  son,  the  bearer  of  these  presents,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  m.  18 

Jebsby.  St.  John  de  Quercubus  parish,  8  virgates  land,  which  owing  to  the 
absence  in  remote  parts  of  the  said  heir,  came  to  the  hands  of  Richard 
Baudein,  who  afterwards  committed  felony,  on  account  of  which  the  land 
was  taken  into  the  ldng*s  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (11.) 

52.  Geoffrey  de  Saucemabe. 

Writ  of  extent  to  Robert  de  Creppinges.    1  March,  30  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated), 

[Derby.]     Sandiacre  serjeanty,  a  capital  messuage  and  mill  (extent  given). 

Writ  to  Robert  de  Creppinges.     13  March,  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {^undated.) 

[Debby,]  Drisco  wood  pertains  to  the  land  which  the  said  Geoffrey  gave  to  the 
church  of  Dale,  of  which  he  was  enfeoffed  by  the  deed  of  John  de  Wyburvill, 
and  he  by  that  of  Peter  de  Sandiacre,  of  the  serjeanty  which  he  held  of  the 
king  in  Sandiacre.  The  said  Geoffrey  held  no  land  there  of  the  king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (12.) 

53.  Wabben  de  Redbnhale. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  24  March,  30  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

NoBFOLK.  Redenhale,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  service  o 
keeping  and  mewing  one  goshawk. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (13.) 

54.  WiLLUM   DE   BbUG\ 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  16  Jan.  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.)     m^  ,  ^  ^^  ) 
Richard,  his  brother,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Two  virgates  and  1  nook  of  land  (unspecified)  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  J  of  one  sore  sparrow-hawk. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (14.) 

55.  Thomas  de  Nobmanvill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  14  March,  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated  fragment.) 
Ralph  de of  full  age  (is  his  heir?). 

Kent.     [Kenardington**] held  of  the  king  in  chief  (by  service  of) 

....  one  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (15.) 

56.  RiCHABD   DE   BUBTON. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  2  June,  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Devon.  Chelewrthe  (alias  Cheleswurth*),  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  bail 
(ballio  of  King  John,  which  came  into  the  king's  hands  after  the  death 
of  the  said  Richard  and  can  be  given  to  whom  he  wills  as  Normans*  lands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (16.) 

*  Sic  in  the  Calendar  printed  in  1806,  but  now  torn  away. 

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57.  Waltbb  db  Lacy. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford,  18  June.  Inq.  Saturday,  the  vigU  of  St.  John 
the  Baptist,  30  Hen.  III. 

Hereford.  Stoke  Lacy  manor  is  not  the  king's  escheat  as  Normans'  lands, 
but  was  of  the  fee  of  Walter  de  Lacy,  and  held  by  Richard  de  Bellofago, 
because  Hugh  de  Lacy  gave  it  in  free  marriage  to  Richard  de  Boufou,  father 
of  the  said  Richard,  with  Elayre,  his  wife.     {See  No.  73.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (17.) 

58.  IsBULT  DB  Grey. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  18  June,  30  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Richard  de  Gray,  her  son,  is  her  heir. 

Kent.  Hoo,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  held,  by  an  exchange  made  with  her  four 
coparceners,  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  but  only  J  of  the  manor  came  to 
her  by  inheritance. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (18.) 

59.  Geoffrey  db  Everle. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  20  May,  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Kent.  Smeth,.  98a.  land,  16a.  meadow,  a  pasture,  13a.  8d.  rent  of  assize, 
mills,  &c.,  held  of  the  inheritance  of  Alice  late  his  wife,  the  marriage  of 
whose  heir  is  worth  10  marks. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  S.  (19.) 

60.  Philip  db  Anebou  alias  Deneboud,  Denebaud. 

Writ   to    Walerand  le   Tyeis   {Teutonicus)    bailiff  of  Nether  Went,   14  May, 

30  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated). 

Philip  Deneboud  had  many  sons;  to  the  eldest  he  gave  a  certain  land  in 
England,  who  married,  begat  children,  and  died  3  years  ago.  Afterwards  the 
said  Philip  gave  to  his  son  Matthew  the  manor  of  Portesciwet,  who  still  holds  it 
and  is  of  mature  age ;  but  who  is  the  next  heir  it  is  not  for  the  jury  to  judge. 

[Monmouth.]  Portesciwet  manor  (full  extent  given),  whereof  the  lady  of  Portes- 
ciwet has  a  third  part  in  dower,  and  Morgan  de  Krubba  holds  J  knight's  fee, 
and  William  de  Pondevill  ^  fee,  in  free  marriage. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  17  May,  30  Hen.  III.  Inq.  Wednesday  after  the 
Holy  Trinity. 

SoMBBSET.  Henton,  a  moiety  of  the  town  was  held  by  Philip  Denebaud,  who 
delivered  a  moiety  of  his  land  to  his  elder  son  William  on  his  marriage,  who 
had  4  sons,  and  died  before  his  father,  and  his  wife  holds  all  that  land.  The 
said  William  had  two  brothers,  Matthew  and  Hamon,  and  in  29  Hen.  Ill 
the  said  Philip  gave  to  the  said  Hamon,  his  younger  son,  that  moiety  which 
remained  with  him,  by  homage  and  service.  Philip,  the  eldest  son  of  the 
said  William,  is  aged  7  years  ;  but  the  jury  know  not  who  is  the  next  heir. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  3.  (20.) 

61.  Thomas  de  Escoteny  alia^  de  Scoteny. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  9  May,  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Peter  de  Scoteni,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

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HENRY  III.  15 

Lincoln.  Stainton,  Linberge,  Wicham,  Cokrinton,  Wischalle,  Wlingh, 
Kinthorp,  Haynton  and  Barkewrth,  5  knights*  fees  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  5  knights'  fees,  of  which  there  remained  in  his  hands  11 J 
bovates  in  demesne  and  2  bovates  in  villenage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (1.) 

62.  William  db  Hampton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflf  of  Oxford,  2  Sept.  80  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Stephen,  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.  Hampton  manor,  held  together  with  Welewe  manor  in  co.  Southampton, 
which  the  monks  of  Netley  (de  Loco  Sancti  Edivardi)  now  hold,  of  the 
king  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (2.) 

63.  Reginald  db  Valle  Torta. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  19  Jan.  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Ralph  de  Valle  Torta,  his  brother,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Hurberton,  Holne,  Clauton,  Brixham  and  Brideford  manors,  held  of  the 
honour  of  Totnes,  together  with  28  knights*  fees  excepting  xV  fee,  by  doing 
to  the  king  28  fees. 

Silfreton  manor,   held  of  Baldwin  de  Ripariis,  whose  heir  is  in  the 
king's  ward,  by  service  of  one  b[edel  of  the  hun]dred  of  Harig'. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.    (3.) 

64.  William  db  Percy. 

Writ  to  Robert  de  Cre'ppinges  30  Jan.  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

[York.]  The  said  William  gave  to  Roger  Maudit  and  Robert,  his  son,  and  his 
heirs,  20«.  rent  from  Tadecastre  mills ;  and  to  the  prior  of  Park  2  marks 
rent  from  the  same  in  frank  almoin ;  and  to  Thomas  le  Lardiner  16«.  rent 
from  the  same,  until  the  said  William  should  make  to  him  and  his  heirs 
an  exchange  of  2  bovates  land  and  a  toft  in  Tadecastre. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (4.) 

65.  Clemencia  db  Lungvilbrs. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  19  May,  30  Hen.  III. 
Sir  John  de  Lungevilers,  her  son,  is  her  heir. 

Lincoln.  Inq.  (undated.)  Appelby,  Risebye  and  Maunton,  J  knight's  fee  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

Lincoln.  Inq.  (undated.)  Lands  (unspecified)  held  of  Sir  J.  de  Lacy,  sometime 
earl  of  Lincoln,  by  service  of  2  knights*  fees. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (5.) 

66.  Maud  db  Hbrybrd. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  12  Feb.  30  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Richard,  son  of  Robert  Bi&ewast,  is  her  heir. 

Southampton.  Suthtrop  hamlet  was  sometime  held  by  Richard  le  Malle  of  the 
gift  of  King  Henry,  the  king's  grandfather,  by  the  serjeanty  of  keeping  a 

Digitized  by 



falcon  of  the  king,  from  which  hamlet  were  paid  long  ago  108.  yearly  rent 
to  Odyham  manor ;  and  there  are  alienated  from  the  same  hamlet  8|  marks 
rent  to  Winteney  priory. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.   (6.) 

67.  Henby  de  Mbrton. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriflf  of  Devon,  10  June,  80  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Devon.  Toryton,  lands  &c.,  worth  91.  14«.  2Jd.  yearly,  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
with  the  services  of  6  knights'  fees,  excepting  the  fees  assigned  to  Eleanor 
de  Toryton  in  dower. 

Merton,  lands,  &c.  worth  18Z.  17«.  lOi.  yearly,  held  of  Henry  de  Tracy. 
Suttecumb',  land,  &c.  worth  113«.  lOd.  yearly,  held  of  the  said  Henry. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  4.  (7.) 

68.  Walteb  de  Eshbleg  alias  de  Esselboh. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  17  June,  80  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Mabel  Bevel,  his  sister,  age  variously  stated  as  50  and  60  and  more,  is  his 

Somebsbt.     (Unspecified)  8  carucates  land  held  by  service  of  2  fees  of  Mortain. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  18  June,  30  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Glouobsteb.  Gherleton  town,  1  virgate  land  in  demesne  and  9  in  villenage  held 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  24  July,  80  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Gloucesteb.  Gherleton  manor  has  never  been  accustomed  to  be  taxed  when  the 
king  taxed  his  demesnes,  since  it  was  given  to  the  said  Walter  by  King 
Henry,  the  king's  grandfather. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  4.  (8.) 

69.  YivuN  Gebnet  alias  de  Heesam. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  7  May,  30  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Roger,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  is  of  age  (et  est  de  etate). 

Lanoasteb.     Heesam,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
8s.  9d.  yearly. 

Eaton  town,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
20s.  yearly  ;  and  a  mill  in  the  same  town. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.    (9.) 

70.  Dbnisb,  late  the  wife  of  Ranulph  lb  Pobb. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  16  June,  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

[Debby.]  Penkiston  town,  2  marks,  5s.  2d.  rent  held  of  the  king  in  chief  in 
dower.  The  said  Dionisia,  as  report  goes,  is  married  to  Geoffrey  le  Bus  of 
CO.  Herford  (sic),  but  of  this  the  jury  are  in  doubt,  because  she  is  rarely  in 
the  parts  of  Nottingham. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4t.   (10.) 

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HENRY  III.  17 


Writ  to  the  keepers  of  the  lands  of  J.  de  Lacy,  sometime  earl  of  Lincoln  and 
constable  of  Chester,  in  co.  York,  18  May,  30  Hen.  HI.  Inq.  (undated.) 
Hugh  de  Horton,  of  full  age,  is  his  heir. 

York.  Horton  and  Clayton,  64a.  in  demesne,  25  in  villenage,  and  11  bovates 
and  108a.  in  service  of  freemen,  held  of  J.  de  Lacy  sometime  earl  of 
Lincoln  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (11.) 

72.  Hubert  Hopeschort  alias  Hoppbshort. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Surrey,  18  Jan.  80  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 

Surrey.  (Unspecified),  S6a.  arable,  8a.  meadow  and  pasture,  22a.  6^.  rents  of 
freemen,  and  25«.  Id.  rents  of  villeins,  &c. ;  whereof  Maud  late  the  wife  of 
Robert  de  Renny  {alias  de  Reynny)  holds  a  third  part  in  dower  by  the 
king's  order. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  4.  (12.) 

73.  Richard  son  of  Richard  de  Bellafago. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflF  of  Oxford,  27  Jan.  80  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Henry  de  Bella  Fago  is  the  heir  of  the  said  Richard  the  father,  and  remained 
in  Normandy. 

Oxford.  Pirie  and  Ledhal',  2  knights'  fees,  viz. — a  third  part  held  in  demesne, 
and  two  parts  by  William  son  of  Elias  in  service.  Richard  the  father  im- 
pleaded Emma  de  Pirie  of  the  whole  manor  of  Pirie  by  writ  of  King  Henry 
the  king's  grandfather  and  they  agreed,  so  that  the  said  two  parts  remained 
to  the  said  Emma  and  her  heirs  to  be  held  of  the  said  Richard,  and  the  third 
part  to  the  same  Richard  in  demesne  with  the  lordship  of  the  two  parts. 
{See  No.  57.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  4.  (13.) 

74.  Thomas  de  Aunou  alias  de  Alnou,  de  Auno. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lmcoln,  15  Jan.  30  Hen.  III. 

Lincoln.    Extent  {undated). 

Magna    Painton    alias    Paunton,   manor    {or  town),   court  {or  capital 

messuage),  11  bovates  land  in  demesne,  71.  8s.  lOd.  rent,  17Jd.  warnoth, 

and  19s.  men's  work  yearly. 

Herierby,  14«.  and  JZ6.  pepper  rent  of  assize. 

Denton,  70s.  Qd.  rent  of  assize,  and  22i^d.  warnoth. 

Lincoln.    Extent  {und-ated).    To  the  same  effect  as  the  above. 

York.     Inq.  and  extent  {undated.) 

Carthorpe  town,  90a.  arable,  23a.  meadow,  and  pasture  for  120  sheep 
and  20  beasts  in  demesne  ;  22  bovates  of  land  in  villenage,  villenage  rents, 
&c.  amounting  to  8Z.  lis.  8^d. ;  5$.  id.  rents  of  free  tenants ;  pannage ; 
and  aids  of  the  men  of  Brineston  worth  58.  9d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (14.) 

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75.  Robert  db  Novo  Buroo. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  and  Dorset,  10  June,  30  Hen.  III. 
Extent  {undated). 

His  heir  (unspecified)  will  be  23  at  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin. 

Somerset.     Sureveton  manor  (extent  given)  • 
Hurdecote  manor  (extent  given). 

Dorset.     Winfrot  alias  Winfrod  manor  (extent  given). 

Almere  manor  (extent  given),  and  it  renders  60«.  to  the  abbess  of 
St.  Edward. 

Tenures  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (15.) 

76.  EoBERT  DB  Pont  del  archb  alias  de  Pontb  Archb. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  22  Feb.  30  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Ealph,  his  brother,  is  his  next  heir,  after  William  de  Ponte  Arche,  whowas 
lately  outlawed. 

Gloucester.  Wulvrichesthrop  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
10s.  yearly,  and  doing  suits  at  the  king's  barton  outside  Gloucester. 

Waddon  and  Mortun  towns  (extents  given)  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford 
in  chief  for  2J  knights'  fees,  which  Constance,  late  the  wife  of  the  said 
Eobert,  now  holds  by  the  king's  bail.  The  churches  of  Waddon  and  Morton 
are  prebends  of  Hereford. 

Stanleg'  alias  Stanleye  town  (extent  given)  held  of  Ralph  de  Suthleg'  in 
chief  for  J  knight's  fee,  and  now  in  the  king's  hands. 

Coccebiri  alias  Cokebiri,  4  virgates  land  in  villenage  and  J  mark  tallage, 
held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Hereford  for  J  fee,  and  now  in  the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  4.  (16.) 

77.  Robert  db  Sancto  Gborgio. 

Ralph  his  son,  aged  15  at  Whitsuntide  next,  is  his  heir. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincohi,  10  Feb.  80  Hen.  IH.    Extent  {undated). 

Lincoln.     (Unspecified^)   20J  bovates  land  (full  extent  given  with  names  of 
tenants)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

The  brethren  of  St.  Katherine's,  Lincoln,  hold  one  bovate  in  frank 
almoin,  and  lady  Petronilla  sometime  the  wife  of  the  said  Robert  ought  to 
have  J  of  the  lands  in  dower. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  10  Feb.  30  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Nottingham.     Bodmeshill  town  with  the  soke,  2J  carucates  land  (full  extent 
given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's 
fee,  including  lands  &c.  in  Babwrthe,  Ordeshale,    Morton,    Elkesley  and 
Petronilla  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Robert  ought  to  have  her  dower  out  of  all 

these  lands. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  4.  (17.) 

*  The  Calendar  printed  in  1806  gives  *  Brent  Broughton '  manor,  but  it  is  not  in  the  Inquisition. 

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HENRY  in.  19 

78.  JOLLAND   DB    NBVII4I4. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  5  Oct.  30  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
JoUand,  his  son,  aged  22^,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.     Sorene,  20/.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (18.) 

79.  Hugh  son  of  James  Wak*. 

Writ  to  the  sherif!  of  Berks,  25  Nov.  30  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated  fragment.) 

(Aline  Wake  and  Joan  de)  Mumby,  aunts  of  the  said  Hugh,  and  sisters  of  the 

said   (James), 50  years  or  more,   are  his 


Berks.     [?  Benham  (Valence)]  and  Boxhore,  161.  land  (held)  of  the  king    .    .    . 

of  the  queen's  chamber.     (See  No.  858.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (19.) 

80.  BoBEBT  DE  Ganct  alias  db  Ghangt. 

Writ  (misBing).    Inq.  (undated.) 

Thomas,  his  son,  aged  2  at  the  feast  of  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Gross, 
30  Hen.  HI,  is  his  heir. 

York.  Skerpingbec  or  Skerbinbec  and  Toraldeby,  capital  messuage,  lands,  mill, 
&c.  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  of  the  king  in  chief.  The 
said  Robert  used  to  render  to  Sir  William  de  Eos  from  the  said  lands  15«. 
yearly,  but  by  what  right  is  unknown  to  the  jury.  Margaret  late  the  wife  of 
the  said  Robert  has  a  third  of  all  the  above  lands. 

Endorsed  : — ^After  the  death  of  the  said  Robert,  a  lady  who  was  the  wife 
of  Sir  Walter  de  Chancy,  the  said  Robert's  uncle,  died,  and  all  her  dower 
came  into  the  king's  hands  by  wardship. 

Writ  missing.    Inq.  (undated  fragment.) 

[YoBK.]     After  the  said  Robert's  death  there  happened  a  certain  dower  (extent 

given)  in  the  king's  hands  in  the  quinzaine  of the  Blessed 

Mary  in  the  king's  30th  year,  held  by  a  lady  named  Maud  Murdoc, 
including  a  farm  of  6s.  in  Thoraldeby ;  and  another  lady,  mother  of  the  said 
Robert,  also  holds  a  capital  messuage  lands  &c.  in  dower  (extent  given)* 
Nor  is  there  anything  else  there  to  be  escheated.     (30  Hen.  HI.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  4.  (20.) 

81.  NiciA  DB  Glinton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham,  16  Dec.  31  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
William  de  Parys,  knt.,  her  son,  is  her  heir. 

Buckingham.     Aston    township   (extent  given)    held  of   the  king  in  chief  by 
serjeanty  of  finding  one  serjeant  when  the  king  goes  with  the  army. 
Robert  de  Bello  Campo  holds  in  dower  with  Alice  his  wife  40Z.  land,  and 

Lady  Eva  de  Clynton  holds  201.  land  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  6.  (1.) 

82.  GiLBEBT   DE   BoLBBEC   alias  DE   BOLEBEK. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflf  of  Buckingham,  18  June,  31  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Herbert  (Erbertus),  his  son,  is  his  heir. 

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Buckingham.  Kingesheye  town,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (2.) 

83.  Stephen  de  Sumeby. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Surrey,  31  May,  31  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
He  died  seven  years  ago. 

SuBREY.  He  was  not  seised  of  4Z.  rent  of  a  moiety  of  the  manor  of  Wysheleg,' 
which  Roger  de  Sumery,  his  elder  brother,  demised  at  fee  farm  to  Robert  de 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  6.  (3.) 

84.  Lambebt  de  Muleton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cumberland,  27  Nov.    Inq.  Friday  the  morrow  of  St.  Lucy. 

31  Hen.  III. 

Thomas,  his  son,  aged  21  on  the  morrow  of  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross 
last,  is  his  heir. 

Cumberland.  Egremund,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  one  knight's 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (4.) 

85.  RoBEBT  de  Sottebbog  alias  de  Sotesbbog. 

Mandate  from  the  sheriff  of  Berks  to  the  bailiff  of  the  seven  hundreds  of  Wyndls' 
with  transcript  of  wnt   {undated).    Inq.     (The  day   of    the  Purification, 
31  Hen.  III.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  16  this  day  of  the  Purification,  31  Hen.  Ill,  is  his  heir. 

Bbbks.  Sotesbroc,  2  carucates  land,  &c.  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee,  20«.  yearly  to  the  guard  of  the  Castle  of  Wyndelsor' 
to  be  quit  of  his  guard  of  40  days,  and  12d.  yearly  to  the  exchequer  at 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (5.) 

86.  Philip  de  Glammobgan. 

JVrit  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  15  Oct.  31  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated  and 
William  ?  de  Glamorgan,  knt.,  is  his  heir  without  challenge, 

Southampton.  (Unspecified)  one  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  land  and  heir  of  Baldwin  de  Insula 
sometime  earl  of  Devon,  now  in  the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (6.) 

87.  Ralph  de  Hodbno  alias  de  Hodeino. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  10  July,  31  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undated). 

Essex.  Mapelterested  town,  319a.  land,  12Ja.  meadow,  20a.  pasture,  herbage, 
66a.  wood,  75s.  2c2.  rent  of  assize  &c. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  5.  (7.) 

88.  Elias  de  Boctun  alias  de  Bocton. 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wengtham,  escheator,  1  Oct.  81  Hen.  IH.    Extent  (undated). 
Peter,  his  eldest  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  21 

Kent.  Bocton  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
knight's  fee.  And  from  thence  are  due  yearly  to  the  leper  hospital  of 
Boulogne  (Bononia)  20Z. 

Land  called  la  Gressimere  held  of  Sir  Reginald  de  Cobbeham  by  service 
of  ^  knight's  fee,  and  a  mill  there  of  the  fee  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Augustine's, 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (8.) 

89.  Robert  db  Wodbton. 

Mandate  of  H.  de  Wingham  to  the  escheator  of  Salop  mth  transcript  of  writ 
(undated).     Inq.    Wednesday  before  St.  Martin,  81  Hen.  HI. 

SAiiOP.  Hugger,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  with  a  capital  messuage  held  of  Isabel 
de  Mortuo  Mari  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  by  reason  that  Hugh,  son  of 
Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  assigned  the  same  to  her  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  5.  (9.) 

90.  Robert  db  Wodbton. 

Writ  28  Oct.  (31  ?)  Hen.  Ill,  of  assignment  of  dower  to  Agnes,  late  the  wife  of 
the  said  Robert,  of  the  following  lands.    Assignment  of  dower  {missing). 

Salop.    Hugeleye,  lands  held  of  Ralph  de  Mortuo  Mari. 

E.  Series  I.  File  1.  m.  7. 

91.  Walter  db  Ken  alias  db  Kan. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hertford,  21  July,  31  Henry  III,     Inq.  (tmdated.) 

Hertford.  The  said  Walter  was  seised  of  10  marks  rent  in  Coddr'  alias  Coudray 
by  Williain  de  Kan,  from  the  feast  of  St.  Hilary  to  the  feast  of  St.  Mary  in 
March,  28  Hen.  HI,  when  they  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (10.) 

92.  Osbbrt  db  Brightlingeseyb  alias  de  Bbihtlinoeseta. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  7  Jan.  31  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Avelina  wife  of  Peter  de  Aldham,  Joan  wife  of  Roger  de  Blakeham  and 
Roesia  wife  of  Richard  de  Munvirun,  his  sisters,  are  his  heirs  and  of  full 

Essex.  Adburgetun,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour 
of  Boulogne  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (11.) 

93.  Richard  db  Angentein  alias  Darobntbin. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hertford,  9  Jan.  31  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Giles  Dargentein  is  his  heir. 

Hertford.  Magna  Wylemundeleg',  1 J  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  serving  with  a  cup  at  the  king's  chief  feasts  when  directed  by  the 
king's  steward. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (12.) 

Digitized  by 



94.  Master  Odo  db  Sgerinton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  15  Oct.  81  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Walran  de  Scerinton  his  brother,  aged  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

•Rent.  Delce  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 J  knights'  fee,  and 
doing  guard  at  Bochester  Castle  as  mach  as  pertains  to  that  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (13.) 

95.  Hugh  db  Sangto  Mabtino. 

Writ  (jnutilated)  to  H.  de  Wengham  escheator     ....     Aug.  81,  Hen.  HI. 
Inq.  {undated  and  mutilated^ 
Peter,  his  son,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.     Lillingstan  manor   (extent   given)    held    of    the  king  by    serjeanty 

by  service at  great  feasts. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (14.) 

96.  Philip  de  Abingeton  alias  de  Abbington. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge,  10  March,  31  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  26,  is  his  heir. 

Cambridge.  (Unspecified)  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  King  in  chief  by  service  of 
one  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5,  (15.) 

97.  Agatha  Trussebut  alias  Trussebuth. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  28  Feb.  31  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William  de  Eos  is  her  heir. 

York.    Dicton  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  royal  service  only. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham,  28  Feb.  31  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Buckingham.  The  said  Agatha  was  of  good  memory  when  she  gave  to  Roger 
Bozon  alias  Buzun,  Bocon,  the  wardship  of  the  land  that  was  of 
Alexander  de  Cheynny  alias  Chenay  in  Islamsted,  who  was  in  seisin  thereof 
for  3  days  before  and  3  days  after  her  death,  until  William  son  of  Hamon, 
ejected  him. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (16.) 

98.  Banulph  le  Poer. 

Commission  of  extent,  21  July,  31  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 
Banulph  his  son,  aged  12,  is  his  heir. 

Dbrbt.  Penkeston  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  heirs  of  Auferton  of  the 
heirs  of  Robert  son  of  William,  and  by  them  of  the  king  in  chief.  It  is  not 
escheat.  One  third  is  held  in  dower  by  the  wife  of  Ranulph  le  Poer,  father 
of  this  Ranulph.     (See  No.  43.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  5.  (17.) 

99.  Robert  Musard. 

Ralph  Musard  his  brother,  aged  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Berks,  30  May,  31  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  28 

Berks.     Spersholte,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
knight's  fee. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  30  May,  31  Hen.  III.     Inq,  (missing.) 

Derby.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Staveley  town,  67  bovates  land,  41.  14s.  lOd.  rent,  mills,  meadow,  4Z. 
villeins,  aid,  &c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  with  other  lands  by  service  of  16 
knights'  fees ;  which  fees  are  in  cos.  Gloucester,  Berks  and  Warwick. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  S.  (18.) 

100.  Thomas  db  Plumberghb  alias  db  Plumberche. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  11  April,  31  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Laurence  his  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.     Sutton  and  Plumberch,  410a.,  52s.  Id.  rent  of  assize,  two  marshes  and 
8a.  wood,  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  2  knights  fees. 

Writ  to  the  keeper  of  the  honour  of  Radleh',  13  June,  31  Hen.  Ill, 

[Essex.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

The  said  Thomas  died  seised  of  the  marsh  of  Magna  Eogewerde,  because 
Christiana  his  wife  took  the  profits  thereof  to  the  use  of  the  said  Thomas 
until  his  (ar  ?  her)  death ;  and  he  died  seised  of  Bekener  and  Lovedone,  Langeleg' 
wood,  and  20a.  land  and  1  messuage  in  Bocheford,  and  they  fall  to  the  said 
Laurence  by  inheritance  ;  but  the  said  Thomas  did  not  die  seised  of  20a.  land  in 
Plumberghe  because  John  his  son  had  full  seisin  thereof. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (19.) 

101.  Gilbert  son  of  Daniel  db  Dunbsden  alias  db  Dunnbston. 

Writ  to  the  guardian  of  the  bishopric  of  Salisbury,  28  Dec.  31  Hen.  HI.    Inq. 
Ellen,  his  daughter,  aged  2^,  is  his  heir. 

[Berks.]     Soninges  alias  Sunninges  manor,  80a.  in  demesne,  meadow,  pasture,  a 
court  and  garden,  and  ISd.  and  lib.  cummin  rent  (held  of  the  bishopric  of 
Annora,  his  wife,  seeks  her  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  5.  (20.) 

102.  William  son  of  Hamon. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  (undated  but  endorsed  : — '  ante  annum  32  H.  III.') 
Alan,  son  of  Hamon,  his  brother,  is  his  heir. 

[Northampton.]  Wica  manor  (extent  given)  with  a  wood  in  the  king's  forest  and 
the  advowson  of  the  chapel,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's 

Tenford,  J  knight's  fee,  which  Nicholas  de  Haversham  held  of  him,  held 
of  the  king  by  service  of  one  sore  fish  hawk  and  the  king's  foreign  service. 

Maidewelle,  1  knight's  fee,  which  Alan  de  Maidewelle   held   of  him, 
held  of  the  king  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee.     (See  No.  126.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  6.  (1.) 

Digitized  by 



103.  Maud  late  the  wife  of  Peter  db  Lincoln. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  19  Feb.  31  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Her  four  daughters,   the  youngest  of  whom  is  aged  24,  are  her  heirs. 
William  de  Gastre  has  the  eldest  to  wife. 

Lincoln.  Clisseby,  7  bovates  land  and  59«.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
falconer's  service,  viz. : — bearing  one  falcon  in  season.  But  afterwards 
Godfrey  de  Eaynham,  who  had  to  wife  the  sister  of  the  said  Maud,  deraigned 
against  her  2^  bovates,  and  holds  them  still. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (2.) 

104.  Richard  Orric'. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham  and  his    co-escheator    in  co.  Essex,    23   July, 
31  Hen.  III.     Extent  and  a'ppraisement  {undated  and  defaced). 
Isabel  and  Maud,  his  sisters,  (are  his  heirs)  and  of  full  age. 

Essex.  Wicford,  320a.  &c.  (extent  given),  with  46«.  and  lib.  cummin  rent  in 
Kewedon,  and  pasture  in  Raueden  marsh,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  6.  (3.) 

105.  Thomas  Corbet  of  Tasselegh. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham   and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Stafford,  18  July, 
31  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Roger  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.  Bromleg'  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  at  fee  farm  by  41.  yearly 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (4.) 

106.  Joan  db  Morvill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cumberland,  11  March.    Inq.  the  morrow  of  Palm  Sunday, 
31  Hen,  HL 
Helewisia  and  Ada  are  her  heirs  and  of  full  age. 

Cumberland.  Burgh  on  the  Sands  town,  8  carucates  land,  and  in  Ayketon 
town,  7  carucates  land,  paying  cornage  for  the  same  to  the  king,  and  if  the 
king  should  cross  through  Cumberland,  going  in  the  army  in  the  vanguard 
and  returning  in  the  rearguard. 

The  said  Joan  gave  to  Sir  Eichard  de  Wennun  her  daughter  Helewisia 
in  marriage  and  with  her  6  carucates  of  land  in  Neucrayc  ?  which  he  held  of 
the  said  Joan,  and  she  of  the  king,  by  cornage ;  and  she  gave  to  Sir  Ealph 
de  Leventon  with  Ada  her  daughter  in  marriage  6  carucates  land  in 
Kircosewal  and  3  carucates  in  Laysingbi,  which  he  held  of  the  said  Joan,  and 
she  of  the  king,  by  cornage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (5.) 

107.  Alice  Haget. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  3  Feb.  31  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Bichard  Wallensis  son  of  her  first  daughter,  and  Nicholaa  her  second 
daughter,  are  her  heirs. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  26 

York.  Friston  and  Feri,  200a.  land  and  26Ja.  meadow  in  demesne,  15  bovates 
land  in  bondage,  54s.  rents  from  free  tenants,  26«.  from  a  windmill,  and  6s. 
from  the  farm  of  Marton,  &c. 

Prikeley,  64Ja.  in  demesne,  2a.  meadow,  11  bovates  land  in  bondage, 
12s.  7Jd.  rents  from  free  tenants,  &c. 

(Held  of  the  son  and  heir  of  J.  de  Lacy  sometime  earl  of  Lincoln,  who 
is  in  the  king's  ward.) 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (6.) 

108.  Pbtbb  de  Malo  Lacu. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  3  June,  31  Hen.  IIL    Inq.  {undated.) 

YoBK.  Peter  de  Malo  Lacu,  on  his  departure  for  the  Holy  Land,  granted  to  Sir 
Gerard  la  Grue  the  first  wardship  or  escheat  which  should  happen  to  him, 
and  when  the  Lady  Idonea  de  Veteri  Ponte  died  Eeginald,  his  stewiard,  put 
the  said  Gerard  in  seisin  of  the  wardship  of  the  lands  of  Westerfeud  and 
Bautre  (extent  given),  on  the  day  of  All  Saints,  26  Hen.  HI,  and  the  Cir- 
cumcision following  the  king's  bailiffs  took  seisin  of  the  lands  which  were  of 
the  said  Peter  de  Malo  Lacu. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  6.  (7.) 

109.  Mastbb  Albxandeb  le  Seguleb. 

Writ    to    Henry    de    Wyngham,    escheator,   1   Oct.     Inq.     St.    Luke's    day, 
31  Hen.  HI  {defective). 
Nicholas  le  Seculer,  his  brother,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

Hbbbfobd.  Sutton,  4  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  con- 
ducting treasure  and  summoning  the  Barons. 

Maurdin,  a  mill  and  1  virgate  land. 

Wystanestun,  1  virgate  land,  a  moiety  by  socage  and  the  other  moiety 
by  serjeanty. 

Dunemor,  1  carucate  land. 

Hyrchenefeld  in  Humfrayston,  40  acres  land  and  a  mill. 

Hendre  Aghes,  J  mark  of  land. 

Hereford  City,  1  burgage,  and  1  shop  held  of  the  king  in  chief  and  30 
curtilages,  &c. 

(Unspecified),  1  virgate  land  held  of  Simon  de  Wafre. 

Amberleye,  2  carucates  land  held  of  Peter  de  Stanton. 

Froremerton,  1  messuage  and  9  acres  land  held  of  Henry  de  Monemut. 

Syremede,  3a.  meadow  held  of  the  sons  of  Walter  de  Mu  .  .  gros. 

Wystanestun,  6a.  meadow  and  la.  pasture  held  of  Simon  de  Wafre. 

Maurdin,  8a.  land  and  Ja.  meadow  and  1  messuage  held  of  Walter  de 

Wynesleye,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Leomenystre. 

Smetheleye,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  chapter  of  Hereford. 

(Welynton),  28a.  held  of  Welynton  township. 

La  Burcote,  J  virgate  and  14s.  rent  held  of  Walter  de  la  Burcote. 

Dewyeschurche,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Kilpec?  and  others. 

Herford,  8  messuages  held  of  the  chapter  of  Hereford ;   and  4  messuages 
and  a  windmill  of  the  tenement  of  the  bishop  of  Hereford. 

Strettun,  1  mark  rent  held  of  Peter  de  la  Were ,    •    • 

burgage  held  of  Alice  de  Chans    .... 

C.  Hen.  IIL  FUe  6.  (8.) 

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110.  Simon  de  Brioyn,  alias  db  Bbion,  de  Bryan. 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wengtham,  escheator,  28  July,  81  Hen.  III. 

Dorset.    Extent    Tuesday  before  St.  Lawrence,  31  Hen.  III. 

Almere  town,  200a.  arable  in  demesne,  1  virgate  held  by  Walter  de 

Normanvill  by  IW.  pepper  rent,   rents  of  villeins,  10a.  meadow,  6a.  wood, 

&c.,  held  of  Margaret  countess  of  Lincoln  and  Pembroke,  by  service  of 

i  knight's  fee. 

His  daughter,  named  Margaret  as  it  is  said,  bom  on  the  vigil  of  St.  Margaret, 
81  Hen.  Ill,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.    Extent  {undated.) 

Edburburi,  demesne  lands  worth  4Z.  14«.  lOd.  and  51.  Ss.  2d.  rents  of 
freemen  and  villeins  were  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  Asculph  de  Pratell ' 
by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  and  by  him  given  to  Thomas  le  Bretun  in 
2  Hen.  Ill,  who  in  25  Hen.  Ill  enfeoffed  thereof  Walter  le  Bus,  abbot  of 
Cirencester,  for  a  yearly  rent  of  71. ;  after  the  said  Thomas's  death  Walter  de 
Bryan  his  nephew  and  heir  received  the  said  rent,  and  after  his  death  the 
said  Simon  his  son. 
His  heir  is  unknown  to  the  jury,  but  they  have  heard  say  that  he  has  a  boy 

aged  one  year. 

Berks.     Wanting  town,  SI.  land  held  of  William  Longespeye. 

The  king  has  granted  to  WiUiam  de  Sinago  ?  the  wardship  and  marriage  of 
the  said  Simon's  heir. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (9.) 

111.  William  Burdun. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  18  Feb.  81  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated  and 


Alexander,  son  of  Nicholas  de  Biston,  and  of  Alice,  elder  daughter  of  the 
said  William  and  Agnes,  his  wife,  aged  16,  and  Juetta,  their  younger  daughter, 
wife  of  Simon  (Drayton  ?)  aged ,  are  their  heirs. 

Northampton.  Desburg,  1  carucate  land  (extent  given)  including  a  capital 
messuage,  &c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  inheritance  of  Agnes 
Angevine,  sometime  his  wife,  by  service  of  1 J  knights'  fee. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  6,  (10.) 

112.  OsBERT  GiFFARD  and  Alice  Murdac. 

Writ  of  extent  to  Henry  de  Wingham  and  his  co-escheators,  24  July,  31  Hen.  III. 
Osbert,  son  of  the  said  Osbert,  age  variously  stated  as  12J,  13J,  and  13  on  the 
quinzaine  before  St.  John  the  Baptist  last,  is  heir  of  the  said  Osbert  and  Alice. 

Somerset.    Extent  (undated).    . 

Foxcote  manor  (extent  given)  held  by  the  said  Osbert  of  Maurice  de 
Berlay  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Somerset.     Extent  (nndated). 

Theaumes  manor  (extent  given)  held  by  the    said    Osbert    of    Elias 
Giffard  by  service  of  one  knight's  fee. 

Gloucester.  Pinchecomb',  1  carucate  land  and  28s.  rent  held  of  the  king  by 
socage  rendering  58.  yearly  to  the  sheriff. 

Acton  town,  40«.  rent  held  by  the  said  Osbert  of  Elias  Giffard. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  m.  27 

Devon,    Extent  (undated). 

HekebokeV  manor  (ejstent  given)  including  Comptun,  HanknoUe  and 
Hoo,  sometime  held  by  the  said  Osbert  and  Isabel  hiis  wife,  out  of  which 
the  prior  of  Plimpton  has  12a.  in  frank  almoin  and  the  advowson  of  the 
church  of  Ekebokel'. 

Oxford.    Extent  {undated), 

Stanlac,  J  of  the  manor  (extent  given)  held  by  the  said  Alice  Murdac  of 
Beatrice  her  sister. 

Northampton.  Teynford,  J  of  i  of  the  town  similarly  held,  and  it  is  of  the 
honour  of  Wallingford. 

Tannemer  ....  1  carucate  land  held  by  the  said  Osbert  of 
Balph  Eameis. 

Oxford.    Extent  {undated). 

Dadinton,  ^  of  the  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  by 
the  said  Alice  of  the  king  by  service  of  ^  of  2  knights'  fees. 

Nether  Orton,  44«.  4d.  rent  held  by  the  said  Alice  of  the  wardship  of 
Osbert  Giffard. 

Derneford,  60«.  rent  held  by  the  said  Alice. 

Dorset.    Extent^  Sunday  before  the  Decollation  of  St.  John  the  Baptist. 

Langeham  manor  in  Gillingeham  manor  (extent  given)  held  by  the  said 
Osbert  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  one  pair  of  spurs  yearly  or  4d. 

Dorset.    Extent  {undated). 

Winterborn  Hueton  manor  (full  extent  given)  held  of  Eeginald  de 
Mohun  at  fee  farm  for  14Z.  10s.  yearly  and  service  of  2  fees. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (11.) 

113.  Robert  Lupus. 

Wnt  of  extent  to  the  sheriflF  of  Lincoln,  10  May,  31  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated). 

Lincoln.  Carleton  manor  (full  extent  given)  including  lands,  &c.  in  the  field 
of  Riston,  Little  Carleton,  Crevequer,  Westfen,  Carleton  Marsh,  Tonsicroft, 
Hauercroft  and  Riskecroft,  and  the  rent  of  Danby. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  6.  (12.) 

114.  William  db  Lancastr'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  26  Dec.  81  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Peter  de  Brus,  of  full  age,  and  Walter,  son  of  William  de  Lyndeseya,  aged  16, 
are  his  heirs. 

Lancaster.  (Unspecified)  36^  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  one  knight, 

Warton,  advowson  of  the  church. 

Westmorland.     Writ  to  the  sheriff  concerning    enfeoffments,   6    Sept.     Inq. 

Thursday  after  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Cross,  31  Hen.  III. 

The  said  William,  on  his  death  bed,  viz.  on  Tuesday  after  St.  Edmund  last, 
enfeoffed  John  de  Brus  of  the  manor  of  Kylington,  and  died  on  Wednesday  the 
vigil  of  St.  Andrew ;  and  he  committed  the  wardship  of  the  said  land  and  of  the 
said  John  to  the  prior  of  Coningisheved,  and  a  canon  of  Coningisheved  went  and 
took  seisin  on  the  part  of  John  and  the  said  William  took  his  homage.  He 
also  enfeoffed  the  following  : — 

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Helsington,  ....  Duble  20a. ;  John  le  Waleys  22a. ;  and 
Philip  de  Mara  12a. 

Crosth',  Thomas  the  Leech  (Medicum)  14a. ;  and  Philip  the  Cook  {Cocum) 

Sleddale,  Roland  de  Renegile  39a.  arable  and  pasture ;  Gilbert  de  Berbr* 
20a. ;   and  Robert  de  Layburne  3 Ja.  meadow  with  pasture. 

Scaltwaitrig,  William  de  Molineus  40a.  with  pasture;  and  William 
de  Nordwde  a  moiety  of  Scaltwaitrig. 

Patricdale,  Roger  de  Lane'  200a.  of  demesne,  with  a  mill,  herbeige, 
pannage  and  28«.  lOd.  rent ;  the  services  of  Gilbert  and  Walter  de  Lane' 
who  each  hold  ^^  knight's  fee ;  the  whole  of  the  forest  of  Westm',  excepting 
Feusdale,  Swarte  fell  and  the  head  of  Martindale,  which  he  held  before 
of  old  enfeoffment. 

Quitewelle,  3s.  rent  he  released  to  Gilbert  the  Constable  (Constabulario) 
for  Id.  yearly. 

He  gave  also  to  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  Kirkeby,  44  quarters  of 
oatmeal  yearly  from  Patton  mill;  and  gave  the  advowson  and  custody  of 
the  hospital  to  the  prior  of  Coningisheved. 

All  the  above  were  enfeoffed  between  Monday  the  feast  of  St.  Edmund  and 
the  Wednesday  following,  and  about  the  middle  of  the  night  because  his  death 
was  feared  the  seal  was  broken,  and  afterwards  he  lived  for  another  hour  and 
then  died :  they  had  no  seisin  except  through  themselves. 

Lancaster.    Inq.    Tuesday  after  St.  Matthew,  31  Hen.  III. 

The  said  William  enfeoffed  the  following  on  his  death  bed,  viz. — 
Scotford,  John  Buscel  15a.  land. 

Kirlundfeldes,  Robert  the  Tailor  (Scissarem),  56a.  arable  in  the  fields,  and 
Kirkelund  wood. 

Withul,  Richard  de  Kirkeb'  J  mark  rent. 

Gairstang,  4  bovates  land  he  bequeathed  with  his  heart  to  the  abbot  of 

All  the  above  were  enfeoffed  within  3  days  of  the  death  of  the  said  WilUam 
but  had  no  seisin  except  through  themselves. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  6.  (18.) 

115.  Peter  Tylloll  alias  de  Tillolf. 

Writ  of  extent  to    Robert    de    Creppingis,   18   Nov.    Extent      The  vigil    of 

St.  Nicholas,  31  Hen.  III.  {defective). 

Geofrey,  his  son,  aged  16  in  the  first  week  of  Lent  last,  is  his  heir.     Of  his 

marriage  the  jury  know  nothing.    He  lies  sick  at  Cauntebrige  and  his 

is  broken,  as  is  said. 

Cumberland.  Scalebi  (full  extent  given)  including  Hotton  and  Etardeby,  held 
of  the  king  in  chief,  excepting  1  carucate  in  Scaleby  which  is  held  of  Sir 
Thomas  de  Multon  by  knight's  service. 

Solpert  (extent  given)  held  of  the  barony  (paronia)  of  Lidel  of  Sir  Hugh 

Ricardeby  (extent  given)  held  of  the  prior  of  Carlisle  (Karleoly)  by 
1  mark  rent. 

C.  Hen.  UL  Fik  6.  (14.) 

116.  William  de  Hbrtwbll. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Bucks,  20  July, 
81  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (missing.) 

C.  Hen.  lU.  Fik  6.  (15.) 

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HENEY  in.  29 

117.  Walter  le  Saungmedle  alias  Saunmelle. 

Writ  to  J.  son  of  Geoffrey,  Justiciary  of  Ireland,  6  Aug.  31  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

Ireland.  He  was  insane  when  he  made  agreement  with  Walter  son  of  Alfred 
concerning  the  land  of  Eillene  alias  Einnelen  before  the  king's  justices. 

'C,  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (16.) 

118.  William  Burnel. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wyngham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Salop,  13  July, 
31  Hen.  Ill,  of  assignment  of  dower ^  to  Roesia  late  his  wife,  the  heir  being  in 
the  king's  ward.    Assignment  (missing). 

E.  Series  I.  File  1.  m.  3. 

119.  William  Burnel. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Salop,  20  Oct, 
31  Hen.  in,  to  give  seisin  to  William  his  son. 

E.  Series  I.  File  1.  m.  4. 

120.  Thomas  de  Hoton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cumberland,  29  Oct.  32  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Cecily  his  daughter,  aged  20,  wife  of  Nicholas  le  Venur,  is  his  heir. 

Cumberland.  (Unspecified)  J  carucate  and  2a.  land  held  (of  the  king  in  chiei[), 
and  the  said  Thomas  gave  two  bovates  to  the  said  Nicholas  with  the  said 
Cecily  in  marriage. 

Alexander  de  Capella  keeps  the  Hay  of  Plumton  for  the  land  which  he 
holds  in  Hoton,  and  similarly  for  the  said  land  which  the  said  Thomas  held. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (17.) 

121.  BoBBRT  DE  Hareston  dlias  de  Harstan. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stamford  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Derby,  8  April,  32  Hen.  III. 
Extent  (undated). 
Peter  de  Harstan,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Derby.  Sutton  in  Dal  (extent  given),  held  (of  the  king  in  chief)  for  ^  knight's 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6.  (18.) 

122.  Aht,  late  the  wife  of  Bobert  son  of  Aeri. 

Writ  super  causa  captionis  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  13  Jan.  32  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

Salop.  Withiford  mill  was  bequeathed  to  the  abbey  of  Hageman  alias  Hagh- 
man  by  the  said  Bobert,  and  after  his  decease  William  his  brother  entered 
upon  his  lands  as  heir,  and  dowered  the  said  Amy  of  the  town  and  mill  of 
Withiford ;  and  the  abbot  impleaded  the  said  William,  who  gave  him  20«. 
yearly  for  the  mill  to  be  received  at  Wetenaston  and  Muchelegam  ?  Amy 
died  seised  of  the  said  township  and  mill  in  dower,  and  the  abbot  was  never 
enfeoffed  thereof. 

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The  sheriff  took  the  mill  with  the  town  into  the  king's  hands  because 
there  was  no  escheator,  and  the  other  lands  of  the  heir  of  Withiford  were  in 
the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  6,  (19.) 

123.  William  de  Essbbi* 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  {undated,  but  endorsed  *  82  H,  3.') 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  6^,  is  his  heir. 

[Northampton.]  Catesbi  and  Neubotel  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  one  knight. 

Crec  town,  6J  virgates  land  in  demesne,  15  virgates  land  held  by 
customary  tenants,  66^.  rent  of  assize,  5l8.  4i.  customs  of  villeins,  and 
4J  marks  tallage,  held  of  Roger  de  Mumbrei  by  service  of  J  of  one  knight, 

Lillebum,  J  of  the  town  (extent  given)  held  of  Agnes;  daughter  of 
Nicholas  Abbe  by  service  of  J  of  one  knight,  and  i  of  one  sparrowhawk. 
{See  Rot.  Fin.  32  Hen.  HI.  m.  3.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  6.  (20.) 

124.  Elias  Giffabd. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  {undated  but  endorsed  *  32  H.  3  *)  {defective.) 
his  son,  aged  16,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.  Winterburne  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  as  the  head 
of  his  barony. 

Semton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  as  pertaining  to 
the  said  barony. 

Ayston  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  John  Mautravers  in  free  marriage. 
{See  No.  875*) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (1.) 

125.  BOBERT   DE    StOEEPORD. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Annunciation  {regnal  year  omitted  but 

endorsed  *  32  H.  3  ')  {defaced). 

Robert  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age,  and  his  father  was  in  the  wardship 
of  Ranulph  sometime  earl  of  Chester,  because  Sir  Ham  (on)  de  Mascy,  of  whom  he 
held  by  knight's  service,  was  in  the  said  earl's  ward. 

Chester.  Merpel  and  Wibbersleg,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty,  viz. 
forestry,  and  Sir  Richard  de  Yernon  holds  the  said  land  of  him,  doing 
forester's  service  to  the  king. 

Stokepord  and  Mottrum,  held  of  Sir  H.  Dispenser  by  10«.  yearly. 

Echelis,  held  of  Sir  Ham  (on)  de  Mascy  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Bredbury  and  Bruninton,  held  of  the  said  Ham(on)  by  service  of  find- 
ing him  a  man  and  a  pack-horse  and  sack  for  carrying  his  armour  in  time 
of  war  at  the  cost  of  the  said  Ham  (on). 

Poninton  and  Wideforde,  held  of  Richard by  20«.  rent. 

Hattirsleg'  (?),  held  of  Sir  Thomas  de  Burgo  by  finding  him  one  suitor 
at  his  court  of    ....    tr'. 

Northbury,  Torkinton,  Offerton,  Wichinton,  and  a  moiety  of  Merton, 
held  of  Sir  Walkelin  de  Arderne  by  service  of  3  parts  of  one  knight. 

Bosedon,  held  of  Sir  Geoffrey  de  Bucton  by  service  of  |  of  one  knight. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  31 

Sharston  (?),  a  moiety,  and  one  bovate  in  •  ....  gel  town  held 
of  Sir  Walkelin  de  Arderne  by  Ji.  rent.     (See  Rot.  Fin.  32  Hen.  III.  m.  6.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  7.  (2.) 

126.  Alan  son  of  Hahon. 

WrU  (missing). 

John,  his  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Northampton.]     Inq.  {undated  but  endorsed  *  32  H.  3.') 

Wike  town,  3  carncates  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's 
fee,  which  the  Lady  Helewisa  sometime  the  wife  of  W.  his  brother  has  in 

Maidewelle,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Simon  de  Meidewell  of  the  said 
Alan,  and  by  him  of  the  king. 

Tenford,  J  knight's  fee  held  by  Nicholas  de  Haversham  of  the  said  Alan, 
and  by  him  of  the  king. 

Buckingham.     Extent  (undated  hut  endorsed  *  32  H.  3.') 
Wlvrynton  manor  (extent  given). 
Padebyri  manor  (extent  given). 
Ghalfhunte  manor  (extent  given). 

Wlvrynton  with  the  honour  is  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  20  knights* 
fees  pertaining  to  the  barony  of  Wlvrynton.  (See  Rot.  Fin.  32  Hen.  HI. 
m.  1.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  7.  (3.) 

127.  Sib  H.  db  Cobon. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Annunciation   (regnal  year  omitted  hut 
endorsed  *  32  H.  3.')  (defective). 
,  aged  3^,  is  his  heir. 

Ghestbb.    Macclesfield  hundred,  4  bovates  land  (unspecified)  held  in  demesne. 
Feddeleg,  held  in  demesne. 

Adelvinton,  a  mill,  24  bovates  land,  an  assart  and  many  other  parcels, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee.  His  wife  is  dowered  of 
a  third  part. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  7.  (4.) 

128.  Matthew  alias  Mapheus  Wake. 

Writ  to  H.   de  Wehengham  and  his  co-escheator   in  co.    Wilts,    20    Sept. 

32  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Christiana,  Joan  and  Ela  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs,  and  are  of  mature  age 
and  betrothed. 

Wilts.    Hebelesbum  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  one 
knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File!.  (5.) 

129.  Bichabd  son  of  Bichabd  alias  Bichabd  son  of  Balph. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  18  July.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula, 

33  Hen.  Ill  (defective). 

*  The  Calendar  printed  in  1806  giyea  '  Bagell.' 

Digitized  by 



Devon.  Sillingeford  and  Parendun,  the  knight's  fee,  which  the  bailiffs  of 
Plinton  took  into  the  king's  hands  after  the  death  of  Richard  son  of  Ralph 
was  held  of  John  le  Botiller  and  Hawisia  his  wife,  by  reason  of  the  dower 
of  the  said  Hawisia  from  Richard  le  Spec  sometime  her  husband,  and  the 

said  Richard in  the  court  of  Plimpton,  because 

the  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Richard  le  Spec  and  Hawisia  was  under  age. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  7.  (6.) 

130.  John  le  Venttb. 

Writ  (missing).      Inq.  Saturday  before  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  33  Hen.  [III]. 

Hbbefoed.  Maurdin  manor,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  by  the  king's  gift 
in  villenage. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  7.  (7.) 

131.  Philippa  de  Tilly  alias  de  Tilli. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  25  Nov.  33  Hen.  HI.    Extent  (undated). 

ToBK.  Meltun  town,  100a.  land  in  demesne,  and  7  bovates  in  villenage,  8s. 
6d.  from  free  men,  5«.  from  hall  and  court,  and  20«.  yearly  from  wood.  The 
said  Philippa  was  born  in  England  and  relinquished  her  land  in  Normandy 
for  her  land  in  England,  and  the  jury  understand  that  she  was  English 
rather  than  Norman. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  7.  (8.) 

132.  Geoffbey  de  Nevill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  31  July,  33  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Lincoln.  Appelby  soke,  J  knight's  fee  ought  to  be  held  by  Mabel  sometime  his 
wife  of  the  king  in  cMef,  but  no  other  land. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (9.) 


Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Cambridge,  28  April, 

33  Hen.  HI. 

John  Russel,  his  brother,  age  variously  stated  as  28  and  more  and  30,  is  his 

Cambeidge.  Inq.  (undated.)  Pappewrth',  10  virgates  land  (extent  given)  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  feeding  two  poor  people  daily  for  ever,  for 
(the  benefit  of)  the  souls  of  the  king  and  his  ancestors. 

Huntingdon.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Grafham,  2  carucates  land  held  of  many  lords,  rendering  Is.  4d. ;  and 
8«.  rent  there. 

Cattewrth',  5s.  6d.  rent  held  of  the  abbot  of  Sautre,  rendering  2d. 
Weston,  35«.  8d.   rent  held  of  Hugh  Peche  (?),  rendering  1   pair  of 
gilt  spurs  yearly ;  and  5  acres  meadow  there. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (10.) 

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HENEY  III.  83 

134.  Maud  late  the  wife  of  Geoffrey  db  Cerlandb  alias  db  Serflaung*. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wyngeham  and  his   co-eflcheator  in  Lindesey,   27   Sept. 

33  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Agatha,  wife  of  Sir  John  de  Mares,  Joan,  wife  of  Ralph  de  Planaz,  and 
Alice,  sometime  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Sancto  Hillario,  each  aged  40,  are  her  heirs. 

Lincoln.    Bondeby  town,  lOL  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's  fee. 

a.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (11.) 

135.  Geoffrey  lb  Aungevyn  alias  Angevin. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon,  6  April,  33  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  8J,  is  his  heir. 

Huntingdon.    Akedene,  30a.  land  held  of  the  gift  of  the  king,  and  none  ever 
did  service  for  it. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  7.  (12.) 

136.  Isabel  db  Bureton  alias  de  Burtun. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.   Salop,  28  April, 
33  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Ralph,  her  son,  aged  40  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Salop.     Polileg',  three  ^  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
keeping  the  forest  of  La  Lye. 

Burton,  ^  carucate  land,  14«.  lOd.  rent,  and  J  mark  tallage  of  villeins, 
held  of  the  abbot  of  Shrewsbury  {Salopesbure)  by  service  of  1  salmon 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (13.) 

137.  Hugh  de  Sancto  Philebbrto. 

Mandate  from  H.  de  Wingeham  to  the  sheriff  of  Berks  with  transcript  of  writ, 
15  June.    Inq.  the  day  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  38  Hen.  III. 
Hugh,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Berks.    Greswelle  town,  a  certain  land  (extent  given)  held  in  chief  of  the  king, 
whence  his  ancestors  sometime  served  de  la  Huse. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (14.) 

138.  Gboffrey  db  Heriz  alias  de  Stapilford. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  29  April,  33  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Richard  de  Heriz,  his  (son  ?),  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Nottingham.     Stapilford,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  7.  (15.) 

139.  William  Paynel  alias  Fainel. 

Writ    to  Henry  de  Wengham  and    his  co-escheator  in  co.  Devon,   2    Jan. 

33  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Lady  Auda,  wife  of  John  de  Balun,  age  variously  stated  as  30  and  more,  and 
40,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.    Baunton  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  30^.  land  which  he  gave 
to  John  de  Hockeford  15  days  before  he  died. 

Digitized  by 



Huflfeculm  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  lOZ.  land  which  Fulk 
Painel  gave  to  William  Briwer  the  elder,  and  the  said  William  to  the  abbey 
of  Dunekeswille  in  frank  almoin  ;  but  afterwards  William  Briwer  the 
younger,  as  patron  of  the  said  abbey,  bestowed  the  said  lOZ.  land  upon 
William  Painel,  father  of  this  one,  in  free  marriage  with  Alice  his  sister,  and 
the  heirs  of  their  bodies. 

Similar  writ  for  co.  Somerset,  2  Jan.  33  Hen.  HI.     Inq,  (widated.) 

Somerset.     Honespill  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (16.) 

140.  William  Basset. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Buckingham,  22  June, 
33  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Robert  Basset  son  of  John  Basset,  his  nephew,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age, 

Buckingham.    Adestok,  J  "knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief . 

Lincoln.  Germundestorp,  land  (unspecified)  held  of  the  inheritance  of  Maud 
his  wife. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (17.) 

141.  Ralph  de  Dune. 

Wiit  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator   in  co.  Devon,    24  Sept. 
33  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Ralph,  his  son,  aged  5,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Dune,  4^  ferlings  land  in  demesne,  with  meadow,  garden,  20^.  rent  of 
assize,  &c. 

Wyk',  2  ferlings  land  in  demesne,  meadow,  12s.  lOd.  rent  of  assize,  &c. 
Huggetun,  1  mark  rent  of  assize. 
All  held  *  de  com'  Plimpton  sive  de  Insula*  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  7.  (18.) 


Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  16  Sept.  33  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated). 

Yore.  Eolton  alias  Golton,  capital  messuage  and  garden,  36a.  land  in  demesne, 
2a.  and  \r.  meadow,  9  bovates  land,  2  tofts,  2  small  pieces  of  land,  and  a 
windmill,  &c. 

Apilton,  12a.  land  in  demesne. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FU^  7.  (19.) 

143.  Thomas  de  Bethum. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Lancaster,  11  March. 
Inq.  Saturday  after  the  close  of  Easter,  83  Hen.  Ill  {defective). 
hum,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Kelgrimisharg  and  Burwadbruning,  9^  bovates  land  (extent  given) 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service,  where  12  carucates  make  a 
knight's  fee. 

Warton,  3  carucates  land   (extent  given)   held  of  the  earl  of  Lincoln, 
where  9  carucates  make  a  knight's  fee. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  III.  35 

Argarmel,  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  said  earl,  whereof 

.     .     .     .     worth  12s.  yearly,  and  2  bovates  held  by  knight's  service  only. 
Nusum,  2  bovates  land  held  of  the  said  earl  by  knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1.  (20.) 

144.  GUNNORA   DE   LA   MaBB. 

Writ  to  the  sherijBf  of  Oxford,  10  Jan.  83  Hen.  III. 

Henry,  son  of  Henry  Tracy  her  uncle,  aged  13  at  Whitsunday,  85  Hen.  HI, 
and  a  son  of  Henry  de  la  Mare,  whose  name  is  unknown,  aged  15,  are  variously 
stated  to  be  her  heir. 

Oxford.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Elveiscot,  alias  Elfeiscot,  Alfiscot,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  serjeanty  of  being  chief  usher  of  the  King's  Hall ;  and  1  carucate 
held  of  Vivian  de  Staunden  by  1  mark  rent. 

Oxford.     Inq.  {undated.)     The  aforesaid  land  ought  not  to  be  the  king's  escheat. 

Wilts.     Inq.  35  Hen.  III. 

Winterburne,  1  carucate  land  in  demesne,  meadow,  10«.  8d.  and  lib. 
pepper  rent  from  freemen,  4Z.  Is.  SJd.  villenage  rents,  and  pasture,  held  of  the 
king  by  service  of  being  usher  of  the  King's  Hall.     {See  No.  185.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (1.) 

145.  Robert  de  Tateshal. 

Transcript  of  writ,  28  July,  33  Hen.  Ill  {defaced). 

He  died  on  Friday  before  St.  Margaret  last.  Sir  Robert,  his  son,  aged  26, 
is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Tibeham  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 
Topecrof  t  manor  held  as  above. 
Denton  manor  held  as  above. 
Babbingele  manor  held  as  above. 

Hornigetoft  and  Weseham,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Peter  de  Sauveye 
of  the  honour  of  Richmond. 

Lincoln.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Tateshal,  1  carucate  land,  garden,  water-mill,  fishery,  meadow,  56*.  rent 
of  assize,  and  15Z.  2s.  lid.  from  villeins  and  customers. 

Kanloby  manor  (extent  given)  pertaining  to  the  barony  of  Tateshal. 

Tateshal  J  part,  and  Kyrkeby  manor  held  of  John  Bech  of  the  fee  of 
Dunholm,  by  fee  farm  rent  of  20Z.  13s.  Id. 

Maltebi  manor,  held  of  Robert  de  Welle. 

[Lincoln.]     Extent.     Wednesday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  83  Hen.  III. 

Boston  town,  2  bovates  land  (extent  given)  pertaining  to  the  barony  of 
Tateshal,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  for  which  by  agreement  sometime  made 
with  Thomas  de  Multon  the  said  Robert  answers  to  the  heirs  of  the  said 
Thomas  whenever  the  king's  soutage  happens,  for  ^V  knight's  fee ;  a  mes- 
suage held  of  Lamb(ert)  de  Bicre,  rendering  2d. ;  and  3a.  land  held  of 
Petronilla  de  Creona,  rendering  12d.  yearly. 

[Lincoln.]     Extent.     Thursday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  83  Hen.  III. 

Tyd,  2  bovates  and  10a,  land  held  of  Hugh  de  Ros  by  3s.  6d.  and  IW. 
pepper  rent,  and  lO^a.  meadow  held  by  12d.  and   lib.  pepper,  also  rents 

Digitized  by 



and  customs  of  the  fees  of  Hugh  and  John  de  Ros,  and  a  mill  from  which 
he  rendered  Id.  yearly  to  Thomas  de  Pederwyc. 

[Lincoln.]     Extent  (undated). 

Toft  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  Gilbert  de  Gant  by  service  of 
8  parts  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Ouneby,  J  bovate  land  and  1  toft  held  of  Gilbert  de  Senlou  by  2«.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (2.) 


Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  2  March,  33  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Juliana,  (his)  daughter,  aged  16J,  is  his  heir,  but  the  jury  know  not  where 
she  is. 

Salop.    Milinchope,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Wbnloc  by  32«.  6d.  rent. 
Eston,  la.  land  held  of  William  de  Camera,  by  {id.  ?)  rent ;    and  a 
meadow  held  of  William  de  Furch'  by  8d.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (8.) 

147.  BoGEB   DE    MORTUO   MaBI  alioS   DE   MoRTIMER. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  and  Dorset,  21  June.  Extent  Saturday 
after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  88  Hen.  III. 

Somerset.    Bruge  Walteri  manor  (full  extent  given),  excepting  the  Castle. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (4.) 

148.  Andrew  de  Ivbz  alia$  de  Yvetis. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Southampton,  27  Sept. 
83  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  Ivese,  land,  a  mill,  a  meadow,  a  wood,  heath  and  rents,  &c.  (extent 
given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  serjeanty,  viz.  by  J 
hauberk  (habergellum)  in  the  king's  service  for  40  days  at  his  own  cost. 

C.  Hen.  UL  FUe  8.  (5.) 

149.  Robert  de  Pontb  Abghe. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  10  Jan.  88  Hen.  IH.  Extent 

Southampton.  Neweton  manor  (full  extent  given)  with  the  dower  which  Constance 
late  the  wife  of  Robert  de  Ponte  Arche  has.    (See  No.  76.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (6.) 

150.  MoBOAN  DE  Eableun  alios  DE  Eablyon. 

Commission  to  Robert  Walerand  and  others,  11   Jan.    Inq.   Sunday  after   St. 

Matthias,  88  Hen.  III. 

Mereduht  ap  Grifin,  aged  14,  is  his  heir,  if  he  can  prove  that  he  is  legitimate, 
but  the  jury  understand  that  he  is  not :  if  not,  the  four  daughters  of  Jorvard  ap 
Oweyn  are  the  heirs,  of  whom  Nesta  and  Mabel  are  living  and  Wlad'  and  Angared 
are  dead:  Rees,  son  of  Grifin,  is  son  and  heir  of  Ai^ad',  and  Grifin,  son  of 
Donewal,  son  and  heir  of  Angared :  these  women  were  sisters  of  Owel  ap 
Jorvard  father  of  the  said  Morgan. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  37 

[Monmouth,]     Elegan  and  Slebennhet  comotes  held   of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  going  with  the  king  in  the  army  with  his  men  at  the  king's  cost. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (7.) 

151.  Isabel  de  Wikefobd  alias  Wyeefobd. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  18  Nov.  33  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Essex.    Wickeford,  130a.  land,  5a.  pasture,  3Ja.  meadow,  2Ja.  wood,  and  J  a  mill, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  and  i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  8.  (8.) 

152.  BoGEB  DE  Monte  Ganisio  alias  db  Munchanes'. 

Writ   to  Henry  de  Wingham  and    his  co-escheator  in   co.  Suffolk,  19  Jan. 
33  Hen.  III. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  6  April,  33  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated  and 

Essex.    Stansted  town,  228a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  pasture,  rents  of  assize,  &c. 
(extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (9.) 

153.  Theobald  le  Butileb  alias  le  Botilleb  alias  Fincebna. 

Writ  of  extent  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheators  in  cos.  York  and 
Lancaster,  6  July,  33  Hen.  III. 
His  heir  (unspecified)  is  aged  6  years. 

YoBK.    Extent.    The  vigil  of  St.  Matthew,  33  Hen.  III. 

Scheplay  alias  Sepeleya  town,  a  capital  messuage,  62.  rents  from  free 
tenants,  6«.  lOd.  from  cottars,  a  mill,  a  little  wood,  &c.  tenure  unspecified. 

NoBFOLK.     Writ  of  extent  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co. 
Norfolk,  7  July,  33  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 

Belhagh  alias  Belagh  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

NoBFOLK.     Writ  of  extent  (as  above),  6  Aug.  33  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 
Belhaghe  alias  Belawe  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Writ  of  extent  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator  in   co.  Lancaster, 
10  Jan.  38  Hen.  III. 

Lancasteb.    Extent.    Wednesday  the  feast  of  St.  Matthias,  33  Hen.  III. 

Witheton,  3  carucates  land  (extent  given),  a  mill,  and  the  land  of 
Swartebrec  {alias  Suartebrec). 

Mithop,  1  carucate. 

Marton  cum  Lynholm  {alias  Lynolm),  3  carucates. 

Land  called  Quinscaldisherthe  {alias  Quinschaltishurede)  pertaining  to 

Grenole,  1  carucate  held  in  knight's  service,  and  1  bovate  besides. 

Thistleton,  1  carucate  held  in  knight's  service. 

Bretekirke  {alias  Bredekik)  and  Moulebrec  {alias  Mulebrec),  4«.  {or  %s.) 

Haskescoc  {alias  Hayescoc),  Vb.  cummin  rent. 

Triver  {alias  TreveF),  3  carucates. 

Quarlous  and  Basak'  {alias  Raysak'),  lands  worth  9/.  {alias  lOi.)  yearly. 

Digitized  by 



Routheclive,  2  carucates  (extent  given),  and  1  bovate  does  suit  at  the 
county  court  and  the  king's  wapentake,  a  mill,  moor  and  marsh. 

Staynole,  1  bovate. 

Middle  Routheclive,  2  carucates  held  in  knight's  service.  Tenures 

Lancaster.     Extent.     The  morrow  of  St.  Matthias,  88  Hen.  III. 
Same  as  the  above,  with  the  addition  of  : — 
Escebrec,  12d.  (rent),  tenure  unspecified. 

Lancaster.     Extent.     The  morrow  of  St.  Matthias,  88  Hen.  III. 

Routheclive  town,  2  carucates  land  (full  extent  given  with  names  of 
tenants)  held  by  Sir  John  de  Thornul  of  Sir  Theobald  le  Botiler  in  chief  in 
knight's  service,  whereof  24  carucates  make  one  knight's  fee.     {See  No.  264.) 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  8.  (10.) 

154.  Alexander  db  Nevill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  12  July,  38  Hen.  IIL     Liq.  (undated,) 
Alexander,  his  son,  aged  12  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

York.  Nunington,  capital  messuage,  2  carucates  and  2  bovates  land  in  demesne, 
gardens,  a  toft,  7«.  lid.  rent,  &c.,  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Mary's,  York,  by 
lis.  rent. 

Mirfeud  town,  2  carucates  land  in  demesne,  pasture,  5a.  meadow,  a  mill, 
2  carucates  land  in  bondage,  and  8?.  18s.  9Jrf.  from  free  tenants,  held 
of  Edmund  de  Lascy  by  a  rent  of  J  mark,  and  2  knights'  fees. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  12  July,  83  Hen.  IIL    Inq.  {undated.) 

Lincoln.  (Unspecified)  8J  and  J  knights'  fees,  viz. ;  8  bovates  land  in  demesne, 
8  bovates  in  villenage,  meadow,  garden,  and  9s.  8d.  and  A^lbs.  pepper  rent, 
&c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  knight's  service. 

Kirketon  Soke,  lis.  rent  from  4  bovates  land,  which  he  rendered  yearly 
to  Earl  Hichard. 

(Unspecified)  ^  knight's  fee,  held  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle  in  chief  by 
knight's  service.     (See  No.  270.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (11.) 

155.  William  de  Roucestria  alias  de  Eoucestre. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheators  in  cos.  Essex  and  Hertford, 

Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  24  Oct.  83  Hen.  IIL 

Peter  de  Rouecestre,  his  brother,  age  variously  stated  as  40,  50  and  60  or 
more,  is  his  heir. 

Suffolk.     Inq.  (undated,) 

Evereswell,  4  carucates  land,  112s.  rent  of  assize,  20a.  meadow,  2  water 
mills,  turbary,  garden,  fishery,  pasture,  &c.,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the 
honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees. 

[Norfolk.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Berton  Binnedich  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester 
by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Hertford.     Inq.  and  Extent  (undated). 

Neuseles  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  IJ 
knights'  fee,  whereof  Ralph  de  Handleye  holds  one  quarter. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  89 

Vestune  town,  J  knight's  fee  held  by  Sir  Henry  de  Roucestre  of  the 
said  William,  and  by  him  of  Sir  John  de  Burg'. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (12.) 

156,  Robert  Tuschet  alias  Thochet,  Tuchet,  Tuched. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  23  Aug.  33  Hen.  HI. 
He  died  on  the  quinzaine  of  St.  Michael  last. 

[Salop.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Lege  Cumbrey,  2  parts  of  1  carucate  land  in  demesne,  4  virgates  and 
2  parts  of  1  bovate  in  villenage,  2  parts  of  a  messuage,  garden  and  mill, 
and  IJa.  meadow  held  of  the  king  in  chief.  After  the  said  Robert's  death 
there  fell  in  2^  virgates  land,  escheat  of  the  dower  of  Isabel  late  his 

Salop.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Lege  Cumbrei  township  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  finding  one  sergeant  with  the  king  in  the  army  in  Wales  with  a 
pack  horse,  hauberk,  lance  and  iron  cap  for  40  days. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham,  escheator,  2  March,  35  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Salop.    Lege  Cumbrei  (extent  given),  held  as  above. 

Three  ladies  are  dowered  of  the  same  fee,  and  a  boy,  aged  5,  of  whose 
name  the  jury  are  ignorant,  is  the  said  Robert's  heir. 

Upiton,  land  (now  in  the  king's  hands)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  3  parts  of  9  parts  of  one  sore  sparrowhawk  and  1  pair  of  white 
gloves  yearly. 

Chester.  The  same  heir  has  about  5  marks  of  land  in  Tatenhal'  town,  of  which 
a  certain  lady  has  her  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (13.) 

157.  WiLLUM  de  London.  ^ 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  23  Aug.  33  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Nottingham,  Nettlewrth*,  4  bovates  land  to  which  pertains  that  moiety  of  the 
messuage  in  which  are  2  granges  and  an  old  garden,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  of  the  soke  of  Malmefeud  by  lOs.  rent ;  and  46a.  arable  in  demesne, 
13  bovates  in  villenage,  a  mill,  &c.  held  of  Geoffrey  (de)  Bakepucio  and 
Emicyna  (?)  his  wife  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  and  5«.  4c?.  yearly,  and  they 
hold  the  fee  of  Malvesin  de  Hersi  and  Theffania  his  wife,  and  they  of  the 
lord  of  the  honour  of  TykehuU. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (14.) 

168.  Robert  de  Sevanz  alias  de  Sevont, 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wengeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Kent,  3  Jan.  33  Hen.  HI. 
Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  almost  40,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.  Aldintone,  1  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  and  14». 
are  due  yearly  to  the  Castle  of  Rochester  for  guard. 

Meletone,  1  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester. 

Wielmeston,  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  archbishop  of 

Essex.     (Unspecified)  2  knights'  fees  held  of  William  de  Shoford. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (15.) 

Digitized  by 



159.  John  de  Baiocis  alias  de  Bays. 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wingham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Dorset,  1  March.    Inq.  Sunday 
before  the  Annunciation,  33  Hen.  III. 
Stephen  de  Baiocis  alias  de  Bays,  his  brother,  aged  60  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Dorset.  Waye  town,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's 
service,  which  pertains  to  the  barony  which  he  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Edmundesham  town,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Eoger  Waspayld  by 
royal  service. 

Lim,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Eobert  Belet  by  royal  service. 

Lincoln.  Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham  and  his  co-escheator,  1  March, 
33  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Lindewde,  Tho(r)eweye,  Stiventon  and  Keylestorp,  in  Lindesey,  lands 
worth  541.  16s.  lOd.  yearly  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony. 

Wellebur'  manor,  worth  20/.  15«.  lid.,  pertaining  to  his  barony. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  8.  (16.) 

160.  Hugh  son  of  Robert. 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wengeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Salop,  5  Feb.  33  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Esnebrugg,  1  carucate  land,  16s.  3d.  rent,  5s.  tallage  of  villeins,  &c. 
Rodintun  and  Erletun,  Ss.  8Jd.  rent. 

Bewlw'  town,  1  carucate  land,  19s.  8d.  rent,  meadow,  a  mill  with 
fishery,  10«.  tallage  of  villeins,  10«.  ^d.  customs,  &c. 

Mestun,  9s.  lOd.  rent,  lis.  tallage  of  villeins,  21.  19s.  5id.  customs,  &c. 
Kagintun,  IB*.  8d.  rent. 

All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  keeping  the  king's  forests  in 
Salopesur  :  he  was  chief  forester,  as  were  his  ancestors. 

Hereford.    Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Peter  in  Lent,  33  Hen.  III. 

Brimfeud  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
keeping  the  king's  forest  in  co.  Salop. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (17.) 

161.  Theodore  alias  Theodoric  de   Crbmplesham,   non  compos  mentis. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  28  April,  33  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Norfolk.  Wirham,  Wretton,  and  Cremplesham,  extent  of  messuages  and  lands 
alienated  to  divers  persons  by  the  said  Theodore  after  he  was  of  insane 
mind,  now  12  years  ago. 

And  Walter  de  Wirham  intruded  upon  80a.  land  and  Ss.  rent  in 
Cremplesham,  and  a  messuage  and  34a.  meadow  and  12a.  arable  and  3$. 
rent  in  Derham,  which  Alice  mother  of  the  said  Theodore  held  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (18.) 

162.  Walter  Mauntbl  alias  Mantel. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Buckingham,  26  April 
38  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

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HENRY  III.  41 

Buckingham.  Little  Messenden,  messuage,  115a.  land,  2a.  meadow,  65.  works  of 
cottars,  9a.  Sd.  and  22d.  rents,  and  6a.  wood,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  being  the  king's  linen-keeper  {mwpparius). 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Northampton,  26  April, 
Hen.  ni.     Inq.  (missing.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (19.) 

163.  Andrew  de  Dehleg'  alias  de  Derleie. 

Writ  to  Thomas    de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator    in  co.    Derby,   30  Oct. 
S3  Henry  III. 
Hugh,  his  son,  aged  3  at  Easter  last,  is  his  heir. 

Derby.  Inq.  (undated.)  Derleie  and  Burlee  town  and  territory,  1  carucate  land 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  16«.  4c{.  to  the  king,  (and)  Ss.  to 
Baucquell  manor  yearly. 

Derby.     Extent  (undated  and  defective). 

Derr,  4  bovates  land,  and  a  mill,  (extent  given)  for  which  he  rendered 
to  the  king  158.  4d.  yearly  and  tallage. 

Of  all  which  Ann ought  to  have  had  a  third  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  8.  (20.) 

164.  Roger  son  of  John. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham,  22  June,  33  Hen.  HI. 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  IJ,  is  his  heir.    • 

Essex.    Extent  (undated). 

Claveringes  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
one  fee  of  the  honour  of  Releghe. 

Hertford.    Thacheworthe  town,  J  virgate  land. 

Northampton.     Extent  (undated). 

Eynho  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
knight's  fee. 

[Northumberland.]     Extent  (undated). 

Werkewrth  manor  (full  extent  given)  including  the  borough  and 
new  town,  a  mill  from  which  the  prior  of  Thinemi^^  receives  3  marks 
yearly,  a  fishery  with  a  small  ship  called  *cobel,'  a  little  round  wood 
called  Sunderland  and  the  towns  of  Aclintone,  Birling,  Butlesdon  and  J  of 
Togesdene ;  out  of  which  are  due  to  Durham  church  by  the  deed  of  Robert 
son  of  Roger,  20«.  yearly  for  sustaining  4  wax  tapers  about  the  body  of  St. 
Cuthbert,  and  Sir  Roger  was  accustomed  to  give  yearly  for  the  keeping  of  the 
castle  and  manor   132.  6a.  8c2.,  3  robes,  and  hay  and  oats  for  2  horses. 

Werkewrth  church  is  held  by  the  bishop  of  Carlisle  to  his  own  uses. 

Roubiri  manor  and  forest  (full  extent  given)  with  the  towns  of  Roubiri, 
Tropton,  Snither  and  Newtown  ;  from  which  are  due  to  the  king's  exchequer 
20«.  for  land  called  Cherland,  and  one  forester  with  a  horse  takes  yearly  40«. 
for  his  service  with  his  robe,  and  3  foot  foresters  take  60«.  with  their  robes. 

Roubiri  church  is  in  the  gift  of  the  bishop  of  Carlisle  by  the  collation  of 
King  Henry  I. 

C.  Hen.  III.  Filed.  (1.) 

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165.  Walter  de   Skyredon. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 

He  died  the  day  of  the  Purification  83  Hen.  [Ill] . 
His  two  daughters,  aged  8  and  5,  are  his  heirs. 

[Devon.]     Skyredon,  3  ferlings  land,  8s.  rent  and  part  of  a  mill. 
Schaplegh,  20s.  4rf.  rent. 

All  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  3  arrows  when  the  king  shall 
come  to  hunt  on  Dertemore. 

Sanford,  3  ferlings  land  and  3«.  rent  held  of  Sir  John  [Co]urtenay, 
rendering  1  pair  of  white  gloves. 

Nimet,  lis.  rent  held  of  Sir  William  de  la  [Ha]che,  rendering  5«. 

C.Hen.  III.  Filed.  (2.) 

166.  ViTALis  Engaynb  alias  Engaignb,  Engaing',  de  Engayne. 

Writ  5  Nov.  33  (Hen.  Ill),     (defective.) 

Henry  de  Engayne,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  30,  30  and  more,  and  35, 
is  his  heir. 

Huntingdon.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Great  Gidding,  100s.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  hunting 
the  wolf,  the  fox,  and  the  hare  in  cos.  Huntingdon,  Northampton,  Oxford  and 

Dilintune,  lOZ.  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Romesheye,  service  unspecified. 

Cambridge.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Cotes  town,  J  hide  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  heirs  of  William  de 
Fenes  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
Cambridge  borough,  2  marks  rent  which  pertains  to  Cotes. 

[Northampton.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Laxton  and  Pictesle,  parts  held  of  the  king  by  serjeanty  of  hunting  the 
wolf  at  the  king's  command  in  3 J  counties. 

Blatherwic,  Henewic,  Multon,  Braddetr'  and  Eiston,  1  knight's  fee 
held  of  Sir  Ralph  Basset. 

Neuton  and  Bulwic,  parts  held  of  Reginald  son  of  Urse,  by  service  of  J 
knight's  fee. 

Hertford.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Hunesdone  town,  2  carucates  land  (extent  given)  held  of  William  de 
Bello  Campo  oi  Bedeford. 

[Essex.]     Extent  (undated).  ^ 

Upmenistre,  land  and  advowson  (extent  given)  which  does  no  service, 
because  the  manor  of  Worthe  (co.  Somerset)  and  Upmenistre  defend  them- 
selves against  the  king  by  service  of  IJ  knights'  fee. 

Somerset.     Extent  (undated.) 

Worth,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  (extent  given)  held,  together  with  other 
lands  in  co.  Essex,  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  IJ  knights'  fee. 

[Suffolk.]     Inq.  (undated  and  defective.) 

Badmundefeld,  a  moietj  of  the  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  honour 
of  Mungumeri  without  service,  because  King  Henry,  the  king's  great-great- 
grandfather, gave  the  manor  in  free  marriage  to  Baldwin  de  Bulers,  ancestor 
of  the  said  Vitalis,  with  Sfbyl  de  [Falaise]  his  niece* 

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HENEY  III.  43 

Essex.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Coin  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  Hugh  de  Cresy  by 
service  of  J  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (3.) 

167.  Eliab  de  Bouelton  alias  de  Boelton. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanforth  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Lancaster,  10  May. 
Inq.  Monday  after  the  Ascension,  SB  Hen.  III. 
Simon,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  lawful  age. 

Lancaster.  Boelton  town,  2  bovates  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  a  free  farmer,  rendering  5s.  lOd.  yearly  and  suit  at  the 
county  court  and  wapentake. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (4.) 

168.  JoHK  DE  Chaunceus  alias  de  Gancell'. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  or  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Northampton,  7  Jan. 

83  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated  and  defective). 

Hugh,  his  son,  aged  10  and     .     .     .     years  at  the  feast  of  St.  Martin  last, 
is  his  heir. 

Northampton.     Hupton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king. 
Herleston,  ISs.  4rf.  rent  from  4  virgates  land. 
Pictesle,  1  virgate  land  of  the  fee  of  Ralph  Basset  of  Welledun. 
Flore  town,  12s.  rent  from  2  virgates  land  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of 

[Hup]  ton  town,  4s.  8d.  and  lib.  cummin  rent. 
Neubotelgrave  hundred  pertaining  to  Hupton  manor. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (5.) 

169.  Gerard  de  Lindes'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick,  6  Feb.  83  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (missing.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (6.) 

170.  Richard  de  Saunford  alias  de  Sontford. 

Writ  to    Henry   de   Wengham  and  his    co-escheator    in   co.  Salop,  18  April, 
33  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Ralph,  his  son,  aged  14,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Sontford  and  Rothale  town,  IJ  carucate  land  in  demesne,  64s.  9d.  rent 
of  assize,  meadow,  a  mill,  a  fish  pond,  wood,  20s.  tallage  of  villeins,  pannage, 
&c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee. 

Derlawstun,  7s.  4d.  rent  of  assize,  and  7s.  6d.  customs  of  villeins,  held 
of  the  bishop  of  Coventry. 

Broctun,  J  carucate  land  in  demesne  with  meadow,  46s.  Sd.  rent   of 
assize,  and  a  mill,  held  of  Sir  Madoc  de  Suttun,  by  service  of  2s.  yearly. 
Kacheleg*,  8s.  rent  of  assize  held  of  Ralph  de  Kacheleg.- 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  9.  (7.) 

171.  Richard  de  Saunford. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Salop,  7  May, 
33  Hen.  Ill,  of  assignment  of  dower  to  Eleanor  late  his  wife.  Assignment 
(missing).  ^ 

[E.  Series  I.  File  1,  m.  6.] 

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172.  John  Gernbt. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and   his  co-escheator  in  co.  Lancaster,  24  Aug. 
33  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Nicholas,  34  Hen.  III. 
Benedict  Gernet,  his  elder  brother,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Thistilton  town,  2  bovates  land,  held  of  John  de  Thornul,  which  he  had 
by  purchase. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  9.  (8.) 

173.  James  Husb  (Mas  Hoese. 

Writ  de  cavsd  captionis  to  Henry  de  Wingeham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Wilts, 
26  Nov.  84  Henry  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Wilts.  Norrige  wood,  which  Henry  Huse  says  pertains  to  his  manor  of  Stapel- 
ford,  was  taken  into  the  king's  hands  by  the  escheator  of  co.  Wilts  ex  officio, 
because  the  said  James  on  the  day  he  died  was  seised  thereof,  who  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  71.  rent  in  Ghuppeham,  and  an  assart  in  Norrige  for 
which  he  rendered  to  the  king  16d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (9.) 


Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Dorset,  7  June.  Extent.  Wednesday  after  St. 
Barnabas,  34  Hen.  III. 

Dorset.  Bere  manor  (extent  given)  including  the  hundred  (held  of  the  king  to 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  9.  (10.) 

175.  William  db  Cantilupo. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  28  June,  34  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Salop.     Lideham  manor  (extent  given). 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  28  June,  34  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Wilts.    Pulton  manor  (extent  given). ' 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (11.) 

176.  John  db  Bendbng  alias  de  Bennenqbs. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  13  July,  34  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undoited.) 

Southampton.  Odiham,  3  virgates  land  held  of  Thomas  de  Bennenges,  who 
held  of  the  abbot  of  Certesey,  and  not  of  the  king. 

C.  Hen.  III.  Fil4:  9.  (12.) 

177.  Matthew  Wake. 

Mandate  of  H.  de  Wingeham  to  the  escheator  of  co.  Wilts,  with  transcript  of 
writ,  16  Aug.  34  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Wilts.  Christina  Wake,  aged  28,  is  his  heir,  and  ought  to  hold  of  the  king  in 
chief  i  knight's  fee  in  Eblesburne  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (13.) 

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HENRY  III.  45 

178.  Richard  de  Haredon  alias  Hardon. 

Writ   to  Henry  de  Wengham    and    his  co-escheator  in  co.  Wilts,   17  Feb. 
84  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Bichardy  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.  Harden  town,  2J  acres  land  held  of  the  king's  demesne  by  service  of 
keeping  the  woods  called  *  le  Bruz '  of  Bedewinde ;  and  6  bovates  land  held 
of  Robert  de  Punchardun  and  Letewaria  de  Estandbum  by  service  of 
finding  them  one  man  with  a  horse  worth  J  mark  with  a  pack  saddle  and 
a  sack  for  drafif  ?  {ad  Dras)  in  Wales  when  the  king  shall  have  his  army  there. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (14.) 

179.  Alulf  de  Roking. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Kent,  27  Sept.    Inq. 

.     .     .     .     St.  Michael,  34  Hen.  Ill  {defective). 

Thomas,  his  son,  aged  28  on  the  Translation last,  is  his 

heir  of  the  lands  held  by  knight's  service,  and  the  said  Thomas  and  Roger  his 
brother  of  the  lands  held  in  gavelkind. 

Kent.  Roking  town,  86a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of 
Hagenet  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Suthene,  21a.  held  of  the  fee  of  Roger  de  Markeshale  by  service  of  14d. ; 
and  22a.  of  gavelkind  held  of  John  son  of  Bernard  by  service  of  la.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  9.  (15.) 

180.  Walter  de  Hokelton  alias  Hueelton. 

Writ  to  the  bailiff  of  Montgomery,  8  June,  84  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Salop.]  Hukelton  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  honour  of  Montgomery 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (16.) 

181.  Walter  de  Godarvile. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Wilts,  8  Jan.  84  Hen.  III. 
Joan,  age  variously  stated  as  16  and  17,  and  Margery,  aged  6,  his  daughters, 
are  his  heirs. 

Wilts.  Inq.  {undated.)  Chyverel  town,  2  carucates  land  held  of  Sir  John  de 
Balun  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

[Welts.]  Inq.  {undated  and  defective.)  Chuppeham  manor,  2  carucates  land  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  1  virgate  by  service  of  one 
bow  {uniua  arcv^  de  Auburn')  ^  and  ....  of  land  of  purpresture 
by  2  marks  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (17.) 

182.  Maud  Urri  alias  Urry. 

Mandate  from  H.  de  Wengham    to  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Essex,  with  transcript 
of  writ  7  Jan.  84  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Isabel  de  Wicford,  her  sister,  aged  40  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Essex.  Wicford  town,  160a.  land,  15s.  M,  from  meadow  and  pasture,  65«.  5d. 
rent  of  assize  in  Wicford  and  Ka.  .  .  wedon,  lis.  4Jd.  works  of  villeins, 
and  J  windmill,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  and  ^  knights'  fee. 
{See  No.  189.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  Fik  9.  (18.) 

183.  William  lb  Taylur. 

Wiit  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and    his   co-escheator    in  co.  Kent,   7  March, 

34  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

William,  his  son,  aged  22  and  married  in  his  father's  time,  is  his 
heir  of  his  free  tenement,  and  the  said  William  with  his  brothers,  John,  Robert, 
Baldwin  and  Ralph,  of  the  land  which  is  partible  by  the  custom  of  Kent. 

Kent.  Middelton  Hundred,  100s.  land,  &c.  (unspecified),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  free  servdce  of  one  sore  sparrowhawk  yearly,  40s.  land  and  rent, 
partible  according  to  the  custom  of  Kent,  held  of  the  king  by  service  of 
8s.  4d.,  and  40s.  land,  &c.,  also  partible,  held  of  many  lords. 

[Southampton.]  Winchester  City,  1  mark  rent  from  many  citizens,  as  the  jury 
have  heard. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  9.  (19.) 

184.  Hugh  de  Essex. 

Writ    to    Henry    de    Wingham    and    his    co-escheator    in    co.    Wilts     (sic), 
28  Dec.  34  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated). 
Hugh,  his  son,  aged  5,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Rywehale  town,  180a.  land,  8s.  from  meadow  and  pasture,  10s.  from  a 
watermill  and  5s.  rent,  held  of  Sir  WiUiam  de  Rufpha,  by  service  of  6s.  4rf. 
yearly.  This  land  was  seized  into  the  king's  hand,  because  that  of  the  said 
WiUiam  was  in  the  king's  hand.  The  said  Hugh  also  held  4a.  land  of  the 
knights  of  the  Temple  by  service  of  2s.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  9.  (20.) 

185.  GuNNORA  DB  Maka  oiias  de  la  Mare. 

Writ  to  H.   de  Wingham   and   his   co-escheators  in  cos.   Oxford  and  Wilts, 
13  Feb.  34  Hen.  III. 
Henry,  son  of  Henry  Tracy  alias  de  Tracy,  aged  12,  is  her  heir. 

Oxford.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Elfeiscot,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of 
being  chief  usher  of  the  door  of  the  King's  Hall. 

Burmerscot  and  Pithmundiscote  in  Elfeiscot  parish,  1  carucate  held  of 
Vivian  de  Staunden  by  1  mark  rent. 

Wilts.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Winterburn  town,  1  carucate  land  pertaining  to  Alveescote  manor  which 
is  held  as  abovesaid.     (See  No.  144.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (1.) 

186.  Adam  de  Dilun  alias  de  Dylon. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hereford,  27  Aug.     Inq.   Sunday  before  the  Nativity 
of  the  Blessed  Mary,  34  Hen.  III. 
Henry,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  the  same  A.  (sic)  is  of  lawful  age. 

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HENRY  III.  47 

Hereford.  Dylon  manor,  2J  virgates  and  20a.  land  held  of  William  son  of 
Warin  by  8s.  rent,  and  finding  him  yearly  in  war  time  for  15  days  at  Dylon 
or  Bochred  one  man  with  horse,  doublet,  iron  cap  and  lance,  at  the  said 
William's  cost,  and  if  his  horse  should  die  or  be  slain  in  the  said  service 
the  said  William  should  give  him  20s.  for  it. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.    (2.) 

187.  WiLLUM  LB  Rus  of  Bassiugburn. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge,  19  Oct.  84  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  The  vigil  of  All 
Saints,  85  Hen.  HI. 
GeoflErey  le  Rus,  aged  86,  is  his  heir. 

Cambridge.  Bassingeburn  town,  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee. 

Clopton  town,  IJ  hide  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Lesnes  by  service 
of  J  knight's  fee,  and  50«.  rent ;  and  IJ  hide  held  of  William  de  Chejmi  by 
service  of  \  knight's  fee  and  60^.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  10.  (3.) 

188.  Robert  de  Lavereeestok  alias  Lavekestoe. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham,  18  Sept.  84  Hen.  IH.    Extent  {undated). 
Jordan,  his  son,  aged  17^,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.  Laverkestok,  a  moiety  of  his  ^ourt  towards  the  south  and  1  virgate  land 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  keeping  the  forest  of  Clarendon  together 
with  James  de  Puttone  and  Richard  de  Muleford ;  and  the  oth^r  moiety 
and  a  mill  at  Mummewrth  held  of  the  prior  of  Ivychurch  (Hederose)  by 
,  service  of  10«.  4d.  yearly;  two  virgates  land  held  of  Stephen  de  Wdesand  by 
lOs.  rent ;  a  mill  of  Winterslewe  fee  held  of  Sir  John  son  of  Geoffrey  by  5s. 
rent ;  and  48.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (4.) 

189.  John  de  Wicford. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  20  Oct.  84  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Essex.  [Wicford] ,  140a.  land  are  held  of  the  gift  of  Isabel,  his  mother,  which 
descended  to  her  after  the  death  of  Maud,  her  sister,  lO^a.  meadow,  12a. 
pasture,  5a.  wood,  21«.  5rf.  rent,  J  windmill,  &c.  and  the  said  Isabel  holds  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  of  8  parts  of  1  knight's  fee.     {See  No.  182.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.   (5.) 

190.  Ralph  le  Waleys. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham   and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Berks,  16  March, 

84  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

His  sisters,  Agnes  married  to  John  de  Mareys,  and  Juliena  married  to 
Geoffrey  de  Wrokeselle,  are  his  heirs :  there  is  a  third  sister  from  the  same 
mother  by  her  last  husband,  named  Agnes,  but  the  jury  know  not  whether  she 
has  any  right  in  this  inheritance  ;  all  are  of  full  age. 

Berks.  Estbiri,  1  carucate  land  and  70«.  8|d.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
and  a  mill  and  1  acre  meadow  of  the  fee  of  Henry  de  Sewelle,  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  for  J  knight's  fee.     {See  Nos.  244  and  857.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (6.) 

Digitized  by 



191.  Otuelus  alian  Otwebus  de  Insula. 

Mandate  from  H.  de  Wengham  to  the  escheator  in  Lindesey  with  transcript  of 
wHt,  5  Oct.  84  Hen.  III. 
Robert,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  24  and  28,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Saleclife  and  Apelby  in  Peverel  honour,  101.  land  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee ;  and  J  carucate  held  of  Norman  Derci  by 
^  knight's  fee. 

Wyten,  15  bovates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Peter  de  Facunberge. 

NoRTHUMBERL^D.     iTiq.  Saturday  after  St.  Luke,  84  Hen.  III. 

Gosford,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Roger  son  of  John  by  service  of  15  days 
guard  at  the  Castle  of  Newcastle. 

Neuton,  held  of  Sir  John  de  Bayllol  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
Berehill    and    Haukewell,   Thurneton    and   Burneton,    Penwic    and 
Matfen,  held  of  Hugh  de  Bollebec  by  service  of  1^  knight's  fee ;  whereof 
Burneton  is  held  of  him  (the  said  Otuelus)  by  service  of  1  knight,  and 
Thurneton  by  doing  the  foreign  service  pertaining  thereto. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (7.) 

192.  RooEB  LE  Bretun. 

Writ   to    the    sheriff   of    Nottingham    [and    Derby],   16   Oct.   84   Hen.   III. 
Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

[Derby.]  Waleton  town  or  manor,  with  120  acres  land  in  Calehale  (extent 
given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  Peverel  fee  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Rudich',  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  Robert  de  Duyn. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (8.) 

193.  Philip  Mimekan  alias  MTUYOiLN  of  Gersindon. 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Oxford,  4  Oct.  84  Hen.  III. 
Inq.  (undated.) 
Philip,  his  son,  aged  5,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.  Hedindon,  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  andserjeanty 
of  keeping  the  forest  of  Schotover  and  Stawude;  and  J  hide  of  Philippa 
countess  of  Warwick,  from  which  she  receives  12«.  yearly. 

Gersindon,  J  hide  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Roger  de  Akeny,  from  which 
Payn  de  la  Mare  receives  128.  yearly. 

Writs  to  the  sheriff,  8  and  9  Feb.  85  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated  fragment.) 

Writ  of  melius  inquirendo  to  the  sheriff,  25  Feb.  85  Hen.  III.  Inq.  (undat^j) 
King  John  never  conferred  upon  Hugh  de  Nevile  the  land  which  was  of  Philip 
Mimekan  in  Gersindon,  nor  did  the  king  that  now  is  ever  confer  the  said 
land  on  Richard  de  Bello  Gampo  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  that  land 
or  of  any  other  right.     (Compare  J^o.  856.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (9.) 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  m.  49 

194.  James  Huese  alias  Heose. 

JVrit  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  concerning  lands,  &c.  granted  by  the  king  to  the  said 
James  for  life  in  Boxle  (sic),  13  Nov.  34  Hen.  III.     Inq,  {undated.) 

Wilts.  Chipeham,  Ridlawe  and  HupehuU,  71.  20^rf.  of  land  in  the  said  manors 
(extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  lands  in  Ruedon,  were 
delivered  by  the  king  to  the  said  James  for  life  to  sustain  him  in  his  service. 
{See  No.  178.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (10.) 

195.  Sabr  db  Wahull. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheators  in  cos.  Bedford  and  North- 
ampton, 18  June,  34  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Walter,  his  firstborn  son,  aged  23  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Bedford.    Wahull  honour  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  30  knights*  fees. 
Wahull  manor  (extent  given)  held  in  his  own  hand. 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  10.  (11.) 

196.  John  Corndeboef  alias  Gobdbbof. 

Writ  to  H.  de  Wingham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Suffolk,  28  April,  34  Hen.  HI. 
Inq.  {undated.) 
Thomas,  his  son,  aged  21  or  more,  is  his  heir. 

Suffolk.  Mendelesham,  lands  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
serjeanty  of  staying  {commemorand')  with  his  crossbow  in  the  army  for  40 
days  at  his  own  cost,  and  three  years  ago  he  made  fine  for  himself  and  his 
tenants  for  the  alienation  of  the  said  serjeanty,  rendering  to  the  king  30«. 

Buckeslawe,  held  wholly  of  earl  Richard  by  service  of  1  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (12.) 

197.  BiGHABD    DE   AnESY  olioS   DaNESEYE. 

Writ   to   Henry   de   Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in   co.  Wilts,   16   April, 
34  Hen.  IH. 
Richard,  his  son,  aged  12,  is  his  heir. 

[Wilts.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Dulton  and  Bratton,  4  carucates  land  held  by  serjeanty  of  being  in 
the  king's  army  for  40  days  at  his  own  cost. 

Get,  7  marks  rent  held  of  Avice  de  Columbariis. 

Hebeford.    Inq.  Friday  before  Whitsunday,  34  Hen.  III. 

Tumeyston  manor,  with  Linehales  hamlet  pertaining  thereto  (extent 
given),  held  of  Sir  Roger  de  Schandes  in  chief  by  service,  when  there  shall 
be  war  with  Wales,  of  finding  2  footmen,  one  with  a  lance  and  the  other 
with  bow  and  arrows  for  40  days  at  SnodhuU  at  his  own  cost. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  10.  (13.) 

198.  Roger  de  Glere  and  Maud  his  wife. 

Writ  to   Henry  de  Wengham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Surrey,  20  Dec. 

34  Hen.  IH.     Extent  {undated). 

Alice,  daughter  of  William  le  Rus  and  Agatha  his  wife,  daughter  and  heir  of 
the  said  Roger  and  Maud,  aged  2  and  more,  is  their  heir. 

Digitized  by 



I  Surrey.]     Broinle,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  (extent  given)  held  by  the  said 
Maud  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  IJ  knights'  fee. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  York,  6  Jan.  34  Hen.  III. 

Inq.  (undated.) 
York.     Sivelington,  1  bovate  land  held  by  the  said  Eoger  of  Sir  Roger  Bigot, 
the  king's  Marshal,  by  knight's  service ;    and  6  carucates  sometime  held 
by  the  said  Roger  and  Maud  of  Sir  Roger  le  Bigot  by  knight's  service. 

Mart[on]  town,  the  foreign  service  of  2  carucates  land,  held  (as  above) 
of  the  fee  of  the  said  Sir  Roger. 

Wilton  town,  6  carucates,  sometime  held  (as  above)  of  the  said  fee  by 
knight's  service. 

Edeston  town,  2  carucates  and  2  bovates  sometime  held  (as  above)  of 
the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle  by  knight's  service. 

But  the  said  Roger  sold  all  the  lands  and  retained  nothing  save  the  1  bovate 
in  Sivelington. 

The  said  Roger  also  held  a  moiety  of  Brumelay  manor  *  in  com'  de  Ledred, 
juxta  London '  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said  Maud,  service  unknown. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  10.  (14.) 

199.  Richard  de  Levinton  alias  Leventon. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Cumberland,  27  May. 
Inq.  Tuesday    ....     St.  Barnabas,  34  Hen.  III. 
Ralph  de  Leventon  is  his  heir,  and  is  legitimate  and  of  mature  age. 

Cumberland.     Scelton  (full  extent  given)  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Kircandr*,  20  bovates  land  rendering  81.  28.  5d. 

Leventon  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Wescudbrihteby,  5  J  carucates  land,  the  farmers  paying  4Z.  4d.  yearly,  &c. 

Hederesford,  a  moiety,  viz. — 2  carucates,  the  farmers  paying  86«.  5^d, 

Houscales,  J  carucate,  the  farmer  paying  20s.  6d.  yearly. 

Westleventon,  6  carucates  land. 

Stapleton,  a  moiety  with  the  advowson  in  Gillesland  barony,  held  of  Sir 
Thomas  de  Mlton. 

Buchecastre,  in  the  barony  of  Burgh  on  the  Sands  (extent  given). 
The  said  barony  was  held  by  41.  comage  yearly  to  the  king. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (15.) 

200.  John  de  Nevill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  12  March,  34  Hen,  III.    Inq.  missing. 

C.  Hen.  ill.  File  10.  (16.) 

201.  Walter  de  Godarvyle  alias  de  Godarville. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham  and  his    co-escheator  in    co.    Bedford,    8  Jan. 

84  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Joan,  his  daughter,  age  16,  wife  of  Sir  Geoffrey  Gacelin,  is  his  heir.    He  had 
a  younger  daughter,  Margaret,  but  the  jury  know  not  whether  she  is  alive  or  not. 

Bedford.  Sudgyvel  manor  (extent  given)  held  in  fee  of  the  heirs  of  Walter  de 
Traily  by  6d,  rent  and  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  yearly,  and  scutage  for  J 
knight's  fee. 

C.Hen.  III.  FOe  10.  (17.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  51 

202.  Robert  de  Muscai^ipis  alias  de  Musghau^tp. 

Writ  16  Sept.  [34?]  Hen.  HI  (fragment).     Extent  {unduted  and  defective). 

He  had  3  daughters,  of  whom  he  married  Cecily,  the  eldest,  to  a  son  of  Sir 
Odenel  de  la  Ford,  who  of  her  begat  one  Isabel  who  survives,  he  and  his  wife  being 
dead.  The  said  Isabel,  aged  15,  is  married  to  a  boy  named  Adam  de  Wyginton, 
aged  13  or  14,  and  they  are  in  the  wardship  of  Sir  William  de  Huntercumbe. 

Margery,  the  second  daughter,    .    .    .    aged  24 The  third  daughter, 

aged  20  (?)...    married     .     .     .    are  his  heirs. 

Northumberland.  Wlour  borough  and  advowson  (extent  given)  with  the  free 
forest  of  Chyviot. 

Beleford (extent  given),   with    41.   rent    of    assize   of 

the  town  and  mill  of  Dichend. 

Hethpol,  11  cottars  and  other  tenants. 

Louwyk',   354a.  arable,  18a.  meadow,  161.  18s.  rent  from  bondmen, 
works  worth  71.  9«.  6d.  a  mill,  herbage,  turbary,  wood,  &c. 
Bollisdun  town,  68s.  6d.  rent  and  5s.  works. 
Brankeston  town,  16s.  rent. 

Ross  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  bishop  of  Durham  and  within  the 
limits  of  the  bishopric,  excepting  part  of  the  fields  and  some  salt  pits  which 
are  within  co.  Northumberland;  and  the  bishop  of  Durham  holds  two 
bovates  by  a  farm  of  lOd.  and  1  arrow  yearly. 

Knights'  fees  rendering  scutage : — Odelin  de  Ford  1  fee,  Lady  Rametta 
la  Vescuntesse  1  fee,  William  de  Akyld  1  fee,  Robert  de  Ulcestre 
1  fee,  Robert  de  Manerio  J  fee,  William  de  Sisainesby  J  fee,  James 
de  Houburn  J  fee,  William  de  Muschaump  J  fee,  Henry  de  Dichend 
J  and  yV  fee,  Richard  the  Marshal  }  fee,  Robert  de  Heddon  J  fee  ? 
(4  2>fl^rt(?;rt)>  ^Sampson  son  of  Stephen  ^  fee,  William  de  Yerdhil  and 
Maud  Sarp  ^  fee,  Walter  de  Extildisham  ^  fee,  Adam  Sarp 
^  fee,  Carinus  de  Beleford,  A  fee,  and  William  Hunter  A  fee  in 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (18.) 

203.  [William  Daneys  ?] 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Rutland,  18  Aug.  34  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undated). 

Rutland.  Tikencote  alias  Tykinghote  alias  Tykingkote,  2  parts  of  the  manor 
(extent  given)  now  in  the  king's  hands.     {See  No.  275.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  10.  (19.) 

204.  William  Danbys  of  Tykekote. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  34  Hen.  HI. 

John,  his  son,  aged  18  at  the  Purification  last,  is  his  heir.     (See  No.  275.) 

E.  Series  I.  File  1953,  No.  1. 

205.  Alan  de  la  Hale. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Northampton,  25  Nov. 
34  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  14,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Hale,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  by  serjeanty  of  archery, 
6  acres  of  the  fee  of  Nicholas  de  Hale,  19s.  6d.  rent  of  assize,  6s.  tallage  of 
villeins,  customs  of  villeins,  and  the  advowson  of  the  chapel.  Agnes,  late 
his  wife,  has  her  dower  by  the  king's  writ. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  10.  (20.) 

Digitized  by 



206.  William  Gurdun. 

Wiit  to  the  sheriflf  of  Lincoln,  13  March,  35  Hen  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William,  his  nephew,  son  of  Eoger  Gurdun,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Aswardeby,  2  bovates  land,  whereof  the  said  William  was  in  seisin  for 
20  years  before  it  came  to  the  king's  hands.  Thomas  le  Bretun,  who  was 
a  Norman,  held  that  land  in  fee  and  not  by  reason  of  wardship. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  11.  (1.) 

207.  Baldwin  de  Preston. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  27  June.    Inq.   Saturday  after  St.  Matthew, 
35  Hen.  III. 
Henry,  his  son,  aged  18  at  Easter  next,  is  his  heir. 

Lancaster.  Fisvike  town,  about  18a.  land  and  a  moiety  of  a  mill,  held  of  the 
king,  rendering  3«.  M.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (2.) 

208.  BiCHARD  DE  Barytll  olias  DB  BaREVILL. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  22  Aug.  35  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  (Unspecified)  36  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
sore  sparrowhawk  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (3.) 

209.  BicHARD  Laundry  alias  Landri. 

Writ  to  the  bailiff  of  Kermerdin,  18  April,  35  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William  Landri,  his  brother,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Carmarthen.  Kermerden  bailiwick,  2  carucates  land  (unspecified)  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  service  of  5s.  6rf.,  and  if  the  king  shall  lead  an  army,  he 
ought  to  go  with  horse  and  arms  or  send  a  sufficient  Serjeant  in  his  place. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  11.  (4.) 

210.  Geoffrey  de  Bokinoham. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  11  July,  35  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  aged  25  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Bokingham  town,  J  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  collecting  the  guard  (rent)  of  Bokingham  Castle  to  the  king's  use ; 
1  virgate  of  Sir  William  Mauduyt,  rendering  10s. ;  2  virgates  and  3a.  and  5 
cottages  of  Sir  Bichard  earl  of  Cornwall,  rendering  12s.  3d. ;  and  a 
windmill  held  of  the  said  earl.     {See  No.  246.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (5.) 

211.  Gilbert  de  Fopham. 

Mandate  from  Henry  de  Wengham  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Southampton  with 
transcript  oj  writ,  4   Nov.   35   Hen.   III.     Inq.  {undated  and  defaced.) 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  Bensted  town,  land  and  meadow,  4{.  5s.  4(2,  rent  from  free 
tenants,  and  villeins'  rents  and  services,  held  by  4i.  6s,  9d.  rent  to  the  king, 
at  Aulton. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  '6.) 

Digitized  by 



212.  Richard  le  Botilleb  alias  le  Butilleb. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham,  escheator,  3  May,  35  Hen.  HI.  Extent  {undated). 
Robert,  his  son.  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Cambridge.  Waterbeche  town,  110a.  land,  32a.  meadow,  45«.  4d.  and  ^Ib.  cummin 
rent,  and  customs  of  villeins,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  i  knight. 

Hebtfobd.  Mesdun  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  earl  of  Oxford  by  1  knight's 

Norfolk.  Warham  town,  100s.  rent  held  of  Sir  John  son  of  Geoffrey,  service 

Essex.    Enefeud  town,  100s.  rent  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford,  service  unknown. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  11.  (7.) 

213.  Richabd  de  Pbestekote  alias  de  Fbestecot. 

Mandate  from  Henry  de  Wengham  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Oxford  with  transcript 
of  rarity  3  Feb.  85  Hen.  HI.    Inq.   (undated.) 
Walter  de  Prestecot,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.  Blechisdon  town,  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  serjeanty  by  service 
of  bringing  a  roast  of  pork  {assam  porci)  before  the  king  when  he  shall  hunt 
in  Wychewude  forest ;  and  another  hide  held  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  of 
the  fee  of  Hervey  Bagod,  a  Uttle  fee  of  Mortain.     {See  No.  859.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  11.  (8.) 

214.  William  son  of  Guy.*^ 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  20  June,  35  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Alexander,  his  son,  aged  6,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  (Unspecified),  160a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  37«., 
and  6d.  to  the  heirs  of  Nicholas  Duket,  and  6d.  to  those  of  John  son  of 
Payn  for  warranty;  80a.  marsh  held  of  the  prior  of  the  Hospital  of 
St.  John  by  service  of  25s.;  40a.  land  of  the  inheritance  of  his  wife 
held  to  farm  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Bartholomew,  London,  for  5  loads  of 
wheat,  5  of  winterwheat,  5  of  beans,  5  of  barley,  8  of  oats,  and  4  cart  loads  of 
hay ;  28s.  4d.  rent  of  assize  of  the  tenement  held  of  the  king  ;  and  26s.  5d, 
rent  of  assize  of  the  inheritance  of  his  wife. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (9.) 

215.  Guy  de  Dunevill  alias  de  Donevil,  a  Norman. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Hertford  and  Essex,  18  July,  85  Hen.  IH.  Inq.  {undated.) 
He  died  in  war  against  the  king. 

[Hebtfobd  ?]  Buniton,  160a.  arable  and  8a.  wood  held  of  Earl  William  de 
Mandevill  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee.  The  jury  do  not  understand  that  it  is 
escheat  to  the  king,  because  the  said  earl  is  between  the  king  and  John  de 
Burgo,  who  gave  the  land  to  Henry  de  Bathonia,  who  now  holds  it. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (10.) 

*  The  Calendar  printed  in  1806  desoribes  him  as  of  Wodham  Ferren,  and  calls  the  place  Soberj 
Parfa  manor,  but  these  names  are  not  in  the  documents. 

Digitized  by 



216.  Isabel,  daughter  of  the  elder  daughter  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Eobbrt 
DE  MuscAMPis,  and  sometime  the  wife  of  Adam  db  Wygeton. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-eseheator  in  co.  Northumberland,  4  May, 
35  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 
She  is  aged  16. 

Northumberland.  WoUoure,  a  moiety  of  the  capital  messuage  and  the  donation 
of  the  church,  32a.  land  in  demesne,  8a.  meadow,  3^  bovates  land,  a  third 
of  the  mill,  borough  and  garden,  45.  3rf.  rent  in  Hehtpol,  a  third  of  the 
brewhouse,  meadow,  forest  of  Chiviot  and  tallage. 

Beleford,  a  third  of  the  capital  messuage,  120a.  land  in  demesne,  8a. 
meadow,  bondmen,  cottars,  a  third  of  the  herbage,  brewhouse,  garden, 
mill,  &c. 

She  holds  of  the  king  in  barony,  and  has  a  third  of  the  service  of  Henry  de 
Dichend  ;  Lady  Isabel  de  Muschans  owes  her  2  marks  for  the  service  of 
BoUisdon  ;  and  she  has  16d.  of  the  service  of  John  de  Hehtpol.     {See  No.  202.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  11.  (11.) 

217.  KiCHARD   DB   WrOTHAM. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham,  escheator,  27  Dec.  35  Hen.  III. 

William  de  Pleisseiz,  aged  30,  Custance,  the  wife  of  John  le  Blund,  aged  40, 
Geoffrey  de  Skolonde,  aged  24,  and  Christiana,  the  wife  of  Thqmas  Pikot,  aged  30, 
are  his  heirs. 

[Somerset.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Mongton,  Niweton,  Katangre  and  Hamme  manors  (extents  given)  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Katangre  manor,  J  hide  land  held  of  William  Luvel  by  service  of  10s. 
rent,  and  1  ferling  land  held  of  Henry  de  Erlegh  by  service  of  1  sparrow- 
hawk  ;  and  there  are  due  to  the  abbot  of  Muchelnye  yearly,  1  quarter  each  of 
wheat,  barley  and  beans,  and  2  quarters  of  oats. 

Niweton,  2  messuages  held  of  Stephen  son  of  Michael  by  service  of  ^Ib. 
cummin,  and  2  virgates  land  held  of  Roger  Stalble  by  service  of  1  white  wand. 

Cricc  town,  ^  virgate  held  of  the  prior  of  Montacute  by  service  of  5*. 

Ceddre,  a  messuage  and  3a.  held  of  William  de  Clofford  by  service  of 
1  pair  of  gloves  price  Id. 

Kent.    Heghelande  town,  land  worth  46«.  8d.  yearly  held  of  the  Archbishop. 

[ ]     Inq.  (fragment  undated.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  11.  (12.) 

218.  Roger  de  Katton  alias  db  Katon. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Lancaster,  5  Oct.    Inq. 
Thursday  before  SS.  Simon  and  Jude,  35  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  2  at  the  feast  of  St.  Martin  next,  is  his  heir. 

Lancaster.    Liteldale,  a  pasture  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  6s.  &d.  yearly. 

Katon  town,  6  bovates  held  of  Roger  de  Hesam  by  service  of  Is.  2d. ;  and 
J  of  a  water  mill  and  fulling  mill. 

Burg'  town,  1  carucate  land  held  of  Matthew  (de  Burgo),  by  knight's 
service ;  and  J  of  Burg'  mill. 

Lee  town,  J  carucate  land  held  of  the  same  Matthew  by  knight's 
service ;  and  1  carucate  held  of  Sir  Roger  Gemet  of  Halehton  by  knight's 
service,  whereof  the  abbot,  &c.  of  Croxton  hold  2  bovates  in  frank  almoin. 

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HENKY  III.  66 

Of  all  of  the  above  the  said  Roger's  mother  has  her  third  part  in  dower ;  and 
of  the  residue  his  wife  ought  to  be  dowered  of  a  third  part. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (18.) 

219.  BoBEBT  DE  Pavilli  olias  D£  Fayelly. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wengham,  7  Jan.  35  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

[Northampton.]  Peria  alias  Piry  manor  and  advowson,  and  part  of  the  manor  of 
Hocton  (extent  given),  including  6|<i.  from  the  township  of  Coluntre,  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Peverel  by  service  of  1  knight.  Maud  de 
Pavilli,  his  mother,  holds  that  part  in  Hocton  in  dower. 

Sulebi  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  the  abbot  of  West- 
minster by  service  of  100«.  yearly,  and  [by  payment]  to  the  prior  of  the 
Hospital  (of  St.  John)  in  England  of  8«. 

Nottingham.     Dudinton  and  Wetleghe,  a    certain    land    worth   152.  held  of 

and  of  Edmund  de  Lacy. 

C.  Hen  IIL  File  11.  (14.) 

220.  Ada  alias  Eda  de  Baylloil  alias  de  Baillol. 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford,  escheator,  8  Sept.  85  Hen.  III.  Endorsed  with 
return  that  he  had  done  nothing  upon  it  because  it  came  under  the  seal  of 
the  sheriff  of  Nottingham  and  not  under  the  king's  seal,  so  that  he  had  no 

Writ  to  Thomas  de  Stanford  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  York,  16  Sept. 
35  Hen.  IIL     Inq.  {undated.) 

YoBK.  Stokesley  manor  was  given  by  Sir  Hugh  de  Balloil  in  free  marriage  to 
Ada  his  daughter,  who,  after  the  death  of  her  husband,  enfeoffed  Hugh  and 
Robert  her  sons  thereof  in  34  Hen.  Ill,  who  afterwards  delivered  it  to  their 
mother  to  farm  for  life  for  40s.  rent.  The  said  Lady  Ada  died  at  Stokesley 
on  Saturday  after  St.  James  the  Apostle,  35  Hen.  Ill,  and  the  said  Hugh 
took  and  held  seisin  of  the  said  manor,  in  the  name  of  himself  and  his 
brother,  until  expelled  by  the  king's  letters  (about  the  feast  of  St.) 
Bartholomew  in  the  same  year. 

NoBTHUMBERLAND.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Martin,  36  Hen.  IIL 
Neubume  manor  (extent  given). 
Walebotr,  rents. 
Bottirlawe,  rents. 
Deuelawe,  rents. 

Golebrige  and  Linelis,  120a.  land  and  a  mill. 
Walton  manor  (extent  given). 

All  the  above  held  in  dower. 
Linton  manor  (extent  given)  held  in  marriage. 
Extent  or  summary  of  the  above. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (15.) 

221.  Roger  de  Merlay. 

Writ  to  Henry  de  Wingham,  escheator  in  co.  Southampton,  7  Nov.  35  Hen.  HI. 
Extent  {undated). 
Mary,  his  daughter,  and  Hugh  de  Turbervill,  are  his  heirs,  and^of  full  age. 

Digitized  by 



Southampton.  Draytun,  a  moiety  of  the  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king 
for  life,  of  the  king's  gift  of  the  escheat  of  the  Normans  by  service  of 
^  knight's  fee  to  the  earl  of  Arundel ;  and  it  is  the  king's  escheat. 

Farlingtone  town,  20Z.  land,  which  he  long  ago  gave  to  Nicholas  son  of 
Thomas  de  Gyninges,  in  marriage  with  Agnes,  his  daughter,  taking  in 
exchange  certain  lands  at  Ebblesbume  in  co.  Wilts  and  Bradelegh  in 
CO.  Berks  for  life. 

C.  Hen.  III.  F%l4i  11.  (16.) 

222.  Hugh  brother  of  Geoffrey  de  Hoyvill  alias  db  Hoivilb. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  11  June,  35  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Southampton.  Funtelye  town,  J  knight's  fee  is  held  by  the  said  Hugh  of  the 
countess  of  Arundel,  who  holds  that  service  in  dower  of  the  inheritance  of 
the  heirs  of  Arundel.  Richafd  de  Hoyvil  held  that  land,  after  whose  death 
it  descended  to  Geoffrey  his  son ;  Philip,  the  middle  brother  of  the  said 
Geoffrey  and  Hugh,  who  was  of  the  allegiance  of  the  king  of  France, 
begat  a  daughter,  but  the  jury  know  not  whether  she  lives  or  not ;  and  the 
said  Philip  was  never  in  possession  and  died  before  the  said  Geoffrey,  and  no 
ancestor  of  theirs  ever  forfeited  the  said  land,  whereby  it  ought  to  be  the 
king's  escheat. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (17.) 

223.  John  lb  Flegheb. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  10  Aug.  85  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Ralph,  his  son,  aged  4 J,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Bradeleg',  capital  messuage,  60a.  arable,  7a.  meadow  and  16a.  wood, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  to  the  Exchequer  20  arrows  yearly ; 
11^  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  to  the  men  of  Grimesby 
towards  the  king's  farm  4  marks  yearly ;  8a.  meadow  held  of  Richard  de 
Harington,  rendering  2  ploughshares ;  and  3a.  arable  held  of  John  de  Nevill, 
rendering  6d.  wamoth.  Of  all  which  Huwelina,  his  mother,  holds  onte  third 
in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (18.) 

224.  GiLBEBi  DB  Everleg'  alias  de  Evebesly. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  2  Jan.  35  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Walter,  his  son,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  Bromsulle,  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  20«. 
and  2  suits  at  the  hundred  (court)  of  Odiham. 

Odiham  town,  1  messuage  similarly  held  by  service  of  12d. 
Odiham  manor,  1  virgate  land  similarly  held  by  service  of  6s.  yearly. 
Everesly,  1  hide  land  held  of  William  de  Wauton  by  service  of  i  mark ; 
2a.  meadow  and  2a.  land  held  of  Peter  de  Mattingely  by  service  of  6d. ;  and 
15a.  land  held  of  Eichard  de  la  Eigge  by  service  of  4«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (19.) 

225.  John  de  Wokengham  alias  de  Waleingham. 

WHt  to  Thomas  de  Saunford,  and  his  co-escheator  in  co.  York,  12  Dec.     Inq. 
Thursday  the  morrow  of  St.  Paul,  35  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  nearly  18,  is  his  heir,  and  in  the  wardship  of  earl  Eichard. 

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HENEY  III.  57 

York.  Givildal  town,  8 J  carucates  land,  a  small  water-mill  and  2  tofts,  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty,  worth  41.  Id.  besides  the  lady's  part. 

Walkingham  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  earl  Eichard  in  the  honour 
of  Cnarisburg,  worth  61.  2s.  9^d.  besides  the  lady's  part. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  11.  (20.) 

226.  Matthew  son  of  Guimar'  alias  Gumar*  db  Torintun. 

Writ  de  etate  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge,  12  July,  35  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Cambriogb.    He  will  be  22  at  the  feast  of  St.  Matthew,  85  Hen.  Ill,  and  his 

inheritance  ought  to  be  restored  to  him.     (He  is  stated  in  the  writ  to  be  in 

the  wardship  of  Peter  de  Sabaudia.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  12.  (1.) 

227.  Nicholas  de  Haversham. 

Writ  to  the  abbot  of  Pershore,  escheator,  16  Sept.  35  Hen.  III. 
Nicholas,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  lawful  age. 

Oxford.  Inq.  {vndated.)  Throp  town,  SJ  virgates  land  and  two  cottages  held 
of  Simon  de  Sancto  Licio  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  excepting  J  virgate 
which  Peter  de  Esserung  holds. 

Wilts.     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 

Gumpton  town,  ^  knight's  fee,  viz. — a  moiety  of  the  town  (extent  given) 
held  of  John  [de  Grimsjtede,  by  service  of  scutage.  The  advowson  of 
Hereford  church  pertains  to  the  said  manor. 

Bereford  town,  3  virgates  land  held  of  Sir  William  Avenel,  rendering  20«. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (2.) 

228.  Eanulph  son  of  Robert  de  Homw^ell  aliaa  db  Helmeswell. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  27  Jan.  85  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Glentewurth,  land  (unspecified)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
being  usher  before  the  justices  of  eyre  at  Lincoln  for  Common  Pleas ;  and 
he  was  in  seisin  of  the  office  in  the  time  of  this  king. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (8.) 

229.  Stephen  db  Hampton  alias  db  Hamton. 

Writ  to  the  abbot  of  Pershore,  escheator,  19  March,  36  Hen.  III.  Extent  {undated) . 
William,  his  son,  aged  2  at  the  Nativity  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  next,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.  (Unspecified),  8  hides  land  in  demesne,  and  14 J  virgates  in  villenage, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (4.) 

230.  Fulk  de  Coudbay  alias  de  Ghouderi,  de    Godray. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Buckingham,  with 

transcript  of  writ,  26  Nov.  86  Hen.  III. 

Peter,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  13  at  the  feast  of  the  Holy  Cross  in 
May  next,  18^,  14,  and  15  when  Whitsunday  comes,  is  his  heir. 

*  Digitized  by 



Buckingham.     Extent  (undated). 

Moulesso  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  William  Talebot  and  his  heirs  in 
chief  by  service  of  one  knight's  fee ;  and  there  are  5  knights'  fees  in  co. 
Bucks  and  1  in  co.  Bedford  pertaining  to  the  manor,  which  are  held  of  the 
heirs  of  the  Earl  Marshal. 

Southampton.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Suderope  (manor?),  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  10s.  yearly. 

Herierd  manor,  held  of  Sir  Eeginald  son  of  Peter  in  chief  by  service 
of  IJ  knights'  fee;  and  2  virgates  land  held  of  Sir  Patrick  Chauhard 
by  service  of  6«.  yearly. 

Sireburn  manor,  held  of  Sir  Robert  de  Sancto  Johanne  in  chief  for 
i  knight's  fee. 

[Berks.]     Extent  (undated). 

Paddewrh'  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty 
of  holding  a  rope  (corda)  in  the  Queen's  ship  whenever  she  shall  cross 
between  England  and  Normandy. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  (and  Berks)  (fragment  undated),    Inq.  (undated^ 

[Berks.]  Lifford  manor,  held  of  the  heirs  of  the  Marshal  by  service  of  1 
knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (5.) 

231.  Matthew  lb  Vinbter  alias  Vinitarius. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  9  Oct.  Inq.  Friday  before  SS.  Simon  and  Jude, 
86  Hen.  III. 

Kent.  Canterbury,  a  house  which  was  of  Vinard  a  Jew  given  by  the  king  to  the 
said  Matthew  for  life,  by  whose  death  it  has  become  the  king's  escheat.  Sir 
Bertrand  de  CrioU  has  since  claimed  11.  10s.  of  the  king's  debt  for  Dover 
Castle,  and  a  Gascon  named  William  Alod  40«.,  but  who  ought  to  pay  the 
same  debts  is  unknown  to  the  jury. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12,  (6,) 

232.  Avis  daughter  of  Richard  lb  Masle. 

Writ  29  June,  36  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Margaret. 
William  de  Hauville,  her  son,  aged  80,  is  her  heir. 

Northumberland.  Brothirwike  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  1 
sparrow  hawk  (niso)  or  J  mark. 

Riplington  town,  14  bovates  land  held  of  the  lord  of  Werkewrthe  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (7.) 

233.  Geoffrey  de  Insula. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  11  Sept.  36  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
William  de  Insula  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Southampton.  (Unspecified)  7^  fees  held  of  Baldwin,  son  and  heir  of  Baldwin 
sometime  earl  of  Devon,  who  is  in  the  king's  ward,  by  knight's  service; 
J  virgate  held  of  Roger  de  Aula  by  knight's  service;  and  J  virgate  land 
held  of  Richard  de  Affeton  by  service  of  7«. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (8.) 

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HENRY  III.  59 

234.  AujBBEY  LE  Child  of  Stowe. 

Writ  25  May,  36  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Aubrey,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Cambridge.     Stowe  town,  29a.  land,  and  18d.  rent  held  of  the  king  by  service  of 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (9.) 

235.  WlIiLlAM    BuNECLfVE. 

Mandate  from  G.  de  Langele,  justice  of  the  Forest,  to  Sir  E.  de  Muscegros, 
keeper  of  the  forest  of   Savernak,  with  transcript  of  ivHt,  4  May.     Inq. 
Sunday  before  Whitsunday,  36  Hen.  III. 
He  had  3  sisters,  all  deceased ;  Margery,  the  eldest,  had  one  son,  William,  who 

died  leaving  2  daughters,  Juliana,  now  aged  20,  and  Isabel,  17 ;  Agnes,  the  second 

sister,  had  one  son,  William,  now  25 ;  and  Joan,  the  third,  had  one  son,  William, 

now  aged  21. 

[Wilts.]  Savernak  Forest,  a  bailiwick  held  of  the  king  in  chief  worth 
12«.  8Jd.  yearly ;  1  virgate  land  similarly  held ;  and  J  virgate  held  of  the 
fee  of  the  abbot  of  Battle  (La  Bataille) ;  and  of  these  tenements  there  are 
two  dowers. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  12.  (10.) 

236.  Pbter  be  Stanford. 

Wiit  to  the  abbot  of  Pershore,  and  his  mandate  to  Sir  Guy  son  of  Robert, 
escheator  in  co.  Oxford,  28  Feb.  86  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Oliver,  his  brother,  aged  26,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.  Netelbedde,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  8«.,  and  worth 
6  marks  yearly,  besides  the  office  of  the  king's  chapel. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (11.) 

237.  Ralph  de  Gatele. 

Writ,  8  June,  86  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 
Ralph,  his  son,  aged  60  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.  Gatele  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  2  knights'  fees,  and  20«.  yearly  to  the  guard  of  Dover  (Dorobemie) 
Castle  ;  and  a  tenement  held  of  many  other  lords  by  16^.  2d.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (12.) 

238.  Thomas  de  Inqaldestorp  alias  Ingoldestrop. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  Sir  Simon  de  Stanford,  escheator  in  co. 
Essex,  with  transcript  oj  tvrit,  26  Feb.  86  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Thomas,  his  son,  aged  16,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Golne  town,  120a.  arable,  10a.  meadow  and  pasture,  482  works  and 
IBs.  ^d.  rent  held  of  the  inheritance  of  Isabel,  his  wife,  of  the  fee  of  the  Earl 
Marshal  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee ;  and  120a.  arable  held  of  the  said 
inheritance  by  means  of  many  purchases  made  by  Hamon  father  of  the  said 
Isabel,  and  the  said  60a.  (sic)  were  held  by  socage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (18.) 

Digitized  by 



239.  Felicia  late  the  wife  of  William  Mabtbl. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  the  escheator  of  Essex,  with  transcript  of 
xcrit  20  Feb.  36  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Ralph  Martel,  her  son,  aged  40,  is  her  heir. 

Essex.  Rywehal  town,  98a.  arable,  4Ja.  meadow,  Sa.  pasture,  and  14«.  4d.  rent, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  finding  a  moiety  of  an  esquire  in 
the  king's  army  within  England,  with  doublet,  lance  and  iron  cap,  for  40  days. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  12.  (14.) 

240.  Ralph  db  Bolbbbc  alias  de  Bulebek,  de  Bollbbbch. 

Writ  6  April,  36  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Osbert,  his  brother,  age  variously  stated  as  30  and  more,  and  40,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Fuleston  town,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Ralph  de  Mundewille  of  the 
fee  of  Philip  Marmiun  in  Scrifelby.  His  mother  Ellen  has  her  dower 
besides  in  the  same  town,  and  she  also  holds  in  Tathewel  ^  fee  in  dower  of 
the  same  fee. 

Writ,  7  April,  36  Hen.  III. 

York.  Inq.  (undated.)  Leveszham  town,  6  bovates  held  of  the  king  in  chief  in 
the  socage  of  Pikering,  paying  18s.  Sd.  yearly  ;  20  bovates  held  of  the  fee  of 
the  earl  of  Albemarle  by  foreign  service,  and  2s.  6cZ.  to  the  king  for  wapentake 
fine ;  6  other  bovates  held  of  the  fee  of  the  said  earl,  held  by  free  tenants 
for  185.  Id.  yearly  ;  and  a  cottage,  a  mill  and  meadow  held  of  the  said  fee. 
The  whole  bailiwick  of  the  king's  forest  which  he  held  was  worth  100«.,  of 

which  he  rendered  yearly  to  the  king  to  the  exchequer  4  marks  ;  and  he  had  lib. 

pepper  and  l^lb.  cummin  rent,  and  was  patron  of  Leveszham  church,  of  which 

Robert  le  Bel  is  rector.    His  wife  is  not  yet  dowered  of  these  lands,  &c. 

York.  Inq.  (undated.)  Levesham  town,  6  bovates  and  a  capital  messuage  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  of  his  socage  of  Pikering  by  service  of  16*.  yearly;  and 
26  bovates  and  a  water  mill  held  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle. 

Loketon  town,  16  bovates   held  of   the  said  earl  by  service,  as  well 
for  the  above  lands  as  for  these,  of  ^  knight's  fee. 
Scalleby,  4  bovates  held  of  the  king's  bondage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (15.) 

241.  BiLPH  PiROT  alias  Pyrot. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  the  escheator  of  Essex,  with  transcript  of 
writ,  19  Feb.  36  Hen.  III. 
Ralph  Pyrot,  knt.,  his  son,  aged  26  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[EssBX.]     Extent  (undated). 

Lindesel  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
2  knights'  fees. 

Gahbridob.  Inq.  (undated.)  Sauston  town,  2  knights'  fees,  viz. — 175Ja.  and 
Ir.  land  in  demesne,  4Z.  8s.  Id.  rent  of  free  tenants,  14«.  from  customary 
tenants  and  cottars,  and  20«.  from  meadow,  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  12.  (16.) 

242.  Bboinald  db  Golbwik. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  2  June,  36  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (widated.) 
Philip,  his  son,  aged  40  and  more^  is  his  heir. . 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  nL  61 

Nottingham.  Golewyk  town,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering 
12  iron  arrow  points  on  his  coming  to  Nottingham. 

Wiliugeby  super  le  Wolde  town,  19  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief,  rendering  1  horse  price  Bs.  4d.,  and  a  sack  with  a  pin  (brocha), 
when  the  king  shall  march  into  Wales  with  his  army. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12  (17.) 

243.  Hugh  de  Bubdslbys. 

Writs  to  the  sheriffs  of  Norfolk  and   of  Cambridge  and  Huntingdon,  1  Nov. 
86  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Geoffrey  de  Burdeleys  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Cambridge.    He  never  held  any  lands  of  the  king  in  the  county. 

C.  Hen.  in.  FUe  12.  (18.) 

244.  AoMES  DE  Lanyale  aliaa  db  Lanyeday. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Per  shore  to  J.  de  Tubervill,  escheator  of  Berks,  with 
transcript  oj  writ,  19  Oct.  36  Hen.  III.     Inq.  Thursday  before  the  feast  of 
St.  Thomas  the  Apostle,   87  Hen.  III. 
She  died  on  the  feast  of  St.  Giles,  36  Hen.  III.     Her  sisters,  Agnes,  married  to 

John  de  Marisco,  and  Juliana,  married  to  Geoffrey  de  Workeshale,  are  her  heirs 

and  of  full  age. 

Berks.  Estbury,  i  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief ;  a  mill  and  2a.  land 
held  of  Henry  de  Sewelle,  rendering  iOd.  ;  and  a  pasture  held  of  Richard  de 
Lagha,  rendering  12d.  yearly.     {See  No.  190.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  12.  (19.) 

245.  JoiGB  son  of  Gilbert  de  Die'. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  80  Jan.  86  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Joice,  his  son,  aged  21  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Morton  and  Dik',  7  boYates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  sendee  of 
i  knight's  fee;  and  1  bovate  of  the  heirs  of  Hugh  Wake  by  service  of 
■A  knight's  fee, 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  12.  (20.) 

246.  Geoffrey  de  Boeingham. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  16  Aug.  86  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  aged  26,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Eokingham,  J  Yirgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  collecting  the  guard  of  Bokingham  Castle,  and  distraining  for  it,  with 
the  ard  if  necessary  of  the  constable  of  the  castle ;  and  he  had  of  right 
for  that  service  housebote  and  heybote  in  Cotingham  wood,  and  hay  and 
grass  in  the  meadows  of  the  abbot  of  Peterborough  at  Eston,  and  used  to  eat 
in  the  said  castle  when  the  king  or  his  chief  steward  sojourned  there,  and 
had  free  fishery  in  Weland  water ;  also  1  virgate  and  10a.  land  held  of  Sir 
R[ichard]  earl  of  Cornwall  by  service  of  ls.\  and  1  virgate  land  held  of 
Sir  William  Mauduyt  by  service  of  10«.     {See  No.  210.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  18.  (1.) 

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247.  Agnes  Basset. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham,  27  Aug.  36  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert  son  of  Nigel,  aged  80,  is  her  heir. 

Buckingham.  Bechehampton,  Salden  and  Morton,  one  knight's  fee  (extent 
given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief ;  and  Morton  was  held  of  her,  which  the 
heirs  of  Paulin  Peyvre  now  hold  and  do  guard  at  Northampton  Castle  and 
scutage  to  the  lord  of  the  fee  for  it. 

Mursle  town,  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen,  III.  File  13.  (2.) 

248.  John  de  Sanoto  Clabo. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Persore  to  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Essex,  with 
transcript  of  ivrit,  12  Oct.  36  Henry  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  19,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Extent  (undated). 

(Unspecified)  108a.    arable,  5a.  meadow,  3a.  pasture,  12a.  wood,  9$.  lid. 
rent  &c,  held  of  many  lords,  rendering  6s.  6d.  yearly. 

[Essex.]     Inq.    Saturday  the  octave  of  SS.  Peter  and  Paul. 

Topesfeld  town,  84a.  arable  held  of  Avice  and  Letice,  daughters  of 
Juliana,  sister  and  heir  of  Aubrey  (Albr*)  de  Wikes,  who  sold  the  same  to 
Gerebert  de  Sancto  Claro,  father  of  the  said  John,  for  homage  and  service  ; 
also  3a.  meadow  and  pasture,  4a.  wood,  45d.  rent  &c.,  held  of  the  said  heirs 
by  28.  rent  and  service  of  i  knight's  fee ;  also  8a.  land,  5a.  meadow,  4a. 
wood,  58.  5d.  rent  &c.,  held  of  Ralph  de  Cameis  by  service  of  2«. ;  12a.  land 
held  of  John  Buscard  by  service  of  12^.  ;  and  4a.  land  held  of  William,  son 
of  Geoffrey,  by  service  of  12d.  The  heirs  of  the  said  Aubrey  sold  the  ward- 
ship of  the  said  land  to  John  Talebot,  the  others  hold  the  lands  pertaining 
to  their  fees.    (See  No.  350.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (3.) 

249.  JocEus  Pbesbiterus,  a  Jew. 

Commission  to  Edward  de  Westminster,  4  Aug.  36  Hen.  III. 

London.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Bassieshawe,  3  houses,  which  were  of  the  said  Joceus,  now  held  by 
Henna,  daughter  of  Elias  le  Eveske,  in  dower ;  and  1  house  now  held  by 
Isaac,  son  of  the  said  Joceus;  3  houses  by  the  house  of  Aaron  son  of 
Abraham,  and  2  houses  and  a  garden  in  Golemanstreet,  similarly  held. 

St.  01ave*s  parish,  3  houses  similarly  held,  but  the  said  Isaac  says  the 
houses  were  his  and  not  his  father's,  and  prays  for  a  scrutiny  of  the  rolls  of 
the  Exchequer  of  the  Jews. 

(The  jury  consists  of  Christians  and  Jews  who  give  separate  valuations, 
the  Jews  in  each  case  valuing  the  houses  at  a  higher  selling  rate  than  the 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (4.) 

250.  Emery  Batayll  alias  Batailhe. 

Writ  de  melius  inquirendo,  8  May,  36  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Saier,  his  son,  aged  1(H,  is  his  heir. 

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HENRY  III.  63 

Essex.     Lacedone,  80a.  arable,  and 

Bradewell,  a  messuage  and  68a.  arable,  with  pasture  and  28«.  3Jrf.  rent 
&c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's^fee,  10s.  to  the  keeping 
(custodie)  of  Dover,  and  suit  at  the  king's  court  of  Hagle. 

Purle,  100a.  arable  with  a  messuage  held  in  dower  by  John  de  Aketon 
and  Petronilla  his  wife,  mother  of  the  said  Emery,  of  his  inheritance,  by 
service  of  i  knight's  fee  of  the  fee  of  William  de  Houbrigge. 

Bradewell,  pasture  for  120  sheep  and  8s.  Ad,  rent,  similarly  held  in 
dower,  whereof  hs.  2d.  was  of  the  king's  fee,  and  the  residue  of  another  fee. 

And  the  said  Emery  sold  10a.  of  the  king's  fee  in  Lacedon  to  John  Page, 
and  2a.  in  Bradewell  to  Peter  Batailhe,  on  which  they  built  many  fair  houses. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (5.) 

251.  Walteb  Biset. 

Writ,  30  Oct.  36  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

YoBK.  He  was  seised  for  many  years  of  Ulvington  manor,  but  whether  on  the 
day  he  died  or  not  is  unknown  to  the  jury^  because  he  died  in  Scotland  in  an 
island  called  Araan ;  some  say  he  died  on  Tuesday  before  St.  Michael,  and 
others  on  Tuesday  after  St.  Michael ;  but  on  Tuesday  before  St.  Michael 
came  a  messenger  from  him  with  letters  patent  to  his  bailiff,  Gerard  de 
Boghes,  containing  that  he  had  given  the  said  manor  to  Thomas  Biset,  his 
nephew,  and  that  the  said  Gerard  should  put  him  in  seisin,  which  he  did  on 
Friday,  three  weeks  after  St.  Michael,  the  said  Thomas  saying  that  his  uncle 
was  in  good  health ;  but  soon  after  rumour  being  heard  in  co.  York  of  the 
said  Walter's  death,  the  king's  escheators  seized  the  manor  into  the  king's 
hands  and  they  still  hold  it. 

C.  Hen.  III.  Foe  13.  (6.) 

252.  Roger  Gernet. 

Writ,  11  April,  36  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Saturday  before  SS.  Philip  and  James. 
Benedict  Gernet  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Lancaster.]  .  Halton  town,  3  carucates  land  (and  the  advowson)  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  forest  service,  whereof  the  church  of  St.  Wilfrid,  Halton,  is 
enfeoffed  of  1  carucate  in  frank  almoin,  and  the  abbot  of  Fumes  of  18a.  with 
pasture,  and  widow  Margaret  holds  16a.  and  pays  farm  to  the  king ;  also 
2  water  mills  and  a  fulling  mill,  and  a  moiety  of  a  fishery  (in  theLon'  water). 

Leek,  1  carucate  land  and  a  water  mill  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
forest  service;  also  2  carucates  v^hich  Matthew  de  Burgo  and  the  heir  of 
Katon  hold  by  knight's  service. 

Burg'  town,  6  carucates,  similarly  held,  which  Richard  and  Matthew 
de  Burgo  hold  by  knight's  service;  (also  a  mill). 

Fiswyke  town,  1  carucate  similarly  held,  whereof  Roger  de  Fyswyke 
holds  1  bovate  and  others  60a.,  and  pay  farm  to  the  king ;  also  a  water  mill 
and  a  moiety  of  a  fishery  (on  Ribbil  water). 

Laylondeschyre,  2  carucates  (in  Ecliston  town),  held  of  Sir  William 
earl  of  Ferires,  in  chief  by  service  of  forestry,  and  finding  one  *  judicator  *  in 
Lancaster  county  (court),  and  1  suitor  at  the  Earl's  court  of  Eccleston ; 
whereof  1  carucate  is  held  in  demesne,  and  the  other  by  Warin  de  Waleton 
by  service  of  4  s. 

Wytstan  (alias  Quistan)  town,  4 J  carucates  (with  the  advowson)  similarly 
held,  which  Richard  de  Wytston  holds  by  knight's  service. 

Speke  town,  2  carucates  similarly  held,  which  William  de  Molyneus 
holds  by  free  marriage. 

Digitized  by 



Of  all  which  lands  &c.  the  Lady  Cecily  de  Mascy,  Bometime  the  wife  of 
William  Gernet,  brother  of  the  said  Sir  Roger,  has  a  third  part  (in  dower). 

Writ  to  G.  de  Lang*,  justice  of  the  forest,  8  May.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  the  Holy 

Trinity,  36  Hen.  III. 
Lancaster.     He  was  forester  in  Lancaster  forest,  and  held  in  Halton  &c.  as 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (7.) 

253.  QuBNiLDA  late  the  wife  of  Sir  Soger  Gbbnet. 

Writ,  28  April.     Liq.    Monday  after  the  feast  of  Trinity  ?  36  Hen.  III. 

Robert  de  Stokeport  and  Sir  Ralph  de  Bethum  are  her  heirs,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.    Brunigg'  town,  1  carucate  and  1 J  bovate  land,  whereof  12  carucates 
make  a  fee,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

Clahton  town,  2  carucates  held  of  Edmund  de  Lasci,  earl  of  Lincoln,  in 
chief  by  knight's  service. 

Neusum  town,  2  bovates  held  of  the  said  earl  by  knight's  service,  receiv- 
ing therefrom  2  spurs  at  Christmas. 

Carleton  town,  1  carucate  held  of  the  heirs  of  William  de  Lancaster  in 
chief  by  knight's  service.  Id.  rent,  and  suit  at  Gayrsthang  court. 

Wyttinton  town,  5  bovates  and  14a.  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  Sir 
William  de  Lindeshye  in  chief  by  service  of  4s.  6d.,  and  suit  at  Lonesdale 
wapentake  and  Lancaster  county  (court). 

Lancaster  town,  1  burgage  and  1  little  waste  place,  held  of  Sir  Richard 
de  Vernun,  by  exchange  of  a  quarter  of  Apelbi  in  co.  Leicester. 

Bretherton,  1  carucate  held  of  the  earl  of  Lincoln  in  chief  by  knight's 

Achton  town  in  Derbischyre,  1  carucate  held  of  Sir  William,  earl  of 
Ferires,  by  knight's  service. 

Botele  town,  1  carucate  held  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Waleton,  by 
service  of  40d. 

Kirkeby  town,  1  carucate  held  of  E.  lord  of  Lasci  in  chief  by  knight's 

Fomeby  town,  2  carucates  held  of  Sir  William,  earl  of  Ferires,  by 
service  of  8s.,  which  Margery  de  Lamelesburi  holds. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (8.) 

254.  Gerald  de  Frendeg'. 

Writ  (missing). 

He  had  to  wife  the  sister  of  Theobald  Butler  (Pinceme),  and  of  her  begat  one 
daughter  surv  iving,  whom  John  de  Cogan  married  and  of  her  begat  one  son,  aged 
8  at  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin,  85  Hen.  HI ;  afterwards  the 
said  Gerald  married  a  daughter  of  Richard  de  Burgo  and  of  her  begat  one  daughter 
who  will  be  10  at  the  feast  of  St.  Patrick  in  Lent,  86  Hen.  Ill ;  this  boy  and  girl 
are  his  heirs. 

[Ireland,  Cork.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Belnar'  alias  Benneer,  Bellonar',  and  Dufglas,  11  fees,  8  carucates 
and  13a.  land,  held  of  the  king  <  in  chief  by  service  of  2  knights,  viz. — 
1  fee  held  by  the  heirs  of  Thomas  Bloet  by  service  of  J  fee,  i  fee  by  Hugh 
Bigod  by  service  of  J  fee,  13  carucates  by  Alan  son  of  Miles  by  service  of  i 
and  I  fee,  1  fee  by  Patrick  de  Curcy  by  service  of  i  fee,  4  fee  by  William  de 
Prendeg'  by  service  of  J  fee,  6  carucates  by  Michael  de  Cogan  by  service  of 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  66 

J  fee,  J  fee  by  Philip  de  Borrehard  by  service  of  J  fee,  J  fee  by  Philip  de 
Stanton  by  service  of  J  fee,  3  carucates  by  Philip  Stakepol  by  service  of  |  fee, 
J  fee  by  Henry  de  Vitewrthe  by  service  of  J  fee,  and  1 J  carucates  by  Alexander 
de  Rnp'  by  service  of  J  fee,  which  land  is  in  the  lord's  hands  and  put  to  farm 
for  2  marks  yearly,  10  carucates  by  the  burgesses  of  Bellonar'  for  71.  6s. 
yearly,  and  J  fee  for  30«.  yearly,,  and  other  lands  by  divers  tenants  (names 
given)  at  divers  rents,  a  mill  &c. ;  and  at  Dufglas  7^  carucates  held  in  free 
burgage  for  81.  ds.  lOd.  and  6  marks  from  a  mill  &c. 

pBBLAND,  Cork.]     Inq.  (unduted.) 

Balacha,  14  fees,  4  carucates  and  16a.  land,  held  of  Sir  David  de  Barry 
in  chief  by  service  of  2  knights,  and  1  fee  held  of  the  bishop  of  Cloyno  {ClorC) 
for  J  mark,  viz. — 3  fees  held  by  Sir  John  de  Cogan  by  service  of  1  knight's 
fee,  1  fee  by  Richard  son  of  Philip  by  service  of  J  fee,  J  fee  by  Peter  son  of 
Geoffrey  by  service  of  J  fee,  i  fee  by  David  son  of  Adam  by  service  of  J  fee,  1 
fee  by  David  de  Prendeg'  by  service  of  J  fee,  J  fee  by  John  Stakepol  by  service 
of  \  fee,  J  fee  by  Maurice  de  Prendeg'  by  service  of  \  fee,  J  fee  by  Henry  de 
Capella  by  service  of  \  fee,  J  fee  by  Maurfce  de  Prendeg'  by  service  of  \  fee, 
1  fee  byEl(ias)  de  Prendeg*  in  free  marriage,  4  carucates  by  William  de 
London  in  exchange  without  service,  2  carucates  by  William  son  of  Philip  in 
free  marriage,  7  carucates  by  the  burgesses  of  Balache  in  free  burgage  for 
7  marks  40d.  yearly,  and  other  lands  by  divers  tenants  (names  given)  by 
divers  rents ;  also  18i  marks  yearly  from  the  Irish  of  Muscry,  for  2  fees ; 
4  carucates  and  21a.  meadow  in  demesne;  3  carucates  at  Dunhuge ;  and 
mills,  &c. 

Corkoyhe,  a  moiety  of  the  Cantref  held  of  David  de  Barry  by  service  of 
1  knight :  John  son  of  Thomas  held  it  by  the  same  service  of  the  said 
Gerald,  but  never  performed  it,  nor  did  the  said  Gerald  to  the  said  David. 

Tibemeyvin  (?),  7  fees,  7  carucates  and  59 Ja.  in  Desbeg'  held  of  Richard 
de  Burgo  by  service  of  2  knights,  and  1  carucate  held  of  the  bishop  of 
Limerick  (Limir)  for  J  mark,  viz. — 3  fees  held  by  Gerald  son  of  Miles  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee,  1  fee  by  Henry  de  Prendeg'  by  service  of  i  fee,  J  fee 
by  Alexander  Baard  by  service  of  J  fee,  J  fee  by  William  Barat  by  service 
of  J  fee,  and  other  lands  in  Tibernevin  (?)  town  &c.  held  by  divers  tenants ' 
(names  given)  by  divers  rents  ;  3  carucates  held  by  the  Irish  for  3J  marks 
yearly ;  5  carucates,  4Ja.  land  in  demesne,  let  for  201 J  crannocks  of  wheat, 
price  of  the  crannock  40d.,  and  201 J  crannocks  of.  oats,  price  of  the 
crannock  18d.,  34a.  meadow,  and  a  mill,  &c.     (See  No.  862.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (9.) 

255.  Isabel  de  Evebikgham. 

Writ,  14  July,  36  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Sir  Adam  de  Everingham,  her  son,  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Nottingham.    Lexington  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Syrewde  forest,  the  keepership  (extent  given)  pertained  to  the  said  Isabel 
by  hereditary  right,  and  for  that  keepership  there  was  released  to  her 
ancestors  foreign  service  of  12J  knights'  fees  by  the  king's  ancestors. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  13.  (10.) 

256.  Andbew  Hekbobel. 

WrU  of  extent^  10  July,  36  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated.) 

OxFOBD.     Ludewell  town,  3  virgates  land  (extent  given),  sometime  held  by  the 
said  Andrew. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (11.) 

Digitized  by 



257.  Mabel  Revel  alias  Rivbl. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  John  de  Aure,  escheator  in  co.  Somerset, 
with  transcript  of  writ ^  18  May,  86  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Sabina  de  Ortiaco,  her  daughter,  aged  40  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Somerset.  Stokes,  Swelle  and  Perefc  manors  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  1  knight's  fee,  a  little  fee  of  Mortain. 

Swelle,  10a.  meadow  held  of  Ralph  Danbeny  by  service  of  2s. ;  and  12a. 
meadow  of  the  abbot  of  Alignye  by  service  of  3s. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (12.) 

258.  Ranulph  son  of  Robert. 

Writ,  7  Dec.  37  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated). 
Ralph,  his  Bon,  aged  34,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.  [Stoc?]tone  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J 
knight's  fee. 

6  knights'  fees  held  of  the  honour  of  Richmond,  but  not  in  demesne. 
Hedersete  manor  held  with  the  said  fees  by  a  rent  of  60s.  to  the  honour 
of  Richmond,  6s.  yearly  to  Hubert  Hakun,  3s.  to  a  scutage  of  40s.,  and  4s. 
yearly  to  Costecye  manor.     (See  No.  743.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  13.  (13.) 

259.  Emma,  late  the  wife  of  Jordan  de  Insula. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  27  Feb.  37  Hen.  III. 

Walter,  son  of  the  said  Jordan  and  Emma,  age  variously  stated  as  14  and  15, 
is  her  heir,  and  in  the  wardship  of  the  said  Jordan. 

Southampton.  Inq.  (undated.)  The  Isle  [of  Wight] ,  2  parts  of  1  carucate  land, 
with  pasture  adjacent,  and  71s.  2d.  rent  and  i  mark  from  meadow,  held  of 
B.  de  Insula,  sometime  earl  of  Devon,  (whose  heir  is  in  the  king's  ward), 
service  unspecified. 

[Somerset.]  Inq.  (undated.)  Lillesdun,  IJ  carucate  land  held  of  the  earl  of 
the  Isle  by  knight's  service. 

Chefcumbe,  1  hide  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  [For]  de  by  service  of  20«. 

[Dorset.]     Gatemarestun,  IJ  hide  held  of  Reginald  de  Albemarle  by  service  of 
1  mark  yearly. 
All  these  lands  are  in  the  hands  of  the  said  Jordan. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (14.) 

260.  Godfrey  de  Gamaoes. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  27  Oct.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Gloucester.  Meone  alias  Mune  manor  was  in  the  seisin  of  Henry  de  Penebrigg' 
for  three  years  before  the  death  of  the  said  Godfrey,  and  10/.  land  in  Dimmuk 
alias  Dimmoc  for  one  year  and  more. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  13.  (15.) 

261.  William  Madut  alias  Mauduth. 

Mandate  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  his  co-escheator  in  co.  Essex,  with 
transcript  of  writ,  28  Jan.  37  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 
John,  his  son,  aged  15  at  the  feast  of  All  Saints  next,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  67 

EssBX.  Hatfeld  Peverel,  76Ja.  arable,  7Ja.  meadow,  6a.  pasture,  and  3«.  4d. 
rent,  held  of  the  king's  fee  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee;  27a.  held  of  the  fee 
of  Gilbert  Maudut  by  service  of  2d.,  and  1  mark  rent  held  of  the  same  fee ;  and 
16a.  arable  and  lia.  meadow  held  of  the  fee  of  Langeford  by  service  of  2s. 

CHen,  III.  File  n.  (16.) 

262.  Robert  db  Blaebfobd. 

John,  his  son  by  Avice  his  wife,  aged  9  and  more  after  the  feast  of  All  Saints 
last,  is  his  heir. 

WHt  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  26  Feb.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

WeEiTs.  655.  4rf.  rent  (mispecified)  held  by  purchases  of  Sir  Geoffrey  le 
Chaumberleng  by  service  of  12d.  and  lib.  cummin.  He  held  no  tenement 
of  the  inheritance  of  Avice  his  wife,  nor  of  his  own  inheritance. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  26  Feb.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated,) 

Devon.  Bamton,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  inheritance  of  Avice  his  wife,  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  foe. 

Rews,  1  fee,  and  Dunesford,  J  fee,  held  of  Geoffrey  de  Mandeville  by 
service  of  IJ  knights'  fee. 

Hockford,  1  fee,  which  John  de  Hockford  and  Maud  his  wife,  mother  of 
the  said  Avice,  hold  in  dower  of  Henry  de  Tracy  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
All  which  lands  were  held  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said  Avice,  and  the  said 
Robert  held  nothing  in  the  county  of  his  own. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  1^.  (17.) 

263.  William  db  Wbllbslbye  alias  db  Wbllbslbg*. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  20  May,  37  Hen.  III.  Inq.  {undated  and  defaced.) 
Thomas,  his  son,  aged  20|,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.  The  serjeanty  on  the  east  of  the  Perret  inco.  Somerset  held  by  service 
of  one  mewed  sparrowhawk,  price  2  besants ;  add  no  land  pertains  to  that 

Wellesleg',  J-  of  a  hide  land  held  of  the  bishop  of  Bath  by  service  of 
the  serjeanty  of  the  hundred  of  Wells  F(orum). 

Lutleton,  J  virgate  land  held  of  William  de  Melesbergh'  by  service  of 

These  lands  were  never  in  the  keeping  of  the  king  or  of    any  of    his 
predecessors.     {See  Nos.  298  and  860.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  \Z.  (18.) 

264.  Theobald  lb  Botileb. 

Writ  de  melius  inquirendo  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  20  Jan.    Inq.  the  morrow 
of  St.  Matthias,  37  Hen.  III. 
Theobald  is  his  heir. 

Lancaster.  Brocton,  the  land  which  Master  William  le  Saucer  holds,  was  not 
the  right  of  Theobald  le  Butiler  nor  his  inheritance,  but  he  took  it  by  force 
from  Richard  son  of  Ughtred,  nor  had  he  it  of  the  gift  or  bail  of  any  of  the 
king's  ancestors ;  and  because  of  his  many  transgressions  in  seizing  the  lands 
of  Robert  son  of  Bernard,  Walter  son  of  Osbert,  WiUiam  son  of  Swan,  and 
others  of  Aumundernes,  and  other  injuries,  the  king  disseised  him  of  all  his 
lands.  Theobald  is  his  heir,  but  has  no  right  in  the  said  land  of  Brocton. 
{See  No.  163.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (19.) 

Digitized  by 



265.  BoBEBT  DE  Sevatikz  alias  de  Sevanz  alias  de  Sewonz. 

Robert,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  8  and  4,  is  his  heir. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  oj  writ,  20  Jan.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated  fragment.) 

KjiNT.       [Aldintone]  manor  (extent  given).      The  lady  Maud  de 

holds  in  dower. 

Meleton,  182a.  arable  ....  a  water  mill,  held  [of  the  earl  of 
Gloucester] . 

[Wielmeston]  the  manor  is  held  of  [the  archbishop  of  Canterbury] 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Mandate  dtc,  with  transcript  of  writ,  20  Jan.  87  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Essex.      Vygeberh  town,  300a.  arable,   2Ja.  meadow,  pasture  in  the  marsh, 

375.  Sfd.  (?)  and  2Zft.  pepper,  &c.  held  of  Ralph  de  Suford  (by  service  of)  2 

knight's  fees  with  dower.     {See  No.  158.) 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  13.  (20.) 

266.  WiLiiiAH  de  Bavbnt. 

Mandate  dtc.  toith  writ  and  transcript  of  ivrit,  4  Sept.  87  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
JoUand,  his  son,  aged  22,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.    Maringis    town,   held    of   the  king  in    chief  ty  the  serjeanty  of 
keeping  falcons  {falcones  lanarios  arduarios). 

Billesbi  and  Winceby,  held  of  the  fee  of  the  countess  of  Bolingbroch  by 
homage  only,  and  by  the  aforesaid  service  to  the  king.  The  said  towns  are 
in  the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (1.) 

267.  RooBB  de  Novo  Buboo. 

Writ  {missing).     Inq.  {undated  but  endorsed  in  a  later  hand  *  37  H.  8.') 
Alexander,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

[Salop.]     Opinton,  1  virgate  and  3  nooks  {nokas)  land,  and  4d.  rent  from  a  mill, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  |  part  of  a  sore  sparrowhawk  (nisi)  yearly. 
Newport  {in  novo  burgo),  J  virgate  land,  5s.  6d.  rent  and  J  a  mill,  held 
of  Sir  James  de  Alditheleg'  by  service  of  6d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  14.  (2.) 

268.  Joan  de  Febbes  alias  de  Fbbbebs. 

Mandate  dtc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  16  Nov.  37  Hen.  III. 

John  de  Everenges  alias  de  Averenges,  her  son,  aged  23,  is  her  heir. 

Somebsbt.     Inq.  {ypfidated.)     Brumpton  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 

service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
OxFOBD.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Redcot,  8  parts  of  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J 
knight's  fee. 

Grafton,  J  hide  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Nugun  for  40«. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (3.) 

269.  John  Luvel  alias  Lovbl. 

John,  his  son,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

Writ  to  the  sherifif  of  Norfolk,  28  Dec.  87  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {undated.) 
NoBFOLE.    Docking,  Bomere  and  Tychewell  towns,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king 
in  chief. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  69 

Writ  to  the  sherifif  of  Oxford,  23  Dec.  37  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (v/ndated.) 
OxFOBD.    Mynistre  manor,  held  of  the  earl  of  Leycestre  by  service  of  J  knight's 
fee ;  and  3Ja.  of  assart  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  2l|d.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  14.  (4.) 

270.  Alsxandbr  de  Neyil. 

Writ  (mUsing).    Inq.  Saturday  after  Shrovetide,  37  Hen.  III. 

Lincoln.^  He  held  his  barony  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  3  knight's  fees, 
finding  3  knights  in  the  king's  army  for  40  days  at  his  own  cost.  (See  No. 
164.)      . 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (5.) 


Writ  and  mandate  dec.  with  transcript  of  tority  27  Aug.     Inq.  Friday  after  the 
Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Mary,  37  Hen.  III. 
Hugh,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lincoln;  Kbsteven.'  Marton  town,  11.  land,  now  in  the  hands  of  Philip  de 
Marton,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (6.) 

272.  Emeby  de  Saoy. 

Writ,  25  July,  37  Hen.  IE.    Inq.  (undaUd.) 

Isabel,  aged  25,  and  Agnes,  aged    .    .    his  daughters,  are  his  heirs. 

SouTHAHPTON.  Boitun  town,  3  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee ;  also  pasture  for  600  sheep,  21a.  meadow,  4i.  9«. 
5i^.  rent  from  freemen,  192. 10^.  Id.  from  villeins,  and  128.  from  the  cus- 
toms of  the  hundred,  2  mills,  231  fowls  rent,  and  44«.  lid.  from  customs  of 

Penbere,  6  marks  rent,  which  he  gave  to  Peter  his  son. 
Selebum,  J  carucate  land,  a  mill,  &c.  which  he  sometime  gave  to  the 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (7.) 

273.  Joan  db  Sauhpobd  alias  db  Sanford. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  16  Dec.  The  sheriff  is  also  to  enquire  who 
cut  down  the  wood  of  Dene,  and  to  sunmaon  Hamon  de  Crevequer  to  show 
wherefore  he  intruded  upon  the  land  of  Dene,  a  moiety  whereof  ought  to  be 
in  the  king's  wardship  by  reason  of  Hugh  de  Plessetis,  one  of  the  said  Joan's 
heirs,  who  ought  to  hold  of  the  king  in  chief  in  Moston'.  Extent  Friday 
after  St.  Hilary,  87  Hen.  HI. 

Ksm.  Dene,  100a.  land,  24a.  wood,  18s.  4^.  rent,  and  a  rent  of  26  hens 
(Return  of  names  of  those  who  cut  down  the  said  wood.) 

Buckingham.  Mandate  {undated)  from  the  abbot  of  Pershore  to  his  escheator  to. 
extend  the  lands  of  the  said  Joan  in  Messenden.    Extent  (missing). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (8.) 

Digitized  by 



274.  Pbtbr  db  Goldinton. 

Denise,  aged  24,  Isabel,    age  variously  stated    as  15  and  16,  and   Maud, 
aged  12,  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  oj  writ,  28  Dec.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
NoRTHAMTON.     Cotis  manor  being  his  chief  manor,  (extent  given)  with  1  carucate 

land  in  Horpol  pertaining  thereto,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 

of  1  knight's  fee. 

Mandate  dtc.  with  transcript  of  writy  2  Jan.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq,  (undated.) 
Leicester.     Wrthinton  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  John  de  Verdun  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Claxton,  12  virgates  and  IJ  bovate  in  the  manor,  held  of  Sir  Robert  de 
Ros,  service  unknown. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (9.) 

275.  William  lb  Danbys. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Rutland,  18  March.    Extent.   Wednesday  in  Whitsun  week, 

37  Hen.  III. 

John,  his  son,  aged  21  on  Sunday  before  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra  last,  is  his 

Rutland.  Thikencot  manor  (extent  of  two  parts  given),  held  of  Sir  Robert  Grim- 
baud  by  1  knight's  fee.  The  king  had  the  wardship  of  the  said  John  through 
Sir  William  de  Pleiseto,  and  he  through  Sir  Gilbert  de  Preston,  and  he 
through  Sir  Robert  Grimbaud  the  chief  lord.  Mabel  the  wife  of  the  said 
William  le  Daneis  had  two  parts  of  the  manor  by  the  king's  command  for 
two  years.     (See  Nos.  203  and  204.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (10.) 

276.  William  Mubibl,  of  New  Castle. 

Writ,  19  Feb.    Extent  St.  Valentine's  day,  37  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  18,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.  Scholstun  town,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty 
of  keeping  the  wood  of  the  castle  which  is  called  le  Glif. 

Newcastle  borough,  the  house  in  which  he  lived,  a  house  held  by  Jurdan 
son  of  William,  J  nook  of  land  and  a  curtilage. 

Espleg,  1  virgate  land  held  of  Robert  de  Sugenhul  by  farm  of  4d. 
Sclindun,  1  nook  of  land  held  of  Robert  de  Sclindun  by  farm  of  %d. ;  and 
1  selion  held  of  Roger  le  Sergant  by  farm  of  Id. 
Bocchenhale,  Qd.  from  1  messuage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  14.  (11.) 

277.  Gboffrby  db^Gostantin  alias  db  Costbntyn. 

Writ,  8  Feb.  37  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Geoffrey,  his  son,  aged  21  on  St.  Lucy's  day  37  Hen.  Ill,  is  his  heir. 

[Ireland.]  Balyrothery,  7  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
1  archer. 

Kilbixy  and  Kenkelly  held  of  Walter  de  Lascy  by  service  of  4  knights. 
Dromiskyn,   1  knight's  fee  held  of   the   archbishop    of  Ardmach  by 
rent  of  2lb.  wax. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (12.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  71 

278.  William  Avbnel  alias  db  Avenbl. 

Mandate  dtc.  with  trajiscript  of  writ,  18  Oct.  37  Hen.  IH. 

He  died  about  the  feast  of  St.  Luke.     Matthew  de  Forneaus,  age  variously 
stated  as  28  and  29,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.    Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Andrew,  38  Hen.  HI. 

Batthestorn,  land  (extent  given)  given  by  Earl  William  de  Vernun  to 
Nicholas  Avenel  and  his  heirs,  from  whom  descended  the  said  William  who 
died  without  heir  of  his  body,  whereof  he  held  16a.  of  demesne,  and  4a. 
meadow  of  Adam  de  Tonehill,  and  the  residue  was  held  of  the  earl  of  Devon. 

Honeton  borough,  8  burgages  held  of  the  said  Adam. 

Devon.    Inq.  The  vigil  of  St.  Andrew,  38  Hen.  III. 

Chillat',  lands  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  i  knight's  fee. 

Schepwayse  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  two  parts  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Morleg',  4  knights'  fees,  which  W.  de  Morleg'  holds,  held  of  the  earl  of 

Menaschaf,  J  fee,  which  Roger  son  of  Simon  holds,  held  of  Sir  John  de 

Suideleg',  J  fee  is  held  by  Richard  of  the  gift  of  the  said  William,  of 
the  fee  of  H.  de  Traci. 

Wilts.     Inq.  (undated,) 

Worem'  demesne  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  Nicholas  son  of  Martin  by 
rent  of  a  sore  goshawk  or  10s. 

Bereford,  held  *  as  appears  in  the  extent  there  made.' 

[Southampton.]     Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Andrew,  38  Hen.  III. 

Esselegh,  capital  messuage,  12a.  land,  9a.  meadow,  44s.  7^d.  rent  of 
freemen,  a  mill,  35s.  Qd.  from  villeinage  &c. ;  which  are  the  king's  escheat 
as  Normans'  lands,  because  William  de  Vernun,  earl  of  the  Isle,  held  the  same 
of  the  king  in  chief  and  gave  it  to  one  Hawisia  in  free  marriage  with  William 
Avenel ;  she  gave  it  to  her  son  Nicholas  Avenel,  a  Norman,  after  whose 
death  William  his  son  held  it,  doing  suit  twice  a  year  at  the  earl's  hundred 
court  of  Cristeschirch,  and  died  without  heir  of  his  body ;  but  he  had  an 
uncle,  brother  of  the  said  Nicholas,  in  Normandy,  having  an  inheritance 
named  Rocheland,  who  left  sons  who  are  still  living. 

SoMEBSET.     Inq.  (undated  and  defective.) 

Estinton  and  Pu  [kin  ton]  held  .  .of  William  de  •  Fortibus  by 
service  of  2  knights'  fees.     (See  Nos.  307  and  325.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (13.) 

279.  Richard  db  Wytsaund  alias  db  Wytsand. 

Writ  and  mandate  dc.  with  transcript  of  writ ,  11  Jan.  37  Hen.  III. 
Baldwin  de  Wytsaund,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.     Extent  (undated). 

Stamburne  town,  132a.  land,  3Ja.  meadow,  ^.  pasture,  3s.  6d.  rent,  96 
works,  2.hens  yearly,  and  S^a.  wood,  held  of  the  honour  of  the  earl  of  Mondevill 
by  service  of  IJ  knight's  fee  ;  8a.  land  held  of  Eustace  de  Grenvill'  by  service 
of  llh.  pepper  ;  and  la.  land  held   of  John  de  Gray  by  service  of  Id.  yearly. 

Digitized  by 



Essex.     Extent  (undated). 

Great  Perendon,  350a.  arable,  15a.  meadow,  7a.  pasture  in  mores,  40a. 

uncultivated  (frische)  pasture,  13s.  6d.  rent,  &c.  and  the  advowson  of  the 

church,  held  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne ;  16a.  arable  and  8a.  of  uncultivated 

(frische)  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Bileg'  by  25d.  yearly  ;  and  6a.  arable  and 

•   2s.  rent  held  of  the  Hospital  by  2s.  yearly. 

Writ  de  melius  inquirendo,  28  Jan.  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated,) 

[Essex.]  He  held  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne,  which  is  in  the  king's  hands,  1 
knight's  fee  in  Great  Perendon  by  knight's  service ;  also  IJ  knights'  fee  in 
Stanburn  of  the  earl  of  Hereford  by  the  like  service  ;  and  lands  of  the  abbot 
of  Byleg'  &c.  (as  above). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (14.) 

280.  Isabel  be  Yaloynes  alias  de  Valoiniis. 

Writ,  17  April,  37  Hen.  III. 

William  Comin  alia^  de  Valoynes,  her  son,  age  variously  stated  as  16  and  17, 
is  her  heir. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  17  April,  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Essex.    Hecham  town,  200a.  land,  18a.  meadow,  8a.  pasture,  46s.  6d.  rent,  and 
532  works  worth  31s.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  (service  unspecified). 

Mandate  dkc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  17  April,  37  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 
NoBFOLK.    Dersingham,  34a.  land,  3Ja.  meadow,  6s.  M.  herbage,  34s.  lOd.  rent, 
customs  of  villeins  worth  17s.  8Jc?.,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's  fee. 

Mandate  dx.  with  transcript  of  writ,  17  April.  Extent.  The  day  of  (the  Inven- 
tion of)  the  Holy  Cross  in  May,  37  Hen.  III. 

Suffolk.  Fakeham  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  small 
rents  from  Sapston  and  Euston,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  3s.  lOJd. 
to  the  guard  of  Norwich  Castle  ;  and  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  abbot  of  St. 
Edmund  by  ^  mark  when  scutage  shall  come  to  40s. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  oj  v)rit,  17  April,  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated  and 

Hbbtfobd.     Sauecampe  town  (full  extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (15.) 

281.  Henby  de  Hauvill'  aZias  de  Hauwill'  alias  de  Havil'. 

Writ  to  the  escheator  of  Lindsey,  .  .  .  July,  37  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Lincoln  ;  Lindsey.    Clysby,  30s,  rent  held  for  life  and  now  the  king's  escheat. 

Lincoln;  Kesteven.     Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  12  July.     Inq.  Sunday 

after  St.  James,  37  Hen.  III. 

Haucunby  manor  (extent  given),  held  (of  the  king)  by  serjeanty  in 

augmentation  of  the  serjeanty  of  Duntun  of  keeping  falcons;   also  15a. 

arable  and  7a.  wood  held  of  Gerard  de  Hacunby ;  and  the  customary  toll 

(lastagium)  of  Boston  held  by  service  of  receiving  the  king's  presents  as 

well  of  falcons  as  of  other  things. 

The  said  Henry  had  three  soijs,  of  whom  Ralph  the  eldest  died  before  his 
father,  and  had  three  sons,  ages  unknown.  Henry,  son  of  the  said  Henry,  is 
believed  to  be  his  next  heir;  but  he  enfeoffed  Thomas  his  son  of  Hacunby 
manor  eight  days  before  his  death,  so  that  the  escheator,  when  he  went  to  seize 
the  manor  into  the  king's  hands,  found  him  in  full  seisin. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  73 

Mmidate  d'c.  icith  transcript  oj  writ,  12  3uly {fra(pnent).     Inq,  (undated.) 

Buckingham.  Little  Linford  manor,  held  of  Sir  William  de  Bellocampo 
Bedeford  and  Idonea  his  wife  of  the  honour  of  Neuport  Paynel  by  free 
socage  rendering  6«.  yearly.  But  the  manor  was  not  held  by  the  said  Henry 
as  his  own  right  or  that  of  Ellen  his  wdfe;  by  her  he  had  a  son  named  Ralph, 
whose  eldest  son  is  aged  7 ;  afterwards  Henry  and  Ellen  had  son  named 
Henry,  to  whom  Henry  son  of  Peter  Norh'  gave  the  said  manor  of  Little 
Linford,  making  seisin  to  him  by  a  gold  ring.  Henry  son  of  Peter  held  the 
manor  and  Henry  (son  of  Henry  and  Ellen)  for  two  years,  as  guardian  and 
afterwards  handed  them  over  to  the  said  Henry  and  Ellen  as  guardians  of 
the  said  Henry  (the  younger). 

Mandate  dc,  with  transcript  oj  writ,  12  July,  37  Hen.  IIL     Extent  {undated). 
Norfolk.     ^Duntun  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  keeping  the 
king's  falcons. 

Renham,  6Z.  homage  and  rents  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  40«.  rent. 
Thomas,  son  of  the  said  Henry  is  his  next  heir,  by  reason  that  the  said 
Henry  enfeoffed  him  of  the  said  manor,  homage  and  rents,  and  he  was  in  full 
seisin  for  7  days  before  the  said  Henry's  death.     {See  Nos.  337  and  361.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (16.) 

282.  WlIiLIAM  LE  Rus. 

Alice,  his  daughter,  aged  6  at  Christmas  next,  is  his  heir. 

Mandate  dx.  with  transcript  of  writ,  7  June,  37  Hen.  HI.     Extent  {undated). 

NoEFOLK.     Stintune  manor  with  the  advowsons  of  Salle  and  Heydon  held  of  Sir 
Roger  de  Clere  and  his  heirs,  Roger  having  sold  the  same  to  the  said  William 
for  400  marks  of  good  sterlings,  by  service  of  1  clove  of  gillyflower,  and  the 
said  Roger  held  it  of  Sir  William  de  Say  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
Hugh  le  Rus,  aged  30  or  more,  is  his  heir  of  this  manor,  which  he  ought  to 

hold  of  the  abovesaid  Alice,  *  because  she  cannot  be  heir  and  lady.' 

Mandate  dc.  tvith  transcripts  of  writs,  7  June  and  14  July,  and  writ,  13  Oct. 

37  Hen.  III. 
Lincoln  ;  Lindsby.     Inq.  (undated.)      Ludburg,  held  of  the  inheritance  of  his 

wife  of  Roger  le  Clere  and  his  heirs  by  service  of  12d.     The  king  now  holds 


Lincoln  ;  Lindsby.  Inq.  {undated.)  Ludeburg  town,  held  as  above.  The  town 
is  in  the  king's  hands  as  escheat. 

Lincoln  ;  Lindsby.  Inq.  {undxitcd.)  Lutheburg,  held  as  above,  except  foreign 
service  pertaining  to  2y\j  knights'  fees  to  the  heirs  of  William  de  Bj^auver. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  7  June,  87  Hen.  HI. 

[Suffolk.]     Inq.   Sunday   before   St.  John  the  Baptist   {fragment).    Akeham 

town  (in    Cleydon  hundred), held   of  the  bishop  of 

Norwich,     ,..,..; (held)  of   Sir  R.  earl 

Marshal, 10s.  to  the  guard  of  Lancaster. 

Suffolk.    Inq.  The  day  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  37  Hen.  HI. 

Wytingham  town  (in  Hoxne  hundred),  lands,  &c.  held  of  Sir  R.  earl 
Marshal  by  service  of  10s.  yearly  to  the  guard  of  Lancaster  and  1  knight's  fee. 

Stradebroc  manor  (in  Hoxne  hundred),  held  of  R.  earl  of  Cornwall  by 
socage  and  5  carucates  at  a  rent  of  26i.,  whereof  the  said  earl  renders  2  marks 
yearly  to  Roger  de  Huntigfeld  and  3  marks  elsewhere  in  small  amounts. 

Digitized  by 



[Suffolk.]  Inq.  Wednesday  after  the  Nativity  of  St.  John  the  Baptist, 
37  Hen.  III. 

Hasketnn  and  Clopton  manors  held  of  Roger,  earl  Marshal,  by  1 
knight's  fee.     {See  Nos.  820  and  462.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  14.  (17.) 

283.  Richard  db  Wyvbrton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  21  April,  37  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Aline,  Idonea  and  AUce,  his  sisters,  are  his  heirs  and  of  full  age.     The  two 
elder  are  widows  and  Alice  the  younger  is  espoused. 

Nottingham.  Wyverton  and  Berneston,  24  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  of  the  fee  of  Peverel  by  service  of  J-  knight's  fee.  Of  this  land,  12J 
bovates  are  held  of  him  in  fee  by  others. 

Wiverton  and  Colston,  16  bovates  land  held  of  Sir  Ralph  Bassett, 
whereof  8  were  given  by  his  ancestors  in  alms,  and  13  remain  in  bondage, 
service  unspecified. 

Wiverton,  7  bovates  held  of  Henry  del  Belk  for  J  knight's  fee,  whereof 
8  bovates  were  given  in  alms. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (18.) 

284.  Hbinby  db  Dratton. 

Mandate  dc,  with  transcript  of  writ,  16  Aug.  Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Bartholomew, 
87  Hen.  IH.  Baldwin,  his  son,  aged  80,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Drayton  and  Itteslep',  2  carucates  and  3a.  land  held  of  the  king 
in  chief,  with  one  toft  in  Drayton  of  Robert  son  of  William  de  Lofwic  by  Id. 
yearly,  and  homage  in  the  same,  and  in  Adinton,  Twywell'  and  Deseburg  by 
service  of  i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  14.  (19.) 

285.  Matthbw  Hosb  alias  Hubb. 

Writy  14  Feb.  37  Hen.  III.    Endorsed : — *  retornat  est  in  Com.  Susex'  et  Berk' ' 
Henry,  his  son,  aged  13  at  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Yincula  next,  is  his  heir. 

.     ,     .     .     Extent  {undated  fragment). 


Lichton,  land of  the  king  of  Divises     .... 

Sussex.  Extent  {undated).  Hertynges  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Robert  de 
Tatteshale  by  homage  and  scutage,  but  the  suit  which  he  used  to  do  at  the 
court  of  Hugh  sometime  earl  of  Arundel,  was  attorned  to  Isabel  now  countess 
of  Arundel  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  14.  (20.) 

286.  Ralph  db  Picheford. 

Writ  to  the  justiciary  and  the  escheator  of  Ireland,  16  April,  87  Hen.  HI.    Extent 
John,  his  son,  aged  16  about  the  octave  of  the  Annunciation  (last),  is  his  heir. 

Irhland.  Dunethe  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Baldwin  de  Dunethe  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee. 

Ijyn  manor,  a  moiety  (extent  given)  held  of  Stephen  de  Buterleye  by 
service  of  J  knight's  fee  and  one  pair  of  gilt  spurs  or  6d. ;  and  the  other  moiety 
held  together  with  his  wife  in  free  marriage  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee. 

Digitized  by 


HENKY  III.  75 

[Salop.]  Writ  (missing).  Inq.  (undated,)  Pichford  manor  (extent  given)  held 
of  John  de  Chetewynde,  with  29«.  6Jd.  from  1  virgabe  land  in  Pichford  held 
of  the  chapter  of  St.  Chad,  Salop,  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Albricton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  finding 
one  knight  with  the  king  in  the  army  for  8  days  at  his  own  cost. 

Parva  Brug*,  30«.  2d.  rent  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding 
coal  for  the  king's  stove  when  he  shall  come  in  person  to  Brug'. 

\       •  C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (1.) 

287.  William  Echingham  alias  db  Echingham. 

Mandate  d'c.  tvith  transcript  of  writ,  25  March,  37  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Simon,  his  brother,  aged  35,  is  his  heir  in  Sussex. 

SoMEBSBT.  Chizelberge,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  held  of  the  inheritance  of  Margery 
his  wife  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony,  Balph  de  la  Haye  holding  the  other 
moiety  by  reason  of  his  wife. 

SussBX.  Extent  (undated).  Echingeham  and  Oedymere  manors  (extents  given) 
held  of  the  barony  of  Hastynges  of  Sir  Edward  the  king's  son  by  service 
of  7  knights'  fees,  and  4L  4^.  one  year  and  6Qs.  the  second  year  for  guard. 

Hastinges,  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Fescamp  by  10«.  yearly. 

Oedymere,  part  of  the  garden  held  of  the  son  of  Bobert  de  Brede  by  lid. 

2a.  held  of  Osbert  de  Horemere  by  12d.  yearly ;  and  land  held  of  Bichard 
des  Ores  by  lib.  pepper. 

Oedymere,  5^.  and  1  rood  acquired  of  the  fee  of  the  said  abbot,  held  of 
certain  of  the  abbot's  tenants  by  l|d.  yearly. 

5a.  acquired  of   the   fee   of   Echingham ;    certain   land  held  by  lib. 
pepper ;  and  60a.  held  of  Herbert  de  Burgers  by  lib.  pepper. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (2.) 

288.  Laubbnob  db  Blumbbbo'  alias  db  Plumbbbg'. 

John,  son  of  Thomas  de  Plumberg'  his  brother,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Mandate  Ac.  with  transcript  of  writy  8  Feb.  87  Hen.  III.  Extent  (undated  and 

EssBX.  Sutton  town,  294a.  arable,  10a.  pasture,  20a.  wood,  12s.  lOd.  and  IW. 
pepper  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief;  and, 

[Plumbe]rg',  194a.  arable,  30a.  wood,  rent,  &c.  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees. 

Plumberg'  town,  96a and  12s.  4d.  rent  held  of  the  heirs 

of  William  de  Scobyriby  168.  yearly  ;  and  110a.  arable,  and  36^.  8d.  rent  &c. 
held  of  the  fee  of  Bichard  de  Buyly. 

The  wife  of  Thomas  de  Plumberg'  holds  lOZ.  land  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (3.) 


Writ  (missing).    Extent     The  morrow  of  St.  Katherine,  37  Hen.  III. 

John  son  of  John  le  Seyncler,  aged  19  at  the  feast  of  SS.  Simon  and  Jude 
last,  is  heir. 

Suffolk.  Bradefeud  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmunds  by 
service  of  1^  knight's  fee,  14rf.  hidage,  6s.  OJd.  to  the  guard  of  Norwich  Castle, 
and  ^  a  load  of  oats  to  the  abbot. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  ^4.) 

Digitized  by 



290.  BooEB  DE  Shbthegot. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflF  of  Salop,  21  April,  37  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Philip,  his  son,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Tynebnr'  and  Stocton,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding 
2  footmen  at  Montgomery  in  war  time  for  fifteen  days  at  his  own  cost,  with  2 
bows  and  arrows. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (5.) 

291.  Ralph  db  Haya. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Peter,  88  Hen.  HI. 
John  de  Haya,  aged  80,  is  his  heir. 

LiNOOLN  ;  LiNDSEY.    Borewel  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee. 
Mncketon,  held  by  Robert  Maucofnand  by  i  knight's  fee. 
Cartun,  held  by  Joan  by  i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (6.) 

292.  Alina  aUas  Alana  Wake. 

Writ  of  '  eape  in  nianum\  22     ...     88  Hen.  HI.  {mtOHated). 
Writ,  27  May,  88  Hen.  III. 

Barnabas  son  of  Walter  de  Stiuecle,  aged  17,  is  her  heir. 

[Bbdfobd?]     Inq before   SS.  Philip  and  James   {Jocalins)^ 

88  Hen.  HI.  {fragment). 

Wake  was  dowered  of  the  land  of  Cravehrust  for  a  third 

paxt  of  Stiuecle held  the  same  in  chief  of  the  abbot  of 


Bbdfobd.    Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Botulf,  88  Hen.  III. 

Warden  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  }  knight's 
fee  by  foreign  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (7.) 

293.  RicHASD  DB  Lamgefobd. 

Writs  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  30  April  and  24  May,  88  Hen.  HI.    Inq. 
Boger,  his  son,  aged  6,  is  his  heir ;  and  his  marriage  is  worth  1001. 

Southampton.  The  Isle  (of  Wight),  1  carucate  held  of  B.  de  Insula,  sometime 
earl  of  Devon,  whose  heir  is  in  the  king's  wardship,  by  service  of  1  knight's 
fee ;  22a.  land  held  of  Wilham  de  Glamorgan  by  service  of  6d.  yearly  and 
4d.  of  knight's  service ;  and  40a.  held  of  Jordan  de  Kingeston  by  knight's 
service  of  5d.  to  the  mark.     {See  No.  865.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (8.) 

294.  Baldwin  de  Preston. 

Writy  19  Feb.    Inq.  Saturday  after  SS.  Philip  and  James,  88  Hen.  HI. 
Henry,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancastbb.  An  assart  called  Dullescahe,  containing  18a.  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  Ss. ;  and  a  moiety  of  a  water-mill. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (9.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  77 

295.  Hbnby  de  la  Pombraye. 

Writ  de  causa  captionis,  7  July.    Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  Margaret,  38  Hen.  HI. 

Devon.  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Henry  had  the  wardship  of  his  land 
and  heirs,  with  their  marriage,  by  fine  made  with  the  king  after  his  death  ; 
and  the  land  was  taken  into  the  king's  hands  because  it  is  held  of  him  in 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (10.) 

296.  John  de  Lunoevilleb'  alias  de  Lunowillebes  alias  de  Lungyylebs. 

Writ,  25  Oct.  38  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

He  died  on  Friday  after  St.  Michael  last.    John,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his 

Lincoln  ;  Lindsey.  Apelby,  a  moiety  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's 

YoBK.  Writ,  25  Oct.  38  Hen.  HI.  Extent.  Thursday  the  vigil  of  St.  Leonard, 
39  Hen.  HI  (dejaced). 

Hoton  manor  in  Bichemundsire  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  Boger  de 
Mubray  in  chief. 

Eyrkeby  upon  Werf  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Edmund  de  Lassi, 
service  unspecified. 

Famelay  town  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified :  Isabel  de  Wrydeles- 
ford  holds  part  for  life,  and  the  abbot  of  Kyrkestal  has  12^.  yearly  from  a 

Akanescale  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Hetun  town  (extent  given),  including  a  moiety  of  a  mill  out  of  which  the 
abbot  of  Kyrkestal  has  of  the  gift  of  the  said  John's  father  5a.  with  his  body, 
tenure  unspecified,  but  the  said  abbot  has  26s.  8d.yearly  of  the  gift  of  the 
said  John  for  one  pittance. 

Brerelay  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Colling  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
Lands  held  by  knight's  service  in  Cravene,  viz : — 

Heton,  3  carucates  held  by  Eustace  de  Byleston  by  foreign  service, 
and  3  carucates  by  Henry  de  Sevyle. 

Geregrave,  2  carucates  similarly  held  by  John  le  Flemmeng. 

Akewrthe,  IJ  carucate  similarly  held  by  the  said  John. 

|]^eusum,  i  carucate  similarly  held  by  Adam  de  Neusum. 

Tamhil] ,  1  carucate  similarly  held  by  William  de  Farnhil. 

[Conotlay  ?]  5  bovates  similarly  held  by  Elias  de  Conotlay. 

Cuniglay,    J    carucate    similarly    held    by    William    [F?]rapefaute. 

[Farnhyl]  J  carucate  similarly  held  by  Alexander  de  Famhyl. 

Famhyl,  2  bovates  similarly  held  by  Tirille  (?)  daughter  of  Adam. 

Geregrave,  2  carucates  similarly  held  by  William  de  Bramton. 

Famhyl  and  Cuniglay,  1  carucate  similarly  held  by  the  prior  of 

Esseton,  i  carucate  similarly  held  by  Bobert  de  Esseton,  and  i  carucate 
by  the  abbot  of 

Eirkeby,  Famelay  and  Brerelay  manors  were  held  by  the  said  John  de 
Lungewylers  of  Edmund  de  Lascy  by  (2  knights  and  J  (?) )  and  J  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (11.) 

*  The  extent  made  in  Yorkshire  states  that  the  other  moiety  was  held  by  Hugh  de  Keyil,  and  that  by 
reason  of  this  tenure  the  other  lands  of  the  said  Hugh,  as  well  as  the  lands  of  John,  were  taken  into  the 
king's  hands. 

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297.  Bbbtband  db  Gayclin  alias  dk  Gaycilin. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflf  of  Berks,  5  Feb.  88  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Philippa,  aged  20,  and  Lora,  aged  17,  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs. 

BjBBKS.  Hest  Geynge  town,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown  except 
12d.  hidage.  William  Gernun  holds  one  moiety  and  Urricus  de  Sancto 
Petro  the  other  moiety  by  the  king's  bail. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (12.) 

298.  William  de  Wellesleye  alias  de  Wblisleg'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  21  June,  38  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Thomas  (de  WeUsleg'),  aged  21  at  the  feast  of  the  Purification  last,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.     He  held  the  chief  bailiwick  of  the  county  on  the  eastern  side  of 
the  Peret  by  service  of  1  sparrowhawk  or  4».,  but  no  land  pertaining  thereto. 
Welisleg',^  hide  land  held  of  the  bishop  of  Bath,  service  unspecified. 
Littletourie,  J    virgate   land    held    of  Philip    de    Buctoune,    service 

The  said  lands  were  in  the  king's  wardship,  who  sold  the  marriage  and  ward- 
ship of  the  said  Thomas  to  Agnes  de  Welisleg'  his  mother.  (See  Nos.  263  and 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (13.) 

299.  BiOHABD  de  Dovobia  aUas  de  Dovebia. 

Writ,  15  Sept.  38  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  12,  is  his  heir. 

Huntingdon.  160a.  land  and  la.  meadow  in  demesne,  3«.  rent  and  2  virgates  in 
villenage  (place  unspecified),  held  of  Sir  Ivo  Quarel  by  service  of  1  pair  of 

Bedford.  Henlawe  manor,  which  ought  to  revert  to  the  king,  as  is  said.  (Comp. 
No.  322.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (14.) 

300.  Michael  son  of  Michael. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Sunday  after  the  Ascension,  88  Hen.  III. 
Thomas  de  RyhuU  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Northumberland.  Whytincham,  Barton  and  Throunton  alias  Trowynton  town,  1 
carucate  land  in  demesne,  11  farmers  holding  20a.  each,  60«.  from  the  mill  of 
•  Whytincham,  7s.  rents  from  cottars,  and  rents  from  other  tenants,  &c.  (names 
given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  himself  and  his  partners  by  J  mark  rent. 
RyhuU  town,  5  carucates  land,  whereof  2  bovates  are  assigned  in  frank 
almoin  to  the  chantry  of  Ryhull  chapel,  a  mill  and  pasture,  held  of  Ralph 
son  of  Roger  in  free  marriage.     (See  No.  664.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  n.  (15.) 

301.  Ralph  de  la  Hate  alias  de  Haya. 

William,  son  of  Sir  WilUam  de  Munchenesi  dlxas  Munkanesey,  aged  24,  is 
his  heir. 

Writ  and  Tnandate  dc.  with  transcript  ofwrit,  80  Jan.  38  Hen.  III. 

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HENRY  III.  79 

[EssBX.]     Extent  (undated). 

Quendene  town,  200a.  arable,  528.  works,  2a.  meadow,  and  profits  of 
wood,  held  of  Sir  Warin  de  Munkanesey  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

[Essex.]     Extent  {undated). 

Legra  de  le  Haye  town,  120a.  arable,  10a.  wood,  2a.  meadow,  and  1  (?) 
mark  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne,  and  suit  of 
court  is  due  therefrom ;  l40a.  arable,  7a.  meadow,  20a.  wood,  29«.  8d.  rent, 
&c.,  held  of  Sir  Henry  de  Esex  by  1  knight's  fee;  and  60a.  arable,  8a. 
meadow,  and  6«.  rent  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Ferreres  by  \  knight's  fee. 

Rettendun  town,  200a.,  6«.  (?)  rent,  &c.  held  of  the  bishop  of  Ely  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

Sussex.     Writs,  22  and  28  June.    Inq.  2  July,  38  Hen.  HI. 

Torringg',   lOZ.  16a.    IJd.  held   by    the    courtesy   of   England  of  the 
inheritance  of  Eustacia  his  first  wife  of  the  earl  of  Winchester  for  1  knight's 
fee,  doing  6«.  to  guard  at  the  castle  of  Pevenesel,  and  half  Hetun'  {sic), 
Philip  de  Nevile,  knight,  aged  40  and  more,  is  the  heir  of  the  said  Eustacia,  to 

whom  the  manor  ought  to  revert. 

Northampton.     Writ,  15  July.     Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Margaret,  38  Hen.  IH. 
Brampton  and  Haudeneby  manors  held  by  the  courtesy  of  England  of 
the  inheritance  of  Eustacia  his  wife. 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (16.) 

302.  BooEB  DE  Stubmy  alias  Esturmy  alias  lb  Esturmy. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  5  March,  88  Hen.  HI. 
William,  his  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Suffolk.     Extent.     Sunday  after  St.  Gregory,  38  Hen.  HI. 

Ikene  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
knight ;  and  heath  held  of  the  prior  of  Ely. 

Suffolk.    Extent.    The  vigil  of  St.  Gregory,  38  Hen.  HI. 

Buxhale  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  1  knight's 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (17.) 

303.  William  de  Cardunvill  alias  de  Cardunwile,  de  Kardunvill. 

Writ,  33  (sic)  March.     Inq.  Tuesday  after  the  Annunciation,  38  Hen.  HI. 

He  solemnly  espoused  at  the  church  door  one  Alice,  and  they  lived 
together  as  husband  and  wife  for  sixteen  years  and  had  several  children,  of 
whom  one  named  Richard,  aged  4,  lives.  Afterwards  came  one  Joan  of 
whom  long  ago  he  had  begotten  a  son  named  Richard,  now  aged  24,  and 
claimed  the  said  William  as  her  husband  in  the  Court  Christian  by  a 
promise  (fidem)  given  to  her,  and  intention  having  been  proved  it  was  so 
adjudged,  and  divorce  from  the  said  Alice  solemnly  pronounced,  and  so  it 
has  remained  for  a  year  and  more.  But  as  the  said  Joan  was  never  solemnly 
espoused  at  the  church  door,  the  jury  doubt  whether  her  son  or  the  son  of  the 
said  Alice  is  the  heir;  if  neither,  then  Robert  de  Cardunville,  brother  of  the  said 
William,  is  his  heir. 

[Southampton.]     Tederlig',  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 
La  Hale,  1  carucate  land  with  its  appurtenances  in  Rokeburn. 
Merchewude,  6  quarters  of  salt. 
'  Freynsemor',  7a.  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  John  Maunsel. 

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One  carucate  land  held  of  Nicholas  de  Haveresham.  Services 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (18.) 

304.  Henry  db  Pinkbny  alias  db  Pynkbny. 

Henry,  his  son,  aged  26  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Writ,  2  July.  Inq.  Thursday  after  the  Translation  of  St. 
Thomas  the  Martyr,  38  Hen.  III. 

Wedon  and  Wapham  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  by  barony. 

Barton,  10  marks  land  held  of  Sir  Henry  de  Hastinges  in  free  marriage, 
which  the  deceased  gave  to  Alice  his  daughter. 

BucKiNOHAM.     Writ,  2  July,  88  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Fuhnere  and  Dachette  manors  (extents  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Essex.     Writ,  2  July,  88  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Eumedone,  189a.  arable,  29s.  6d.  rent,  l^a.  meadow,  8a.  pasture,  &c. 
held  of  the  king  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  2  knight's  fees. 

Grsteshale,  150a.  land,  82s.  rent,  6a.  meadow,  pasture  in  the  park,  &c. 
held  of  the  honour  of  Angre  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (19.) 

305.  Henry  de  Whaddon  alias  de  Wjlddon. 

Mandate  dc.  toith  transcript  of  writ,  80  Jan.  88  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 
Humphrey,  his  son,  aged  80,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.    Melkesham  manor,  a  pasture  held  of  the  king  by  10«.  rent  and  tallage. 

Waddon  manor,  1  carucate  land  containing  35a.  land,  la.  meadow, 
profits  of  a  mill  and  garden,  30«.  rent,  tallage,  &c.  held  of  William  Longespee 
by  service  of  J  shield  {scuti) ;  and  2  hides  land,  containing  26a.  arable,  la. 
meadow,  and  2s.  from  wood,  held  of  Humphrey  de  Escovill'  by  service  of 
J  shield,  except  ^  thereof. 

Packelescrofte,  8  cottages  held  of  the  abbess  of  Bomesey  by  Sd.  rent. 

[Waddon,]  the  advowson  of  the  church  pertains  to  the  said  fee  of 
William  Longespee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  15.  (20.) 

306.  Peter  de  Pelevill'. 

Writ,  4  Aug.  88  Hen.  IIL    Extent  {undated). 

William  de  Gihey,  aged  80  and  more,  and  Sir  William  de  Whithingtone, 
aged  86  and  more,  are  his  heirs. 

Norfolk.    Bilneye  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
Bodeneye  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  |  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  16.  (1.) 

307-  William  Avenbl. 

Mandate,  27  Feb.  88  Hen.  Ill,  to  the  queen  and  the  earl  of  Cornwall,  to 
deliver  seisin  of  the  land  of  Aschleg'  late  of  William  Avenel  to  Bobert 
Waleraund  for  good  service  in  Gascony. 

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HENRY  III.  81 

Mandate  dtc,  with  transcript  of  writy  24  May.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  John  the 
Baptist,  88  Hen.  III. 
Baldwin  is  the  right  heir  of  the  land  of  Battesthorne. 

Devon.  Batesthorne  in  Huneton  alias  Honniton  manor,  court  and  curtilage, 
69a.  land,  8a.  meadow,  la.  wood,  waste  on  the  hills,  63s.  4Jd.  rent, 
4s.  6d.  aid,  &c.,  tenure  unspecified.     {See  Nos.  278  and  825.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (2.) 

308.  Bebtram  Gbiffin. 

Mandate  dc.  with  transcript  oj  writ,  24  May.     Inq.  Thursday  before  Whitsunday, 
88  Hen.  III. 
Geofi&ey,  his  son,  aged  12  at  the  feast  of  St.  Martin  last,  is  his  heir. 

Staffobd.  Pirul  hundred,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  homage  and  service  of  6J 

Cleyton,  4  virgates  land  so  called,  held  of  John  de  Lega,  lord  of  Cnotton, 
and  Alice  his  wife  by  homage  and  service  of  1  mark. 

Chesteb.  Lands  and  rents,  value  unknown,  held  of  Sir  James  de  Aldithelega, 
Geoffrey  Bakepuz  and  William  de  Chetilinton. 

Salop.    Besford,  J  virgate  held  of  the  abbot  of  Hawman,  service  unknown. 

Writ  de  melius  inqidrendoy  6  June.    Inq.  Monday  the  octave  of  SS.  Peter  and 
Paul,  38  Hen.  III. 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  aged  10,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.    PyruU  hundred,  held  as  abovesaid. 

Clayton  manor,  containing  4  carucates  land  in  demesne,  &c.  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  one  Serjeant's  service  in  the  Castle  under  Lyme 
for  40  days  at  the  king's  cost  with  horses  and  arms. 

Salop.    Besseford  and  Preston,  16«.  rent,  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (8.) 

309.  James  de  Estewode. 

Mandate  -from  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  the  bailiff  of  the  liberty  of  Eocheford,  with 
transcript  of  wnt,  5  Oct.  Extent,  Friday  before  St.  Edward,  88  Hen.  III. 
His  seven  daughters,  aged  respectively  11, 10,  9,  6,  8|,  2,  and  2  months,  are 

his  heirs. 

Essex.  Lands  &c.  unspecified,  viz. — 154a.  land,  50a.  heath  and  pasture,  and  5a. 
wood,  and  8s.  4Jd.  and  lib.  cummin  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  1  knight's  fee,  whereof  his  mother  has  in  dower  87a.  and  2a.  6d. ;  and  a 
marsh  held  of  the  fee  of  Guy  de  Eocheford,  a  windmill  held  of  Thomas  de 
Mockinge  and  Sabina  his  wife,  6a.  wood  and  20d.  rent  held  of  the  countess 
of  Kent,  and  12d.  rent  held  of  John  de  Birethe,  services  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  16.  (4.) 

310.  William  de  Apenticio  alias  de  la  Pentiz,  de  Penticio. 

WHt,  29  Dec.  88  Hen.  III.    Inq.  88  Hen.  HI. 

Nicholas  de  Pontic',  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Dorset.]  Gussich,  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  of 
the  king  by  the  royal  service  pertaining  to  J  knight's  fee  of  Mortain. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (5.) 

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311.  Robert  de  Mugegbob. 

Mandate  dbc.  with  transcript  oj  writ^  29  Jan.  38  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

John,  his  son,  age*  variously  stated  as  22  and  more,  and  21  on  the  feast  of 
St.  Laurence  last,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.  Bryuham  manor  held  in  free  socage  of  the  heirs  of  Henry  son  of 
Richard  by  service  of  6d.  yearly. 

Cherleton  manor,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  John  de  Burg'  by  royal  service ; 
1  hide  land  held  in  socage  of  William  de  Insula  by  service  of  6d.  yearly ;  8a. 
held  of  Richard  Luvell  by  service  of  6d. ;  1  virgate  land  held  of  William  de 
Bruham  by  service  of  2«. ;  and  10a.  held  of  Lady  Sabina  de  Ortyaco  by 
service  of  a  pair  of  gloves  price  Id. 

Norton  manor,  held  to  farm  of  Sir  Girard  de  Bleyves. 

Suffolk.    Extent,  St.  Valentine's  Day,  88  Hen.  III. 

Fineberye  manor  (extent  given)  in  Stowe  hundred,  held  of  the  bishop  of 
Ely  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Wymermers,  a  certain  rent  held  for  a  term  of  three  years. 

Gloucester.  Mandate  dec.  with  transcript  of  writ,  29  Jan.  38  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

Kenemerton,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  held  of  the  king's  gift  as  of 
the  escheat  of  the  Normans,  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester,  together 
with  other  lands  pertaining  thereto,  by  royal  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Botinton  manor,  i  part  held  of  &Le  fee  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  as  of 
Kenemerton  msmor  by  ^  knight's  fee ;  another  third  held  of  the  fee  of  the 
abbot  of  Westminster,  paying  to  Sir  Roger  de  Derneford  28«.  4d. ;  and  the 
other  held  of  the  fee  of  the  prior  of  Derherst,  paying  Is.  2d. 

Hetherle,  1  carucate  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  marshal  for  ^  knight's  fee. 

Norteclive,  6  bovates  land  held  of  tiie  fee  of  the  prior  of  Derherst, 
paying  4a. 

Killicot'  in  the  forest  of  Dene,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir 
Emald  de  Bosco  as  of  Tainton  by  the  royal  service  of  \  knight's  fee. 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (6.) 

312.  Eleanor,  sometime  the  wife  of  John,  earl  of  Chester. 

Writ  (missing).  Partition  of  her  lands  between  Sir  J.  de  Bayllol,  Robert  de  Brus, 
and  Henry  de  Hasting*,  the  heirs  of  the  said  earl.  The  eve  of  St.  Martin, 
38  Hen.  III. 

[Middlesex.]  Totenham  manor  (extent  given),  whereof  the  Sr^  part  is  worth 
191.  5s.  2d. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (7.) 

313.  Ralph  de  Bethijm. 

Wnt,  25  April,  88  Hen.  HI. 

Joan,  his  daughter,  aged  7J,  is  his  heir,  and  her  marriage  is  worth  80Z.  in 
Lancashire  and  Westmoreland.  She  is  not  married,  and  is  sick  from  a  worm 
which  consumes  her. 

Lancaster.      Inq.   Saturday  after   SS.  Philip  and  James,  38  Hen.  III. 

Brunigge  and  Eelgrimeshar',  ISf  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  knight's  service  and  17^^.  farm  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster. 

Neusum,   2  bovates  held  of  the  earl  of  Lincoln  in  chief  by  knight's 
service,  12  carucates  making  a  knight's  fee  and  8  bovates  one  carucate. 
Warton,  8  carucates  held  of  the  said  earl  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

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HENRY  in.  88 

Botele  town,  2  carucates  held  in  chief  of  the  earl  of  Perars  by  service  of 
8$.  8d. ;  4  bovates  held  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Waleton,  by  service  of 
20d. ;  and  5  parts  of  a  watermill ;  &c. 

Kirkebi  town,  1  carucate  held  in  chief  of  the  earl  of  Lincoln  by  knight's 
service ;  and  half  a  mill ;  &c. 

Argaremeles,  1  carucate  held  of  the  said  earl  by  knight's  service. 

Bretherton,  1  carucate  held  of  the  said  earl  by  knight's  service. 

Wyttinton,  7 J  bovates  held  of  Walter  de  Lindesheye  by  service  of  6«.  8d. 

Westmobeland.  Extent  (undated).  Bethum  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names 
of  tenants),  including  Ondhopp  with"  the '  fishery  of  EsbricpoUe  and 
Crakintorp,  with  two  mills,  Farleton,  Hesleslac,  Quasheved  and  the  woods  of 
Amolheved  alias  Amholvisheved  and  Bethume.  The  manor  paid  yearly  to 
Walter  de  Lindesey  58s,  8d. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  7  May.  Inq.  The  Morrow  of  the  Holy  Trinity, 
88  Hen.  III. 

Lakcaster.    Brining  and  Eelgrimesarth,  1  carucate,  5  bovates  and  8  parts  of 
1  bovate  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service,  and  they  are  within 
the  earldom  of  Lancaster,  which  is  the  king's  escheat. 
(See  Nos.  338  and  890.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (8.) 

314.  BoBEBT  son  of  Thomas  de  Craystoe. 

WHt,  4  May,  88  Hen.  III. 

William,  son  of  Thomas  de  Graystok,  aged  80,  brother  of  the  said  Robert,  is 
his  heir. 

York.    Extent^  Friday  before  the  Ascension,  38  Hen.  III. 

Brunnum  town,  2^  knights'  fees,  including  capital  messuage,  lands,  &c. 
(extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knights' 
Knights'  fees: — 

Brunnum,  6  bovates  held  of  the  above  fee  by  the  prior  of  Warter,  doing 
nothing  but  foreign  service ;  and  J  carucate  similarly  held  by  the  t)rioress 
of  Brunnum. 

Milinton  and  Gripthorp,  J  fee  similarly  held  by  Sir  Philip  de  la  Leye. 

Wapplinton,  J  carucate  similarly  held  by  William  son  of  Ralph. 

Sethon,  J  carucate  held  by.Remigius  de  Poclinton. . 

Folketon,  3  carucates  and  a  mUl  held  by  Ranulph  de  Folketon  by 
I  knight's  fee,  rendering  16s.  8d.  yearly. 

Flixton,  2  bovates  held  by  William  Dispensator  by  2s.  rent ;  1  culture 
in  the  marsh  held  by  Sir  William  de  Ergum  by  6d.  rent ;  and  2  bovates 
held  by  Lady  Isabel  de  Boythorp,  doing  nothing  but  foreign  service. 

Spaldington,  ^  fee  held  by  Sir  l^eter  de  la  Haye  of  the  barony  of 
Mubraye,  by  6s.  Sd.  rent. 

Thorp,  8  carucates  held  by  Sir  Gerard  Salvein  of  the  fee  of  St.  Mary's, 
York,  by  12d.  rent. 

Brunnum  town,   1   bovate    held  by  the  Master  of  the  hospital   (of 
St.  John)  of  Jerusalem,  doing  nothing  but  foreign  service. 
Cumberland.    Extent,  Monday  after  the  Ascension,  88  Hen.  Ill  (mwcA  dejfaced). 

Craystok  manor  (extent  given). 


Blenkhaw.   ' 

Stainton  town  (extent  given). 

Wethermelok  (extent  given). 

Sperkeheved,  &l.  5s,  rent  &c. 

Digitized  by 



Ychakwehelytte  (?),  held  by  Henry  del  Lee  by  Id.  rent. 
Eskheved,  held  by  Walter  (?)  Scotus  by  2«.  rent. 
Thomthwayt,  held  by  Geoffrey  Mawgard  by  Id.  rent. 
8a.  land  held  by  John  de  Patrikdale  by  2a.  rent. 
Ayrath*,  held  by  Gervase  de  Timpain  by  Id.  rent. 
Lonktwayt,  6a.  meadow  held  by  TuUy  the  forester  by  Id. 
Craystok  forest  (extent  given),  including  80a.  land  in  Gisdale. 
Craystok,  advowson  of  the  church. 

YoBK.    Folketon,  advowson  of 

[^Cumberland.    Daker. 

Dalman  Aid  (sic). 

Staunton  (sic)  Parva. 
Heton  manor. 
Newbighin.  • 
La  Gille  town.*] 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (9.) 

315.  Sabina  de  Urtyaco. 

Writ  (missing).    Extent,  Tuesday  before  the  Ascension,  38  Hen  III  (defective). 
The  son  of  Richard  de  Urtiaco,  deceased,  is  her  heir. 

Somerset.  Curyrevell  manor  with  two  foreign  hundreds  and  the  town  of  Lang- 
port,  member  thereof  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's 

Puttenya  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  20«. 

CnoUe  town  (extent  given)  held  of  the  abbot  of  Alingenya  and  Ralph 
Hese  by  13a.  3d.  rent. 

Stokes  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

G.  Hen.  HI.  FU^  16.  (10.) 

316.  Roger  Ghauvbl  alias  Gatjvel. 

Writ  de  dote  assignanda,  12  Dec.    Extent,  Monday  after  St.  Vincent,  88  Hen.  HI. 

[Kent.]     Renham,  capital  messuage,  144a.  arable,  16a.  pasture  called  La  broue  (?) , 
a  marsh  called  Werecwrth',  and  50a.  wood. 
Cheleshurst,  38«.  8^d.  rent. 

4:1.  Os.  Id.  rent  from  Shorne,  Escareye  and  Werkeswrth*,  and  from  the 
heirs  of  Nicholas  de  Dene. 

Out  of  which  26s.  9d.  rent  is  due  to  the  king's  manor  of  Middleton. 
A  moiety  of  all  the  above  is  assigned  in  dower  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  the 
said  Roger,  according  to  the  custom  of  gavelkind. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  16.  (11.) 

317.  The  lady  of  Chetinton  alias  Sibyl  de  Brok'. 

Writ  of  extent,  7  July,  38  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

She  died  without  heir  of  her  body,  but  had  two  elder  sisters,  Edelina  and 
Clemencia  ;  Edelina  had  three  daughters  married  m  cos.  Sussex  and  Surrey,  and 
Nicholas  de  Wauncy  is  kinsman  of  one  of  them,  John  de  Bendig'  of  another, 

*  So  given  in  the  Calendar  printed  in  1806,  but  now  illegible. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  86 

and  Peter  de  Hautot*  of  the  third  ;  Clemencia  had  four  sons,  viz.  Auger,  of  whom 
she  was  pregnant  when  William  de  Maleseveres,  her  husband,  married  her,  and 
three  others  begotten  in  matrimony,  viz.  Thomas,  who  before  his  death  begot  a  son 
named  William,  Simon,  and  Adam  :  whence  the  jury  know  not  whether  the  land 
is  the  king's  escheat  or  not. 

Salop.  Chettynton,  2  carucates  land  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  finding  one  foot  serjeant  with  a  bow  and  8  arrows  in  the  king's 
army  in  North  Wales.    (See  No.  865.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (12.) 

318.  William  db  Cantilupo. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  15  Oct.  38  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undated). 

Wilts.  Calne  town,  including  88«.  Id.  rent  of  assize,  4Z.  yearly  from  toll, 
*  chepingavel '  and  *  brewyngavel,'  lOs.  from  a  mill,  5a.  land,  8a.  meadow, 
4  virgates  land  called  Bures,  20«.  rent  of  freemen  at  Bures,  40«.  from  the 
foreign  hundred  and  20a.  amercements  yearly. 

Suffolk.    Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Denis,  38  Hen.  III. 
Badmundefeld  manor  (extent  given). 

King  Henry  I  gave  the  manor  to  Baldwin  de  Bulers  in  free  marriage  with 
Sibyl  de  Faleisse,  wherefore  no  service  has  ever  been  done  to  the  king  for  the 

The  advowson  of  Wichum  church  pertains  to  George,  son  and  heir  of  Sir 
William  de  Cantilupo,  aged  8  ;  and  the  advowson  of  the  chapel  within  the  court 
is  free  and  exempt  from  the  bishop's  jurisdiction  and  pertains  to  the  donation  of 
the  said  heir.     (See  Nos.  840  and  866.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  16.  (18.) 

319.  Alan  de  Moreote. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick,  1  Oct.  88  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  8,  is  his  heir. 

Warwick.  Radewaye,  8  virgates  land  held  of  Thomas  son  of  Richard  de  Warr', 
by  i  mark. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  16.  (14.) 

320.  AoATHA,  late  the  wife  of  William  le  Rus. 

Writ  to  enquire  whether  Agatha,  late  the  wife  of  William  le  Rus,  was  daughter 
and  heir  of  Roger  de  Clere,  and  whether  the  same  Roger  held  Ludburg' 
manor  of  Odinel  de  Albaniaco,  and  who  is  next  heir  of  the  same  Odinel, 
7  Dec.  88  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (missing.)     (See  Nos.  282  and  462.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (15.) 

321.  Henry  Gostentyn  alias  de  Costentin. 

Writ^  28  April.    Inq.  Monday  after  the  Ascension,  89  Hen.  III. 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Bbdford.  Suttun  town,  2^  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  ^  knight's 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  16.  (16.) 

Digitized  by 



322.  BlOHABD   DB   DoVOB'   (UioS   DE   DOVEBB. 

Wnt,  4  Feb.  89  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
John,  his  8on»  aged  9,  is  ms  heir. 

Essex.  Writell  town,  124a.  in  demesne,  7^a.  pasture,  2|a.  meadow,  a  messuage 
and  14s.  9d.  rent,  held  of  Robert  de  Brus  and  William  de  Fen  in  socage  by 
service  of  31«.  Id.,  and  suit  at  the  court  of  the  said  Robert.     {Comp.  No.  299.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (17.) 

323.  Maud  de  Roghefobd,  sometime  the  wife  of  John  de  Bydun. 

NoBPOLK.     Writ,  11  Nov.  89  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undated). 

Stowe  manor,  held  in  dower  of  the  gift  of  the  said  John,  who  died  without 
heirs  of  his  body,  and  the  whole  barony  ought  to  descend  to  his  five  sisters, 
whose  names  are  unknown. 

BucKiNaHAM.     Writ  to  the  sheriff,  14  Dec.  89  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

John  Bidun  died  without  heir  of  his  body,  and  had  five  sisters,  viz. — Amicia 
who  had  three  daughters,  Amabel,  Isabel  and  Agnes ;  Amabel  died  without  heir ; 
Isabel  had  Henry  son  of  Ralph  who  is  her  heir;  and  Agnes,  wife  of  Warin  de 
Brageham,  still  lives.  Amabel,  another  sister,  had  an  heir  Miles  de  Bello  Campo, 
who  is  living.  SaraK  the  third  sister  had  three  daughters,  Isabel,  Maud  and 
Philippa;  Isabel  is  living;  Maud  is  dead,  leaving  a  daughter  Sarah  married  to 
Robert  de  Walton  ;  Philippa  is  dead,  leaving  a  son  John  de  Kroxton.  Maud  the 
fourth  sister  had  a  son  Robert  son  of  Geofflrey,  who  is  dead,  leaving  a  son  Thomas 
son  of  Robert.  Ermigerda  the  fifth  sister  had  a  son  Richard  (de  Gatesden  who 
is  living  (altered  by  interlineation  thus  : — *  two  sons  John  and  Richard ;  John  de 
Gatesden  the  elder  is  dead,  and  had  a  son  John  who  is  living').  All  the  above 
are  heirs  of  John  Bidun. 

Memorandum  of  attorney  of  Miles  de  Bello  Campo  and  Henry  son  of  Ralph, 
heirs  as  above,  for  receipt  of  seisin. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (18.) 

324.  John  de  Etnabdbslb  alias  de  Etnabdesleg'. 

Writ  to  James  Fresel,  constable  of  St.  Briavell,  25  Sept.  39  Hen.  III. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  26  Sept.  89  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Hugh,  his  son,  aged  8,  is  his  heir. 

Gloucestbb.  Newland  (novam  terram)  in  the  forest  of  Dene,  151a.  land  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  44^.  5d.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (19.) 

325.  William  Avbnel. 

Writ  de  escaeta  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  8  April.  Inq.  Tuesday  before  St. 
Barnabas,  39  Hen.  III. 

Devon.  The  jury  know  not  whether  the  land  of  Badesthorn'  is  the  king's  escheat, 
for  William  de  Vernon,  earl  of  Devon,  gave  it  to  Nicholas  Avenel,  from  whom 
it  descended  to  William  his  son,  now  dead,  of  whom  they  Imow  of  no  heir. 
Joan,  late  his  wife,  holds  a  third  part  in  dower,  and  the  king's  escheator 
holds  the  land  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  heir  of  Baldwin,  earl  of 

Devon.     (See  Nos.  278  arid  307.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  16.  (20.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  87 

326.   BOOBB  DB  LA   MoBB. 

Writ,  8  Dec.  89  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (mdated.) 
Boger,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  fall  age. 

[Salop.]  La  More  town  (extent  given),  held  by  service  of  keeping  one 
constableship  {custodiend'  imam  constabular')  in  war  with  the  king  in  Wales, 
receiving  from  the  king  12d.  daily,  and  paying  1  mark  yearly  to  the  kmg 
for  alienations ;  5  virgates  land  held  of  the  bishop  of  Hereford  and  Adam 
de  Acton  by  service  of  5a.  4d. ;  and  2  virgates  held  of  Roger  de  Nortbur*  by 
service  of  2s.  lOd. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (1.) 

327.  Thomas  son  of  Robebt  de  Walleg'  alias  de  Wallet. 

Writ,  24  April.    Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  39  Hen.  HI. 
WilHam,  his  son,  aged  22,  the  bearer  of  this  inquisition,  is  his  heir. 

[Dbbby.]     Walley  town,  16a.  land,  whereof  his  wife  was  afterwards  dowered  of 
b^.y  and  after  his  death  his  mother,  who  held  8a.  in  dower,  died ;  total  24a. 
Bolesourers,  ^  mark  rent  from  1}  bovate  and  la.  land,  and  8(2.  from 
6a.  wood  and  a  meadow. 

All  freely  held  of  the  king  by  homage  and  1  mark  rent  by  the  hands  of  the 
bailiff  of  Bolesourers. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  17.  (2.) 

328.  Rboinald  be  Bathonu. 

WHt,  22  Feb.  89  Hen.  III. 

Reginald,  his  son,  aged  15,  is  his  heir. 

[SoMEBSBT.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Gumton  Durevil',  1}  virgate  land  held  of  the  king's  escheat  of  the  fee 
of  Eustace  de  Durevill  hanged  for  felony,  doing  royal  service. 

Radewell,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Henry  de  Penebrugge  in  socage  by 
service  of  10«.,  and  2s.  to  Tanton  priory. 

More,  2  virgates  held  of  Nicholas  de  Meriet  in  socage  by  service  of  128. 

Bbdpobd.    Inq.  The  Sunday  when  'letare  Jerusalem*  is  sung,  89  Hen.  HI. 

Wibaudeston,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  William  de  Bello  Campo  de 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  n.   (3.) 

329.  Rooeb  de  Gboft. 

Writ,  1  Oct.  89  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  Monday  the  feast  of  St.  Luke. 

He  died  on  Thursday  after   St.  Matthew    last.      Henry,    his  son,  aged 
16,  is  his  heir,  and  was  espoused  five  years  before  his  father's  death. 

Lancasteb.    Dalton  town,  2  carucates  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  10a.  yearly. 

Clagton  town,  4  J  bovates  (extent  given)  and  ^  water  mill,  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  20«.  6d.  yearly. 

Kellet  town,  7  bovates  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  4«.  2d. 
yearly,  of  which  others  are  enfeoffed  paying  the  same  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (4.) 

Digitized  by 



330.  Jambs  db  Putton  alias  db  Puton. 

Writ  to  Eobert  de  Stopham,  bailiff  of  Clarendon,  27  Jan.    Inq.  The  day  of  the 
Holy  Trinity,  39  Hen.  III. 
William,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Wilts.]  Clarendon  forest,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
keeping  the  forest  by  himself  or  another  horseman  and  two  foot  Serjeants  at 
his  own  cost. 

[Southampton  ?]  La  Bokolt  forest,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  keeping  the  bailiwick  of  La  Bokolt  by  himself  on  horseback  and 
one  foot  Serjeant  at  his  own  cost,  and  20«.  to  the  king's  keeper  of  Clarendon. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (5.) 

331.  BlOHABD   DB   LiKDON. 

Writ,  29  Nov.  89  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Simon,  his  son,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Eston  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  2  knights. 

Lincoln.     Writ,  29  Nov.    Inq.  The  eve  of  St.  Nicholas,  89  Hen.  III. 

Creton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  Walter  de  Colevil 
for  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (6.) 

332.  Gboffbby  db  Baogbsatb  alias  db  Bagbssbtb. 

Writ  {missing). 

He  died  on  Monday  before  SS.  Fabian  and  Sebastian,  89  Hen.  IH.  Alice  de 
Froxle,  daughter  of  one  of  his  aunts,  and  Alice  de  Tywe  and  Joan  de  Homle,  his 
aunts,  the  youngest  of  whom,  Alice,  is  aged  40,  are  his  heirs. 

[Surrey.]     Extent  {undated  and  dejaced). 

Chabeham  town,  40a.  arable,  5a.  meadow,  J  mark  rent  and  J  mark 
services,  and  there  are  due  yearly  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Certese,  the 
lords  of  that  fee,  10s.  4d.  rent,  12  gallons  of  honey  price  65.,  2  sheep 
or  2s.,  2  quarters  oats,  1  ploughshare,  1  horse  for  carrying  a  monk  to 
Winchester  twice  a  year,  and  other  small  services,  all  the  services  being 
worth  26s.  5d. 

Berks.    Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Scholastica,  89  Hen.  III. 

He  held  a  serjeanty  called  Bagesset'  of  the  king  in  chief  by  a  rent  of  60s., 
but  that  serjeanty  does  not  pertain  to  the  land  of  Bagesset',  but  to  the  land  of 
Shunigehull  and  Cowurthe,  which  are  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Bagesset*  manor,  held  of  Sir  William  de  Windles  [ores]  in  chief  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee  and  J  mark  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (7.) 

333.  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  William  de  Ferrariis,  earl  of  Derby. 

Stafford.  Writ  oj  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  lands  claimed  in  dower  by  the  said 
Margaret,  7  May,  39  Hen.  III.    Extent  and  appraisement  {undated). 

Horecros,  10a.  rent  paid  by  Nicholas  de  Walesh'  to  Bobert  de  Meleberne 
by  the  gift  of  William  the  last  earl. 

Digitized  by 


HENBY  III.  89 

Mereinton,  a  n^iH  held  of  the  earl  by  Robert  Owen,  oat  of  which  the  last 
earl  assigned  40s.  to  Simon  de  Tok'  in  exchange  for  land. 

Rolveston,  2  virgates  land  held  by  William  de  Rolveston  of  the  gift  of 
the  last  earl. 

Derby.  Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff,  7  May,  89  Hen.  III.  Extent  and  appraise- 
ment  {undated). 

Arelewasseleg,  120a.  land. 

Wyggeleg',  Femigleg  aluis  Fernelig'  and  Asselewehay  alias  Asselewes- 

shay,  40«.  land. 

Bradebom,  5  marks  rent. 

*  f 

NoBTHAMPTON.     Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff,  7  May.    Extent  and  appraisement 

Monday  before  St.  Barnabas,  89  Hen.  III. 

Bingstede,  12^  virgates  land  and  2  cottages. 

Stanewigg',  5  virgates  land  and  2  cottages. 

Caldecot',  J  virgate  land. 

Bissenden,  a  mill. 

Northampton.  Extent  and  appraisement,  Saturday  the  morrow  of  St.  Barnabas, 
39  Hen.  III. 

Neubotteir  manor  (full  extent  given). 

Essex.  Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff,  7  May,  39  Hen.  III.  Extent  and  appraise- 
ment {undated). 

Wodeham  Ferreres  manor  (extent  given). 

JEjSBBX.     Extent  and  appraisement  {undated). 
Fayerstede  (manor)  (extent  given). 

Essex.     Extent  and  appraisement  {undated).  ^ 

Stebbing'  alias  Stubbingg'  manor  (extent  given). 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (8.) 

334.   GiLBBRT  DB   SbGRAVB. 

Writ  {missing). 

Nicholas,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  16  and  17,  is  his  heir. 

Lbicbster.    Extent  {undated). 

Hwetstan  town  in  (S^utlacston  hundred,  16  virgates  land,  excepting  one 
toft,  each  containing  27a.,  20a.  meadow,  tallage,  a  mill,  pasture,  &c.  held  of 
the  earl  of  Winchester  in  chief  by  socage. 

Lbicbster.     Extent  {undated). 

Montsorel  manor  (extent  given),  wherein  are  two  holdings,  viz.  of  the 
fee  of  the  earl  of  Winchester  towards  the  south,  and  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of 
Chester  towards  the  north ;  for  Montsorel  mill  Hugh  le  Despenser  pays  1 
mark  rent ;  and  of  9a.  meadow  the  countess  of  Arundel  has  8a.  in  dower. 

[Lbicbster.]     Extent  {undated). 

Gothes  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of  the  king  in 
socage,  rendering  yearly  one  berselet  in  leash  {in  ligamine). 

Leicester.    Extent  {undated). 

Cotes  town,  a  member  pertaining  to  Segrave  manor,  10  virgates  (?) 
land,  6«.  2d.  rent,  &c.  held  of  Sir  William  de  Wytthynton,  service  unknown. 
Houthon,  2  virgates  land,  each  containing  13^a.,  held  of  Sir  Banulph 
de  lorz  by  service  of  4d.,  and  by  him  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Digitized  by 



Warwick.    Extent  (undated). 

AUespathe  town,  44«.  3d.  rent  of  assize,  services,  tallage,  perquisites  of 
courts,  &c. 

Astleya  town,  .  .  s.  id,  rent  of  assize,  and  he  held  the  whole  homage 
of  the  town  of  Bertin  de 

Coventry,  89a.  and  4  hens  rent  of  assize  of  all  the  free  tenants,  held  of 
the  fee  of  the  prior  of  the  town.     (See  Rot.  Fin.  39  Hen.  in,  m.  13.) 

Writ  de  escaeta,  24  Dec.  39  Hen.  III.     Inq,  (undated.) 

Cambbidgb.  Stanton  manor  was  of  the  lands  of  the  Bretons,  viz. — of  Daniel  de  la 
Roche,  after  whose  death  his  wife  held  it  in  dower.  And  after  her  death  the 
present  king  granted  it  to  Stephen  de  Segrave  to  hold  during  pleasure ;  bat 
moved  with  anger  against  him,  the  king  reseized  it  and  committed  it  to  his 
sister,  the  queen  of  Scots,  after  whose  deatii  he  committed  it  again  to  the 
said  Stephen.  After  Stephen's  death,  his  son  Gilbert  held  it  for  life,  but 
the  jury  know  not  whether  by  charter  or  by  grace.  And  so  the  manor  is 
the  king's  escheat. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (9.) 

335.  Richard  le  Gos  alias  Gos,  who  died  in  Neugat  prison. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  30  Oct.  39  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

John  son  of  Tholy,  is  his  heir,  and  is  of  full  age  according  to  the  custom  of 
Lincoln  City. 

Lincoln.  Lincobi  city,  1  toft  held  of  the  precentor  of  Lincoln ;  1  toft  of  the 
dean  and  chapter  of  Lincoln ;  1  toft  of  Adam  son  of  William  son  of  Warin ; 
1  toft  of  the  grange  of  St.  Sepulchre's,  Lincoln ;  1  mark  rent  of  Martjn 
son  of  Iweyn  for  life ;  and  a  void  place  of  land.  All  of  which  have  been  in 
the  king's  hands  through  the  bailififs  of  Lincoln  since  the  said  Richard  was 
taken,  viz. — from  the  feast  of  St.  Andrew,  36  Hen.  III. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  17.  (10.) 

336.  WiLLUM   DE   LA  FaLEIS   oliOB   PE   LA  FaLES,   DB   LA   FaLEYSE. 

WHt,  14  July,  39  Hen.  HI. 

He  died  on  Monday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  39  Hen.  IH.    Elias,  his  son, 
is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Southampton.]     Extent  {undated). 

Rughenor,  1  carucate  land  in  demesne,  16s.  i^d.  rent  of  assize,  la. 
meadow,  services,  &c.  held  of  the  king  by  serjeanty  of  finding  one  footman 
with  purpoint,  lance,  and  iron  cap  for  forty  days  at  his  own  cost  in  war  time 
for  the  defence  of  Winchester  Castle.  Lady  Ida  late  the  wife  of  Sir  Elias  de 
la  Fales,  his  elder  brother,  has  a  third  part  in  dower.  The  said  William 
rendered  40«.  yearly  to  the  exchequer  for  alienation  of  the  serjeanty  by 
fine  made  by  his  brother  Elias. 

Hausingefeld,  8a.  land  held  of  Henry  son  of  Philip  de  Hausingefeld  by 
2s.  rent. 

Southampton.    Extent  {undated). 

Fordingebrug'  manor  (extent  given)  J  carucate  of  the  inheritance  of 
Alice  sometime  his  wife  held  of  Sir  John  de  Burgo  by  service  of  i  knight's 
fee  of  the  small  fees  of  Mortain.     {Comp.  No.  851.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  17.  (11. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  91 

337.  Hbnby  de  Hatjvill'  alias  db  Haxjtilb. 

Writ  de  causa  capiianis  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  28  June,  39  Hen.  IH.  Inq. 

Lincoln.  Boston  town,  the  toll  (lestagium)  which  was  of  the  said  Henry  is  not 
the  king's  demesne  or  escheat ;  for  the  said  Henry  had  two  sons  Ralph  and 
Thomas,  and  Ralph  the  elder  begot  two  sons  during  the  life  of  the  said 
Henry  ;  and  the  king  has  only  the  wardship  until  the  full  age  of  the  elder 
son  of  the  said  Ralph. 
The  wife  of  the  said  Henry  has  4i.  in  dower  out  of  that  toll.     (See  No.  281 

and  361.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (12.) 

338.  Ralph  de  Bethum. 

Writ,  30  Oct.  39  Hen.  HI. 

He  died  on  Sunday  beforoNSt.  Gregory,  38  Hen.  HI. 

[Lancaster.]     Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Epiphany,  39  Hen.  III. 

(Unspecified)  1S|  bovates  land  held  of  the  honour  of  Lancaster  by  a 
farm  of  17Jd.  to  the  king's  use  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff. 

7  carucates  and  2  bovates  land,  held  of  Edmimd  de  Lascy  of  the  barony 
of  Penwrtham,  9  carucates  making  a  knight's  fee,  and  they  are  held  by 
fee  of  the  hauberk  (hrice),  viz. — 
Argarmeles,  1  carucate. 
Warton,  3  carucates. 
-    Neusum,  2  bovates. 
Glahton,  2  carucates. 
Bretherton,  1  carucate. 
Kirkeby,  1  carucate  held  of  the  fee  of  Wydnes  of  Edmund  de  Lascy 
by  knight's  service. 

Lancaster.    Inq.  Wednesday  after  Palm  Sunday,  39  Hen.  III. 
As  above,  with  the  following  in  addition  : — 

Botele  town,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Perrars  by  service  of 
8«.  8d. ;  and  4  bovates  held  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary  Waleton  by 
service  of  20d. 

Wytinton,  7J  bovates  land  held  of  Walter  de  Lindesheye  by  service  of 
6s.  8d.     (See  Nos.  318  and  890.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (18.) 

339.  Matthew  lb  Ybnub  alias  lb  Venour. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester,  26  June,  39  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

Leicester.  Kereby,  3  virgates  land,  15a.  of  assart,  and  4  cottages,  in  demesne, 
and  6«.  Id.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service,  viz.  2a.  for 
each  virgate  when  scutage  is  at  40^.,  and  V2d.  rent  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl 
of  Leicester. 

Eoteby,  a  mill  held  of  the  earl  of  Winchester,  service  unspecified. 

Hauthime,  10^  virgates  land  held  of  the  said  earl,  and  12s.  rent  of 
the  land  of  Bobert  le  Venour  and  Boger  his  son,  services  unspecified. 

Watton,  3s.  rent  &om  1  virgate  land. 

Leicester,  4«.  9rf.  rent  from  William  de  Sadinton  and  Boger  de  Cramford 

Digitized  by 



The  lands,  &c.  held  of  the  king  have  come  into  the. hands  of  the  eseheator, 
and  the  rest  into  those  of  the  lords  of  whom  they  were  held ;  William  de  Keleby, 
the  escheator,  holds  those  held  of  the  king,  and  John  de  Gramfor  those  held  of 
the  earl  of  Winchester. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (14.) 

340.  Sir  Willum  de  Kalna  alias  db  Cantilupo. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  18  Nov.  89  Hen.  III. 

A  boy  named  George,  aged  not  quite  3,  is  his  heir. 
[Wilts.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Calna  town,  viz.  25  messuages,  4  virgates  land  called  Bures,  4a.  land, 

4a.  meadow,  a  mill,  foreign  hundred,  and  market  with  toll,  held  in  fee  of  the 

king  in  chief  by  service  of  15Z.  to  the  exchequer. 

[Warwick.]     Extent,  St.  Martin's  day,  89  Hen.  III. 

Hasten  manor  (full  extent  given),  including  rents  in  Suckeberg',  Hille- 
borewewarth'  and  Stodleya. 

[Bedford  and  Buckingham.]  Extent  made  by  twelve  freemen  and  twelve 
customary  tenants,  89  Hen.  III. 

Eyton  manor,  12  hides  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  fee 
(full  extent  given),  including  the  herbage  of  Diidenmeshei  (?)  and  Mente- 
more,  a  mill  called  SfwifesmuU,  and  fees  in  Mentemore  town  held  by 
Sir  Ealph  le  [Po]er,  Sir  William  Eussell,  Sir  Hugh  le  Dun,  and  Roger  de 
Argenteim ;  and  7  hides  held  of  the  heirs  of  Hugh  de  Gurnay  for  J  fee. 
All  the  rents  of  the  19  hides  were  assigned  by  Sir  William  de  Cantilupo  to 
John  de  Montealto,  with  his  daughter,  and  the  rents  of  three  mills  were 
assigned  for  life  to  Lady  Agnes  de  Verdun. 
Endorsed  : — ^Extente    facte  de  terris  Domini  W.  de  C in 

com-    .    .    .    .    et  Bedef ,  Wiltes',  Sumers'  et  Dors'.     (See  Nos.  818  and  866.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  17.  (15.) 

341.  Isabel  daughter  of  Odinel  de  Forde. 

WriU,  12  Feb.  and  5  March.    Inq.  The  eve  of  Palm  Sunday,  89  Hen.  IH. 

Northumbebland.  WUouer,  i  of  the  capital  messuage,  which  is  a  waste  mote, 
the  advowson  of  the  church,  82a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  8J  bovates  defensible 
land,  and  i  of  the  mill,  of  the  borough,  of  toll  and  markets,  of  garden,  and  of 
2  parts  of  the  whole  of  Chyvioth  Forest. 

Hetpol,  4:S.  Qd.  rent,  and  i  of  a  meadow  and  of  the  tallage  of  drench  men 

Beleford,  J  of  the  capital  messuage,  120a.  demesne,  8a.  meadow,  bond- 
men, cottars,  and  i  of  the  garden,  mill  and  services  of  Dichend,  &c. 

Hedereslau,  40«.  from  two  drench  men,  and  other  rents,  &c. 
All  these  were  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  li  knight. 
The  heirs  are  Isabel  de  Huntercumb,  aged  24,  and  the  two  daughters  of  the 
earl  of  Strathern,  viz.  Muriel  aged  10,  and  Marjory  aged  6. 

Ford,  Crukum  and  Kenemeriston  held  of  Sir  William  de  Huntercumb 
by  service  of  1  knight,  viz.  400a.  by  the  long  hundred  {per  inajorem  numeinun) 
and  llSa.,  27a.  meadow,  and  40^.  Os.  ^d.  rent  of  mills,  bondmen 
cottars,  &c. 

Ford,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 
Richard  de  Ford,  knight,  her  uncle,  aged  26,  is  her  heir. 

NoBTHUMBERLAND.    DupUcate  Inq.    The  eve  of  Palm  Sunday,  89  Hen.  IH. 
Same  as  the  above,  except  that  the  acreage  in  Ford  is  larger  by  a  score. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  98 

Writ  ofpartUion,  2  April.    Partition,  Monday  before  St.  Mark,  39  Hen.  HI. 

Partition  into  two  parts,  between  Isabel  de  Huntercumbe  and  the  daughters 
of  the  earl  of  Strathem,  Muriel  and  Marjory,  of  the  above  lands,  &c.  in  WUouer, 
Hetpol,  Beleford  and  Hedereslau,  including  the  services  of  certain  tenants  and  the 
advowson  of  WUouer  church,  with  details  of  boundaries,  &o.  The  homage  and 
service  of  Odenell  de  Ford  was  [previously]  assigned  to  William  de  Himtercumbe 
and  Isabel  his  wife,  and  in  recompense  thereof  that  of  William  de  Akild  was 
assigned  to  the  earl  of  Strathem,  and  that  of  Robert  de  Hulecestre  to  Adam  de 
Wygeton  and  Isabel  de  Forde  his  wife,  each  of  whom  hold  1  knight's  fee,  and  this 
partition  was  made  soon  after  the  death  of  Robert  de  Muscamp'  by  the  assent  of 
his  heirs. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (16.) 

342.  Robert  db  Pontefbacto. 

Writ,  27  Nov.  89  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

BoMEBSET.  Horchardeslegh,  1  hide  land  held  of  Thomas  de  Horchardesh'  by 
service  of  Id.  yearly  or  one  pair  of  gloves. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (17.) 

343.  Adam  son  of  Gilbebt. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  26  April,  39  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Lincoln.  He  held  15a.  land  in  Muleton  on  the  day  he  espoused  Alice  late  his 
wife  and  could  dower  her  thereof. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  n.   (18.) 

344.  Thomas  Picot  of  Radeclyve. 

Writ,  12  Feb.  39  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Matthew,  40  [Hen.  III]. 
Peter,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

[Nottingham.]  Radeclive,  14^  virgates  land  (excepting  2a.)  in  demesne,  12^ 
virgates  in  villenage,  2  water  mills,  a  free  fishery,  and  16«.  8^.  rent  from 
cottages  and  19«.  lOd.  from  freemen. 

Kynestan,  18«.  9d.  from  services  of  free  men. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  17.  (19.) 

345.  William  lb  Mat  aUas  May,  le  Met. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  25  Jan.  40  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated,) 
William,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  (Unspecified)  100«.  rent  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  the 
keeping  of  a  hound  (bragetti). 

[NobfolkJ     Inq.  (undated,) 

Stanho  town,  100a.  land  and  208.  rent  of  assize  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 
Causton  town,  40a.  land,  la.  pasture,  10«.  Sd.  rent  of  assize,  &c.,  held 
of  the  king  in  chief. 

Ingwrthe,  J  of  a  mill  similarly  held. 
'       Causton  town,  2a.  land,  la.  pasture,  la.  turbary,    and   18d.  rent  of 
assize,  held  of  John  de  Burgo. 

Hevingham,  3«.  from  a  windn;iill,  whereof    Henry  le  Cat  holds  the 
other  ^art. 

The  said  land  and  tenement  was  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  keeping. one 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  17.  (20.) 

Digitized  by 



346.  William  lb  Prauncbys, 

Writ,  10  Oct.  40  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  26,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Little  Sutton,  29a.  land  and  3Ja.  meadow  held  of  the  king  by  service  of 
28,  6d.  yearly  ;  and  2a.  land  held  of  Osbert  de  Sutton  by  service  of  Jd.,  and 
Jd.  stretward  to  the  king.     {See  No.  869.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (1.) 

347.  Elizabeth  Tayleboys  alias  Taylbobs. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland,  6  July,  40  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert  Taylboes,  her  son,  aged  40  at  least,  is  her  heir. 

NoBTHUMBERLAND.  (Unspecified)  one  knight's  fee  worth  49Z.  8«.  4d.  yearly,  held 
of  the  king  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18,  (2.) 

348.  Gboffbby  Tbbgoz. 

Writ  (undated  fragment). 

He  died  on  Saturday  before  SS.  Simon  and  Jude,  89  Hen.  III. 

Robert,  his  son,  aged  24  on  St.  Benedict's  day  last,  40  Hen.  Ill,  is  his  heir. 

NoBFOLK.  Inq.  (undated.)  Billingford  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the 
honour  of  Peverel  by  service  of  f  knight's  fee. 

Redeleswrth'  manor  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  by 
Peter  de  Meulinges  of  the  said  Geoffrey  by  the  same  service. 

Essex.  Inq.  (undated.)  ToUeshunte  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  Peverel 
honour  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

ToUeshunte,  20a.  land  held  of  the  abbess  of  Berkinge  by  service  of  20rf., 
and  20a.  pasture  of  Philip  de  Bovile  by  service  of  2<.  yearly. 

St.  Laurence,  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  by 
William  de  Panencurt  of  the  said  Geoffrey  by  the  same  service  ;  and  50a. 
land  held  of  Richard  Munvirun  by  service  of  1  mark  yearly. 

Blunteshale  manor  held  of  the  king  of  the  honour  of  Peverel  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee. 

Topingho,  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee :  Richard  de 
Welle  holds  the  said  land  through  the  queen,  and  Robert  Fillol  held  it  of  the 
said  Geoffrey  by  the  same  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (3.) 

349.  Ralph  le  Bbet. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  24  May,  40  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Sombbset.  Juliana  de  Cultura  demised  her  land  of  Orcherdlee  to  Ralph  le  Bret 
for  his  life,  to  supply  her  with  all  the  necessaries  of  life,  and  the  said  Ralph 
held  the  same  in  this  manner  only  and  not  of  the  king  in  chief.  On  his  death 
the  escheator  took  the  land  into  the  king's  hands,  but  on  what  ground  is 
unknown  to  the  jury. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  18.  (4.) 

350.  John  de  Sancto  Clabo. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  31  March,  40  Hen.  III.    Inq,  (undated.) 

Digitized  by 


HBNBY  in.  95 

EssBx.  He  did  not  hold  any  other  land  of  the  king  in  chief  than  of  the  honour 
of  Boulogne,  of  which  he  held  a  messuage  and  80a.  land  for  J  knight's  fee 
and  28.  rent ;  and  his  ancestors  were  enfeoffed  of  the  same  as  well  as  of 
the  lands  he  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmund.     {See  No.  248.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (5.) 

351.  William  lb  Abbblastbr  alias  Arblastab'  de  Gbvbldale. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  York,  15  July,  40  Hen.  HI.    Inq,  (undated.) 

He  had  3  sisters,  viz. — Alice,  from  whom  came  Walter  her  son  ;  Eva,  from 
whom  come  Cecily  and  Alice ;  and  Avice,  from  whom  came  Alan ;  all  of  full  age, 
who  are  his  heirs. 

York.  The  two  towns  called  Geveldale,  4  carueates  land  held  by  crossbow  service 
and  doing  guard  at  York  Castle  in  time  of  war  for  40  days  at  his  own  costs, 
and  if  longer,  at  the  king's  costs,  and  conducting  the  king's  treasure  through 
the  county  at  the  king's  costs. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  18.  (6.) 

352.  William  de  Hoeesham. 

Mandate  from   John  Waler[and],  the  king's  escheator,  to  his  co-escheator  in 
CO.  Devon,  with  transcript  of  writ,  2  Feb.  40  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
He  lived  until  the  feast  of  St.  Lucy  last.     William,  his  son,  aged  4,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Buddelegh  hundred  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  socage  for  3  marks 

Hokesham,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Breweys  of  Biry  honour  for  1  knight's  fee. 
Bokelond,  held  of  Sir  Ralph  de  Esse  for  J  knight's  fee. 
But  on  the  day  he  died  he  only  held  in  hand  the  said  hundred,  and  the 
homage  and  relief  of  the  other  lands. 

[Devon.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

The  wardship  of  his  heir,  aged  4  at  Easter  last,  and  of  the  land  of  Hockesham 
is  worth  nothing  because  the  said  William  enfeoffed  William  de  Punchard'  thereof 
on  Sunday  before  the  feast  of  the  Holy  Cross  in  May,  89  Hen.  IH,  and  afterwards 
he  lived  until  the  feast  of  St.  Lucy,  40  Hen.  HI. 

Budd(leigh)  hundred  he  held  on  the  day  of  his  death  of  the  king  in 
serjeanty,  rendering  8  marks  yearly  to  the  sheriff;  and  he  enfeoffed  the  said 
William  de  Punchard'  of  the  land  of  Bocland  in  the  hundred  of  Branton  on 
Sunday  after  the  feast  of  the  Holy  Cross  in  May,  89  Hen.  III. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (7.) 

353.  William  pe  Pabis  cdias  de  Pabtb. 

Writs,  28  Dec.  and  28  Feb.  40  Hen.  HI. 

Kalph  Ivaus  is  his  heir  on  the  part  of  his  elder  sister,  and  has  a  moiety  of 
the  lands  by  the  king's  command,  and  Eobert  le  Gustur,  aged  28,  is  co-heir  on 
the  part  of  his  other  sister. 

SoMBBSET.  Inq.  (undated.)  Cnolle  manor,  held  of  the  heirs  of  the  Lady  Sabine 
de  Ortiaco  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee. 

Stokes  manor,  held  of  Sir  William  de  Monte  Acuto  by  service  of  i  and  J 
knight's  fee. 

Buckingham.  Esaton  manor,  sometime  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
knight's  fee,  but  which  William  de  Monte  Acuto  has  held  for  three  years  in  fee. 

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Oxford.  Karsington  manor,  sometime  held  of  Sir  William  de  Cantilupo  in  chief 
by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  which  the  said  William  de  Monte  Acuto  now  holds 
in  fee. 

[Buckingham.]  Inq,  {undated  and  defective.)  Aston  manor,  sometime  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  pertaining  to  1  knight's  fee,  and  he  conferred 
the  same  3  years  before  his  death  on  William  de  Monte  Acuto  for  his  homage 
and  service,  who  still  holds  it. 

[SoMEBSET.]  [Knjolle  manor,  held  of  the  heir  of  Biohard  de  Hortiaco  for 
i  knight's  fee  of  Mortain. 

Stok'  manor,  held  of  William  de  [Monte  Acuto]  by  service  of  1  knight's 

OxFOBD.  Eersinton  manor,  held  of  William  Maudut^  which  manor  (he  gave  ?)  to 
Sir  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  who  now  holds  it. 

C.H€n.IILFaelS.  (8.) 

354.  BoBEBT  LB  Bel. 

Writ,  24  June,  40  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Adam,  his  son,  aged  SO,  is  his  heir. 

SoMEBSET.  Gumpton  Durevil',  i  virgate,  sometime  of  Eustace  Durevil  hung  for 
felony,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  6d.  yearly ;  8  virgates  held  of 
Sir  Alan  de  Furnellis  by  i  knight's  fee ;  and  a  portion  of  land  and  a  mill 
held  of  the  heirs  of  Sir  William  Malerb'  alias  Malet  by  knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (9.) 

355.  Hbmby  DE  Chaumflub'  alias  db  Gampo  Flob[ido]. 

Writ,  28  Nov.    Inq.  Saturday  before  St.  Thomas  the  Apostle,  40  Hen.  III. 
Hilary,  his  son,  aged  40,  is  his  heir. 

SoMEBSET.  Sterte  town,  Ilia,  land,  12a.  meadow,  9a.  pasture,  19s.  6d.  rent,  &c. 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  9s.  rent  for  the  price  of  one  crane  at 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (10.) 

356.  John  de  Eynabdele  alias  de  Einabdesle. 

WoBOESTBB.     Writ  to  the  sheriiff,  30  Aug.  40  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Severnestok  manor,  i  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Boger  de  Cliflford,  doing 
royal  service. 
He  held  nothing  of  the  king. 

Hebbfobd.  Writ  to  the  sheriff,  80  Aug.  Inq.  Monday  the  feast  of  St.  Denis, 
40  Hen.  III. 

Bruges,  1  carucate  land,  a  fulling  mill  and  another  mill  held  of  Sir 
Boger  de  Clifford  in  chief  by  service  of  lib.  cummin  rent. 

Longeford,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  said  Boger  by  service  of  lib. 
pepper ;  and  these  2  carucates  answer  for  J  knight's  fee  when  scutage  runs. 

Wurmeton,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  Balph  de  Saucey  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 
He  held  nothing  of  the  king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (11.) 

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HENRY  III.  -  97 

357.  Hugh  de  Essex. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflf  of  Essex,  7  Nov.  40  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Essex.  Rewenhale,  31a.  land,  5a.  meadow  and  la.  wood  were  delivered  to  him  to 
farm  by  Robert  de  Haselingfeud  for  10s.  yearly,  and  after  the  said  Hugh's 
death  the  king's  escheator  took  the  same,  together  with  other  lands  &c.  which 
the  said  Hugh  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  into  the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (12.) 

358.  William  de  Bevillb  alias  de  Beuvile. 

Writ,  9  Aug.  40  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Randulph,  his  son,  aged  9  on  the  Srd  day  after  St.  Michael,  31  Hen.  Ill  (sic). 

[Stafford.]  (Unspecified)  8  bovates  land,  a  pasture,  garden,  and  26Jd.,  1  pair  of 
white  gloves  and  1  barbed  arrow  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
5s.  yearly  and  suit  of  court  at  Newcastle  under  Lyme. 

C.  Hen.  in.  FUe  18.  (13.) 

359.  Ralph  de  Gbendon. 

Mandate  -from  Thomas  de  Stanford  to  Sir  Peter  de  Tuk',  with  transcript  of  uyrit, 
10  Jan.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Scholastica,  40  Hen.  III. 
Robert,  his  soil,  aged  14,  is  his  heir. 

Derby.  Boyleston,  17^  bovates  land,  with  pasture,  6  cottars,  80a.  wood,  a  moiety 
of  a  mill,  and  the  advowson  of  a  moiety  of  the  church,  held  of  Sir  Andrew  de 
Grend[on],  rendering  2s.  or  one  sore  sparrowhawk  at  the  choice  of  the 
tenant,  and  when  scutage  runs  he  shall  answer  as  attorney  of  his  brother 
Sir  Andrew  to  the  earl  of  Derby  (domino  Com'  DerV)  for  i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (14.) 

360.  Hugh  de  Gapis  alias  de  Gapes. 

Writ,  12  Oct.  40  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Thomas,  his  son,  aged  15  at  the  feast  of  the  St.  John  the  Baptist  last,  is  his 

Northampton.  Falwesleye  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  15 J. 

Great  Preston  town,  9  carucates  land  held  of  Sir  Hugh  de  Swyneford 
and  other  lords  in  chief  by  service  of  40s.  rent ;  and  4  virgates  land  held 
of  Richard  de  Amondewill  by  service  of  10s.  yearly. 
Thorp  town,  20s.  rent  of  assize,  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (15.) 

361.  Henby  de  Haxtvill  alias  de  Hautvill. 

Writ  to  the  sherffi  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  28  March,  40  Hen.  III. 

[NoBPOLK.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Lenn  town,  toll  (lastagium)  worth  lOZ.  was  yearly  held  by  the  said  Henry 
of  the  king  by  service  of  falconry  (servicium  falconer').  After  his  death 
Thomas  his  son  held  the  same,  and  Amice  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Henry 
had  her  dower  thereof.  It  is  not  the  king's  escheat  except  during  th« 
minority  of  Henry  son  of  Ralph,  heir  of  the  said  Henry. 

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[Norfolk.]     Inq.  (undated,) 

Gernemuth  town,  the  toll  (lestagium)  was  held  by  the  said  Henry  of  the 
king  in  chief,  service  unknown,  but  long  before  his  death  he  demised  the 
same  to  fee  farm  to  William  Gerberge  of  Gernemuth  and  GeoflErey  de 
Benham  and  their  heirs,  &c.  by  a  rent  of  40«. ;  which  rent  since  the  death 
of  the  said  Henry  8  years  ago,  has  remained  in  the  hands  of  the  heirs 
of  the  said  William  and  Geoftey  because  no  one  on  the  part  of  the  said 
Henry  has  required  it,  and  they  knew  not  to  whom  they  ought  to  pay  it. 
The  said  toll  is  not  the  king's  escheat,  but  the  wardship  of  the  said  rent 
pertains  to  the  king  during  the  minority  of  the  heir  of  the  said  Henry. 

[Suffolk.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Gipwic'  town,  toll  (lestagium)^  worth  20«.,  was  held  by  the  said 
Henry  of  the  king  by  serjeanty  of  falconry  (fcdconarum) ,  but  he  sold  the  same 
to  Geoffrey  de  Reynham  and  John  BoUe  of  Gipwic'  and  their  heirs,  <fec.  by 
service  of  ^  mark  yearly,  of  which  nothing  has  been  paid  since  the  said 
Henry's  death,  because  they  knew  not  to  whom  they  should  pay. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  6  Dec.  41  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Henry  son  of  Ralph,  son  of  the  said  Heiyry,  aged  11,  is  his  heir.  After 
the  death  of  Ralph  de  Hauvill  his  kinsman,  there  descended  to  him  100s.  yearly 
in  Lenn  and  Ketleston,  and  after  the  death  of  Peter  his  kinsman,  40s.  yearly  in 
Reynh(am).  Thomas  de  Hauvill,  who  at  the  feasts  of  SS.  Peter  and  Paul  next 
will  have  held  the  said  lands,  &c.  for  4  years,  on  the  day  his  father  died  at 
Lynford,  co.  Buckingham,  came  to  take  seisin  at  Reynham  as  of  the  gift  of  his 
father,  and  on  the  morrow  at  Dun  ton. 

NoBFOLK.    Dunton  and  Ketleston  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty 
of  keeping  the  king's  falcons. 

Bisynham,  52s.  rent,  excepting  dower,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  40s. 
farm,  which  Ralph  de  Erlham  paid  to  him. 

Lenn,  47s.  (rent),  whereof  his  relict  has  a  moiety  in  dower.  (See  Nob. 
281  and  837.) 

a  Hen.  III.  FOe  18.  (16.) 

362.  William    [son   of   JIobbbt]    db   Aubemahle   alias    de   Alba   Maba,    db 
Alba  Marla. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflf  of  Gloucester,  11  Feb.  40  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated  fragment.) 

Thomas  de  Evercy  alias  Deversy  son  of  Anora  his  sister,  Isabel  de  Alba  Mara 
alias  de  Gloustre  ?  his  sister,  Richard  de  Stanleye  alias  de  Stalling,  de  Stanling, 
son  of  Eatherine  his  sister,  Matilda  de  Alba  Mara  alias  de  Stanleg'  his  sister,  all  of 
full  age,  and  William,  son  of  William  Hathewy  (heir  of  Agnes  his  sister  ?),  aged 
12,  are  his  heirs. 

Glougbsteb of  the  king,  a  certain  land    .    .     .     .    ,1  carucate 

land  in  demesne    .     .     .    .    ,  &om  which  the  said  Bartholomew  shall 
receive  yearly    .... 

[Glougbsteb.]     Inq.  (undated.)    Ruwardin  manor  in  the  forest  of  Dene  (extent 
given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  28s.  yearly. 

[Hbbefobd.]     Homme,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  fee  of  the  bishop  of  Hereford 
by  service  of  8s.  yearly. 

[Glougbsteb.]     Stintescumbe,  2  carucates  land,  tenure  unspecified. 

Throp  outside  Winchecumb,  1  carucate  land,  service  unknown. 

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Mandate  dkc.  with  transcript  of  writ,  to  the  constable  of  the  castle  of  St.  Brevell, 
12  Feb.    ExUnt,  St.  Mark's  day,  40  Hen.  IH. 

[Gloucbbtbb.]  Ruardin  manor  in  the  forest  of  Dene  (extent  given),  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  23«.  rent  and  serjeanty,  viz. — Attending  the  constable  of 
St.  Brevell  with  a  horse  and  hauberk  (lorica)  within  the  bounds  of  the  forest 
at  his  own  cost,  and  attending  the  pleas  of  the  forest,  when  summoned. 

WHt,  10  March,  40  Hen.  HI. 

[Gloucestbb.]  Inq.  (undated.)  Stintescomb',  110a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  8a. 
pasture,  garden,  watermill,  pannage,  and  100«.  rent,  and  1  goose  worth  IJd., 
held  of  the  lord  of  the  barony  of  Berkele  by  service  of  10s.  6d.  yearly. 

[GiiOUOBSTBB.]  Inq.  (undated.)  La  Trop,  1  carucate  land  and  42s.  rent'i&c. 
held  of  the  lord  of  Sudleye  by  19s.  M.  rent. 

Hebbfobd.  Inq.  (undated.)  Homme  manor,  2  virgates  arable,  with  meadow, 
garden,  and  pasture,  and  8s.  rent  which  he  rendered  yearly  to  the  bishop  of 

C.  Hen.  IIL  FUe  18.  (17.) 

363.  ROBBBT   DB   PaBGO. 

Writ  to  Ralph  de  Covene,  steward  of  the  king's  forest  of  Fekham,  29  July.    Inq. 
Friday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  40  Hen.  HI. 
Henry  de  Parco,  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

[WoBCESTEB.]  Fekeham  forest,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for 
keeping  the  king's  park,  whereof  the  king  has  the  herbage  and  pannage,  and 
the  said  Robert  had  windfalls  up  to  5  oaks  and  dead  wood  ;  6a.  of  assart  held 
of  the  kii\g  by  2s.  8d.  rent  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff ;  2  virgates  of  the 
abbot  of  Bordesle  by  2lb.  cummin  rent ;  and  3  virgates  of  Robert  le  Chevaler 
of  Bradele  by  service  of  1  pair  of  gloves. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (18.) 

364.  Henby  le  Ohahbebleng. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  28  March,  40  Hen.  IIL    Inq.  (undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  20  on  Friday  after  St.  Matthew  last,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  iSerston,  capital  messuage,  11  bovates'and  8  parts  of  a  bovate,  3  tofts, 
pasture,  and  2Z6.  pepper  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding 
one  knight  in  the  king's  army ;  and  2  marks  rent  held  of  Thomas  Grelley  by 
service  of  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs. 

Wykingebi,  capital  messuage,  13  bovates  land  and  4  tofts,  held  of  Henry 
de  Percy  by  service  of  2J  knight's  fees  for  that  land  and  the  land  of  Aufeld ; 
5  bovates  land  held  of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln,  rents  of  lib.  wax  and  3s.  4rf., 
and  a  wood  held  of  the  fee  of  Percy,  services  unspecified.  And  the  said 
Henry  used  to  render  16d.  yearly  to  Richard  de  Buselingtorp  for  a  bovate 
which  he  gave  to  the  monks  of  Stainfeld  in  alms,  and  4d.  yearly  to  the  monks. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  18.  (19.) 

365.  Isabel  be  Bbog  alias  Sibtl  de  Bboe  alias  de  la  Bbog. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  7  Feb.  40  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated.) 

She  had  3  sisters,  viz. — ^Edelina,   wife  of   Stephen  de  Turnham,  heirs 
unknown;  Alice,  wife  of  William  Harang*,  from  whom  issued  two  daughters, 

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Emma  from  whom  issued  Peter  Hotoft  alias  de  Hamtoft,  and  Felicia  from  whom 
issued  Nicholas  de  Wauncy  ;  and  Clemencia,  wife  of  William  Mallesoveres,  from 
whom  issued  Aunger  de  Tatlinton :  these  three  are  her  heirs  and  of  full  age- 

Salop.  Chetelton  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding  1  man 
to  go  with  the  king  into  North  Wales  with  bow  and  arrows  when  necessary. 

Writ  to  the  sherijff  of  Salop,  16  June,  40  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Salop.  Chetinton  manor,  held  (as  above).  As  Aunger  is  from  a  sister  and 
Nicholas  and  Peter  from  neices,  it  seems  to  the  jury  that  Aunger  is  the  heir. 
(See  No.  317.) 

a  Hen.  III.  File  18.  (20.) 

366.  Walter  db  Pavbly. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  8  July,  40  Hen.  III.    Extent  (undated). 
Reginald  de  Pavely,  knt.,  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Wilts.  Westburi  manor,  with  its  appurtenances,  viz. — Broc,  Heneddingehull, 
Stokes  and  LoUedon  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee  ;  2  carucates  land  (extent  given),  held  of  William  de 
Pluggenet,  of  his  mother's  marriage,  without  service ;  2  virgates  land  of 
the  prior  of  Fernlegh  by  service  of  lOs.  yearly ;  20a.  arable,  10a.  pasture, 
8a.  meadow  and  17s.  rent  of  assize,  .held  of  William  Burnel  by  service  of 
10s. ;  and  a  messuage,  &c.  held  of  William  Morin  without  service. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  19.  (1.) 

367.  Pbtbb  db  Rossa,  parson  of  Rewenhale. 

Writ  (missing).  Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Andrew,  40  Hen.  III.  He  died  on 
Ascension  day,  89  Hen.  III. 

E'ssBx;  Hbrtfobd.  The  said  Peter  8  years  before  his  death  demised  to  the 
Master  of  the  Knights  of  the  Temple  in  England  the  manor  of  Rewenhale 
(co.  Essex)  for  six  years  for  22Z.  yearly,  whereof  the  said  Master 
gave  him  661.  in  hand  for  3  years.  On  Saturday  before  the  Ascension, 
39  Hen.  III.  came  Brother  William  del  Estre,  preceptor  of  Kersing 
and  Wyham,  and  other  brethren  by  the  will  of  the  Master  and  returned 
the  said  manor  to  the  said  Peter,  who  gave  them  about  100a.  land  in  the  said 
manor  in  frank  almoign  ;  and  the  same  day  he  granted  by  charter  to  Robert 
de  Scales  (his  nephew)  the  manor  of  Rewenhale,  and  to  Alice  wife  of  the  said 
Robert  the  manor  of  Newesel  (co.  Hertford) ;  and  on  the  Sunday  following  took 
their  homage  after  making  them  swear  to  find  a  chaplain  for  ever  to  celebrate 
for  his  soul,  and  that  if  he  should  recover  the  said  Robert  would  give  him  his 
manor  of  Hoo  in  co.  Norfolk  for  life,  and  the  said  Alice  would  give  him  the 
manor  of  Hecelingfeld  in  co.  Cambridge  for  life ;  and  he  commanded  his 
servants,  who  on  Monday  following  put  the  said  Robert  in  seisin  of 
Rewenhal  manor,  and  on  Tuesday  the  said  Alice  of  Newesel  manor ;  and  so 
she  remained  until  Friday  in  Whitsun  week  when  the  escheators  ejected  her. 
The  said  Peter  was  of  good  memory  always  until  his  death,  and  a  little 
before  his  death  assumed  the  dress  of  the  Templars. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  19.  (2.) 

368.  Gboffrby  d'Avbnbyb  alias  Avenb. 

Mandate  dc.  taith  transcript  of  tvrit,  26  June,  40  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Sunday  after 
All  Saints. 
John,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

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HENRY  III.  101 

Suffolk.  Wanford  town,  60a.  land,  a  messuage  and  31«.  2Jd.  rent,  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  12d.  to  Dover  Castle ;  and 
SOa.  held  of  the  earl  of  Cornwall  by  service  of  20(2. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (3.) 

369.  William  Hbbvit  alias  Hervey. 

Mandate  dkc.  with  transcript  of  writy  9  Jan.  40  Hen.  HI.  Extent  {undated  and 

[Suffolk.]  Boxsted  (extent  given),  ....  honour  of  Langastr'  ?  by 
^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (4.) 

370.  Thomas  de  Dunblm. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon,  1  Jan.  40  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {missing.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (5.) 

371.  John  de  Mukemuth  alias  be  Munemue. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  12  April,  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Lady  Albretha  de  Boterell*  alias  de  Botereaus,  aged  more  than  60,  and  Lady 
Joan  de  Nevil  alias  de  Novilla,  aged  more  than  40,  are  his  heirs. 

Wilts.  Langeford  and  Grimstede  townff,  8  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Dorset,  12  April,  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {undated.) 
DoBSBT.    Pidele  Bardolfeston    town,  i  knight's    fee    held    of    Sir   Alfred  de 
Lincoln  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee.* 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (6.) 

372.  Ernisius  de  Nevill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  14  Sept.  Inq.  The  vigil  of  St.  Matthew,  41  Hen.  HI. 
Gilbert,  his  son,  aged  27,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.    Durinton  town,  2  carucates  held  of  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (7.) 


Writ  to  Stephen  Fromund,  bailiff  of  the  king's  hundred  of  Dunhameneye, 

10  July,  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Bichard,  son  of  Bichard  his  son,  aged   16  at  the  feast  of  St.  Michael, 
41  Hen.  HI,  is  his  heir. 

[GjiOUCESTEB  ?]  (Unspecified)  8  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  10s. 
rent ;  and  J  virgate  held  of  Jordan  de  la  Wike  by  Id.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  19.  (8.) 

374.  BicHABD  Hbybaz  of  Alwabdeburi  alias  de  Herez,  de  Heyrez,  de  Heraz. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts  and  the  bailiff  of  Clarendon,  7  May,  41  Hen.  IH. 
Inq.  {undated.) 
Balph,  bis  son,  aged  22,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.  [Alwardeburi  ?]  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
28.  yearly ;  and  2a.  land  and  8a.  meadow  held  of  the  fee  of  Alice  le  Frensse, 
Bobert  Thurstayn  and  Peter  de  Jeneyeie. 

Digitized  by 



Wilts.     Inq.  {^undated  and  defaced,) 

Alwarburi,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  keeping 

a  pack  of  harriers  at  the  king's  cost and  his  pack 

horse  and  groom  ;  also of  meadow  in  the 

same  town,  and  1  little  croft  of  the  fee  of  James  de  Putton  in  the  same 

town,  and  la.  ? in  the  same  town. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  19.  (9.) 

375.  RoBBBT  Taylbboys  aZia«  Taleboys. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northmnberland,  18  Oet.  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  held  at  Hephal 
Tuesday  after  St.  Martin,  42  Hen.  III. 
Robert,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Northumberland.  (Unspecified)  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king,  of  which 
Margery  late  his  wife  is  dowered  by  the  command  of  the  queen,  who  now 
has  the  wardship  of  the  lands  by  reason  of  certain  debts  which  the  said 
Robert  owed  in  Jewry  {injudeismo). 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  19.  (10.) 

376.  Richard  de  Gaterhalb  aiias  de  Oaterale,  de  Eatbrale. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  8  Aug.  41   Hen.  III.    Inq.  Monday  the  vigil  of 
St.  Edmund,  43  (sic)  Hen.  HI. 
Ralph,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Gasenarch,  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 

Caterale,  5J  bovates  and  i  bovate  held  of  the  heirs  of  William  de 
Lanc(aster)  by  knight's  service. 

Hawath  and  Threlefal,  40a.  held  of  the  Hospitalers,  service  unspecified. 

Writtington,  4  bovates  held  of  John  de  Kirkeby  by  knight's  service. 

Lancaster.    Liq.  Monday  before  St.  Gregory,  42  Hen.  III. 

Gosenhar'  town  (as  above)  held  by  4«.  7f d.  rent  and  suit  at  the  county 
and  wapentake  (courts). 

Kateral  town,  5^  bovates  held  as  above. 

Houwat  and  Threlefal  (as  above),  held  by  service  of  5s.  yearly. 

Wyrihtint'  town,  2 J  and  J  bovates  held  (as  above).     (See  No.  847.) 

C.  Hen.  IIL  FUe  19.  (11.) 

377.  Robert  de  Barevill. 

Writ,  1  June,  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Joan,  aged  6^,  and  Alice,  aged  5,  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs. 

Lincoln.    Barthon,  17  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
^sore  sparrowhawk.     (See  Nos.  527,  570  and  666.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (12.) 

378.  John  db  Lbssinton  alias  db  Laxinton,  de  Lbxinton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  16  Jan.  41  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Sir  Henry  de  Lessinton,  alias  de  Laxinton,  de  Lexenton,  bishop  of  Lincoln, 
age  variously  stated  as  40  and  60  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  in.  lOS 

Northampton.  Bifeld  and  Warcwrth,  18«.  rent  held  of  William  Lingespeye 
rendering  8  barbed  arrows  yearly ;  20a.  rent  of  Ralph  Giffard ;  2  virgates 
land  of  William  Constantin  by  service  of  2d. ;  1  virgate  of  the  prior  of 
Ware  rendering  Sa. ;  ^  virgate  of  Ralph  Giffard,  which  Ralph  had  of  Elias  the 
clerk  of  Warden,  to  whom  the  prior  of  Esseby  delivered  it  for  his  life. 

Apiltre  and  Aston,  202.  land  held  of  Thomas doing  scutage. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham  and  Derby,  16  Jan.  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Nottingham.    Takesford  manor  with  Warsope  hamlet,  held  of   the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Lessinton,  land  held  of  Sir  Adam  de  Everingham  by  service, of  } 
knight's  fee. 

Knesale,  a  culture  with  a  wood  called  Herteshorn,  held  of  Sir  Edmund 
de  Lascy  for  one  sore  sparrowhawk  or  2«.  yearly. 

Marnham,  |  knight's  fee  held  of  Richard  de  Weston  for  lib.  pepper 

*  Scrathawe,  60a.  land  held  of  Lady  Maud  de  Luvetot  for  homage  only. 

Soheghawe,  60a.  held  of  Sir  John  de  Eyville  for  homage  only. 

Egrum  manor,  held  of  Sir  John  de  Gatesdene  by  service  of  2  knights' 

Eelum,  8  bovates  held  of  Peter  son  of  Peter  de  Kelum  by  service  of  i 
knight's  fee. 

[Dbbby.]     The  Peak  (Pecko),  land  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  1  pair  of  gilt 
spurs,  or  6d.  to  the  keeper  of  the  Castle  of  the  Peak. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford,  17  Jan.  41  Hen.  lU.    Inq.  (undated.) 
OxFOBD.    Hornle,  10  hides  land  of  the  fee  of  Braundon,  held  of  John  de  Verddun, 
service  unknown. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  17  Jan.  41  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Essex.    Theyden  ad  montem  manor,  held  of  Sir  Robert  de  Brywes  by  service  of 
2  knigUts'  fees.     (See  No.  402.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  19.  (18.) 

379.  Otto  alias  Ottho  son  of  William. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  6  June,  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

EssBX.    Belchamp  (BeUo  campo)y  1|  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of 
the  fee  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

Gestingthorp  and  Gosfeud,  2  carucates    land    held   of    the  earl  of 
Gloucester  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  19.  (14.) 

380.  RoGBB  the  Tailor  (Scissor^  Cissor). 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  29  Sept.  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Nottingham.    Kingeshagh  manor  was  held  of  the  king  for  life  by  100«.  yearly, 
and  is  the  king's  escheat  through  the  death  of  the  said  Roger. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (15.) 

381.  JoHK  DE  Blendbce  oliaB  DE  Blendec. 

Writ  to  William  de  Appelford  keeper  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  in  co.  Essex, 
4  Feb.  41  Hen.  HI.     (Inq.  undated.) 
Henry,  his  son,  aged  36,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Essex.     Redeswell  town,  80a.  arable,  4a.  meadow,  and  Us.  6d.  rent. 
Westmerseia  town,  65a.  land,  5a.  meadow,  and  10«.  6d.  rent. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  said  honour  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (16.) 

382.  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Philip  db  Beybrington. 

Writ,  20  Jan.  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Walter,  her  son,  age^  22,  is  her  heir. 

[Sussex.]  (Unspecified),  14a.  and  1  rood  arable,  and  9«.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  scutage,  hidage,  castle  guard  (custodiacastri),  and  sheriff's 
aid,  pertaining  to  ^  of  ^  knight's  fee ;  and  8a.  pasture  held  of  the  fee  of 
Horshy  rendering  12d.  yearly  to  the  lord  of  the  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (17.) 

383.  William  Fureram  alias  Foeebam. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  29  May,  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
His  two  daughters,  aged  12  and  9,  are  his  heirs. 

Gloucesteb.     Sturidone  town,  i  carucate  and  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  in  socage  by  service  of  15«.  8d.  yearly ;  and  i  carucate  and  1  virgate 
held  of  Eichard  Fokeram  his  brother  in  socage  by  service  of  12s.  yearly, 
Henton,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Ralph  Eussel  by  knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (18.) 

384.  John  Baudet. 

Writ,  17  Feb.  41  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated.) 
Elias,  his  son,  aged  18,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  (Unspecified)  1  hide  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  rendering  100  barbed  arrows  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  19.  (19.) 

385.  Thomas  db  Hodbeshale  alias  de  Hudebeshale. 

Writ,  1  Feb.  41  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Bobert,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Hudereshale  town,  2  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  *in  theynagium' 
paying  58.  yearly. 

Alston,  IJ  bovate  land  held  of  Eichard  de  Alston  in  chief  by  knight's 

C.  Hen.  UL  File  19.  (20.) 

386.  Agnes  Peyebel  alias  Pevbel. 

Writ,  8  April,  41  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 
Thomas  Peverel,  her  son,  aged  30,  is  her  heir. 

Southampton.  Manesbrig',  J  carucate  land,  Is.  8^.  rent,  4a.  meadow,  and  a 
wood  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  20«.  to  the  Exchequer;  and 2  parts 

of  1  virgate  land  and  2s.  rent  held  of  Sir  Eioger  de  Sanford  rendering  8s.  4^. 

Ghelewore,  ^  carucate  land,  a  wood  with  pasture  and  198.  rent  held  of 
Sir  Wufred  de  Schovil'  (?)  rendering  5a. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  in.  105 

Wilts.     Writy  27  June,  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated), 

Neuton  town,  1  virgate  land,  a  messuage  and  pasture  held  of  Roger  de 
Toenye  rendering  10s.  yearly ;  and  2  virgates  land  and  pasture  held  of  Lady 
Christina  de  Harsefeld  rendering  2d. 

Chederinton  town,  J  virgate  land  held  of  Adam  son  of  Edmund 
rendering  4».  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (1.) 

387.  William  Matjduyt  alias  Maudut. 

Writ,  14  Feb.  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Sir  William,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  34  and  86,  is  his  heir. 

Buckingham.  Hamslapp  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee  and  2 
parts  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Southampton.     Writ,  25  Feb.  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Hertlegh,  4  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  being 
Chamberlam  of  the  Exchequer. 

Rutland.     Writ,  8  March,  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Berwedon  manor  and  Wrongedik  hundred,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
^  knight's  fee. 

Cottesmore  and  Gretham  towns,  QOl.  land  held  of  the  earl  of  War  [wick] 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.Hen.lILFile20.  (2.) 

388.  Hugh  de  Ghieehull  alias  de  Ghukbhull. 

Writ,  21  Jan,  41  Hen.  HI.    Ea^tent  (unduted). 
Alan,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Southampton.]  Wlvestune,  J  carucate  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  finding  one  footman  with  bow  and  arrows  in  the 
king's  army  in  England  at  his  own  cost  for  40  days. 

ChukehuU,  }  carucate  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Hyde  by  1  mark  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (8.) 

389*. Stephen  Habinood. 

Writ,  20  Oct.  41  Hen*  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  40,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.  Stouting  hundred,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  20s.  yearly,  and 
of  6  men  and  a  constable  to  guard  the  passage  of  the  sea,  if  necessary,  on 
account  of  the  king's  enemies  at  Sandgate. 

Stouting  manor,  held  of  the  lord  of  Elham  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
'Stanford,  land  held  of  the  lord  of  Sybeton  by  service  of  1  pair  of  gilt 
spurs  or  6d. 

Sturton,  rent  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Augustine's,  Canterbury,  service 

Stouting,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (4.), 

390.  Balph  de  Bethum. 

Writ  to  the  8heri£f  of  Lancaster,  80  Dec.    Inq.  Saturday  the  feast  of  SS.  Fabian 
and  Sebastian,  41  Hen.  HI. 
Bobert  de  Bethum  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Digitized  by 



Lancaster.    Brining,  18|  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  17Jd.  rent. 

Fenwertham  barony,  7  carucates  and  2  bovates  land  held  of  Edmund 
de  Lascy  by  knight's  service. 

Eirkebi,  1  carucate  held  of  the  said  Edmund  of  the  fee  of  Widnis  by 
knight's  service. 

Botle  town,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Ferars  by  service  of 
88.  6d.  yearly ;  and  4  bovates  held  of  Waleton  church  by  service  of  20d. 

Witington  town  in  Lonesdale,  TJ  bovates  held  of  Walter  de  Lindesay 
by  service  of  6s.  8Jd.  yearly.     {See  Nos.  813  and  388.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  20.  (5.) 

391.  Balph  supeb  Tbyse. 

Writ  {fragment),     ....     41  (Hen.  III).     Inq.  {undated.) 

William  son  of  Walter  super  Teyse,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir.   ' 

NoBTHUMBEBLAND.  Nord  Goseford  town  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  2  parts  of  1  knight's  fee  and  suit  at  the  county  (court).  {See 
No.  786.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  20.  (6.) 

392.  Walban  de  Hobton. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Michael  (41  Hen.  III). 
He  died  on  St.  Bartholomew's  day,  41  Hen.  (IH). 

NoBTHUMBEBLAND.  He  somotimo  had  land  in  Northumberland  and  also  in 
Normandy,  and  when  the  Normans  were  disseised  of  their  lands  in  England 
he  demised  his  land  in  Normandy  to  his  eldest  son  Walran,  and  as  an 
Englishman  kept  himself  to  his  land  in  Northumberland,  where  he  lived 
peacefully  until  his  death ;  but  whether  it  is  the  king's  escheat  or  not  the 
jury  cannot  judge.  It  is  worth  20Z.  7s.  Bd.  including  the  dower  of  Agnes 
late  his  wife.  He  had  two  sons  and  a  daughter  besides  the  son  to  whom 
he  demised  his  land  in  Normandy. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (7.) 

393.  John  de  Tbaily. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Bedford,  28  May,  41  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

Bedfobd.    Norhgivel,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Suggivel  township,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Gilveldene  manor,  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 

Chelwinton,  held  of  the  same  fee  for  J  knight's  fee. 

La  Hoo,  8  half  virgates  land  held  by  doing  the  king's  foreigp  service 
only,  and  they  are  held  bjr  William  de  la  Suzche  in  dower  with  his  wife  in 
Merstone  parish ;  and  ^  vurgate  held  of  William  Beuf oz  of  the  fee  of  Sir 
William  de  Bello  Campo  for  2d. 

Admereshey  in  Merston  parish,  2  virgates  held  of  the  fee  of  John  de 
Mortenn  by  foreign  service  only. 

Ravenigge  in  Merstone  parish,  J  virgate  held  of  Hugh  Ghnrt  by  service 
of  8d.,  and  Ski.  sheriffs  aid. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  ni.  107 

Buckingham.  Lottegarsale  township,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester, 
and  he  renders  yearly  to  the  king  2«.  6d.  for  toll  and  pannage  in  Brehull 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (8.) 


WHt,  10  July,  41  Hen.  HI. 

William,  his  son,  aged  20  at  the  feast  of  St.  Bartholomew  next,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.    Extent  and  Inq.,  Saturday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  41  Hen.  HI. 

Suthorp  manor  (extent  given)  held,  with  Franton  and  Thoft  manors,  of 
Lady  Petronilla  de  Vallibus  by  service  of  2|  knight's  fees. 

Lincoln.    Extent  and  Inq.,  Friday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  41  Hen.  IH. 
Thoft  manor  (extent  given)  held  as  above. 
Framton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given). 

Suffolk.     Writ,  10  July  41  Hen.  HI.    Extent  (undated). 

Mendham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour 
of  Lancastre  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Huntingfeud  and  Benges  manors,  held  of  the  honour  of  Eye,  but  the 
bailiffs  of  Eye  do  not  permit  the  sheriff  or  escheator  to  extend  them. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  20.  (9.) 

395.  William  db  Est  Cabelton  alias  db  Gaslbton. 

Writ,  25  March,  41  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated  fragment.) 

[His  daughters]  Alice  wife  of  William  de  Brokedis,  aged  30  or  more,  Isabel 
wife  of  Robert  de  Welleholm,  aged  26,  and  Agnes,  aged  28,  and  Maud,  aged  about 
20,  who  are  not  married,  are  his  heirs. 

[Norfolk.]  Garleton,  ^  serjeanty  consisting  of  15a.  land,  28.  9id.  rent  &c.,  held, 
with  the  other  half  which  Eustace  de  Garleton  holds,  by  service  of  carrying 
100  herrings  in  pies  from  the  burgesses  of  Norwich  to  the  king,  wherever 
he  may  be  in  England,  about  Michaelmas;  1  messuage  and  30a.  land  held 
of  Balph  de  Goleneia  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  Marshal  by  service  of  jV  knight's 

^  fee ;  and  15a.  held  of  the  fee  of  Ralph  de  Tyville  by  service  of  4«.  yearly,  and 
16d.  to  the  king's  scutage  of  208. 

[Norfolk.]  Bretenham,  J  carucate  land  and  J  watermill  held  of  the  inheritance 
of  his  wife,  which  Roger  de  Priketon  has  seized  into  the  hands  of  the  earl 
of  Gloucester. 

[SuPFOLKi]     Neilond   town,  1  messuage   held    of   the    fee   of  Bartholomew 


Besides  he  gave,  3  years  before  his  death,  to  his  daughter  Isabel  in  marriage 
with  Robert  de  Welleholm  by  service  of  15d.  yearly,  12a.  land  of  the  fee  of  Hugh 
de  Gressy  which  he  held  by  service  of  12d.  yearly,  2a.  of  the  fee  of  William  de 
Bukenham,  which  he  held  by  service  of  6d.,  and  the  services  of  divers  tenants 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (10.) 

396.  Geoffrby  db  Stokbs. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Derby,  22  Nov.  41  Hen.  HI.  Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 
John  son  of  Paul,  his  kinsman,  aged    ...     (is  his  heir). 

Digitized  by 



Derby.  (Unspecified)  a  toft  and  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  10^. 
rent.  He  used  to  hold  it  of  Eichard  de  Saundiacre,  who  held  it  of  the  king 
in  chief,  and  Matthew  de  Saundiacre  now  holds  it. 

Nottingham.  Stok,  20  bovates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Einnerby  by  service  of 
8  parts  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Neuwerk,  4  bovates  land  held  of  the  same  lee. 
Balderton,  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  same  fee. 

Stok,   10  bovates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Bekeryg  by  6d.  rent ;  and 
98.  rent  from  land  which  Margery  Eidewylde  held. 

Syreston,  4  bovates  land  held  of  Geoffrey  de  Mastres  for  IW.  cummin. 
Screveton,    16  bovates  land  held  of  Robert  de  Hoto  by  service  of 
^  knight's  fee. 
Geoffrey  [de  Einjnerby  and  Ermetmde  his  wife  now  hold  the  said  fee  of 

Einnerby ;  Geoffrey  de  Musters of  his  own  fee  aforesaid  ;  Isabel 

late  [the  wife]  of  the  said  Geoffrey  de  Stok  a  third  part  of  the  same 

:    ...  the  fee  of  BU^eryg ;  and  Robert  de  Hoto  now  holds  the  said 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (11.) 

397.  BoGEB  LB  Taillub. 

Writs  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  18  Oct.  41,  and  1  May,  42  Hen.  III.    hiq. 
Thomasia  and  Emelina,  his  sisters,  aged  40  and  more,  are  his  heirs. 

Lincoln.  Thorkeseye,  Gdja.  land,  l^a.  meadow,  18  tofts,  a  windmill,  and  28. 
rent  from  the  parson  of  St.  Peter's  church  for  a  toft,  held  of  the  king, 
service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  20.  (12.) 

398.  Robert  le  Velu. 

Writ,  28  Jan,  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

John,  his  son,  who  is  in  parts  across  the  sea,  aged  SO  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Bbdfobd.  Turveye  town,  a  messuage  and  16a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
free  service  of  i  knight  s  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (18.) 

399.  John  son  of  Nicholas. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  10  Aug.  42  Hen.  III.     Transcript  of  tcrit  directed 
by  the  sheriff  to  the  bailiff  of  the  liberty  of  Rocheford.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Nicholas  de  Mordone  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Essex.  (Unspecified)  120a.  land  and  a  marsh  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  ^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (14.) 

400.  Luke  be  TEBLn^o*  alias  de  Teblynges. 

Writy  22  Oct.  42  Hen.  m.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Hubert,  his  son,  aged  84,  is  his  heir. 

Essex*    Terlinges,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (15.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  HI.  109 

401.  Robert  de  Hucham  alias  db  Hugham. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  26  July,  42  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  8,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.    Boxele,  40s.  rent  held  of  the  king. 

Bocton,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  William  de  Muntchanesy 
Farlegh,  a  mill  held  of  the  prior  of  Canterbury. 

Maidestan,  4a.  meadow,  a  weir  and  2a.  land  held  of  the  tenure  of  the 

Services  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (16.) 

402.  Henry  de  Lessinton,  sometime  bishop  of  Lincoln. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  28  Aug.  42  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Richard  de  Marcham,  aged  50,  and  William  de  Sutton,  aged  40,  are  his  heirs. 

Nottingham.  Tuggesford  and  Warsop  towns,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee  ;  Lady  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Sir  J.  de  Lessinton, 
holds  them  in  dower. 

Lessinton,  ^  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Adam  de  Everingham. 
Marnham,  i  knight's  fee  held  of  Richard  de  Weston.     {See  Nos.  378 
and  870.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  20.  (17.) 

403.  Ralph  Basset  of  Welledon  alias  Welesden. 

Writ,  17  Feb.  42  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Richard,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.  Maddeleg',  1  small  knight's  fee  of  Mortain  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  baron  of  Stafford  by  suit  of  court  and  scutage. 

Northampton.     Writ,  17  Feb.  42  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {und<tted.) 

Welledon  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 

Sutton  and  Weston  manor  (extent  given),  with  12d.  rent  or  1  sparrow- 
hawk  in  Asselle,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Leicester.     Writ,  18  Feb.  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Weleham,  4  carucates  land  with  cottages  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen  III.  File  20.  (18.) 

404.  Bartholomew  de  la  Ghapele  alias  de  Gapella. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham,  17  July,  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Joan,  his  daughter,  aged  1^  at  the  feast  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  last,  is  his 

Buckingham.  Denham  manor,  held  of  the  abbot  &c.  of  Westminster  for  18Z. 
yearly ;  and  1  virgate  land  held  of  Philip  de  Gouele  for  16a.  yearly. 

Southampton.     Writ  to  the  sheriff,  17  July,  42  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Oterburne  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  Brian  de  Brampton  in  chief 
of  the  fee  of  Eoger  de  Mortuo  Mari. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (19.) 

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405.  Cecily,  mother  of  Henry,  son  of  Ralph  db  Hauvill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester,  3  Feb.  42  Hen.  IH.    Inq,  {undated.) 

Leicester.  Shenton  alias  Sheynton,  16J  virgates  land  in  villenage,  and 
2  virgates. held  by  2  free  tenants,  held  in  free  marriage  of  the  gift  of  her 
father  Hugh  de  Nevill,  of  Richard  de  Harecurt  without  service  excepting 
two  attendances  at  his  court  for  view  of  frank  pledge,  and  scutage  when  it 
shall  happen.  The  said  lands  &c.  fall  to  the  said  Henry  by  hereditary  right 
and  are  now  in  the  hands  of  Richard  de  Harecurt  as  in  wardship. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  20.  (20.) 

406.  Margery  de  Wynbquike.  \ 

Writ  {missing).    Inq,  Monday  before  St.  Gregory,  42  Hen.  IH. 
Richard  de  Thorinton  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Thorinton,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
8«.  yearly,  and  suit  at  the  county  (court)  of  Lancaster  and  wapentake  of 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (1.) 

407.  John  de  Avereng'  alias  de  Aferenges,  de  Avebyng'. 

Writ,  13  Nov.  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

He  died  on  Thursday  before  St.  Martin  last.    His  daughters,  Joan  aged  9, 
Margaret  aged  6,  and  Elizabeth  aged  3,  are  his  heirs. 

E6sEX.  Dakeham  town,  78a.  of  worn  out  land  {teira  susana),  15a.  marsh,  4«.  8d. 
rent,  services  and  pannage,  tenure  unspecified. 

SoMBBSBT.     Writ,  13  Nov.  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Bromland,  61.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's 
fee,  worth  61.  yearly,  which  61.  the  prior,  &c.  of  Berliz  hold  of  the  said  John 
and  his  heirs  for  115«.  yearly. 

Oxford.  Writ,  13  Nov.  42  Hen.  III.  The  escheator  is  to  permit  Amice,  late 
the  wife  of  the  said  John,  to  have  her  quarentine  in  the  manor  of  Botcot. 
Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Hugh,  bishop  of  Lincoln. 

Rettcot  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (2.) 

408.  John  de  Pertone. 

Writ,  19  Dec.  42  Hen.  IIL     Inq.  {undated.) 

Banulph,  his  son,  aged  24  at  Easter  next,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.  Perton  town,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  cbiel  by  service  of 
going  with  the  king  in  the  army  of  Wales  with  a  horse  for  8  days  at  his  own 
cost,  and  if  he  shall  stay  longer  he  shall  take  8d.  daily  and  eat  once  daily  in 
the  king's  house  {pranderet  semel  in  die  in  Iwspitio  doinini  regis). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (8.) 

409.  William  de  Clifton. 

Writ,  29  March.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Ambrose,  42  Hen.  IH. 

Henry,  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  lawful  age,  and  was  married  by  his  father. 

Digitized  by 



Lancabtbr.  [Kyrkhem?],  ten  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  40«.  yearly,  and  1  suit  at  the  county  (court)  of  Lsuicastre  and  the 
wapentake  of  Amunderness. 

Gosenarg',  2  bovates  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  Robert  son  of  Bernard 
by  service  of  8s.  IJd.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  21.  (4.) 

410.  William  de  Plugenet  alias  Pluqenet. 

Writ,  6  Dec.  Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Thomas  the  Apostle,  42  Hen.  III.  (defaced.) 
Joice,  his  son,  aged  20  at  Easter  next,  is  his  heir.  * 

Bebeb.  Lamburne  town,  a  tenement  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  21.  (5.) 

411.  BiCHABD   DE   HaBEGUBT. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester,  2  April,  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Sir  William,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Leicestbb.     Stretton,  161.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  ^  knight's  fee. 

Boseworth,  50Z.  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Winchester  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 

Ayleston,  80Z.  land  held  of  the  same  earl  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Borisworth,  lOZ.  land  held  of  the  same  earl  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Kybworth,  QOl.  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Warwick  by  service  of  1  knight's 

Neuton  and  Sheyngton,  201.  land  held  of  the  same  earl  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 

Morton,  201.  land  held  of  the  same  earl  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Branteston,  2W.  land  held  of  William  Burdeyt  by  service  of  J  knight's 

Shepe,  lOZ.  land  held  of  Richard  de  Gaumvill  in  chief  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 

OxFOBD.     Writ  to  the  sheriff,  2  April,  42  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated  Jragmcnt.) 

,  43Z.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief   by  service  of 

(i  ?)  .  .  .  knight,  and  16Ja.  of  assart  by  .  .  .  yearly  ....  in 
Staunton,  and  he  ought  to  carry  a  meadow  of  the  king's  in  Wodestok,  and 
to  throw  down  *  oram '  (?)  and  brushwood  in  the  park  at  Wodestok    .     .     . 

Staffobd.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Elinhale  manor,  held  of  the  bishop  of  Lichfield  and  Coventry  for 
i  knight's  fee. 

Rontton  township,  held  of  the  baron  of  Stafford  for  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  21.  (6.) 

412.  John  de  Sangto  Amando. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Suffolk,  30  Oct.  42  Hen.  Ill,  endorsed  with  a  return.    Inq. 


Lady  Lucy,  his  sister,  wife  of  Sir  John  de  Lymare,  age  variously  stated 
as  SO  and  more,  and  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Suffolk.  Ixningh,  land  (unspecified)  held  of  Emery  de  Sancto  Amando  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Digitized  by 



Kent.     WrU  to  the  sheriff,  80  Oct.  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Derente  town,  a  messuage  and  188a.  arable  and  39«.  lid.  rent,  held  of 

the  prior  of  Rochester  (Roja)  by  38s.  l^d.  yearly,  and  8».  to  Robert  de 

Cleyndon  and  12d.  to  Thomas  de  Cleyndon. 

Derteford,  2 Ja.  meadow  held  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle  by  2|d.  yearly ; 

5Ja.  of  the  Hospitallers  by  10|d.  yearly  ;  5a.  of  Stephen  Costentyn  by  18rf. 

yearly;   and  89«.  lOd.  yearly  of  which  he  owed  lis.  2J<i.  to  the  earl  of 

Albemarle  yearly. 

Stanes  town,  2a.  meadow  from  which  he  owed  6d.  yearly  to  Simon  de 

la  P^tte. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (7.) 

413.  Eustace  db  La  Val  alias  db  Laval. 

Writ,  16  March,  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Henry  de  Laval,  his  brother,  aged  60  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.    Calverdon,  Discington  and  Seton  manors,  held  of  the  king 
by  service  of  2  knights. 

Halywell  manor,  held  of  Sir  John  de  Balliol  in  free  marriage  without 

Hertelawe,  a  moiety  of  the  town  held  of  Adam  de  Jesemuth  by  service  of 
I  knight's  fee. 

Echewic  town,  held  of  Hugh  de  Bolebec  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  but 
he  had  nothing  there  in  demesne.  And  he  was  bound  to  the  nuns  of  New- 
castle-upon-Tyne by  his  charter  in  Qs.  rent  for  ever,  and  to  John  de  Laval  in 
7  marks  rent  for  lUe. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (8.) 

414.  Beatrice  la  Coroner  late  the  wife  of  William  lb  Curunbb. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Thursday  after  SS.  Tiburcius  and  Valerian,  42  Hen,  IH. 

Northumberland.  She  holds  155a.  land  (unspecified)  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  being  coroner  between  the  Tuede  and  Koket,  of  which  9a.  are  given 
for  ever  tathe  hospital  of  Baunbug'  to  celebrate  mass  for  the  souls  of  the 
king  and  of  William  son  of  Odo  father  of  the  said  Beatrice. 
Her  marriage  pertains  to  the  king,  and  is  worth  lOOs.  only,  because  she  is 
much  burdened  with  debts  and  the  cost  of  her  boys,  and  is  beyond  the  age  of 
child  bearing,  and  great  poverty  threatens  there. 

Annexed  are  letters  patent,  dated  7  May,  42  Hen.  Ill,  granting  the  said  marriage 
to  Ralph  de  Fisseburne. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (9.) 

415.  William  de  Birton. 

Writ  de  melius  inquirendo,  18  March.    Inq.    Friday  after  the  Close  of  Easter, 
42  Hen.  HI. 
Bichard,  his  son,  aged  16  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Nottingham.]  Loudam  manor,  6  bovates  land,  with  4  bovates  in  Birton  town 
pertaining  to  the  said  manor,  excepting  2  bovates  which  an  ancestor  gave  in 
free  marriage  with  his  sister,  and  which  render  nothing  except  foreign 
servicse,  leaving  8  bovates  whereof  his  mother  holds  2  bovates  in  dower,  and 
for  the  10  bovates  he  used  to  pay  to  the  king  Is.  yearly,  and  did  foreign 
service  of  40d.  to  a  40s.  scutage,  and  suit  of  Court  to  the  said  manor. 

Digitized  by 



Birton  town,  7  bovates  land  held  of  Richard  de  Grey  in  free  service  by 
lOs.  yearly,  and  lOd.  foreign  service  for  each  bovate  when  40«.  pertains  to 
the  shield  (sc^ito) ;  and  7  bovates  held  of  Sir  Adam  de  Everingham  in  free 
service  by  10«.  yearly ;  and  he  held  40a.  land  in  demesne,  8a.  meadow,  and 
a  capital  messuage  of  the  said  Eichard  and  Adam. 

Eadeklive  town,  12  bovates  land  held  of  William  le  Marischal  by  18«. 
yearly  and  foreign  service  pertaining  to  J  knight's  fee. 
His  mother  has  a  third  of  all  the  above  in  dower  except  in  Eadeklive  where 
she  has  a  full  moiety,  as  well  in  the  name  of  dower  as  of  warranty. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (10.) 

416.  William  Hbyrun  alias  Hebun. 

Wnt,  20  Jan.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  the  Purification,  42  Hen.  HI. 

William,  his  son,  aged  18  on  the  feast  of  St.  Martin  last,  is  his  heir. 

NoRTHUiiBBRLAND.    Hadestou  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  1  knight. 

Herun,  40a.  and  a  mill  held  of  Sir  Eoger  Bertram  of  Mitford,  service 

Espeley,  17a.  with  a  toft,  a  croft  and  a  mill,  similarly  held. 

Holme  wood,  similarly  held. 

Fynrother,  11a.  and  about  1  carucate  of  waste  called  Wellefordside,  held 
of  Sir  Eoger  Bertram  of  Bothal,  service  unspecified. 

Aketon  town,  held  of  the  said  William  by  Nicholas  de  Aketon  for  1 

Bokenfeud,  i  carucate  land  and  1  cottage  held  of  Sir  Eoger  Maudut, 
service  unspecified. 

Thrastereston,  2a.  meadow  held  of  Adam  Maufetur,  service  unspecified. 

Swyneburn  manor,  held  of  the  said  William  by  John  de  Swyneboume 
for  J  knight's  fee. 

Espeley  town,  held  by  William  de  Espeley  for  lib.  pepper. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  21.  (11.) 

417.  Patrick  de  Chaworoes  alias  de  Ghaors,  de  Cha^uurces,  de  Chawrces, 

DE  Chawerches,  de  Schawrces,  de  Chawurch,  de  Chawurces. 

Writ  to  the  sheriflf  of  Gloucester,  23  Sept.  42  Hen.  III. 

Poin  alias  Payn,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  13^  and  14,  is  his  heir. 

Gloucester.    Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Michael,  42  Hen.  III. 

Kinemerford  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  the 
fishery  of  Culna,  12}  knights'  fees  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Gloucester.    Extent,  Monday  after  All  Saints. 

Kenemerford  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants).  The 
following  knights'  fees  are  held  of  the  manor. 

Wilts.    Eadene,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  William  de  Eadene. 

Cheldrinton,  J  fee  held  by  the  heirs  of  John  de  Aure. 
Herdenehywys  and  latton,  1  fee  held  by  Simon  de  Scheverel. 
Eston,  1  fee  held  by  Henry  Scheynel. 

Oxford.    Burthon,  1  fee  held  by  Eobert  Maudut. 

[Wilts.]     Standene,  i  knight's  fee  held  in  demesne  of  the  same  manor. 

Digitized  by 



[Wilts.]  Extent  {undated),  Standene  manor,  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given) 
pertaining  to  the  barony  of  Kinemersford  held  of  the  king  in  chief;  and 
128.  6d.  rent,  3a.  4d.  herbage,  3«.  4d.  meadow,  50a.  land,  a  mill,  &c.,  held  of 
Sir  William  de  Sancto  Martino  of  the  fee  of  Ghisingeburi  alias  ChisBeburi. 

Wilts.     Writ,  23  Sept.  42  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated  and  defaced). 
Lavinton  town  (extent  given). 
Berewyk  town  (extent  given). 

Wilts.    Extent,  Friday  after  St.  Leonard. 

Stepellavinthon  town  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
a  pasture  called  la  Halvehyde. 

Wilts.    Extent,  Sunday  the  eve  of  St.  Martin. 

Berewik  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
pastures  called  Kyggesmers  and  la  Sterte.  60«.  rent  are  held  by  exchange 
for  life  by  Mabel  de  Cantelo  alias  de  Cantilupe,  and  ought,  with  the 
advowson  of  the  church,  to  revert  to  the  manor  after  her  death. 

Wilts.     Extent,  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Martin. 

Standene,  J  knight's  fee,  now  in  demesne,  and  J  knight's  fee  in  Hokhull 
held  of  William  de  Sancto  Martino  (full  extent  given),  including  pastures 
called  HochuUe  and  Isakesmers  and  a  marsh  called  HochuUemers ;  together 
with  the  advowson  of  the  chapel  of  the  manor,  to  which  pertains  a  moiety 
of  the  tithes  of  the  manor,  20a.  land  in  demesne,  la.  sown  with  corn  at  the 
choice  of  the  parson,  and  la.  of  oats,  and  for  the  chantry  of  which  the  lord 
owes  2s.  yearly  to  the  prior  of  Hokburne.  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Hugh  de  Sancto 
Martino  holds  i  of  the  above  in  dower,  and  Margery  late  the  wife  of  Peter  son 
of  Hugh  de  Sancto  Martino  i  of  t  of  the  above. 

Chigelawee,  i  fee  held  of  the  manor  of  Standene  by  Hugh  de  Penedok. 

Southampton.     Writ  to  the  sheriflf,  23  Sept.  42  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Sumburne  manor  with  the  free  hundred  of  Sumburne  held  of  the  king 

in  chief  by  service  of  two  knights. 

Weston  town,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  that  the  free  men  of 

Weston  township  and  4  men  and  the  reeve  of  the  town  should  do  suit  at 

{sequntur)  the  free  hundred  (court)  of  Odiham. 

Hosebrigg,  9a.  land  held  of  Denise  de  Sumburne  by  service  of  4«. 

Southampton.    Extent,  Thursday  after  St.  Martin. 

Sumburne  manor  and  hundred  (full  extent  given),  including  a  fishery 
called  *  la  pecherie  del  Park,'  a  wood  called  Parnholt,  a  close,  pastures,  &c. 
called  Honwode,  Nortpark,  la  Rugge,  Seindon,  Kingeslond,  Kingesham, 
Dreyhememers,  Strathememers  and  Attenho,  and  tenements  and  a  market 
in  Stokbregg. 

Southampton.     Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Martin. 

Weston  manor  (full  extent  given)  including  brushwood  {brusca)  called  La 
Haydone,  a  wood  called  Hasmeresgrove,  and  a  pasture  called  Thordune. 

Southampton.  Writ  to  the  steward  of  the  king's  forest  this  side  the  Trent, 
30  Oct.  42  Hen.  III.  With  return  that  the  wood  of  La  Haydon  contains 
20a.,  and  that  of  Haselmangrave  contains  50a. 

Extent  or  summary  of  the  above  lands  in  cos.  Gloucester,  Wilts  and  Southampton. 
Endorsed  with  a  memorandum,  that  Sumburne  manor,  excepting  10/.  land,  is 
assigned  to  the  lady  in  dower,  also  Lavynton,  Berwik  and  Standene,  and  10 
marks  rent  from  the  manor  of  Aldeswrh'  in  co.  Devon,  which  Henry  de  Tracy 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  in.  115 

holds  to  farm,  from  which  she  shall  render  18«.  4Jd.  to  the  king ;  besides 
knights'  fees  and  the  advowsons  of  Berwik  church  and  Staunden  chapel, 
which  are  not  partitioned. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (12.) 

418.  Edmund  db  Lasoy  alioi  de   Lacy. 

Writ  (missing). 

Henry,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  8^  and  1  month  at  the  feast  of 
St.  Mary  Magdalen,  8  at  Christmas,  and  8^  and  1  month  and  6  days  at  the 
feast  of  St.  James  the  Apostle,  42  Hen.  HI,  and  8^  and  5  weeks  and  6  days 
'anno  Domini  1257,'  is  his  heir. 

[York.]     Bouland.     Extent  (undated). 

Slayteburne  town  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
the  whole  of  Hamerton  held  by  Stephen  de  Hamerton,  40a.  in  Old  Wihekul 
held  by  Adam  Biry,  and  a  mill  which  pertains  to  the  farms  of  Clyderh'. 

Grinlington,  24  bovates  land,  each  paying  16^.,  and  doing  8  cart- 
services  (cariagia)  to  Pontefract  yearly,  and  other  services. 

Brafford  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Bouland  forest,  7  cow  pastures. 
All  the  above  lands  are  held  by  knights'  service. 

[YoBK.]     Extent y  Sunday  after  St.  James  the  Apostle,  42  Hen.  Ill  (defaced). 

Pontefract  borough  (extent  given),  including  rents  of  tofts,  booths, 
stalls,  a  fair,  tolls,  markets,  &c.  with  the  toll  of  Knottynglay,  the  farm 
[called]  Englesher'  of  the  honour  of  Pontefract,  and  the  farm  of  Helmishal. 

Tanesolf,  220a.  land  in  demesne  (extent  given) ;  and  there  were  26a.  of 
demesne  which  the  lord  gave  to  the  .borough  of  Pontefract,  in  exchange  for 
a  piece  of  land  which  he  gave  to  the  Friars  Preachers. 

Castelford,  56a.  meadow,  and  a  pasture  called    ....    and  Thilloles. 

Carleton  alias  Karleton  and  Herdewyk,  24  bovates  land  &c.  (extent 
given) ;  all  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown. 

Kasterford  and  Cnottingley,  mills  with  fisheries. 

Snayt,  two  parts  of  the  soke  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
held  (of  the  king)  by  service  of  1  knight. 

[York.]     Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  James  the  Apostle,  42  Hen.  III. 

Ledes  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
Lyntwait,  and  1  bovate  at  Wudehus,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 

Rowelle  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  service  of  barony. 

Holton  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Lofthus,  rents  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Carleton,  rents  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Wridlesford,  land  and  rents  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Berewyk  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  the 
herbage  of  Blakefen,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  barony. 

Barnebu,  rents  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Scales,  80a.  arable  and  9s.  lOd.  rent. 

Morwyk,  4  bovates  land. 

Roda,  with  meadow  worth  20s. 

Kypexk  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  the 
pond  of  Preston,  and  ploughing  at  Ledeston,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 

Allerton  By  water  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

Digitized  by 



[Lancaster.]     Blakeburnbshirb,    Extent,  Saturday  after  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula, 
42  Hen.  Ill  (defaced). 

Bronley,  13  bovates  land,  rents  &c.  (full  extent  given  with  names  of 
tenants),  including  6  bovates  in  Merclisden  and  the  mills  of  Hucnhul. 

Padiham,  24  bovates  land,  rents  &c.  (extent  given). 

Riston,  16  bovates  land,  rents  &c.  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Chatteburn,  9  bovates  land,  rents  &c.  (extent  given). 

Pennul  forest,  5  cow  pastures. 

Withiston,  2  carucates  land,  rents  &c.  (extent  given  with  names  of 

Clyvichir,  18«.  rent. 

Briddistuysil,  4«.  rent. 

Simondiston,  12s.  9Jrf.  from  4  parts  of  the  town,  the  fifth  part  being 
held  by  John  de  Chelewel  by  1  pair  of  spurs  or  2rf. 

Eeind,  12«. 

Oswaldtuysil,  10s. 

Livysay,  29s. 

Samlisbyri,  12s. 

Osbaldiston,  6s 

Ribbilcestre,  2s.  and  1  pair  of  gloves  or  4d. 

Dutton,  5s. 

Clayton,  3s.  6d.  (?) 

Salebiry,  5s. 

Dunkedeley,  6s. 

Hennethym,  6s. 

Bernesete,  4s.  8d. 

Chipin,  lis. 

Queteley,  5s.  Sd. 

Thorndeley,  2s.  6rf. 

Wlipschire,  4s. 

Wrthisthorm,  22irf. 

Tuysilton,  20s. 

3s.  6rf.  from  Simon  de  Bradworthe  and  2s.  from  Adam  de  Huluysbothis. 

Chirche,  6d. 

Chipindale  ?  forest,  a  cow  pasture. 

Clyderhow  town  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  Grillig- 
ton  mill,  and  suit  at  the  mill  of  Chatteburn  town. 

All  the  above  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (18.) 

419.  William  de  Felminobham. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  24  Sept.  42  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
William,  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.  Felmingham  and  Bechham,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
without  service  except  homage. 

Felmingham  town,  2a.  land  held  of  earl  K.  le  Bigot  by  service  of 
Id. ;  and  1  rood  meadow  and  18rf.  rent  of  Roger  de  Thurkeby. 

Bechham,  5a.  land  held  of  the  earl  marshal  by  service  of  5d. 

Skegetun,  3a.  moor  held  of  Eicherus  de  Witell'  by  service  of  14d^. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  21.  (14.) 

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HENKY  III.  117 

420.  Balph  le  Normakd  alias  le  Nobmant. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  IS  April.  Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Mark,  43  Hen.  III. 
Reginald  le  Norman  t,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Buketon,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  the  keeping  of 
Exeter  gaol. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (15.) 

421.  Ralph  de  Normanvill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Rutland,  20  May.      Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Barnabas, 
48  Hen.  III. 
Thomas,  his  son,  aged  almost  2^,  is  his  heir. 

Rutland.  Empingeham  manor  (extent  given  witH  names  of  tenants),  held  of 
Sir  Roger  de  Munbray  for  2  knights'  fees  ;  and  Thomas  de  Normanvill  held 
1  fee  for  1  sparrowhawk  or  2«. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (16.) 

422.  Godfrey  de  Aunoh  alias  de  Auno,  Dauno. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  23  Nov.  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Alexander  Dauno,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.  Cumpton  Dauno  town,  2  carucates,  and  2  carucates  in  Ayston  town, 
held  of  the  king,  together  with  lands  in  co.  Wilts,  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Wilts.  Rusteshal  town,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  all  his 
land  in  co.  Somerset,  by  service  of  1  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (17.) 

423.  John  de  Jarpenvile. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  24  June,  48  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Roger  de  Jarpenill,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  2  carucates  land  (unspecified)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  20«. 
yearly  to  the  guard  of  Dover  Castle. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  21.  (18.) 

424.  Geoffrey  de  Dynan  alias  de  Dynham. 

Writ,  26  Dec.  43  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  Tuesday  after  Epiphany. 
Oliver,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Hertilaunde  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  2  parts  of  1 

C.Hen.III.Fik21.  (19.) 

425.  LuEE  DE  Eaynes  alias  de  Eaynnes. 

Writ,  4  Oct.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Denis,  43  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  26  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

BucsiNaHAM.    Middelton  manor,  2  parts  of  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 
Walton,  9a.  held  of  William  de  Redeot  by  Jd.  rent  and  foreign  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  21.  (20.) 

Digitized  by 



426.  Banulph  de  Febton. 

Writ,  2  Sept.     Inq.  Thursday  after  the  Nativity  of  St.  Mary,  48  Hen.  Ill 
William,  his  brother,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.  Perton  town,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  doing  service  for  8  days  in 
Wales  with  horse  and  arms  at  his  own  cost,  and  after  that  at  the  king's  cost 
if  required ;  and  he  paid  5$,  yearly  to  the  king  for  land  alienated.  .  .  liana 
de  Glaseleye,  sometime  the  wife  of  John  his  father,  has  her  third  part  of  the 
above  in  dower,  and  Margaret  (late  the)  wife  of  the  said  (Banulph)  is  seeking 
her  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (1.) 

427.  William  de  Eellet. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  before  Palm  Sunday,  43  Hen.  Ill  (defective). 
William,  his  son,  (is  his  heir  and)  of  full  age. 

[Lancaster.]  Kellet  (?),  25  .  .  of  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
40d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  22.  (2.) 

428.  BeGINALD    de   BERNrVAL. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  26  July,  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Wolfram,  his  son,  aged  16,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.    Budeston,  the  service  of  7  hides  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Segre  town,  2  virgates  land  held  of  Simon  de  Segre,  whereof  he  enfeoffed 
William  de  Cleremund,  rendering  6d.  yearly  or  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  22,  (8.) 

429.  Godfrey  de  Galous  and  Sibyl  his  wife. 

Writ,  21  Oct.  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Hugh,  son  of  the  said  Godfrey,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

[Lincoln.]  Clisseby,  32«.  6rf.  rent  held  by  the  said  Godfrey  and  Sibyl  by 
service  of  falconry. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (4.) 

430.  Simon  de  Trop  alias  de  Throp. 

Writ,  29  Dec.  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Balph,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Northampton.  Harepol,  4  virgates  land,  and  in  Bavenestorp  and  Cotes,  7  virgates 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Throp  and  Weleton,  2  carucates  land,  with  a  tenement  in  Esseby  and 
Buckeby,  held  of  others  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (5.) 

431.  Margery  de  Blumenhull. 

Writ,  10  May,  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  Friday  in  Whitsun  week. 

Phelipe  the  wife  of  Geofifrey  de  Bromle,  aged  30,  is  heir  of  3  parts,  and  John 
son  of  William  de  Ipeston,  aged  26,  is  heir  of  the  fourth  part. 

Stafford.  Ascheleye,  ^  part  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  \  mark  when 
Bcutage  happens  only,  and  she  paid  Is.  yearly  to  Sir  Fulk  son  of  Warin. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (6.) 

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HENRY  III.  119 

432.  Adam  son  of  John  alias  Adam  de  Overton. 

Wnt,  11  Oct.  43  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Vincent,  44  Hen.  HI- 
John,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.    Overton  town,  1  bovate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
3«.  4d,  yearly. 

a  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (7.) 

433.  Simon  de  Solar'. 

Writ  (missing).  Inq.  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  the  Nativity  of  St.  Mary,  43  Hen.  III. 
Thomas  de  Solar'  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Hereford.  Tadinton  and  Bulinghope,  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (8.) 

434.  BoGER  Corbet. 

Writ,  7  May,  43  Hen.  III.    Extent,  Thursday  before  Ascension  Day. 

His  heir  is  named  Thomas,  and  aged  11  on  the  eve  of  the  Exaltation  of  the 
Gross  next. 

Stafford.  Bromle  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  4Z.  yearly, 
and  tallage  when  the  king's  demesnes  are  taxed. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  22.  (9.) 

435.  William  de  Dene. 

Writs,  11  Sept.    Inq.  Saturday  before  St.  Matthew  the  Apostle,  48  Hen.  III. 
Henry,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Gloucester.  Great  Dene,  2  carucates  land  and  6  marks  rent  were  held  by  the 
said  William,  rendering  to  the  king  10^.  yearly,  and  as  long  as  he  had  his 
bailiwick  in  the  forest  of  Dene  he  had  a  horseman  and  2  footmen  at  his  own 
cost  to  guard  the  bailiwick,  and  he  should  go  at  the  king's  cost  wherever 
the  king  goes  in  the  army.  His  goods  and  chattels  are  in  the  hands  of  his 
executors,  one  of  whom  is  Isabel  (late)  his  wife. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  22.  (10.) 

436.  BiGHARD  (sic)  DE  Hatres  otios  Ealph  de  Hayraz. 

Writ  to  the  keeper  of  Clarendon  forest,  3  Sept.  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Wednesday 
after  St.  Michael,  44  Hen.  III. 
His  daughter,  aged  1,  is  the  said  Balph's  heir. 

[Wilts.]  Clarendon  forest,  40a.  land,  3a.  meadow,  and  6s.  rent,  held  by  service 
of  2s.  9d.  yearly  to  the  king ;  3a.  held  of  the  fee  of  William  de  Putton, 
rendering  15d.  yearly ;  2a.  of  the  fee  of  Peter  Geneueu  by  service  of  Id. ; 
and  la.  meadow  of  the  fee  of  Robert  Turstayn  by  service  of  Id. 

New  Sarum  town,  6s.  rent  held  of  the  fee  of  the  bishop  of  Sarum.    (See 
No.  374.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  22.  (11.) 

Digitized  by 




Wnty  28  Sept.  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Matthew  de  Golumbariis,  aged  40  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Southampton.  La  Wodehuse  juxta  Andevere,  1  virgate  land  pertaining  to  the 
forestry  of  Finkele,  and  the  bailiwicks  of  Finkele  and  Digerle  in  the  forestry, 
together  with  the  bailiwick  of  Chet,  co.  Wilts,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  10«.  to  the  king's  exchequer  at  Westminster. 

(Unspecified),  one  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  one 
knight  for  40  days  when  the  king  and  other  magnates  shall  be  in  the  army. 

Writ,  28  Sept.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Michael,  43  Hen.  III. 

Wilts.  Chut  forest  and  a  moiety  of  the  forestry  of  the  bailiwick  of  Huppinges- 
cumbe  towards  the  south,  which  pertains  to  the  bailiwick  of  Chut,  held  of 
the  king  in  chief,  together  with  the  bailiwicks  in  co.  Hants,  rendering  lOs. 
yearly  to  the  king's  exchequer. 

Chut  manor,  held  of  the  abbot  of  Hyde,  rendering  yearly  60». 

C\  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (12.) 

438.  Robert  lb  Vbnur. 

Wnt,  22  July.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  the  Decollation  of  St.  John  the  Baptist, 
43  Hen.  III. 
His  two  daughters  (unspecified),  aged  5  and  3,  are  his  heirs. 

[Leicester.]  Kereby  town,  2  virgates  and  J  bovate  land,  held  in  demesne  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  foreign  service,  viz. — going  for  40  days  at  his  own 
charges  if  the  king  shall  go  to  Wales,  and  afterwards  at  the  king's  charges  ; 
1  virgate  held  of  the  said  Robert  by  Roger  son  of  William  for  Irf.  rent ; 
1  toft  held  by  Robert  Venator  for  2d. ;  and  1  toft  held  by  Gervase  le  Messer 
for  2«.  yearly. 

Hauthyrne,  5  virgates  held  by  the  said  Robert  Venator,  of  which  his 
villeins  hold  3  and  render  27«.  and  3  hens,  and  free  tenants  hold  2,  of  which 
IJ  virgate  renders  12«.  to  Roger  son  of  Matthew  Venator  for  hunting,  and 
Robert  le  Venur  renders  an  arrow  for  1  bovate  to  the  said  Robert  deceased ; 
those  5  virgates  are  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Winchester  and  in  his 

C.  Hm.  III.  File  22.  (IS.) 

439.  WiLLLiM  DB  Stdtevill  ulias  DE  Stotbville,  de  Stotewill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Worcester,  20  May,  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Sir  Hugh  de  Mortuo  Mari,  aged  40,  son  of  Margery  sometime  the  wife  of  the 
said  William,  is  her  heir. 

Worcester.    Wychebaud  manor,  held  of  the  king,  of  the  inheritance  of  Margery 
sometime  his  wife,  by  the  courtesy  of  England,  service  unspecified. 
Coderugge  manor,  similarly  held. 

Huweleston  township,  held  of  the  bishop  of  Worcester,  service 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  20  May,  43  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Salop.    Bureford  manor,  held  (of  the  king  ?)  of  the  inheritance  of  Marjory  some- 
time his  wife,  by  the  courtesy  of  England,  service  unspecified. 
Wulfreton  manor  with  the  free  Hay,  similarly  held. 
Stepelton  manor  with  Wylileg*  Welshry,  similarly  held. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (14.) 

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HENRY  III.  121 

440.  William  Gernon  alias  Gebnun. 

Writ  of  mandamus  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex  to  make  the  extent  ordered  by  another 
writ  without  delay,  10  Dec.  43  Hen.  III.    Endorsed  with  return  that  no  other 
mandate  had  come  to  him.    Extent  (undated  and  defaced). 
Balph,  his  son,  aged  20?  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Estorp  and  Briche,  8  knights'  fees  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  service 
of  8  knights. 

(Lex)  dene  hundred,  (held  of  the  king)  by  a  fee  farm  of  4  marks  yearly. 
Wyremundeford,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Imbert  le  Pugys  and  Joan 
his  wife. 

Teydone,  i  knight's  fee  held  of  Lady  Denise  de  Montek' ;  and  part  of 
2  knights'  fees,  the  residue  being  in  many  counties,  held  of  Baldwin  de 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  22.  (15.) 

441.  Ingram  {Hygeramus^  Ingeramus)  de  Mere'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  4  March,  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  21^,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Dommawe,  500a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  12a.  pasture,  20a.  wood,  576 
works,  lbs.  8^d.  rent,  capons,  ploughshares,  and  4a.  garden,  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne,  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees, 
together  with  ^  carucate  land  at  Bunewell,  which  Matthew  de  Matebi  held 
of  him,  and  ^  carucate  at  Bumstede  ad  Turrim,  which  Gilbert  de  Baylol 
held  of  him. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  22.  (16.) 

442.  Lady  Frethesancia  alias  Frenbesancia  de  Bcoteny. 

Writ,  1  Sept.  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undented.) 

William,  son  of  Hugh  de  Wyleby,  of  full  age,  is  her  heir. 

[Lincoln.]     Gumberworth  town,  1^  knights'  fee  and  i  of  ^  knight's  fee  held  of 
the  king  in  chief. 

Torp  manor,  held  of  Sir  Hugh  Bygot  by  service  of  \  knight's  fee. 
Foletteby,  i  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Richard  de  Arynton. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  22.  (17.) 

443.  Ralph  de  Gaheys  alias  de  Kameys,  de  Eamoys,  the  elder. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Surrey,  6  June,  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Monday  after  the  Holy 


Sir  Ralph  de  Cameys  the  younger,  knt.,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  40, 
40  and  more,  and  over  45,  is  lus  heir. 

Surrey.    Wodeton  manor,  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntington,  6  June,  48  Hen.  UI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Huntingdon.    Great  Stiuekele,  ^  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  John  de  Bayloyl  and 
Derevagoyld  his  wife  by  service  of  J  knight. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  6  June,  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Gloucester.    (Unspecified),  two  knights'  fees  held  of  the-  earl  of  Gloucester  by 
knight's  service. 

Digitized  by 



Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge,  6  June,  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  17  June. 

Cambridge.  Ditton  manor,  held  of  Thomas  de  Clmton  and  Lady  Maud  de 
Stivechale,  rendering  lOOs.  to  each. 

Burewell,  held  of  the  earl  of  Oxford  for  one  knight's  fee. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  6  June,  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated-) 

Southampton.     Tistede,  1 J  knights'  fee  held  of  the  (bishop)  elect  of  Winchester. 
Hameledon,  i  knight's  fee  held  of  Robert  de  Sancto  Johanne  by  knight's 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  6  June,  [4]  3  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Norfolk.  Flokesthorp  alias  Floxthorp  manor  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson 
of  the  church,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee, 
whenever  general  scutage  happens  in  England,  and  he  rendered  5«.  yearly 
from  the  mill  to  the  prior  of  Wymundeham. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FU€  22.  (18.) 

444.  Balph  Martel. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  5  May,  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
John,  his  first  born  son,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Bewehale  town,  130a.  arable,  2a.  meadow,  4^.  pasture,  and  14«.  lOd. 
rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  serjeant. 

Hardleye  town,  101.  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Hertford  by  service  of  one 
knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  22.  (19.) 

445.  William  de  Uppiton  aliaa  de  Uppinton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Salop,  11  May.    Inq.  Friday  aftetSt.  Barnabas,  43  Hen.  IH. 
Richard,  his  son,  aged  22  on  the  day  of  St.  Barnabas,  43  Hen.  Ill,  is  his 

Salop.  Uppinton  and  Hadinton  towns,  4  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
for  two  parts  of  J  of  a  sore  sparrowhawk. 

Drayton  subtus  Lyme  and  Gherleton  towns,  2  virgates  land  held  of  the 
abbot  of  Salop  for  8«.  yearly. 

Cherleton  town,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salop, 
by  12d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  22.  (20.) 

446.  Philip  de  Bagbsouer  aliw  de  Baogesore. 

Writ,  2  Dec.  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Philip,  his  son,  aged  11,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.    Bardele,  4^  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  6^.  yearly. 
Bagesore  town,  held  of  the  prior  of  Wenlok  in  chief  by  service  of  20«. 
yearly  ;  and  2  virgates  land  and  Ba.  wood  held  of  Henry  de  Harecm*t  by  J 
mark  yearly. 

Aclinton  town,  held  of  Sir  Henry  de  Hastinges  in  chief  by  service  of 
60«.  yearly. 

Cleybiri  North,  a  moiety  of  the  town  held  of  Sir  Robert  de  Halgweton 
by  23«.  4d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  23.  (1.) 

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HENRY  III.  128 

447.  Andrew  lb  Blukd. 

Writ  to  the  escheator  to  send  in  the  Inquisition  lately  ordered  to  be  made, 
23  July,  43  Hen.  IH.     Extent  {undated). 

Essex.    Ginge  Laundr'  town  (extent  given). 

Ginge  Joy  herd  town  (extent  given),  with  a  moiety  of  the  advowson  of 
the  church. 

Bromelegh,  a  dovecot. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  23.  (2.) 

448.  Ralph  de  Bradbleyb. 

Writ,  12  July,  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
GeofiErey,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Bradele  and  Laysebi,  a  messuage  and  10  bovates  land,  39«.  &d.  rent  of 
assize,  and  41a.  Qd.  rent  of  assize  of  villeins,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  38«.  8d.  yearly. 

Humberistain  town,  2  bovates  land  held  of  the  countess  of  Lincoln  by 
service  of  suit  at  her  court  of  Gretham. 

Leysebi,  3  bovates  land  held  of  Geoffrey  de  Nevill,  paying  9«.  8d.  yearly ; 
and  1  bovate  land  of  Geoffrey  de  Roxethon  by  service  of  Irf. 

Grimmesbi,  2  messuages  held  of  the  abbot  of  Grimmesbi,  paying  2«.  6d. 
yearly  ;  and  a  moiety  of  a  water  mill  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle 
without  service,  because  it  was  in  exchange  of  lands. 

Hoi  town,  1  toft  held  of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln,  and  IJa.  meadow  of  the 
fee  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle,  services  unspecified. 

Belesbi  town,  4  bovates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Bartholomew  de  Capella, 
service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  23.  (8.) 

449.  Agnes  de   Sangto  Mauro. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  WUts,  11  Nov.  43  Hen.  HI. 

Henry,  son  of  Geoffrey  de  Sancto  Mauro  and  the  said  Agnes,  aged  30,  is  her 

WttTS.    Inq.  St.  Katherine's  day  (43  Hen.  III). 

Marleberg  town  alias  borough,  51a.  8(2.  rent  held  (of  the  king?)  in  chief. 

Wilts.    Inq.  The  eve  of  St.  Katherine,  43  Hen.  III. 

King's  Berton,  J  hide  land  from  whence  she  paid  8«.  yearly  rent  to  the 
castle,  which  tenement  Nicholas  de  Hampton  holds  to  farm. 

Manton  town,  one  hide  land  of  Wallingford  honour,  from  whence  she 
paid  16a.  yearly  rent  to  the  Templars,  and  the  said  Nicholas  holds  that  land 
to  farm. 

Wilts.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Ghuppeham  manor,  2  virgates  land  and  2  mills,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief,  rendering  52a.  yearly ;  and  42.  18a.  rent,  held  by  as  much  rent  to  the 

Langele  town,  a  little  plot  {hamelV)  of  meadow  held  of  John  Burel  by  6d. 

Chupp(eham)  manor,  a  little  plot  of  meadow  held  of  Thomas  Bubbe  by 
id.  rent,  and  Ja.  meadow  of  John  de  la  Barre  by  2d.  rent. 

La  Boxe  manor,  2  virgates  land  held  of  Samson  de  la  Boxe  by  15a.  rent, 
and  a  mill  held  of  the  prior  of  Fernlegr  by  10a.  rent. 

a  Hen.  HI.  File  23.  (4.) 

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460.  Gilbert  son  of  Simon  Glutun. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Michael,  43  Hen.  III. 

Nottingham.  The  said  Gilbert  4  years  before  his  death  enfeoflfed  William  son  of 
Robert  de  Bulcote  of  all  the  lands  and  tenements  which  were  of  Simon  his 
father  and  William  his  brother,  as  well  within  the  town  of  Nottingham  as 
without ;  and  the  said  William  was  in  full  seisin  thereof  before  and  after  the 
death  of  the  said  Gilbert  until  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham  ejected  him  by 
an  inquisition  made  by  the  king's  command.  The  said  Gilbert  had  a  son 
Gilbert,  who  was  hung  for  felony  at  Nottingham  ten  years  before  the  said 
William  was  enfeoffed  of  the  said  tenements,  &c. ;  and  the  said  Gilbert 
enfeoffed  certain  others  of  lands  and  tenements  of  the  said  Simon  and 
William  before  he  enfeoffed  the  said  William,  of  which  the  said  William 
recovered  seisin  by  the  king's  command,  because  they  were  of  the  king's 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  23.  (5.) 

451.  BoGER  Gernet. 

Wnt,  20  Oct.  48  Hen.  III.    hiq.  The  eve  of  St.  Martin,  44  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  12  at  Easter  next,  is  his  heir. 

Lancaster.  A  pasture  called  Litteldale,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  6s.  8d. 

Katon  town,  six  bovates  land  held  in  chief  of  Roger  de  Heshaym  by 
service  of  7s.  6d.,  with  a  third  part  of  a  watermill  and  of  a  fulling  mill. 

Burgh  town,  1  carucate  land  held  of  Matthew  de  Burgo,  with  ^  of  the 
mill,  and  J  carucate  land  in  Lee  town,  by  knight's  service. 

Lee  town,  1  carucate  land  held  in  chief  of  Sir  Boger  Gernet  of  Halton 
by  knight's  service.     {See  No.  469.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  23.  (6.) 

452.  BiCHARD  DE  Percy  and  William  de  Percy. 

Wnt  {missing). 

Yore.    Extent  {nndated). 

Tadecastre  manor  (extent  given) ;  the  mills  and  fisheries  which  pertain 
to  the  king,  save  62^.  %d.  which  the  prior  of  Park,  Bobert  de  Brus  and  Thomas 
le  Lardiner  receive  yearly,  and  of  which  the  late  wife  of  William  de  Percy 
ought  to  acquit  a  third  part,  (are  worth)  112. 10s. 

York.    Extent  {undated  hut  endorsed  43  Hen.  {Ill) ). 

Spoford  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  pasture  called  Wetecroft  and 
Tidouerker;  and  the  parson's  men  owe  to  the  king  3a.  M.  for  4  carucates 
and  26  swathes  {faucUiis)  yearly. 

Linton  manor  (extent  given). 

York.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Toppeclive  manor  (extent  given),  including  Aystanby. 
Garleton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Grisethwayth,  2  bovates  land  held  by  Bobert  the  forester,  rendering  6s. 

Wilton  manor,  held  by  John  de  Bulemer,  rendering  101.  yearly. 
Marton  Grange,  held  by  the  abbot  of  Fountains,  rendering  88.  yearly. 
Tatecastre  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

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HENRY  III.  126 

Spoford  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
including : — 

Kereby  mapor,  held  by  Thomas  de  Arches  by  6s.  yearly. 
Linton  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 
Langestrothe  (extent  given  with  names  of  free  tenants),  viz. : — 

Betel  manor,  held  by  Henry  de  Percy  by  50«.  yearly. 

Raheved,  pasture  held  by  Rayner  de  Scotthorp  by  5«. 

Swinden,  4  bovates  land  held  by  William  Pollard  by  6d. 

[Halton  ?]  2  bovates  by  Hugh  de  Halton  in  the  same  by  id. 

Westby,  held  by  Ada  de  Westby  by  8«.  6d. 

Malgum,  held  by  the  abbot  of  Fountains  by  68. 

Treskefeld,  held  by  John  de  Hamerton  by  Us. 

Ilkelay,  held  by  Peter  de  Percy  by  21«.  4rf. 

Gersington,  held  by  the  heir  of  Nigel  de  Plumton  by    ...    . 

YoBK.     Inq.  (undated  but  endorsed  43  Hen.  III). 

Catton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  including  7  mills  on  one 
pond  in  Derewent  at  Stamford  Bridge  (Pontem  Belli). 

Nafferton  manor  (extent  given),  including  cottars  in  Wandesford  and 
Foston,  members  of  Nafferton,  and  12a.  and  Ir.  land  in  Lekinfeud. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  28.  (7.) 

453.  William  le  Suvagb  alias  le  Salvage,  lb  Sauvage,  le  Savage. 

Writ,  2  Oct.  43  Hen.  HI. 

Thomas  de  Ednessouere,  son  of  Thomas  and  Lucy  de  Ednesouere  his  sister, 
and  Philippa,  wife  of  Sir  Hugh  de  Meinyl,  his  sister,  both  aged  80  and  more, 
are  his  heirs. 

Derby.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Luke,  48  Hen.  HI. 

Octhorp,  8  virgates  land  held  by  the  said  William  of  the  heir  of  William 
de  Gresseleg,  which  15  days  before  his  death  he  gave  to  his  two  foster  sons, 
who  had  full  seisin  of  them  in  his  lifetime. 

Derby.     Inq.  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Edward  the  king,  43  Hen.  IH. 

Tiscenton,  held  of  the  earl  of  Ferrars  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight. 
He  held  nothing  in  the  county  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Worcester.     Writy  2  Oct.  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Estwode,  2  carucates  land  held  of  Sir  Thomas  de  Arderne  by  service  of 
I  knight's  fee. 

Stafford.     Writ,  2  Oct.  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Hintes  manor,  held  of  the  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  by  service 
of  \  knight's  fee. 

Warwick.    Writ,  2  Oct.  43  Hen.  III.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  AH  Souls,  44  Hen.  III. 
Neuton,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
Pouelee  (alias  Powelee),  held  of  William  Burdet,  clerk,  by  service  of  one 
sparrowhawk  or  2«.  yearly. 

Baddesleg,  held  of  Sir  William  de  Haroucurt  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
Bathekinton,  held  of  Sir  Thomas  de  Arderne  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
Wotton  (alias  Wutton)  and  HuUe,  two  parts  held  of  John  Peyvere  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Letter  from  Hugh  le  Bigod,  justiciary  of  England  to  the  king,  with  transcript  of 
the  above  Inquisitions,  excepting  that  for  Octhorp. 

C.Hen.IILFile2a.  (8.) 

Digitized  by 



454.  John  de  Gatesdenb,  the  younger. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Bedford,  4  Feb.  43  Hen.  III. 

He  died  on  the  feast  of  St.  Catherine,  48  Hen.  HI.    Margaret,  his  daughter, 
aged  18  on  St.  Vincent's  day  (l&st),  is  his  heir. 

[Herts.]     Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Edward  the  king,  48  Hen.  HI  {much  defaced). 
Gatesden  town  (extent  given). 

[Bedford.]  Inq.  Wednesday  after  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary, 
48  Hen.  IH. 

Stanbruge  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  ;  and  the  said 
John  was  bound  to  pay  to  the  house  of  Neuham  4Z.  yearly  of  the  king's  alms, 
and  8{.  to  the  king's  exchequer  for  chief  falconer's  service,  and  there  remains 
to  the  king  10«.  6^.  excepting  perquisites  of  courts. 

[Sussex.]     Extent  {undated). 

Tratinton  manor  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson. 

Demeford  manor  (extent  given). 

Wakeford,  20a.  bd.  rent  of  assize. 

Elnestede  manor  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson. 

Dedeleng  manor  (extent  given). 
Lady  Glemence,  late  the  wife  of  Bartholomew  de  Elnested,  receives  annually 
10/.  in  dower  from  Elnested  manor,  which  is  held  of  the  bishop  of  Exeter  by 
service  of  J  knight's  fee  ;  the  manors  of  Tratinten  with  Dudeling  and  Demeford 
were  held  of  Franco  de  Bouin  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee ;  and  from  Dedeling 
manor  ought  to  be  paid  9>j.  4d.  yearly  to  the  heirs  of  Sir  Gilbert  Basevile. 
{Comp,  Nos.  551  and  706.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  23.  (9.) 

455.  Walter  lb  Wudeward. 

Wnt,  25  Oct.  43  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

He  had  no  heir,  and  the  land  which  he  held  of  the  king  is  the  king's  escheat. 

Southampton.  (Unspecified)  5 Ja.  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified ; 
a  curtilage  held  of  William  de  Port ;  and  \a.  held  of  William  de  la  Punfaud. 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (10.) 

456.  Beatrice  de  Glissebt? 

Writ  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Lincoln,  1  Sept.  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {missing.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (11.) 

457.  William  de  Sancta  Ermina. 

Wnt  of  extent,  18  June,  44  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 

[Essex.]  Havering  apud  Waldam  manor,  capital  messuage,  200a.  arable,  6a. 
meadow,  16a.  pasture,  40«.  rent,  and  customary  works  worth  6s.  yearly ;  and 
there  is  owing  to  the  king  71.  6s.  lOd.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (12.) 

458.  John  de  Yenuz. 

Writ,  12  June,  44  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  6  weeks,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  127 

Southampton.    Werldham  manor,  8  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
serjeanty  and  rendering  to  the  king  81.  Is.  4d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FOe  23.  (18.) 

459.  Thomas  be  Welles. 

Writj  2  July,  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Robert,  his  son,  aged  21j^,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Little  Reynes  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  one  knight's  fee,  of  the  honour  of  Hageleye. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  23.  (14.) 

460.  William  le  Clebo  alias  le  Glebe,  of  Gumbe. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  and  to  the  bailiff  of  Wudestok,  10  July,  44  Hen.  III. 
Inq.  {undated.) 

OxFOBD.  [Cumbe] ,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  rendering  \0s.  yearly,  and 
doing  customs  worth  16Jd.  yearly.  The  land  is  not  the  king's  escheat 
because  the  said  William  died  seised  thereof,  and  Juliana  late  his  wife  holds 
it  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  Adam  son  of  the  said  William  and  Juliana. 

OxFOBD.  Writ  of  venire  facias  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford,  4  Aug.  44  Hen.  III.  Inq. 
Wednesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Matthew. 

Cumbe,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  6s.  yearly, 
and  doing  customs  at  Wodestok  worth  16d.,  and  he  owed  4rf.  for  marrying 
his  daughter,  or  one  lance,  and  tallage.  The  said  William  had  a  son  John 
by  one  Juliana  his  wife,  and  after  her  death  he  had  a  son  Adam  by  one 
Juliana  whom  he  married  ;  but  the  said  John  was  outlawed  for  killing  a  man 
during  the  lifetime  of  his  father,  who  died  seised  of  the  lands  on  Friday 
before  St.  Ambrose  in  this  year;  the  said  John  would  be  the  heir  but  for  the 
outlawry.    The  land  is  not  the  king's  escheat,  &c.  (as  above). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2S.  (15.) 

461.  Mabgabet,  countess  of  Kent. 

Writ,  25  Nov.    Inq.  Saturday  the  vigil  of  St.  Andrew,  44  Hen.  III. 
Sir  John  de  Burgo  alias  de  Burk,  of  full  age,  is  her  heir. 

SuBBEY.  Benstede  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Roger  de  Munbrey  for  8  knights' 

Bedfobd.     Writ,  25  Nov.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Nicholas,  44  Hen.  III. 

Aspele  manor  (extent  given).    Reginald  de  Sancto  Walerico  sold  the 

manor  to  Hubert  de  Burgo,  but  the  jury  know  not  of  whom  it  ought  to  be 

held,  because  they  have  never  heard  the  charter  of  enfeoffment. 

Guy  de  Sancto  Walerico,  father  of  the  said  Reginald,  impleaded  Simon  de 

Bellocampo  of  the  whole  barony  of  Bedeford,  and  for  peace  the  said   Simon 

gave  to  tiie  said  Guy  and  his  heirs  the  manor  of  Aspele,  which  was  of   the 

said  barony,  and  ever  defended  it   from   foreign   service  against  William  de 

Bellocampo.     (See  No.  873.) 

C.  Hen.  Ill  FUe  23.  (16.) 

Digitized  by 



462.  William  le  Bus. 

Wnt  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  8  March,  4i  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Alice,  his  daughter,  age  variously  stated  as  14  at  Christmas,  and  at  the  feast 
of  the  Circumcision  last,  and  15,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.  Stinton  manor,  in  Eneford  hundred,  held  of  William  de  Say  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Lincoln.     Writ  to  the  sheriff,  3  March,  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Luburgh  manor  held  of  William  de  Albiniaco  by  service  of  3  knights' 

WHt  to  the  sheriff  of  Suffolk,  3  March,  44  Hen.  III. 

Suffolk.  Extent  of  lands  in  the  hundreds  of  Bosemere  and  Cleydone  and 
Carlisford  (undated). 

Akeham,  Hasketone  and  Cloptone  manors  held  of  Sir  B.  le  Bygod,  earl 
of  Norfolk,  of  the  honour  of  Lancaster,  by  service  of  2 J  knights'  fees, 
and  20«.  yearly  to  the  guard  of  Lancaster. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  of  lands  in  the  hundred  of  Hoxne  (undated). 

Wytingham  manor  held  of  Eoger  le  Bygot,  earl  of  Norfolk,  of  the 
honour  of  Lancaster,  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Stradebrok  manor  held  of  Bichard,  king  of  Almain,  of  the  honour  of 
Eye,  by  fee  farm  rendering  40  marks  yearly. 

Byrcholt,  pertaining  to  Stradebroc  manor,  held  of  William  de 
Huntingefeud  by  service  of  2  marks  yearly.     (See  Nos.  282  and  320.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2S.  (17.) 

463.  Oliver  de  Stanford. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  citra  Trentam  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Berks, 
with  transcript  of  writ  23  Jan.    Inq.  Sunday  the  day  of  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra, 
44  Hen.  m. 
Isabel  and  Amice,  his  sisters,  of  full  age,  are  his  heirs. 

Berks.    Stanford  manor  held  of  Sir  Eoger  de  Someri  by  service  of  1  knight's 


Burhildebyry,  a  tenement  held  of  the  abbot  of  Bading  by  service  of 

10«.  yearly. 

The  lady  who  was  the  wife  of  the  said  Oliver  is  dowered  of  the  above  manor 
and  tenement. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Berks,  16  March,  44  Hen.  III.  Inq.  (undated.)  On  the 
petition  of  the  abbot  of  Bading. 

[Berks.]  After  the  death  of  William  de  Stanford,  father  of  the  said  Oliver,  the 
said  abbot  seised  the  above  land  in  Burwaldebuiy  into  his  hands  and  held  it 
to  the  full  age  of  Peter  his  son,  brother  of  the  said  Oliver ;  and  after  the 
death  of  the  said  Peter  the  escheator  intruded  upon  the  said  land  and  held 
it  about  a  month,  and  took  thence  28.  tallage,  and  the  abbot  took  the  rent. 
The  said  Oliver  held  of  the  abbot  in  socage  and  not  by  knight's  service ; 
and  the  abbot  and  his  predecessors  have  held  the  manor  of  Burwaldebury  in 
frank  almoin  of  the  king  from  the  foundation  of  the  house  of  Bading. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  23.  (18.) 

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HENRY  III.  129 

464.  BoGER  DE  La  More, 

Writ,  28  July,  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Eoger,  his  son,  aged  three  parts  of  a  year,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  La  More  town  (extent  given),  held  (of  the  king)  by  service  of  keeping  one 
constableship  in  war  with  the  king  in  Wales,  taking  12d.  daily  of  the  king. 

La  (More  ?),  2  parts  of  1  virgate  land  held  of  Adam  de  Acton  by  service 
of  Irf. 

Ritton,  lis.   rent  of    assize  held   of    Sir  John    de   Verdon    without 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (19.) 

465.  Nicholas  de  Bykere  alias  de  Bygrb. 

Writ,  16  Jan.  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

John  de  Bycre  (his  son),  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.  Bycre,  Selingfeld  and  Pampeden  (extent  given),  two  parts 
held  of  the  king  by  serjeanty,  viz.  being  chief  serjeant  of  the  king,  as  his 
predecessors  were,  in  instituting  and  removing  all  Serjeants  between  Tyne 
and  Koket,  but  a  certain  sheriff,  Philip  de  Ulkotis,  unjustly  prohibited  him 
from  doing  so  ;  he  shall  cause  the  beasts  taJien  for  the  king's  debt  in  Northum- 
berland to  be  kept  at  Bycre,  and  if  they  shall  die  shall  answer  for  their  skins 
at  the  king's  castle  in  Newcastle  (in  Norhu  Castro),  and  if  sold  for  the  said 
debt  it  ought  to  be  by  his  view;  and  he  shall  cause  the  king's  writs  to  be 
carried  to  barons  between  Tyne  and  Koket.  And  because  his  predecessors 
enfeoffed  certain  persons  of  some  small  messuages,  part  of  the  serjeanty,  he 
made  fine  with  the  king  for  40«.  yearly  payable  at  the  king's  castle.  He 
oft€n  did  the  office  of  coroner  between  Tyne  and  Koket  when  the 
coroner  could  not  come,  presenting  afterwards  to  the  coroner,  but  this 
Boger  de  Turkilby  at  his  last  eyre  forbade.  The  heir  of  Bycre  was  never 
in  the  wardship  of  anyone,  except  the  sheriff  of  the  king's  castle  ;  and  the  said 
Nicholas  was  in  the  wardship  of  Bobert  son  of  Eoger  sometime  sheriff  of 
Northumberland,  who  sold  his  wardship  to  Reginald  Basset  of  Uffirton. 

Writ  to  the  justiciary  of  England,  1  March,  44  Hen.  Ill,  to  cause  seisin  to  be 
given  to  the  said  John,  taking  security  for  his  reasonable  relief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  23.  (20.) 

466.  OsBERT  DE  Dagwrth  alias  de  Daobwurth. 

Writ,  15  July,  44  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  Tuesday  the  day  of  St.  Margaret. 
John,  his  son,  aged  9,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Duddingehurst  town,  S8a.  arable,  2a.  meadow,  14a.  pasture,  6a.  wood 
in  the  king's  common  forest,  and  7s.  lOd.  quit-rent,  held  of  the  king  of  the 
honour  of  Eeleg',  now  in  the  king's  hands  through  the  escheat  of  Henry  de 
Essex,  in  socage,  by  service  Of  3  arrows  feathered  with  eagle  feathers  and 
bound  with  gold  thread. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (1.) 

467.  Walter  de  Sancto  Johanne. 

Writ,  9  Aug.  44  Hen.  III. 

Margery,  his  sister,  aged  SO,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Kent.  Inq.  (undated.)  Nessindene  manor  (extent  given),  including  8rf.  new 
rent  in  Wald',  held  of  the  king  for  J  knight's  fee ;  and  Sir  Roger  de  Leybum 
used  to  receive  5  marks  yearly  from  the  said  manor  for  3  years. 

Essex.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Great  Wakering  town  in  Rocheford  hundred,  1  carucate  land  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  ;  which  land  he  demised 
for  a  term  not  yet  expired. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (2.) 

468.  John  son  of  Bernard. 

Writ,  30  Oct.  44  Hen.  III. 

Ralph,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  13,  14  and  15,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Extent  (undated). 

Tundr*  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  of  the  honour  of  Reyleye 
for  1  knight's  fee ;  and  80a.  land  there  held  of  Christiana  de  Plumbere  by 
service  of  :^  knight's  fee,  a  piece  of  heath  of  Robert  de  Watele  by  Id.  yearly, 
and  10«.  rent  of  Hugh  de  Nevile  by  service  of  1  sore  sparrowhawk. 

[Hertford.]     Extent  (undated). 

Bisseye,  120a.  land  and  16«.  rent  and  customs,  held  of  the  earl  of 
Hereford  in  chief  by  knight's  service,  viz.,  2«.  when  scutage  is  set  at  20«. 

Buckingham.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  Leonard,  44  Hen.  III. 

Estun  and  Ylmer  manor,  worth,  for  so  much  as  he  used  to  hold  of  the 
king,  16?.  88.  7^(1. 

Adinton  manor,  worth,  for  so  much  as  the  said  John  held,  71.  13«.  2d. 
yearly.    All  held  by  serjeanty. 

[Kent.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Kingesdun  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  24.  (3.) 

469.  Roger  de  Gaton  alias  de  Katon. 

W^it  ofplenius  certiorari,  28  July,  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

John,  his  son,  aged  12  and  more,  is  his  heir,  and  now  holds  the  land,  and 
had  seisin  through  the  king's  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster. 

Lancaster.    A  pasture  called  Litteldale,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
68.  8rf.  yearly. 

Katon  town,  6  bovates  land  held  of  Roger  de  Hesham  by  service  of 
78.  &d.  yearly,  and  i  of  a  watermill  and  fulling  mill. 

Burg'  and  Leek  towns,  12  bovates  land  with  i  of  a  watermill  in  Burg', 
held  of  Matthew  de  Burg'  by  knight's  service. 

Leek,  1  carucate  land  held  of  Roger  Gernet  of  Halton  by  knight's 

William  de  Bussay  had  the  wardship  of  the  land  and  heir,  of  the  king's 
ffift  (coUacione)  at  the  instance  of  Sir  Geoffrey  de  Lesinan  and  Sir  W.  de 
Valences,  and  after  the  death  of  the  said  Roger  the  land  was  in  the  king's 
hands  until  he  conferred  it  upon  the  said  William.     (See  No.  451.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (4.) 

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HENRY  III.  131 

470.  William  db  Kyma  alias  db  Kyme. 

Writ   {of  certiorari)   de   feodis  to   the   sheriff  of  York,  13   Oct.   44   Hen.  III. 
Inq.  {undated,) 

York.    Wlsingtoii,  2  carucates  land,  whereof  12  make  one  knight's  fee,  held  by 
Mauger  le  Yavasur  of  the  said  William  directly. 

Neuton  town,  2J  bovates  land,  whereof  14  carucates  make  a  fee,  held  by 
Hugh  de  Brinkel ;  2  bovates  held  by  John  de  Oxkumbe  in  the  same  town  ; 
4  bovates  held  by  Elias,  son  of  William  Clerk ;  1  bovate  held  by  John 
Broket ;  and  1 J  bovate  held  by  John  Clerk,  of  the  same  fee. 

Touleston,  IJ  carucates,  whereof  14  make  a  fee,  held  by  William  de 

Coningeston  and  Smawes,  3J  carucates,  whereof  12  make  a  fee,  held  by 
Ralph  de  Normanvile. 

Torneton  and  Ylkelay,  1  carucate  whereof  12  make  a  fee,  held  by  Peter 
de  Percy  in  free  marriage. 

Tornet[on],  2  bovates  held  by  William  le  Rus. 

Kellebrok,  2  bovates  of  the  same  fee  held  by  Matthew  de  Kelbrok. 

Euerby,  1  bovate  held  by  Geoffrey  Wyllun ;  and  2  bovates  held  by 
Godfrey  de  Alta  Ripa,  whereof  12  carucates  make  a  fee. 

Catherton,  2 J  carucates,  whereof  14  make  a  fee ;  of  which  the  prior  of 
Park  holds  9  bovates  and  40a.  of  William  de  Katherton,  who  held  of  the 
said  William  de  Kyme ;  the  abbot  of  Furnes  holds  a  toft  and  20a. ;  Adam  le 
Cerf  of  York  holds  8  tofts,  and  J  carucate  of  the  said  W.  de  Katherton,  who 
held  of  the  said  W.  de  Kyme ;  Walter  de  Grimeston  similarly  holds  a  toft 
and  1  bovate  land  ;  and  the  rest  the  said  W.  de  Katherton  held  direct. 

Touleston,  1  carucate,  whereof  14  make  a  fee,  is  held  by  Thomas  de 
Katherton  of  W^illiam  de  Katherton,  and  J  carucate  similarly  held  by  the 
prior  of  Park,  and  the  said  William  held  them  of  Wilham  de  Kyme.     . 

Neuton  in  Cravene,  4  carucates,  whereof  14  make  a  fee,  held  by 
William  de  Katherton  direct. 

EUeslake  in  Cravene,  2  carucates,  whereof  14  make  a  fee,  held  by  Ralph 
Darel  of  William  de  Catherton,  who  held  of  the  said  William  de  Kyme ; 
and  1  carucate  held  by  William  de  Marton  direct  of  the  same  W.  de  Kymb*. 

Thometon,  1  bovate  held  l)y  William  Tempeste  direct ;  and  1  bovate  by 
Robert  de  Stock. 

Wylberfoss,  6  carucates,  whereof  23  make  a  fee,  Were  held  by  foreign 
service,  viz. — ^William  son  of  Simon  de  Wylberfoss  held  9  bovates  direct ; 
William  le  Rus  3  bovates,  whereof  Thomas  de  Boulton  holds  2  in  wardship 
of  the  gift  of  W.  de  Kyme,  and  the  wife  of  W.  le  Rus  holds  one  in  dower  ; 
Robert  Burdun  6  bovates  of  Alan  de  Katherton,  and  he  of  W.  de  Kymb' ;  the 
prioress  of  Wylberfoss  3  bovates  of  Robert  Burdun,  and  he  of  Alan  de  Kather- 
ton, and  he  of  W.  de  Kyme,  3  bovates  of  William  son  of  Simon,  and  he  of  W. 
de  Kyme,  and  1  bovate  of  the  heir  of  William  le  Rus,  and  he  of  W.  de  Kyme ; 
Peter  le  Rus  holds  2  bovates  of  the  said  heir,  and  he  of  W.  de  Kyme ; 
Thomas  son  of  Randolph  holds  1  bovate  of  William  son  of  Simon,  and  he 
of  W.  de  Kyme ;  Peter  le  Rus  similarly  holds  one  bovate ;  Goscelin  de 
Wylberfoss  holds  2  bovates  of  Robert  Burdun,  and  he  of  Alan  de  Katherton, 
and  he  of  W.  de  Kyme ;  Hugh  son  of  Hugh  similarly  holds  2  bovates ; 
Laurence  son  of  Thomas  2  bovates  ;  Laurence  son  of  Alan  2  bovates  ; 
Robert  son  of  Simon  2  bovates  ;  and  Nicholas  Walding  and  Agnes  daughter 
of  Alexander  de  Wylberfoss  1  bovate.     {See  No.  690.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (5.) 

Digitized  by 



471.  William  de  Fortibus  alias  db  Ford,  db  Forz,  Earl  of  Albemarle. 

Writ  {missing). 

Thomas,  his  son,  aged  7  on  the  morrow  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Mary 
next,  is  his  heir,  and  as  yet  in  the  wardship  of  his  mother. 

Suffolk.     Extent  Tuesday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Bennet,  44  Hen.  III. 

Clopton  manor  with  the  chapel  of  Bech  (extent  given),  held,  together 
with  his  other  tenements  in  England,  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  one 

[York.]     Extent  (undated  and  defaced), 

Fockelington  manor  (full  extent  given)  with  n^mes  of  tenants,  including 
tenants  in  Beleby,  Brunneby,  Gevildal,  Meltenby,  Ulvestorp,  [Yolttorp  ?]  and 
Fangefosse,  held  of  the  king  for  one  mewed  sparrowhawk  \niso). 

[York.]    Holdernbsse.    Extent    ....    after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas 
the  Martyr,  44  Hen.  Ill  (dejaced). 

Brustwyk  (extent  given)  including  a  heronry,  pasture  [called]  Gumerske, 
a  place  called  Brademire,  lands,  &c.  in  Bugeomont,  Bondarrustwick,  Pidese- 
burton,  Preston,  Lelle  and  Dick,  and  eel  fisheries  in  Piddese  and  Lambwat 

Hedon  town  (extent  given). 
Pahilflit  (extent  given),  with  the  ferry. 
Wahen  (extent  given). 
Little  Humber  (extent  given). 
Kayngham  Merske  (extent  given). 

Sckefling  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  a  place  called 

Eilnese  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Hesinton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  8  bovates  in 

Baveneser  Hodde  (extent  given). 

Wytthoren  alias  Hutthom  and  Wythorense  (extent  given  with  names 
of  tenants),  including  pasture  called  Heynglant,  and  eel  fisheries  in  the 
lake  called  Wythorense  Mar. 

Gleton  and  Skipse  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  Le 
Neuhithe,  eel  fisheries  in  the  meres  of  Skipse  and  Withonker,  and  lands  in 

Killing  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Castle  guard  vdtii  foreign  rents  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
including  5s.  for  Holume  in  Holdemese. 

Holdemese  Wapentake  was  held  by  the  earl  by  serjeanty  for  60s. ;  the  above 
lands  (fee.  were  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service ;  and  2  knights'  fees 
were  held  of  the  archbishop  of  York.  Eight  knights'  fees  were  held  of  the  earl  in 
Holdemese  by  knight's  service,  and  he  had  a  rabbit  warren  there. 

There  are  4J  meres  there,  viz. — Lambwad,  Skipse  mere,  Witthonker, 
Wythomse  mere,  and  a  moiety  of  Piddese  mere  with  fishery  over  the  whole,  and 
the  other  moiety  is  of  Sir  Wilham  de  Eos  with  fishery  over  the  whole. 

The  earl  had  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Esinton,  Kahingham  and 
Skipse,  and  he  ought  to  present  to  the  abbot  of  Aumale,  and  he  to  the  arch- 
bishop of  York.  He  had  warren  throughout  his  fee  in  Holdemes ;  and  Geoffirey 
Berchot  and  Amand  de  Buda  were  in  his  wardship. 

York.    Summary  of  the  above  lands  &c.  (undated)^  viz. — 
Brustwyk  manor  with  Hedon. 
Preston,  Hedon  with  Pawelflet,  Wawene,  Parva  Humber  and  Keyngham, 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  188 

Skeftling,  Eilnese,  Esinton,  Odravenser,  Withthornese,  Uouthornese, 
Skipse,  Gleton  and  Eilling,  and  the  castle  guard  with  foreign  farms,  and 
wapentake  of  Holderness. 


Skipton  in  Cravene. 


Cokermue  in  co.  Cumberland. 
Endorsed  with  a  memorandum  of  certain  parts  of  the  above,  and  a  note  that 
they  exceed  reasonable  dower  of  the  lands,  &c.,  north  of  the  Trent. 

Writ  to  the  escheator,  1  Aug.  44  Hen.  Ill,  to  extend  without  delay  the  manors 
of  Borele,  co.  Essex,  Rodeston,  co.  Northampton,  Helewell,  co.  Lincoln, 
Wymeringes  and  Polhanton,  co.  Southampton,  Stretton,  co.  Rutland, 
Keninton,  co.  Surrey,  and  Derteford,  co.  Kent. 

[Southampton.]     Extent  {undated). 

Polhamptun  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king,  with  his  other 
lands,  by  barony. 

Southampton.    Extent  (undated). 

Wimering  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

[Kent.]     Extent  {undated). 

Derteford  town  (extent  given),  including  28  yokes  of  land,  whereof  24 
owe  *erthe  selver'  and  'medgavel,'  lands  called  Maktildesland,  Inlaunde,  and 
Okolte,  and  rents  in  Graneford,  Ghiselherste,  Gumbe  and  Gobeham,  held  of 
.   the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown. 

EssBX.    Inq.  8  Sept.  44  Hen.  IH. 

Borle  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  of  the 
honour  of  Skipton  without  any  service  separate  from  that  of  the  honour,  but 
the  manor  gives  5a.  to  sheriff's  aid,  and  2«.  Qd.  to  the  bailiff  of  the  hundred 
of  Hainford  for  view  of  frank  pledge. 

Northampton.    Extent  {undated). 

Rodeston  manor  (extent  given),  including  Overe  and  Nethere  Rodeston, 
held  of  Sir  R.  de  TateshaJ  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee.  The  prior  of  Ware 
holds  the  church  of  Rodeston  to  his  own  uses. 

[Rutland.]     Extent  {undated). 

Stratton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Henry  de  Hastinges  by  service 
of  one  knight's  fee.  The  Templars  hold  the  church  of  Stratton  to  their 
own  uses. 

[Lincoln.]  Extent  {undated).  Helewell  manor  (extent  given),  held  as  pertain- 
ing to  his  barony.     The  abbot  of  Thorniton  holds  the  church  of  Helewell. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (6.) 

472.  William  de  Lascendon. 

Writy  80  July,  44  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Hugh,  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Lascendon,  Tholeshunt  and  Purle,  160a.  land,  2a.  meadow,  pasture 
as  well  without  as  within  the  marsh  for  50  sheep,  and  22«.  6d.  rent  of  assize, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee  of  the  honour  of 
Hagelee,  and  10«.  yearly  to  the  guard  of  Dover  (castle). 

C\  Hen.  III.  File  24,  (7.) 

Digitized  by 



473.  Peter  db  Muneton. 

Writy  18  July,  44  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated  and  defaced), 
John,  his  son,  aged  20J,  is  his  heir. 

[Salop.]  Muneton  manor  (extent  given),  held  by  service  of  keeping  the  king's 
forest  of  Longemund  and  hays  of  Bismor  and  Hauekehurst. 

Wl  .  .  .  deston  town,  held  of  Sir  J.  son  of  Alan  by  service  of 
i  knight,  which  town  Miles  de  Hope  holds  of  the  said  Peter  by  service 
of  one  pair  of  gloves  worth  Jrf.  yearly. 

Lerdegren,  i  virgate  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Wenlock  by  service  of 
i  mark. 

C.  Hen,  HI.  File  24.  (8.) 

474.  Hugh  Peverel. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  6  Nov.  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

John,  his  son,  of  full  age  on  Friday  before  Whitsunday,  43  Hen.  Ill,  is  his 
heir  (and  is  now  a  prisoner  in  the  hands  of  the  king's  Welsh  rel:)el8). 

Devon.  Weston,  held  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee  of  Peter  de  Ayleston,  who 
still  holds  the  land  in  wardship. 

Ermington,  held  of  Baldwin  de  Insula  by  service  of  1  fee,  and  it  was  in 
the  queen's  wardship,  but  she  re-delivered  it  after  the  coming  of  age  of 
the  said  John. 

Mammehavede,  held  of  William  le  Spec',  and  Nicholas  son  of  Martin 
held  it  after  the  coming  of  age  by  the  Queen's  ?  consignment  {de  tradiciofie 
Begin'),  but  re-delivered  it  before  Michaelmas. 

Merlewill,  held  of  William  de  Fischacre,  who  held  it  until  Christmas, 
44  Hen.  III. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUs  24.  (9.) 

475.  Andrew  db  Suleny. 

Writ,  8  Jan.  44  Hen.  III.    Jnq,  {undated.) 
Geoffrey  de  Suleny,  his  uncle,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.     Kynemersdon,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Middelcote,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  Robert  de  Gurnay  in  chief. 

IVrk  to  Hugh  le  Bygod,  Justiciary  of  England,  dated  St.  Omer,  17  Feb. 
44  Hen.  Ill,  to  cause  full  seisin  of  the  said  lands  to  be  made  to  the  said 
Geoffrey,  who  on  account  of  his  debility  cannot  come  to  the  king's  presence, 
receiving  his  fealty  and  taking  security  for  his  relief. 

C.  Hen.  in.  FOe  24.  (10-) 

476.  Richard  Fylloll  alias  Fillol. 

Writ,  20  May,  44  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Jolin,  his  son,  aged  23^,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Kelleveden  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  3  knights'  fees  of  the  honour  of  Hael. 

Acle  manor,  viz.  2  carucates  land,  held  of  Robert  son  of  Walter  {sic). 
Little  Badue,  viz.  1  carucate  land,  held  of  the  said  Sir  Walter  of  the 
inheritance  of  Anne  sometime  the  wife  of  the  said  Richard,  and  he  defended 
them  against  the  said  Walter  son  of  Robert  by  service  of  8J  fees. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  24.  (11.) 

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HENRY  III.  186 

477.  Nicholas  Hachabd,  deceased. 

Writ  to  Walter  de  Surges,  guardian  of  the  bishopric  of  Winchester,  29  July, 
45  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  {undated.) 
He  has  heirs  (unspecified).  ' 

[Southampton.]  The  office  of  marshal  of  Winchester  was  held  by  him  at  the 
will  of  the  bishop,  who  could  remove  him  at  will,  and  the  king  likewise 
when  the  see  is  vacant ;  the  marshal  ought  to  receive  from  the  bishop  2d. 
daily,  and  2  robes  yearly. 

Durnegate,  a  mill  and  tenement  held  to  farm  at  the  will  of  the 

Winchester  soke,  divers  tenements  held  of  divers  lords  by  divers  rents, 
which  in  no  wise  can  be  the  escheat  of  the  said  bishopric,  because  he  has 
heirs  who  claim  them,  viz. — 

A  messuage  outside  the  gate  of  Kingate,  held  of  the  bishop  in  chief  by 
service  of  8«.  8d. 

La  Strode,  29a.  land  held  of  the  said  bishopric  for  14«.  6d.  yearly. 

Swanemere,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  prior  of  St.  Swithun's,  Winchester, 
for  21d.  and  2  bushels  of  wheat  yearly,  of  which  the  said  Nicholas  and  Alice 
his  wife  were  enfeoffed  to  them  and  their  heirs  and  assigns. 

Reweleye,  a  croft  held  of  the  said  bishopric  for  5«.  yearly,  which  ought 
to  descend  to  his  heirs. 

Gaterigg,  2 J  virgates  and  1  ferling  of  land,  which  is  servile  (scrva),  and 
ought  to  descend  to  the  right  heirs  of  that  land  according  to  the  custom  of 
the  country. 

St.  Giles's  hill,  12  shops  which  the  merchants  of  Due  and  Ipri  held  of 
him,  which  he  had  by  purchase  to  himself  and  his  wife,  and  bequeathed  to 
the  abbot  of  W^awerley  and  to  Alice  his  wife ;  and  2  shops  held  of  the  said 
bishop,  which  he  had  by  similar  purchase. 

Vylehal,  28«.  quit  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  24.  (12.) 

478.  Constance  de  Flaunvill  alias  de  Flanwill. 

Writ,  8  Oct.  45  Hen.  HI.     Liq.  {undated.) 

Bobert  Batayle,  her  eldest  son,  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Northumberland.    Vytincham,  Trovinton  and  Barton,  a  third  part  (extent  given) 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  of  ^  mark. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  24.  (13.) 

479.  Robert  de  Pteeshull. 

Writ,  27  Dec.  Inq.  Sunday  before  St.  Gregory  the  Pope,  45  Hen.  IH  {defective). 
,  his     ...     ,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Bedford  ?]  [Carltun  ?]  16a.  land  and  .  .  rood  meadow,  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  finding  one  (man)  with  a  horse,  hauberk  and  lance,  in  the  king's 
army  wherever  he  shall  go ;  and  he  shall  give  for  relief  20«.  for  ^  of  one 
knight's  fee.     His  wife  is  dowered  of  a  third  part. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (14.) 

Digitized  by 



480.  BaIiPh  de  la  Tunb  alias  db  la  Thun. 

Writ,  24  Feb.  45  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (ufidated.) 

Richard,  son  of  Lucy  his  sister,  aged  26,  is  his  heir,  and  holds  the  land. 

Kent.  Wodechurche,  36a.,  and  in  Roking  4ia.,  with  26«.  rent  yearly,  whence 
are  due  5«.  yearly  to  Dover  castle  for  guard,  2d.  yearly  to  the  sheriffs  farm, 
and  suit  at  the  king's  court  of  Redleuett,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for 
^  knight's  fee,  paying  scutage  when  it  comes. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  24.  (16.) 

481.  GiLBEBT   MaUDUT. 

Writ,  18  Aug.  45  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Monday  before  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed 

Virgin  Mary (defective). 

John,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Essex.]  Terlinge,  160a.  land  and  about  80«.  rent,  held  of  the  king  by  service 
of  1  knight. 

Henie,  100«.  rent  with  the  advowson  of  the  church,  held  of  the  heir  of 
Simon  de  Cantilupo  by  service  of  one  knight. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FOe  24.  (16.) 

482.  Beginald  son  of  William  (dias  William  ^e  Lullewobthb. 

Writ,  8  April,  45  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (missing.) 

Writ  ofplenim  certiorari,  22  May,  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

DoBSET.  (Unspecified),  one  knight's  fee  held  of  Boger  son  of  Henry,  who  held 
it  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee  in  relief  and  scutage. 
And  the  said  Boger  died  and  the  service  of  that  fee  descended  to  Emma  de 
Boches  his  daughter  and  heir,  who  neither  did  homage  nor  relief  for  it  to 
the  king  nor  would  receive  the  said  Beginald's  homage  ;  and  for  the  defect 
of  the  same  Emma,  the  said  Beginald  twice  paid  scutage  to  the  king  by  the 
distraint  oi  Thomas  de  Gyrencestre,  then  sheriff,  and  once  by  the  hands  of 
Sir  Walter  de  Burges,  and  also  an  aid  for  making  the  king's  son  a  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  24.  (17.) 

483.  William  son  of  Otho. 

Wnt,  24  June,  45  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Thomas  son  of  Otho,  his  brother,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Belchamp  Otten  (in  BeJlo  Campo  Othon'),  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the 
honour  of  Boulogne,  which  is  in  the  king's  hands. 

Gosfeud  and  Gestlingethorp,  2  hamlets  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester 
by  service  of  one  knight's  fee. 

Gosfeud,  J  virgate  land  held  of  the  heir  of  Balph  de  Hodeng',  service 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  24.  (18.) 

484.  Alice  de  Cobmaylles. 

Writ,  28  Nov.    Inq.  Monday  the  vigil  of  St.  Thomas  the  Apostle,  45  Hen.  Ill 
Colin  le  Archer,  aged  28  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m.  137 

[Hereford.]  Tatiuton,  Bolinghope  and  Glehungre,  2  earucates  land  held  of  the 
king  in  chief. 

Hope  Solers  and  Astun,  two  fees  jointly  held  by  the  said  Alice  and 
Isabel  her  younger  sister  of  the  king  in  chief. 

[The  said  Alice  and]  Isabel  held  the  said  fees  and  tenements  by  service  of  a 
third  part  of  the  service  pertaining  to  the  barony  of  Cormeiir. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  24.  (19.) 

485.  Alan  de  Ghykenhill  alias  de  Chikehull. 

Writ,  19  April,  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Hugh,  his  son,  aged  7  years,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  Wolveston,  J  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
serjeanty,  viz.  finding  one  man  with  bow  and  arrows  in  the  king's  army 
in  Wales. 

The  Isle  (of  Wight),  J  knight's  fee  (unspecified),  held  of  Baldwin  de 

C.  Hen.  UI.  File  24.  (20.) 

486.  William  Pach. 

Writ,  20  Jan.    Inq.  23  Feb.  45  Hen.  III. 

Essex.  Reyl',  24a.  land  pertaining  to  the  honour  of  Reyl'  are  held  in  the 
king's  hands,  as  escheat  through  the  death  of  William  Pach,  who  had 
no  heir  apparent.  One  Sueyn,  who  held  the  whole  barony  of  Reyl'  of 
the  gift  of  King  Edward,  enfeoffed  (the  ancestor  of  ?)  the  said  William  to  be 
summoner  of  his  barony. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  25.  (1.) 

487.  WiLLUM   LB   BOTILLER   aliaS   LE    BoTYLER,   LB   BuTILER. 

Writ,  25  May,  45  Hen.  III. 

Hugh,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  17  and  21  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]     Inq.  10  June,  45  Hen.  III. 

Pritelwell,  80a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  \  knight's 

Wakering,  40a.  land  in  a  marsh  held  of  Hugh  de  Nevil  by  service  of  16«. 

Scopiland,  102a.  land  and  a  marsh  held  of  Robert  de  Typetot  by  service 
of  86«. 

[Essex.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Prittelwelle,  64a.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  \  knight's  fee. 
Schopilande,  106a.  and  a  marsh  which  can  carry  240  sheep,  held  of  Sir 
Robert  de  Tibetot  by  service  of  36s.  yearly. 

Magna  Wakering,  17a.  held  of  Hugh  de  Neville  by  service  of  -^  knight's 
fee,  and  a  marsh  which  can  carry  240  sheep  by  service  of  16«.  8rf. ;  and  16a. 
held  of  Sir  John  son  of  Bernard  by  service  of  lOs. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  25.  (2.) 

488.  Bobert  de  Sottesbroc. 

Writ,  16  Aug.  45  Hen.  III.  *  Inq.  {undated,) 
John,  his  son,  aged  3^,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Bebks.  Bottesbroc,  1^  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's 
service,  viz. — 20«.  to  the  keeper  (custod')  of  Wyndlesor  castle,  and  service  to 
the  king  in  his  army  for  40  days  at  his  own  cost;  4a.  meadow  held  of 
William  de  la  Garstone  of  Schorninggefeld  by  service  of  6(L  yearly ;  and  2a. 
land  of  John  de  Benetfeld  by  service  of  6<L  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  FU^  25.  (8.) 

489.  John  Martel. 

IfVif,  22  Feb.  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

William  Martell,  his  brother,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Rywehal',  126 Ja.  arable,  3a.  meadow,  8a.  pasture,  4a.  wood,  13«.  lOd. 
rent  of  assize,  and  4  capons  yearly  worth  6rf.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  J  serjeanty,  viz.  finding  J  a  Serjeant  to  go  with  the  king  into 
Wales  or  Scotland  at  his  own  cost  for  40  days. 

Ardleg',  a  knight's  fee  held  of  the  earl  of  Her(e)ford. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FU^  25.   (4.) 

490.  William  lb  Scot. 

Writ,  27  May,  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

John  le  Scot,  his  son,  aged  22  on  the  eve  of  SS.  Peter  and  Paul  last,  is  his 

[York.]  (Unspecified),  a  capital  messuage,  40a.  land,  4  marks  rent,  pasture, 
and  a  water  mill  and  ^  mill,  held  of  Edmund  de  Lascy  by  service  of  i  knight's 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  25.  (5.^ 

491.  WlLLIA3I   LE    BrETUN   olias   LB    BrBTON. 

Writ,  3  April,  45  Hen.  III. 

John,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  24,  24  and  more,  and  28,  is  his  heir. 

[Cambridge.]     Inq.  Friday  before  Palm  Sunday,  45  Hen.  III. 

Burg,  120a.  land  held  of  Sir  Thomas  de  Burg,  by  service  of  18rf.  yearly ; 
and  20a.  in  the  fields  held  of  Randolph  son  of  Alan  de  Burg. 

DuUingham  fields,  52a.  and  ^.,  held  of  the  same  Randolph  by  service 
of  3».  9^.  yearly. 

Brinkele  fields,  56a.  and  IJr.,  held  of  Sir  William  de  Moun,  service 

Willingham  and  Karleton  fields,  26a.  held  of  the  said  Sir  William  by 
service  of  5«.  yearly  ;  and  3a.  of  Laurence  de  Willengham  by  service  of  12rf. 
yearly,  and  he  received  9Jd.  rent  yearly. 

Essex.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Boxstede  town,  capital  messuage,  1  carucate  land  and  40^.  rent,  held  of 
Robert  de  Hastinges  by  J  knight's  service  and  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs;  a 
water  mill,  2  parts  of  1  carucate  land  and  20«.  rent,  held  of  Walter  de 
Horkeleg'  by  service  of  J  knight ;  and  7a.  land  held  of  Hugh  de  Nevile  by 
service  of  18d.  yearly. 

[Northampton.]     Inq.  11  April,  46  Hen.  III. 

Dodinton  town,  50a.  assart  held  of  the  king,  rendering  1  pair  of  gilded 
spurs  to  the  king's  exchequer ;  and  a  place  of  wood,  of  which  Randolph  Brito 
was  enfeoffed,  for  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  189 

Blatherwik  town,  capital  messuage  and  one  carucate  of  land  held  of 
Richard  Basset  of  Welledon  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee ;  and  30a.  arable 
held  of  Henry  Engayne,  service  unspecified. 

Wakerle,  a  watermill  held  of  John  de  Burgo,  service  unspecified. 

Haringworth,  5  virgates  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  Robert  son  of  Roger, 
service  unspecified. 

Cambridge.    Inq.  Thursday  before  Palm  Sunday,  45  Hen.  IH. 

Harlestoh  town,  40a.  land  held  of  Sir  John  de  Burg'  by  service  of  14d. 
yearly  and  llh.  cummin ;  40a.  held  of  Lady  Sibyl  de  Crauden  by  service  of 
12fZ. ;  6a.  of  Sir  Robert  de  Mortuo  Mari  by  service  of  12^Z. ;  14a.  of  Walter 
•Clement  by  service  of  3«.,  saving  foreign  service ;  9a.  of  Richard  Martin  by 
service  of  12rf.  ;  and  2Ja.  of  William  son  of  Eustace  by  service  of  \d, ;  also 
23«.  &iL  rent  from  free  tenants,  and  88.  9d.  from  villains. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  2b.  (6.) 

492.  Christiana  de  Glantbdon  alias  de  Glanteton. 

Wi'ity  8  July,  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

John  de  Glantedon,  her  son,  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Northumberland.]  Vitincham,  Thowerton  and  Barton  towns,  98a.  land  in 
demesne,  191a.  enclosable  lands,  a  mill,  and  10^/.  and  12^/.  from  two  tenants, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  of  a  mewed  sparrowhawk  or  J  of  J  mark. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  25.  (7.) 

493.  William  de  Lesseborwe  alias  de  Lassebebge. 

Writ,  9  July.    Inq.  Friday  after  St.  James  the  Apostle,  45  Hen.  III. 

His  only  daughter  Agatha,  aged  20,  whom  Henry  de  Dene  married  in  her 
father*s  lifetime,  is  his  heir. 

Gloucester.  St.  Brevell,  12a.  land  held  (of  the  king  in  chief)  in  the  name  of 
his  bailiwick  in  the  forest  of  Dene,  by  service  of  finding  1  serjeant  in  the 
forest  for  a  year  to  attach  for  vert  and  venison. 

La  Boxe,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford  by  service  of 
J  knight. 

La  Planche,  1   carucate  held  of  Thomas  de  la  Planche  by  service  of 
i  mark,  and  suit  at  Durseleg*  court. 

Lasseberge,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  William  de  Kaines  by  service  of 
1  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  25.  (8.) 

494.  BicHARD  DE  Htalande. 

Writ,  22  May,  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Margaret,  1261. 
William,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Northumberland.    Matfen  West,  98a.  arable  and  3a.  meadow. 
Nafferton,  26a.  arable. 
Lourbotle,  4  marks  rent  of  assize. 

Matfen,  13«.  4d.  farm  of  the  mill,  and  2«.  rent,  rendering  to  the  king 
408.  and  -^  knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  25.  (9.) 

Digitized  by 



495.  GrILBEBT  DE   HaU    ....  olioS   DE   AlTECLO,   DE  HaLTECLO. 

Writ,  23  Feb.  (defective).    Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  Ambrose,  45  Hen.  lU. 

William,  his  son,  aged  21  at  the  feast  of  SS.  Philip  and  James  1261,  is  his 

[Cumberland.]    Halteclo,  81a.  of  purpresture  which  were  sometime  in  the  king's 
forest  of  Halteclo  between  the  king's  highway  and  Galdew  water,  held  of  the 

king,  rendering  2^ 

Soureby  manor,  4^.  held  of  the  Queen  of  Scotland,  rendering  2«. ;  62a.  in 
demesne,  2  bovates  land  and  a  fulling  mill,  held  of  Sir  Alan  de  Multon  and 
Alice  his  wife  by  12d.  rent,  lib.  cummin,  certain  services  in  ploughing, 
harrowing,  mill  toll,  pannage,  and  making  his  hedge  {or  park)  in  Garrok, 
and  suit  of  court ;  and  20a.  held  of  Bichard  Bidel,  rendering  4b. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  25.  (10.) 

496.  OsBEBT  Babdolf  alias  Babdol. 

Writy  26  May.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  the  Apostles  Peter  and  Paul,  45  Hen.  III. 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Suffolk.]     Hagele,  20a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  IM.  to  the 

Sellond,  a  messuage  and  20a.  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmund's 
and  others. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  25.  (11.) 

497.  Balph  DE  Fbeschevill  alias  de  Fbbschebvill. 

Wnty  5  Feb.  45  Hen.  III.     To  the  escheator  in  co.  Derby.    Liq.  (missing.) 
Aukerus,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Nottingham.    Writ,  5  Feb.    Liq.  Friday  after  St.  Peter  in  cathedra,  45  Hen.  III. 
Boney  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  one 

Botinton,  ^  knight's  fee  held  of  John  de  Musters  of  the  fee  of  Biphmond, 
rendering  58.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  25.  (12.) 

498.  Waleband  Attepet  of  Merdon  alias  Atte  Putt'. 

Writ  to  the  guardians  of  the  bishopric  of  Winchester,  8  Feb.    Inq.  Sunday  the 
eve  of  St.  Valentine,  45  Hen.  III. 
Henry,  son  of  Peter  his  son,  aged  18,  is  his  heir. 

(Unspecified) ,  30a.  held  in  socage  of  the  bishopric  of  Winchester,  render- 
ing 2«.  M.  yearly,  whereof  he  gave  2a.  to  his  sister  for  2d.  yearly,  and  2a.  to 
Nicholas  Achard  for  ^Ih.  cummin  yearly,  leaving  26a.  whereof  Christina 
sometime  the  wife  of  the  said  Peter  ought  to  have  a  third  part  in  dower  ; 
and  a  croft  in  which  his  houses  are  built,  for  which  he  gave  to  one  Walter 
lOd.  (yearly).  The  wardship  of  the  lands  pertains  to  the  next  (of  kin)  on 
the  mother's  side. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (18-) 

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HENRY  III.  141 

499.  William  db  Caluwbleyb  alias  de  Kalulby. 

Writ,  28  Oct.    Liq,  Saturday  before  St.  Nicholas,  45  Hen.  HI. 
Gilbert,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Northumberland.  Ealui  alias  Kalu]ey  and  Jettelinton,  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  8  marks  and  16rf.  rent,  and  the  men  of  Kaluley  and  Jettelinton  carry  30 
loads  to  the  castle  of  Bamborc  and  do  suit  at  the  county  (court)  of 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  25.   (14.) 

500.  IsABBL  Basset. 

Writ  de  escaeta,  26  Nov.     Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Lucy,  45  Hen.  III. 

William,  son  of  BegiAald  de  Moun  and  the  said  Isabel,  age  variously  stated 
as  6  and  7,  is  her  heir. 

[Southampton.]  Grewell  manor  was  sometime  the  king's  escheat  through  the 
death  of  Gilbert  de  Aquila,  and  the  king  that  now  is  gave  it  to  Gilbert 
Marescall  to  hold  at  the  king's  will  for  41.  yearly,  and  by  service  of 
sending  10  men  to  reap  for  a  day  at  Odiham  in  the  autumn,  the  king 
feeding  them,  and  doing  suit  at  the  hundred  (court)  of  Odiham. 
Afterwards  the  said  Gilbert  gave  the  manor  to  Gilbert  and  Isabel  Basset 
to  them  and  the  heirs  of  their  bodies,  and  it  was  put  in  the  charter 
that  if  the  said  Gilbert  Marescall  could  not  warrant  them  the  manor 
against  the  king,  he  should  give  them  land  to  the  same  value  between 
Caversham  bridge  and  Saverne  water.  And  because  the  said  Gilbert 
Marescall  held  at  the  king's  will,  and  there  is  no  heir  left  born  of  the  said 
Gilbert  and  Isabel,  the  manor  is  the  king's  escheat  through  the  death  of 
the  said  Isabel. 

Wilts.    Inq.  Saturday  before  St.  Peter  in  cathedra,  45  Hen.  III. 

Mildehal  manor,  held  in  free  marriage  of  the  gift  of  Sir  William  de 
Ferers  her  father,  in  chief  *  de  Marscalsia,'  and  no  service  was  held  of 
that  manor.  And  whatever  else  she  held  in  the  county  was  of  the  dower  of 
Sir  Gilbert  Basset. 

[Southampton.]  Writ  {de  jnelius  inquirendo),  24  Feb.  Inq.  Tuesday  after  St. 
Matthias,  45  Hen.  III. 

Grewell  manor  was  the  ancient  demesne  of  King  Henry  the  king's 
grandfather,  and  he  gave  it  to  Juliana  de  Aquila  mother  of  Gilbert  de 

C.  Hen.  Ill  File  25.  (15.) 

501.  Maeumus  son  of  Biohard  alias  Maym,  Mayim,  Maim  son  of  Biohard  db 


Writ,  13  June,  45  Hen.  III. 

Beatrice,  his  daughter,  age  variously  stated  as  8  and  9,  is  his  heir. 

Berks.    Inq.  Saturday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  45  Hen.  III. 

Winterbum,  4  carucates  land,  41.  lis.  4d.  rent  of  assize,  customs  of 
tenants,  pasture  and  meadow,  were  held  by  the  said  Bichard  of  Balph 
Musard  by  service  of  one  knight's  fee,  and  similarly  by  the  said  Maeumus 
bis  son  and  heir. 

Digitized  by 



[Oxford.]     Inq.  Saturday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  45  Hen.  III. 

Eyrop,  principal  messuage,  7 J  virgates  land  with  meadow  in  demesne, 
and  10 J  virgates  land  in  villenage,  with  customs  of  villeins  {nistkorum),  held 
for  life  of  Balph  Musard,  paying  for  hidage  to  the  king  35. 4d.,  and  to  the  earl 
of  Gloucester  J  mark,  and  doing  suit  at  the  hundred  (court)  of  ChadelintoD. 
Lideneston  town,  1  hide  land  let  to  tenants  for  21a.,  held  of  Robert  de 
Broc  by  (l?)<i.  yearly  and  lib.  cummin;  1^  virgate  land  with  meadow, 
tenure  unspecified  ;  and  8a.  held  of  Robert  de  Bradeneston  by  2«.  rent. 

C\  Hen,  III.  File  25.  (16.) 

502.  Nicholas  Bulluc. 

Writ  (missing).     Inq.  Thursday  the  feast  of  St.  Augustine,  45  Hen.  III. 

^  Richard  de  Coterfold,  aged  85  and  more,  and  Christina  daughter  of 
Maud  de  Batsate,  aged  18,  are  his  heirs,  according  to  the  custom  of  Farnham 

Surrey.     Farnham,  2  virgates  land  held  of  Aymer  sometime  (bishop)  elect  of 
Winchester,  the  king's  brother,  by  ancient  ten^ire,  rendering  10«.  yearly 
and  2d.  *  wudepanies ' ;  and  besides  he  mowed  in  the  lord's  meadow  with 
one  man  for  one  day,  and  had  2Jrf.,  and  lifted  and  carried   the  same; 
found  2  men  who  had  their  victuals  for  2  days,  for  weeding  the  lord's  com ; 
4   men,  who  had  their  food,  at   *  cuttederip '  for  reaping  the  lord's  corn 
for  one  day,   and  2  men  for  1  day  at  *  reverip ' ;   and  at  the  lord's  great 
harvesting   {magnum   hcderip)  he  ought   to  come   with   his   whole   family, 
excepting  his  wife,  shepherd  and  nurse,  and  they  had  their,  food  at  the 
lord's    court.      At    '  nedrip '  he  -ought   to   reap   1  Ja.  of  corn,  and  carry 
the  lord's  corn  with  his  neighbours,  receiving  nothing  for  the  same.    At 
*  laghewudringe '  against  Christmas  day  he  ought  to  carry  firewood  with 
one  cart  for  pne  day,  at  Easter  for  1  day  with  two  carts,  and  to  carry 
firewood  with   his   neighbours   against   the  coming  of  his  lord  or  of  the 
king.     He  ought  to  plough  for  winter  seed  la.  and  have  2Jrf.  for  food,  and 
at  *nedhurthe'  to   plough  for  the  same  seed  IJa.  without  food,  and  la. 
for  winter  seed  without  food;    and  if  he  had  his  own  plough   he  ought 
to  plough  la.  and  have  2Jd.  for  food.     At  *  rusthegginge '  if  he  had  a  horse 
of  his  own  he  ought  to  harrow  with  his  horse  for  1  day  until  the  ninth 
hour.     And  he  ought  to  thrash  once  a  year  1^  quarter  of  corn  and  carry 
it  to  the  nearest  market  for  sale ;   to  fence  8  perches  at  the  lord's  park 
of  Farnham  when  necessary  without  food,   and   1   perch  at  Burgheye; 
and   to    give    Id.   pannage    for    a    boar    over    a    year  old  and    Jd.  for 
a  hog.      And  he  gave  1  bushel  of  oats  according  to  custom  to  the  parkers  ? ; 
and  ought  to   do   *averagium,'  viz. — to  carry  the  lord's   food   from    the 
manor  one  day's  journey   (per  nnam  dietam).     He  also  held  32a.  and  more 
of  new  land  (de  nova  terra)  of  the  said  Aymer  by  a  yearly  rent  of  18«.  4d. 
The  above  lands  are  in  the  king's  hands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  25.  (17.) 

503.  Adam  de  Bbtsin  alias  de  Beisin. 

TFrit,  4  May,  45  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated  and  deforced.) 

Robert,  his  son,  aged  19  at  the  Assumption  of  the  Blessed  Mary 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  148 

Salop.    Billingesle  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of  Ses  by  service 
of    ...     . 

Silviton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Kemy  by  ser- 
vice of  24s.  yearly. 

Burwardele  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  prior  of  Wenlok  by  service 
of  eating  with  the  prior  on  St.  Milburgh's  day  to  ....  his  dinner,  and 
(doing  suit  at  the  court)  of  Burton. 

Wrkiton  and  Warkeslawe  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  keeping  one  goshawk  until  Michaelmas,  or  until  at  the  king's 
command  he  shall  bring  it  to  the  king,  where  he  shall  be  during  the  season 
with  the  king  at  the  king's  cost,  taking  5Jd.  per  day  and  feeding  in  the 
king*s  house,  and  he  shall  take  2  robes  of  the  king,  and  the  king  shall 
restore  to  him  his  horse  ....  and  when  the  season  is  over,  he  ought 
to  take  the  goshawk  back  to  his  own  country  and  mew  it  at  his  own  cost 

(See  ^0.557.) 

C,  Hen.  III.  File  25.  (18.) 

504.  William  db  Bodham. 

Writ,  26  Feb.  45  Hen.  III.     On  the  complaint  of  the  abbot  of  Creek  that  a 
messuage  and  the  services  of  divers  tenants  whereof  the  said  William  had 
enfeoffed  him,  had  been  taken  into  the  king's  hand. 
Ranulph,  his  son,  aged  22,  is  his  heir. 

[Norfolk.]     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.)     Suhtcrek,  127a.  land  and  63«.  6d.  rent 

held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees,  20«.  for  the  guard  of 

Dover  (castle),  and  2  parts  of  1  suit  at  the  court  of  Hagenet. 

Full  extent  given  of  enfeoffments  made  by  the  said  William  to  many  persons, 

including  the  abbot  of  Crek,  the  master  of  the  hospital  of  Jerusalem,  the  prior 

of  Castelacre,  the  prior  of  Wausingham,  and  the  prior  of  Petreston. 

[Norfolk.]     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 

Bodham  and  Becham,  messuage,  la.  and  Ir.  land,  ...  a , 

43a.  heath  ?,  6a.  pasture  ?,  and  the  advowson  of  Bodham  church,  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  ...  for  the  guard  of  Dover  castle, 
and  doing  suit  at  the  hundred  (court)  of  Holt,  and  i  of  1  suit  at  the  court  of 
Hagenet  ? 
Full  extent  given  of  enfeoffments  to  many  persons.     {See  No.  510.) 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  25.  (19.) 

505.  Richard  Lunoespete. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex  and  Surrey,  27  Dec.  46  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Surrey.  Brumleghe  manor  was  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  John  de  Fay  by 
service  of  3  knights'  fees,  after  whose  death  it  was  parted  between  his  two 
sisters  Maud  and  Philippa,  and  from  the  said  Maud  issued  a  daughter 
Agatha,  and  from  her  Alice,  who  was  the  wife  of  the  said  Bichard  (and  still 
survives) ;  and  the  said  Richard  and  Alice  held  a  moiety  of  the  manor  in 
chief  of  the  king  by  service  of  1 J  knights'  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  25.  (20.) 

506.  Ingram  de  Pbrct. 

Writ,  24  Oct.  46  Hen.  III.    Extent  {undated). 

William  de  Percy,  his  brother,  aged  26,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



York.  Levyngton  manor  (extent  given),  held  (of  the  king  in  chief),  service 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (1.) 

507.  Elias  db  Sutton. 

WnU  20  July,  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
Elias,  his  son,  aged  24  at  least,  is  his  heir. 

[Salop.]  [Sutton,]  25a.  land,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service -of  2«.  yearly, 
also  1  carucate  land  and  a  messuage,  &c. 

Sutton  Major,  1  carucate  land,  held  of  the  king  of  Almain  in  chief  by 
semce  of  10«.  yearly,  also  6a.  meadow,  10«.  rent  of  assize,  2  gardens  and  a 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  26.  (2.) 

508.  Pbtronilla  db  Vallibus  alia^  de  Vaus. 

Wnt,  28  March,  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Henry  de  Longo  Campo  alias  de  Lungchaump,  age  variously  stated  as  40 
and  more  and  50  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Southampton.  Warneburue  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified ; 
she  also  held  22J  knights'  fees  in  co.  Lincoln  in  demesne  by  barony. 

Writy  80  March,  46  Hen.  III.  To  the  sheriff  of  Southampton  to  take  the  lands 
into  the  king's  hands  and  deliver  them  to  the  escheator,  and  in  his  presence 
to  make  inquisition,  &c. 

Southampton.    Inq.  {undated.)  Sutwarneburue  manor,  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (3.) 

509.  Theobald  db  Englbchevill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  2  Sept.  46  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Wilts.  Wahull  manor ;  the  said  Theobald  enfeoffed  William  de  Engleschevill 
of  the  said  manor  10  years  ago,  who  remained  in  full  seisin  thereof  until 
the  escheator  took  it  into  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  death  of  the 
said  Theobald.     {See  No.  548.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (4.) 

510.  Robert  Toli  alim  Toly. 

Writ,  1  Dec.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Norfolk.  He  held  nothing  of  the  king  in  chief,  because  William  de  Boddham 
before  his  death  enfeoffed  the  abbot  of  Erec  and  his  church  of  the  homage 
of  Bobert  Toly,  and  of  all  his  demesne  that  remained  in  Sudk',  and 
of  all  the  services  of  his  free  tenants  and  their  rents,  for  1 J  year,  saving 
scutage  and  other  things  pertaining  to  the  king.  The  king  has  had 
80/.  by  two  reliefs  in  Sudk'  and  Boddham,  viz. — after  the  deaths  of  William 
de  Boddham  and  of  his  son  and  heir,  and  all  the  lands,  &c.,  of  the  said  Bobert, 
and  of  all  the  said  William's  free  tenants  in  Sudk'  and  Boddham  have 
been  seized  into  the  king's  hands.  Endorsed : — This  inquisition  is 
insuflScient.     {See  No.  504.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (6.) 

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HENRY  III.  145 

511.  Gerard  db  Hakonby  alias  db  Hacunby. 

Writ,  30  Jdly,  46  Hen.  HI.     Inq,  {undated  and  defective.) 

Thomas,  his  son,  aged  21  on  the  day  of  the  Decollation  of  St.  John  next,  is 
bis  heir. 

[Lincoln.]  Mort',  a  moiety  of  a  messuage,  1  bovate  land,  and  6«.  6Jrf.  rent, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  |  knight's  fee. 

Hacunby  town,  1  bovate  land  held  of  Thomas  de  Awile  for  58. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (6.) 

512.  Nicholas  son  of  Booer. 

Writ,  26  May.    Inq.  Friday  after  the  Holy  Trinity,  46  Hen.  III. 
Sir  Ralph,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Gloucester.]  Hulle  and  Ninndesfeld  manors,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  ^^  knight. 

Somerset.    Tikneham  manor,  held  of  the  earl  Marshal,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (7.) 

513.  OLrV'ER   DB   ASPREVILL   olias   DE   ASSPERA   YlLLA. 

Writ,  10  Oct.  46  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Matthias,  47  Hen.  HI. 
John,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Northampton.  Dodinton  and  Morhey,  35Ja.  held  by  charter  of  the  king,  paying 
6d.  yearly  at  the  exchequer. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (8.) 

514.  William  de  Bello  Alneto. 

Writ  de  custodia  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  26  April,  46  Hen.  IH.  on  the 
petition  of  William  Maudut,  Robert  de  Sancto  Johanne,  and  James  le 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  6  May,  46  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Baldwin,  his  son,  aged  13|,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  He  held  nothing  of  the  king  in  chief,  save  that  he  held  a  small 
purpresture  (unspecified)  of  the  fee  of  Sir  William  Maudut,  which  was  rated 
by  Bobert  Passelewe  at  4^(f.  because  it  was  within  the  regard  of  the 

(Unspecified)  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  William  Maudut ; 
\  knight's  fee  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  Bobert  de  Sancto  Johanne ;  \  virgate 
land  held  of  Walter  de  Belling'  by  service  of  2«.  4d!. ;  and  J  virgate  land  held 
of  Henry  de  Burhunte  by  service  of  12d. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (9.) 

515.  Philip  de  Columbariis  alias  db  Golumbebs. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  {undated.) 

Philip  de  Columbariis,  aged  82  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Somerset.  Stawey,  Puryton  and  Hunteworthi,  held  (of  the  king)  by  service  of 
2  knights  in  the  army,  together  with  other  lands  in  other  counties  pertaining 

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to  the  said  manor  of  Staweye  as  head  of  the  barony ;  and  now  in  the  king's 
hands  through  the  escheator. 

Wolavinton,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  abbot  of  Glastonbury. 

Hunbere,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  Hugh  de  Nevill. 

Writ,  20  Sept.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Suffolk.  Batesford  manor  was  bought  by  Robert  de  Curtenay  of  Philip  de 
Golumbers,  father  of  the  late  Philip,  under  condition  that  he  should  give  it 
to  Egelina  his  daughter  in  free  marriage  with  the  said  Philip  the  younger, 
and  so  the  manor  became  the  marriage  portion  (maritagiuin)  of  Egelina  late 
the  wife  of  the  said  Philip. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (10.) 

516.  William  de  Bello  Campo  de  Bbdeford. 

Writ,  6  Oct.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 

He  died  on  Sunday  after  the  Assumption  of  the  Blessed  Mary. 

[Bedford.]     Staunford  town.     On  Thursday  after  the  Assumption,  before  his 

death,  came  his  attorney  bringing  his  letter  patent,  and  seised 

Geoffrey  le  Bus  of  all  his  land  in  Staunford,  and  his  men  were  in  seisin 
thereof  until  the  escheator  came  on  Friday  in  the  week  following,  and  took 
it  into  the  king's  hands. 

WHty  6  Oct.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

[Bedford.]  Eavenesden.  On  Thursday  after  the  Assumption  came  his 
attorney  &c.  (as  above)  and  seised  the  attorney  of  Bichard  de  Braham  of 
his  land  and  mill  in  Eavenesden,  and  he  was  in  seisin  thereof  until  the 
escheator  came  on  Friday  after  the  said  William*s  decease  and  took  the 
land  into  the  king's  hands. 

Writ,  15  Oct.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

[Bedford.]  Herdwyk.  On  Thursday  after  the  Assumption  came  his  attorney 
&c.  (as  above)  and  seised  the  attorney  of  Gilbert  son  of  Walter  of  his  land 
in  Herdwyk,  and  he  was  in  seisin  thereof  until  the  escheator  came  on 
Friday  &c.  (as  above). 

Writ,  22  Oct.  46  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.)  on  the  petition  of  Ida  de  Bello  Campo. 

[Bedford.]  Dilewyk  manor  is  held  by  Lady  Ida  de  Bello  Campo  for  life  by 
fine  made  in  the  king's  court  between  her  and  the  said  William,  and  she 
was  in  seisin  of  the  services  of  all  the  free  tenants  (names  given),  before 
the  death  of  the  said  William. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (11.) 

517.  Bichard  de  Aselakbbt  alias  de  Aslakeby. 

Writ,  12  Feb.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Bichard,  his  son,  aged  SO,  is  his  heir. 

YoBE.  Aslakeby,  messuage  and  2  carucates  land  (extent  given  with  names  of 
tenants),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  40a.  yearly  at  the  exchequer  in 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (12.) 

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HENBY  in.  147 

518.  Henry  son  of  Godytha  db  Bothelton. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Edmund  the  King,  46  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Botheleton,  2  bovates  land  and  ^  watermill,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service'  of  9s,  2d.  yearly,  and  doing  1  suit  to  Lancaster  county 
(court)  imd  Lonesdale  wapentake  (court). 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  26.  (13.) 

519.  John  de  Hacunesho. 

Writ  (missing).     Inq.  (ujidated,  but  endorsed  46  H.  3.) 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Lancaster.]  Hacunesho  and  Presho,  6  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  crossbows  yearly. 

Ham  el  ton  town,  3  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  40«. 

C.  Hen.  IIR  File  26.  (14.) 

520.  BooER  Bertram,  of  Bothale. 

Writy  21  Oct.  46  Hen.  III.  Jnq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Martin,  47  Hen.  Ill  (defaced). 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  19  at  Christmas  next,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.  Bothalle  and  Wetewrthe,  5  carucates  in  demesne,  each^ 
containing  105a.  (extent  given  of  free  tenancies  with  names  of  tenants). 

Hengandelley,  40a.  land. 

New  Moor  (extent  given  of    fifee  tenancies  with  names  -of    tenants)  , 
including  160a.  held  by  Eobert  Baynard  by  2^5  of  the  service  of  one  knight, 
and  40a.  by  Elias  de  Neuebiging  by  similar  service. 

Pegiswrthe  (extent  given  of  free  tenancies  with  names  of  tenants). 

Pegiz'  town,  7J  lands  held  by  bondmen. 

Heborin  (extent  given  of  free  tenancies  with  names  of  tenants),  9^/. 
land  in  bondage,  &c. 

Langhurste,  a  free  tenancy. 

Herdisdun  and  Tyrtlinton,  held  by  Fulk  de  Tybens  (?)  by  service  of  one 

Also  15a.  meadow,  7  marks  in  Bothalle  mill,  and  pasture  in  the  forest. 
All  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  3  knights. 

And  Lady  Sarah  Bertram  of  Bothall  died  after  the  said  Boger  her  son,  and 
was  holding  320a.  land.     (See  No.  607.) 

a  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (16.) 

521.  Osbert  de  Daogord. 

Writ, 46   ....    (a  fragment).    Inq.  (undated.) 

[Suffolk.]  Bradewell  and  Daggord  manors  were  held  by  the  said  Osbert  of 
Baldwin  Filiol  and  his  heirs,  and  John  son  of  Eichard  Filiol,  who  was  heir 
of  the  said  Baldwin,  holds  the  said  manors  and  Kelleveden  manor  of  the 
king  by  8J  knights'  fees.  Isabel  de  Daggord  held  Daggord  manor  in  dower, 
and  4ied  on  Friday  after  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Cross,  46  Hen.  Ill ; 
and  because  the  heir  of  the  said  Osbert  is  within  age  and  in  the  wardship 
of  the  said  John  Filiol,  the  manor  of  Daggord  of  right  pertains  to  the  said 
John  only  because  he  is  intermediate  between  the  king  and  the  heir.  In 
the  time  of  King  John,  Osbert  son  of  Hervey  de  Daggord  held  the  manor 

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and  died  vested  as  of  fee,  and  Bichard  his  son  and  heir  (being)  within  age, 
the  king,  because  of  some  offence  done  by  Baldwin  Filiol,  gave  the  marriage 
and  wardship  to  Sir  William  de  Huntingf(eld),  who  married  the  said  Isabel 
his  daughter  to  the  said  Bichard,  Afterwards  the  said  Baldwin  made  peace 
with  the  king,  and  the  said  William  made  peace  with  him  for  having  the 
wardship.  Thus  the  said  Isabel  was  dowered  after  the  death  of  Bichard  her 
husband  of  Daggord  manor,  and  died  seised  thereof.  After  the«death  of  the 
said  Bichard,  the  steward  of  the  earl  of  Cornwall  intruded  upon  the  manor 
for  8  or  4. days,  but  Bichard  father  of  John  Filiol  forthwith  ejected  his  men 
and  sold  the  wardship  and  marriage  of  the  said  Osbert,  son  of  the  said 
Bichard,  to  the  said  Isabel,  who  sold  them  to  the  archbishop  of  York,  and 
he  had  the  marriajge  of  (maritavit)  the  said  Osbert.  John  Filiol  has  the 
wardship  of  the  heir  of  the  said  Osbert. 

C.  Hen.  ILL  File  26.  (16.) 

522.  BicHERus  DB  Whytbwbll  alias  DE  WiTBWBiiLE,  knt. 

WnU  13?  Jan,  46  Hen.  III. 

WilUam,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  19  at  the  feast  of  St.  James  next, 
and  of  full  age,  is  his  heir. 

Dorset.    Inq.  (undated,)     Kyngeswinterburn,  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  40«.  yearly. 

[Norfolk.]     Inq.  undated.    Wytewell,  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the 
earl  of  Gloucester. 

Wychingham,  40«.  7d.  rent  of  assize  held  in  socage  of  the  fee  of 
the  prior  of  Lungevill  rendering  11».  5d.  to  the  prior ;  and  one  piece  of 
meadow  held  of  Eoger  de  Holebec  rendering  14rf.  yearly. 

Wytevell,  Ss.  rent  held  of  Simon  de  Fleg'  rendering  4rf.  ;-and  11a.  held 
of  Bartholomew  ?  (Berth')  de  Antingham  rendering  8«.  Qd. 
Alice  (the  wife)  of  the  deceased,  is  dowered  of  the  above  lands,  &c. 

[Norfolk.]     Inq,  (undated.) 

Sceketon,  J  of  2  knights'  fees  (extent  given)  held  of  Fulk  Baniard. 

Tybeham,  7«.  rent  of  assize  held  of  the  said  Fulk  rendering  13d. 

Aylesham,  12a.  land  held  of  the  king's  manor  rendering  88d.  yearly, 
and  tallage  as  other  sokemen. 

Also  21a.  held  of  the  abbot  of  Hulme  rendering  3«.  6d.  ;  9a,  held 
of  Thomas  de  Berham  rendering  .  .  .  ;  a  tenement  held  of  Andrew  de 
Bramton  rendering  8d. ;  a  heath  held  of  William  de  Wybryg  rendering  lOd. ; 
and  a  heath  held  of  Bartholomew  de  Burl'  rendering  3rf.  Alice,  the  wife  of 
the  deceased,  is  dowered  of  the  above  lands,  &c. 

Writy  23  Sept.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated,) 

[Dorset.]     Kyngeswinterburne,  &c.  (as  above). 

C  Hen.  III.  FUe  26.  (17.) 

523.  Matthew  Luveyn  aUaa  de  Lovayne. 

Writ,  11  Nov.  46  Hen.  HI. 

Matthew,  his  son,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]     Extent  (undated). 

Eystanes  ad  Turrinj  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by  barony, 
being  the  head  of  his  barony. 

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HENKY  in.  149 

[Suffolk.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Bilteston  alias  Bildeston  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  king  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  pertaining  to  his  barony  of  Eystanes; 
and  20^.  ought  to  be  paid  yearly  for  the  guard  of  the  castle  of  Windlesoueres. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  26.  (18.) 

624.  Robert  Strecche  alias  Strboh,  sometime  the  king's  forester  of  Feckeham. 

Writ  to  Alan  la  Zuche,  justice  of  the  forest,  18  May,  46  Hen.  III.  Inq,  (undated.) 
Ralph,  his  son,  aged  7  on  St.  Luke's  day  last,  is  his  heir. 

Worcester.  Fecham  manor,  8  virgates  land  held  by  charter  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  20s.,  7a.  of  the  king's  demesne  meadow  at  will  by  service  of 
7».,  9Ja.  of  new  land  by  pervice  of  3s.  2d.,  1  virgate  land  by  service  of  being 
the  king's  woodward  in  the  wood  called  Le  Wercwode  at  his  own  cost,  and  the 
profits  of  the  bailiwick  of  Fecham  forest,  with  the  lawing  (expeditaciane)  of 
dogs  ;  a  messuage  and  8  virgates  land  held  in  chief  of  Robert  de  Morton  of 
his  fee  by  service  of  4».  yearly,  and  royal  service  when  it  shall  happen,  of 
which  8  virgates  4  remain  in  the  hands  of  free  tenants  to  acquit  the  royal 
service  due  from  the  8,  i  virgate  is  alienated  to  the  prioress,  &c.  of  GochuU 
in  frank  almoin,  and  others  rented  to  divers  tenants ;  1  virgate  land  held 
in  chief  of  the  abbot  of  Bordesle  by  service  of  12<2.,  and  2  suits  yearly  at  his 
court  of  Terdebigge. 

La  Wike,  6«.  held  of  the  said  abbot  in  exchange  for  Ss.  rent  in  Wich, 
and  he  rendered  lib.  pepper  to  Robert  de  Bruly  for  the  same. 

[Warwick.]  Sauford,  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Kenilewrth,  service 

[Warwick  and  Worcester.]  Alincestre  borough,  a  messuage  held  of  Simon  le 
Barber  by  service  of  12rf.  yearly ;  a  croft  (unspecified)  held  of  the  prior  of 
Sonwell  by  service  of  4«. 

(Fecham  ?)  9a.  wood  pertaining  to  the  above  8  virgates  land  held  of  the 
said  Robert  de  Morton. 

Inteberge  manor,  ^  knight's  fee  held  in  chief  of  the  countess  of 
Lincoln,  and  by  royal  service,  and  suit  at  the  countess's  court  of  la 
Neubir'  (?),  and  the  prioress  of  Kochull  holds  it  in  frank  almoin  of  the 
gift  of  the  said  Robert's  ancestors. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  26.  (19.) 

525.  Ralph  de  Mepertbshal. 

Writ,  10  June.    Inq-  The  day  of  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr; 
46  Hen.  III. 
Nicholas,  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Bedford.]  (Meperteshal,)  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
serjeanty,  viz. — ^finding  one  man  in  the  army  with  the  king  for  40  days  at 
his  own  cost. 

Fehnesham,  20s.  rent  yearly  held  of  Hendr'  de  Hastingis,  also  rent  of 
the  term  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  14^.,  and  pasture  12d.  in  Meperteshal. 
His  wife  claims  a  third  part  of  the  above  tenement. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  26.  (20.) 

526.  William  de  E[ardredbshull  alias  j^  Hardrigheshull. 

Writ,  17  March,  46  Hen.  III. 

Robert,  his  son,  aged  22,  is  his  heir. 

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[Lincoln.]     Inq,  (undated^ 

Cukewald  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding  one 
footman  with  an  axe  (luichia)  in  the  army. 

[Lincoln.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Suthkelleseye,  2  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  rendering  16d. 
Northkelleseye  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  chapter  of  Lincoln 
rendering  20«.  yearly. 

[Lincoln.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Salebi  town  in  Lindres',  1  knight's  fee  (extent  given),  whereof  5  parts 
are  of  the  fee  of  the  heirs  of  Petronilla  de  Vaus,  and  the  sixth  part  of  the 
fee  of  the  heirs  of  William  de  Wodetorp',  by  knight's  service  and  lis.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  27.  (1.) 

527.  BoBBBT  DE  Babvill  alios  DE  Babbvile. 

Writ,  18  May.    Inq.  Sunday  after  the  feast  of  the  apostles  Peter  and  Paul, 
46  Hen.  III. 
His  daughters  [Joan] ,  aged  10,  and  Alice,  aged  7,  are  his  heirs. 

Lincoln.  !l^arton  (extent  of  lands  given  with  names  of  tenants  enfeoffed  by  the 
said  Bobert). 

Writ,  11  July.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  46  Hen.  III. 

Lincoln.  Barton,  29^  bovates  and  4a.  land,  and  18  tofts,  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  one  sore  sparrowhawk  ;  whereof  18  bovates  and 
4a.  are  held  by  charters  of  enfeoffment  from  the  said  Bobert,  14  tofts 
render  32«.  lljd.  yearly,  7  bovates  and  2  tofts  are  held  for  43«. ;  and  his 
relict,  holds  in  dower  4|  bovates  and  2  tofts,  from  which  she  receives  S4«. 
yearly.     (See  Nos.  377,  570  and  666.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  27.  (2.) 

528.  Hugh  de  Bolebbk  aU(u  de  Bolebech. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland,  23  Oct.  46  Hen.  III. 

His  daughters,  Philippa,  aged  23  and  more,  married  to  Boger  de  Launcastre ; 
Margery,  aged  21  and  more,  married  to  Nicholas  Corbet ;  Alice,  age  variously 
stated  as  16  and  17  and  more,  married  to  Walter  son  of  William  de  Huntercumb 
alias  Hountercumbe ;  and  Maud,  aged  13  and  1  month,  who  is  at  Angerton 
with  lady  Theophania  (Teffan'  alias  2'hephan')  her  mother,  and  in  the  king's 
hand,  are  his  heirs. 

Northumberland.    Extent,  Sunday  before  St.  Martin,  47  Hen.  HI. 
Dodington  manor  (extent  given). 

Nesebith  township  of  the  same  fee  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants 
who  pay  5s.  5d.  yearly  for  the  guard  of  the  castle  of  Alnewic). 

Wethuude  (alias  Wettwod)  town,  held  by  Thomas  de  Wethwde  of  the 
heirs  of  the  said  Hugh  of  Dodington  fee,  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
All  held  of  the  lord  of  Veschi  (alias  J.  de  Vescy)  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee, 
1  mark  yearly  for  the  guard  of  the  castle  of  Alnewik,  and  suit  at  the  court  of 

Northumberland.    Extent,  Tuesday  (jpfore  St.  Martin,  47  Hen.  IH. 

Angerton  manor  (extent  given),  including  the  brewhouse  of  Herteburn, 
and*  bondmen,  cotters,  (fee.  there,  and  tenants  in  Midelton  and  Walington. 

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HENKY  III.  151 

NoBTHUMBBBLAND.    Extent,  Sunday  the  morrow  of  St.  Martin,  47  Hen.  III. 

Stiford  manor  with  its  hamlets  of  Thornbg  (alias  Thorneburi), 
Merchingley,  Spyriden,  Ryding,  Syeldeford  (alias  Seldefurd),  and  Le  Pare, 
and  the  town  of  Bromehalwe,  and  tenants  outside  the  fields  of  Bromehallehau 
(extent  given). 

Schotley  town  (extent  given),  with 

Allerseth  alias  Alleriset  assart,  «518a.  Ir.  land  and  194a.  waste  held 

by  3  free  tenants. 
Waskerley  hamlet,  Sr.  held  by  a  cottar. 
Blakedeley  (alias  Blakhedley),  56a.,  21a.  waste,  5a.  held  by  8  cottars, 

and  382a.  held  by  4  free  tenants. 
Byrkinside,  105a. 

Neubiging,  89 Ja.,  held  by  bondmen  and  cottars. 
The  house  of  Kyppeyer  owes  5  marks  yearly,  the  profit  of  coal  is 
worth  J  mark,  the  abbot  of  Blanchland  renders  2s.  6d.,  and 
Thomas  de  Aslacbi  12d. 
Hedon  (alias  Heddun)  manor   (extent  given),  including  hawking?  for 
woodcocks  (volata  ad  Wydecokes  capiend'  alias  volatiV  galli  palustrini)  worth 
2s.  yearly. 

Knights'  fees  (in  the  barony  of  Bolebek)  : — 

8  townships  (unspecified),  held  by  Richard  de  Gosebek  andr Thomas 

de  Bekering  by  service  of  2|  knights'  fees. 
6  towns  (unspecified),  held   by  Robert  de  Insula  by  service  of 

IJ  knight's  fee,  excepting  J  fee. 
J  (Echewik)  town  and  J  (Benwel)  town,  held  by  Henry  de  Laval 

by  service  of  J  and  |  knight's  fee. 
4    towns    (unspecified),    held    by    Philip   de    Craudon    (alias   de 

Crawden)  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
i  (Biwell)  town  and  Stokesfeld  manor,  held  by  William  de  Ryhill 
(alias  de  Riel)   and  Gilbert  de  Caldesrother,   by   service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 
(Slaueley),  1  knight's  fee  held  by  William  de  Slaueley. 
(Est  Hidwin   and   Hun  thank)  town,  held  by  Roger  de  Areynes 

(alias  Darejnis)  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
(Hidwin  and  Appeltreley)  town,  held  by  Robert  de  Westhidewin  by 

service  of  i  knight's  fee. 
(Normidelton)  town,  held  by  the  heirs  of  William  de  Bollesdon  by 

service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
J  (Benwell)  town,  held   by  Richard  Kynebel  (alias   Kenbel)   by 

service  of  J  knight's  fee. 
4  (Benwell)  town,  held  by  Joan  de  Ryhill  (alias  de  Riel)  by  service 
of  4  knight's  fee. 
There  arS  no  advowsons  of  churches  pertaining  to  the  heirs  of  Bolebech,  but 
a  pension  of  10  marks  is  due  from  the  abbot  of  St.  Albans,  which  Hugh  de  Bolebech 
conferred  on  Master  John  Clarel  for  life,  and  of  which  he  is  seised. 

NoBTHUMBBRLANn.     Liq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Martin,  47  Hen.  III.     To  the  same 
effect  as  the  above  Extents. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (8.) 

&29.  William  de  S  .  .  ibenae  alias  db  Schybnac. 

Writ  to  Alan  la  Zuche,  justice  of  the  king's  forest,  7  Feb.     Inq.  Wednesday 
after  St.  Oswald  the  archbishop,  46  Hen.  III. 
Walter,  his  son,  aged  36  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



[WoRCESTBK.]  Feckenham  forest,  a  certain  bailiwick  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (4.) 

530.  BicHABD  DE  Clabe,  earl  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford. 

WHt  (missing).     Inq.  {undated.) 

On  what  day  the  earl  died  is  unknown  to  the  jury. 

[Wilts.]  He  enfeoffed  John  de  Sulbye  of  1  carucate  land  in  Knuk  and 
1  carucate  in  Orcheston,  and  the  said  John  was  in  peaceful  seisin  thereof 
from  Friday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  46  Hen.  Ill, 
until  Saturday  after  St.  James  the  Apostle. 

WHt  to  the  keepers  of  the  honour  of  Clare,  10  Aug.  Inq.  Sunday  after  the 
Decollation  of  St.  John  (the  Baptist),  46  Hen.  III.  on  the  petition  of  the 
earl's  executors. 

[Suffolk.]  Kediton  manor  was  held  by  the  earl  in  wardship  through  the  death 
of  John  de  Essex,  who  held  of  him  in  chief,  and  he  had  nothing  there  in 
his  own  demesne. 

Similar  u-rit,  10  Aug.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

[Norfolk.]  Paneworth  manor  was  held  by  the  earl  in  wardship  through  the 
death  of  Peter  de  Nerford,  and  he  had  nothing  there  in  his  demesne. 

Similar  writ,  10  Aug.  Inq.  Tuesday  the  Decollation  of  St.  John  the  Baptist, 
46  Hen.  III. 

[Suffolk.]  Gaysleyh  manor  was  held  by  the  earl  in  wardship  through  the  death 
of  Robert  de  Halsted,  and  he  had  nothing  there  in  his  own  demesne. 

Similar  writ,  10  Aug.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.)  , 

[Norfolk.]  Quitewell  alias  Wytewell  manor  was  held  by  the  earl  in  wardship 
through  the  death  of  Richerus  de  Quitewelle,  who  held  of  him  in  chief  and 
he  had  nothing  there  in  his  own  demesne. 

Similar  ivnt  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Surrey,  10  Aug.  46  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated,) 

Surrey.  Acstede  manor  was  taken  to  farm  of  Roland  de  Acstede  by  John  de 
Stanegrave  and  William  Essewyth,  who  demised  their  term  to  the  said  earl, 
but  he  had  nothing  there  in  fee  except  a  tenement  which  he  bought  of  John 

Buckingham.  WHt  {missing).  Inq.  Wednesday  before  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed 
Virgin  Mary,  46  Hen.  III. 

Cincleberge  manor  was  held  by  the  earl  to  farm  on  the  day  of  his  death. 

[Essex.]     Wnt  {missing),     Inq,  St.  Giles's  day,  46  (Hen.  III). 

Hausted  manor  happened  to  the  earl  in  wardship  after  the  death  of 
Abel  de  Sancto  Martino,  who  held  it  of  him  in  chief,  but  the  earl  had 
nothing  there  in  his  demesne. 

[Glamorgan.]     Inq.  Sunday  after  Ash  Wednesday,  47  Hen.  III. 

Mairescross  manor  was  held  by  the  earl  in  wardship  through  the  death 
of  Richard  le  Butiler,  with  the  wardship  of  Joan  la  Butilere  his  heir, 
daughter  of  William  Pincerna  deceased,  son  of  John  le  Butiler  brother  of 
the  said  Richard.     On  the  death  of  the  said  Joan  within  age,  two  sisters 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  m.  168 

of  the  said  William  claimed  the  manor,  and  also  a  sister  of  the  said 
Bichard ;  on  account  of  which  contention  the  earl  retained  the  manor,  but 
had  nothing  there  in  his  demesne  on  the  day  of  his  death. 

Writ  (missing). 

Northampton.     Extent  {undated). 

Rowelle  borough  (extent  given)  held  by  the  burgesses,  tenure  unspecified. 

Northampton.    Extent  (undated). 

Eowell  manor    (extent  given)  including  704a.   land  in  villenage  in 
Overton  and  Fowell,  tenure  unspecified. 

Surrey.     Extent  (undated). 

Bletchingele  borough  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Surrey.    Extent  (undated). 

Bletchingeleye  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Sussex.    Extent  (undated). 

Butherefeld  manor  and  hundred  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Hertford.     Extent  (undated). 

Standon  borough  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Hertford.     Extent  (undated). 

Standon  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
Popeshale,  121.  rent,  which  the  earl  bought  of  Sir  Nicholas  de  Kiriel, 
hospitaller  of  Jerusalem.     They  have  the  church  to  their  own  uses. 

Essex,  Norfolk,  Suffolk.    Liq.  (undated)  of  lands,  &c.  acquired  and  held  in 

Essex.    Clarett  manor,  bought  of  Bobert  de  Valle,  rendering  lOL  yearly  at  the 
king's  exchequer. 

Suffolk.    Couling,  20«.  rent  bought  of  Warin  de  Wadesel'. 

(Bury  St.  Edmunds),  3  parts  of  a  mill  outside  St.  Edmunds,  with  a  dry 

pasture  and  12a.  meadow  pertaining  thereto,  bought  of  Luke  son  of  John  de 

Sancto  Edmundo. 

The  Earl  held  nothing  in  socage  in  co.  Norfolk  of  his  own  acquisition. 

All  the  above  are  in  the  extent  of  Desnigg',  excepting  Claret,  which  is 
extended  by  itself. 

And  the  said  earl  had  the  following  from  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmund  for  the 
restoration  of  peace  between  them. 

Essex.    Manhal',  Gestreford,  Brening  and  Waleden,  a  messuage  and  2  carucates 
land,  held  by  John  de  Litleburi  and  his  wife  for  life. 

Suffolk.     Suthwaud  manor. 

Geysleye,  land  and  rent  to  the  value  of  4  marks. 
Brechenham,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Gyselingham,  the  advowson  of  a  moiety  of  the  church,  for  which  he 
renders  1  bezant  or  28.  yearly  to  the  shrine  of  St.  Edmund. 

Norfolk.    Brecham,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 
Bichamwell,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 
Caldecot,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 
Shengham,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Digitized  by 



[Suffolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Suthbiri  manor  (extent  given),  out  of  which  the  prior  of  Stok  has 
5  marks  yearly  in  alms,  tenure  unspecij&ed. 

Essex.    Extent,  47  (Hen.  III.). 

Glarett  manor  (extent  given),  bought  and  held  as  abovesaid. 

Essex.     Extent  (undated). 

Hersham  manor  (extent  given),  which  was  of  Walter  de  Scoteny,  tenure 

Essex.    Extent,  47  (Hen.  III). 

Thacsted  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  tenure  unspecified. 
The  prior  of  Stoke  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Essex.     Extent,  47  (Hen.  III). 

Berdefeld  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  tenure  unspecified. 
The  prior  of  Stoke  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Suffolk.     Extent  (undated). 

Clare  borough  (extent  given),  including  toll  of  the  market  and  fairs  of 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Clare  manor,  excepting  the  borough  (extent  given)  tenure  unspecified. 
The  prior  of  Stoke  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Fornham,  40a.  arable,  4a.  meadow,  court  and  garden,  408.  tallage  of 
villeins,  &c.  which  the  earl  bought,  rendering  2«.  6d.  yearly.  From  the 
great  court  of  Clare  there  are  20Z.  in  pleas,  &c.,  and  there  are  4i.  8d.  rents 
from  certain  knights'  fees  unspecified. 

Suffolk.     Extent,  47  (Hen.  III). 

Hunedene  manor  (extent  given),  from  which  should  be  subtracted 
9  marks  which  Avice  Pojmdel  receives  for  life  for  the  land  of  Angod  (extent 
f^'iven),  bought  by  the  earl,  which  the  same  Angod  held  of  the  earl  by  service 
of  J  knight's  fee.    The  prior  of  Stoke  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Suffolk.     Extent,  47  (Hen.  III). 

Deseniiig  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  parks 
called  Sutwod  wood  and  Cumheye  wood  and  land  in  Todeham. 

Lakingehuth  manor  (extent  given)  including  the  fishery  of  La  Fenne. 
Tenures  unspecified. 

Kent.     Extent  (undated). 

Elding  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  market  called  Brenchesle, 
tenure   unspecified.     The  prior  of  Tonebrug'  has  the  church  to  his  own 


Kent.     Extent  (undated). 

Lokesdale  manor  (extent  given),  bought  by  the  earl  of  Eanulph 
London,  rendering  11«.  8d.  yearly. 

Kent.     Extent  (tmduted). 

Eltham  manor  (extent  given)  tenure  unspecified. 

Kent.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Views  of  frank  pledge,  rents,  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  of  the  honour  of 
Clare  :— 

(Unspecified),  from  J.  de  Kiriel  1  mark  rent. 

Holeford,  2«.  Id. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  III.  166 

(Unspecified),  from  Hamo  de  Vieleston  1  sparrowhawk  or  28.,  and  from 
the  prior  of  Tonebrug'  Id. 

Hardres,  4«.  from  the  view. 

Natindon,  28. 

Blen,  48. 

Tremeworth,  J  mark. 

Seldwich,  28. 

Diton  and  Slifeton,  48. 

Netlestede,  48. 

Chekesel,  48. 

Mereworth,  J  mark. 

Dodehurst  und  Pepingeburi,  1  mark. 

Wechelaston  and  Litlefeld  hundreds,  held  to  fee  farm  of  the  king  for 
408.  yearly. 

Mereworth,  2  fees  held  by  the  heirs  of  William  de  Mereworth  ;  and  i  fee 
held  by  Fulk  de  Sersted. 

Blen(and  ?)  in  Natindon,  1  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Blen. 

Tremeworth  and  Dodindale,  IJ  fee  held  by  Walter  de  Letton. 

Holeford,  J  fee  held  by  Bartholomew  Tyson. 

Crundale,  1  fee  held  by  Nicholas  de  Haulo. 

Hardres,  1  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Hardres. 

Ditton,  Wigebereh  and  Sifleton,  8J  fees  held  by  Ralph  de  Ditton. 

Nethlestede  and  Pepingeburi,  1 J  fee  held  by  Walter  de  WahulL 

Pettes,  Chekeshull  and  Horsmonden,  2  fees  held  by  Hugh  de  Sanford. 

Suanton,  J  fee  held  by  Richard  de  Suanthon. 

Eltheham*  a/ia8  Elteham,  J  fee  held  by  Nicholas  de  Leuekenore,  and 
i  fee  by  Margery  de  Rivers. 

Meleton,  1  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Sevans:  the  archbishop  has  a  moiety. 

Seldwich,  J  fee  held  by  Henry  Malemays. 

Vieleston,  1  fee  held  by  Hamo  de  Vieleston. 

Elding,  the  tenants  owe  no  other  tallage  except  St.  Andrew's  aid. 

Tonebrug,  advowson  of  the  priory. 

Norfolk.     Extent  (undated). 

Welles  and  Warham  manors,  with  the  advowson  of  Welles  (extent 
given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Norfolk.    Extent  (undated). 

Brecham  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

Norfolk.     Extent  (undated). 

Cremplesham  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified.  The  prior  of 
Stoke  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Norfolk.     Extent  (undated). 

Cremplesham  manor  (full  extent  with  names  of  tenants). 

Norfolk.    Extent  (undated).' 

Great  and  Little  Walsingham  manor  (extent  given),  including  108.  for 
stallage  at  the  church  door,  and  4  swanneries. 

Extent  (or  summary)  of  lands  late  of  Richard,  sometime  earl  of  Gloucester, 
46  Hen.  m. 

[Gloucbstbb.]     Tokesburi,  with  the  borough  and  liberties. 

[Worcester.]     Busseleye. 

Digitized  by 



[Oxford.]  Bureford,  with  the  borough  and  liberties ;  and  there  are  yearly 
rendered  by  the  reeve  from  the  farm  of  the  mill  32«.  |rf.  to  Merlawe 
part,  and  the  remainder  to  Tokesburi  part. 

[Gloucester.]  The  court  of  knights  and  free  tenants  of  the  honour  of 
Gloucester  and  of  those  of  Somerset  who  owe  suit. 

[Gloucester.]     Berton  Bristoll'. 

Somerset.    Eston. 

[Gloucester.]     Thorneburi,  with  the  borough  and  its  liberties. 

[Gloucester.]  Fairford,  with  the  borough  and  its  liberties,  out  of  which 
Ss,  8^d.  are  due  from  the  farms  of  the  mills  to  Merlawe  part,  and  the 
remainder  to  Thorneburi  part. 

[Worcester.]  Hanele,  with  the  forest  of  Malvern  and  Blakemore,  with 
their  liberties. 

[Gloucester.]     Cors  forest,  with  its  liberties. 

[Gloucester.]     Gloucester  borough,  the  court  with  i  of  the  county  (court) 
with  their  liberties. 

[Dorset.]     Furbik,  with  its  liberties. 

[Buckingham.]     Merlawe,  with  the  borough  and  its  liberties* 

[Buckingham.]     Hameldon. 

[Buckingham.]     Stiuekelle  and  Swanbom. 

[Oxford.]     Ship  ton.  * 

[Oxford.]     Chadelinton  hundred. 

[Southampton.]     Glateford. 

[Southampton.]     Petresfeld. 

[Southampton.]  .   Mapolderham. 

[Southampton.]     Cormhampton. 

[Gloucester.]     Aur,  with  the  hundred  of  Bladelawe. 

[ "]     Bading  meadow. 

[Gloucester.]     Faireford,  7«.  8|rf.  from  the  farms  of  the  mills. 

[Oxford.]     Bureford,  82s.  f<f.  from  the  farms  of  the  mills. 
[Essex.]     Taxtud,  with  its  liberties. 

[Hertford.]     Standon,  with  its  liberties,  the  borough  and  Popeshale. 

[Northampton.]     Rowell,  with  the  borough  and  its  liberties. 

[ ]     Wyston,  with  its  liberties. 

[Sussex.]     Butherfeud,  with  its  liberties. 

[Kent.]     Luckedal,  with  its  liberties. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  157 

[Suffolk.]     Desninges  and  Lakyngl',  with  their  liberties. 

[NoBFOLK.]     WalBiiigham  Great  and  Little,  with  their  liheriies. 

[Norfolk.]     Welles  and  Warham,  with  their  liberties. 

[Essex.]     Berdefeud,  with  its  liberties. 

[SuRBEY.]     Blescingell,  with  its  liberties. 

[Suffolk.]     Sutbiri,  with  its  liberties. 

[Kent.]     Heltham,  with  its  liberties. 

[Cambridge.]     Cambridge  county  (court),  pleas  and  perquisites. 

[Huntingdon.]  •  Huntingdon  county  (court),  pleas  and  perquisites. 

[Huntingdon.]     Huntmgdon  county  (court),  Ss.  6d.  rent  of  assize. 

[Lancaster.]     Lancaster  county  (court),  17a.  6d.  rent  of  assize. 

Extent  of  the  lands  of  R.  sometime  earl  of  Gloucester  {undated  and  defective). 

[GiiOucBSTER.]     Thokesbiri,    &c.  as  above,  with  the  following  advowsons  and 
knights'  fees : — 

[Gloucester.]     Thokesbiri,  the  custody  of  the  abbey. 

[Buckingham.]     Hameldon,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Gloucester.]     Aur,  the  advowson  of  a  moiety  of  the  church. 

[Dorset.]     Pympr',  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Fees  from  which  wardship  and  marriage  are  due  with  relief : — 

Gloucester;    Somerset.      Shenedon   and    Albriston,    and    Bacwell  (and) 
Claverham,  IBJ  knights'  fees  held  by  William  le  Sor. 

[Gloucester.]     Dyckelesdon,  2J  fees  by  William  de  Dyckesdon. 

[Worcester.]     Eldrefeud,  1  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Berkele. 

[ ^]     Stok,  i  fee  by  Thomas  de  Everus. 

[Gloucester.]     Manegoteresfeud,  1  fee  by  Petronilla  de  Vivonia. 

[Gloucester.]     Donington  (and)  Littleton,  6  fees  by  Thomas  de  Donington. 

[Oxford.]     Bureford,  J  fee  by  G.  de  Panencourt. 

[Oxford.]     Heyford,  1  fee  by  the  heir  of  W.  de  Campo  Emulphi. 

[ "]     Caudewell,  1  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Caudewell. 

Somerset;  Gloucester.    Badestok  and  Eston,  co.  Somerset,  and  Clifton, 
CO.  Gloucester,  8  fees  by  Ignatius  de  GUfton. 

Fees  held  by  those  who  hold  of  the  King  in  chief,  from  whom  relief  is  not  due : — 

Somerset.    Ludeford,  2  fees  by  Nicholas  son  of  Martin. 

Gloucester.    Dodington,  2  fees  by  Henry  de  Berkele. 

Thokington  and  Swell,  8J  fees  by  Nicholas  Poynz. 

Oxindon,  J  fee  by  John  de  Haya. 

Botingdon  and  Kemerton,  1  fee  by  John  de  Muscegros. 

Eemerton,  1  fee  by  Robert  de  Stotevill. 

Walton,  ^  fee  by  William  de  Eaerdif. 

Digitized  by 



Somerset.    Bodminstre  and  Kadeclyve,  1  fee  by  Maurice  de  Berkele. 
Welewe  and  Ferle,  2  fees  by  Henry  de  Monte  Forti. 
Northovere,  J  fee  by  the  prior  of  the  hospital  of  Bruges. 

Gloucester.    Clarefeud,  2  parts  of  1  fee  by  Geoffrey  de  Lucy. 

[Gloucester.]     Thomebiri,  &c.  as  above,  with  the   following  advowsons  and 
knights'  fees : — 

[Southampton.]     Forthingbrigg,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Dorset.]     Steple,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Dorset.]     CnoUe,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Gloucester.]     Renden  Cumb,  the  advowson  of  the  chftrch. 

Knights'  fees  from  which  are  due  wardship  and  marriage : — 

[Gloucester.]     Weleford  and  Redmerton,  1  fee  held  by  William  Camerar'. 

Gloucester.    Renchewrth,  ^  fee  by  Alice  de  Burgo. 

Gloucester.    Hampton,  8  fees  by  Robert  de  Meysy. 

[Wilts.]     Merston,  J  fee  by  John  de  Meysy. 

Gloucester.     Rendecumb,  9J  fees  by  Petronilla  de  Mar'. 

[Gloucester];  Worcester.  Tyderinton,  Cloptou  and  Claydesle  in  co. 
Worcester,  1  fee  by  William  Corbet. 

Somerset.  Tweverton,  Bacwell  and  Stok,  8 J  fees  by  Thomas  de  Baiocis 
and  Mary  his  mother. 

Somerset.    Trubwell,  ^j^  fee  by  John  Brutah. 

Somerset.     (Unspecified)  ^  fee  by  Robert  de  Waddon. 

Somerset  (sic)  [Wilts.]  Cnuk,  J  fee  by  William  de  Sancto  Martino ;  and 
J  fee  by  John  de  Eskelling. 

Gloucester.     Upton,  J  fee  by  William  Marmyon. 

Somerset.    Newenton  and  Puppelawe,  IJ  fee  by  John  de  Sancto  Laudo. 

Somerset  ;  Gloucester.  Harpestre,  Ferinton,  Barewe,  Westharpestre^ 
Englescumb  and  Haletr',  co.  Somerset,  and  Sernecote  and  Sodinton, 
CO.  Gloucester,  21  fees  by  Robert  de  Gurney. 

Buckingham.    Merlawe,    &c.    as    above,   with    the    following   advowsons    and 
knights'  fees : — 

[Somerset.]     Keynesham  abbey,  the  keepership. 

[Buckinoham.]     Merlawe,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Gloucester.]     Cerneye,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Dorset.]     Tarente  Bondevile  {sic),  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

[Buckingham.]     Wavendon,  1  fee  held  by  Gilbert  Passele. 

[Buckingham.]     Horewod,  1  fee  by  Berner'  de  Horewod. 

[Bedford.]     Badehston,  1  fee  by  Ralph  Falconarius. 
Caldecot,  1  fee  by  Robert  Chaunceys. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY   III.  169 

[Cambridge.]     Lutelington,  IJ  fee  by  Robert  Loring. 

[Buckingham.]     Hamelesdon,  J  fee  by  Thomas  de  Sauncford. 
Walcot,  i  fee  by  Stephen  de  Walcot. 

[Buckingham.]     Swaneburn,  J  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Cruce. 
Swambrok,  3  parts  of  1  fee  by  Alan  Getineleye  ? 

,  i  fee  by  Master  Richard  de  Rileby. 
Midleton,  -J-  fee  by  Thomas  Toky. 
,  ^  fee  by  Thomas  Toky. 

.     .    bum, 

,     .     .     by  Robert     .... 

Transcript  of  writ  to  the  barons  of  the  exchequer,  4  Feb.,  47  Hen.  Ill,  to  cause 
M[aud]  countess  of  Gloucester  to  receive  33Z.  20rf.,  which  the  king  has 
assigned  to  her  in  dower,  out  of  the  issues  of  the  earldom  of  Hertford,  late 
of  Richard  de  Clare  her  husband. 

Extent  of  knights'  fees  late  of  the  said  earl. 

Fees  from  which  wardship  and  marriage  are  due  with  relief : — 

Gloucester  ;  Somerset.  Schenedon  and  Albriston,  co.  Gloucester,  and  Bacwell 
(and)  Claverham,  co.  Somerset,  13J  knights'  fees  held  by  William  le  Sor. 

[Glouobster.]     Dikelesdon,  2J  fees  by  William  de  Dickesdon. 

[Worcester.]     Eldrefeud,  1  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Berkele. 

[ "]     Stok,  J  fee  by  Thomas  de  Everus. 

[Gloucester.]     Manegodesfeud,  1  fee  by  Petronilla  de  Vivonia. 

[Gloucester.]     Donington  and  Littleton,  6  fees  by  Thomas  de  Donyngton. 

[Oxford.]     Bureford,  J  fee  by  G.  de  Fanencurt. 

Heyrford,  1  fee  by  the  heir  of  W.  de  Campo  Ernulphi. 
Caudewell,  1  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Caudewell. 

Gloucester;  Somerset.  Radestok  and  Eston,  co.  Somerset,  and  Clifton,  co. 
Gloucester,  3  fees  by  Ignatius  de  Clifton. 

Fees  from  which  nothing  is  due  but  relief  : — 

[Cambridge  ;  Huntingdon.]  Swafham,  Folkesworth,  Walton  and  Stilton, 
10  fees  held  by  the  earl  of  Oxford. 

[ ]     Ameye,  2  fees  by  the  same  earl. 

[Bedford.]     Hineldon  and  Chelfiston,  4  fees  by  John  Traylay. 

[Oxford.]     Chaldelinton,  J  fee  by  Baldwin  de  Insula. 

[Somerset.]     Trupwell,  \  fee  by  the  abbot  of  Flexele. 

[j "]     Norton,  \  fee  by  Gilbert  de  Dunfraumvill. 

Mideleston,  1  fee  by  William  de  Canti  Lupo. 

[Somerset.]     Miriet,  1  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Mirieton. 

[ ]     Bidecumbe,  J  fee  by  the  prior  of  St.  John,  Bristol. 

[Somerset.]     Stokwod,  J  fee  by  the  abbot  of  Keynesham. 

[Oxford.]     Ampton  Gaye,  J  fee  by  the  abbot  of  Osn', 

Digitized  by 



Memorandum  of  a  wiit  to  the  keepers  of  the  honour  of  Clare,  dated  18  January, 
to  cause  M.  countess  of  Gloucester  to  have  full  seisin  of  this  last  part  to  be 
held  in  dower ;  and  also  to  assign  to  her  one  bovate  land  and  the  advowson 
of  Adelingflet  church. 

Transcript  of  a  writ  to  the  said  keepjers,  dated  8  July,  the  king  has  granted  to 
Gilbert  de  Clare,  son  and  heir  of  Richard  de  Clare  sometime  earl  of  Gloucester, 
all  the  fruits  of  this  autumn,  viz. — of  the  47th  year  of  his  reign,  of  all  the 
lands,  &c.  which  were  his  father's,  for  which  he  is  to  account  at  the  king's 
exchequer,  saving  to  William  de  Valencia,  the  king's  brother,  600/.  from  the 
lands  which  have  been  cultivated  at  the  king's  costs,  and  from  the  issues  of 
the  manors  of  Retherfeud,  Blescingelt,  Berdefeud,  Sutbiri,  Deseninge, 
Lakinghith,  Wallingham,  Welles  and  Warham,  and  saving  to  Maud  late 
the  wife  of  the  said  earl  the  fruits  of  those  lands  in  Deseminges,  Walling- 
ham, Welles  and  Warham,  which  at  her  own  costs  she  caused  to  be 
cultivated  before  her  assignment  of  dower;  and  has  granted  to  the  said 
Gilbert  for  a  fine  of  l,000i.  the  fruits  of  all  the  said  lands  for  the  following 
year,  saving  to  the  king's  said  brother  other  500/.,  if  the  king  is  bound  to 
him  in  so  much,  and  if  not  the  residue  to  remain  to  the  king.  They  are 
therefore  commanded  to  cause  the  said  Gilbert  to  have  full  seisin  of  the  lands 
in  the  form  aforesaid. 

Memorandum  that  in  the  same  manner  it  was  commanded  to  the  keepers  of  the 
honour  of  Gloucester,  saving  to  the  king's  said  brother  the  issues  of  the 
manor  of  Bissele  in  part  payment  of  the  said  debt ;  and  similarly  to  the 
escheator  citra  Trentam,  saving  to  the  king's  said  brother  the  issues  of  the 
manor  of  Wiston. 

Extent  of  tenements  and  fees  late  of  Richard  de  Clare,  earl  of  Gloucester  and 
Hertford  in  co.  Cambridge  {undated). 

Cambridge.  Litlington,  J  fee  held  by  John  de  Huntingefield  ;  J  fee  by  Walter 
de  Neketon  ;  the  view  of  frank  pledge  1  mark ;  and  the  advowson  of  the 

Abbinthon,  4«.  (rent). 

Melrith,  8«.  rent  of  assize,  and  the  view  lOs. ;  and  the  prior  of  Croy- 
roys  holds  one  carucate  land  in  frank  almoin. 

Karleton,  1  fee  held  by  William  de  Huntingfeld  ;    and  the  view  4«. 

Guldenemprden,  the  view  10«. 

Tadeleweye  and  Pincote,  the  view  i  mark. 

Thofth,  the  view  2«. 

Botekesham,  1  fee  held  by  William  son  of  Martin,  and  John  de  Darlee  ; 
and  12/.  5^.  rent  of  assize. 

Orewell,  2  fees  held  by  the  earl  of  Winchester. 

Croyroys,  6d.  rent  of  assize  from  Richard  de  Harleston. 

Croyroys  Priory,  the  advowson  lately  acquired,  of  which  Peter  de  Roph* 
was  patron,  who  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Angleseye  Priory,  the  advowson. 

Bodekesham  and  Croyroys,  pleas,  &c.  of  courts  40«. 

Extent  of  tenements  and  fees,  &c.  (as  above),  in  co.  Huntingdon  {vndaled). 

Huntingdon.  Great  Grantesden,  i  fee  held  by  Adam  Gerebaud  and  Guy  de 
Merlawe;  80a.  land  held  in  serjeanty  by  John  de  Kakeston,  bailiff  of 
the  fees  in  the  same  town,  by  6s.  5d.  rent ;  and  a  tenement  by  the 
prior  of  Dipeden  in  frank  almoin  ;  and  the  view  of  frank  pledge  lis. 

Grantesden,  and  Topesfeud,  co.  Essex,  J  fee  held  by  Hugh  Sansaver, 
William  le  Waleys,  and  William  Sansaver, 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  161 

Wolvele,  1  fee,  delivered  to  Hervey  de  Borham  whilst  the  heir  remained 
in  wardship ;  and  the  view  8a. 

Graffham,  ^  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Graffam  of  Henry  de  Engayne  and 
by  him  of  the  earl  in  chief ;  and  the  view  2s. 

Sautre  and  Pappeworth,  1  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Beumes;  J  fee  formerly 
held  of  Nigel  de  Mondevile  of  the  honour  of  Lovethot,  and  the  said  Nigel 
held  i  fee  of  the  king  in  fee ;  and  the  view  2^. 

Folkeswode,  the  view  2s. 

Walton,  the  view  2«. 

Trerning,  Graffam,  Hoford,  Hemmingeford  and  Trobevile,  f  fee  of  the 
honour  of  Lovetotht  held  by  Beringer  le  Moyne,  which  the  earl  had  of  the 
abovesaid  Nigel,  and  he  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Stilton,  ^  fee  held  by  the  prior  of  Rismede  of  the  fee  of  Lovethot ;  and 
the  view  2s. 

Winewich,  1  fee  of  the  said  honour  held  by  Robert  Cardon  and  the 
heirs  of  Geoffrey  de  Kackeston,  which  the  earl  had  of  John  de  Litleburi  and 
his  wife. 

Geddihg  and  Lollington,  1}  fee  of  the  said  honour,  held  by  the  prior  of 

Suho,  J  fee  held  for  life  by  John  de  Mondevile,  with  reversion  to  the 
earl  or  his  heirs ;  and  i  fee  similarly  held  for  life  by  John  de  Lithleburi  and 
Mariota  his  wife ;  and  whenever  the  tenants  of  the  said  honour  do  suit  at 
Suho  court,  the  pleas,  &c.  are  worth  20s. 

St.  Neot's,  the  advowson  of  the  priory. 

DoBSBT.     Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Dorset  to  make  extent  of  the  fees  of  the  earl 
according  to  a  former  mandate.    11  Jan.  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Deuelliss,  1  fee. 
Litlefroma,  6  fees. 
Bakeber,  1  fee. 
Acford,  4  fees. 
Gondevileston,  1  fee. 
Hamma,  1  fee. 
Femham,  1  fee. 
Pentrich,  1  fee. 
Gnolton,  1  fee. 
Hupwymborn,  1  fee. 
Piterichesham  and  Graneburn,  ^  fee. 
Tar'  Russ',  1  fee. 
Wychampton,  5  fees. 
Bywesteport,  |  fee. 
Alfrington,  i  fee. 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (5.) 

531.  R[ichabd],  sometime  eabl  of  Glougesteb. 

Writ  {misnng),    Inq.  (undated.) 

[Buckingham.]  Brikull  manor  was  formerly  held  by  Philip  Luvel  rendering  Id. 
yearly,  of  Nicholas  de  Wauncy,  who  afterwards  gave  the  lordship  to  the 
said  earl.  On  the  death  of  the  said  Philip  the  earl  took  the  manor  into  his 
own  hands,  and  seised  Philip  the  son  thereof,  who  brought  a  deed  of 
enfeoffment  from  his  father.  The  said  Philip  was  in  seisin  for  15  weeks 
at  least,  and  then  the  earl  took  the  manor  to  farm  of  him  for  10  years, 
and  died  within  that  term,  holding  the  manor  at  farm  only. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (6.) 

Digitized  by 



532.  William  de  Essebt. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Luke  46  Hen.  III. 

Northampton.  Esseby  and  elsewhere.  The  king  committed  the  wardship  of 
the  lands  and  marriage  of  the  heirs  to  Balph  son  of  Nicholas,  who  sold  the 
marriage  with  the  greater  part  of  the  lands  to  Thomas  de  Estleye,  who 
married  Robert,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  William,  to  his  own  daughter,  and 
afterwards  sold  the  wardship  of  the  said  lands  to  the  said  Robert  and  his 
mother  for  80  marks.  The  said  Robert  died  J  year  within  age,  without  heir 
of  himself,  after  which  the  said  Thomas  married  William  his  brother,  who 
was  within  age,  to  a  daughter  of  Thomas  de  Elinton,  and  he  is  still  within 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  27.  (7.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (8.) 

533.  John  le  Abblasteb. 
Writ,  15  Feb.  46  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {missing). 

534.  John  de  Moniton  alias  de  Muneton. 

Mandate  from  William  de  Welond,  the  king's  escheator,  to  the  escheator  of 
Salop,  reciting  writ  dated  21  Feb.  47  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
His  sisters,  Alice  aged  28,  Agnes  aged  26,  and  Margery  aged  25,  are  his 


Salop.  Muneton  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
being  forester  of  Bismor  and  Hauechurst. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  27.  (9.) 

535.  RoGEB  DE  Leton. 

Writ,  25  Dec.  47  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Adam  his  son,  aged  82,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Leton.  4  virgates  land,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  40d., 
whereof  1  in  demesne  with  capital  messuage,  4s.  S^d.  rent  of  assize,  and 
2  hens  and  20  eggs. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  27.  (10.) 

536.  Thomas  de  Bubghunte  alias  Bubhunte. 

Writ,  to  the  sheriff  of  Southampton,  15  June,  47  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Bichard  his  son,  aged  15,  is  his  heir. 

Southampton.  (Unspecified,)  two  knights'  fees  held  of  Sir  Eobert  de  Sancto 
Johanne  by  knights'  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  27.  (11.) 

537.  John  le  Bbun. 

Writ,  8  Jan.  47  Hen.  III.,  to  enquire  into  the  lands,  &c.  of  the  said  John,  who 
held  of  Baldwin  de  Insula,  sometime  earl  of  Devon  in  chief  ;  Thomas  his 
brother  having  entered  upon  the  lands,  &c.  as  his  heir,  but  Emma,  late 
his  wife,  having  now  borne  a  daughter  and  heir  to  the  said  John,  whose 
wardship  and  marriage  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  ward- 
ship of  the  lands  of  the  said  earl. 

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HENRY  III.  168 

[Essex.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

(Arkesden.)    180a.    arable    in    demesne,    4a.    meadow,   6a.   pasture, 
13a.  wood,  Sis.  6d,  rent  of  assize,  &c.  tenure  unspecified. 
The  jury  say  they  know  of  no  other  heir  than  the  said  Thomas,  who  was 
placed  in  seisin  5  months  and  more  ago  by  the  steward  of  Baldwin  de  Insula. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (12.) 

538.  Baldwin  db  Whitsond  alias  be  Wytsaund  alias  de  Witsand. 

Writ  to  the  guardian  of  the  peace,  co.  Essex,  8  Aug.  47  Hen.  III. 

Writ  {de  melius  inquirendo),  12  Dec,  48  Hen.  III. 

His  four  daughters,  the  eldest  aged  5  years  and  the  youngest  15  weeks,  are 
his  heirs. 

Essex.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Stanbum  manor,  held  in  chief  of  Humphrey  de  Bonn,  earl  of  Her  [e]  ford, 
of  the  honour  of  Maundevill,  by  service  of  1 J  knights'  fee. 

Perendon  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  as  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne 
by  knight's  service. 

Essex.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Stamburn.  A  messuage,  202a.  land,  11a.  meadow  and  pasture,  and  4a. 
wood,  held  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hertford  (sic),  by  service  of  3 
knights ;  9a.  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Chyppelye  rendering  4d. ;  8a.  land  held 
of  Eustace  de  Grynvil  for  1  lb.  pepper ;  and  2  works  weekly  of  the  fee  of  the 
earl  of  Hereford. 

pSssBX.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

(Pemdon.)  A  messuage,  the  advowson  of  the  church,  240a.  arable  in 
demesne,  40a.  wood,  12a.  meadow,  4a.  pasture,  lis.  9d.  rent  of  assize,  &c. 
held  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne,  which  is  in  the  king's  hands,  by  service  of 
1  knight ;  and  180a.  arable  held  of  the  abbot  of  Byleye,  the  Hospitallers,  and 
William  Passemer,  rendering  J  mark  yearly. 

Reyndon.  8a.  meadow  held  of  the  Templars,  rendering  ^  mark  yearly  ; 
and  9a.  meadow  of  John  Adrien,  rendering  9s.  yearly  to  a  certain  warden 
of  a  hospital  outside  Hertford. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  27.  (18.) 

539.  Nicholas  de  Mebiet. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  sheriff  and  escheator  of  co.  Somerset 

reciting  writ  (undated).     Inq.  (undated.) 

John  his  son,  aged  21  and  more  from  St.  Kenelm's  day,  47  [Hen.  HI] ,  is  his 

Somerset.    Meriet,  Lopene  and  Stratton,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
and  another  knight's  fee  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (14.) 

540.  Nicholas  de  Bebeeleye. 

Writ  to  the  guardians  of  the  honour  of  Gloucester,12  Jan.  47  Hen.  III.  Inq.  (undated.) 
Giles  de  Berkeleye  his  brother,  aged  22  on  the  day  of  St.  John  the  Baptist, 
46  Hen.  Ill,  is  his  heir. 

[WoBCESTEB.]     Eldresfelde,  1  knight's  fee  held  in  chief  of  B.  de  Glare,  sometime 
earl  of  Gloucester,  by  service  of  1  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  27.  (15.) 

Digitized  by 



541.  Aylbioh  alias  Eylbich,  sometime  parker  of  Wodestok. 

Writ,  14  Sept.  47  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

He  died  without  heir  of  his  hody,  and  therefore  the  land  is  the  king's 

Oxford.    Wottun.    i  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  rendering  4d.  yearly. 

Bichard  son  of  Bichard  le  May  now  holds  it  by  rendering  4d.  to  the  king  ; 
Eleanor  de  Viteri  (?)  held  it  in  dower,  and  Bichard  the  father  had  no  right  there 
except  through  her. 

Hensintun.     1  virgate  land  held  for 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (16.) 

542.  Henbt  Luvbl. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  escheator  of  co.  Somerset,  reciting 
tt>rit  dated  5  Sept.  47  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Bichard  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

SoMBBSBT.  Eary  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  a  whole  barony  by  service 
of  finding  kwo  knights  in  the  army  with  the  king  at  his  own  charge  for  40 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  27.  (17.) 

543.  Bboinald  lb  Fobbstbb. 

Writf  4  Aug.  Inq.  Thursday  the  morrow  of  the  Assumption,  47  Hen.  III. 
(defaced).    No  heir  specified. 

[Bebks.]  Cokham.  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  by  charter  by  service  of  5«. 

Watham  Abbatis  Oertes'.  S  carucates  land  held  of  Sir  William  de 
Wyndr,  of  the  abbot  of  Certese,  of  the  prior  of  Hurle,  of  Bichard  de  Hurle, 
[and]  of  Walter    •     .    wyne,  services  unspecified. 

The  office  of  forester  held  of  the  king  by  10«.  yearly. 
[Oxford.]     Linham.    2  carucates  land  held  of  the  lord  of  Angre  for  J  knight's 
fee.     (See  No.  614.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (18.) 

544.  Pbtbonilla  db  la  Mabb. 

Writ  to  the  guardians  of  the  honour  of  Gloucester,  24  Ap.,  47  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

William  de  la  Mara,  her  son,  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Gloucbstbb]  .    Byndecombe  manor,  2  carucates  land,  2  mills,  and  68«.  6d. 
rent  of  assize  held  of  the  honour  of  Gloucester. 

Herdenewyk.  2  carucates  of  land  and  59«.  rent  of  assize  similarly  held. 
Sebbescumbe.    463.  9d.  rent  held  of  John  de  Muntchenesy  doing  2  suits 
of  court  yearly. 

Eleworthe.    10s.  6d.  rent  of  the  fee  of  the  said  John. 
The  above  tenements,  with  others  held  by  other  tenants  unknown  to  the 
jury,  are  held  by  service  of  9J  knights'  fees. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  27.  (19.) 

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HENKY  III.  165 

545.  BOBBRT  LE   BOTILLER  alioS   LE   BoTBLEB. 

WrU,  6  Dec.  47. 

Richard  le  Boteler  his  brother,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Cambbidgb.]     Extent  {u7idated). 

Beche  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's  fee. 

[Hertford.]     Extent  (undated). 

Mesdon  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  27.  (20.) 

546.  Isabel  Daubeni  alias  Daubenet. 

WHt,  22  Jan.    Inq.  9th  of  the  calends  of  Feb.,  47  Hen.  HI. 
William  Daubeney  her  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

[Bedford.]  Caynho  manor  (extent  given)  held  as  head  of  a  moiety  of  a  barony, 
together  with  one  carucate  in  AmethuUe,  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  homage 
and  relief  of  a  moiety  of  a  barony,  and  by  service  of  1  knight  or  2  Serjeants 
when  the  king  goes  in  the  army  in  person.  12^  knights'  fees  are  contained 
in  the  moiety  of  the  barony,  and  15  carucates  of  land  have  been  granted  in 
alms  by  ancestors  from  the  barony. 

C.  Hen,  III.  File  28.  (1.) 

547.  Geoffrey  Punsard  alias  Punzard. 

Writ,  8  Jan.  47  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated  and  defective.) 

William,  son  of  Lawrence  son  of  the  said  Geoffrey,  aged  10,  would  be  his 
heir  if  legitimate  (but  the  jury  know  not  ?)  if  he  is  so  or  not. 

[Berks.]  Hungerford.  A  messuage  and  2  bovates  land  with  a  meadow,  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding  withies  for  hanging  up  pieces  of  meat 
in  the  king's  kitchen  (harde  ad  laquand'  pecias  camium  in  coquina)  ; 
1  virgate  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Leicester  rendering  6(2.  yearly  ;  also 
9$.  8d.  rent  of  assize. 

Sandon.  i  virgate  land  held  of  William  de  Britenoles  rendering  lid. 
and  4  capons. 

Hulle.  i  virgate  land,  8a.  wood,  2a.  meadow,  and  2a.  land  in  New 
Croft  held  of  Roger  de  Ingepenne,  service  unspecified  ;  also  lis.  6d.  rent  of 

Wilts.  Dunmulne.  i  virgate  land  and  a  water  mill  held  of  the  fee  of  Cherleton, 
and  it  renders  Id.  yearly  to  John  de  Chereburg.     (See  No.  642.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (2.) 

548.  Theobald  db  Englbschevill. 

Writ,  25  March.    Inq.  Wednesday  before  Pentecost,  47  Hen.  III. 
He  died  without  heir  and  the  land  is  the  king's  escheat. 

Devon.  Wobumeford.  1  carucate  land  and  61.  rent  held  for  1  fee  of  the  fee 
of  the  earl  of  Gloucester,  and  the  lord  of  that  place  can  take  20$.  aid.  The 
land  was  the  escheat  of  king  John  through  Luke,  son  of  John  le  Normaund, 
who  was  not  at  the  king's  fealty,  and  descended  to  the  present  king,  who 
gave  it  to  the  said  Theobald  and  his  heirs  for  his  homage  and  service, 
rendering  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  yearly,  price  6d.     (See  No.  509.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  28.  (3.) 

Digitized  by 



549.  Joan  de  Netile. 

Writ,  20  Jan.  47  Hen.  III. 

William  de  Sancto  Martino,  aged  82,  is  her  heir. 

Wilts.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Dune.    2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  of  i  of 
2  knights'  fees. 

DoBSBT.    Inq.  (tmdated.) 

Sutton.    80J.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee. 
Pidele.    61.  land  held  of  Sir  Alfred  Lincoll'  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (4.) 

550.  BOBBBT  LB   BlTTND. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  Matthew,  47  Hen.  III. 

[NoBPOLK.]     Norwich.    A  messuage  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Reginald  de  Cressy,  parson  of  churches,  had  a  bastard  daughter,  Isabel, 
whom  he  enfeoffed  of  the  said  messuage.  Robert  le  Blund  took  her  to  wife  and 
they  had  a  son,  Reginald,  who  eight  years  ago  withdrew  from  England,  and 
because  the  jury  know  not  whether  he  is  alive  or  dead  and  there  is  no  other  heir, 
the  messuage  has  been  taken  into  the  king*s  hands,  and  delivered  to  the  bailiffs 
of  Norwich  until  the  king  shall  direct  what  he  wills. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (5.) 

551.  John  db  Gatbsdbn. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex,  1  July,  47  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Sussex.     Hecton  manor. 

Thomas  de  Audeham  and  Isabel  his  wife  were  in  peaceful  seisin  of  the 
manor  for  4  days  after  the  said  John's  death,  until  ejected  by  the  subescheator. 
(Comp.  Nos.  454  and  706.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (6.) 

552.  Hbnby  de  Neeeton  alias  db  Neeetune. 

Writ,  9  May,  47  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

William  his  son,  aged  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Terlenges.  360a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  3a.  pasture,  profits  of  court,  wood 
and  mills,  62.  Os.  4|(i.  rent  of  assize,  customs  &c.  and  60  eggs  price  1^. ; 
one  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king,  and  two  of  Sir  Robert  de  Brus. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (7.) 

553.  Emma  Talebot  alias  Thalabot. 

Writy  4  Dec.  47  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Philip  Thalabot,  her  son,  aged  22,  is  her  heir. 

[ .]     (Unspecified.)    A  messuage,  80a.  land,  la.  meadow  and  24«.  Id. 

rent,  held  of  the  bishop  of  London  in  chief,   by  rendering   yearly  to 
Stortford  Castle  ds.  for  guard,  and  3«.  sheriff's  aid. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (8.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  167 

554.  Robert  (son  of  Hbrbebt)  de  Lucy. 

Writ,  28  Dec.  47  Hen.  III.     Inq,  {undaUd,) 

Robert  his  son,  aged  12  on  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  of  St.  John  the  Baptist 
next,  is  his  heir. 

[DoBSBT.]     Hamme.     100s.  land  held  in  chief  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester. 

Famam.    40«.  land,  similarly  held. 

Stubhamtune  and  Tarente.     40^.  land,  similarly  held. 

ToUard.    4Z.  land,  similarly  held. 

Up  Vinbome.  J  knight's  fee,  viz. — ^William  le  Brut  held  it  of  the 
said  Robert,  who  held  that  and  other  fees  in  Devon  and  Cornwall  of  the  said 
earl  by  service  of  2^  fees. 

ToUard.  42.  land  held  of  Maud  Lungespehe  by  service  of  ^  fee  ;  and  2 
virgates  land  held  of  the  abbess  of  Fescome  by  socage. 

Ghurethel.  10  marks  land  held  of  the  countess  of  Lincoln  by  service  of 
I  tee. 

Upetone.    8  virgates  land  held  of  the  abbess  of  Wilton  by  service  of 
Alice,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Robert,  is  not  yet  dowered. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts,  11  Mar.,  47  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Wilts.    ToUard,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  was  held  by  the  said  Robert  in  chief  of 

Richard,  sometime  earl  of  Gloucester. 

The  wardship  of  the  said  moiety  after  the  death  of  Herbert,  father  of  the 
said  Robert,  who  was  then  under  age,  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  lands  of 
the  earl,  who  was  then  under  age  and  in  the  king's  wardship,  was  wholly  in  the 
king's  hands  for  about  three  years,  until  he  sold  it  to  Sir  Geoffrey  le  Chamberlein. 
Sir  WUliam  Lungeespeye  used  to  take  scutage  of  ^  knight  from  the  said  Robert, 
but  whether  from  this  manor  or  another  the  jury  know  not. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  28.  (9.) 

555.  RoGEB  DE  Hetok. 

Writ,  24  Nov.  47  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

WUliam,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Lancasteb.]     Brone  ?  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  10s. 

Westeshum.  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  4s. 

Grimesarg.  ^  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  3s. 
yearly,  and  William  de  Grimesargh  holds  it  of  him  rendering  the  same. 

Heton.  1  carucate  land  held  of  Sir  Geoffrey  de  Chetham  rendering 
10s.  yearly ;  and  another  carucate  of  Adam  de  Hotton  rendering  19id. 

Ursewyk.  4  bovates  land  held  of  WUliam,  son  of  John,  son  of  Alexander 
de  Hyton,  rendering  5s.  4td.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (10.) 

556.  Robebt  de  Boumes  alias  de  Beumeys. 

Writ,  18  May,  47  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated.) 
Reginald,  his  son,  aged  40,  is  his  heir. 

[HuKTiNODON.]     Sautre  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  in 
chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

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Pappewurth,  61.  0$.  6d.  rent  of  assize,  «tc.  similarly  held  by  service  of 
i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (11.) 

557.  Adam  db  Beysin. 

Writ  {misinng). 

He  died  on  the  feast  of  St.  Lucy,  19  years  ago.  Bobert,  his  son,  aged  21  at 
the  feast  of  the  Assumption  last,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Matthew,  47  Hen.  III. 

Asshole,  i  oli  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  i  mark  when 
scutage  happens. 

Longenolre  township,  held  of  John  de  Perles  by  service  of  ^  mark. 
Hydeslond.   1  virgate  land  held  of  the  prio):  of  Lappele  by  service  of  is. 
Eton  township,  held  of  Sir  lUchard    de  Stretton  and  the  dean  of 
the  church  of  Wolverenhampton  by  service  of  6s. 

All  the  above  are  in  the  hand  of  Sir  William  de  Everoys  by  the 
delivery  of  Lady  Sibyl  Giffard,  to  whom  the  king  granted  the  wardship  of  the 
said  tenements. 

Salop.    Inq.  (undated  and  defaced.) 

Wrkiton  and  Walkeslawe  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  keeping  one  of  the  king's  goshawks  until  Michaelmas  yearly, 
or  until  the  king's  mandate,  and  then  to  bring  it  to  the  king  and  remain  at 
the  Court  during  the  season,  taking  5Jd.  per  day  and  eating  in  the  king's 
house,  and  taking  2  robes  yearly,  and  the  king  shall  restore  him  his  horse  if 

his  horse ;  and  after  the  close  of  the  season  he  ought  to 

take  the  hawk  back  to  his  own  country  and  mew  it  at  his  own  cost,  and  if 
it  should  die,  he  ought  to  bring  to  the  king  its  feet  and  tail. 

Billingesley  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of  Ses  by  service  of 
6  marks  yearly ;  but  Mabel  de  Beysin  his  mother  held  ^  of  the  manor 
in  dower,  with  the  demesne  and  capital  messuage  and  survived  him. 

Silviton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Bemy  by 
service  of  Ms.  yearly. 

[Burwardele,]  i  of  the  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  prior  of 
Wenlak  by  service  of  eating  with  the  prior  on  St.  Milburgh's  day  .... 
his  dinner  on  that  day,  and  doing  suit  at  his  court  of  Burton.  (See 
No.  503.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (12.) 

558.  JoHK  DE  Plessetis  alias  de  Plascetis,  babl  of  Waewick. 

Wnt,  7  Mar.  47  Hen.  III. 

Hugh,  his  son,  aged  variously  stated  as  24  and  more,  25  or  more,  and  26,  is 
his  heir. 

[Oxford.]     Extent  (undated). 

Okenardton  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  together  with  the  manors 
of  Kedelinton  and  Bradeham,  by  service  of  one  barony,  finding  in  the  king's 
army  2  knights  or  4  (or?  3)  Serjeants  for  40  days  at  his  own  cost. 

[Oxford.]     (Extent  undated). 

Kedelinton  manor,  held  as  abovesaid  by  service  of  8  Serjeants. 
Musewell  manor,  held  of  the  abbot  of  Messenden  rendering  2  marks 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  169 

[Buckingham.]     Inq.  Thursday  in  Easter  week,  47  Hen.  III. 

Messenden,  ^  knight's  fee,  held  of  the  honour  of  Giffard,  doing 
service  to  the  earl  of  Leicester  of  5$.  yearly  for  view  of  frank  pledge  and 
scutage  for  i  fee. 

Salop.    Inq.  {wndated.) 

Stottesden  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the.king  in  chief  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  escheator  of  co.  Berks,  reciting  the 
above  writ.     Inq.  {imdated.) 

Berks.    Morton.    5^  virgates  land  held  of  the  inheritance  of  Christina  daughter 
of  Hugh  de  Sanford,  sometime  his  wife,  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

West  Witteham.  9J  virgates  land  similarly  held  of  S.  de  Monte  Forti, 
earl  of  Leycester,  of  the  honour  of  Giflfard,  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Writ,  8  March,  47  Hen.  HI.     Ettent  (undated), 

Warwick.     Warwick  castle,  with  the  manor  and  honour,  held  by  the  said  earl  for 

life  and  not  in  fee. 

Breyles  manor,  similarly  held  for  life,  pertaining  to  the  honour  of  the 

earldom  of  Warwick. 

The  above  lands,  &c.  ought  to  pertain  to  Sir  William  Maudit  after  the  said 
earl's  death,  because  Alice  Maudit  his  mother,  whose  heir  he  is,  would  have  had 
the  said  lands  by  hereditary  right,  if  surviving. 

Writ  {de  eseaeta),  to  the  sheri£F  of  Buckingham,  18  March,  47  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

[Buckingham.]  Bradenham  manor  was  not  the  escheat  of  Humphrey  de 
Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  through  the  death  of  Margery,  sometime 
countess  of  Warwick ;  for  Humphrey  de  Bohun  his  grandfather  gave  the 
manor  in  free  marriage  to  Henry  de  Oylly  with  Maud  his  sister,  who  had 
a  son  Henry  and  two  daughters  :  Henry  the  younger  had  the  manor  for  life 
and  died  without  heir  of  himself,  and  the  right  in  the  manor  descended  to  the 
daughters,  from  the  elder  of  whom  issued  Thomas  earl  of  Warwick  and  one 
Margery;  the  said  Thomas  had  the  manor  for  life  and  died  without 
heir  of  himself,  and  the  said  Margery  also ;  but  from  the  younger  sister, 
aunt  of  the  said  Margery,  came  one  Walter  de  Daventre,  and  the 
jury  believe  that  whilst  there  are  any  heirs  of  the  younger  sister  the 
manor  cannot  be  the  escheat  of  the  said  Humphrey.  After  the  death  of  the 
said  Margery  the  said  Humphrey  obtained  seisin  of  the  manor  for  15  days, 
because  he  understood  that  it  was  his  escheat,  and  by  his  grant  at  the  king's 
instance  the  late  earl  of  Warwick  held  it  for  life. 

Writ  of  seisin,  22  March,  47  Hen.  III.  Inq.  Thursday  in  Easter  week.  On  the 
petition  of  Hugh  de  Aungervill. 

[Warwick.]  Lodbroc  manor.  On  Sunday  the  morrow  of  St.  Matthias  the 
Apostle  about  the  evening  hour,  the  sun  still  shining,  came  the  said  Hugh, 
bringing  a  deed  which  he  had  of  the  gift  of  the  said  earl  of  Warwick,  and  a 
letter  patent  from  the  earl  to  his  constable  of  Warwick  or  reeve  of  Lodbroc,  to 
place  the  said  Hugh  in  full  seisin  of  the  manor,  which  the  reeve  did ;  and  the 
said  Hugh  removed  him  and  instituted  his  own  reeve,  and  continued  in 
peaceful  possession  until  the  following  Sunday,  when  he  was  expelled  by  a 
servant  of  Sir  W.  Maudut  and  others.  The  jury  know  nothing  of  the  day 
or  hour  of  the  said  earl's  death. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (13.) 

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559.  Hugh  de  Cbbssy. 

Writ,  24  April,  47  Hen.  III. 

Stephen  de  Creasy,  his  brother,  aged  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Kbnt.]     Extent  (undated), 

Herietesham  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's 
fee  pertaining  to  the  barony  of  Peverel. 

[Kent.]     Extent  (undated), 

Trotteclieve  manor,  held  of  the  bishop  of  Rochester  by  service  of  J 
knight's  fee. 

[ ]     Inq.  Wednesday  the  vigil  of  the  Ascension (frctg- 


.    .     .     .    2  knights'  fees,  held  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Tuesday  after  St.  John  ante  Portam  Latinam,  47  Hen.  m. 
Bliburg'  manor  (extent  given),  including  S9a.  heath  and  pasture  in 
Launde,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

[Suffolk.]     Reydon  manor,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Sir  Walter  son  of  Robert  ; 
whence  Lady  Isabel  de  Cresy  receives  34Z.  yearly  in  dower. 
Ruchaye,  held  of  John  Roscelin  who  takes  100s.  yearly. 
Glemham,  held  of  Sir  John  Grey  by  1  knight's  fee. 

NoBFOLE.    Horsford  manor,  held  of  the  king  of  Almain,  service  unspecified. 

[Norfolk.]     Ling  manor,  held  of  Sir  Peter  de  Sabadia,  service  unspecified. 

Ketteringham  manor,  held  of  the  earl  of  Oxford  by  the  courtesy  of 
England,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (14.) 

560.  William  de  Bello  Alneto  alias  de  Belaulkey. 

Writ,  to  the  Justices  of  Eyre  at  Winchester.  10  April,  47  Hen.  III.  Inq. 
(undated.)  Because  William  Maudut,  Robert  de  Sancto  Johanne  and  James 
le  Sauvage  claim  the  wardship  of  the  lands  and  heir  of  the  said  W^illiam, 
which  pertain  to  the  king,  as  is  said,  by  reason  of  the  castle  of  Porchester. 

[Southampton.]  Belauney  and  Burghunte.  J  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  William 
Mauduyt  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee ;  and  ^  knight's  fee  held  of  Thomas  de 
Burghunte  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  whose  son  is  in  the  wardship  of 
Robert  de  Sancto  Johanne  by  reason  of  a  fee  held  of  him. 

Belauney.  J  acre  land  held  of  the  fee  of  William  Mauduyt,  and  rated 
before  R.  Passelewe,  &c.,  at  4id.  because  it  was  within  the  bounds  of  the 

Wanstede.  J  virgate  land  held  of  Walter  de  Bellingham  by  service  of 
16d.  yearly. 

Burhunte.  ^  virgate  land  held  of  Henry  de  Burhunte  by  service  of  12(1. 

He  held  nothing  of  the  king  in  chief,  nor  of  James  le  Sauvage ;  and  the 
wardship  of  his  heir  pertains  to  William  Mauduyt  by  reason  of  the  J  knight's 
fee  held  of  him  in  Belauney  and  Burhunte. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  28.  (15.) 

561.  Philip  de  Ghaungt  aUa^s  de  Chansi. 
William  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  171 

Writf  12  Sept.      Inq.  Tuesday  after   the  exaltation  of   the   Holy  Gross,  47 
Hen.  III. 

Lincoln.    Suinhop,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief;  and  1^  knights 
fee  held  of  Peter  de  Saune. 

Walesby  and  Bleseby,  1  fee,  whereof  Walter  de  Walesby  holds  3  parts, 
and  Boger  de  Bleseby  holds  a  fourth  part. 

Wigleton,  J  fee  held  of  the  king,  which  he  gave  to  William,  his  son, 
long  before  he  died,  who  is  in  full  seisin  thereof  from  Whitsunday  last. 

Thurleby,  1  fee,  which  William  de  Blakevill  holds ;  doing  to  the  king 
for  all  these  tenements  service  of  1  knight  or  2  Serjeants  when  the  king's 
person  shall  go  in  the  army. 

Steinton,  4^  bovates  land  held,  of  the  inheritance  of  his  wife,  of  Sir 
Bobert  de  Nevill,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  28.  (16.) 

562.  AiiABDus  L£  Flemeng. 

Writ  (misiing). 

Sussex.    Extent,  47  Hen.  III.    Endorsed  with  memorandum  about  the  assignment 
of  the  manors  of  Puleburgh,  Saperton  or  Bisendon  in  dower. 

Pulberwe  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  including  lands  at 
Heybum  a  member  of  Pulberwe,  and  a  pasture  called  Stapelbroc.  The 
advowson  of  Bigwyte  church  also  pertains  to  the  manor. 

Gloucester.    Extent,  47  Hen.  III. 

Saperton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
Alice  late  the  wife  of  John  le  Flemeng,  brother  of  the  said  Alardus,  receives 
^  of  the  rents  and  works  of  customers  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FOe  28.  (17.) 

563.  Hamo  de  Cbeuequbb  alias  de  Gbeuebr,  de  Cbeweeb  and  Maud  de  Avebeng* 
alias  DE  AvEBENCHES,  DE  Havebenges,  sometime  his  wife. 

Writ,  6  April,  47  Hen.  III. 

Bobert  de  Creuker,  son  of  Hamo  de  Creweker  the  yoimger,  and  nephew  {nepos) 
of  the  said  Hamo  deceased,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Rent.]      Inq.   {undated.)     Chatham  manor,   held  of    the  king  in   chief   by 

[Kent.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Ledes  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  and  it  pertains  to  the  barony  of 

[Kent.]     Extent  {undated). 

Bokingefaud  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  as  member  of  Ghetham 
manor  which  is  held  by  barony ;  a  tenement  called  Beggebroc  held  of 
William  de  Sey  rendering  56s.  8d.  yearly  ;  a  tenement  held  of  the  prior  of 
Tunebruge  rendering  32d. ;  a  tenement  held  of  the  prior  of  Christ  Church, 
Canterbury,  rendering  a  buck  and  2d.;  a  tenement  held  of  Thomas  de 
Bogingefaude  and  Bichard  de  Stotmerhelle  rendering  lid. ;  and  a  tenement 
held  of  Bichard  de  Leveshote  and  Nicholas  Golie  rendering  4d.  The 
abovesaid  Bobert,  son  of  Hamo  de  Creuequer  the  younger,  is  heir  of  the  manor 
of  Bogingefaud;  but  of  all  the  residue  of  the  tenements  Matthew  de 
Creuequer,  aged  40  and  more,  Bobert  de  Creuequer,  aged  30,  Hamo  de 
Creuequer  son  of  the  said  Hamo,  and  Bobert  de  Creuequer,  John  de  Creuequer, 
and  Thomas  de  Creuequer,  sons  of  Hamo  the  younger,  are  heirs  of  Hamo 
de  Creuequer  last  deceased. 

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[Kent.]     Extent  (undated).    Farleg  manor  held  of  the  king  in  chief  as  member 
of  Chatham  manor. 

Terstan  manor  similarly  held. 

Writ,  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex.  6  April,  47  Hen.  III.,  concerning  lands  held  by 
the  said  Hamo  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said  Maud,  sometime  his  wife. 
The  said  Hamo,  who  married  Maud,  sister  and  heiress  of  William  de 
Averenches,  begat  of  her  four  daughters,  viz. — Agnes  married  to  John  de  Sand- 
wyco,  Iseult  (Isolda,  Isouda),  who  was  married  to  Nicholas  de  Lenham  and  had 
one  son,  name  John,  now  aged  12,  Ellen  alias  Eleanor  married  to  Bartholomew 
de  Kyriul,  alias  Bertram  de  Criel,  and  Isabel  married  to  Henry  de  Gaunt ;  and 
the  said  Agnes,  John,  Ellen  and  Isabel  are  heirs  of  the  said  Maud. 

[Essex.]     Extent  (undated). 

Elsenham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  heirs  of  Maud  de 

[Essex.]     Extent  (undated). 

Morton  manor  (extent  given),  similarly  held. 

[Hbbtpord.]     Extent,  Wednesday  after  St.  Barnabas,  47  Hen.  III. 

Aldeberi  manor  (extent  given),  similarly  held  of  the  honour  of  Berk- 
hamstede  by  service  of  81.  rent. 

[Essex.]     Extent,  Sunday  before  St.  Barnabas,  47  Hen.  III. 

Helseneham  manor  (extent  given),  similarly  held  of  the  honour  of 
Maundevil  as  pertaining  to  the  barony  of  Folkestan. 

[Berks.]     Extent,  Saturday  after  St.  Barnabas,  47  Hen.  Ill  (defective). 

Boclond  manor  and  advowson  (full  extent  given),  including  lands  in 
Nortfeld  and  Sutfeld,  a  profit  of  swans  on  the  banks  of  the  Thames,  and 
customs  called  '  Gershenese  '  and  '  Gersherthe ' ;  two  carucates  land,  held  by 

Bobert  de  Hetford,  knt 1   knight's  fee;    1   carucate   by 

William  de  Newyntune  by  service  of  i  fee ;  service  of  J  knight's  fee  done  by 
the  heirs  of  William  de  Berekote  for  land  which  they  hold  of  William  de 
Bovile  in  Berekote;    and  service  of  J   knight's  fee  done    by   Ha  wis    de 

Earendone  for   1   carucate de  Inglesham;    all 

similarly  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  and  another 
by  4:0s.  yearly  to  the  prior  of  Nugun. 

[Kent.]     Inq.  Monday  after  the  quinzaine  of  Easter,  47  ?  Hen.  III.  (defaced). 

Foclistane   cdias  Folcstane  manor  (extent  given),  including  rents  in 

Halcham,  Neuhintune  and  Hachingre,  similarly  held,  service  unspecified. 

The  lands,  &c.  of  the  said  Maud  ought  to  pertain  to  her  four  daughters  and 
their  heirs  (as  above). 

[Kent.]     Extent,  Monday  after    the    octave    of    Holy   Trinity,   47  Hen.   III. 
(defective  and  defaced). 

Folkestone  manor  (full  extent  given),  including  wrecks,  and  the  follow- 
ing members,  &c. : — 

Waletune  with   a  barton,   land    in    the    fields    of   Pi , 

Bertonesgate,  Dowberthe  ?,  la  Redelonde,  Quedwelle,  Iseneforelang, 
Chalvecroft,  Stodwes  on  la  Dune,  a  pasture  under  the  cUff,  a  park 
about  IJ  league  (letu:am)  in  circuit,  and  woods  called  Herstlinge 
and  Beindene. 
Terlingeham,  with  fields  at  the  gate  of  the  barton  and  in  Bumfeld, 
la  Marlinge,  Bertonesdone,  Kingesdone  ?,  BuckknoUe,  Bernesdane, 
Nort  Knolle,  Kellingesdene,  Chelkedefeld,  Golthorne,  Newelond, 
Holemed,  under  Oregrove,  Bromfeld,  and  Gorst,  and  pasture  in 
la  Drove  and  on  la  Dune  called  Mirabel. 

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HENRY  III.  178 

Newetun,  with  the  fields  of  Kulese,  Byestecurt,  furlong  under  la  Dune, 
Belcheberche  and  la  Ponde. 

Knights'  fees  (unspecified),  viz. — 5  fees  held  by  Nicholas  de  CrioU  of 
the  barony  of  [Av]  erenches,  doing  service  as  for  fees  of  Mortain, 
and  the  heirs  shall  give  for  each  fee  100s.  for  reliefs  when  they  shall 
happen,  and  24$.  for  scutage  when  there  is  scutage  at  40^.,  and  he 
ought  to  fence  62  perches  of  the  park  and  pay  25s.  for  each  fee  for 
the  guard  of  the  castle  of  Dover ;  he  holds  elsewhere  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  barony;  2|  fees  similarly  held  by  Wilham  de  Wiltune, 
fencing  29 J  perches  only ;  1  fee  similarly  held  by  Henry  de 
Everinge,  fencing  46 J  perches ;  1  fee  similarly  held  by  ...  . 
de  Everesle,  fencing  28  perches ;  J  fee  similarly  held  by  John  de 
Boyntune,  fencing  15  perches  ;  ^  fee  similarly  held  by  ...  . 
Malemeyns,  fencing  15  perches ;  J  fee  similarly  held  by  William 
de  la  Sale,  fencing  15  perches ;  1  fee  similarly  held  by  Alfred  de 
Enebroc,  fencing  18  perches  ;  J  fee  similarly  held  by  ...  . 
de  Hauekeswelle,  fencing  14  perches ;  J  fee  similarly  held  by  the 
abbot  of  St.  Radegund*s,  fencing  9  perches  ;  J  fee  similarly  held 

by  William  de  Detlinge,  fencing,  with   the  men  of  ,  87 

perches;  J  fee  similarly  held  by de  Laverham?, 

fencing  21  perches;  ^  fee  similarly  held  by  the  master  of 
God's  House,  Osprenges,  fencing  14  perches ;  and  ^  fee  held  by 
the  master  of  the  hospital  of  Swynefeld,  rendering  2«.  Id.  yearly, 
and  fencing  8  perches. 

The  Middelhundred  of  Folkestone,  with  the  town  of  Folkestone, 
82Z.  28.  9d.  rent  of  assize ;  Bomescot  15^.  4d. ;  Mortunesfare 
2«.  9Ji.;  Watelselver?  6«. ;  the  Middelhundred  15«.  4d.  wodelode; 
and  other  rents. 

Alcham  a  member  of  Folkestone  (extent  given). 

Newetune  a  member  of  Folkestone  (extent  of  rents  given). 

Achingre  (extent  of  rents  given). 

Pleas  and  perquisites  of  the  hundred  (court)  of  Folkestone,  and  of  the 
courts  of  Alcham,  Newetune,  Achangre  and  Folkestone. 

The  advowson  of  the  church  of denne  pertains  to  the 

gift  of  the  lord  of  Folkestone  ;  and  the  priory  of  Folkestone,  which 
is  a  cell  of  the  abbey  of  Lullei  is  of  his  foundation.  The  heirs  of 
the  said  Maud  (as  above)  ought  to  hold  the  whole  manor  of 
Folkestone  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony.     (See  No.  774.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  29.  (1.) 

564-  Baldwin  db  Insula,  earl  of  Devon. 

Writs,  13  Jan.  and  13  July,  47  Hen.  III. 

Isabel  de  Fortibus,  countess  of  Albemarle  (Alba  Maria y  Albemaria^  Aube- 
marie,  Avbemara),  late  the  wife  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle,  his  sister,  age 
variously  stated  as  24  and  more  and  25,  is  his  heir  through  the  death  of  lus 

[Suffolk.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Parva  Fakenham  manor  was  recovered  by  the  said  Baldwin  before  Sir 
Gilbert  de  Preston,  and  he  was  in  seisin  thereof  from  St.  John  the  Baptist's 
day  in  3  weeks  until  he  enfeoffed  Sir  William  de  Wysery. 

[Southampton;  Isle  of  Wight.]     Extent  (unduted). 

Fresqwatere  manor  (full  extent  given,  with  names  of  tenants). 

Digitized  by 



Southampton  ;  Isle  of  Wioht.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Freskewatere  manor,  held  together  with  all  his  lands  and  two  boroughs 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  keeping  the  Isle  (of  Wight)  in  the  king's 
fealty  against  the  king's  enemies. 

Southampton.    Extent  {undated). 

Langele  and  Bumbrig'  manor  (extent  given). 

[Devon.]     Extent  {undated). 

Plimton  township  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson  of  the  schools. 

[Devon.]     Inq.  {undated) 

Plimpton,  Honeton,  Columpton,  Bikleg,  Boculond  and  Walcampton, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown. 

Hermanesdon,  held  of  Sir  Walter  Giffard,  service  unspecified. 

[Hbbtford.]     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 

Sabryceswrthe  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  William 

8^  knights. 

[Devon.]     Extent  {undated). 

Botesford  manor  {manerettum)  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

[Devon.]     Extent  (undated  and  defective) . 

Henemordon  manor  {manerettum)  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants) . 

[Southampton;  Isle  of  Wight.]     Extent  {undated). 

Wrockeshale  manor  (full  extent  given  with  nsunes  of  tenants). 

[Southampton  ;  Isle  of  Wight.]     Extent  {undated). 

La  Penne  manor  {manerettum)  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Surrey.    Inq.  {undated) 

Suthlamh*  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 

Surrey.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  Palm  Sunday,  47  Hen.  III. 

Suthlam'  manor  with  Hicham  and  Straham  (full  extent  given  with 
names  of  tenants). 

Oxford.     Extent  {undated). 

Newenham  alias  Neuham  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of 
tenants).  No  knights'  fees  or  advowson  pertain  to  the  manor.  Sir  Thomas 
de  Beaute  rendered  40«.  yearly  for  a  carucate  of  land  called  Poweleye. 

Southampton.     Extent  {undated). 

Christchurch  castle  (full  extent  given),  to  which  pertain  the  boroughs  of 
Christ<5hurch,  Westur',  Liminton  and  Essele,  with  the  hundred  of  Holchurst, 
and  castle  guard  is  due  in  war  time,  viz. — the  prior  of  Christchurch  for  8 
days  at  his  own  cost  for  the  land  of  Sweye,  Eoger  de  Hineton  similarly  for  the 
land  of  Holeweye,  Roger  de  Holchurst  for  his  land  at  Holchurst,  Richard  de 
Farnhull  for  his  land  at  FarnhuU,  William  Boschiri  of  Baylnclislegh  for  his 
land  there,  the  heirs  of  Bereminton  for  the  land  of  Bereminton,  Roger  de 
Stanton  for  the  land  of  Soppele,  Nigel  de  Bocland  for  land  at  Arnewd, 
Henry  Trenchard  for  the  land  of  HordhuU,  Thomas  de  Orweye  for  the  land 
of  Dunketon,  and  the  prior  of  Christ  Church  and  Gregory  Marescall  for  the 
land  of  Brutons  (?)  at  Hinton  ;  and  the  said  prior  and  many  others  (names 
specified)  owe  suit  at  the  said  hundred  court ;  and  the  borough  of  Dorcestre 
renders  60s.  yearly  to  the  castle,  and  Richard  de  FarnhuU  SOJd.  from  Tonstal. 

Christchurch  borough  (full  extent  and  rental  given  with  names  of 

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HENRY  III.  175 

Southampton.    Extent  {undated  and  defective). 

Westur*  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
lands,  &c.  at  Wyke,  Aluringwdd  and  Ywdde,  and  at  Holechurst,  Picleswade, 
BrunneshuU,  and  Muclesbull,  and  Biston  moor. 

Buriton  (extent  of  lands  with  names  of  tenants). 

Fees  pertaining  to  Christchurch  castle  : — 

Adderlegh,  16  fees  held  by  Sir  Matthew  de  Columbariis. 

,  1  fee  held  by  Richard  de  Ripariis. 

Stanton  and  Soppele,  1  fee 

Soppele,  1  fee  held  by  John  de  Bachampton. 

Hineton,  co.  Dorset,  1  fee  held  by de  Hineton. 

,  J  fee  held  by  John  Lanol. 

Hamme  and  Hinton,  1  fee 

Malleford  ?,  J  fee  held  by  Baldwin  de  Pentir. 

HordhuU  and  Sapperisford  ?  J  fee  held  by  Sir  John  de  Insula. 

[Southampton;  Isle  op  Wight.]     Inq.  {undated fragment.) 

Karesbroc  castle  (extent  given),  with  two  parts  of  two  hundreds  in  the 
Isle  of  Wyth',  and  (the  advowson  of  ?)  the  church  of  Ermue.  Sir  William 
de  Insula  holds  7J  and  i  knights'  fees,  and  owes  to  the  lord  of  the  castle 
homage,  relief,  and  reasonable  aid  for  making  his  eldest  son  a  knight 
and  marrying  his  eldest  daughter,  castle  guard  and  guarding  the  Island  in 
time  of  war  at  his  own  cost,  and  suit  at  the  court  of  the  castle  called 
knighten  court  {curia  mxLitum) ;  Lady  Maud  de  Gatecumbe  holds  8  fees  by 
the  same  service ;  Ralph  de  Gorges  3  fees ;  William  de  Glamorgan  3J  fees ; 
Jordan  de  Insula  and  Philip  de  Cantilupo  J  fee ;  Simon  de  Bendenges 
J  fee ;  the  heirs  of  Richard  de  Langeford  1  fee ;  Richard  de  la  Clyve 
^  fee ;  the  heirs  of  Alan  de  CheckenhuUe  J  fee ;  John  de  la  Wode  \  fee ; 
Jordan  de  Kingeston  J  fee ;  Lady  Joan  de  Cundey  and  Sir  Richard  de 
Afton  ^  fee ;  the  same  Richard  de  Afton  1  fee ;  John  de  la  Brigge  \  fee ; 
Roger  de  Ogelaundre  i  fee;  William  de  Odyneton  ^V  fe^j  ^^^  prior  of 
Christchurch  ^V  ^^  \  Geoffrey  de  Chillingwod  ^^  fee ;  the  heirs  of  Geoffrey 
de  Alba  Marie  1  fee  ;  and  Sir  John  de  Wyvile  ^V  fe®* 

[Southampton  ;  Isle  of  Wight.]     Extent  and  rental  {undated). 

Newport  {Novus  Burgus)  (extent  and  rental  with  names  of  tenants). 
[Ermine  {sic)  manor  (extent  given). 
Bouecome  manor  (extent  given).**] 

[YoBK.]     Extent,  Friday  after  Mid  Lent  (47)  Hen.  III. 

Harewde  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including 
lands,  &c.  in  the  fields  of  Wetecrofth,  Rugemund,  Pulehale  and  Fites  (?), 
services  from  the  township  of  Lofthus,  lands  in  Neuhale,  and  pannage, 
windfalls,  &c.  in  the  wood  of  Swindene. 

[Devon.]     Extent  {undated). 

Plimpton  castle  (extent  given)  including  a  hundred  (court),  8  mills  in 
Plymton,  and  profits  of  wood,  garden,  and  of  Dertemore,  with  the  following 
knights'  fees  held  of  the  lord  of  the  castle : — 

Erminton  Peverel,  1  fee. 

Stoke  Herebert,  1  fee. 

Morleg',  4  fees. 

Wyveleworth,  3J  fees. 

*  So  giren  in  the  Calendar  printed  in  1806,  but  not  now  to  be  found  on  the  dooament. 

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Bradeston,  §  fee. 

Pendrine,  J  fee. 

Skytelestor,  J  fee. 

Bastard',  8^  fees. 

(Unspecified)  14  fees  held  by  Robert  de  Alba  Maria. 

(Unspecified)  15  fees  held  by  Walter  Giflfard. 

Budekeside,  1  fee  held  by  William  de  Bodekeside. 

Tamereton  Foliot,  2J  and  J  fees  held  by  Ralph  de  Gorges. 

Brunton,  J  fee  held  by  Walter  de  Brunton. 

Holdeham,  J  fee  held  by  Roger  de  Clayvile. 

Suthwod,  i  fee  held  by  William  Maudut. 

(Unspecified)  10  fees  held  by  the  heirs  of  William  de  Brywere,  and 
they  ought  to  find  a  crossbowman  in  Plumpton  castle  at  their  own  costs. 

Anekesdon  and  Shilston,  2  fees  held  by  Hugh  de  Sausey. 

Elstinton  and  Shirwell,  2  fees  held  by  Philip  de  Beumunt. 

Lega,  4  fees  held  by  Ralph  de  Daddescumb,and  he  ought  to  find  a 
crossbowman  in  the  castle  in  time  of  war  at  his  own  costs. 

Asserston,  2  fees  held  by  the  heirs  of  Robert  Helyun. 

Bitweneya,  J  fee  held  by  Michael  de  Aggevile. 

Thruleg',  1  fee  held  by  Fulk  de  Ferrariis. 

Samford  and  Chevethom',  1^  fee,  with  the  land  of  Gurmundeton,  held 
by  Ralph  Herigaud. 

Wynesford  and  Whytehetfeld,  1  fee  held  by  Humphrey  de  Boun  ? 

Unknown,  i  fee  held  by  Thomas  Terry. 

Leveringeleg*,  J-  fee  held  by  Guy  de  Aggevile. 

Langeleg',  1  fee  held  by  Ralph  de  Wylinton. 

Welbristewrth,  1  fee  held  by  the  heirs  of  John  le  Dispenser. 

Emhelt,  J  fee  held  by  Nicholas  Emhylt. 

Geneleye,  1  fee  held  by  John  de  Beumunt. 

Cadeburi,  xV  fe©  held  by  the  heirs  of  Robert  de  Cadeburi. 

Oggeberg  and  Thorre,  7^  fees  held  by  the  heirs  of  William  Brueres. 

Little  Torithon,  1  fee  held  by  William  de  Crues. 

Tauton,  1  fee  held  by  John  de  Valle  Torta. 

Devon  and  Dorset  (unspecified),  2  fees  held  by  Hawis  de  Ripariis. 

Newelaunde,  J  fee  held  by Furneus. 

Herdewik  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  with  lands 
in  Hysky,  co.  Cornwall,  the  ferry  of  Blakeston,  land  called  Jatlond, 
land,  &c.  in  Saltram,  rent  fi-om  the  men  of  Wodetorre  for  pasture  in 
Dertemore,  and  rent  of  1  sheep  with  a  lamb  yearly  from  the  town  of 
Wry  stone  wrth. 

The  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Bocland,  Bykeleg',  Walkamton, 
Thruleg'  and  Honeton  pertain  to  the  lord  of  the  castle  of  Plympton. 

Bocland,  Bykele  and  Walkampton  manors,  with  the  hundred  of  Ruberg 
are  held  by  the  countess  Amice,  mother  of  the  late  earl  Baldwin,  to  farm  at 
the  King's  will,  rendering  yearly  to  the  guardian  of  the  said  earl's  lands 
100  marks. 

[Wilts.]     Extent,  Wednesday  after  the  Purification,  47  Hen.  HI. 

Worthe  borough  (full  extent  and  rental  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

[Wilts.]     Extent,  Wednesday  after  the  Purification,  47  Hen.  HI.  {defaced  and 

Strattone  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  a 
pasture  called  Kyngesdon  ? 

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HENRY  in.  177 

Wilts.    Eoctent,  Wednesday  after  the  Purification,  47  Hen.  Ill  (defective). 

Sevenhampton  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
including  a  pasture  called  Billingesham,  and  the  following  rents  of 
assize  of  free  tenants : — 

Berton.  ^  knight  held  by  Robert  de  Habindon  doing  suit  and  royal 

Merston  manor.  2^  virgates  held  by  the  same  Robert,  rendering  2  pairs 
of  gilt  spurs. 

Brodebluntesdon.  1  hide  land  held  by  Walerand  de  Bluntesdon,  render- 
ing 1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  and  doing  suit ;  ^  knight  by  Roger  de  Writele  doing 
suit  and  royal  service ;  i  hide  land  by  Roger  de  Bluntesdon  rendering  12d. 
and  doing  suit ;  and  ^  hide  by  Bryan  de  Bluntesdon  rendering  4«.  and  doing 

Brodebluntesdon  and  Crekelad.  100«.  land  held  by  Gilbert  de  Elsefeld 
rendering  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs,  price  6d.,  and  his  tenants  of  Bluntesdon 
ought  to  come  twice  yearly  to  the  view  of  frank  pledge  at  Sevenhampton 
and  give  2s.  lest  they  should  be  vexed. 

Crekelad.  A  tenement  held  by  Warin  de  Eylesbiri  rendering  6d.  yearly. 

Wrthe.  1  virgate  land  held  by  the  same  Warin  rendering  id.  yearly  and 
doing  suit ;   and  other  lands,  &c.  by  other  tenemts  (names  given). 

Fersedon  manor.  100s.  land  held  by  Samson  Foliot  rendering  1  pair  of 
gilt  spurs  or  6d, ;  and  other  lands,  &c.  by  other  tenants  (names  given) ;  and 
from  a  mill  there  20«.  yearly  are  rendered  to  the  priory  of  Garinges. 

Scundone  township.  30«.  rent ;  and  meadows,  &c.  held  by  divers 
tenants  (names  given).     {See  No.  988.) 

C.  Hen  III.  File  29.  (2.) 

565. . 

^Extent.    Tuesday  after  the  Purification,  47  Hen.  Ill  (fragment). 

[Wilts.]     Crekelad  manor  (extent  and  rental  with  names  of  tenants). 

C.  Hen.  in.  FiU  29.  (8.) 

566.  Robert  db  Cle&beo. 

Writ  (misHng).    Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Mark,  47  Hen.  III. 
End<yrsed : — He  died  on  Friday  after  Palm  Sunday. 
His  heir  is  named  John,  and  is  i^  years  of  age. 

[Suffolk.]     Aketon.    160a.  arable,  6a.  and  Ir.  meadow,   IS^a.  pasture,  20a. 
wood,  67«.  8Jd.  rent,  &c.,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's  fee. 

Dobset.     (Unspecified.)    4  marks  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  80.  (1.) 

567.  John  de  Neuton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  8  July,  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  16,  is  his  heir. 

Nobthampton.  Neuton.  8J  virgates  land,  and  19«.  rent  held  of  John  de  Brunneby 
by  service  of  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs. 

Bulewyk.  3  virgates  land  held  of  Lady  Maud  de  Cantelow  by  service  of 
1  pair  of  gUt  spurs. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  80.  (2.) 

*  ThiB  extent  may  perhaps  belong  to  No.  664. 

Digitized  by 



568.  Philip  son  op  Philip  Mimbkan. 

Writ,  16  Oct.  48  Hen.  III.  Inq.  The  morrow  of  Ash  Wednesday,  49  (Hen.  III). 
John,  his  son,  aged  21  at  the  feast  of  St.  Margaret  last,  is  lus  heir. 

Oxford.  Hedindon.  1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  keeping  the 
bailiwick  of  Schottovere  and  Stowod ;  and  J  hide  land  of  the  countess  of 
Warwick  by  service  of  lis.    ' 

Gersindon.    J  hide  land  held  of  Isabel  Eapin  by  service  of  128. 

Schedule  of  the  names  of  those  who  have  boats  in  the  town  of  Bunigtun? 
{or  ?  Rimigtun).     {Comp.  No.  856.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  30.  (3.) 

569.  Thomas  Ttbbl,  of  Wyleden,  alias  Tibel. 

Writy  21  July.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  James,  48  Hen.  III. 
Balph,  his  son,  aged  16,  is  his  heir. 

Bbdford.    Wilden  and  Bolehurst.     }  knight's  fee,  viz.  a   messuage,  (100?)  a. 

land  in  demesne,  meadow,  9a.  wood,  40^.  Q^d.  rent  of  assize,  &c.  held  of  the 

king  in  chief,  finding  one  esquire  with  hauberk,  sword,  and  lance  for  40  days 

at  his  own  costs  in  the  king's  army. 

The  said  Thomas  in  his  lifetime  alienated  of  the  above  ^  fee,  2  virgates, 
3Ja.,  1  r.  land,  47«.  7^d.  rent  of  assize,  and  1  quarter  of  land,  of  which  the 
heir  is  bound  to  warrant  a  third  part  to  the  feoffees  for  his  mother's  dower ;  and 
also  ^  virgate  land  of  the  marriage  of  his  wife  in  the  town  of  Crowele,  which  the 
heir  ought  to  warrant  wholly  to  the  feoffees ;  so  that  little  will  remain  in  the 
king's  hand. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  30.  (4.) 

570.  BoBEBT  DE  Babvill  oUos  de  Babevill. 

Writ,  28  Oct.    Inq.  The  vigil  of  St.  Martin,  48  Hen.  III. 
His  two  daughters,  aged  12  and  14,  are  his  heirs. 

Lincoln.  Barton.  17  bovates  land  and  14  tofts  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  one  sore  sparrowhawk.  Emma  his  wife  has  a  third  part. 
(See  Nos.  377,  527,  666.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  dO.  (5.) 

571.  John  le  Blund  alias  le  Blond. 

Wiit,  20  Dec.  48  Hen.  III. 

John,  his  son,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

Somebsbt.     Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Hilary,  48  Hen.  III. 

Nitherhamm.    2  carucates  land  and  ^  of  Exetone,  all  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Middlesex.     Extent  {undated.) 

Edelmeton  manor,  held  of  William  de   Say  in  chief  by  service  of 
^  knight's  fee* 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  30.  (6.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  179 

572.  Alexandeb  de  Bemflet. 

WHt,  27  May,  48  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

John,  his  brother,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Hatfeld.  120a.  land  in  demesne,  8a.  meadow,  2d,  rent  of  assize,  &c.  held 
of  the  king  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Bamflet.  1  hide  land  held  of  the  house  of  St.  Martin  *  le  grant,'  service 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  30.  (7.) 

573.  JOLLAND   DE   DuREMBN   alioS   DE   DUBAHE. 

Writ,  11  Dee.  48  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

JoUand,  his  son,  aged  5  at  Easter  next,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Suffhale  manor  in  the  town  of  Great  Dunmawe,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief,  of  the  honour  of  the  count  of  St.  Pol,  by  service  of  one  gilt  spur  or  6d. 
yearly ;  J  virgate  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Ralph  de  Bemers  ;  J  virgate  land  of 
the  fee  of  John  de  Apelderesfeld ;  and  2Ja.  of  the  fee  of  Walter  son  of  Robert. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  30.  (8.) 

574.  Geoffrey  Costentin. 

Writ  (misiing).    Inq.  The  morrow  of  the  translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
48  Hen.  HI. 
John  Costentin,  his  brother,  aged  29,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.  Bondeby.  1  toft  and  7  bovates  land  in  demesne,  and  80  bovates  and 
8  parts  of  a  bovate  land,  with  5  tofts,  &c.  in  villenage,  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  serjeanty,  viz.  carrying  a  white  wand  before  the  king  on  Christmas  Day 
when  in  his  presence. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  30.  (9.) 

575.  William  de  Gabdinis. 

Writ,  10  April.    Inq.  Tuesday  in  Easter  week,  48  Hen.  III. 
William,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Salop.  Langeleg  manor.  1  carucate  land  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  going  into  Wales  with  the  king  at  his  own  cost,  when  there 
shall  be  war  between  England  and  Wales,  for  40  days. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  80.  (10.) 

576.  William  Gaugt  alias  de  Gaugy. 

Writ,  27  Oct.  48  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  5  Nov.  49  Hen.  HI. 

He  had  no  heir  either  of  himself  or  of  any  other,  and  the  following  manor 
is  the  king's  escheat  because  held  of  him  in  chief. 

Leicester.  Garthorpe  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  1  knight's  fee.  Certain  persons  were  in  the  manor  on  behalf  of  the  earl 
of  Ferrars,  as  they  said,  but  have  now  withdrawn. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  80.  (11.) 

Digitized  by 



B77.  Philip  db  Arcy  alias  Darci. 

WHt,  28  May,  48  Hen.  III. 

Sir  Norman,  his  son,  aged  28  and  more,  is  his  heir,  and  was  married  many 
years  ago. 

Lincoln.    Inq.  {tmdated.) 

Noketun.  10  carucates  and  6  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
service  unspecified. 

Donneston.  2  carucates  and  2  bovates  land,  2  mills,  and  lib.  cummin 
rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

Lincoln.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  Holy  Trinity,  48  Hen.  IH. 

Cuningesby  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  all  his 
other  manors,  by  service  of  2  knights.  The  countess  of  Lincoln  took  the 
manor  to  farm,  and  the  term  still  lasts  for  2  crops,  but  the  said  Philip 
retained  the  wood  in  his  own  hand. 

Lincoln.    Inq.  The  eve  of  Holy  Trinity,  48  Hen.  IH. 

Stalingburg.  24  bovates  land  and  211.  3«.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief ;  and  the  said  Philip  held  the  whole  barony  by  service  of  2J  knights' 

Lincoln.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Barnabas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Kalkewell  town  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  as  a  moiety  of 
a  whole  barony  by  service  of  two  knights. 

Steinton.  11|  bovates  land  held  of  Sir  Robert  de  Nevile  by  foreign 
service ;  1^  bovate  land  and  2  tofts  of  the  fee  of  the  said  Philip  held  by 
Walter  de  Holegates  rendering  i  mark  yearly,  of  the  sale  of  Sir  Norman 
Darci ;  and  2  bovates  land  similarly  held  by  Herbert  de  Steinton  rendering 
14:8.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  80.  (12.). 

678.  John  db  Stodham. 

Writs,  17  Sept.  48  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Boger,  his  brother,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Sutton.   119a.  arable,  24«.  8^.  rent  of  assize,  &c.  with  the  advowson  of 
the  church. 

Plumberge.   58a.  meadow  and  wood,  <&c. 
All  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  2  knights*  fees  and  lib.  pepper  yearly. 

Writy  26  Sept.  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Luke. 

Essex.    Great  Sutton.  A  messuage,  119a.  arable,  6a.  wood,  47«.   6i.  rent  of 
assize,  &c.,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Plumbere.  27a.  arable,  12a.  wood.  Is.  rent,  &e. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees,  and  lib.  pepper. 

Plumbere.  40a.  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  William  de  Soberi  by  service 
of  10s.  yearly. 

Tendrig'.  80a.  land,  2a.  meadow,  5a.  wood,  18«.  4d.  rent,  &c.  held 
of  the  heirs  of  William  son  of  Adam  de  Gosefeud  by  service  of  one  sore 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  80.  (18.) 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  III.  181 

579.  ROBBBT   DB   BlYB. 

Writ,  4  July.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  James  the  Apostle,  48  Hen.  III. 
Thomas,  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.  Matfen.  55a.  arable,  6a.  meadow,  5  bondmen  each  holding 
24a.  and  rendering  168.  yearly,  1  cottar  holding  4a.  and  rendering  2^.,  a 
watermill,  and  one  free  tenant  holding  20a.  and  rendering  lOs.  yearly. 

Louerbotel.   24a.  land. 

NofFerton.    80a.  land,  and  one  free  tenant  rendering  19(2.  yearly. 

Newcastle  on  Tyne.    4  burgages  rendering  24«.  yearly. 
AU  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  8  marks  and  9d.  yearly. 

Natferton,  a  messuage  and  2a.  land  held  of  Bobert  Freman  by  service 
of  Id.  yearly.     (See  No.  608.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  30.  (14.) 

580.  Alfred  de  Lincoln. 

Writf  8  June.    Extent,  Saturday  the  eve  of  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  48  Hen.  Ill 


Bobert  son  of  Payn,  son  of  Margery  his  eldest  sister,  Beatriqe  de  Gouiz, 
his  second  sister,  and  Aubrey  {Alhreda)  de  Lincoln,  his  youngest  sister,  all  of  full 
age,  are  his  heirs. 

Dorset.  Wynterburn  and  Langeton  manors,  with  the  advowson  of  Wynterburn 
(extents  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  in  barony  by  service  of  2  knights ; 
and  25  fees  are  held  of  those  manors. 

[Dorset.]  Akeford  and  Dunedisse  manors,  with  the  advowsons  of  Akeford 
church  and  Dunetisse  chapel  (extents  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of 
Glastonbury  by  service  of  5  knights.  4}  and  \  fees  are  held  of  these 

[Dorset.]  Dunetisse  and  Tileye.  A  part  of  the  park  outside  the  said  park, 
held  of  the  abbot  of  Geme  by  service  of  holding  his  stirrup  when  the 
abbot  shall  mount  his  horse,  and  giving  him  a  place  in  the  county  (court  ?) 
when  present. 

[Wilts.]  Celes  manor  (extent  given),  which  was  given  in  free  marriage  with 
Maud,  mother  of  the  said  Alfred,  held  of  John  son  of  John. 

[Somerset.]  Norton  manor  (extent  given),  which  was  given  in  free  marriage 
with  Aubrey,  grandmother  of  the  said  Alfred,  held  of  the  heirs  of  William 
de  Forz. 

[Dorsbt.]     Bardolveston  and  Pinford,  2  knights'  fees  held  of  the  bishop  of 


The  wife  of  the  said  Alfred  shall  have  the  whole  manors  of 

and  Duntisse,  with  the  advowsons,  rendering  to  the  heirs  2  marks 

Memorandum  of  Partition. 

The  part  of  Eobert  son  of  Payn  : — 

Dorset.  Wynterburn  St.  Martin,  and  he  shall  give  to  Aubrey  de  Lincoln  22«.  8(f . 
of  land  or  rent. 

Knights'  fees : — 

Corfton,  held  for  1  fee. 
Boclaund,  for  1  fee. 
Pydele  Bardolf,  for  1  fee. 
Tatton,  for  i  fee. 
Lim,  for  ^  fee. 

Digitized  by 



The  part  of  William  de  Goyz  : — 

Wilts.    Seles. 

SoMBBSBT.  Norton,  from  which  he  shall  give  to  Aubrey  de  Lincoln  22a.  3d.  of 
land  or  rent. 

Knights'  fees : — 

[DoBSBT.]     Pydele  Tunere,  held  for  2  fees. 
The  land  of  Talebot  ?,  for  1  fee. 
The  land  of  Eudo,  for  i  (fee). 

[DoBSET.]     Swanewyc,  for  1  fee. 

The  part  of  Aubrey : — 

DoBSET.    Langeton. 

And  she  shall  have  44a.  6d.  of  land  or  rent  from  her  coparceners,  and 
2§  marks  land  or  rent  from  Joan,  late  the  wife  of  Alfred  de  Linc[oln]. 

Knights'  fees : — 
[DoBSBT.]     Warmwell,  held  for  1  fee. 
[DoBSET.]     Muleburn,  for  J  fee. 

The  land  of  Bivell,  for  i  fee. 

The  land  of  Moys  le  Bret,  for  ^  (fee). 

LoUebrok,  for  }  (fee). 

[DoBSBT.]     Stafford,  for  1  fee. 

These  remain  to  Lady  Joan  de  Nichole  in  dower  by  lot,  and  she  shall 
answer  to  the  king  and  the  abbot  of  Glastonbury  for  i  of  the  service. 

Fees  in  chief: — 

[DoBSBT.]     Frome  Wytefeuld,  3  knights*  fees. 

[DoBSET.]     Watercombe,  1  fee. 

[Lands  of  ?]  John  de  Bakebere  and  Ham,  ^  fee  and  the  service  of  1  virgate 

[DoBSET.]     Waldik  and  Crihc,  8  parts  of  1  fee. 
[DoBSET.]     Wolgerston,  |  fee. 

[Lands  of  ?J  Robert  de  Bokeswrthe  and  Roger  Chanterel,  i  (fee). 

[DoBSET.]     Ringstede,  1  fee  by  a  mesne  {per  intermedium). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  30.  (15.) 

581.  RoBEBT  DE  Gatton  alios  DE  Gattune. 

Writ,  14  July,  48  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {tindated.) 

Hamo,  his  eldest  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

SuBBEY.  Gattune,  2  knights'  fees  held  of  the  king  through  the  escheat  of 
the  honour  of  Peverel,  doing  guard  at  Dover  castle  as  much  as  pertains  to 
2  knights'  fees. 

Writ,  14  July,  48  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {undated  fragment.) 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  80.  (16.) 

582.  Thomas  de  Hemegbave  alias  de  Hemmegbave. 
Writ,  2  July,  48  Hen.  III. 

Edmund,  his  son,  aged  10,  is  his  heir,  and  is  in  the  wardship  of  the  wife  of 
Robert  le  Noreys  at  Rune  well,  co.  Essex. 

Digitized  by 



[Suffolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Hemmegrave  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of 
St.  Edmunds  rendering  100^.  6(2.  to  the  sacristan,  10«.  to  the  pittancer,  and 
other  services  to  the  amount  of  2$.  ^d. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Tuesday  after  St.  Peter  ad  vincula,  48  Hen.  [IH] . 

Berningham.  A  messuage,  108a.  arable,  l^a.  meadow,  8|a.  pasture, 
Sis.  8id.  rent  of  assize,  &c. ;  whereof  the  capital  messuage  and  d2a.  land 
held  of  John  le  Sunte,  J  knight's  fee  of  Balph  son  of  Henry  Delebec,  who  is 
in  the  wardship  of  Master  John  de  Baggewrh',  and  the  residue  of  Sir 
Eustace  de  Berningham,  John  de  Sancto  Glaro,  Thomas  de  Stagno,  John  de 
Stantun,  Stephen  Clerk,  and  W.  Welde,  &c. 

Hemegrave,  Tudeham,  Mutford  and  Giselham,  advowsons  of  the 

Hemmegrave  manor  and  advowson,  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmunds 
by  socage. 

Westle  and  Saxham,  held  of  the  said  abbot  and  others  by  socage. 

Berningham,  held  of  Ealph  del  Bek  and  others  by  knight's  service. 

Thudeham,  with  the  advowson,  held  of  Peter  de  Leiham  by  service  of 
2  knights. 

Muthford,  with  half  the  hundred  and  the  advowson,  held  of  the  king  by 
knight's  service  and  a  farm  of  4i.  yearly. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Tudeham  manor,  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  Peter  de 
Leyham  by  service  of  2  knights ;  of  which  manor  William  de  Clara  holds 
4:1.  land  in  Tudeham  by  service  of  |  knight  and  20a.  for  a  scutage  of  40«. 
and  the  other  tenants  give  82^.  Id.  for  scutage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  80.  (17.) 

583.  Isabel  db  Cressy  alias  de  Cressi. 

Writ,  13  Nov.  48  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (undated.) 

She  died  on  the  day  of  the  Apostles  Simon  and  Jude. 

Aline  la  Marscale  alias  la  Mareschal,  her  sister,  age  variously  stated  as  60 
and  more,  and  90  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Lincoln.  Haslokebi,  Milnethorpe,  Greibi  and  Auethorp,  J  knight's  fee  held  of 
the  king  in  chief. 

Writ,  18  Nov.  48  Hen.  HI.  '  Inq.  (undated.) 

Norfolk.  Buxtune  manor  (extent  given),  with  60a.  arable  in  Kinestorp,  and 
rents  of  assize  in  Merkeshal  and  Castre,  pertaining  thereto,  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  a  moiety  of  a  barony. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  80.  (18.) 

684.  Balph  de  Trop  alias  de  Thorp,  de  Throp. 
Writ  (missing). 

Simon,  his  son,  aged  4  at  the  Ascension,  48  Hen.  HI,  is  his  heir. 
Northampton.     Extent  (undated). 

Trop.  Messuage  and  8  virgates  land,  held  by  rendering  to  the  prior 
of  Daventre  16s.  4d.,  and  to  William  de  Warner  2d.  and  2lb.  cummin. 

Welton.  2i  virgates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Ivo  Karel  rendering  to  him 
20s. ;  and  i  virgate  held  of  Eichard  de  Flore  for  4s. 

Esseby.  21.  Is.  6d.  from  free  tenants,  held  by  rendering  to  Richard  de 
Ruton  2  marks  yearly. 
No  heir  mentioned. 

Digitized  by 



[Northampton.]     Inq.  Monday  the  morrow  of  St.  Matthew. 

Bokeby.  2  virgates  land  held  of  Henry  Grete  rendering  Id.  yearly, 
which  before  his  death  he  gave  by  deed  to  Emma  his  daughter  by  charter, 
who  has  been  for  a  long  time  seifled  thereof,  rendering  Id.  yearly. 

Sonene  (?).    10a.  land  held  of  the  same,  and  a  mill. 

Ravenesthorp.  100«.,  and  13«.  6d.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  which 
100«.  he  gave  to  Joan  his  daughter,  rendering  4d.  yearly,  and  the  18s.  6d.  to 
the  said  Emma,  of  which  they  had  seisin  long  before  his  death. 

No  heir  mentioned. 

Northampton.    Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Michael,  48  Hen.  HI. 

Horepol.  2^  virgates  land  in  demesne,  with  a  messuage,  9}  virgates  in 
villenage,  a  windmill,  and  rents  from  divers  tenants  (names  given),  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  for  i  knight's  fee. 

Writ  (de  melius  inquirendo),  80  Sept.  48  Hen.  III. 

[Northampton.]     Extent  (unduted). 

Horepol  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee ;  and  2  virgates  land  held  in  exchange  for  a 
certain  land  of  Bavenestorp. 

[Northampton.]     Extent  {undated). 

Bavenestorp  and  Cotes.  8«.  4d.  (rent)  pertaining  to  HorpoU  manor,  held 
of  the  king  in  chief. 

Buckeby.  10a.  land  and  a  windmill  held  of  Henry  Grete  rendering  Id. 
yearly ;  and  a  place  of  meadow  held  of  Sir  Eustace  de  Watford,  service 

[Northampton.]     Extent  (undated). 

Trop.  3  virgates  land  in  demesne,  a  windmill,  6s.  rent  of  assize, 
2  dovecots,  and  pasture  in  Welleton  and  Trop,  rendering  17«.  9d.  yearly 
to  the  prior  of  Daventre,  and  6s.  to  one  Simon  Abbe  (?). 

Welleton.  Garden,  1^  virgate  land  and  68s.  8d.  rent  of  assize,  held  of 
Bichard  de  Baundes,  rendering  20s. 

Esseby.  70s.  9d.  rent  of  assize,  held  of  John  de  Buton,  rendering 
17s.  9d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  30.  (19.) 

585.  William  le  Blund. 

Writ,  3  June,  48  Hen.  III. 

William  de  Kyrketot  (alias  de  Cricketot),  son  of  William  and  Agnes  de 
Kyrketot,  his  elder  sister,  aged  26,  and  Bobert  de  Waleynis  alias  de  Valeyns, 
son  of  Bobert  and  lady  Boys'  de  Waleyns,  another  sister,  aged  17,  are  his 

Essex.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Wrabenase  manor.  305a.  arable,  wood,  marsh,  meadow  and  pasture, 
41.  rent  of  assize,  a  watermill,  &c.,  held  in  parts  of  Edmund  son  of  Thomas, 
Sir  Bichard  de  Wikes,  John  de  Bameseye  and  Simon  Parlebien,  in  socage, 
and  he  paid  10  marks  yearly  to  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmunds  as  attorney  of  the 
said  Edmund  and  Bichard. 

Writ,  3  June,  48  Hen.  III. 
Norfolk.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Cleye.   204a.  (land),  pasture,  64s.  id.  rent  of  assize,  rents  of  lambs, 

geese,  fowls,  heather,  eggs,  apples,  &c.  and  of  2  mills,  held  of  Sir  William  de 

Montek'  by  J  knight's  fee,  excepting  8d. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  185 

[Suffolk.]       (Extent)      .      .      (of    the    Nativity),  of    St.    John    the  Baptist, 
48  Hen.  III.  (defective.) 

Asfeld  manor  (extent  given). 
Ixeworth  manor  (extent  given). 
Walsam  manor  (extent  given). 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  5^  knights. 

AU  the  churches  of  the  barony  have  been  given  to  the  priory  of  Ixewrth  to 
its  own  uses. 

The  land  of  Lenehey  (?)  is  held  of  the  Earl  of  Oxford  by  free  marriage. 
The  lady  ought  to  be  dowered  of  ^  of  the  above. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  30.  (20.) 

586.  Hugh  db  Vbr,  Eahl  of  Oxfobd. 

Writ  (missing). 

Robert,  his  son^  age  variously  stated  as  22  and  more,  28,  and  23J,  is  his 

Middlesex.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Kensenton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  and  it 
pertains  to  the  barony  of  being  chamberlain.  The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at 
the  will  of  the  lord.  The  abbot  of  Abindon,  has  the  church  to  his  own 

Buckingham.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Medmeham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the 
honour  of  Bolebek,  service  unspecified.  The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the 
will  of  the  lord.     The  abbot  of  Medmeham  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Buckingham.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Cestresham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  said 
honour,  service  unspecified.  The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the 
lord.  The  abbots  of  Leicester  and  Wobbur'  have  the  church  to  their  own 

[Kent?]     Extent  (undated.) 

Flete  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  heir  of  Folkestan,  and  by  him 
of  the  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  service  unspecified. 

Oxford.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  UI. 

Crowemers  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  honour  of  Gyflfard 
pertaining  to  Whychirch,  and  it  pertains  to  the  Marshalsea.  The  nuns  of 
Garing  have  the  church  to  their  own  uses. 

Cambridge.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Caump  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  including  88a.  newly 
acquired  in  Frakenho,  98.  9d.  rent  of  the  fee  of  Sir  Richard  de  Munfichet, 
from  which  he  renders  Ss.  2Jd.  to  Henry  de  Henechach  and  Walter  son  of 
Samson,  52$.  5fd.  yearly  rent,  newly  acquired,  whereof  part  is  of  the  honour 
of  Eichemund,  and  23«.  newly  acquired  in  Hemsted  of  the  fee  of  Clare. 
The  manor  is  held  of  the  king  in  chief  pertaining  to  his  barony  for  which  he 
is  the  king's  chamberlain.     The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the  lord. 

Cambridge.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Abiton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
together  with  the  manor  of  Caump  and  other  lands  pertaining  to  his  barony 
of  being  the  king's  chamberlain. 

Digitized  by 



Suffolk.    Extent  made  after  Christinas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Gokefeud  manor  (extent  given)  of  the  fee  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmund's, 
tenure  unspecified.     The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the  lord. 

Suffolk.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  -Hen.  III. 

Preston  manor  (extent  given),  newly  purchased  and  of  the  fee  of  the 
said  abbot,  tenure  unspecified.  The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the 

Essex.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Hengham  Castr'  manor  (extent  given),  with  12«.  rent  of  the  borough, 
the  advowson  of  the  priory,  which  has  the  church  to  its  own  uses,  and  a 
hamlet  called  Tillebyri  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  being  his  chamberlain. 

Essex.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Bamese  manor  (extent  given)  of  the  fee  of  Walter,  son  of  Robert,  for 
which  he  paid  10«.  for  the  guard  of  Baynard  for  24  weeks. 

Essex.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Kaneveles  (?)  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  pertaining 
to  his  barony  of  being  the  king's  chamberlain.  The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at 
the  will  of  the  lord.     The  prior  of  Hethfeld  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Essex.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  &en.  lU. 

Bumsted  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  un- 
specified. The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the  lord.  The  prior  of 
Hatfeld  has  the  church  to  his  own  uses. 

Stepelbumsted.  ,  100a.  arable,  4a.  meadow,  pasture,  5a.  wood,  21«.  6J. 
rent,  &c.  newly  acquired,  held  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  of  Robert  de 
Merk  for  J  knight's  fee.  The  lady  of  the  place  has  J  in  dower,  and  the  earl 
ought  to  maintain  the  heir  as  one  of  his  household  {de  libera  familia  siut)  to 
the  age  of  20  years,  or  to  render  40«.  yearly  for  15  years,  and  give  him 
4  marks  yearly  for  the  remaining  5  years,  and  lOOs.  when  he  shall  come 
to  full  age,  if  he  shall  wish  to  retain  the  land. 

Essex.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Benetly  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given) ;  the  manor  pertains  to  the 
barony,  as  Culn'  and  Hengham  do,  of  being  the  king's  chamberlain. 

Essex.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Coin  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  as  other  manors 
are,  in  barony  by  being  the  king's  chamberlain.  The  prior  of  Coin  has  the 
church  to  his  own  uses. 

Essex.     Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Gelham  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering 
yearly  at  the  exchequer  101.  fee  farm;  and  besides  he  paid  6  soams 
of  wheat  and  6  of  barley  worth  48«.  in  ordinary  years,  to  Otto  son  of  William, 
for  life,  for  80a.  arable  newly  acquired.  The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the 
will  of  the  lord. 

Essex.    Extent  made  48  Hen.  III. 

Duddinghurst  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
Tallage  at  the  lord's  will  from  the  customers. 

Essex.     Extent  made  48  Hen.  III. 

Dunham  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
The  customers  ought  to  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the  lord. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  187 

Essex.    Extent  made  after  Christinas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Messing  manor  (extent  given),  of  the  fee  of  Roger  de  Messing,  and  the 
earl  had  it  in  exchange  for  the  land  of  BeauQhamp,  which  he  held  of  the  king 
in  chief.     There  are  8  customers  who  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the  lord. 

Buckingham.    Extent  made  after  Christmas,  48  Hen.  III. 

Whytchurche  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  with  40s.  rent  of  the 
borough,  held  of  the  honour  of  Gyffard,  pertaining  to  the  Marshalsea,  and 
it  is  the  head  of  18  fees  which  the  earl  held  of  the  heirs  of  the  Marshal. 
The  villeins  can  be  taxed  at  the  will  of  the  lord. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (1.) 


Writ  (missing). 

He  died  on  the  day  of  St.  Mark  the  Evangelist.  Henry  de  Lascy,  aged  14 
on  the  day  of  the  Epiphany  next,  is  his  heir. 

York.    Extent,   Tuesday  the  morrow  of   the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin 
48  Hen.  III. 

Elmesale  alicu  Elmesse  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified.  The 
reeve  of  the  manor  has  received  the  rents  and  perquisites  since  the  earl's  death. 

Bedford.  Extent,  Saturday  before  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Cross,  48  Hen.  III. 
Styventon  alias   Steven  ton  •  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

The  reeves. have  received  the  rents  and  perquisites  since  the  earl's  death. 

Joan,  wife  of  Sir  Humphrey  de  Boum  the  younger,  of  full  age,  and  Hawis, 
within  age,  daughters  of  the  late  Robert  de  Quency,  are  the  next  heirs. 

Bedford.    Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Denis,  48  Hen.  lU. 

Robert  de  Quency  a  little  before  his  death  granted  the  manor  of 
Styventon  by  charter  to  the  said  Earl  Roger  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body, 
with  condition  that  if  he  should  die  without  such  heirs  the  manor  should 
revert  to  the  said  Robert  .or  his  heirs.  The  heirs  of  the  said  Robert  are  his 
daughters,  the  abovesaid  Joan  aged  19,  and  Hawis  aged  14.  From  the 
earl's  death  the  manor  was  in  the  hands  of  Margaret  de  Lascy  countess  of 
Lincoln,  and  Sir  Humphrey  de  Bonn  the  younger,  until  it  was  taken  into 
the  king's  hands  on  Saturday  after  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin,  by 
the  king's  last  command. 

Northampton.      Inq.  Wednesday  before  the    Exaltation  of   the  Holy    Cross, 
48  Hen.  III. 

Wadenho  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified.  The 
reeve  has  received  the  rents  and  perquisites  of  the  manor  from  the  day  of 
St.  Mark  the  Evangelist  in  Easter  week. 

Nottingham.    Extent,  Sunday  after  the  Decollation  of   St.  John  the  Baptist 
48  Hen.  lU. 

Eneshall  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  with  the 
wapentakes  of  Alcherton,  Plumtre  and  Risley,  2  bovates  land  held  of  Enes- 
hall church,  land  in  the  field  of  Kirneshall,  and  an  assart  called  Griffes, 
tenure  unspecified.  The  reeve  has  received  the  rents  and  perquisites  from 
the  death  of  the  earl,  viz.  the  day  of  St.  Mark  in  Easter  week. 

Endorsed : — Knights'  fees  : — Thomas  son  of  WilUam  holds  8  fees  of  the  earldom  ? 

(de  cow')  of  Nottingham,  viz. : — 5  fees Nottingham  and  8  beyond 

Done  ?  viz. : — in  Bathele,    Musham,   Kereseford  ?    Weston,  Norhampton, 
....  eby,  Cotum,  Marnham,  Reseleye,  Lyntepol,  Hartworht,  and  Plumptre. 

Digitized  by 



Wnt,  7  Oct.  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Edward  the  Confessor,  49  Hen.  III. 

[York.]  Elmesale  manor  (extent  given) ;  there  are  no  knights'  fees  or 
advowsons ;  the  earl  held  the  manor  for  life  in  exchange  for  the  manors  of 
Kypes  and  Scales,  and  Alice  de  Lascy  received  the  Whitsuntide  rent,  viz. — 
82«.,  and  the  manor  is  in  the  custody  of  the  reeve  until  the  king  shall 
otherwise  command.     {See  Nos.  782  and  776.) 

C.Hen.IILFUeQl.  (2.) 

588.  BoGEB  DE  Tony  alias  db  Thont. 

Writ  of  extent  to  James  Freysel,  18  June,  48  Hen.  IH. 

Wales.    Extent,  St.  Vincent's  day,  49  Hen.  III. 

Painscastle  {Castrum  MatUdis),  with  the  honour  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  king  of  England  in  chief  by  knight's  service.  And  whereas  62  kn^hts' 
fees  in  England  and  Wales  are  held  of  the  honour  of  Colwent  pertaining 
to  the  said  castle,  as  is  said,  the  jury  say  that  they  know  that  many  fees 
were  held  of  the  said  Soger,  but  who  held  them  they  know  not. 

Devon.     Extent,  Thursday  the  eve  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  48  Hen.  HI. 

Sutauton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants) 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown ;  including  60^.  rent  from 
William  le  Pruz  who  owes  relief  when  it  happens,  122.  5s.  &d.  land  held  by 
Richard  de  Poltimor  by  service  of  -^  knight's  fee,  owing  relief  and  wardship, 
100«.  land  held  by  Henry  de  Horton  by  similar  service,  101.  13*.  land  held 
by  William  de  Moun  in  free  marriage  with  Juliana  de  Vernun,  rents  at  Sele, 
\  of  the  issues  of  the  market  of  Nortauton,  and  perquisities,  &c.  in  the 
township  of  Sele. 

Norfolk.    Extent,  Monday  before  St.  Margaret,  48  Hen.  III. 

Neketon  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  fields  and  tenants), 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

Neketon,  Little  Franesham  and  Little  Kersingham,  the  patronage  of 
the  churches. 

Westacre,  the  patronage  of  the  priory. 

Godewik.  1  carucate  land  held  by  the  prior  of  Westacre,  rendering 
15«.  yearly  to  the  lord  of  Neketon,  and  suit  of  court,  and  2#.  yearly 
rent  of  the  stewardship  {annui  redditus  de  seneseaucia). 

Sperham.    1  carucate  land  with  the  rent  and  services  of  80  villeins. 

Bodeneye.     The  rent  and  services  of  10  villeins. 

Shengham.     Of  2  villeins. 

Dunham.     Of  4  villeins. 

Gutland.    Of  6  villeins. 

Hale.     Of  2  villeins. 

Franesham.     Of  14  villeins. 
All  held  by  Roger  de  Cliflford  of  the  lord  of  Neketon,  by  service  of  -^  knight's 

Great  Kersingham.  28.  rent  for  stewardship  due  by  John  le  Breton  for 
the  tenement  of  La  Strehalle. 

Little  Kersingham  township.  14Z.  were  received  by  John  Hake  for  life 
of  the  gift  of  the  said  Roger,  by  the  hands  of  Master  Philip  the  vicax,  who 
held  the  manor  to  farm  of  the  said  Roger  until  after  the  feast  of  St.  Michael, 
47  Hen.  HI,  when  the  said  Roger  resumed  the  said  141.  rent  with  the  manor 
into  his  own  hands. 

Wrotham.  Divers  rents,  with  names  of  tenants  owing  suit  at  the  court 
of  Neketon. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  III.  189 

North  Wrotham,  held  by  the  prior  of  Sutthone  of  the  lord  of  Neketon, 
owing  suit  at  the  court  of  Neketon. 
The  warren  of  Wrotham  is  in  the  hands  of  the  Urd  of  Neketon. 

[Essex.]     Extent^  Sunday  the  morrow  of  St.  Luke  the  Evangelist,  48  Hen.  III. 
Wolcomestowe  manox  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants,  one  of 
whom  holds  land  by  1  falcon's  hood,  and  another  by  8  playing  dice  yearly) 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown.     The  prior  and  convent  of  Holy 
Trinity,  London,  hold  the  church  to  their  own  uses. 

Hbktpord.     Extent, Mary    Magdalen,  48    Hen.    III. 


Flemstede  manor  with  the  patronage  of  the  church  and  of  the  priory  of 
St.  Giles  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  socage. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  31.  (3.) 

589.  Gboffret  de  Bubdelbys. 

Writ,  7  May,  48  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated). 

John  his  son,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.  (Unspecified.)  120a.  land  in  demesne,  40«.  6d,  rent  of  assize,  l^a. 
wood,  5a.  meadow,  and  divers  works  and  services,  held  by  serjeanty  of 
being  Larderer. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (4.) 

590.  Baldwin  db  Boullebs. 

Writ,  15  Nov.    Inq.  Friday  the  feast  of  St.  Clement,  48  Hen.  III. 

WhjTS.  Poulton  manor  was  never  the  king's  ancient  demesne,  but  was  his 
escheat  because  the  said  Baldwin,  who  held  it  of  the  king  in  chief,  died 
having  no  heir  or  next  of  kin  who  ought  to  have  it. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  31.  (5.) 

591.  BiGHABD  Luvbl  dlia9  LowBL,  Lovel.  • 

Writ,  8  Oct.    Inq.  Saturday  the  day  of  St.  Luke  the  Evangelist,  48  Hen.  III. 
Hugh  Lowel,  his  brother,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Somerset.  Kari  Lowel  barony,  tenure  unspecified,  whereof  Lady  Eva  Lovel  is 
dowered  of  ^  part  and  more. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (6.) 

592.  Nicholas  db  Bonevill. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  escheator  of  co.  Somerset,  reciting 
lorit  {undated).    Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  Ambrose,  48  Hen.  III. 
William  de  Bonevil,  knt.  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

SoMERSBT.  Sock  mauor,  lands,  &c.,  to  the  value  of  102.  yearly  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  \  fee,  and  the  residue  of  the  manor  held  of  Bobert  de 
Bello  Gampo  by  service  of  2  fees  of  Mortain. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  31.  (7.) 

Digitized  by 



593.  John  de  Grioll. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Friday  after  the  Purification,  48  Hen.  HI. 
Bertram,  his  son,  aged  27,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.  Seten  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
finding  one  leash  of  greyhounds  at  the  king's  *  summons  once  a  year  as  long 
as  a  pair  of  fewterer's  shoes  shall  last. 

Nitherhardres  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Sir  Roger  de  Leyboume  in 
chief  by  service  of  one  sparrowhawk  {nisi)  yearly  or  2«. 

Esmeresfeud  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  heirs  of  John  son  of 
Bernard,  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Everland  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  archbishop  of  Canterbury  in 
chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

Boyton  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  archbishop  in  chief,  service 

Waterchine  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  archbishop  in  chief, 
service  unspecified. 

Welles  manor  (eitent  given)  held,  of  the  inheritance  of  his  wife,  of  the 
king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Perches,  service  unspecified. 

Neweham  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Robert  Biset  in  chief,  viz. — a 
free  tenement,  by  service  of  \  knight's  fee,  rendering  yearly  9«.  lid. ;  and 
the  residue  of  the  manor  held  in  socage  of  the  priory  of  Rochester  in  chief, 
rendering  12s.  6d.  yearly. 

FFeyenestede  parish.    2  marks  rent  held  of  Sir  F.  Peyforer. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (8.) 

594.  Agatha,  late  the  wife  of  Hugh  le  Waleys. 

Writ,  22  Jan.,  49  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated). 

John  le  Wales  her  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

[Sussex.]  Mydloventon.  4  virgates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
1  mark  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (9.) 

595.  Robert  de  Borham. 

Writ,  19  Sept.  49  Hen.  III.    Inq.  The  eve  of  St.  Martin,  50  Hen.  III. 
Philip,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Borham  and  Little  Badewe  manors,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  81.  (10.) 

596.  William  de  Gaugt. 

Writ,  26  Sept.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Francis,  49  Hen.  lU. 

Richard  Laundry,  his  sister's  son,  aged  40  and  more,  is  his  heir, 

[Leicester.]  Garthorp  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's 

[Leicester.]  Wymundeham.  80a.  land  held  of  divers  men  by  divers  servicee 

Leicester.    Inq.  {undated).     Same  as  the  above. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (11.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  191 

597.  Joan  Bbuer  alias  Brutbb. 

Mandate  &c.  reciting  writ,  dated  16  Jan.  Inq,  Sunday  after  the  Purification, 
49  Hen.  HI. 

[SoMEBSET.]  What  the  Lady  Joan  Bruyre  held  in  fee  she  gave  away  before  her 
death,  but  she  held  Odecumbe,  Yle  and  Mulverton  in  dower.  The  jury  know 
of  no  other  true  heirs  of  the  manors  of  Odecumbe  and  Yle  unless  the  Bretts 
(Brettos)  who  had  been  lords  of  Hececumbe,  which  manors  were  alienated  from 
the  just  heirs  through  the  power  of  Sir  William  Bruyre  the  elder. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  SI.  (12.) 

598.  Ltanus  db  Maunouebs  alias  de  Haunters. 

Writ,  12  Sept.  49  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Joan  de  Maunouers,  his  sister,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

[Nottingham.]  Holm  town  or  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  SI.  (13.) 

599.  Thomas  db  Nest  alias  Danest. 

Mandate  &c.  reciting  writ,  dated  8  Jan.  49  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 
Bartholomew,  his  son,  aged  15,  is  his  heir.     . 

Wilts  ;  Wbstburt  Hundred.  Dultun.  1  virgate  land  held  of  Richard  Danesy 
for  2s.  and  lib.  pepper,  and  2s.  8d.  for  the  king's  serjeanty ;  and  1  virgate 
land  and  6a.  held  of  the  prior  of  Stiventin  for  9«.  id. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  81.  (14.) 

600.  Adam  de  Gerstan. 

Writ,  to  the  sheriff  of  Lancaster,  29  April,  49  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated). 
John  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Lancaster.  Gerstan.  4  carucates  land  and  a  mill  held  of  Robert  de  Ferr'  earl  of 
Derby  in  chief  by  service  of  20«.  yearly,  and  suit  at  Lancaster  county 
(court)  and  Westderby  wapentake. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  31.  (15.) 

601.  RaiiPH  Musard. 

Writ,  4  Dec.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  Christmas,  49  Hen.  III. 

He  died  the  eve  of  the  Apostles  Simon  and  Jude  last.     Ralph  his  son, 
aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Dbrbt.  Staveley  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees, 
Wodesthorp.  1  carucate  land  held  of  Roger  de  Abbetot  for  4td.  yearly. 
Hinckreshill  and  Willamthorp,  held  of  the  heirs  of  John  de  Deyncurt 

for  \  knight's  fee. 

Wytewell.  1  bovate  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  Matthew  de  Hathersegge 

for  1  lb.  pepper. 

Writ,  4  Dec.  49  Hen.  HI. 

Gloucester.    Inq.  and  extent  (undated). 

Senesbyri  and  La  Musardyr  manors,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the 
barony  of  Stavelegh. 

Digitized  by 



Berks.    Inq.  Sunday  before  Epiphany,  49  Hen.  III. 

He  held  no  lands  in  the  county,  having  2J  years  before  his  death  given 
what  he  had  there,  viz. — 1  knight's  fee,  to  his  eldest  son  Balph,  to  hold  of  the 
king  in  chief. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  31.  (16.) 

602.  Simon  son  of  Michael  db  Bolton  alias  db  Boulton. 

Wntf  22  Jan.    Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Purification,  49  Hen.  III. 
William,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Lancaster.]  Bolton.  2  bovates  land  and  i  of  a  mill  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
by  paying  5s.  lOd.  yearly  for  the  land  and  40d.  for  the  mill. 

C,  Hen.  III.  File  31.  (17.) 

603.  Richard  de  Harden. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Clement,  49  Hen.  HI. 

His  heir,  named  John,  was  9  years  of  age  on  St.  Margaret's  day, 
48  Hen.  III. 

[Wilts.]  Harden.  2Ja.  land  and  a  bailiwick  of  the  forest,  held  of  the 
king  by  rendering  8a.  yearly ;  and  the  court  and  1  carucate  land  held  of 
Sir  Robert  Punchardon  by  service  of  40  days  with  the  king's  army  in  Wales, 
with  one  man  and  a  horse,  price  \  mark,  with  a  saddle,  price  2«.,  and  a  sack 
for  armour  (ad  hernesiuin),  price  12d. 

Wilton  ?   A  parcel  (of  land)  held  of  Roger  Loff,  rendering  IQd. ;  and  a 
croft  of  William  Pesemere,  rendering  2s. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (18.) 

604.  Andrew  Lutbrbl. 

Writ,  7  March,  49  Hen.  III. 

Geoffrey,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Lincoln.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Irnam  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

[Lincoln.]     Inq.  Tuesday  in  Easter  week,  49  Hen.  IH. 

Irneham  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony. 
{No.  611  should  be  united  to  No.  604.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  81.  (19.) 

605.  John  de  Boxstedb. 

Writy  14  Sept.  49  Hen.  III.    Inq,  {missing.) 

Writ  ofplenius  certiorari,  24  Sept.    Inq.  Sunday  before  St.  Michael,  49  Hen.  IH. 
He  died  in  the  King's  fealty  {adjidem)  on  Monday  the  eve  of  the  Nativity  of 
the  Blessed  Mary  last.     Ralph,  his  son,  aged  27,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Boxstede.     120a.  arable,  7a.  meadow,  20a.  pasture,  5a.  wood,  6  marks 
rent  of  assize,  204  works,  &c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee. 

Alfemeston.  80a.  arable  and  2a.  meadow,  held  of  the  fee  of  Benedict 
the  canon,  by  service  of  4Jd.  to  the  said  Benedict. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  31.  (20.) 

606.  Walter  de  Muscegros  alicu  de  Muchegros,  db  Mucegros. 

Wnt,  2  Dec.  49  Hen.  III. 

Gloucester.    Inq.  The  eve  of  the  Purification,  49  Hen.  HI. 

Blechesdon  manor,  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford  by  service  of  ^  knight's 
fee.  Walter  de  Blakeneye  and  John  de  Dudmerton  are  the  next  heirs  of 
this  manor,  and  of  full  age. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  198 

Bulleye  manor,  held  of  Walter  de  Eylesford  by  knight's  service. 
Lessendon   manor,    held    of    the    archbishop  of  York  by  service  of 
J  knight. 

Walter  de  Muchegros,  grandfather  of  the  deceased  Walter,  had  nine  daughters, 
viz. — Petronilla,  from  whom  was  born  Walter  de  Huntele,  knight ;  Margery 
Mabaunck  {alias  Maubanc),  who  is  dead,  and  had  three  daughters,  Lucy,  Alice  and 
Jueta  (alias  Jota) ;  and  Juliana,  Agnes,  Alice,  Joan,  Maud,  Elizabeth  and  Amabel 
{aiias  Mabel),  who  are  the  next  heirs  of  the  manors  of  Lessendon  and  Bulleye, 
and  of  full  age. 

Hbrbfobd.    Inq.  Thursday  after  the  Purification,  49  Hen.  HI. 

Ryttyr  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  finding  3  footmen 
in  the  king's  army  for  15  days  at  his  own  cost. 

Moniton  and  Wynfreton  manors,  held  of  Roger  de  Tony  by  service  of 
one  knight's  fee. 

Bodeham.    A  mill  held  of  the  honour   of  Brecknock  (Brekenon)  and 
another  of  William  de  Furches,  services  unspecified. 

The  heirs  are  the  same  as  for  Lessendon  and  Bulleye  manors.  The  king 
has  no  seisin  thBre  because  John  Lestrange  (Extraneus)  the  younger  holds  the 
lands  by  force,  nor  permits  anyone  to  have  seisin  in  the  king's  name. 

Writ  ofplenius  certiorari,  9  May.    Inq.  The  eve  of  the  Ascension,  49  Hen.  IIL 

Hereford.    To  the  same  effect  as  the  above,  with  the  addition  of  2  marks  rent  of 
assize  with  the  said  mills. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  32.  (1.) 

607.  Roger  Bertram  of  Bothal. 

Writ  to  John  de  Plesetis  and  Henry  de  la  Val,  "3  Feb.     Inq.  Monday  after 
St.  Valentine,  49  Hen.  HI. 
Robert  Bertram,  aged  21  on  the  eve  of  Christmas,  1264,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.      Bothale    and  Wethewrth.    6    carucates,   each    containing 
105a.  land. 

Heburn.    2^  carucates  in  demesne,  and  5  marks  from  10  bondages. 
Langhirst.    }  carucate  in  demesne,  and  11  marks  from  11  bondages. 
Hengandelyes.     40a.  land. 
72s.  lOd.  rent  from  free  tenants  in  the  county. 
Pegeswrth.     101.  from  15  bondages. 

16s.  from  meadows  through  the  whole  barony  of  Bothale,  and  5/.  from 

All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  3  knights. 

Lady  Laderana^  relict  of  the  said  Roger  and  mother  of  the  said  Robert,  has 
been  dowered  of  all  the  above  by  the  king's  special  mandate.     {See  No.  520.) 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  S2.  (2.) 

608.  Thomas  de  Pontope  alias  de  Punthope. 

Writy  21  Sept.  49  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  (undated  and  defective.) 

Constance,  aged  2,  and  Isabel,  aged  1,  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs  and  are 
in  the  hand  of  the  bishop  of  Durham. 

Northumberland.  Matfen.  80a.  arable,  5a.  meadow,  128Ja.  let  to  bondmen 
and  cottars  for  119s.  8d.  yearly,  a  brewhouse,  and  a  free  tenant  rendering 
yearly  2«. 

22880  N 

Digitized  by 



Natferton.  54a.  arable,  24a.  demised  to  a  bondman  for  16*.  yearly, 
2a.  meadow,  and  a  man  rendering  Sd.  yearly  in  avowry. 

Louerbotil.  SSla.  land  demised  to  16  bondnjmi  and  4  cottars  for 
9Z.  Is.  3rf.  yearly,  other  cottars  rendering  13«.  8d.  yecffly  for  tofts  and  crofts, 
a  mill,  and  3a.  meadow. 

Newcastle.    258.  rent. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  lOL  yearly. 

Writ,  9  May.    Extent,  Tuesday  after  St.  Dunstan,  50  Hen.  III. 

Constance,  aged  8,  and  Isabel,  aged  2,  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs. 

NoRTHUMBEBLAKD.  Louorebotlo,  Matfeu,  and  Nafiferton  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  101.  rent  paid  by  the  town  of  Louerbotle  for  itself  and  the  other 

Matfen.  51a.  and  2  parts  of  ^a.  land,  3a.  and  2  parts  of  ^a.  meadow, 
3  bondmen  each  rendering  20a.  6d.,  28.  from  Ban[dolphJ  de  Matfen,  and  Sd. 
from  a  brewhouse. 

Nafferton.  54a.  land,  2a.  meadow,  and  2  bovates  land  held  by  a  bond- 
man who  renders  16«.  yearly,  and  Sd.  from  Robert  Freman  *pro 

Newcastle.    16s.  8d.  rent.    {See  No.  579.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  82.  (3.) 

609.  John  de  Essblinqton  alias  de  Estlington  alias  de  Eslinoton. 

Wnt,  8  Dec.     Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Hilary,  49  Hen.  III. 

John,  son  of  Alan  de  Esselington  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  16  at  the 
feast  of  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross,  48  Hen.  III.,  and  18  at  the  feast  of 
St.  James  the  Apostle,  50  Hen.  III.,  is  his  heir,  and  was  married  during  the 
life  of  his  grandfather  (to  a  daughter  of  Eobert  le  Gonestable).  {See  Bot.  Fin. 
49  Hen.  IH.  m.  4.) 

Northumberland.  Esselington  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  6  marks  yearly,  and  all  the  husbandmen  shall  carry  yearly  to 
the  king's  castle  of  Hamburgh  15  trunks  (of  trees)  {truncos),  and  suit  is 
due  at  Northumberland  county  (court). 

Fraraelington  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of 
Sir  Roger  Bertram  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  rendering  40d.  yearly,  and 
there  is  due  for  enclosing  the  park  of  Mitford  to  the  value  of  2s.  yearly,  and 
1  mark  from  the  mill  to  the  prior,  &c.  of  Brinkebum  of  old  feefiinent. 
The  wife  of  the  said  John  is  not  yet  dowered  out  of  the  above. 

Writ,  25  Feb.  49  Hen.  III.    Extent,  Sunday  after  Trinity,  50  Hen.  III. 

Eslinton  town  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  rendering  4Z. 
at  the  exchequer  of  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  {super  Thinam),  and  carrying 
*  truncagium '  to  Banburk  castle,  viz. — 15  cartloads. 

Framelington  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  Roger -Bertram  by  service  of 
\  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  in.  FUe  82.  (4.) 

610.  John  db  Glbntbdon  alias  db  Glentindon. 

Writ  {missing).    Extent  made  on  the  same  day  and  on  the  same  membrane  as  the 

above,  viz.— Sunday  after  Trinity,  50  Hen.  III. 

Robert,  his  son,  aged  21  at  the  feast  of  St,  Luke  the  Evangelist,  50  Hen.  HI., 
is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  III.  195 

[Northumberland.]  Witingeham,  Throwinton,  and  Barthon.  The  said  John's 
part  (extent  given),  and  he  and  Thomas  de  Kyal  his  co-parcener  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  for  one  sore  sparrowhawk  yearly. 

Glentedon.  A  moiety  (extent  given),  held  by  rendering  20«.  yearly  to 
Thomas  de  Byel  and  Robert  Batail. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  32.  (4.) 

611.  Andrew  Loterbl. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  after  the  close  of  Easter,  49  Hen.  III. 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Nottingham.]  Gameliston  manor  with  Brigeford,  Basingefeld,  Keworth,  and 
Normanton,  and  the  advowson  of  Brigeford  church,  held  of  Gerard  de  Rodes 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Gameliston  and  Basingfeld.  6}  virgates  land  held  of  the  fee  of 
Maunoers  by  service  of  A^  knight's  fee ;  and  two  virgates  and  1  toft  held  of 
Robert  de  Thorlaston  by  rendering  2s.  yearly. 

(No.  611  should  be  united  to  No.  604.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  32.  (5.) 

612.  John  son  of  John. 

Writ  (missing).    Extent.    Wednesday  before  St.  Denis,  49  Hen.  III. 

Wilts.  Cyriel  manor  (full  extent  given"  with  names  of  tenants),  including  20a. 
meadow  in  the  park  of  Aubred,  8a.  at  Phippesdene,  and  8a.  and  Ir.  at 
Thasewarde ;  20a.  pasture  at  La  Gore,  and  200a.  on  the  whole  hill  called 
Oldebyry,  Cumbes,  Herlesdune,  and  Heydune ;  51a.  and  Ir.  land  in 
demesne  in  Euwich  ;    and  40a.  and  Ir.  wood  in  the  forest  of  Chippenham. 

C.  Hen.  ni.  File  32.  (6.) 

613.  John  de  Leb. 

Writ  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Lancaster,  28  Aug.  49  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  (missing.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  32.  (7.) 

614.  Beginald  lb  Fobrestbb. 

Writ,  1  Oct.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Michael,  49  Hen.  IH. 
Jordan,  his  son,  aged  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Bbbes.]     Gokeham.     1  hide  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  5s. 

Wyndesor  forest.  A  bailiwick  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering 
10s.  yearly. 

Waltham.  ^  hide  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Certese,  rendering  8a.  yearly ; 
and  J  knightVfee  held  of  William  de  Wyndes'  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Hurlee.    1  hide  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Hurlee,  rendering  8s.  yearly. 

[OxFOBD.]  Lynham.  ^  knight's  fee  held  of  John  de  Bipariis  by  service  of 
i  knight's  fee.    (See  No.  548.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (8.) 

615.  John  de  Btaynhol  alias  de  Stetnhole. 

Writ  to  Eobert  de  Lathum  and  Bichard  le  Butyller,  13  Feb.     Writ  to  the  sheriff 
of  Lancaster,  14  Feb.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Cuthbert,  49  Hen.  III. 
Boger,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Digitized  by 



Lancaster.  Steynhole.  8  bovates  land  held  of  the  king  m  chief  by  service 
of  drengage,  rendering  to  the  king  Ss.,  foreign  service,  and  one  snitor  at 
the  county  (court)  and  wapentake. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  S2.  (9.) 

616.  Cecily  db  Hoton. 

Writ  {undated  fragment).  Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Mary  Magdalen,  50  Hen.  III. 
Berte,  her  daughter,  aged  28,  is  her  heir,  and  is  married  and  has  children 

[Cumberland.]  Hoton  in  the  Forest.  27a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief, 
rendering  4«.  lid.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  32.  (10.) 

617.  Godfrey  le  Marbbler  alias  le  Marberer. 

Writ  to  the  sherijBf  of  Surrey,  11  Feb.  50  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Surrey.  Suwerk.  The  houses  of  the  said  Godfrey  deceased  were  not  the  king's 
escheat  through  his  death,  because  Maud  the  wife  of  William  Bateman  is  his 
heir,  as  daughter  and  heir  of  Hugh  the  Mason  {Cementarii)  his  brother,  who 
died  before  him. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  82.  (11.) 

618.  William  le  Cressoner  alias  de  la  Cressener. 

Writ,  2  July.    Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Mary  Magdalen,  50  Hen.  III. 

Alice,  Christiana,  and  Agnes,  his  sisters,  are  his  heirs,  and  of  full  age,  for 
they  were  married  long  ago  and  all  have  several  heirs. 

Cumberland.  Hoton.  i  carucate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  58. 
yearly ;  whereof  Emma  late  his  wife  holds  i  in  dower. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  32.  (12.) 

619.  Hugh  Gothemund  alias  Gutmund  of  Norton. 

Writ,  2  May,  50  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Bandolph,  his  son,  aged  8,  is  his  heir. 

[Worcester.]     Norton.     2  virgates  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Evesham,   by 
doing  suit  at  his  court,  2  suits  yearly  at  his  two  great  hundred  (courts),  and 
1  suit  at  Worcester  county  (court)  monthly.    His  wife  seeks  her  dower. 
"^  C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (13.) 

620.  Muriel  de  Glisseby. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  The  eve  of  the  Apostles  Simon  and  Jude,  50  Hen.  III. 

John,  her  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  her  heir,  and  was  in  the  king's  wardship 
for  9  years  and  more. 

[Lincoln.]  Clisseby .  1  bovate  and  i  of  J  bov%te  land,  and  8s.  2jrf.  rent  of  assize 
held  of  the  king,  as  one  of  the  8  sisters  and  heirs  of  Peter  son  of  Nicholas 
de  Clisseby,  who  held  of  the  king  in  chief  4  bovates  land  and  248.  8|ei.  rent 
of  assize  by  serjeanty  of  keeping  one  of  the  king's  falcons. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  S2.  (14.) 

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fitJNRY  lii.  197 

621.  Master  John  Maunsbll. 

Writ  to  the  wardens  (cvstodibus)  of  the  city  (of  London),  12  April.  Inq.  Friday 
after  Hock  Day,  60  Hen.  III. 

London.  Certain  houses  held  in  chief  of  the  heir  of  Robert,  son  of  Walter,  by 
service  of  9d.  They  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands  because  William  de 
Heywode,  the  king's  enemy,  last  held  them,  and  are  now  held  by  Master 
William  de  Fescaump  of  the  king's  gift.  Who  is  the  heir  of  the  said  John 
the  jury  know  not,  nor  whether  he  bequeathed  the  houses  to  Amabel  de 
Rypun  his  kinswoman  or  not,  but  he  could  freely  bequeath  them  according 
to  the  laws  and  customs  of  the  city. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (16.) 

622.  BOBEBT   DE   LA   GUTUBB. 

WrU,  28  June,  50  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Sunday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul. 
Henry,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

SoMBBSET.  Orchardleye,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (16.) 

623.  Henby  db  Blendek  alias  Blenddbge. 

Writ,  29  Dec.  60  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

John,  his*  son,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Merese.  100a.  land,  8a.  meadow,  marsh  for  120  sheep,  and  98.  bd. 
rent  of  assize. 

Bedeswell.     100a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  and  188.  rent  of  assize. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  1  knight's  fee, 
and  doing  one  suit  at  the  court  of  Boulogne  {Boloye). 

The  land  of  Bedeswell  was  let  to  farm  until  the  end  of  6  years. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (17.) 

624.  Juliana  db  Gtmingham. 

Writy  12  April,  50  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Eeyner  de  Gymingham,  her  son,  aged  50  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

[NoBFOLK.]  Burham  manor  (extent  given),  with  the  advowsons  of  a  moiety  of 
the  churches  of  All  Saints  Ulp,  and  St.  Margaret  Burham,  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (18.) 

625.  Emma  Atthebe,  of  Stanford. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  The  eve  of  SS.  Simon  and  Jude,  50  Hen.  III. 

Henry  Atthere,  her  son,  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age  and  more,  and  was 
married  before  his  mother's  death. 

Hbbefobd.  [Stanford  ?]  J  virgate  lana,  excepting  6Ja.,  held  of  the  king  in  chief; 
and  she  ought  to.  conduct  the  king's  treasure  from  Hereford  to  London,  with 
others  who  owe  the  like  service,  at  the  king's  costs ;  to  summon  the  bishop 
of  Hereford  at  Bromyard  by  the  king's  command  when  necessary ;  and  to 
attend  the  county  (court)  of  Hereford  every  other  year. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  82.  (19.) 

Digitized  by 



626.  BoBBRT  DB  Badbwell  alias  de  Badbuell. 

Writ  to  the  sherijBf  of  Bedford,  2  July.  Inq,  The  day  of  the  Translation  of 
St.  Benedict  the  Abbot,  60  Hen.  III. 

Bedford.  Badeuell.  10  virgates  arable,  17a.  meadow,  2S«.  6^.  rent  from 
free  tenants,  28.  from  fishery,  2«.  6d.  from  cottars,  J  mark  from  pasture,  10s, 
from  courts,  and  24<.  villenage  rents,  held  of  Balph  Pyrot,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  32.  (20.) 

627.  BoBEBT  DE  Mebiton. 

Writ,  12  June.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  John  the  Baptist,  50  Hen.  III. 
Bobert  Dykerel,  his  son,  aged  23  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Oxford.]  Meriton.  A  messuage  and  2  virgates  land  in  demesne,  a  messuage 
and  J  virgate  land  held  by  John  le  Neweman,  rendering  2«.  6d.  yearly,  J 
virgate  land  held  by  William  de  Hereford,  rendering  2«.  6d.  yearly,  and 
58.  6d.  from  a  virgate  held  in  villenage,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  38.  (1.) 

628.  William  db  Oivil  alias  db  Eyvil,  de  Ovill. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  1  April,  50  Hen.  HI.    Extent  {undated). 

Somerset.  CnoUe  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  the 
pasture  of  Holdeburi ;  all  which  lands  are  of  the  free  marriage  of  Joan  who 
was  the  said  William's  wife. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (2.) 

629.  Geoffbey  de  Solbnt  alias  de  Sullbny. 

Writ  of  certiorari,  16  March,  50  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  {undated.) 

His  heirs  are  unknown  to  the  jury,  but  he  had  sisters,  some  of  whom  were 
married  in  Cornwall  and  some  in  Brittany. 

Somebset.  Kynemeredon  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  \ 
knight's  fee;  but  half  a  year  before  his  death  he  enfeoffed  Bobert  de  Boyton 
and  Mary  his  wife  of  the  said  manor  and  of  all  his  land  in  Somerset  and 
Cornwall,  and  he  was  of  sound  mind  when  he  enfeoflfed  them.  To  whom 
these  lands  ought  to  descend  by  hereditary  right  is  unknown  to  the  jury,  but 
by  the  feoffment  they  ought  to  pertain  to  the  said  Bobert  and  Mary  and 
their  heirs,  who  peacefully  held  them  until  they  were  ejected  by  reason 
of  the  late  disturbance ;  but  afterwards  by  the  king's  writ  of  restitution, 
because  the  said  Bobert  always  adhered  to  the  king's  fealty,  they  recovered 
their  seisin  and  still  have  it. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  33.  (8.) 

630.  Bobert  Wlcotes  alias  Ulcoptes. 

Writ,  6  Nov.    Inq.  Sunday  before  the  Conversion  of  St.  Paul,  50  Hen.  III. 
Simon,  his  son,  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

NoBTHUMBBRLAND.    Naffortuu.    A  messuago  and  24a.  land  in  demesne. 
Newcastle.    Two  burgages. 
For  all  which  he  rendered  yearly  to  the  king  1  mark, 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  33.  (4.) 

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HENHY  nl.  199 

631.  John  de  Mugegros. 

Writ,  18  June,  50  Hen.  III. 

His  two  sisters,  Alice  and  Agatha,  are  his  heirs,  and  of  full  age. 

Northampton.    Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  John  the  Baptist,  50  Hen.  III. 

Esthaddon.  A  capital  messuage,  6  virgates  land  in  demesne,  18  virgates 
in  villenage,  15«.  6d.  cottars'  rent,  works  worth  5s.,  lOs.  4Jd.  rents  of  free 
tenants,  JZ6.  pepper  and  i  of  JZ6.  pepper,  and  4  mills,  held  of  the  honour  of 
Leicester.  And  he  held  3  knights'  fees  of  the  earl  of  Leicester  in  Est 
Haddon,  in  Saham,  co.  Nottingham,  and  in  Sipfeud,  co.  Sussex,  of  the  small 
fee  of  Mortain. 

[Cambridge.]     Inq.  {undated  and  dejective.) 

Hingstone.  80a.  arable,  14«.  4rf.,  lib.  pepper,  and  lib.  cummin  rent,  and 
i  and  i  of  a  mill,  2a.  meadow,  &c.,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
i  knight's  fee. 

[Cambridge.]     Extent,    The  day    of   St,    (John   the  Baptist?),   50  Hen.  HI. 

Arington held  of  the  earl  of  Wyncestre  in  chief, 

by  doing  i  knight's  fee,  and  (the  said  earl?)  held  that  land  of  the  earl  of 
Gloucester  in  chief  by  the  same  (service). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (5.) 

632.  Hugh  de  Polbsted. 

WHty  14  Dec.  50  Hen.  III. 

His  daughters,  Hawis,  aged  22,  Petronilla,  aged  18,  and  Bose  {Roysia, 
Rays),  age  variously  stated  as  14,  and  15  and  more,  are  his  heirs. 

Suffolk.    Extent,  Saturday  after  Ash  Wednesday,  50  Hen.  III. 

Polstede  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  honour  of 
Beleye,  doing  service  of  4  knights*  fees. 

[Norfolk.]     Inq.  (undated.)  ■ 

Burnham  manor  (extent  given)  tenure  unspecified  ;  and  40a.  land  with 
certain  services  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  William  de  Grandcurt,  by  service  of 
J  knight's  fee.  And  there  are  moieties  there  of  the  advowsons  of  the  churches 
of  St.  Margaret  and  All  Saints.     (See  No.  880.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (6.) 

633.  Adam  de  Pbriton  alias  de  Perugton,  de  Perinton. 

Writ,  24  Feb.  50  Hen.  III. 

Bobert,  son  of  Sir  William  de  Kaynes  alias  de  Eaenas,  de  Yenis  and  the  said 
Adam's  first  daughter,  age  variously  stated  as  16  and  18 ;  Isabel,  late  the  wife  of 
Sir  Bobert  de  Welles,  another  daughter,  of  full  age  ;  and  Katherine,  wife  of  John 
Paynel  alias  Paenell,  a  third  daughter,  of  full  age ;  are  his  heirs. 

Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Gregory (fragment.) 

C    .     .     .     .    manor (one  esquire  ?)  armed  with 

a  hauberk 

Gl    .    .    .    .    town    ....    arable  land wood   .   . 

Dorset.    Extent  (undated). 

Bamesham  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  Hugh  de  Eegghes,  by  rendering 
10».  yearly. 

Digitized  by 



Northampton.    Extent^  Sunday  before  Hockday,  60  Hen.  HI. 

Faxton  manor  (extent  given),  with  rents  of  the  free  tenants  of  Multon 
alias  Moltone  and  Waudegrave,  held  of  Sir  John  de  Baillol  for  4  knights' 
fees,  and  4  marks  rent. 

Writ,  24  Feb.  56  Hen.  HI.    Inq. 50  Hen.  III. 


EUintun  alias  Helligtun  (manor)  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
with  4J  marks  rent  from   the  town  of  Cresuel  alids  CresseweU,   tenure 
Hayden  town  was  given  in  free  marriage  with  the  said  Adam's  daughter. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  93.  a-) 

634.  John  de  Bradeford. 

Writ,  17  Nov.    Liq.  made  at  Alneuick  Tuesday  after  St.  Hilary,  50  Hen.  HI. 
Alexander,  his  son,  aged  19  at  the  feast  of  All  Saints  next,  is  his  heir. 

Northumberland.  (Unspecified.)  8  bovates  and  6a.  arable  in  demesne,  2}a. 
meadow,  20s.  herbage,  5  marks  10s.  from  the  mill,  11  bovates  servile  lands, 
10s.  from  cottars,  6d.  from  Spinlestan  pond,  &c.  giving  1  mark  yearly  for 
guard  at  the  castle  of  Banburi,  and  doing  the  king's  foreign  service. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  83.  (8.) 

635.  Walter  de  Horkelbohes  alias  de  HoRKESLEa'. 

Writ,  5  Aug.  50  Hen.  III. 

Sir  Bobert  de  Horkesleg',  his  son,  aged  88,  is  his  heir. 

Suffolk.    Extent  {undated). 

Wiston  manor  (extent  given),  held  sometime  by  Sir  Walter  de  Wiston 
of  the  king  by  reason  of  the  honour  of  Beylee  for  J  knight's  fee,  and  Sir 
Bobert  de  Hork',  aged  88,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Extent,  Sunday  the  Decollation  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  50  Hen.  III. 

Horkesleg'  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by  reason  of  the 
barony  of  Beyleg',  by  service  of  2J  knights'  fees. 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  %3.  (9.) 

636.  BoGER  de  Merley  alias  de  Merlay. 

Writ,  4  Dec.    Extent,  Tuesday  before  the  Conversion  of  St.  Paul,  60  Hen.  III. 

His  three  daughters  are  his  heirs,  whereof  the  eldest,  aged  24,  is  married  to 
William  de  Graystok,  the  second,  aged  10,  is  not  married,  and  the  third,  aged 
8,  was  married  before  the  said  Soger's  death  to  the  son  and  heir  of  Marmadoke 
de  Tueng. 

York.  Burton  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  a  croft 
called  Gumbland,  a  culture  called  Elyesflat,  a  mill  and  culture  at  Thymun, 
and  lands  or  rents  in  the  towns  of  Drenghou  and  Thyrnon,  held  of  Peter  de 
Brus,  service  unspecified. 

Knights'  fees  pertaining  to  the  manor : — 

Harpam,  Burton,  Thyrhom,  Mapelton,  Bolleston,  and  Grancemor, 
2^  knights'  fees  held  b^  Herbert  de  Sancto  Quintino. 

Jetingham,  Brentmgham,  Glif  and  Gave,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Hugh 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  201 

Burton,  5  bovates  land  held  by  the  said  Hugh  by  service  of  ^  knight's 

Rodestayn,  Benton,  and  Buketon,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  William  de 

Hasthorp,  i  knight's  fee  held  by  William  de  Hasthorp. 

Thymom  and  Grancemor,  ^^  knight's  fee  held  by  Alan  Romund. 

Thyrnom,  -^  knight's  fee  held  by  Anselm  le  Engleys  ;  and  -^  knight's 
fee  held  by  John  le  Engleys. 

Harpham,  ^  knight's  fee  held  by  Thomas  deLouthorp.     (See  No.  776.) 

C.  Hen.  Ill:  File  33.  (10.) 

637.  William  db  Plogenbt. 

Writy  17  July,  50  Hen.  III.    Inq.  The  eve  of  All  Saints,  51  Hen.  HI.  {much 


Joice,  his  son  and  heir,  died  in  the  king's  wardship  after  his  father's  death 
without  heir  of  his  body,  and  the  inheritance  descends  to  Henry  his  brother, 
aged  22. 

Bebes.  Lamburn,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king.  Joan,  late  his  wife,  has  a 
third  part. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File.  33.  (11.) 

638.  Adam  db  Novo  Mercato. 

Writ  of  plenius  certiorari^  on  the  petition  of  William,  son  of  William,  son  of 
Roger  Sturmer  alias  de  Storemer,  25  Jan.  Inq.  Wednesday  before  Palm 
Sunday,  50  Hen.  III. 

[Essex.]  Storemer.  A  messuage  and  50a.  land,  which  the  bailiffs  of  Richard 
king  of  Almain  have  taken  into  the  said  king's  hands  amongst  the  lands  of 
the  said  Adam  which  the  king  gave  him,  were  demised  by  the  said  William, 
son  of  Roger,  to  the  said  Adam  for  the  sustenance  of  his  son  William,  with 
reversion  to  him  when  of  lawful  age ;  but  the  said  Adam  never  provided 
sustenance  to  the  said  William,  who  is  now  of  full  age. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  S9.  (12.) 

639.  John  le  Bbun. 

Writ,  20  March,  50  Hen.  III.     hiq.  (undated.) 
John  le  Brun,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

Gloucestbb.  Elkestan  manor  and  a  fourth  part  of  Wyneston  manor,  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  for  J  of  a  barony. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  33.  (13.) 

640.  William  Whytman  alias  Wytman,  who  hanged  himself. 

Writ,  8  Nov.     Inq.  Saturday  before  St.  Andrew,  50  Hen.  III. 
Isabel  Witman,  his  sister,  aged  26,  is  his  heir. 

[Huntingdon.]  Gomecestre.  8Ja.  and  Ir.  land  held  of  the  king's  demesne  by 
rendering  7s.  yearly.  3a.  of  the  said  land  were  delivered  by  the  bailiffs  of 
Gomecestre  to  Hugh  Scot,  and  the  rest  to  Eeyner,  vicar  of  Gomecestre,  who 
now  hold  them. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  SQ.  (14.) 

Digitized  by 



641.  Bbbnabd  de  Bbus,  the  king's  enemy,  deceased. 

Writ  oj  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon  of  lands,  &c.  in  Cuminion, 
20  Aug.  60  Hen.  IH.     Extent  (misiing). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (15.) 

642.  Geoffrey  Puncard  alias  Punzabd. 

Writ  ofplenius  certiorari  to  the  sheriff  of  Berks,  on  the  petition  of  Robert  Puncard, 
his  son  and  lawful  heir,  20  Nov.  50  Hen.  III.  Inq.  {undated.) 
After  the  said  Geoffrey's  death,  his  son  Bobert  and  William  son  of  Laurence, 
his  elder  son,  were  in  the  house  together  for  one  night,  and  when  the  body  was 
translated  to  the  church,  the  said  Bobert  ejected  the  said  William,  and  maintained 
himself  there  for  nearly  40  days.  The  said  William  procured  an  inquisition  which 
found  that  he  was  the  next  heir,  if  legitimate ;  but  the  present  jurors  know  not 
whether  he  is  legitimate  or  not.     {See  No.  647.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FOe  88.  (16.) 

643.  Hugh  de  Looes. 

Writ  of  certiorari^  17  Aug.  61  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated  and  defective.) 

[Warwick.]  Cesterton  manor  was  held  by  the  said  Hugh  of  the  king  by 
serjeanty,  together  with  the  bailiwick  of  the  forest  of  Kanoc  and  other  lands 
in  CO.  Stafford,  by  doing  to  the  king  yearly  10  marks  from  the  said 
bailiwick,  which  Master  Thomas  de  Weseham  and  the  bishop  of  Chester  now 
receive  from  the  foresters.    He  never  did  any  other  service  to  the  king  for 

the  manor,  nor  was  anything  ever  levied 

from  the  manor. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  83.  (17.) 

644.  Robert  de  Trumpinton  alias  de  Trumpitone. 

WHt,  17  Feb.    Inq.  St.  Matthew's  Day,  61  Hen.  III. 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  16,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Great  Teya.  A  messuage,  land,  meadows,  pasture,  woods,  &c.  worth 
66<.  IQd.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  ^  knight's  fee. 

Teya  Oodmar.    22a.  land  and  ^.  meadow  held  of  Master  Geo&ey  de 
Feringes  in  free  socage  by  service  of  &b.  5d. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  88.  (18.) 

645.  Adam  de  Neuton. 

Writy  8  Sept.    Inq.  Wednesday  the  day  of  St.  Matthew,  61  Hen.  III. 
WilUam,  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

Cumberland.     (Unspecified.)    40a.  land  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  28.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (19.) 

646.  Robert  le  Ohaumberlakg  alias  le  GHAMBERLEm. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  subescheator  in  co.  Essex,  reciting 
writ  dated  28  June.    Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Paul,  51  Hen.  UI. 
Geoffrey,  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

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HENRY  III.  203 

EssBX.  Sturmere.  Lands  (unspecified)  worth  101.  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  ;  and  13a.  land  held  of  the  church  of  Haverelle 
and  Trop  crot  ?  by  rendering  34d.  yearly.  ^ 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  33.  (20.) 

647.  Richard  db  Havering'  alias  db  Havbringbs,  knt. 

Mandate,  &c.,  to  the  subescheator  in  co.  Dorset,  reciting  writ  dated  3  April, 
61  Hen.  HI. 
Richard,  his  son,  aged  25  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Dorset.]  Inq.  (undated.)  Sabwyk.  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  earl  of 
Leicester  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  ;  and  60a.  held  of  Walter  le  Vineter  by 
service  of  ^d.  and  i^  knight's  fee. 

Southampton.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Stanbrigge  juxta  Rumesie.    11  marks  rent  of  assize  held  of  Thomas  de 
la  Huse  of  the  fee  of  Alexander  Daundeville,  service  unspecified. 

Wilts.    Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  John  ante  Portam  Latinam,  61  Hen.  III. 

Midelton.     16s.  arable  land  rendering  to  John  Fulcher  one  rose,  16s.  6d. 
rent,  and  13s.  4c2.  from  the  issues  of  garden  and  meadow. 

Berks  ;   Ken'  hundred.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Eysenwode.    2  parts  of  1  virgate  land  held  of  Sir  Robert  de  Tattesale 
by  service  of  22^d.  rent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  34.  (1.) 

648.   GODFRET  DB   LiSTON. 

Writ,  18  April,  61  Hen.  III. 

John,  his  son,  aged  30,  is  his  heir. 

EssBX.    Inq.  St.  Mark's  day. 

Listone  manor,  held  of  the.  king  in  chief  by  service  of  making  wafers 
(vajras)  when  the  king  wears  the  crown,  at  the  king's  cost. 

Borle  town.  30a.  land  held  of  the  earl  of  Albemarle  (Alha  Mar') 
rendering  1  (pair  ?)  of  gilt  spurs. 

Corsfeld.  A  messuage,  60a.  land,  40a.  wood,  6a.  meadow  and  a 
windmill  held  of  the  earl  of  Oxford  by  service  of  \  knight's  fee  ;  and  land 
and  rent  worth  60s.  held  at  farm  of  the  fee  of  William  de  Hodingg  and 
Master  Richard  de  Corsfeld. 

EssBX.    Inq.  Monday  after  Palm  Sunday. 

Leitone.  Land  (unspecified)  held  of  Sir  Hugh  de  Nevill  in  chief  by 
service  of  1  gilt  spur  or  6d.  (or?  1  (pair)  of  gilt  spurs). 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  34.  (2.) 

649.  WiLLUM  DE  Broy. 

WHty  8  Nov.  61  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

He  died  on  Friday  after  All  Saints,  61  Hen.  III.    William,  his  son,  is  his 
heir,  and  of  full  age  and  married. 

Digitized  by 



Hereford.    Ailmeton  town,  held  for  8  hides  by  serjeanty,  which  was  rated  by 

Sir  Henry  de  Wingham  at  24«.  which  are  paid  yearly  at  the  exchequer. 
^  Lontlendi  (?)  in  Yrchenefeld.     1  carucate  land  held  of  Sir  Walter  de 

Huntele  by  service  of  \  knight's  fee. 

Lont  Mohan.  \  carucate  lemd  held  of  the  said  Walter,  and  it  is  in  the 
liberty  of  Monemue  outside  the  county ;  and  8  bovates  land  hdd  of  Sir 
Edward  the  king's  son  by  service  of  2s.  yearly,  outside  the  county. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  M.  (8.) 

650.  William  Pipard. 

Mandate,  &c.,  to  the  subescheator  in  co.  Devon,  reciting  torit  dated,  17  ?  April, 
51  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated.) 
Edmund,  his  son,  aged  21  on  the  least  of  St.  Mark  last,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.    Little  Totnes,  held  of  Hamel  de  Boyllay  in  burgage. 

Churleton,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Balph  de  Yalletorta,  of  the  demesne  of 

Langedon,  held  of  the  said  Hamel  by  knight's  service. 
Kary,  held  of  the  lords  of  Totnes  by  knight's  service. 
^        Tettecot,  similarly  held. 
Bovy,  similarly  held. 

Blakedon,  held  of  the  said  Hamel  by  knight's  service. 
Leuerekeber,  similarly  held. 

Writ,  27  April.    Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Botulph,  51  Hen.  III. 

Suffolk.  Hintlisham.  A  moiety  of  the  town  with  the  advowson,  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  one  sparrowhawk  {nisi)  yearly  at  the  king's  exchequer ; 
and  1  messuage  held  of  Bobert  de  Kopcopedhoc  rendering  Sd.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  84.  (4.) 

651.  Hugh  le  Brett.  ^ 

Wnt,  17  March,  51  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 
John,  his  son,  aged  28,  is  his  heir. 

[Essex.]  Auveliers.  A  messuage,  90a.  a.rable  in  demesne,  8a.  meadow  and 
pasture,  and  29«.  lOd.  rent  of  assize,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  barony 
of  Eelieghe,  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee ;  5«.  6d.  rent  of  assize  held  of  the  fee 
of  the  earl  of  Warenne  by  service  of  i^  knight's  fee ;  and  90a.  land  in  demesne, 
2a.  meadow  and  pasture,  and  4«.  5d.  rent  of  assize,  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl 
of  Mandevill,  service  unknown. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (5.) 

652.  Balph  de  Eeylmers. 

Writ,  29  April.    Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Swithin,  51  Hen.  HI. 

Simon,  his  son,  aged  4  at  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula  next,  is  his  heir. 

[Northampton.]     Eeylmers.    6  virgates  land. 

Craunisle.     2^  virgates  land  and  a  mill. 
GHpston.     5  virgates  land. 
Oxindon.     2  virgates  land. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  soke  of  Geytinton,  rendering  20«.  to 
the  farm  of  the  manor  of  Geytinton,  and  ^  of  the  tallage  assessed  to  the  manor 
when  the  manor  is  taxed. 

Eeylmers.  8J  virgates  land  held  of  William  le  Hauberge  of  the  fee  of 
Pevereli»  rendering  lib.  cummin  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (6.) 

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HENRY  III.  205 

653.  Peter  de  Percy. 

Writy  28  March.     Inq.  The  morrow  of  Easter,  51  Hen.  HI.  (defective.) 

Robert  de  Percy,  aged  21 St.  Dunstan,  51  Hen.  III.,  is  his 


York.     Warrum  with  the  advowson,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  J  knight's  fee. 

Sotton  upon  Derwent,  a  moiety  held  of  the  fee  of  Maulay  in  chief  by 
knight's  service ;  and  the  other  moiety  held  of  the  fee  of  Percy  in  chief  by 
knight's  service. 

Kemeteby.  8  carucates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Percy  by  knight's 

Boulton.    7  carucates  land  similarly  held. 

Poles.  2  parts  of  1  carucate  land  held  of  Euphemia  {EuferrC)  de 
Queldale  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  M,  (7.) 

654.  Humphrey  db  Boun. 

Writ,  21  Feb.    Extent,  Monday  after  the  Annunciation,  51  Hen.  III. 

Humphrey,  son  of  the  said  Humphrey  and  Eleanor  his  wife,  aged  18J,  is 
heir  (of  the  said  Eleanor). 

Hereford.    Hay  (castle)  town  and  commote  (extent  given). 

Huntiton  castle  and  borough   (extent  given),   with  rents   in  Kin  ton 
'  borough,  Bauerton,  New  Kinton,  Moseleg,  Chicwardin,  and  Brunleg  (held  of 
the  inheritance  of  the  said  Eleanor),  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  84.  (8.) 

655.  Alexandra  de  la  Haye. 

Writ,  14  Aug.  51  Hen.  III. 

Alexandra,  daughter  of  the  said  Alexandra  and  Thomas  de  la  Haye,  and  wife 
of  William  de  Gardino,  age  variously  stated  as  22  at  least  and  24  and  more,  is 
her  heir. 

Oxford.    Inq.  The  feast  of  St.  Bartholomew. 

Somerton.  A  messuage,  garden,  40a.  arable  in  demesne,  8a.  meadow 
and  608.  rents,  &o. 

Coges.  A  messuage,  garden,  80a.  arable  in  demesne,  10a.  meadow  and 
88«.  8d.  rents. 

All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  doing  at  Dover  castle  the  service  pertaining 
to  1}  knight's  fee,  and  finding  a  moiety  of  the  cost  of  maintenance  of  a  certain 
liouse  in  the  castle  for  ever. 

Kent.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Giles. 

/       (Unspecified.)    40a.  land,  pasture  in  the  marsh  for  80  sheep,  22«.  rent, 
fowls,  &c.  held  of  the  barony  of  Sir  Robert  de  Sancto  Johanne. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (9.) 

656.  Thomas  de  Hauvill  oZum  de  Hauvile. 

Writ,  1  Jan.    Inq.  Sunday  after  the  Conversion  of  St.  Paul,  51  Hen.  III. 
Henry  his  son,  aged  12,  would  be  his  heir  if  he  had  any  land  of  fee. 

Buckingham.  Linford  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  fee  of  Neuport  of  the 
barony  of  Sir  Roger  de  Somery,  and  Lady  Ida  de  Bello  Campo  holds  (it)  in 
dowBr,  to  whom  the  said  Thomas  used  to  render  yearly  6«.  rent  and  4s.  for 
view  of  frank  pledge.     {See  No.  685.) 

a  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (10.) 

Digitized  by 



657.  Hbnbt  db  Hauyyl  alias  de  Hauvile. 

Writ,  11  Jan.    Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Valentine,  51  Hen.  III. 

Henry  son  of  Balph  de  Hauvile^  aged  21  and  more,  who  lately  did  homage 
to  the  king,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.    Dunton  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified,  whereof  lady  Amice 
late  the  wife  of  the  said  Henry  holds  J  in  dower. 

Great  Benham.    8  marks  and  12d.  rent,  tenure  unspecified,  wherof  the 
said  Amice  received  a  moiety  in  dower. 

Eeteleson.     4/.   18s.  in  lands,  meadows  and  rent  of  assize,  tenure 

unspecified,  whereof  the  said  Amice  receives  ^  in  dower.    Thomas  de  Hauvile 

when  he  had  the  wardship  of  Henry  de  Hauvile  his  nephew,  enfeoffed  Balph 

de  Nichole  of  a  messuage  and  meadow,  18a.  land  and  a  windmill. 

The  said  Thomas  the  younger  brother  after  the  death  of  Henry  his  father 

deceived  the  king's  court  so  that  he  recovered  seisin  of  his  father's  lands,  until 

the  king  gave  the  wardship  and  marriage  of  Henry,  son  of  Balph  de  Hauvile 

the  elder  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Henry  (the  elder),  to  William  de  Benham, 

who  sold  the  same  wardship  to  the  said  Thomas.     The  said  Thomas  held  no 

other  lands  in  Norfolk  when  he  died. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (11.) 

658.  BooBR  LE  Taluub. 

Writ  {missing).    Extent,  Thursday  after  St.  Gregory,  51  Hen.  III. 

Essex.    La  Walle  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  S4.  (12.) 

659.  John  db  Sanoto  Amando. 

Writ  (missing.)     Extent,  The  day  of  St.  Gregory,  61  (Hen.  III.). 
Suffolk.    Ixning  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  84.  (18.) 

660.  Geoffrey  de  Nbvill,  of  Leysseby. 

WHt  (missing).    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Bartholomew,  51  Hen.  HI. 

Hugh  de  Nevill,  son  of  the  uncle  of  the  said  Geoffrey,  aged  80  and  more,  is 
his  heir. 

[Lincoln.]     Leisseby  manor  held  of  the  king  in  exchange  for  the  manor  of  Here, 
CO.  Dorset,  service  unspecified. 

Stratton  manor,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Geoffrey  de  Utingworth,  rendering 
100«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  84.  (14.) 

661.  Geoffbet  lb  Bus. 

Writ    (undated).     Extent,    Wednesday    after    the    Conversion    of     St*    Paul, 
51   Hen.   III. 
Bobert  his  son,  aged  4  at  Whitsuntide  next,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY   III.  207 

[GAMBBiDaB.]  Glopton.  A  messuage,  21a.  land,  8a.  meadow,  &c.  held  of 
Sir  W.  de  Chaeny  by  service  of  60a.  yearly,  and  of  the  abbot  of  Lesnes 
by  service  of  60s. 

Bassingbourne.  58a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  and  27«.  2|d.  rent  of  assize, 
lib.  pepper,  lib.  cummin  and  1  capon,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  fee  of 
Boulogne,  by  J  knight's  fee. 

[Cambridge.]     Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Gregory,  51  Hen.  III. 

Bassingebume  manor  (extent  given),  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  doing  2  suits  yearly  at  St.  Martin  le 
Grant,  London,  before  the  bailiff  of  the  honour. 

Clopton.  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given)  held  of  the  said  honour, 
rendering  60«.  to  Sir  William  de  Cheney  of  Mordon,  and  50«.  yearly  to  the 
abbot  of  Lesnes.  And  the  bailiff  of  the  said  honour  holds  the  view  of  frank 
pledge,  and  takes  2$.  to  the  king's  use. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (15.) 

662.  BiCHABD  Herige  d^  Stapilfobd,  alias  Eighabd  de  Stapilford. 

Writ,  7  Sept.     Inq.  Monday  after  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary, 
Hugh  de  Stapilford  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Nottingham.     Stapilford.     28  bovates  land,  J  watermill,  and  4«.  6d.  rent. 
[Derby.]    Maperleygh.     Qs.  rent. 

All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Peverel  by  service  of  1  knight's 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  84.  (16.) 

663.  BoBERT  DE  Hilton. 

Writ  {missing).    Extent^  Saturday  before  St.  Laurence,  51  Hen.  III. 

Northumbebland.  Benigton.  206a.  arable  in  demesne,  82a.  meadow,  24a. 
pasture,  12a.  brambles?  (dumtis),  11.  19«.  6d.  from  bondages,  26«.  from 
cottages,  &c.,  rents  from  free  tenants  (names  given),  a  mill,  and  l^a.  herbage 
called  Lymekilnelesche. 

Syplingtbotill.  286a.  land  in  demesne,  27a.  meadow,  pastures  called 
Blakelesche,  Caldenelburne,  &c.,  13L  198.  2^d.  from  bondages,  16^.  from 
cottagers,  rents  from  farmers  and  free  tenants  (names  given),  including  12^. 
from  Jolm  de  Newton  for  the  town  of  Neuton,  2a.  from  Gilbert  de  Vythill 
for  the  town  of  Vythill,  and  2«.  from  Boger  de  Gysinis  for  a  moiety  of  the 
town  of  Gysinis,  and  a  mill. 

Gysinis.  16a.  in  demesne,  57^.  and  288.  from  bondagers,  1  mark  and  4c?. 
from  cottars,  and  rents  from  farmers  and  free  tenants  (names  given), 
including  the  town  of  Haysand  and  a  moiety  of  Normanbey  held  by 
Hugh  de  Haysand,  and  he  renders  1  mark  for  the  guard  of  the  castle  of 
Alneuick  for  all. 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  84.  (17.) 

664.  Thomas  son  of  M[ichael],  son  of  [Micha]el. 

Writ  (missing).    Extent,  Tuesday  after   St.  Gregory  the  Pope,  51   Hen.  HI. 
Michael  his  son,  aged  8  at  the  Feast  of  the  Purification  next,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



NoRTHUHBEBLAKD.     Wytingeham  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Barthon  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Trowinton  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Byhel  (fall  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  lands  in 
Little  Ryel  and  Alburwic. 

[Wytingeham  with  Trojwinton  and  Barthon  held  of  the  king  by 
service  of  ^  mark. 

[Ryhel,  held  of  Ralph]  son  of  Roger,  which  was  given  in  free 
marriage ;  and  Michael  son  [of  Thomas  son  of  Michael  deceased]  is  the 
third  heir  of  the  third  degree. 

Dalton  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  honour  of  Richmond  by 
knight's  service. 

wife  of  Michael  de  Dalton,  step-mother  of  the 

said  Thomas,  holds  the  whole  residue  of  the  said 

The  dower  of  the  wife  of  the  deceased  has  yet  to  be  made.     (See  No.  300.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  34.  (18.) 

665.  Henry  Pygod,  impotent  from  old  age. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Martin,  61  Hen.  HI.  (defaced). 

Nicholas  his  son,  of  full  age  and  more,  is  his  heir,  and  is  married  and  has 
children  (pueros). 

Hereford.     (Unspecified.)     1  virgate?  land,  excepting  14 

held  of  the  king  in  chief,  and  he  ought  to  convey  the  king's  (treasure)  from 

Hereford  to  London  at  the  king's  costs and  to  attend 

each  county  (court)  of  Hereford,  and  summon  the  bishop  of  Hereford  at 
Bromyard.  On  account  of  his  impotence  from  old  age  he  committed  all  his 
land  to  Nicholas  his  son,  the  bearer  of  these  presents. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  34.  (19.) 

666.  Robert  db  Barevill,  of  Barton. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to   Th.   de  Bekering  reciting  writ  dated, 
20   Sept.   52  Hen.  III.      Inq.   Saturday  after   St.  Martin,   53  Hen.   IH. 
Joan,  aged  18,  and  Alice,  aged  16,  his  daughters,  are  his  heirs. 

[Lincoln.]  Barton.  17  bovates  larid  in  demesne,  and  20«.  5^.  from  14  tofts, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  yearly  (one)  sore  sparrowhawk.  Emma 
late  his  wife  has  a  third  part  in  dower.     (See  Nos.  377,  627,  570.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  34.  (20.) 

667.  Robert  db  Chancy. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Monday  before  St.  Michael,  52  Hen.  III. 
Thomas  his  son,  aged  23,  is  his  heir. 

York.     Skirkenbec  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  barony. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  Z5.  (1.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  ITI.  209 

668.  John  de  Eauwodb. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Hilary,  52  (?)  Hen.  III. 

David,  son  of  John  his  eldest  s»n,  aged  11,  is  his  heir ;  but  Robert,  another 
son,  maliciously  carried  off  the  said  David,  son  of  his  elder  brother,  in  the  lifetime 
of  the  said  John,  anil  still  detains  him,  but  why  and  where  the  jury  know  not. 

York.  Kauwode.  Land  (unspecified)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
keeping  the  king's  wood  of  Langwathe. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  35.  (2.) 

669.  Henry  de  Merck',  alias  de  Merk*. 

Writ,  20  Sept.    Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Luke,  52  Hen.  III. 

Henry,  his  son,  aged  21  years,  8  weeks  and  2  days,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Little  Berdefud  manor,  with  1  carucate  land  in  Lattone  pertaining 
thereto,  held  of  the  king  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  for  8  knights'  fees. 

Teye  ad  Hulmos  manor,  held  of  the  earl  of  Hertford  for  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  85.  (8.) 

670.  Stephen  de  Hampton. 

Mandate  dc.  to  the  sub-escheator  in  co.  Oxford,  reciting  writ  dated  21  July, 

52  Hen.  m. 

Alice,  his  daughter,  aged  15  at  the  feast  of  St.  Fredeswide  last,  is  his  heir  ; 
and  after  his  death  the  king  gave  the  wardship  and  marriage  of  the  said  Alice  to 
Sir  Nicholas  de  Yetindene,  who  gave  the  same  to  Sir  Philip  Basseth,  and  he  to 
Lady  Katharine  Luvel,  and  she  to  Walter  de  la  Puile,  who  married  the  said  Alice. 

Oxford.    Inq.  St.  Giles's  day,  52  Hen.  III. 

Hamptone  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

[Gloucester.]     Inq.  Friday  the  feast  of  St.  Bartholomew,  62  Hen.  III. 

Bacchesor',  J  knight's  fee  held   of  Sir  Thomas  Gulafre,   by  knight's 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (4.) 

671.  Petronilla  de  Wodbhuses  alias  de  la  Wdehuse. 

Writ,  28  July,  52  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula. 

Her  two  sons,  Bobert  de  Beutoft,  aged  40,  and  Alan  de  Beutoft,  aged  80,  are 
her  heirs. 

Nottingham.  La  Wdehuse  in  the  soke  of  Oswardbec.  95a.  land,  with  a  moiety  of 
the  site  of  a  mill  in  Tylne,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  32«.,  and 
suit  at  the  court  of  Oswardbec. 

Bekingham.    }  bovate  and  56a.  land,  30a.  wood,  and  la.  meadow,  held 
of  the  archbishop  of  York  in  chief  by  service  of  Ss.  and  suit  at  his  court. 

Tylne.    2  bovates  land  held  by  service  of  18d.  and  suit  at  the  arch- 
bishop's court.     {See  No.  709.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (5.) 

672.  Henry  de  Molesfen  alias  de  Mulesfen. 

Writy  2  Sept.    Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  Matthew,  52  Hen.  III. 

Henry  his  son,  aged  84  at  the  feast  of  St.  Bartholomew  last,  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Northumberland.  Molesfen  (extent  ^iven),  hdd  of  the  king  in  chief,  the  said 
Henry  and  his  bondmen  rendering  Ids.  work  yearly  at  Bamburk  castle, 
40«.  to  the  constable  of  the  castle  for  multure,  and  80».  to  the  king  by  the 
sheriff's  hands,  and  he  owes  suit  at  Northumberland  county  (court);  and 
2  bovates  land,  which  lie  waste,  held  of  Ingram  de  Warenham. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (6.) 

673.  Herbert  de  Bolbbek. 

Writ,   17  Aug.    Inq.   The  day  of  the  Decollation  of   St.   John  the  Baptist, 

52  Hen.  III. 

Gilbert  Bolebek,  his  brother  by  the  same  father  and  mother,  is  his  heir, 
and  of  full  age. 

Buckingham.  Kingeseye  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  one  knight's  fee. 

KenebeUe  manor.   1  carucate  land  held  of  John  le  Waleys  by  service  of 
^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  85.  (7.) 

674.  Robert  db  Wrtht'  alias  db  Wurth'. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  27  March,  52  Hen.  HI.    Inq*  (undated). 

William  de  Stretton,  aged  82,  Henry  de  Coudre,  aged  28,  and  Jordan  de 
Tyderington,  aged  26,  are  his  heirs. 

Lincoln.  Middle  Basene.  82a.  land  and  meadow,  and  808.  rent,  held  on  the 
day  of  the  battle  of  Evesham,  of  Germanus  son  of  Walter  and  Germanus 
Knot,  of  Middle  Rasene,  by  service  of  Id.  yearly. 

Walesby.  1  bovate  land,  held  on  the  same  day,  of  Walter  de  Aula  of 
Walesby  by  service  of  Id.  yearly. 

Lyndewod.  2a,  land,  held  on  the  same  day,  of  Nicholas  son  of  Nicholas 
de  Lyndewod  and  Alan  Malet  by  service  of  Id.  yearly. 

Estrasen  manor,  held  on  the  same  day,  of  Grace  de  Insula  and  her  heirs 
by  service  of  6d.  or  a  pair  of  gilt  spurs,  of  Elias  de  Rabayn  by  service  of 
10«.  warnoth,  and  of  Henry  de  Alem(annia)  by  service  of  5s.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (8.) 

675.  William  Cratbfige  alias  Gratefiob. 

Wiitj  12  Jan.    Inq.  Friday  the  feast  of  St.  Hilary,  52  Hen.  HI. 

London.  A  messuage  in  the  parish  of  St.  Andrew  towards  Alegate,  is  the  king's 
escheat  by  the  death  of  the  said  William  who  was  killed  in  the  battle  at 
Lewes  against  the  king  and  Edward  his  son. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  85.  (9.) 

676.  Giles  de  Wechchesham  alias  de  Wachesham,  db  Wachisham. 

Writ,  28  June,  52  Hen.  III. 

Giles  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  85  and  more,  86  at  the  feast  of  St.  John 
the  Baptist  (last),  and  40  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  The  morrow  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  52  Hen.  IH. 

Marlingford  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmund  in 
chief  by  service  of  |  knight's  fee. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  211 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Thursday  after  8S.  Peter  and  Paul,  52  Hen.  III. 

Wrtham  manor  (extent  given),  part  held  in  chief  of  the  abhot  of 
St.  Edmund  by  service  of  12d.  and  J  knight's  fee,  and  the  residue  of  the 
barony  of  Le  By  by  service  of  IJ  knight's  fee. 

[Suffolk.]     £xfent,  Wednesday  after  S8.  Peter  and  Paul,  52  Hen.  III. 

Wachisham" manor  (extent  given),  part  held  of  Sir  Peter  de  Taleword  in 
chief  by  service  of  (one)  knight's  fee,  and  the  residue  of  the  bishop  of  Ely  in 
chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Wednesday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  52  Hen.  IH.  {defective). 

Stansted  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  (by  service  of) 
f  knight's  fee  of  the  honour  of  Ha e. 

Culfho,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  (the  king)  in  chief  of  the  honour  of 
Lancaster.  Whereof  John,  brother  of  the  said  Giles,  holds  ....  fee  in 
demesne  of  the  gift  of  Elizabeth  his  mother. 

[Suffolk.]     Assignment  of  dower  {undated). 

The  manor  of  Wortham  is  assigned  to  Joan  late  his  wife  in  dower, 
besides  her  marriage  (portion)  of  Thoryton,  saving  to  the  king  U.  12«.  |d. 
rent  of  assize  of  free  tenants  with  their  homage  and  service,  in  the  name  of 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  Q5.  (10.) 

677.  Nicholas  de  Gbbunde. 

Writ,  28  March,  52  Hen.  III.     Extent  {undated). 
Hugh  his  son,  aged  80,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.  Frethenestede  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  and  Esherst  manor 
and  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  (by  service  of) 
1  knight's  fee. 

Holingeburn.  Is.  rent  held  of  the  prior  of  Christchurch,  Canterbury, 
rendering  20d.  yearly ;  and  4a.  wood  held  of  John  Someri,  rendering  12d. 

Buckingham.  He  held  also  in  Poxcote  and  Dodington,  the  lordship  of  2  knights' 
fees,  for  which  his  heir  ought  to  answer  to  the  king  for  3  knights'  fees. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File.  85.  (11.) 

678.  Nicholas  de  Leukenobe. 

Writ,  1  June,  52  Hen.  III. 

Sir  Roger  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  24  and  26  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Extent,  St.  Margaret's  day,  52  Hen.  III. 

Little  Beynes  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for 
1  knight's  fee,  and  by  service  of  rendering  10s.  yearly  at  the  castle  of 
•Dover  and  suit  at  the  court  of  Haghele. 

[Suffolk.]  Extent,  Saturday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr 
52  Hen.  IE. 

Mendisham  manor  (extent  given),  was  wholly  given  by  the  said 
Nicholas  5  years  and  more  before  his  death  to  Sir  Eoger  his  son,  who  did 
homage  for  it  to  Hugh  de  Mandevil  and  holds  it  of  him  by  service  of 
1  knight,  paying  yearly  32«.  to  Roger  de  Cotton  and  others,  and  5s. 
sheriff's  aid. 

Digitized  by 



Middlesex.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Margaret,  52  Hen.  III. 

Bu  Mimmes  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford,  viz. — 
1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File.  35.  (12.) 

679.  William  Maudut  alias  Mauduyt,  Mauduth,  earl  of  Warwick. 

Wnt,  20  Jan.,  52  Hen.  III. 

He  had  no  heir  of  his  body ;  William  de  Bello  Campo  the  younger,  son  of  his 
sister  Isabel  deceased  who  was  married  to  William  de  Bello  Campo  the  elder,  age 
variously  stated  as  26  and  more,  and  SO  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Extent >  [^2?]  Hen.  III.  (Jragment). 

manor  and  advowson  ....  of  the  king  of  the  honour 

[EuTLAND.]     Extent,  Tuesday  before  the  Purification,  52  Hen.  III. 

Berudon  manor  and  advowson,  with  the  advowson  of  Sutluflfeham  church 
(extent  given) ;  the  manor  was  the  king's  ancient  demesne,  and  King  Henry 
the  old  (vetua)  gave  it  to  the  ancestors  of  William  Maudut,  service  unknown 

[ .]     Extent,  Wednesday  after  the  Purification. 

Langedich.  A  court,  garden,  &c.,  worth  26«.  8d.  yearly,  arable  land 
worth  Gs.  6d.,  Qa.  lOd.  rent  of  assize,  and  ^a.  meadow,  tenure  unspecified. 

[Gloucester.]     Extent,  Tuesday  after  the  Conversion  of  St.  Paul,  52  Hen.  III. 
Cheddewrth  manor    (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified ;  but  Robert  de 
Camera  holds   there   4   knight's   fee,   and    Richard  de  Bosco   (holds)  by 
serjeanty  of  being  the  king's  pantler  for  3  feasts  yearly. 

[Southampton.]     Extent,  The  morrow  of  St.  Vincent,  52  Hen.  III. 

Hortleie  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  1 
carucate  land  held  by  Gilbert  Coiian  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee,  2  virgates 
held  by  Richard  de  Hoiitot  by  service  of  1  clove  gillyflower,  and  1  virgate 
held  by  William  de  Borhunte  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee,  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee,  and  he  was  the  king's  Chamberlain  at 
his  exchequer  in  London  by  reason  of  this  manor,  and  used  to  have  a  clerk 
there  continually,  to  whom  he  gave  100s.  yearly  at  least. 

Hindesham.    10s.  rent  of  assize. 

Winchester.   J  mark. 

Warwick.     Extent  (undated). 

Warwick  castle  and  borough  (extent  given),  with  the  advowsons  of 
the  churches  of  St.  Mary,  where  there  are  eight  prebends,  and  St.  James ; 
including  land  and  park  at  Wegenok',  the  fishpond  of  Pakkemor  with  the 
park,  pastures  called  Magna  Linch,  le  Putsiche,  le  Mucheleput,  le  Litleput, 
le  Ling  juxta  Coppeswelle,  and  le  Longsiche  versus  Cleyputtes,  and  the 
meadow  of  Mitton  and  le  Homme  in  the  meadow  of  St.  Nicholas,  and  the 
meadow  under  the  warren.  He  held  the  whole  honour  of  the  earldom  of 
Warwick,  of  the  king  by  service  of  2  knights. 

[Warwick.]     Extent,  Monday  after  the  Conversion  of  St.  Paul,  52  Hen.  IH. 

Braill  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  earldom  of  Warwick  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  the  service  due  for  the  whole  earldom.  Knights'  fees  held 
of  the  manor  : — 

Chiriton,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Ralph  de  Wylinton. 

Wynderton,  J  fee  held  by  Sir  Roger  de  Clifford. 

Chelemudecote,  J  fee  held  by  Sir  Henry  Hubaud. 

Braill,  J  fee  held  by  Sir  Peter  de  Monteforti ;  and  i  fee  held  by 
Sir  N.  de  Segrave.    There  is  no  advowson  pertaining  to  the  manor. 

Digitized  by 


tlENRY  III.  4lfl 

[Warwick.]     Schedule  of  knights'  fees  (dejaced) : — 

(Unspecified,)  1  fee  held  by le  Boteler. 

Pakinton,  1  fee  by  the  prior  of  Kennilewrth. 

(Unspecified,)  yV  fe®  hy  William  de  Ardena. 

(Unspecified,)  4  fees  ?  by  John  de  Verdun. 

Berkeswell,  J  fee  by  Richard  de  Mundeville. 

Listesvim  (?),  ^  fee  by  the  said  Richard. 

[Lodbroc?]  1  fee  by  John  de  Lodbroc. 

FuUbroc,  J  fee  by'Henry  Hubaud. 

Grafton,  ^  fee  by  William  de  Ardern. 

[Compton  Murdak  ?]  1  fee  by  William  Murdac. 

Ghalmundeccote,  ^  fee. 

[Compton  Winyate  ?]  J  fee  by  Thomas  de  Cumpton  Windgate. 

Chyriton,  1  fee  by  Ralph  de  Wiliton. 

Herberbury,  1  fee  by  William  le  Megre. 

Cumpton,  8  parts  (?)  of  1  fee  by  GeoflErey  Saumpson. 

Willeby,  J  fee  by  the  master  of  St.  John,  Oxford. 

[Walecot,]  J  fee  by de  Walecot. 

Lodbroc,  |  fee  by  Roger  de  Sutham. 
Rodburn,  J  fee  by  William  de  Ardern. 
Lockesle,  1  fee  by  the  prior  of  Kenill  [worth] . 
Bodewrth  and  Wilie,  1  fee  by  Henry  Hastiri. 
Napton,  i^  fee  by  Thomas  de  Ardern. 
Polebro  and  Wodecote,  J  fee. 
Cumpton,  J  fee  by  William  Murdac. 
Radeford,  J  fee  by  William  de  Simely. 
Morton,  J  fee  by  John  son  of  Alan. 

[Ludinton,]  ^  fee  by  Ralph  de  Ludinton. 
Wrlmeleston,  1  fee  by  John  Pecch. 
Pillardinton,  1  fee. 

[Haleford  ?]  \  fee  by  the  heirs  of  Richard  de  Haleford. 
Wilmecote,  1  fee  by  Thomas  de  Caunvile. 

Dercet,  J  fee  by  the  same. 

Sekindon,  ^  fee  by  the  same. 

Clinton,  1  fee  by  Geoffrey  Sauvage. 

Billesle,  1  fee  by  William  Trussel. 

Winderton,  J  fee  by  Walter  Deyvile. 

Soteswell,  1  fee  by  John  son  of  Guy. 

Breles,  ^  fee  by  Nicholas  de  Sedgrave. 

Snitenefeld,  1  fee  by  Thomas  de  Clinton. 

[Warwick,]  ^  fee  by  Richard  de  Warr\ 

Fennicumpton,  J  fee  by  Richard  Pecch. 

Wichurch,  1  fee  by  Peter  de  Monteforti. 

(Unspecified,)  i  fee  by  William  Paumer  and  Simon  de  Fraunkton 

Hodenhull,  \  fee  by  John  Goremund. 

Walt  [on],  1  fee  by  Walter  Dejrvile. 

Chesewik  (?),  \  fee  by  William  de  Ulnhale. 

Wellesburn  and  Cherlecote,  1  fee  by  Peter  de  Monteforti. 

Cocton,  J  fee  by  Robert  de  BruylU. 

Breles,  i  fee  by  Peter  de  Monteforti. 

Ecleshale,  \  fee. 

Fennicumpton,  J  fee  by  the  prior  of  Clatercote. 

Estleg,  Morton  and  Donesmor,  2J  fees  by  .  .  .     de  Estley. 

Wetonton,  1  fee. 

Merston  Wavre,  i  fee. 

Digitized  by 



Wnt  to  the  sheriii  of  Gloucester  to  extend  the  lands  alienated  by  the  said  earl, 
of  which  Alice,  latehis  wife,  seeks  her  dower,  9  Feb.,  62  Hen.  III. 

[..♦..]     Extent  (undated  and  mostly  illegible). 

Heywod.    A  little  wood  worth  4».  yearly;  total  of  the  extent  9i.  Is,  bd, 

[Gloucester.]     Inq.  (undated). 

Cheddewr'.     J  virgate  land  was  sold  by  the  said  earl  to  Walwyn  de 
Falcombe,  rendering  2«.  8d.  yearly  and  suit  of  court. 

Gloucester.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  the  Annunciation,  52  Hen.  III. 

Westun.     Land  worth  151.  yearly  was  alienated  by  the  said  earl. 

Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  9  Feb.,  52  Hen.  III.  Extent 

Northampton.  Eston.  A  messuage,  26a.  land,  29$.  in  villenage,  and  Ss.  6d. 
rent  from  free  tenants,  were  sold  by  the  said  earl  after  he  married  the  said 
Alice  to  Roger  le  Vele* 

Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff  of  Buckingham  and  Bedford,  9  Feb.,  52  Hen.  EI. 
Extent  (undated). 

Bedford.  Glopham  and  Acle.  William  le  Brun  was  enfeoffed  by  the  said 
earl  of  lands,  &c.  to  the  value  of  41. 12«.  6d.,  17 8\  6d.  rent  of  free  tenants,  and 
a  fishery  and  villenage  customs,  &c.  to  the  value  of  50s. 

Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff  of  Rutland,  9  Feb.,  52  Hen.  III.  Extent,  Saturday 
before  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra. 

[Rutland.]  (Unspecified.)  Reginald  de  Nevile  was  enfeoffed  of  9a.  land  after  the 
said  earl  married  the  said  Alice ;  Peter  de  Wakerle  of  a  messuage  and  la. 
land ;  William  le  Chamberleyng  of  2  messuages,  4ia.  land,  and  Ir.  meadow ; 
Robert  de  Luffenham  of  7a.  land,  and  7s.  7d.  rent;  Robert  de  la  Siche  of 
1  messuage  and  1  bovate  land ;  and  Richard  de  Seyton  of  tenements,  &c. 
worth  SI.  yearly. 

Gretham  and  Cotesmor.      William  de  Draycote  was  enfeoffed  of  19«. 

Writ  (as  above)  to  the  sheriff  of  Warwick,  9  Feb.  52  Hen.  III. 

[Warwick.]     Extent  {undated). 

W^alton  Maudut  manor  (extent  given),  was  alienated  by  the  said  earl. 

Warwick.     Extent  (undated). 

Warwick.    A  messuage  which  William  de  Horburn  holds  was  alienated 
by  the  said  earl. 

Mitton.     A  messuage  and  1   virgate  land  which  the  master  of  the 
Hospital  of  St.  John,  Warwick,  holds. 

Breylis.     A  messuage  and   1   virgate  land,   and   a    burgage,   which 
Geoffrey  le  Sergaunt  holds;  and  a  croft  which  John  Balle  holds. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File.  85.  (13.) 

680.  Simon  de  Gryel  and  Maud  his  wife. 

Writ  (missing).     Inq.  (undated  and  defective). 

His  8  sons,  aged  respectively  30,  24,  23,  20,  15,  14,  12  and  11,  succeed  the 
said  Simon  equally  in  the  following  inheritance : — 
[Kent.]     [Esset]eford,  Seveneton,  Estesture,  and   Pakemanston,    2    knights' 

fees,  viz. — 3  carucates  land,  with  the  advowson  of  Esseteford,  held  by 

Digitized  by 


Henry  ni.  215 

the  said  Maud  on  the  day  when  the  said  Simon  died,  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
rendering  20«.  yearly  for  the  guard  of  Dover  castle. 

Moningeham.    240a.  of  gavelkind  land  held  by  the  said   Simon    of 

the  prior  of  Holy  Trinity and  many  husbandmen  of  that 

neighbourhood,  service  unspecified. 

Twytham.  60a.  held  of  the  archbishop  and  of  the  said  prior,  service 

Swatford.  60a.  of  rough  land  (dicra  terra)  held  of  the  abbot,  &c.  of 
[St.  AJugustine,  service  unspecified. 

Sadhokesherst.  60a.  of  the  roughest  {dvHssima)  land  held  of  William 
and  Henry  de  Sadhokesherst,  rendering  2  marks. 

And  the  said  Maud  shall  hold  a  moiety  of  the  above  through  her  marriage  so 
long  as  she  shall  be  a  widow.     (See  Eot.  Fin.  52  Hen.  HI.  m.  1.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File.  35.  (14.) 

681.  Maud  de  Estwelles  alias  de  Eastwelle. 

Writ^  15  Dec.  52  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {undated  and  defective). 
Bertram  de  Criell,  her  son,  aged  81,  is  her  heir. 

Kent.  Eastwelle  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  including  land  called 
Schingledehalle  whereof  Margery  mother  of  the  said  Maud  is  dowered,  held 
of  the  king  in  chief,  and  it  ought  to  be  defended  for  2  knights'  fees. 

Cherle.  Certain  land  held  of  the  prior  of  Dover,  rendering  38d. 

Certain  land  called  Lamberdenne  and  Hertey,  held  of  Guncelin 
de  Bedelesmere,  rendering  Id.  yearly. 

The  aforesaid  Mar[gery]  holds  land  at  Lamberdenne  in  dower  worth 
40«.  yearly. 

G.  Hen.  HI.  File.  35.  (15.) 

682.  William  de  Sutton. 

Writ,  18  Aug.    Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Bartholomew,  52  Hen.  III. 
Bobert  son  of  William  de  Sutton,  knt.,  aged  27,  is  his  heir. 

NoTTiNOHAM.  WaTsope  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  85.  (16.) 

683.  Alice  de  Meblat. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Tuesday  after  the  Purification  52  Hen.  III. 

Her  sisters,  Mary  the  wife  of  Sir  William  de  Greystoke,  aged  26,  and  Isabel 
de  Merlay,  aged  12,  are  her  heirs. 

[Northumberland.]      Beuasis.    810a.  ?  land,  and  27a.  meadow  in  demesne. 

Stanington.  1  carucate  land  in  demesne,  10{.  lOs.  rent  from  bondages, 
and  6s.  for  the  work  of  Morphathe  park,  17«.  rent  from  cottars,  a  brewery 
worth  20«.  yearly,  herbage  in  la  Dene  de  Blie,  Ss.  for  castle  guard,  &c. 

Horseley.    7  bovates  land,  and  pannage. 

Morphathe.    8s.  rent. 

Trennewell.    5  bovates  land  and  3  cottages. 

Walkyr.    The  service  of  3  parts  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Chelis.    2tt.  cummin  from  Master  Gerard  and  Adam  de  Plecys. 

Digitized  by 



Caldewel.     1/6.  cummin  from  Ralph  Gubyhun. 
Wottun.    JZfc.  pepper  from  WUliam  Rot*. 
All  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (17.) 

684.    John  son  of  Alan. 

Writ,  10  Nov.  52  Hen.  III. 

John  his  j&rst  born  son,  aged  22  on  the  day  of  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy 
Cross  last,  is  his  heir. 

Sussex.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Andrew,  52  Hen.  III.  (defective) 

.     .     .     .  800 together  with  a  certain  hundred  of 

Hulethorn  in  co.  Hants,  pertaining  to [Arunjdell', 

which  he  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  5  fees    .... 

[Salop.]     Extent  and  Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Clement,  52  Hen.  IH. 

Oswestry  {Album  Monasterium)  (extent  given),  including  10«.  from  the 
monks  of  Vallecrucis  for  pasture,  and  10«.  from  the  township  of  Dodeleston. 
Westhope    township    and    other    members    adjacent    (extent    given), 
including  1  carucate  land  at  Hope  and  1  carucate  at  Clonton. 

Clawne  township  (extent  given). 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  5  knights  going  with  him  into 
Wales  in  time  of  war  for  40  days. 

La  Hethe.  2  carucates  land  in  demesne,  49«.  8^^.  rent,  a  garden, 
meadow  and  a  mill,  held  of  John  son  of  William,  sometime  lord  of  La  Hethe, 
by  service  of  20«.  to  the  prior  of  Wenlock  {WonV). 

Halchameston  township,  containing  1  carucate  land,  20«.  rent,  a  mill, 
&c.  held  of  Sir  Walter  de  Hopton  by  service  of  6d.  or  one  gilt  spur  yearly. 
Endorsed.    He  held  of  the  long  in  chief  two  whole  baronies,  viz. — of  Cloun 
and  Blaunkmoster,  and  J  of  the  earldom  of  Arundel. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (18.) 

685.    Thomas  db  Hauvilb,  the  younger,  son  of  Henry  de  Hauvil. 

Writ  (missing). 

Henry,  son  of  Ralph  de  Hauvile,  aged  22  and  more,  is  heir  of  the  following 

[Lincoln.]  hiq.  {undated).  Hacunby.  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king's  fee 
by  serjeanty  of  keeping  the  king's  falcons,  and  by  service  of  12rf.  yearly. 
Amice,  sometime  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Hauvile  has  i  for  her  dower ;  but 
the  said  Thomas  held  the  manor  of  Hacunby  of  William  de  Renham  as  of 
wardship,  because  the  king  gave  the  wardship  to  the  said  William  until  the 
full  age  of  the  heir. 

[Lincoln.]     Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Gregory,  52  Hen.  III.  {defective). 

Haccumbi  manor  was  sometime  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  said 
Henry  de  Hauvill  (the  elder)  by  serjeanty ;  and  the  said  Thomas  did  not 
die  seised  thereof  in  fee,  but  entered  by  the  [demise]  of  William  de  Renham, 
who  held  it  by  the  king's  grant  after  the  said  Henry's  death  (in  wardship) 
by  reason  of  Henry,  son  of  Ralph  de  Hauvil  the  said  Thomas's  elder  brother. 
{See  No.  656.) 

(7.  Hen.  III.  File  35.  (19.) 

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HENBY  m.  217 

686.  John  db  Bradefobd. 

Writy  30  Feb.     Inq.  Tuesday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  52  Hen.  III. 
Alexander  his  son  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Northumberland.  Bradeford.  15L  17«.  7Jrf.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
knight's  service,  1  mark  at  the  castle  of  Banburg,  and  suit  at  Northumber- 
land county  (court). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  85.  (20.) 

687.  William  Wymer. 

WHt,  27  May,  52  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  {undated  and  dejaced). 
Balph  his  son,  aged  40,  is  his  heir. 

Stafford.  A  fishpond  near  Stafford  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J 
mark  yearly ;  }  carucate  land  near  Stafford  called  Le  Estfeld  held  of  the 
prior  of  Ware  by  service  of  2«.;  and  3  mills  outside  the  town  held  of  the 
baron  of  Stafford  by  service  of  10  marks.    He  also  held  1  carucate  land  with 

6«.  rent,  of which  he  gave  10  years  ago  to  the  said  Balph 

his  son 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  36.  (1.) 

688.  Aline  {Aelina)  Marescall'  alias  la  Marisghal. 

Writ  (missing). 

John  son  of  Sir  William  le  Mareschal,  aged  12,  is  her  heir. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Monday  after  St.  Botulph,  52  (Hen.  HI.). 

Banham  town.  10a.  arable,  5Ja.  meadow,  10«.  from  wood,  59  loads 
(siimmas)  of  oats  worth  78«.  8rf.,  46«.  8Jd.  rent  of  assize,  &c.,  held  in  dower. 

Norfolk.     Extent  {undated). 

Buxton  manor  (extent  given),  including  6a.  of  alder  grove  called  le 
He  we  Fen,  a  fishery  (/>wca?'ia  de  Ripa),Si,  hamlet  called  Kinestorp,  customs  called 

silver,  malt  silver,  salt  silver  and  bread  silver,  and  41.  4«.  lOd.  castle 

guard  and  rent  of  assize  of  knights,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
2  knights'  fees. 

Norfolk.     Extent  {undated). 

8  wan  ton  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  fishery  {piscaiia  de  Rypa) 
and  a  custom  called  Goldwde. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Folesham.  51a.  arable,  IJa.  pasture,  and  l(a.)  and  Ir.  meadow  in 
demesne,  4  marks  rent,  4Z.  from  the  farm  of  the  hundred  of  Einsford,  and 
41.  from  the  farm  of  the  mill,  fishery,  Folesham  market,  heather,  turbary,  &c. 
held  in  dower  of  William  MariscaU  her  son  for  J  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  the 
said  William  held  the  whole  manor  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  for  J  knight's 
fee.     There  is  a  rent  of  4d.  there  called  faldage.     (See  No.  757.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  36.  (2.) 

689.  Eichard  de  Munfichet. 

Writ  (missing).     Extent,  Sunday  after  the  Octave  of  St.  Hilary,  62  Hen.  III. 


He  had  3  sisters,  Margery,  Avelina  and  Philippa ;  from  Margery  issued 
Hugh  de  Bolebek,  who  had  4  daughters,  married  to  Roger  de  Lacastre,  Nicholas 
Corbet,  Hugh  de  Laval,  and  Walter  de  Huntercumbe;    from  Avelina  issued 

Digitized  by 



William  de  Fortibus,  earl  of  Albemarle,  whose  heirs  are  under  age  and  in  the 
king's  wardship  ;  and  from  Philippa  issued  Bichard  de  Playz  ;  so  that  the  said 
Bichard's  inheritance  is  to  be  divided  into  8  parts,  the  first  pertaining  to  the  4 
daughters  of  Hugh  de  Bolebek,  the  second  to  the  heirs  of  William  de  Fortibus, 
and  the  third  to  Bichard  de  Playz,  who  is  40  years  of  age. 

[Essex.]     Esthamme  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
Westhamme  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  86.  (8.) 

690.  William  de  Kyma. 

Writ  (of  certiorari),  on  the  petition  of  the  prioress,  &c.  of  Appilton,  24  Sept., 
52  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  All  Saints,  58  Hen.  III. 

York.  The  said  William  gave  to  the  said  prioress,  &c.  in  frankalmoin,  40<. 
rent  from  the  mill  of  Neuton  upon  Querff,  which  she  received  during  the 
life  of  the  said  William ;  but  whilst  the  lands  were  in  the  hands  of  the  king*8 
escheator  after  his  death,  the  escheator  detained  20^.  of  the  term  of  St. 
Martin,  44  Hen.  III. ;  and  afterwards  the  king  assigned  the  said  mill  to 
Lucy  de  Kyma  in  dower,  who  has  withheld  the  said  40«.  rent  for  8  years. 
(See  No.  470.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  86.  (4.) 

691.  John  de  Balliolo. 

Writ,  27  Oct.,  52  Hen.  III. 

Sir  Hugh  de  Balliolo  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  28  and  more,  and  80 
and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[York.]  Extent  and  Inq.  of  lands,  &c.  as  well  of  his  own  inheritance  and 
purchase,  as  of  the  inheritance  of  his  wife,  Monday  the  morrow  of  St 
Katharine,  58  Hen.  III. 

(Unspecified.)  A  capital  messuage,  12  bovates  land  in  demesne,  pasture, 
2  mills,  42  bovates  in  villenage,  &c. ;  the  advowson  of  the  church  pertains  to 
the  lord  of  Everingham. 

Kibbelinton.     Capital  messuage  and  22  bovates  land  in  demesne. 

Glevyng.     Capital  messuage  and  4  bovates  land  in  demesne. 

Hayton.  Capital  messuage  and  9  bovates  land  in  demesne.  Tenures 

These  lands  are  of  purchase,  and  Sir  Adam  de  Everingham  repurchased 
them  from  the  said  Sir  John,  but  had  no  seisin  before  the  death  of  the  said  John. 

[York.]  Extent  and  Inq.  as  above,  Saturday  the  eve  of  St.  Katharine, 
58  Hen.  III. 

Driffeud  (extent  given). 

Kelithorp.     5  carucates  and  6  bovates  land. 

Brigham.     1^  carucate  land,  with  meadow  and  pasture. 

Besewik.     8  carucates  land  held  in  socage. 

Killum.  1  bovate  land  of  demesne,  and  5  carucates  and  7  bovates  land 
in  socage.     Tenures  unspecified. 

Sir  John  did  not  die  seised  of  these  lands,  for  they  were  of  the 
inheritance  of  Dervorgilla  his  wife,  and  were  given  to  his  son  Hugh  before 
his  death. 

Northumberland.     Inq.  Monday  the  morrow  of  St.  Martin,  58  Hen.  III. 

Bywell,  a  moiety  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  held  of  the  king 
in  chief,  service  unspecified,  together  with  its  appurtenances,  viz. — 
Ovinton  (extent  given). 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  219 

Akum  (extent  given),  with  a  pasture  farmed  to  the  township  of  Welte- 
dem  for  ever. 

Bromley  (extent  given). 

Eltringham,  held  by  Adam  de  Eltringham  in  drengage,  paying  37«.  4d. 

Myckeley  (extent  given). 

Heley,  held  by  the  preceptor  of  Thorenton,  paying  2«.  yearly. 

Falderley,  held  by  Simon  de  Haliwell  and  Alan  de  Menyll,  paying  5a. 
yearly  and  doing  suit  at  Bywell  court. 

Mynstanesacres  (extent  given),  whereof  widow  Emma  de  Crawcrok' 
holds  Hesilihirst  for  40  acres,  paying  24«.  yearly. 

FayrhUl.  1  carucate  land  held  by  Elias  of  the  same,  paying  9».  and 
lib.  pepper  yearly. 

Mora.    24a.  land  held  by  Thomas  de  Mora,  paying  Ss,  yearly. 

Backewrth  (extent  given). 

Bromycrok  (extent  given). 

Brotherseth  (extent  given). 

Crombeclyve  (extent  given). 

Esperscheles  (extent  given). 

Wythtonstall  (extent  given),  held  to  farm  of  Roger  Darrenes  for  10 

Newlands  {Novalarida)  (extent  given),  similarly  held. 

Gonewerton  (extent  given),  held  to  farm  for  6  years  by  a  fine  made  by 
reason  of  the  war. 

Wudhom  (extent  given). 

Hyrst  (extent  given),  whereof  he  had  the  wardship  through  the  death  of 
Elias  of  the  same ;  a  moiety  thereof  with  Lynemuth  is  held  by  Robert  de 
Rue  for  ^  knight's  service. 

Seton  (extent  given) ;  certain  free  tenants  hold  the  land  sometime  of 
Henry  de  Seton  in  marriage,  and  pay  2^.  yearly  for  the  guard  of  New- 
castle, and  do  one  suit  at  the  court  of  Bywell. 

Neubigging,  held  in  burgage. 

Gressewell  (extent  given),  which  was  seized  by  the  said  John  in  time  of 
war  and  held  as  of  his  fee,  pertaining  to  Wudhom. 

Est  Newton,  held  by  Robert  de  Insula  for  J  knight's  fee,  3«.  yearly, 
40d.  for  the  guard  of  the  castle  of  Newcastle,  and  doing  suit  at  Bywell 

Heddon,  held  by  John  de  Heddon  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  J  mark 
for  the  guard  of  the  said  castle  and  the  like  suit. 

[Rihill,]  held  by  Peter  de  Faudon  and  William  de  Rihill  by  service 
of  1  fee,  1  mark  for  the  said  guard,  and  the  like  suit. 

[Dalton,]  held  by  William  de  Dalton  by  service  of  1  knight,  and 
1  mark  for  the  said  guard. 

Bechefeld,  held  by  Sir  Roger  Bertram  by  service  of  J  fee,  J  mark  for 
the  said  guard,  and  the  like  suit. 

[Ovinton.]  1  carucate  land  held  by  Philip  de  Ovinton  for  xV  knight's 
fee,  ISJd.  for  the  said  guard,  and  the  like  suit. 

[Stokesfeld.]     1  carucate  similarly  held  by  Gilbert  de  Stokesfeld. 

Ryddeley,  held  by  Robert  de  Meynevill  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  J 
mark  for  the  said  guard,  and  the  like  suit. 

[Bromley.]  46a.  held  by  Walter  de  Bromle  by  service  of  j-^  knight's 
fee,  and  the  like  suit. 

Newcastle  on  Tyne.    8  burgages,  paying  10».  for  the  said  guard. 

Digitized  by 



Writy  IS  Dec.,  68  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated). 

Hertford.    Hich  [in]  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  service 
of  2  knights.    He  held  nothing  else  in  the  county. 
(See  No.  804.)  C.  Hen.  III.  File  86,  (6.) 

692.  Bernard  de  Brus. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Monday  before  St.  Michael,  68  Hen.  IH. 

[Huntingdon.]     Coniton  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified.  (See  No.  641.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  86.  (6.) 

693.  John  de  Pabbeham  alias  de  Pabenham. 

Writ,  12  Ap.  58  Hen.  III. 

John  de  Pabenham  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Bedford.    Inq.  Monday  before  the  Ascension,  68  Hen.  III. 

Wylden  manor  with  a  moiety  of  the  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Bedford.    Inq,  Tuesday  before  the  Ascension,  58  Hen.  III.  (defective.) 

Careltpn.  A  messuage,  4J  virgates  land,  6a.  meadow,  and  Via.  wood, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee ;  and  2  virgates  land, 
and  15a.  wood,  held  of  Kalph  Meryn  by  free  marriage. 

Pabenham.  A  messuage,  7  virgates  land,  21a.  meadow,  a  fishery, 
12s.  11  Jd.  rent,  and  common  of  pasture;  and 

Hynewyk  manor  (extent  given) ;  both  held  of  William  de  Bello  Campo 
of  Bedeford  by  service  of  \  knight's  fee. 

(7.  Hen.  III.  File  86.  (7.) 

694.  Robert  de  Jarewell. 

Writ  ofplenius  certiorari^  on  the  petition  of  William  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Robert, 
that  his  homage  may  be  taken,  6  Mar.,  58  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated). 
William  his  son  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

[Northampton.]  Jarewell.  1  virgate  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
Ss.  yearly,  and  being  forester  for  keeping  the  groves  of  Siuele,  the  wood  of 
the  farm  of  Nassington,  the  underwood  of  Nassington,  the  Hay  of  Neweton, 
the  wood  of  Siberton,  the  wood  of  Witeringe,  the  wood  of  Thomhawe,  and 
the  park  of  Clyve;  also  8a.  assart  held  of  the  king,  for  which  he  rendered 
18c?.  yearly  to  the  sheriff;  and  la.  land  held  of  John  de  Baleolo  by  service 
of  4d.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  36.  (8.) 

695.  William  de  Bello  Campo,  of  Elmeleye. 

Writ  (missing).    Extent.     Saturday  after  St.  Mark,  58  Hen.  HI. 

Gloucester.  Wykewauer  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given),  with  Schesnecote 
its  member,  which  the  abbot  of  Bruern  holds,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  86.  (9.) 

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HENRY  III.  221 

696.  Miles  db  Bello  Campo. 

Writ,  24  Dec.,  68  Hen.  HL 

Bichard  his  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[BuoKiNaHAM.]     Inq.  {undated). 

Lavenden,  ^  knighf  s  fee  held  of  Sir  Baldwin  Wake  by  service  of  i 
knight's  fee.  The  issues  of  the  land  came  into  the  hands  of  John  de  Bello 
Campo,  brother  of  the  said  Bichard,  after  the  death  of  the  said  Miles  4  years 

[Buckingham.]     Inq.  {undated). 

Edelvesber',  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  service  per- 
taining to  ^  knight's  fee.  He  gave  the  same  on  his  sick  bed  to  John  his 
son,  but  received  all  the  profits  as  long  as  he  lived;  the  said  John  received 
them  for  3  years  after  his  death,  and  for  the  4th  year,  viz.  52  Hen.  HI., 
they  came  to  the  hands  of  the  king's  escheator. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  36.  (10.) 

697.  William  db  Gloucbstbb. 

Writ  qfpleniug  certiorari,  on  the  complaint  of  Henry  de  Thornedon  that  the  king's 
escheator  had  ejected  him  from  the  manor  of  North  Thorp,  which  he  had 
seized  into  his  hand  because  held  of  him  by  knight's  service,  17  Oct. 
53  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  Martin,  54  Hen.  HI. 

[Essex.]  Northtorp  manor  was  held  by  the  said  William  of  Henry  de  Tornidone 
by  1  knight's  fee,  and  not  of  the  king,  and  the  said  Henry  held  it  of  John 
his  brother,  and  he  of  the  heirs  of  WiUiam  son  of  Bichard  of  Stanbreg. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  36.  (11.) 

698.  BoBBBT  DB  Babbling  alias  de  Babmling. 

Writ,  17  Ap.    Inq.  Sunday  before  the  Ascension,  53  Hen.  HI. 
WiUiam  de  Barmling,  his  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Kent.]     Barmling  manor  (extent  given). 

Pimpe,  50a.  land,  meadow  worth  2a.,  10s.  rent,  &c. 
Egerdinton,   20a.  land,   &c.   held  of   the  archbishop  of  Canterbury. 
The  aforesaid  land  he  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  36.  (12.) 

699.  John  Bengeb. 

Writ  to  the  constable  of  the  Tower  of  London  and  the  escheator  and  bailiffs  of 
the  city,  27  June.  Inq.  Tuesday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the 
Martyr,  53  Hen.  HI. 

London.  The  said  John's  houses  were  not  held  of  the  king  in  chief  but  of  Sir 
Bobert  Creuker,  service  unknown  :  it  is  not  the  king's  escheat,  for  the  said 
John  died  good  and  faithful  to  the  king. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  36.  (13.) 

700.  BOGEB  DE    StODHAM. 

Writ,  8  Oct.    Extent,  Sunday  the  day  of  St.  Edward,  68  Hen.  IH. 
Thomas  de  Stodham  his  brother,  aged  25,  is  hia  heir, 

Digitized  by 



Essex.     Sutton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given). 
Plumberg.    20a.  land  of  the  king's  demesne. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  Tendring,  for  2  knights'  fees. 

Plumberg.    J  knight's  fee,  viz.  120a.  land,  held  of  Luke  de  Habindun. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  86.  (14.) 

701.  William  db  Appelton  alias  i)B  Appbtonb. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  sub-escheator  in  co.  Essex,  reciting 
writ,  dated  12  Jan.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  Mid  Lent,  53  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  eldest  son,  aged  18  and  more  from  the  feast  of  the  Conversion  of 

St.  Paul,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Canewedone.  A  messuage,  200a.  land,  36«.  Id.  in  services,  &c.,  and 
a  grove,  held  of  the  King  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee ;  and  25a.  held 
of  John  de  Wikeford,  rendering  2d. 

Estwode  parish.  20a.  held  of  Ralph  de  Appetone,  rendering  5«.  6d- 
yearly  to  the  heirs  of  James  de  Estwod  and  the  said  Ralph ;  16s.  rent  of  the 
fee  of  the  said  John  de  Wikeford,  from  divers  tenants ;  and  1  pair  of  gilt 
spurs  from  Sir  Reginald  de  Grey  for  a  certain  marsh. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  86  (15.) 

702.  John  Gbbvas. 

JVrit  (de  melius  inqtiirendo),  28  Aug.  58  Hen.  III. 

of  the  said  John,  aged  7^,  is  his  heir,  and  was  of  full  age 

when  he  was  born,  according  to  the  custom  of  the  town  of  Bridiport. 

Dorset.     Inq.  Wednesday  after  Peter  ad  Vincula,  53  Hen.  III. 

Bridiport.  4J  burgages  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering  yearly 
9d.  each,  one  of  which  renders  yearly  Ss.  to  the  abbot  of  Ford ;  and 
a  mill  held  of  Sir  GeoflErey  de  Mandevilla,  rendering  3d.  yearly  to  the  king, 
and  6d.  or  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  to  the  said  Geoffrey. 

Dorset.     Extent 53  Hen.  HI.  (fragment). 

manor  (extent  given) ;   and  a  mill 

in  the  said  manor        of  Sir  Geoffrey  de  Mandevill  by 

homage   and  serv-ice Bridiport  a  certain  miU 

•    of  the  said  Geoffrey gilt  spurs ;  and  the  said  Geoffrey 

rendered    of    yearly    rent by    the 

hands  of  the  said  John  Gervas. 

C.Hen.IILFileQ6.  (16.) 

703.  William  de  la  Were. 

Writ,  11  Feb.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Valentine,  53  Hen.  III. 

Peter  de  la  Were,  his  elder  brother,  aged  60  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Hereford.  Bromyard  and  Grendon.  2  carucates  land  held  by  charter  of 
the  bishop  of  Hereford,  rendering  50s.  yearly. 

Bolinghope,  Brompton,  la  Fenne  and  Cumpton,  outside  the  said 
bishopric.  41  lis.  4rf.  rent,  held  of  Roger  le  Waleis,  rendering  lib.  pepper 
and  lib.  cummin  yearly. 

Clatere.  14s.  6d.  rent  and  lib.  pepper  held  of  Walter  de  Hodebach, 
rendering  Jd.  yearly. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  223 

Norton.    lOs.  rent  held  of  John  de  Yeddefen,  rendering  Id.  yearly. 
Pirye.     18«.  rent  held  of  Hugh  de  Bladis,  rendering  Id.  yearly. 
Whitebum.    4«.  rent  held  of  Walter  de  la  Walle,  rendering  Id.  yearly. 
Hampton.      58.    rent   held   of    Bichard    Marescallus   of  Bockamton, 
rendering  Id.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  86.  (17.) 

■704.  William  db  Crikbtot  alias  db  Kirkbtot. 

Writ,  11  March,  58  Hen.  HI. 

Wilham  his  son,  age  81  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent.    Monday  after  Palm  Sunday,  58  Hen.  HI. 

Ouisdene  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour 
of  Boulogne  by  1  knight's  fee,  viz.  a  hauberk. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent.    Easter  Eve,  58  Hen.  III. 

Middleton  manor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  William  de 
Blanmoster  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Westleton.  B^a.  arable  in  demesne,  a  marsh,  and  18Z.  rent  of 
assize,  &c.  held  of  the  prior  of  St.  Etheldreda  of  Hely. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  86.  (18.) 

705.  William  db  Crbkbtot. 

Writ  {missing).    Extent,  Monday  after  Palm  Sunday,  58  Hen.  Ill  {defective). 
William  his  son,  aged  80    .    .     .     .     ,  is  his  heir. 

[Cambridge.]     Carlton,  Balsham  and  Badburham.   He  held  no  lands  there  of  the 

king  in  chief,  but  held de  Frevile,  and  of  the  prior  of  Lewis 

by  service  of  IJ  knight's  fee. 

E.  Series  I.  File  1958.  No,  3. 

706.  John  db  Gatbsden  and  Hawis  db  Nbvill  sometime  his  wife. 

Writ,  10  Ap.  58  Henry  HI. 
Heir  unspecified. 

[Sussex.]     Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  George,  58  Hen.  III. 

Wollaventon  manor  and  advowson  with  its  members  of  Grafham  and 
Alveredesham  (extent  given).  Nicholas  de  Wauncy,  who  sold  the  said 
manor  with  its  member  of  Alveredesham,  held  the  same  of  the  bishop  of 
Exeter  for  2  knights'  fees. 

[Sussbx.]     Extent,  Sunday  before  St.  George,  58  Hen,  HI. 

Wauderne  Wauncy.    6Z.  14Jd.  rent  of  assize,  pannage,  and  JZfc.  pepper. 

Wauderne  Banes  alids  Basnes,  Baundes.    84^.  ll^d.  rent  of  assize. 
42«.  2d.  rent  of  customers,  fowls,  herbage,  pannage,  pleas  and  perquisites,  &c. 

Flechinge  alias  Flecinges.  55«.  Id.  and  %U).  pepper  rent  of  assize, 
14«.  lOJd.  rent  of  customers,  fowls,  tallage,  &c. 

Berkaump.  A  messuage,  115a.  arable,  19a.  meadow,  16s.  Id.  rent  of 
freemen,  87fi.  Id.  from  customers,  wood  and  pasture. 

Bevenden.  68a.  land,  pasture  for  sheep  worth  12s.,  and  2G«.  rent  of 

Dicheninge.  65«.  5d.  rent  of  assize,  held  by  the  sale  of  William  de 

Flecinge,  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Digitized  by 



He  held  Flecinge,  Berkampe  and  Bevendene  by  the  sale  of  Master  William  de 
Perepont,  service  unknown ;  the  rent  of  Wauderne  Wauncy  of  the  heirs  of 
Nicholas  de  Wauncy ;  and  that  of  Wauderne  Eaundes  of  GeoflBrey  de  Raundes. 

[Surrey.]  Extent,  Monday  before  St.  George,  58  Hen.  HI. 
Westcote  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified. 
Bromleye.     89a.  lOJd.  rent  of  assize  held  of  the  hospital  of  Sandon. 

[Sussex.]     Extent,  Sunday  before  St.  George,  58  Hen.  III. 

Heckhton  manor  (extent  given),  including  28«.  2d.  rent  of  villeins  of 
Hodleye,  held,  with  other  lands  in  co.  Somerset,  of  the  heirs  of  Katharine 
de  Monte  Acuto,  service  unknown ;  whereof  John  de  Grely  has  2  parts,  and 
Robert  Waleraund  the  third  part. 

WrU  of  extent,  &c.  12  April,  53  Henry  HI. 

Whereas  th^  king  was  bound  by  letters  patent  to  provide  Robert 
Walerand  with  a  lady  or  girl  in  marriage  with  the  wardship  of  200/.  land,  and 
has  granted  to  him  the  marriage  of  the  daughter  and  heir  of  John  de  Gatesden, 
and  200  marks  of  his  lands,  saving  to  Hawis  late  his  wife  her  reasonable  dower, 
until  the  full  age  of  the  heir,  with  the  advowsons,  &c. ;  but  the  said  Robert  has  not 
yet  had  but  89Z.  11«.  IJd.  of  land  ;  the  king,  willing  that  the  said  grant  should  be 
conipleted,  has  granted  to  him  the  manors  of  JBrawater,  Durinton,  Walecot,  Leybrok, 
Dedeling,  Waudern  Raundes,  Waudern  Wancy,  Bromleye,  Bevenden,  Dychenyng) 
Bradeford,  WoUaventon  with  its  members  of  Grafham  and  Alvredesham,  and 
Alkeburn,  on  condition  that  they  shall  be  again  extended,  and  if  they 
are  worth  more  than  the  king  is  bound  for,  the  said  Robert  shall  answer 
for  it  to  the  king,  and  if  there  shall  be  any  deficiency  the  king  will  satisfy  it 
elsewhere.  The  escheator  is  therefore  commanded  to  deliver  the  said  manors  to 
the  said  Robert  in  wardship,  and  to  extend  all  the  manors  and  lands  in  the  said 
Robert's  hands  of  the  said  John's  inheritance. 

(See  Nos.  551  and  881.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  86.  (19.) 

707.  Ankbrus  alias  Aunckbrus  de  Frbschbynvull  alias  db  Frechbvill. 

Writ  of  plenius  certioraH,  whether  the  marriage  of  A  [mice]  late  his  wife  pertains 
to  the  king,  &c.,  12  Jan.  58  Hen.  HI. 

Nottingham;  Risbclive  wapentake.     Inq.  {undated). 

Boney  manor,  held  before  the  war  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony  for 
J  knight's  fee,  of  which  Amice  sometime  his  wife  has  her  dower,  whose 
marriage  pertains  to  the  king  because  the  said  Ankerus  held  of  the  king 
in  chief. 

Derby;  Scarnesdale  wapentake.     Inq.  {imdated). 

Scartheclive  and  the  Sokens  (Sokena),  2  knights'  fees  (extent  given) 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees,  and  suit  at  the 
wapentake  of  Scarnesdale  and  the  county  (court)  of  Derby. 

Staveley,  Wodethorpe  and  Wytewel.  4  bovates  land  in  demesne,  22«. 
from  the  mill  of  Staveley,  28s.  8d.  from  free  men,  and  10  bovates  in 
villenage,  held  of  the  free  marriage  of  Amice  his  wife  of  Sir  R.  Musard  by 
Id.  yearly. 

The  marriage  (of  the  said  Amice)  pertains  to  the  king,  because  the  said 
Aunckerus  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony,  and  can  be  sold  for  2,81.  4rf. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  225 

Derby  ;  Morleyston  wapentake.    Inq,  (undated.) 

Kryche  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony  by  service  of 
i  knight's  fee,  and  suit  at  the  county  (court)  and  wapentake. 
The  marriage  of  the  said  Amice  pertains  to  the  king  (as  abovesaid). 

Derby  ;  Lochirchb  wapentake.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Alewaston  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  William  Bardolf  for  2  knights' 
fees  and  suit  at  his  court  at  Scelford  co.  Nottingham. 

The  marriage  of  Lady  Amice  sometime  his  wife  pertains  to  the  king,  because 
he  held  by  barony  of  the  king  Boney  and  Kruche,  and  in  Escardeklive  and 
Pautirton  in  Escarnedale  (as  abovesaid). 

G.  Hen.  III.  File  86.  (20.) 

708.  Warin  de  Bassinoburn. 

Writ  of  plenius  certioran,  18  May.  Inq.  Sunday  the  Octave  of  St.  Michael, 
58  Hen.  III. 

[Cambridge.]  Bassingburn.  1  hide  land  (extent  given)  was  held  of  William 
de  Cheney  (deceased,  who  held  of  the  king  in  chief),  of  the  honour  of 
Boulogne ;  the  site  of  the  castle  and  80Z.  land  were  held  of  the  honour  of 
Richmond  by  service  of  a  ^  knight's  fee ;  and  a  water  mill  and  la.  land 
were  held  of  the  fee  of  GeoflErey  le  Bus  by  service  of  6«.  yearly. 
Sir  John  de  Britannia  holds  the  said  hide  in  his  hands,  for  what  reason 

is  unknown  unless  that  he  believed  it  to  be  of  his  fee  ;  and  he  holds  the  castle 

and  80{.  land  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  son  and  heir  of  said  Warin. 

Gilbert  de  Cheleseye,  guardian  of  the  land  and  heir  of  Geoffrey  le  Bus,  holds 

the  said  mill  and  acre  of  land. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (1.) 

709.  Petronilla  de  la  Wodbhuse. 

Writ  of  plenius  certiorari,  18  Jan.  on  the  petition  of  Alan  de  Beltoft.  Inq.  Ash 
Wednesday,  68  Hen.  HI. 

[Nottingham.]  (La  Wodehuse.)  A  messuage,  96a.  land  and  a  moiety  of  the  site 
of  a  mill,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  socage,  rendering  82«.  yearly. 

Beginham.  A  messuage,  88a.  land,  82a.  wood,  and  8  bovates  held  by 
free  tenants,  held  of  the  archbishop  of  York,  rendering  8s.  yearly  and  suit 
(of  court). 

Bedene.  18a.  land  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  Adam  de  Everingham,  by 
4d.  yearly  and  suit  of  court. 

Cashale.  i  of  a  toft,  10a.  land  and  ^a.  wood  held  of  the  fee  of  the  said 
archbishop  rendering  4d.  yearly. 

Tilne.  4  bovates  land  held  of  the  fee  of  the  said  archbishop  rendering 
2«.  yearly  and  suit  (of  court). 

All  these  lands  are  partible  between  the  heirs,  but  were  not  parted  before  ; 
but  once  there  were  four  brothers,  and  Alan  the  elder  put  himself  in  (possession  of) 
the  whole  land ;  and  his  three  brothers  Godfrey,  Eoger  and  Laurence  seeking 
their  share,  he  voluntarily  gave  the  whole  of  Cashalle  to  Godfrey,  8  bovates  to 

Roger ,  and  land  in  Clarebor  and  Tilne  to  Laurence,  with 

which  they  were  content. 

Endorsed : — He  renounces  this  inquisition  and  says  he  will  sue  for  the  share 
falling  to  him  by  hereditary  right  before  the  justices  of  eyre  in  co.  Derby. 
{See  No.  671.) 

a  Hev.  III.  File  37.  (2.) 

Digitized  by 



710.   EOBBRT   DB   GURNAY. 

WHt,  22  April,  58  Hen.  IH. 

Anselm  (AnceUus)  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age* 

Wilts.    Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Augustine,  58  Hen.  III. 

Sernekote  jnanor  and  advowson  (extent  given)  held  of  the  earl  of 
Gloucester  in  chief  for  J  knight's  fee. 

Somerset.     Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Augustine,  58  Hen.  III. 

Harpetre  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
J  knight's  fee. 

Bare  we  and  Hyngelescombe  manors  (extents  given)  held,  with  other 
foreign  fees  pertaining  thereto  in  cos.  Somerset,  Dorset  and  Wilts,  of  the 
earl  of  Gloucester  in  chief  by  service  of  22^  knights'  fees. 

Gloucester.     Extent y  Sunday  before  St.  Barnabas,  58  Hen.  III.  (defective). 

Beverstane  manor,  including  the  site  of  the  court  outside  the  castle, 
with  the  advowson,  and  Weston  and  Halberton  manors  (extents  given),  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Oure  and  Puriton  manors  (extents  given)  held  of  the  earl  of  Warwyk 
in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  1  sparrowhawk  or  2«.  for  the  manor 
of  Puriton,  which  manor  was  delivered  to  the  men  of  the  town  by  Maurice 
de  Gaunt,  uncle  of  the  said  Eobert,  at  fee  farm  for  lOZ.,  with  all  the  issues 
excepting  fisheries. 

Eedwyk  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  bishop  of  Worcester  at 
fee  farm  for  101.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (8.) 

711.  Richard  db  Playz. 

Writ,  8  July,  58  Hen.  III. 

Balph  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  2j^  and  8  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.    Extent,  Friday  the  eve  of  St.  Margaret,  58  Hen.  III. 

Chnapetun  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  a  pasture 
called  Brodigg',  held  of  the  earl  of  Warenne  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

Sidestrond,  ^  knight's  fee  pertaining  to  Chnapetun  held  by  Adam  de 

[Essex.]     Extent,  The  eve  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  58  Hen.  III. 

Akle  manor  with  the  advowson  of  Great  Akle  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  fee. 

[Essex.]     Extent,  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  58  Hen.  III. 

Benefeld  manor  (extent  given),  including  lands  in  the  park  of  Alsieshay, 
and  in  Stanstede,  pasture  in  the  little  castle  {casteUo)  of  Ulgrave,  and  80a.  of 
cut  wood  called  *  taillyz,'  held  of  the  king  in  chief  through  the  part  falling  to 
him  of  the  inheritance  of  Richard  de  Munfichet,  who  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  barony.  9^  and  ^  knights'  fees  pertain  to  the  part  which  the  said 
Richard  (de  Playz)  held  of  the  said  inheritance. 

Norfolk.    Extent,  Wednesday  before  St.  Margaret,  58  Hen.  III.  (defaced.) 

Weting  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  the  pastures 
of  Branduneholm,  Scyrnour(?),  and  Kockeshowedele,  rents  in  Santun,  Krokes- 
tun,  and  Schipetham,  and  a  fishery  in  the  mere  of  Oteringyte  (?),  tenure 
unspecified  or  illegible. 

Krokestom  (?),  the  advowson  of  the  church. 
Bromhil  Priory,  the  advowson. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  227 

Batlesdene,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Sir  Roger  de  Ratlesdene  of  the  lord 
of  Wetingge. 

Bernham,  J  knight's  fee  held  of  the  same. 
Nortwold,  J  knight's  fee. 
Melwold,  J  knight's  fee. 
Runhale,  J  knight's  fee. 

Sussex.    Inq.  Wednesday  the  eve  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  68  Henry  HI. 

Worthe.    60a.  arable,  and  62«.  lid.  rent,  &c. 

Warplesburn.  A  messuage  178a.  arable,  12a.  meadow,  100a.  wood  with 
pasture,  41. 16«.  Jd.  rent  of  assize,  57s.  3Jd.  customary  works,  a  water  mill,  &c. 

Waningore.  184a.  arable  in  demesne,  28s.  2d.  rent  of  assize,  27a.  and 
8r.  meadow,  80a.  wood  with  pasture,  66a.  pasture,  sheep  pasture  on  the 
hills,  pleas  of  court,  &c. 

Iford.  A  messuage,  174a.  arable,  55a.  meadow,  pasture,  11.  58.  Ad.  rent 
of  assize,  with  works  at  Blachington,  Wittedene  and  Kingeston,  &c. 

Lewes.     106».  6d.  rent  of  assize. 
All  held  of  the  earl  of  Warrenne,  service  unknown  except  that  they  owe 
suit  at  Sussex  county  (court),  and  at  the  earl's  court  at  Lewes. 

Chaggeleye.    The  advowson  of  the  church. 

Worthe.    The  advowson  of  the  church. 

Waningore.  12s.  are  due  to  a  chaplain  celebrating  in  the  chapel  there  for 
the  ancestors  of  the  said  Richard. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (4.) 

712.  William  le  Tavebker  alias  Tabebnab',  lately  drowned. 

Writ  de  escaeta,  28  May.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Barnabas,  58  Hen.  III. 

Wilts.  Marleberg.  Juliana  daughter  of  Walter  de  BristoU  was  in  the  wardship 
of  Master  Roger  de  la  Grene,  and  after  her  afSance  to  the  said  William  she 
delivered  by  deed  all  the  tenements  which  came  to  her  from  her  father  to 
Thomas  de  la  Grene  by  the  compulsion  of  her  friends,  but  he  had  no  seisin 
therein,  and  gave  all  his  right  therein  to  the  said  William  in  free  marriage 
with  the  said  Juliana  at  the  church  door ;  wherefore  the  king  cannot  have 
any  escheat. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (5.) 

713.  Mastbb  Thomas  de  Sancto  Edmundo. 

Writ  de  escaeta,  10  April.    Inq.  Monday  before  St.  George,  58  Hen.  HI, 

Cambbidge.  Cambridge.  The  houses  late  of  the  said  Thomas  are  not  the 
king's  escheat  through  his  death,  and  the  king  cannot  give  them  away 
without  injury  to  Luke,  son  of  Clarice  de  Ruschebrok ;  for  one  Walter  de 
Sancto  Edmundo  gave  them  to  the  said  Thomas  and  the  heirs  of  his  body, 
with  remainder  to  the  said  Luke  his  brother  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  and 
if  he  should  die  without  such  heirs,  during  the  lifetime  of  Christiana  and 
Cecily  his  sisters,  then  to  them  and  their  heirs,  whereof  final  concord  was 
made  at  Westminster  on  the  morrow  of  All  Souls,  41  Hen.  III.  Sir  Ralph 
Pirot  holds  the  said  houses,  and  ejected  the  said  Luke  by  force. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (6.) 

Digitized  by 




Writ  to  the  escheator  ia  co.  Devon  to  execute  a  former  mandate  without  delay, 

8  March.     Inq,  Friday  in  Easter  week,  58  Hen.  III. 

Theobald  his  son,  aged  5  at  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  of  St.  John  the  Baptist 
next,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Tenggewyke  alias  Teyngwyk  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  with  a 
moiety  of  the  foreign  hundred,  by  service  of  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  yearly  at 
the  king's  exchequer. 

The  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  exchequer  to  the  king.  Having  inspected 
at  the  king's  command  his  charter  to  Theobald  de  Engleychevill  of  the  manor  of 
Teyngwyk,  the  said  Theobald's  charter  to  Bobert  Bussel,  the  king's  confirmation 
thereof,  and  the  escheator's  inquisition,  they  find  that  the  said  Bobert  held  the 
manor  of  the  king  by  service  of  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  yearly  for  all  service.  They 
do  not  find  from  the  rolls  that  land  so  held  is  socage,  but  land  held  by  1  pair 
of  gilt  spurs  or  6d.  or  more,  is  socage ;  it  is  for  the  King  and  council  to  judge 
whether  land  held  by  1  pair  of  gilt  spurs  for  all  service  is  socage  or  serjeanty. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  37.  (7.) 

715.  William  Trapun  alias  Trapoun. 

Writ  de  escaeta  to  the  warden  and  bailiffs  of  the  city  of  London,  18  April. 
Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  George  the  Martyr,  58  Hen.  HI. 

London.  The  houses  late  of  the  said  William  in  St.  Sepulchre's  parish  outside 
the  gate  of  Neugate  are  the  King's  escheat  because  the  said  William  died 
without  heir,  and  made  no  mention  of  them  in  his  will. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  87.  (8.) 

716.  John  de  Esseltngton. 

Writ  of  plenius  certiorari  to  John  de  Beygate  and  Wychard  de  Charrum  alias 
Gwychard  de  Gharron,  18  May,  on  the  complaint  of  Alexander,  son  of 
the  said  John,  that  the  escheator  had  ejected  him  from  the  manor  of 
Frammelington.  Inq.  Friday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Martin, 
58  Hen.  III. 

[Northumberland.]  Framelington  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  Boger 
Bertrem  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  was  given  by  the  said  John,  who  was 
of  sane  mind  and  could  give  the  same,  8  days  and  more  before  his  death,  to 
his  son  Alexander ;  who  had  peaceful  seisin  of  the  manor  for  5  weeks,  until 
the  .king's  sub-escheator  ejected  him  and  took  the  manor  with  the  other  lands 
of  the  said  John  into  the  king's  hands.  The  king  gave  all  the  said  lands  to 
Sir  William  de  Sancto  Ermino  until  the  lawful  age  of  the  heir  of  the  said 
John,  and  he  gave  his  right  to  Master  Bichard  de  Clyffocd,  and  he  to  Thomas 
de  Clyyedon,  and  he  to  John  son  of  Alan  de  Esselington  ;  and  because  the 
the  King  had  been  deceived  about  the  alienation  of  the  said  manor,  the 
escheator  before  Whitsunday  last,  caused  the  manor  to  be  seized  into  the 
king's  hands,  upon  which  came  John  son  of  Alan  and  Bobert  Cort  of 
Wychingham,  and  ejected  the  king.  The  king  can  restore  the  manor  to 
the  said  Alexander  without  injury  to  the  heir  of  the  said  John  or  anyone 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (9.) 

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HENRY  m.  22d 

717.  Isabel,  wife  of  Booer  son  and  heir  of  Boqeb  de  Cuffobd^  and  eldest 
daughter  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Bobbbt  db  Vbtbbi  Fonts. 

Return  from   Robert  Wallerond  tdiaa  Waleraund  to    the  king,  15   June, 
reciting  tcrit  of  certiorari  de  etate,  dated  28  April,  68  Hen,  III. 

[Hereford.]  Having  seen  the  said  Isabel  at  Erdesleye  and  examined  her  age 
he  judged  that  she  was  of  full  age. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  87.  (10.) 

718.  Matthias  de  Bezill  alias  de  Besilles. 

Writ,  29  Nov.  58  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

John  de  Besilles,  his  eldest  son,  aged  23  at  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra 
next,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Alfintune  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Stanburges,  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
as  of  fee,  service  unknown,  but  the  manor  paid  86«.  yearly  to  the  king's 
manor  of  Dupeford. 

Writ,  12  Dec.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Lucy,  58  Hen.  III. 

Wilts.  Woedhull  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  rendering  4  barbed  arrows  yearly  at  the  king's  exchequer.  Alice 
sometime  the  wife  of  William  de  Englechevile  holds  ^  of  the  manor  in  dower. 

Memorandum.  He  held  the  manors  of  Wdebiri  and  Lewenestune  in  the 
hundred  of  Buddeleye  in  wardship  of  the  gift  of  the  king  until  the  full  age 
of  the  heir  of  Sir  GeofiErey  de  Alba  Mara. 

Extracts  from  Fine  Rolls  dated  25  Dec.  68  Hen.  III.,  and  6  Feb.  20  Edw.  I. 
Concerning  the  homage  of  the  said  John  de  Bezilles  and  livery  of  the  said 
lands,  &c.,  to  him ;  and  the  wardship  of  his  heir. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  87.  (11.) 

719.  Henry  de  Hastinges. 

Writ  (missing).    Extent,  Tuesday  after  Pahn  Sunday,  58  Hen.  IH. 

John  his  son,  aged  6  on  the  day  of  St.  John  ante  Portam  Latinam, 
52  Hen.  III.,  is  his  heir. 

[Suffolk  and  Norfolk.]     Litgate  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held 
of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmund  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 
Knights'  fees  held  of  the  manor  : — 

Wrede,  1  fee  held  by  Sir  William  de  Valenc*. 

Gaysle,  |  fee   held   by  Alexander  de  la  Gressunere;  and  ^  fee  by 
Alexander  de  Beyvellers  ? 

Poslingword,  1  fee  held  by  William  de  Camera. 

Gavenedis,  1  fee  held  by  Sir  Miles  de  Hastinges. 

Eoclyherling  (?),  ^  fee  held  by  Thomas  de  Hackeford. 

Tibeam,  1  fee  held  by  Richard  Liming*  (?)• 

Gressing,  1  fee  held  by  Sir  Nicholas  de  Hasting'. 

Purle,  1  fee  held  by  Sir  Hugh  de  Herdeberye. 

Little  Udeleye   and  Little  Horningesherd,  i  fee  held  by  Richard  de 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  37.  (12-) 

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720.  Hugh  db  Morwyk, 

Writ,  2  MarcH.    Inq.  Friday  the  morrow  of  St.  Mark,  63  Hen.  IH. 

He  had  3  daughters,  one  married  to  Boger  de  Lomel'  and  aged  21,  another 
married  to  John  de  Bulemer  and  aged  15  at  the  feast  of  St.  Hilary  last,  and 
the  third  married  to  John  de  Boseles  and  aged  11  at  Easter  last. 

Northumberland.  West  Chyvington.  201.  land,  held  (of  the  King?)  by 
knight's  service,  rendering  1  mark  to  the  castle  of  Bamburg,  and  doing  suit 
at  the  county  (courts). 

Morewyk   and   a   moiety  of  Est  Chyvington,  viz.  80Z.  land,  held  of 
Sir  John  de  Vescy  by  knight's  service. 

Langhurst  and  Pendemore.     20Z.  land  held  of  Sir  Bobert  Bertram  of 
Bothal  in  free  marriage.  ' 

Beveley.    61.  land  held  of  Geoffrey  de  Lucy  doing  foreign  service.    (See 
No.  759.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  37.  (18.) 

721.  John  de  Ghyreburi. 

Writ  {missing.)    Inq.  Thursday  the  vigil  of  St.  Nicholas,  54  Hen.  HI. 
Wygan  his  son  is  his  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Wilts.  Sonde.  15Z.  land,  held  of  the  king  for  \  knight's  fee,  and  a  grove  for  lU, 
in  serjeanty. 

Winterburn.    11.  Vis.  Id.  land,  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford  for  1  knight's 
fee  and  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  37.  (14.) 

722.  Nigel  Bbeet  alias  Begee  of  Southampton. 

Writ,  21  Oct.,  54  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 
Valentine  his  son,  aged  18,  is  his  heir. 

[Southampton.]  Wodecote  and  Bromdene.  1  carucate  land  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  being  keeper  of  the  gaol  of  Winchester,  at  his  own 
cost  and  peril. 

Eilham.    ^  carucate  land  held  of  GeofiErey  de  Ghaucumbe  by  service  of 
20«.  and  lib.  pepper. 

Winchester.     J  carucate  outside  Winchester,  held  of  the  prior  of  St 
Swithin's  by  service  of  32«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  87.  (15.) 

723.  William  de  la  Laund  alias  de  la  Londe. 

Writ,  13  Dec.  54  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

He  had  one  son,  aged  nine,  but  his  name  is  unknown  to  the  jury,  because 
he  was  born  in  co.  Derby. 

[Essex.]     Maldon.    Land  &c.  (unspecified)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee. 

r.  Hen.  III.  File  37.  (16.) 

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HEI^RY  III.  231 

724.  Thomas  db  Brampton. 

Writ,  27  June.    Inq.  Wednesday  before  the  Gule  of  Autumn  (sic)^  54  Hen.  III. 
Beatrice,  his  sister,  aged  40,  wife  of  Miles  Den  of  Brampton,  is  his  heir. 

Norfolk.    Boketon.     6  marks  rent  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown, 
receivable  from  a  tenement  held  by  Simon  son  of  Richard  of  the  king. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (17.) 

725.  Alan  db  Bombny. 

Writ,  15  Feb.    Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Gregory,  54  Hen.  III. 
Bobert,  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Northampton.    Horepol  township,  viz. — 6  virgates  land,  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  {jper  servicium  sex  part'  jnilitar'). 

C.  Hen.  in.  File  87.  (18.) 

726.  Thomas  Tyrbl. 

WHt,  14  Feb.    Inq.  The  eve  of  St.  Matthias,  54  Hen.  III. 
Balph  Tyrel,  age  21  at  Michaelmas  last,  is  his  heir. 

Bedford.     Wylden  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 
The  said  Thomas  sold  46«.  rent  and  many  other  lands. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  87.  (19.) 

727.  Henry  db  Cramavill. 

Writ,  80  Jan.,  54  Hen.  III. 

Henry,  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Kbnt.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  Blaise,  54  Hen.  III. 

Gravesende  manor  with  the  advowson. 

Solton  manor. 
Both  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  4}  marks  yearly  for  the  guard  of 
Dover  castle. 

[Essex.]     Inq.  {undated.) 

Eeynham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  rendering 
yearly  for  that  and  8  other  manors  608.  for  the  guard  of  Dover  castle,  for  all 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  ^1.  (20.) 

728-  Beginald  de  Yautort  alias  db  Valbtort. 

Writ,  16  Jan.,  54  Hen.  HI. 

Boger  de  Yautort,  his  uncle,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Devon.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Bnkesham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony; 
whereof  Lady  Joan  de  Yautort,  mother  of  the  said  Beginald,  is  dowered  of 
a  third  part. 

Clautune  manor,  held  by  John  de  Batton,  of  the  honour  of  Hurbertune 
paying  4Z.  yearly. 

Digitized  by 



Devon.    Inq.  {undated.) 

Brideford  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified ;  whereof  Sir 
Alexander  de  Okestune  holds  6  marks  rent  for  life  of  the  gift  of  Sir  Balph 
de  Yautort,  and  the  said  Lady  Joan  is  dowered  of  a  third  part. 

Devon.    Inq,  (undated,) 

Hurbertun  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  barony,  answering 
for  27 j^  fees  and  \  fee;  whereof  the  said  Lady  Joan  is  dowered  of  a  third 
part,  and  Eustace  de  Burlestune  holds  16a.  rent  for  life  of  the  gift  of  Sir 
Balph  de  Yautort. 

C.  Hen.  III.  fUe  38.  (1.) 

729.  Walter  de  Dunstanvil  alias  de  Dunstamvilla. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  escheator  in  co.  Wilts  reciting  Writ 
dated  28  Jan.    Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Purification,  64  Hen.  IIL 
He  died  on  Tuesday  after  St.  Hilary  last.    Petronilla  his  daughter,  aged  22 

on  the  day  of  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra  next,  whom  Bobert  de  Monteforti  married, 

is  his  heir. 

Wilts.    Cumbe  manor  with  the  advowson. 

Gullerne  alias  GoUem  manor  with  the  advowson. 
Sterte  manor. 
Hurdecote  manor. 
Hegtredeburi  manor. 
For  all  which  he  owed  to  the  king  service  of  8  knights. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  38.  (2.) 

730.  William  lb  Bbbt. 

Writy  15  June.    Inq.  Thursday  after  St.  John  the  Baptist,  54  Hen.  III. 
Balph  le  Bret  his  brother,  is  his  heir  and  is  of  age  {est  etatis). 

Dorset.  Blakemore.  A  moiety  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  forest  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  rendering  4«.  yearly ;  also  56a.  arable,  Sa.  meadow,  and  a  messuage 
with  a  barton,  held  of  Boger  {Regb)  de  Plumbare  by  suit  of  court  and  royal 
service  only;  and  40a.  in  demesne  and  la.  meadow  held  of  William  de 
Sancto  Quintino  by  2s.  Qd.  for  all  service,  saving  royal. 

Endorsed: — Memorandum  that  John  de  la  Lynd  came  before  the  king  and 
asserted  that  by  inquisition  made  before  Geoffrey  de  Langeleye  and  other 
justices  for  pleas  of  the  forest  in  co.  Dorset  it  was  found  that  Balph  le  Bi"et, 
father  of  the  said  William,  only  held  that  bailiwick  at  the  king's  will,  and 
he  made  fine  by  10  marks  to  hold  it  so. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  38.  (8.) 

731.  Albreda  db  Botbrell. 

Mandate,  dc,  to   the   escheator   in   co.  Wilts,  reciting  Writ  dated   10  July. 
Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  HI. 
Oliver  de  Ingeham,  aged  40  and  more,  is  her  heir. 

Wilts.  Estgremsted  and  Westdune.  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Hampteworthe.  100«.  land  held  of  the  bishop  of  Winchester,  doing 
scutage  pertaining  to  1  knight's  fee. 

(;.  Hen.  III.  Filt'  38.  (4.) 

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HENRY  III.  288 

732.    BOGER   DE   QUENCY,    EAIO.   OF    WINCHESTER. 

Writ  (of  certiorari)  de  feodis,  dcc.y  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  that  the  co-heirs 
may  receive  their  pourparties,  16  July,  54  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  {undated,) 

Lincoln.    Five  parts  of  a  knight's  fee,  viz. — 

Stainton  and  Wlrikeby,  2  parts  of  the  said  5,  held  by  Richard  son 
and  heir  of  Richard  de  BusUingthorp. 

Croxton  and  Kirmington,  8  parts  of  the  said  5,  held  by  John  de 
Albiniaco,  Roger  de  Sancto  Andrea,  and  Suspirus  de  Baiocis,  besides 
4  bovates  land  held  by  the  abbot  of  Thorneton  in  frank  almoin. 

Croxton,  a  moiety  of  the  advowson,  which  the  said  earl  conferred  on 
Master  Adam  de  Norfolk,  who  survives. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge,  18  July,  54  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Cambridge.  Trumpiton,  2  knights'  fees  held  by  Roger  de  Trumpyton  and  the 
heirs  of  John  de  Cayly. 

Arington,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  the  heirs  of  Maud  Dyve,  viz. — 
John  de  Asphale,  Walter  Denefer,  and  Laui;ence  de  Sancto  Andrea. 

Orewell,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Ralph  de  Cameys. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Gransete,  1  knight's  fee,  of  the  fee  of  Roger  de  Mortymer,  held  by 
Henry  de  Lacy. 

Gretton,  1  knight's  fee  held  by  Roger  de  Trumpiton ;  and  the  advowson 
of  the  church  held  by  the  heirs  of  John  de  Cayly. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  18  July,  54  Hen.  HI. 

Scludule  of  fees  (undated). 

Northampton.  Hasilbec,  Pithisford,  Waldegrave  and  Norhtoft,  1  fee  held  by 
Richard  de  Henred. 

Mindeford  and  Hasilbeche,  1  fee  held  by  William  Burdet. 

Farendun,  J  fee  held  by  Thomas  Maunsel. 

Bramptun,  fee  unknown,  held  by  William  Rocelin. 

Farningho,  1  fee  held  by  Warin  son  of  Gerard. 

Wudeforde,  1  fee  held  by  Richard  Basset. 

Maideford,  1  fee  held  by  Thomas  Kyn. 

Estrop,  1  fee  held  by  William  de  Stapiltun  and  William  Mordaunt. 

Haudeneby,  1  fee  held  by  Philip  de  Nevill  and  Sibyl  de  Aldeneby. 

Bproptun,  1  fee  held  by  Eustacia  de  Arderne  and  Thomas,  her  son. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon,  19  July,  54  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Huntingdon.  Swho  Weston.  1  knight's  fee  held  of  the  fee  of  Wigemor  of  the 
small  fee  of  Mortain ;  and  2  carucates  land  in  Stert  in  the  same  manor, 
held  of  the  honour  of  Huntingdon. 

Enesbiri,  1  knight's  fee  held  of  Sir  John  de  Baloyl  of  the  honour  of 
Huntedon,  whereof  Sir  Roger  de  Leibum  holds  a  moiety  with  the  Countess 
in  dower,  and  Sir  Thomas  de  Berkele,  through  Joan  de  Ferar[iis],  his  wife, 
the  other  moiety. 

Dodigton,  |  knight's  fee  held  of  the  earl  by  John  de  Lutlebiri. 

Enesbiri.    The  advowson  of  the  church.     (See  Nos.  587  and  776.) 

C.  Hen.  IIL  File  88.  (5.) 

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733.  William  db  Bbymbs. 

Writ,  26  Jan.    Inq.  Friday  after  the  Purification,  54  Hen.  III. 
John,  his  son,  aged  18  at  Michaeknas  next,  is  his  heir. 

Suffolk.  Heham.  3i6a.  land  and  4a.  wood  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering 
8«.  5d.,  and  owing  suit  at  the  king's  hundred  (court);  and  88a.  land,  a 
messuage,  6a.  wood  and  pasture,  4a.  meadow,  a  watermill,  20«.  rent  and 
^  mark  works  and  customs,  held  of  the  fee  of  the  earl  Marshal,  service 

Holetun.  20a.  land  and  1  mark  free  rent,  held  of  Alan  de  Bromford 
and  Simon  de  Bromford,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  38.  (6.) 

734.  John  de  la  Stock. 

Wiit  of  certiorari  to  John  de  la  Penna,  25  Oct.  54  Hen.  III.  on  the  claim  of 
Thomas  de  Messenden,  as  next  of  kin  to  the  heir,  for  the  wardship  of  the 
lands,  &c.  of  the  said  John  which  are  held  in  socage,  and  which  had  come 
to  the  hands  of  Queen  Eleanor  by  reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  lands  and 
heir  of  John  de  Eynecurt,  which  are  in  her  hands  by  the  king's  grant. 

Buckingham.    Inq.  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Hugh,  55  Hen.  IH. 

Woburn.  2  virgates  land  held  of  the  heirs  of  John  de  Eynecurt,  one  by 
service  of  ^  knight's  fee,  and  the  other  in  free  socage  rendering  to  the 
said  heirs  5«.  yearly. 

Hertford.    Inq.  Wednesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Martin,  55  Hen.  HI. 

La  Stock.  1  carucate  land  held  in  free  socage  of  the  heir  of  Ralph 
de  Querdon,  rendering  20«.  Id.  yearly ;  and  a  small  piece  of  land  held  of 
Katherine,  daughter  of  Arnold  de  Berkele,  in  free  socage  rendering  20d. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  88.  (7.) 

735.  Alan  la  Zuche  alias  la  Suche. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Sunday  before  St.  Michael,  54  Hen.  III. 

Eoger  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  28  and  more  and  80,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.    Nort  Multon,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  serjeanty. 

Leicester.    Esseby  la  Zuche  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  heir  of  the  earl 
of  Winchester  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Sussex.    Inq,  (undated.)    (Unspecified,)  2J  fees  held  of  Sir  Henry  de  Percy,  doing 
royal  service  ;  and  J  fee  of  Sir  Robert  de  Muhaut  by  royal  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (8.) 

736.  William  super  Tese  alias  super  Teyse. 

Wnt,  17  Oct.,  54  Hen.  III.    Inq.  Friday  after  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross, 

55  Hen.  III. 

Walter  his  son,  aged  21  on  the  eve  of  St.  John  ante  Portam  Latinam, 
55  Hen.  III.  is  his  heir. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  285 

NoRTHTJMBEBLAND.    Noi'tli  Goseford,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  1  mark 
yearly  for  guard  of  the  castle  of  Newcastle  on  Tyne. 

The  king  conferred  the  wardship  of  the  lands  and  heir,  immediately 
after  the  death  of  the  said  William,  upon  Sir  Adam  de  Gesemuth,  and  he 
upon  Ralph  de  Cotum,  who  sold  it  to  Sir  John  de  Cotum,  his  brother,  when  - 
he  took  his  way  to  the  Holy  Land.     {See  No.  391). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  38.  (9.) 

737-  Hawis  de  Basevill. 

Writ,  28  March.     Inq.  Thursday  before  Palm  Sunday,  54  Hen.  III. 

Her  daughters,  Joan   {Jona)  de  Basevile,  and  Roesia  (Royssia)  the  wife 
of  Stephen  de  Penescestre,  are  her  heirs  and  of  full  age. 

Buckingham.  EduUegburh  alias  EduUesbouruh.  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given), 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  i  knight ;  a  meadow  held  of  the  prior 
of  Caudewell  rendering  12d.  yearly ;  and  a  mill  held  of  William  de  Aspele 
rendering  30«.  yearly. 

Seybroc,  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given),  including  meadow  in  Chetendon 
and  Cattestrop,  held  of  Sir  Geoffrey  de  Luci  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee 
and  suit  of  court. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (10.) 

738.  Hblbwiba,  sometime  the  wife  of  Richard  de  Wernune. 

Writ  {missing).    Inq.  Saturday  before  the  Annunciation,  54  Hen.  IH. 

Lady  Ada,  late  the  wife  of  Sir  Ralph  de  Levington,  is  her  heir  and  of  full 

Cumberland.  Burgh  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  2s.  rent  or 
1  sparrow-hawk  from  the  manor  of  Routhclif,  held  by  Gilbert  le  Frauncays, 
and  2«.  from  a  house  in  the  city  of  Carlisle,  held  by  Thomas  Sppt  and  his 

Kircoswald  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  40^.  for  a 
moiety  of  the  town  of  Staffol,  freely  held  by  John  de  Staffol. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  8^.  Sd.  cornage  yearly,  and  doing  suit 
at  Cumberland  county  (court). 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (11.) 

739.  Walter  Wythbr. 

Writ,  19  Oct.    Inq.  Sunday  before  SS.  Simon  and  Jude,  54  Hen.  HI. 

He  died  in  his  house  at  Lydeneye  on  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Michael 

His  daughters,  Sibyl  the  wife  of  Robert  de  Bruneshope,  and  Elizabeth  the 
wife  of  William  Buter,  each  aged  ^6  and  more,  are  his  heirs. 

Gloucester.    St.  Bravell.    A  messuage,  Gs.  rent,  and  12a.  land,  held  of  the  king 
in  chief  by  service  of  finding  one  foot  sergeant  for  keeping  the  forest. 

Caldewell.    12a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  4«.  at  the 
castle  of  St.  Bravell. 

Digitized  by 



Huwaldesfeld.     12a.  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Tinteme  by  Bervice  of 
Irf.  yearly. 

Lydeneye.    A  messuage,  i  virgate  land  and  i  m&rk  rent,  held  of  the 
prior  of  Lyre  rendering  12d.  yearly. 

On  Sunday  before  his  death,  came  the  said  William  Buter  and  took  from  him 
the  feoffment  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  said  serjeanty,  but  he  never  moved  from 
his  sick  bed  after  nor  for  long  before ;  the  same  Sunday  he  made  a  feoffment  on 
his  sick  bed  to  William,  younger  son  of  the  said  William  Buter,  of  his  lands  in 
Lydeneye  and  Galdewell,  and  after  his  death  the  friends  of  the  said  William,  who 
is  under  age,  put  themselves  in  seisin  in  his  name ;  and  thus  there  is  a  contention 
about  the  said  serjeanty  and  lands  between  the  heirs  of  the  said  Walter  and  the 
said  WilUam  Buter  and  William  his  son :  of  the  lands  in  Huwaldesfeld  and 
St.  Bravell  the  said  Walter  died  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (12.) 

740.  William  le  Pruz,  knight. 

Writ,  21  Oct.,  54  Hen.  HI.    Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Brice. 
W^illiam,  his  son,  aged  25,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Giddeley  alias  Giddelith  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  at  fee  farm  rendering  72«.  \d.  yearly,  which  the  sheriff  receives'as  his 
own  farm. 

Stodbyri  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Bichard  son  of  Stephen  by  service 
of  i  knight's  fee. 

Cumesheved  (extent  given),  held  of  John  de  Bath*  rendering  10«.  yearly 
and  doing  Ibd.  service  when  scutage  runs. 

Hacche  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  John  Pace  rendering  61.  yearly. 

Golton  (extent  given),  held  of  the  heirs  of  Roger  de  Taune  rendering 
50s.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  38.  (IS.) 

741.  BoLAND  alias  Bodland  de  Axstbde,  (dias  de  Acstbde,  de  Oxstbd^  knight. 

Writy  19  Aug.,  54  Hen.  HI. 

Bodland  his  son,  aged  80,  is  his  heir. 

[Surrey.]  Inq.  (undated.)  Acstede  manor.  209a.  arable,  12a.  meadow,  24a. 
wood,  19a.  pasture,  10a.  sheep  pasture  on  the  hill,  2  mills,  a  court  and 
garden,  19/.  14a.  rent  of  assize,  80a.  services,  &c.,  with  the  advowson  of  the 
church,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  and  it  ought  to  answer  for  8  knights'  fees 
when  scutage  runs ;  and  188a.  arable,  5a.  meadow,  16a.  underwood,  20a. 
sheep  pasture  on  the  hill,  and  2  mills,  held  of  John  de  Nevill,  and  it 
ought  to  answer  for  2  knights'  fees  when  scutage  runs,  and  pay  100a.  yearly. 

Kent.  Inq.  (undated.)  Netlestede.  J  knight's  fee  (extent  given),  held  of 
Walter  de  Pridinton  and  Margery  his  wife,  and  gavelkind  by  service 
of  2a.  dd. ;  also  25a.  arable,  held  of  Alexander  de  Helgthe  for  t^  fee,  and 
8a.  arable  and  2a.  meadow  rendering  lid.  yearly. 

[Surrey.]     Ex'tent,  Thursday  after  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Cross,  54  Hen.  HI. 
Oxsted  manor  (extent  given,  which  does  not  correspond  with  the  above), 
out  of  which  100a.  yearly  are  payable  to  John  de  Nevill ;  with  detailed  assign- 
ment of  dower,  giving  names  of  fields,  &c.  to  Olive,  late  the  wife  of  the  said 
Roland  de  Oxsted. 

C.Hen.III.FUeSa.  (14.) 

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HENRY   TIL  237 

742.  Hbnby  db  Mbbke. 

WHt,  7  June,  54  Hen.  III. 

He  had  a  sister  named  Hose,  who  was  seized  in  Teya  church  in  the  time  of 
the  war  by  8ir  Geoffrey  Dinaunt,  and  had  by  him  one  daughter  named  Albrida, 
who  is  2J  years  of  age :  whether  the  said  Geoffrey  married  the  said  Rose  or  not, 
is  unknown  to  the  jury  ;  if  he  did  before  the  birth  of  the  said  Albrida,  the  latter 
will  be  the  heir  of  the  said  Henry ;  if  not,  Andrew  de  Merk,  his  uncle,  aged  40, 
will  be  his  heir. 

Essex.    Extent,  The  morrow  of  Holy  Trinity,  54  Hen.  HI. 

Latton  manor  (extent  given),  including  12d,  from  underwood  within  the 
forest  of  Merkwod,  and  pasture  upon  Stangravehil,  held  of  the  honour  of 
Boulogne  and  of  the  king  by  1  knight's  fee,  and  by  escheat.  The  church 
was  given  by  the  said  Henry's  ancestors  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior,  &c. 
of  Latton,  and  the  said  Henry  was  patron  of  the  priory. 

Essex.    Extent,  The  day  of  St.  Barnabas,  54  Hen.  HI. 

Little  Berdefeld  manor  with  the  advowson  (full  extent  given,  with 
names  of  tenants),  including  the  pasture  of  Bromhull,  held  of  the  honour  of 
Boulogne  and  of  the  king  by  2  knights'  fees,  and  by  escheat. 

Finchingfeld,  ^  knight's  fee,  held  by  William  son  of  Geoffrey  de 

[Little  Berdefeld  ?,]  J  knight's  fee  in  the  same,  held  by  Peter  le  Butyler 
of  Little  Berdefeld. 

[Reynes  ?,]  J  knight's  fee  in  the  same  town,  held  by  Simon  de  Reynes 
of  the  same. 

Lalleford,  1}  knight's  fee,  held  by  Sir  Peter  de  Leyham. 
^  Ronewell,  J  knight's  fee,  held  by  Matthew  de  Mauteby  or  his  heirs  or 

Gynge  Mounteney,  |  knight's  fee,  held  by  Thomas  de  Trapeles.  (See 
No.  871.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  88.  (15.) 

743.  Ralph,  son  of  Ranulph. 

Writ  of  extent  and  partition,  12  May.    Partition,  Thursday  in  Whitsun  week, 
54  Hen.  HL 

ToBK.    The  part  of  Robert  de  Nevill. 

Middilham  manor  (excepting  dower). 

Carleton  with  Coverdale  forest  (excepting  dower),  and  with  the  vaccaries 
of  Bradeleie,  Wlvedale,  Hyndeletheyt  and  Arkelsit. 

Thoroldeby,  Arkesgard  and  Thorneton.    2  parts  of  the  mills. 

York.    2«.  8d.  rent  from  Stephen  Nuncius. 

Douvesker  and  Waldene,  with  their  meadows  and  pastures. 

Richem  [on]  d.     20«.  rent. 

Latun.     108.  8d. 

Waldene.    20d.  from  the  lodge  (Loga)  of  Wytey. 
And  to  the  other  two  parts  41.   10«.  are  allotted  in  this  for  the  lord- 
ship of  the  house  of  Middelham,  the  chace  of  the  forest  of  Coverdale,  and  the 
lordship  of  the  said  forest. 

Fees  pertaining  to  this  part : — 

Snape,  Texton  and  Westbolton.  7  carucates  land  held  by  William 
de  Preston. 

Coverham,  Scrafton  and  Caldeberg.  6  carucates  by  Stephen  de 

Digitized  by 



Melmorby.     2  carucates  by  Geoffrey  Picot. 

Scrafton,  Ridemer,  and  Texton.  7  carucates  by  the  abbot  of  Coverham 
in  frank  almoin,  with  the  advowson  of  the  abbey. 

Aykesgard.    J  carucate  by  Elias  de  le  Gyle. 

Garleton.  ^  carucate  by  the  heir  of  Ralph  Brekedore  ;  and  ^  carucate 
by  William  son  of  Richard  and  Alan  son  of  Walter. 

Morthara.     1  carucate  by  Henry  de  Rokeby. 

Ridmer.     1  carucate  by  Richard  de  Preston. 

The  part  of  Robert  de  Tatesale : — 

Welle  manor,  with  a  moiety  of  the  wood  of  Welle  and  of  Snajye, 
excepting  dower. 

Neubieging  cum  Scales  de  Hilton.     28/.  6«.  KkL 

Burton  and  Waldene.     19i.  5«.  Id. 

Flemmeshope  in  Coverdale.  A  vaccary  with  pasture  through  the  whole 
forest,  meadows  and  estovers. 

Fees  pertaining  to  this  part: — 

Texton  and  Arlathorp.     6  carucates  land  held  by  William  de  Lasceles. 

Clifton.     8  carucates  by  Reginald  de  Clifton. 

Thorneton  Watlous.  5  carucates  and  2  bovates  by  Ran[ulph]  de 

Yarnewik.  1  carucate  by  Roger  de  Yngoldeby  ;  and  1  bovate  by  Robert 
de  Yarnewik. 

Thirne.    J  carucate  by  Richard  de  Thyrne. 

Geytenby.  4  carucates  by  Gilbert  Ruchemond,  Hugh  de  Ask  and 
Stephen  Malovel. 

Aclethorp.  2  carucates  by  William  de  Ebor' ;  2  carucates  by  Simon  de 
Aclethorp ;  and  1  carucate  by  John  son  of  William  de  Westlaton. 

Westbolton.     1  bovate  by  Adam  Litilloverd. 

The  part  which  is  in  the  king's  wardship : — 

Snape  manor,  with  a  moiety  of  the  wood  of  Welle  and  of  Snape, 
excepting  dower. 

Crakehale  manor,  excepting  dower. 

Swinesate  in  Coverdale.  A  vaccary  with  pasture  through  the  whole 
forest  and  estovers. 

Rypon.     16d.  from  Robert  de  Catton. 

Waldene.    2«.  6d.  from  the  lodge  (Logo)  of  Wytey. 

Fees  pertaining  to  this  part : — 

Thorneton  Colling.    4  carucates  held  by  Brian  son  of  Alan. 

Neuton.  8J  carucates  held  by  Robert  Tortemeyns ;  1  carucate  by 
John  de  Srafton ;  and  2  carucates  by  Peter  de  Rand. 

Thorp.     1  carucate  by  Robert  de  Wycclif. 

Barton.  3  carucates  by  the  abbot  of  St.  Agatha,  rendering  foreign 

Little  Bolton.     3  carucates  by  John  de  Roald-Burton. 

Ley  born,  Haukeswelle  and  Walbron.  3  carucates  and  2  bovates  by 
Richard  de  Rybef. 

Burton  upon  Yor.     4  carucates  by  Richard  de  Burton. 

Great  Crakehale.  J  carucate  by  Robert  son  of  Henry ;  and  2  bovates 
by  William  son  of  Amice. 

Aygesgard.  The  advowson  of  the  church  with  the  presentation  remains 
to  each  heir  in  succession. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  289 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  escheator  in  cos.  Norfolk  and  SuffoUv 
reciting  the  above  writ. 

Norfolk.    Extent  and  distribution  between  the  heirs  (undated  and  defective). 

Pickenham  (extent  given,  with  names  of  tenants),  including  ^  knight's 
fee  held  by  the  heir  of  Richard  Curlu  in  Middeltun,  divided  into  3  parts, 
to  one  of  which  is  assigned  a  moiety  of  the  advowson  of  Hederset 
church,  which  Master  Simon  le  Gaunt  holds,  to  another  the  other  moiety, 

which  Ralph  de  Sumercote  holds,  and  to  the  third of 

the  chapel  of  Gantelof 

Norfolk.    Extent  and  distribution  between  the  heirs  {luidated). 

Stockton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  divided  into  three  parts, 
including  10s.  to  each  part  from  the  chamber  of  Sir  Roger  Bigot,  earl 

Norfolk.     Extent  and  distribution  between  the  heirs  {undated). 

Hederset  manor  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
1  knight's  fee  in  Bellhawe  alias  Bellhaye,  held  by  Thomas  de  Clare  and 
Robert  Walram,  and  J  fee  each  held  by  John  de  Stratune  and  his  brother, 
William  Dunstun,  Nicholas  de  Chaverham  in  Chaverham,  Richard  de 
Crepinge  in  Saxtorp,  and  the  heir  of  Ralph  de  Wramplingham,  divided  into 
3  parts,  to  one  of  which  is  assigned  a  moiety  of  the  advowson  of  Hederset 
church,  to  another  the  other  moiety  (as  abovesaid),  and  to  the  third  the 
advowson  of  Houtun  church  and  2  parts  of  the  chapel  of  Kantelof. 
Charges  (recaptio)  of  the  manor,  Sir  William  Malerbe  4s.  lOd.,  Hubert 
Hakun  Id.,  for  a  hundred  12(2.,  langavel  Id.,  Costeseye  manor  4s.,  William 
de  Eingham  ^d.,  and  Godfrey  le  Gameys  40^.,  which  the  lord  gave  him  by 
charter  to  be  received  from  the  mill. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  38.  (16.) 

744.  Roger  le  Bygod,  earl  of  Norfolk. 

Writ,  6  July,  54  Hen.  III. 

Sir  Roger  Bigot  alias  de  Bygot,  son  of  the  late  Sir  Hugh  le  Bigot  alias  Bigod 
brother  of  the  said  earl,  age  variously  stated  as  24  and  more,  25  and  more, 
and  26  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Thursday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Fomeset  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  pertaining  to  the 
barony  of  Bigot,  which  is  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  barony  service  ; 
and  a  certain  homage  called  Hadesco,  which  is  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
serjeanty  of  finding  a  man  with  a  lance  in  the  king's  army. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Frameningham  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  the 
pastures  of  Oldfreth,  Bradhaye,  and  Buthehaye,  held  of  Adam  de  Bedinfeld 
rendering  6d. 

[Berks.]     Extent  (undated). 

Hamstede  manor  with  the  advowson,  with  its  grange  of  Spenes  (extent 
given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  the  marshal's  wand. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Monday  before  St,  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Pesenhal  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  wood  called  Oldewode,  a 
member  of  Framhingeham  castle  and  held  by  2  knights'  fees. 

Digitized  by 



[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  111. 

Bung[ey]  with  the  castle  and  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  earl 
of  Warwyk  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

[SuffolkJ     Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Bung  [eye]  manor  with  the  castle  and  borough  (fuller  extent  given),  held 
as  above. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Saturday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
54  Hen.  HI. 

Staverton  manor  (extent  given),  including  marshes  called  Oldemor 
and  Staverton  mor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 
The  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Eyk  and  Bromiswell  pertain  to  the 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Monday  before  St.  Margaret,  64  Hen.  III. 

Keleshal  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  a  member  of  the 
barony  of  Bygot  and  held  of  the  king. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Saturday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
54  Hen.  III. 

Holisle  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  the  market  of 
Margritestowe,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  as  pertaining  to  the  barony 
of  Bigot. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Friday  before  St.  Mary  Magdalen,  54  Hen.  III. 

Gipewic.  A  house  and  quay  held  of  the  earl  of  Aubemarle  by  free 
service  of  4d.  yearly, 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  {undated), 

Gratefeld  alioi  Gradefeld  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  fee  of 
Baynard  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  {undated). 

Soham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  honour  of  Richemund  rendering 
20«.  yearly. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Friday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Hanewrth  manor,  with  the  advowsons  of  Aleby,  Audeburg,  Coleby, 
.  Banighfion,  Westwic,  and  \  of  St.  Mary  Antingham  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  as  member  of  the  barony  of  Bygit. 

Aleby.     12a.  arable  held  of  Sir  Walter  de  Mauteby  by  service  of  i  mark. 
Suffeud  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  of  the  said  barony  of  Bigot. 

[Essex.]     Extent  {undated). 

Gestreford  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  5«.  for 
view  of  frankpledge  from  the  township  of  Dokesworth,  held  of  the  honour  of 
StruguU  and  pertaining  to  the  marshalsey. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Dichingham  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  the 
underwoods  of  Chertheage,  Schyrifeseles  and  Sextingge,  and  20«.  from  the 
market  of  Lodene,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  Ersham,  by  service  of 

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HENRY  IIL  241 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Friday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
54  Hen.  HI. 

Waleton  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  marsh  called  Le  Holm,  a 
marsh  at  Pauntenham,  a  pasture  called  Croxtonecrof  t,  a  pasture  at  Kenebrok, 
5«.  rent  for  cultivating  vines  at  Frameningham,  and  9«.  rent  for  customs  of 
ships  at  Stanbake  and  Gustun,  held  of  the  bishop  of  Ely  by  service  of 
2  knights. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Saturday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
54  Hen.  III. 

Donigworthe  manor,  with  the  advowsons  of  Duningworth,  Blakeshal, 
Thunstall  and  Iken  (extent  given),  held  of  the  honour  of  Eye  by  service  of 
5  knights. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  IH. 

Ersham.  A  moiety  of  the  hundred  (extent  given),  including  Ss.  l^d. 
rent  of  assize  of  Frescingge,  2^.  4c2.  rent  of  assize  called  devil's  cape 
{capa  Diaboli)  from  the  town  of  Denton,  and  the  market  of  Herleston, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  at  fee  farm  rendering  40d.  yearly. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent,  Sunday  after  the  Translation .  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr  (?) 
54  Hen.  ni.  (defaced). 

The  manor  of  Ho  and  the  hundred  (of  Loes)  (extent  given),  held  of 

Robert  son  of  Roger,  heir  of  Hugh 

Noteleie  pays  58«.  B^d.  yearly  to  the  manor  of  Ho  for  exchanges. 

[Essex.]     Extent,  Thursday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
54  Hen.  III. 

Doverecurt  manor,  with  Herewyc  its  member  (extent  given),  held 
of  the  earl  of  Oxford  by  service  of  1  knight. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Wednesday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Little  Framingham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  honour  of  Chester 
in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Friday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Banham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  earl  of  Warenne  in  chief  by 
service  of  1  knight.  • 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Friday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Lopham  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  as  member  of  the  barony  of  Bygot  for  a  pourparty  of  the  service  due. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Wednesday  before  St.  Margaret,  54  Hen.  III. 

Acle  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  marshes  called 
Holm,  Essiesmers,  and  Hallecote,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  barony 
service  due. 

Walsham  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  by  the  barony  service  due. 

Halvergate  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  including  marshes 
called    Thurstanesmers,    Hosulfvesflet,    Godringesmers,    Mantesmers    and 
'  Pretholm,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  barony  service  due. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  38.  (17.) 

745.  William  alias  Walter  de  Bradbmbrb. 

Writ   of  ad  plenum  certiorari,   21   Sept.,   54   Hen.  III.  on   the  complaint   of 
Richard  de  Brademere,  his  son  that  the  escheator  had  ejected  him  from 
certain  lands  after  his  father's  death,     Inq.  {undated.) 
Richard,  his  son,  age  unspecified,  is  heir  of  the  said  William, 

122880  Q 

Digitized  by 



[Surrey  ?]  (Unspecified.)  Lands  &c.  held  of  John  de  Inglesham  in  chief  for 
Id.  yearly,  and  50«.  for  two  years  to  the  lords  of  the  fee  as  attorney  of  the 
said  John :  after  his  death  the  said  Bichard  had  seisin  of  the  said  lands, 
according  to  the  custom  of  the  country.  He  held  no  lands  of  the  king  in 

C.  Hen.  III.  FH^  38.  (18.) 

746.  Bricius  Cappblanus. 

Writ  de  escceta  to  the  bailiff  of  the  king's  manor  of  Wodestok,  29  Sept.  Inq, 
Saturday  after  St.  Michael,  54  Hen.  III. 

[Oxford.]  Cumbe.  A  tenement  held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  ^d.  yearly, 
suit  of  court  and  tallage,  is  the  king's  escheat  through  the  death  of  the  said 
Bricius,  who  died  by  misadventure  in  a  certain  windmill,  and  the  jury  know 
of  no  heir  of  his  of  the  same  tenement. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FiU  88.  (19.) 

747.  Gres'  son  of  Master  Moses,  a  Jew  of  London. 

Writ  of  ad  plenum  certiorari  to  the  constable  of  the  tower  of  London  and  the 
mayor  and  sheriffs,  10  Sept.  Inq.  Wednesday  after  the  Exaltation  of  the 
Holy  Cross,  54  Hen.  III. 

London.  The  houses  late  of  the  said  Cress  in  Melcstrate  are  not  the  king's 
escheat  through  the  death  of  the  said  Cress,  who  never  made  any  default 
against  the  king's  peace,  but  as  a  good  and  faithful  Jew  before  his  death 
made  his  will  according  to  the  custom  of  Jewry,  and  bequeathed  the  said 
houses  to  Cok  his  son.  In  testimony  whereof  the  said  constable,  mayor  and 
sheriffs  and  the  Jewish  jurors  only  have  placed  their  seals,  for  never  since 
the  city  had  its  liberties  and  ancient  customs  have  any  jurors  put  their 
seals  to  inquisitions  of  this  sort.  Beneath  are  the  names  of  the  Jewish 
jurors  in  Hebrew. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  88.  (20.) 

748.  Petronilla  la  Mareschale,  sometime  the  wife  of  William  le  Mareschal. 

Writ,  20  Oct.,  54  Hen.  IH.     Inq.  (undated). 

[Gloucester.]  Kvnges  Cherleton  manor  was  given  by  King  Bichard  by  charter 
to  Walter  de  Esseleye,  from  whom  it  descended  to  his  sister  Mabel  Bevel, 
who  had  a  daughter  Sabina  del  Hortyey  alias  del  Ortiheye,  who  had  a 
daughter  Petronilla,  and  the  said  Mabel  gave  the  manor  to  Sir  William 
Mareschall  in  free  marriage  with  the  said  Petronilla ;  the  manor  is  not  of 
the  inheritance  of  the  said  William. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  39-  (1.) 

749.  BoBBTT  Corbet. 

Writ  of  ad  pUnum  certiorari,  7  Jan.  on  the  complaint  of  William  Corbet  his 
nephew,  that  the  subescheator  had  ejected  him  from  a  third  part  of  the 
manor  of  Chetinton,  of  which  the  said  Bobert  had  enfeoffed  him,  together 
with  the  other  two  parts  of  the  manor.  Inq.  Sunday  the  morrow  of  the 
Conversion  of  St.  Paul,  54  Hen,  III, 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  243 

Salop.  Chetinton.  The  said  Robert  v/as  a  bastard  and  died  without  heir,  but 
he  enfeoffed  the  said  "William  his  nephew  of  i  of  the  manor  of  Chetinton, 
which  Sibyl  de  Broc  sometime  held,  and  which  he  had  of  the  king's  grant, 
to  him  and  his  heirs  or  assigns,  doing  the  accustomed  services  to  the  chief 
lords,  and  to  the  said  Robert  and  his  heirs  &c.  1  pair  of  white  gloves  yearly ; 
the  said  Robert  could  do  this  by  the  king's  charter,  and  the  said  WilUam  was 
in  peaceful  seisin  thereof  for  a  month  before  the  said  Robert's  death.  The 
said  Robert  sold  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Chetinton  to  Robert  Bumel. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  39.  (2.) 

750.  Reginald  de  Lbyham. 

Wiit  {missing).    Inq before  St.  Martin,  54 Hen.  III.  (d^/ectire.) 

aged  less  than  9  (or  ?  19),  is  his  heir. 

NouFOLK.  Buchtorp  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  for  2  knights'  fees ;  and  Lecia,  the  relict  of  the  said  Reginald,  holds  a 
third  part  in  dower. 

The  kmg  after  the  death  of  the  said  Reginald  gave  the  said  (manor  &c.)  to 
Emery  de  Weyllevinie  for  his  service  by  letters    .     .    in  his  51st  year,  and  he 

sold  the  manor to  William  Bathun  and  Robert  de  Perrer 

until  the  lawful  age of  the  heir,  who  is  within  nine    .     . 

.     .     .  ;  which  the  king  [confirmed  ?]  by  letters  patent  of  6  Nov.  in  his  52nd 

C.  Sen.  III.  File  39-  (8.) 

751.  Nigel  de  Plumton. 

Writ  (missing).     Inq.  {undated,  but  endorsed  55  Hen.  III.). 

Robert  his  son,  aged  4^,  is  his  heir,  and  the  wardship  and  marriage  pertain 
to  Sir  WiUiam  de  Percy. 

[York.]  [Plumton.]  Lands  &c.  worth  10  marks  2«.  8d.  yearly,  without 
3  dowers  of  3  ladies,  held  of  the  fee  of  William  de  Wescy,  service 

Plumton.  10  marks  3«.  of  land  yearly,  without  the  said  3  dowers,  help 
of  the  fee  of  William  de  Percy,  service  unspecified. 

Nessefeld.  108«.  8d.  of  land  yearly,  without  the  said  3  dowers,  held 
of  Peter  de  Percy  rendering  42«.  yearly. 

Gersinton,  worth  10  marks  4«.  Id.  yearly,  without  the  said  3  dowers, 
held  of  Sir  William  de  Percy  rendering  1  mark  yearly. 

Idel,  worth  5  marks  yearly,  without  the  3  dowers,  held  of  the  earl  of 
of  Lincoln,   and  afterwards  of  the  king  by  reason  of  his  heir,   service 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  39.  (4.J 

752.  Ada  late  the  wipe  op  William  de  Fubnivall. 

Writ,  15  May,  55  Hen.  IE. 

Helewisa  her  daughter,  wife  of  Sir  Eustace  de  BaylloU,  aged  23,  is  her 

Westmoreland.     Inq.  {undated). 

Offe.    A  moiety  of  the  manor,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Robert  de  Veteri 
Ponte  by  3«.  8d,  comage  yearly. 

Digitized  by 



CuMBBBLAND.    Inq.  Wednesday  the  eve  of  St.  Barnabas,  55  Hen.  III. 

Ayketon  manor  with  a  moiety  of  the  advowson  (extent  given). 

Burgh  by  Sands  (super  le  Sablunes).    A  moiety  (extent  given),  including 
the  herbage  of  le  Rogmire,  and  the  fishery  of  Edene. 

KircoBwald.    A  moiety  with  a  moiety  of  the  advowson  (extent  given), 
including  the  herbage  of  lUiwenholme. 

Laysingby.    A  moiety  (extent  given). 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  40s.  Qd.  cornage,  and  suit  at  Cumberland 

county  (courts). 

753.  David  lb  LARDmsB. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  39.  (5.) 

Writ,  25  Oct.,  55  Hen.  III.    Extent,  Monday  after  St.  Leonard,  56  Hen.  IIL 
David  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

YoBK.    York.    A  messuage,  71.  128.  Id.  rent  by  the  hands  of  the  bailiffs,  2s.  rent 
from  John  le  Especer,  and  4«.  from  John  de  Beverle. 
Bustardthorp.     Is.  rent  from  Thomas  Bustard. 
Land  called  Cortteburn,  worth  6s.  Sd.  yearly. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  keeping  the  king's  gaol  of  the  forest,  making 
and  keeping  the  king's  larder,  and  finding  salt  at  his  own  cost,  and  for  this  he 
shall  have  '  crura  superiora  et  loynes,'  and  shall  make  sales  for  the  king's  debt 
by  summons  from  the  exchequer,  and  at  each  sale  shall  have  2s.  8d. 

Skelton.    A  messuage,  5  bovates  land,  a  windmill,  ica.  held  of  Sir  Robert 
de  Newill,  doing  foreign  (service). 

Morton.    1  carucate  land,  rendering  5s.  yearly  to  the  altar  of  the 
monastery  of  St.  Mary,  York. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  89.  (6.) 

754.  BicHABD  DB  Wtghbbebbohk  alias  Wiggebeb. 

Writ  {missing). 

He  died  on  Wednesday  before  St.  Michael,  54  Hen.  III. 
William  de  Wiggeber  his  son,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Wilts.     Inq.  Monday  after  All  Saints,  55  Hen.  III. 

Ebbelesbum  Wak.     2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  J  knight's  fee  in  the  army  in  Wales. 

Nethehavene.     1  carucate  land  held  by  service  of  101.  yearly  to  the  heirs 
of  Sir  William  Lungespeye. 

[Somebsbt.]     Inq.  The  morrow  of  All  Saints,  55  Hen.  III. 
Wiggeber.     1  carucate  land. 
Feggenes.     1  carucate  land. 
All  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  seprice  of  being  usher  of  the  king's  hall ;  and 
Ellen  mother  of  the  said  Richard  was  in  seisin  of  the  same  by  rendering  40s. 
yearly  to  the  king  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff. 

Stratton.    2  virgates  land  held  of   Sir  Balph  de  Albinaco,  service 
unspecified.    (See  No.  885.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  89.  (7.) 

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HENRY  III.  245 

755.  William  db  Huntbbcomb» 

Writ,  27  Mar.,  55  Hen.  IH. 

Walter  de  Huntercumbe,  knight,  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Oxford.    Inq.  Easter  eve. 

Huntercumbe  manor,  held  of  God  and  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary, 
Carlisle  (KarV),  rendering  llh.  of  incense  at  Easter. 

Ippesden.     1  carucato  land  held  of  John  Giffard  for  ^  knight's  fee. 

Niweham.  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  king  of  Almain  for  1  knight's 

Essex.      Extent  and  Inq St.  George  55  Hen.  III.  {fragment). 

Hengeham  manor  (extent  given),  held  in  chief  of  the  earl    .... 

(Thomas  his  son),  who  was  aged  12  at  the  feast  of  St.  Nicholas     .... 
is  his  heir  (of  this  manor). 

[Bedford.]     Inq.  Tuesday  in  Easter  week,  55  Hen.  IH. 

Wrastlingwurthe  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Essex.    Extent  and  Inq,  Thursday  after  St.  Tibiircius  and  Valerian,  55  Hen.  Ill) 
Wenstede  manor  with  the  patronage  of  the  church  (extent  given),  held 
of  the  bishop  of  London  in  chief  by  \  knight's  fee,  and  2«.  yearly  to 
Storteford  castle. 

Thomas  his  son,  aged  12  from  the  feast  of  St.  Nicholas  last,  is  his  heir  of 
this  manor. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  89.  (8.) 

756.  Henry  de  Hauville  alias  de  Hawill.  • 

IFrif,  8  June,  55  Hen.  m. 

Thomas,  son  of  Balph  de  Hawill  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Lincoln.     Inq.  Thursday  before  St.  Margaret. 

Haconeby  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by  serjeanty  of 
receiving  at  Boston  the  gerfalcons  sent  to  the  King.  Amice,  sometime 
the  wife  of  the  said  Henry,  holds  ^  of  the  manor  in  dower. 

Norfolk.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  55  Hen.  III. 

Dunton  and  Eetleston.  A  messuage,  268^a.  and  Ir.  land,  6^a.  herbage, 
11.  IM.  rent  of  assize,  a  windmill  and  watermill  &c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  serjeanty  of  keeping  the  king's  gerfalcons. 

Bieynham.  5Z.  6^.  8d.  rent  of  assize  held  of  the  king  by  white  farm, 
viz. — 40«.  yearly. 

The  said  Amice  holds  in  dower  ^  of  the  lands  &c.  of  Dunton,  and  a  moiety 
of  those  of  Beynham. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  89.  (9.) 

757.  Aline  la  Mareschale. 

WiH  of  certiorari  whether  the  said  Aline  enfeoffed  Alice  de  Carhou  her  daughter 
deceased,  of  the  manor  of  Aselakeby  for  life  only  or  otherwise.  24  March. 
Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Sunday  when  Quasimodo  geniti  is  sung,  65  Hen.  III^ 
John  le  Marechal,  son  of  Sir  William  le  Marechal,  is  her  heir. 

Digitized  by 



Lincoln.  The  said  Aline  enfeoffed  Alice  de  Carrehou  alias  de  Carrou  of  the  manor 
of  Aselokeby  for  life,  and  after  her  death  it  ought  to  revert  to  the  heirs  of 
the  said  Aline.     (See  No.  688.) 

I     C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  89.  (10.) 

758.  Thomas  son  of  Thomas  db  Moleton. 

Writ,  14  Jan.    Inq.  Saturday  before  the  Purification,  55  Hen.  III. 
Thomas  his  son,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

CuMBBBLAND.  Burgh  by  Sands  (super  sablones).  A  moiety  (extent  given), 
including  18  nets  (retia)  in  the  water  of  Edene. 

(Unspecified.)  8  hamlets  freely  held  by  Sir  Eobert  de  la  Ferete  by 
comage  and  suit  of  court  at  Burgh,  and  a  moiety  of  '  le  frithenette.' 

Thorisby,  similarly  held  by  Sir  William  de  Boyvill. 

Tshale,  held  by  Hubbert  de  Moleton  for  IW,  cummin. 

Neuton  and  a  moiety  of  Grinnisdal,  held  by  Thomas  de  Neuton  by 
suit  of  court. 

Grinnisdal.    A  moiety  held  by  William  de  Sore  by  suit  of  court. 

Kircoswald.  A  moiety  with  a  moiety  of  the  advowsons  of  Kircoswald 
and  Ayketon  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including : — 

Laysingby.  1  carucate  land  held  by  Sir  Robert  de  la  Ferete  in  free 
marriage ;  6  bovates  land  and  a  moiety  of  the  mill,  held  by  Sir  Hugh  de 
Moleton  for  lib,  cummin  :  and  2  bovates  land  freely  held  by  John  de 
Belchampe  for  1  pair  of  white  gloves. 

All  the  above  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  25s,  2d.  for  comage,  and  suit  at 
Cumberland  county  (court), 

C.  Hen,  HI.  FOe  39.  (11.) 

759.  Hugh  de  Mobwykb. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  The  morrow  of  All  Saints,  55  Hen.  III. 

Sibyl  the  wife  of  Roger  de  Momeley,  and  Theophania  the  wife  of  John  de 
Bulmere,  both  of  full  age,  and  Beatrice  the  wife  of  John  de  Bossell,  aged  15  at 
Hock  Day  last,  are  his  heirs. 

Leigesteb.  Pickewell.  A  messuage,  8  virgates  land,  and  588.  20d,  rent,  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  (service  unspecified).     (See  No.  720.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  39.  (12.) 

760.  William  de  Duston  alias  de  Dustunb. 

Writ,  19  April.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  George  the  Martyr,  55  Hen.  HI. 

Kent.  Ditton.  100s.  rent,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  ;  and  as  to  the  service,  one 
Scrangia,  who  sometime  held  the  manor  of  Ayllesford,  which  afterwards  was 
the  king's  escheat,  gave  the  said  rent  to  William  de  Duston,  grandfather  of 
Isabel  de  Grey,  in  free  marriage  with  a  certain  maid  (doinivilla)  of  hers,  with- 
out service,  until  it  should  come  to  the  4th  degree.  It  cannot  be  the  king's 
escheat  whilst  heirs  of  the  said  William  are  living :  he  had  3  daughters  his 
heirs,  who  were  under  age  when  their  father  died,  whose  wardship  the  king 
had  by  reason  of  tenements  which  the  said  William  held  of  him  in  chief  in 
CO.  Northampton.  Walter,  sometime  archbishop  of  York,  who  afterwards  had 
the  wardship  of  the  heirs,  married  them,  and  assigned  to  each  her  share  of 
the  inheritance,  so  that  the  said  rent  fell  to  the  pourparty  of  Isabel,  the  eldest 
daughter,  who  was  married  to  Walter  de  Grey  :   the  said  Isabel  is  in  seisin 



HENRY  III.  247 

of  two  parts  thereof,  viz. — ^  which  the  king  delivered  to  her  by  reason  of 
her  pourparty,  and  another  ^  which  the  king  delivered  to  her  by  reason  of 
Roesia  de  Vylli,  who  acknowledged  that  the  rent  wholly  fell  to  the  pourparty 
of  the  said  Isabel  her  sister,  and  the  remaining  ^  is  in  the  king's  hands, 
because  Joan,  the  third  daughter,  married  to  Mauger  le  Vavathur,  never 
came  to  make  any  acknowledgement,  and  died  leaving  an  heir  of  full  age  : 
the  said  Isabel  and  Roesia  are  of  full  age.  The  king  delivered  the  third  part 
of  the  said  rent  to  William  le  Chandelur,  deceased,  whose  wife  is  now  in 
seisin  thereof,  but  the  Jiury  know  not  by  what  warrant. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  89.  (13.^ 

761.  Gerard  de  Sutton. 

Writ  (missing).    Inq.  Monday  before  Witsunday,  56  Hen.  III. 
Jordan  his  son  is  his  heu*  and  of  full  age. 

[NoTTmoHAM.]  Sutton.  A  messuage,  6  bovates  land,  6a.  meadow,  a  mill,  and 
12s.  rent,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church,  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
rendering  14«.  yearly,  doing  suit  of  court  at  Mamesfeud,  and  finding  an 
esquire  at  the  king's  common  summons  in  Wales  for  40  days  at  his  own 
costs;  and  a  messuage  and  10a.  land  rendering  22d.  yearly  to  the  king. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  39.  (14.) 

762.  Henry  db  Chblton  alms  de  Scblton,  de  Shblton. 

JFrit,  24  Feb.,  65  Hen.  III. 

Robert  de  Scelton  his  son,  aged  25  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Suffolk.]     Extent^  Tuesday  before  St.  Gregory,  55  Hen.  HI. 

YUech  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
8  knights'  fees;  14a.  land  held  of  Adam  de  YUech  by  service  of  lib.  cummin  ; 
60a.  land  and  4a.  wood  of  John  de  Laveham  by  service  of  1  mark  Id.  and 
J  knight's  fee  ;  and  6a.  of  Hugh  de  Capeles  by  service  of  8d. 

[Norfolk.]    Extent^  Sunday  after  St.  Gregory,  55  Hen.  III. 

Bedingham  manor  with  Woton  (extent  given),  held  of  the  fee  of  Arundel 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent^  Saturday  after  St.  Gregory,  55  Hen.  III. 

Scelton  manor,  viz. — a  messuage,  60a.  land,  14a.  wood,  la.  pastmre  and 
a  windmill,  held  of  the  fee  of  Arundel  by  J  knight's  fee ;  50a.  land  and  a 
mill  held  of  Roger  de  Hales  by  service  of  4*. ;  14a.  of  Robert  son  of  Walter 
by  service  of  8«. ;  18a.  (land)  and  2a.  pasture,  held  of  Nicholas  de  Scelton 
by  service  of  4«. ;  14a.  held  of  Simon  le  Claver  by  service  of  3«. ;  and  4a. 
held  of  Hervey  le  Waleys  by  service  of  ISi. ;  also  4i.  6«.  8d.  rent  of  assize, 
and  Vis.  8Jd.  villenage. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent,  Friday  after  St.  Gregory,  65  Hen.  III. 

Osmiinddeston  manor,  viz. — 15a.  land  held  of  Omer  (?)  de  Bisilthe  by 
service  of  3«.  2i.,  who  holds  of  the  king  in  chief ;  and  100a.  land,  5a.  pasture, 
^fl.  wood,  a  mill,  24«.  9Jd.  rent  of  assize,  and  2«.  3d.  works,  held  of  the  fee  of 
Arundel  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

C.Hen.nLFxU^9.  (15.) 

Digitized  by 



763.  Roger  db  Scaccahio. 

Writf  2  AprU.    Inq.  Thursday  in  Easter  week,  55  Hen.  III. 
Laurence,  his  son,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Oxford.  Leukenor  and  Stockyncherech'  parishes.  J  knight's  fee,  held  by 
serjeanty  of  being  grand  usher  of  the  long's  exchequer,  usher  of  Jewry,  and 
crier  before  the  justices  of  the  king's  bench  and  the  rest  of  the  justices  of 
eyre,  for  all  pleas  throughout  the  realm  of  England. 

Estone.  Ihide  land,  held  of  Sir  Alan  son  of  Reyward,  rendering 
IV).  cummin,  lib.  pepper,  and  12d.  yearly. 

Leukenore  parish,  i  hide  land  held  of  the  abbot  of  Abingdon  rendering 
20«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  39.  (16.) 

764.  Richard  db  Tany. 

Wnt,  3  Nov.,  55  Hen.  III. 

Sir  Richard  de  Taney,  his  son,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.    Inq.  and  extent,  Wednesday  after  St.  Martin,  55  Hen.  III. 

Chigenhal  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  earl  of 
Hereford  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Essex.    Inq.  and  extent,  The  day  of  St.  Martin,  55  Hen.  III. 

Elmestede  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  of  the  honour  of  Releye,  together  with  the  manors  of  Stapelford  and 
Stanbregg,  of  which  Stanbregg  Sir  Philip  Basset  is  seised  for  Ufe,  by  service 
of  7i  knights'  fees,  and  1  suit  of  court  monthly  at  Relye  honour,  and  1  sui^ 
at  the  hundred  (court)  of  Tendring  from  the  manor  of  Elmestede. 

Essex.    Inq.  and  extent,  Friday  after  St.  Martin,  55  Hen.  III. 

Stapelford  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  as  abovesaid,  and  the  manor  paid  5s.  yearly  to  the  bailiflfs  of  the 
hundred  of  Angre  for  sheriff's  aid. 

Essex.     Inq.  and  extent,  Saturday  after  St.  Martin,  55  Hen.  III. 

Lattone  alias  Latton  Taney  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  WiUia^^ 
Comyn,  pertaining  to  the  honour  of  Beneton,  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee, 
3«.  to  the  hundred  of  Herlawe,  and  suit  of  court  there ;  and  thus  for  a  long 
time,  but  more  anciently  it  was  held  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne,  with  an 
equal  part  held  by  Henry  de  Merk  and  another  by  the  abbot  of  St.  Ednaunds, 
which  3  parts  were  parted  to  8  sisters  as  one  heir,  and  held  of  the  hoixonr  of 
Boulogne;  but  how  they  were  transferred  the  jury  do  not  recollect. 
A  moiety  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  pertains  to  the  manor,  and  a  rnoiety 
to  the  priory  of  Latton. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  39-  (17.) 

765.  Hubert  db  Terling. 

Writ  (missing).    Extent,  12  April,  55  Hen.  III. 

John,  his  son,  aged  12  at  the  feast  of  St.  Lucy  last,  is  his  heir. 

Essex.  Terling.  259 Ja.  land  in  demesne,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  b^t^^^ 
of  finding  a  serjeant  with  a  horse  armed  for  40  days  at  his  own  cost,  ^^^^ 
the  King  shall  go  to  Wales  with  his  army,  also  3Ja.  meadow,  17a.  p&^^J^®' 
13a.  wood,  22«.  10|i.  rents  of  freemen,  22«.  4d.  rent  of  villeins,  &c.    AX^^  ^® 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  IIL  249 

owed  to  Gervase  de  Haldolt  Qs.  rent  for  a  piece  of  land.  His  wife  seeks  a 
third  part  in  dower  ;  and  Lady  Maud  de  Heyham  is  dowered  of  a  part  of 
the  lands,  &c.  pertaining  to  the  said  tenement,  which  is  not  reckoned  in  the 
above  extent. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  39.  (18.) 

766.  Robert  db  Ulcestre. 

Writ  of  plenim  certiorari,  8  May.  Inq.  Monday  the  morfow  of  Holy  Trinity, 
65  Hen.  III. 

Northumberland.  Ulecestre  manor  was  held  of  the  heirs  of  Robert  de  Muscamp 
by  1  whole  knight's  fee;  and  in  the  last  eyre  of  the  justices  for  the  forest  at 
Newcastle  upon  Tyne  the  said  Robert  took  l^a.  of  land  of  the  king's 
demesne  wood  called  Claverleye,  to  be  held  to  him  and  his  heirs  rendering  6«. 
yearly  to  the  sheriff  at  the  exchequer  of  Newcastle  to  the  king's  use,  the 
justices  perceiving  that  it  was  more  to  the  king's  advantage  that  it  should 
be  let  at  that  farm  than  remain  forest. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  39.  (19.) 

767.  Nicholas  db  Verdun,  son  of  John  de  Verdun. 

Writ,  5  Aug.  55  Hen.  HI. 

Theobald,  his  brother,  aged  23  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Hereford.    Inq.  Monday  after  the  Assumption,  55  Hen.  IH. 

Ewyas  castle,  with  a  moiety  of  the  manor  (extent  given),  including  two 
forests,  and  211.  rents  and  toll  of  the  borough  of  Ewyas,  held  of  the  king  in 
chief  as  pertaining  to  his  part  of  the  barony  of  Webbele,  which  part  he  held 
by  service  of  7^  knights'  fees ;  and  20a.  land  of  the  fee  of  Crosmunt  (?),  held 
of  Sir  Edmund  the  king's  son. 

Hereford.     Inq.  Sunday  the  morrow  of  the  Assumption,  56  Hen.  III. 

Webbele.  A  moiety  of  the  barony  (extent  given),  including  toll  of  the 
borough,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  with  all  the  land  he  held  in  England  or 
in  the  marches,  by  service  of  7J  knights'  fees. 

Sai<op.    Inq.  Wednesday  after  the  Assumption,  55  Hen.  HI. 

Ludelowe.  A  moiety  of  the  whole  borough*  (extent  given),  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  as  pertaining  to  his  part  of  the  barony  of  Webbele  as  above 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  39.  (20.) 

768.  William  db  Wodeham  Ferers. 

Writj  8  April.    Extent  and  inq.  Sxmday  after  St.  Barnabas,  55  Hen.  IH. 
William,  his  son,  aged  26  in  the  first  week  of  March  last,  is  his  heir. 

EssBX.    Little  Sobiri.    A  messuage,  80a.  arable,  ^.  pasture,  178.  3^.  rents,  Sec, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  reason  of  the  barony  of  Reyleg. 

Hadleg.  30a.  wood  held  of  Osbert  de  la  Brche  for  J  knight's  fee,  and 
1  suit  monthly  at  the  barony  (court)  of  Reyleg. 

Wodeham  Ferers.  A  messuage,  240a.  arable,  4a.  meadow,  and  16a.  wood, 
held  of  Sir  W.  de  Ferariis  by  service  of  20«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  IIL  FOe  40.  (1.) 

Digitized  by 



769.  Henry  db  Buruhull  aiias  de  Burhullb. 

Wnt  ofplenius  certioraii,  15  May,  55  Hen.  III.  on  the  complaint  of  Roger  de 
Buruhull  his  brother,  that  the  escheator  had  taken  into  the  king's  hands  ^  of 
the  manor  of  Weiburi,  which  ought  to  revert  to  him  as  heir  of  his  moflier 
Basilia  de  Buruhull. 
He  died  after  Christmas  last.    Roger  de  Burhull,  his  brother,  aged  40  and 

more,  is  his  heir. 

Gloucester.    Inq.  Monday  before  St.  Barnabas,  55  Hen.  III. 

Westburi.  J  of  the  manor  (extent  given)  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
service  of  J  of  a  red  goshawk,  was  given  by  Basilia  de  Buruhull  by  deed  to 
the  said  Henry  her  younger  son,  with  condition  that  if  he  should  die  without 
heir  of  his  body  the  same  with  other  lands  should  revert  to  herself  and  her 
heirs ;  and  the  said  Henry  died  without  such  heir,  and  the  said  i .  of  the 
manor  ought  to  revert  to  the  said  Roger  as  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Basilia. 

Hereford.  Inq,  Monday  after  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
55  Hen.  III.  (defective), 

BurhuU.  A  messuage,  garden  and  1  carucate  land  (extent  given)  held 
of  Humphrey  ....  in  chief  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  were  similarly 
given  to  the  said  Henry  by  the  said  Basilia ;  and  the  said  Roger  is  heir  of 
his  brother,  &c.  ' 

Tullinton.  A  messuage,  garden  and  3  carucates  land  (extent  given)  held 
of  Roger  de  Burhull  lord  of  Tullinton  by  service  of  5«.  9Jd.  yearly  rent,  were 
similarly  given  by  the  said  Basilia ;  and  the  said  Roger  would  have  been 
heir  of  these  lands,  but  cannot  be  both  heir  and  lord  of  the  same  tenement, 
wherefore  Roger  his  son,  aged  22,  is  heir  of  the  land,  &c.  of  Tullinton. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (2.) 

770.  Richard  Estrbcch. 

Writ  to  Roger  de  ClifiFord  the  younger,  justice  of  the  forest,   5  Aug.     Inq. 
The  day  of  St.  Luke,  55  Hen.  III. 
Richard  his  son,  aged  24  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

[Worcester.]  Peckenham  forest.  The  bailiwick  of  the  forestry  of  La  Berse  and 
Benetlegh,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  40.  (3.) 

771.  Elias  db  Bratferton. 

Writ  {missing).     Inq.  Monday  before  Lent  (Camiprivutm),  1270. 

Richard  de  Bratferton  his  brother,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 
Northumberland.    Westmatfen.    80Ja.  land  and  meadow,  5  tofts,  and  2s.  rent, 

held  of  the  king  in  chief  rendering  40«.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (4.) 

772.  Hugh  db  Berwyk. 

Writ,  to  the  guardian  of  the  archbishopric  of  Canterbury,  26  April.    Extent 
Thursday  in  Whitsun  week,  55  Hen.  III. 
The  jury  know  of  no  other  heir  than  Richard  his  son,  aged  26  and  more. 

Oxford.  Berwik.  1  hide  land  held  (of  the  archbishopric  of  Canterbury),  by 
service  of  |  knight*s  fee  and  doing  1  suit  at  Herwes  ;  and  2^  virgates  land 
held  of  the  fee  of  the  prior  of  Canterbury. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  40.  (5.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  m,  251 

773.  Hugh  db  Balliolo. 

Writ  to  Guichard  de  Charrun  and  William  de  Kirketon,  for  the  purpose  of 
assigning  her  dower  to  Agnes  de  Valentia,  the  king's  niece,  late  the  wife  of 
the  said  Hugh,  10  April,  55  Hen.  III. 

Northumberland.  Extent^  Monday  the  morrow  of  the  Invention  of  the  Holy 
Cross,  55  Hen.  III. 

.Wodhom  with  its  members   (extent  given  with  names  of    tenants) 
including  a  meadow  called  Motesmedue  and  a  place  called  Waynegate. 

Neubigging  township. 

Seton  township  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  the 
fishery  of  Wanspyk,  and  Holsescroft. 

Hyrst.  A  moiety  is  in  the  lord's  wardship ;  if  the  heir  were  not  in 
wardship  it  would  render  18«.  yearly,  but  now  whilst  he  is,  it  is  worth 
40«.  5d.  yearly. 

Northumberland.  Extent,  Saturday  before  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross, 
55  Hen.  III.  (defaced). 

Bywell.  A  moiety  with  its  members  (extent  given  with  names  of 
tenants),  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unspecified,  including  : — 

Whyttonstall  and  Newland,  held  by  Roger  Darrenes,  by  J  knight's  fee, 
and  73s.  4d.  yearly. 

Westerselilawe.  2  tofts  and  14a.  land  held  by  Thomas  del  Bate  and 
Eva  at  the  lord's  will,  rendering  14«.  4d.  yearly,  and  2  tofts  held  by 
Boger  del  Bate  and  Adam  del  Bate,  rendering  8s.  yearly. 

A  forest  containing  6  leagues  in  length  and  8^  in  breadth,  worth 
111.  68.  lOd.  yearly. 

Akum  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Ovynton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  a  place  called 

Brothersete,  a  hamlet  in  the  forest. 

Bromley  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  Lame- 

Falderley,  held  by  Simon  de  Haliwell  and  Alan  de  Menyhill  rendering 
8«.  yearly. 

Mynstanaker,  held  by  Bobert  and  Alan  of  the  same,  rendering  &8.  8d. 

Fayrhill,  held  by  Elias  of  the  same,  rendering  9s.  and  llh.  pepper. 

Le  More  huse,  held  by  Thomas  son  of  Gamel,  rendering  5s. 

Backeworth,  held  by  4  bondmen  at  will,  rendering  20s.  (?). 

Stokesfeld,  held  by  John  of  the  same,  rendering  8s.  and  4s.  for  a  pastui-e. 

Est  Neuton,  held  by  Bobert  de  Insula,  rendering  3s. 

Heley,  held  by  the  preceptor  of  Thorenton,  rendering  2s. 

Mickeley  renders  44s.  yearly,  and  was  in  the  said  Hugh's  wardship,  which 
lasts  for  3  years. 

Eltringham,  held  by  Adam  of  the  same,  rendering  44s.  9d.  for  divers 
works  &c. 

Bromycrok,  held  by  Thomas  of  the  same,  Gamel  of  the  same,  and 
Adam  son  of  Adam,  of  the  same,  rendering  17s.  2d. 

Crombclyve  (extent  given). 

Espersheles  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Byrckw  .  .  .  (?).  2a.  land  held  by  Thomas  de  Stanes  at  will, 
rendering  12d. 

Heselihurst)  held  by  widow  Eda,  rendering  24s. 

Digitized  by 



Knights'  fees,  &c. : — 

Bechefeld,  and  Stayngton  in  the  bishopric  of  Durham,  held  by  Eoger 
Bertram  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  and  suit  at  By  well  court,  which  is  not 
extended  because  he  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Neuton,  held  by  Robert  de  Insula  by  1  knight's  fee  and  the  like  suit, 
which  is  not  extended,  as  above. 

Haliwell,  held  by  Henry  de  la  Val  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  and 
now  in  the  king's  wardship  through  his  death,  who  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Cressewell  {aliaa  Craasewell),  Ellinton  and  Haydon,  held  by  the 
heir  of  Adam  de  Perington  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  not  extended 
as  above, 

Stanfordham  {alias  Stamfordham).  A  third  part  held  by  William  de 
Sules  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Gonewarton  and  Swyneburn,  held  by  John  de  Gonewarton  by  service 
of  2  knights'  fees,  doing  suit. 

Ryhill  (alias  Rihill).  A  moiety  held  by  Peter  de  Faudon  by  service  of 
1  knight's  fee,  doing  suit ;  and  the  other  moiety  by  the  heir  of  Wilham  de 
Ryhill  by  1  knight's  fee,  doing  suit. 

Whyttonstall  and  Newland,  held  by  Roger  Darennes  (alias  de  Areines) 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  doing  suit. 

[Ovynton]  held  by  Philip  de  Ovynton  (alias  de  Ovigton)  by  service  of 
^  knight's  fee,  doing  suit. 

Lynemuth  and  a  moiety  of  Hirst,  held  by  Robert  de  Rue  by  the  same 

[Stokesfeld.]  1  carucate  land  held  by  Gilbert  de  Stokesfeld  by  the 
same  service. 

[Bromeley.]  46a.  land  held  by  Walter  de  Bromeley  by  service  of 
gV  knight's  fee,  doing  suit. 

Rydeley,  held  by  Robert  de  Meynevill  (alias  de  Menevill)  by  service  of 
J  knight's  fee,  doing  suit. 

Hedon,  held  by  John  de  Heddon  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  doing  suit. 

Mickeley  (alias  Mikkelee,  J  knight's  fee,  which)  is  still  in  wardship  for 
6  years,  as  abovesaid. 

Partition.  Two  parts  of  the  above  extent,  viz. — the  whole  manor  of  Biwell 
with  its  members,  and  a  moiety  of  the  demesnes  of  Wodehorn,  with  a  meadow 
called  Motesmedu,  and  certain  bondmen,  cottars,  rents,  &c. 

Partition.  A  third  part  of  the  above  extent,  viz. — the  whole  manor  of 
Wodehorn  with  the  towns  of  Neubigging,  Seton,  Hirst,  and  its  other  members, 
excepting  the  above-mentioned  exceptions. 

Schedule  of  the  above  fees,  divided  into  two  parts  and  a  third  part. 

Writ  oj  certiorari  whether  the  said  Hugh  was  enfeoffed  of  the  manor  of 
Thorkeseye,  or  held  it  at  the  will  of  .Sir  John  de  Balliolo  (deceased) 
arid  Dervergulla  his  wife,  18  May,  55  Hen.  III.  Inq.  Tuesday  after 
St.  James. 

[Lincoln.]  Thorkeseye  manor  was  held  by  the  said  Hugh  by  a  certain  writing 
made  between  them,  at  the  will  of  Sir  John  de  Balliolo  and  Dervergulla  his 
wife,  who  held  it  in  exchange  for  a  part  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said 
Dervergulla  of  the  earldom  of  Chester,  and  this  at  the  king's  will. 
(See  No.  804.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (6.) 

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HENRY  m.  258 

774.  Maud  db  Avbrbnges  aUat  db  Avbrbnch. 

Writ  of  partition? 55  Hen.  III.  {fragment). 

Berks.    Extent,  The  day  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  55  Hen.  III. 

Boclond  manor  with  the  advowson,  which  fell  to  the  pourparty  of  Maud  de 
Avereng  (extent  given),  held  (of  the  king?)  in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee,  and 
also  of  the  abbot  of  Abendon  by  1  knight's  fee,  for  which  it  has  of  the  abbot 
on  the  eve  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Mary,  bread,  ale,  3  dishes,  and 
hay  and  oats  for  8  horses. 
Roger  Gimel  holds  J  knight's  fee  of  the  manor,  Robert  de  Hafford  ^  fee, 

Elias  de  Newinton  f  knight's  fee,  and  the  lord  of  Berton  also  holds,  and  all  owe 

suit  of  court. 

Hertford.    Extent,  Thursday  after  St.  Mary  Magdalen,  55  Hen.  III. 

Audeburi  manor,  which  falls  to  the  pourparty  of  Henry  de  Gaunt,  in 
right  of  Isabel,  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  Maud,  of  the  barony  of 
Folkeston,  (extent  given),  held  of  the  King  of  AJmain  in  chief  for  81.  yearly. 

Essex.    Extent,  Friday  after  the   Sunday  when  Lcetare  Jerusalem  is    sung, 
65  Hen.  III. 

Morton  manor,  which  falls  to  the  same  pourparty  (extent  given),  held 
of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  finding  1  esquire  in  the  army  in  Wales 
for  40  days. 

Essex.    Extent,  Thursday  after  the  Sunday  when  L(etare  Jerusalem  is  sung, 

55  Hen.  III. 

Elsnham  manor,  which  falls  to  the  same  pourparty  (extent  given),  held 

of  the  earl  of  Hereford  of  the  fee  of  Maundevile,  service  unknown. 

The  advowson  used  to  pertain  to  the  manor,  but  was  given  to  the  religious 
men  of  Walden. 

Kent.    Extent,  Monday  after  the  Sunday  when  Misericordia  Domini  is  sung,  55 
Hen.  III.  {mutilated  and  deja^ed). 

Polkstone  manor,  with  its  hamlets,  viz. — ^Walton,  Newenton,  Alcham, 
Achangre  and  Terlingham,  which  falls  to  the  pourparty  of  Sir  John  de 
Sandwico  and  Sir  Bertram  de  CrioU  in  right  of  Agnes  and  Eleanor,  younger 
daughters  and  heirs  of  the  said  Maud  (full  extent  given)  including  mills, 
wreck  of  sea,  woods  in  the  park  of  Herstling,  and  in  Reyndenn  and 
Neweton,  and  customs  called  Mortonefar',  Watelselver,  Wodelode,  &c.  held 
with  its  appurtenances,  advowsons  and  hundred,  of  the  king  in  chief  by 
knight's  service,  doing  20«.  yearly  to  the  king  for  the  liberty  of  the  hundred, 
and  15«.  for  the  guard  of  Dover. 

All  the  tenents  ought  to  give  a  subsidy  of  211.  14«.  9d.  for  making  the  lord's 
eldest  son  a  knight,  and  as  much  for  marrying  his  eldest  daughter. 
18  knights'  fees  pertain  to  the  manor,  viz. — 

[Saxthorpe*  ?]  and  Steyfeykeye,  in  co.  Norfolk.  4  fees  held  by  Sir 
William  de  Valenc'. 

Londun,  Ox  .  .  ,  (Lid  ?)enn,  Swynefeld  and  Walemer,  5  feea  held 
by  Sir  Nicholas  de  Crioll. 

Evering.     1  fee  held  by  Roger  de  Evering. 

Hougham  (?).     1  fee  held  by  William  le  Fie    .     .     . 

Cereton held  by  Robert  de  Stothoue  and  his  parceners. 

Eynebrok.     1  fee  held  by  Alfred  de  Eynebrok. 

Swynefeld  (?).     1  fee  held  by  John  (?) 

*  Bo  given  in  the  Calendar  printed  in  1806, 

Digitized  by 



RuUindonn.     1  fee  held  by  Lambert  de  Langeh    .     .     .  (?). 

Tankerton.     1  fee  held  by  the  brethren  of 

Holmed.    J  fee  held  by  the  abbot  (?)  of    . 

Boneton,    J  fee  held  by  John  de  Boneton. 

J  fee  held  by  John  de  P 

Alcham.    The  advowson  of  the  church  is 

The  nuns  of  Gines  have {See  No.  568.) 

.  C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (7.) 

775.  Roger  de  Meblay. 

Writ  of  partition^  6  Nov.  on  the  complaint  of  William  de  Craystok,  who  married 
Mary,  eldest  daughter  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  the  said  Roger,  that  owing  to 
the  death  of  Alice  the  youngest  daughter,  who  was  in  the  king's  wardship, 
partition  of  the  woods  and  parks  had  been  omitted  by  the  escheator,  and 
Robert  de  Eure,  who  married  Isabel,  another  daughter  and  heir,  would  not 
permit  the  said  William  and  Mary  to  have  their  portion.  Partition^  4  March, 
55  Hen.  III. 

Northumberland.  Morpath,  Horseleye  and  Witton.  Partition  made,  with  full 
extent  of  boundaries,  of  the  said  parks  and  woods.  And  lot  being  cast,  this 
is  the  part  of  Sir  William  de  Graystoc,  viz. — The  western  part  of  the  forest, 
and  Estparc  with  Schaldefen  in  Morpath  ,*  and  to  Sir  Robert  de  Euer  and 
his  heirs  remain,  the  eastern  part  of  the  forest,  and  Cotingwode  and 
Westparc,  and  a  parcel  of  wood  in  Widehaldeside. 

Wiit  of  ad  plenum  certiorari,  20  July,  divers  contentions  having  arisen  upon  the 
partition  lately  made.  Inq.  The  day  of  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Gross, 
55  Hen.  III. 

Northumberland.  The  whole  inheritance  of  the  said  Roger  in  the  county  was 
parted  at  first  as  follows,  viz. — Morpath  assigned  to  Sir  William,  son  of 
Thomas  de  Greystock,  and  Mary  his  wife,  Wytton  with  the  service  of 
Wyndegate  to  the  said  Isabel,  and  Beuasys  and  Stanington  with  a  parcel  in 
Trenwell  to  the  said  Alice  ;  but  the  woods  remained  unparted,  the  wood  of 
Morpath  in  custody  of  William  and  Mary,  and  the  forest  in  that  of  Sir  GeoflFrey 
de  Lesyni,  who  had  the  wardship  of  Isabel  and  Alice  by  the  king's  gift. 
After  the  death  of  Alice,  her  part  was  parted  by  lot  between  the  said  William 
and  Mary  and  the  guardian  of  the  said  Isabel,  and  both  were  content,  bu 
the  woods  were  not  parted  by  lot  but  assigned;  Sir  William  was  never 
content  with  his  part,  but  Robert  de  Euyr  was  content.  Whereupon  Sir 
W^illiam  procured  the  king's  writ  to  the  escheator  (as  above),  and  the  woods 
were  parted,  and  lots  cast ;  but  because  the  part  formerly  assigned  to  the 
said  Robert  fell  to  Sir  William  by  lot,  the  said  Robert  holds  it  still  by  force, 
and  William  cannot  have  seisin  thereof.  Waste  has  been  done  by.  both 
parties  but  chiefly  by  Robert,  and  the  escheator  having  taken  an  oath  from 
Robert's  forester  to  keep  the  woods  and  parks  safely,  the  said  Robert 
removed  him,  so  that  the  escheator  could  not  fully  perform  the  king's 
mandate.     {See  No.  636.) 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  40.  (8.) 

776.  Roger  db  Qubncy  alias  de  Quinsy,  sometime  earl  of  Winchester. 

Writ  oj  certiorari  defeodis,  dc.  to  the  sheriflf  of  Oxford,  2  Nov.,  55  Hen.  Ill,  that 
the  cohiers  may  receive  their  pourparties.    Inq.  {und^ited). 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  255 

[OxFOBD.]  Chinore  with  Sideham  in  Wallingford  honour.  1  knight's  fee  held 
by  the  said  Roger  of  the  king  in  chief  :  the  advowson  of  Chinore  pertains 
to  the  abbot  of  St.  Albans. 

Sydeham  a  member  of  Chinore.  J  fee  held  by  the  abbot  of  Thame, 
paying  211.  yearly. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Berks,  2  Nov.  Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Scholastica, 
55  Hen.  HI. 

[Bebks.]  Westildele  in  Cumptone  hundred.  17^^  virgates  land,  whereof  each 
virgate  renders  5«.  yearly  and  customs  worth  12d.,  \  held  by  the  prior  of 
Saundelford,  J  by  Sir  Roger  de  Beuchamp,  and  J  by  William  de  Abintune. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Dorset,  2  Nov.  55  Hen.  IH.  Inq.  Sunday  after  the 

DoBSBT.    Little  CurchuU.     1  fee  held  by  William  de  Brudeport. 

Bradeford.     J  fee  held  by  Ralph  de  Stopham. 

Eingeston  manor.  1  carucate  land  held  by  Henry  son  of  Elias  in 
socage  rendering  6s.  yearly. 

Up  Wymburn.  1  hide  land  held  by  Robert  Trenchefeyl  in  socage 
rendering  6d.  yearly. 

Pimpeme.  1  fee  held  by  Ralph  de  Nevile  and  William  his  brother, 
sometime  knights,  who  gave  the  same  in  frank  almoin  to  the  priory  of 

Similar  tvrit  to  the  sheriff  of  Sussex,  2  Nov.  55  Hen.  HI.  Inq,  (undated) 
(?  belonging  to  Sussex). 

[Sussex  ?]     No  fees  or  advowsons  are  known. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Essex,  2  Nov.  65  Hen.  IH.  Endorsed  with  return^ 
viz. — 

.  [Hbbtfobd.]  Ware.  1  knight's  fee  held  by  the  said  Roger  of  the  honour  of 

[Essex  ?]  CoUum  Quncy.  2  carucates  land  held  by  Robert  de  Quency,  brother 
of  the  said  Roger. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  2  Nov.  55  Hen.  HI.  •  Inq.  (undated). 

Lincoln.  Croxton  and  Kirington.  lOOs.  land  held  by  John  son  of  Odinel  de 
Albiniaco  by  knight's  service ;  and  6J  marks  land^held  by  William  de  Sancto 
Andrea,  and  6  marks  land  held  by  Amice  daughter  of  Richard  de  Buslingtorp 
of  Richard  son  of  Richard  de  Buslingtorp,  and  by  him  of  the  earl,  by  the 
like  service. 

Stayntoni     10  marks  land  held  by  the  same  Richard,  by  the  like  service. 

Wlrickby.     8  bovates  land  held  by  John  de  Launay  for  6«.  yearly. 

Croxton.  Two  parts  of  the  advowson,  which  Master  Adam  de  Norfolk 
holds  of  the  earFs  gift;  and  the  third  part  pertains  to  Richard  de  Buslingtorp, 
who  held  it  of  the  earl,  and  William  Brandon,  the  chaplain,  holds  it  of  his 

Similar  turit  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon,  2  Nov.  56  Hen.  HI.     Inq.  (undated.) 

Huntingdon.  Dodington  in  Touleslond  hundred.  J  knight's  fee  held  by 
John  de  Litlebr'. 

Eynisbr*.  J  knight's  fee  held  by  Sir  Thomas  de  Bercleye  and  Joan 
his  wife. 

Digitized  by 



Eynisbr'.  The  advowson  of  the  church,  which  Master  Bichard  de 
Clyflford  holds  of  the  gift  of  the  countess  of  Derebi. 

Two  watermills  are  held  by  the  abbot  of  Sautre  in  frank  almoin,  of  the  earFs 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  2  Nov.  Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Matthias, 
55  Hen.  III. 

Gloucester.  Ebryton,  Pebbewrthe  and  Clopton  manors,  held  by  Ernald  de 
Bosco  for  4  knights*  fees,  and  12d.  yearly  and  1  brachet,  for  these  and  other 
fees  in  other  counties,  and  2  suits  at  the  court  of  Leicester. 

Farncot,  Gittinge,  Gatteslate  and  Goldecote,  held  by  the  same  Ernald 
for  3  knights*  fees. 

Similar  tvrit  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  2  Nov.  55  Hen.  III. 

[Northampton.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Sprotton.  1  fee  held  by  Thomas  de  Ardeme  of  Henry  de  Pynkeny,  and 
by  him  of  Boger  de  Quency,  and  the  same  Henry  holds  elsewhere  of  the  king 
by  barony. 

Haldeneby.  J  fee  held  by  Sibyl  late  the  wife  of  Peter  de  Haldeneby  of 
Thomas  de  Arderne,  and  by  him  of  the  said  Henry,  and  by  him  of  the  earl 

Hasilbech.  '  1  fee,  with  3  virgates  land  in  Pittesford,  held  by  Bichard 
de  Hanred  of  William  Maufe  of  Sussex,  and  by  him  of  Philip  de  Nevill,  and 
by  him  of  the  earl. 

Waudegrave  and  Nortoft.  J  fee  held  by  Thomas  le  Lord  of  Waude- 
grave  of  William  de  Nonencurt,  and  by  him  of  William  de  Turevill,  and  by 
him  of  Alan  de  Bomely,  and  by  him  of  the  earl. 

Maydeford.  1  fee  held  by  Thomas  Kyn  of  William  Bordet,  and  by  him 
of  the  earl. 

Northampton.     Inq.  (undated). 

Astrop.    \  fee  held  by  William  de  Stapelton. 

Farnyngho.  1  fee  defended  against  the  earl  by  the  countess  of 
Albemarle,  which  Balph  de  Sancto  Amando,  Geoffrey  Cardun  and  William 
Abbot  hold  in  equal  portions,  but  the  wardship  did  not  pertain  to  the  earl  by 
reason  of  many  intermediaries. 

Similar  icrit  to  the  sheriff  of  Cambridge,  2  Nov.  Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Lucy 
the  Virgin,  55  Hen.  III. 

Cambridge.  [Trumpeton?]  1  fee  held  by  Boger  de  Trumpeton,  yielding 
scutage  ;  and  1  fee  with  the  advowson  of  the  same  town,  held  by  John  de 
Kaylly,  yielding  scutage,  and  now  held  by  Master  Stephen  de  Eokelond,  by 
reason  of  the  wardship  of  the  said  John's  land  and  heir,  by  sale  from  the 

Gretton.     1  fee  held  by  Boger  de  Trumpeton,  yielding  scutage. 

Wynnepol.     1  fee  held  by  Baldwin  de  Bassingburn,  yielding  scutage. 
The  said  tenants  hold  nothing  of  the  king  in  chief  in  the  county. 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  2  Nov.  55  Hen.  III.     Inq.  (undated). 

No  fees,  &c.  were  held  of  the  earl  in  the  bailiwick,  whose  wardship  pertained 
to  the  earl  or  the  king. 

Warwick.     Extent,  Tuesday  before  St.  Gregory,  55  Hen.  III. 

[Lodbrock.]  A  messuage  with  2J  virgates  land,  a  mill,  and  the 
advowson  of  the  church,  held  by  John  de  Lodbrock. 

Napton  and  Weston.  2  fees  and  the  advowson  of  Napton  church,  held 
by  Adam  de  Napton. 

Digitized  by 


HENEY  III.  257 

Edelinscote  and  MUverton.    J  fee  held  by  John  Spygirnel. 

Weston,  Bulkynton,  Clifton,  Wavre,  and  Wibtoft.  4  fees  held  by 
Ernald  de  Bosco. 

Wlveye.  2  fees  held  by  William  de  Harcurt,  which  the  abbot  of 
Cumbe  held  of  him  in  frank  almoin  excepting  scutage. 

Sekyndon.    6  virgates  land  held  by  Thomas  de  Caumvile,  renderinjg  25s. 

La  Hide  and  Eton,  co.  Warwick,  and  Sapecote,  co.  Leicester.  '  J  fee 
held  by  Thomas  le  Marescal. 

Pakynton.    J  fee  held  by  Henry  Murdac. 

[Leicester.]    Extent,  Monday  before  St.  Gregory,  55  Hen.  HI. 

Brantiston,  Honecote,  Fryseby,  Galby,  Stretton,  and  Norton.  4  fees 
held  by  William  Burdet. 

Esseby,  Blacfordeby,  Culverdeby,  Overton,  Glen,  Carleton  and  RoUiston. 
4  fees  held  by  Alan  la  Zuche,  who  holds  elsewhere  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Butlisby.  1  fee  held  by  John  de  Werdon,  who  holds  elsewhere  of  the 
king  in  chief. 

Wautham.  1  fee  answered  for  by  Philip  Daubeny,  which  the  abbot  of 
Groxton  holds  in  alms. 

Berliston.      ^  fee  held  by  Richard  Finery. 

Upton  and  Burton.     1 J  fee  held  by  Robert  de  la  Warde. 

Minstirton  and  Pulteney.     1  fee  held  by  Adam  de  Napton. 

Thorp,  Cleybrock,  Ailmerstorp,  Busseby,  Petlyng  and  Belegrave. 
16}  fees  held  by  Ernald  de  Bosco. 

Boseworhe,  Seynton  and  Ailiston.  2  fees  held  by  William  de  Harcurt, 
who  held  elsewhere  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Houtton  and  Hautherne.  }  fee  held  by  Simon  Mallore  and  Hugh 

Leyton.     1  fee  held  by  the  countess  of  Oxford. 

Wiyngiston.  40i.  land  held  by  the  said  countess  in  free  marriage  of 
the  gift  of  R.  de  Quency  her  brother. 

Lokynton.  \  fee  held  by  Roger  Basset,  and  the  abbot  of  Leicester 
holds  it  in  alms. 

Drayton.     1  fee  held  by  Ralph  de  Lodynton  and  John  Heuse. 

Dadelynton  and  Heyham.  J  fee  held  by  Henry  de  Hastynges,  who 
held  elsewhere  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Sybbisdon,  Schepeye  and  Heyham.  2  fees  held  by  Thomas  de 
Can  vile. 

Hemynton.  1  fee  held  by  Thomas  de  Meynel  and  Robert  de 

Barkeby.     }  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Ros. 

Dadelynton.    tV  fee  held  by  John  Spygirnel. 

Watton.     }  fee  held  by  William  de  Dive ;  and  J  fee  by  Ralph  de  Bredon. 

Chevysby.    J  fee  held  by  Robert  de  Chaucumbe. 
J  Glenefeld.    J  fee  held  by  Roger  Cantevile. 

The  heirs  of  the  said  Roger  de  Quency  are  patrons  of  the  abbey  of  Geridon, 
Wlvescroft  and  Charleye ;  and  are  advowees  of  the  churches  of  Syiston,  Leyton 
and  Merkinfeld. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Leicester  to  enquire  what  knight's  fees  Roger  de  Leyburn 
and  Eleanor  his  wife  hold  as  dower  of  the  said  Eleanor,  of  the  inheritance 
of  Roger  de  Quency  late  her  husband,  in  order  that  Margaret  de  Ferariis, 
countess  of  Derby,  Ellen,  late  the  wife  of  Alan  la  Zouche,  and  Alexander 
Comyn,  earl  of  Buchan  (Bochan),  and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  the  co-heirs  of  the 
said  Roger  may  know  the  pourparty  which  ought  to  fall  to  them, 
14  Oct.  55  Hen.  HL    Extent,  Saturday  after  St.  Hilary,  56  Hen-  HI. 

23880  a 

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Leicester.    Knights'  fees  held  in  dower  by  Eleanor  de  Waus,  countess  of 

Brantiston,  &c.  as  above.    4  fees  held  by  Eobert  Burdet. 

Esseby,  &c.  as  above.    4  fees  held  by  Eoger  la  Zuche. 

Houton  and  Hautherne.    i  fee  held  as  above. 

Hemynton.    1  fee  held  as  above. 

Watton.    J  fee  held  by  Balph  de  Bredon ;  and  J  fee  by  Ralph  Basset  of 

Mynstirton  and  Pulteneye.    1  fee  held  by  Adam  de  Napton. 
{See  Nos.  587  and  732.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (9.) 

777.  William  db  Harghbs  alias  de  Hergh'. 

Writ  to  the  guardian  of  the  archbishopric  of  Canterbury,  8  March,  55  Hen.  III. 

Inq.  {undated.) 

He  held  nothing  of  the  archbishopric  in  chief,  but  held  his  whole  tenement 
of  Ralph  Swetman  ;  it  cannot  be  the  king's  escheat,  for  he  left  an  heir,  viz.— 
William  Eous  {Ruffum)  of  Watford,  son  of  the  aunt  of  the  said  William  de  Hergh*. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  40.  (10.) 

778.  Simon  db  Staunton. 

Writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon  to  enquire  whether  the  said  Simon  is  of  sound 
mind  {undated).  Inq.  Sunday  after  St.  Matthias,  55  Hen.  HI. 
Huntingdon.  He  is  of  sound  mind  and  fitly  rules  himself  and  his  affairs; 
nor  has  he  made  any  alienation  of  his  lands,  but  has  sold  7  roods  of  land 
(unspecified)  to  Eichard  the  chaplain  for  5  marks  and  .  .  d.  yearly  rent :  he 
holds  lands  (unspecified)  worth  20Z.  yearly  of  Nicholas  de  Segrave  by  service  of 
lib.  cummin,  and  of  Eobert  de  Bokesworth  by  service  of  9Jd. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  40.  (11.) 

779.  Ealph  db  Sombry. 

Writ  of  ad  plenum  certiorari,  26  Jan.,  55  Hen.  HI.  on  the  petition  of  Ealph  de 
Erumbewell  and  Margaret  his  wife,  John  le  Straunge  and  Joan  his  wife, 
Walter  de  Suly  and  Mabel  his  wife,  and  Henry  de  Erdinton  and  Maud  his 
wife,  concerning  the  lands,  &c.  (unspecified)  which  were  of  Clemence  sometime 
countess  of  Chester,  and  which  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands  upon 
her  death  by  reason  of  the  minority  ol  the  said  Ealph  her  heir,  lately 
deceased,  of  whom  the  said  Margaret,  Joan,  Mabel  and  Maud  claim  to  be 

heirs.    Inq.  {missing.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  40.  (12.] 

780.  Ealph  db  Stopham. 

Writy  16  Oct,  55  Hen.  IH.    Inq.  Wednesday  the  feast  of  SS.  Simon  and  Jude, 
56  Hen.  HI. 
Ealph  his  son,  aged  28  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

DoBSBT.    Blaneford  Brian  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Bradeford  (manor).  61.  13s.  4(2.  rent  of  assize,  held  of  the  fee  of  the 
earl  of  Wjmcestre,  finding  for  the  said  manor  one  footman  for  the  king's 
service  with  bow  and  arrow  {bosono)  for  40  days  at  his  own  charge. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  40.  (13.) 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  259 

781.  Chbistiana  Ledbt,  late  the  wife  of  Henby  [Ledet]. 

Writ,  8  Sept.  55  Hen.   III.    Inq.  Monday  before   St.  Mark  the  Evangelist, 

56  Hen.  III.  {defective). 

[Wyscard  their  son  was  ?]  the  next  heir  of  the  said  Henry  and  Christiana, 

and  the  said  Wyscard  begot  a  son  named  W(al  ?) 

firstborn  begot  two  daughters  who  are  next  heirs  of 

the  said  Henry  and  Christiana  Ledet •     .     .     • 

and  Christiana  the  younger,  aged  15. 

Bedford.     Sutton  and  Potton  manors,   held  of  Sir  Bobert  [de  Brus].    The 
manor  of  Sutton  was  held  of  the  predecessors  of  the  said  Bobert  de  Brus,  and 

one  Wyscard  Ledet  held  the  said 

Bobert  de  Brajrbroc,  and  he  freed  the  manor  of  Sutton  from 

Jewry  and  gave  it  to  Henry  his  son  and  Christiana  daughter  of  the  said  .     .     . 

and  it  is  defended  for  ^  knight's 

fee  against  the  lords  of  the  fee ;  and  the  manor  of  Potton  is  held  of  the 

same  fee  by  ex(change) 

for  Badewe  and  Toteham  in  co.  Hertford  (sic) ;  and  the 

said  manors  of  Sutton  and  Potton  are  united 

Cadebury  manor,  held  by  the  said  Christiana  in  dower  of  the  barony  of 
Eton ;  and  she  was  dowered  by  Wyscard  her  son. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (14.) 

782.  LxjcY  late  the  wife  of  William  de  Appblford. 

Writ,  28  April,  55  Hen.  III. 

William  de  Appelford  her  son,  aged  22  at  Ash  Wednesday  last,  is  her  heir. 

Essex.    Extent,  Thursday  after  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross,  55  Hen.  III. 

Alesford,  in  Tendr[ring]  hundred.  A  messuage,  120a.  arable,  3a.  dry 
pasture,  8a.  marsh,  60a.  wood,  20«.  9d.  rent,  &c.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  of 
the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  1  knight  and  suit  monthly  at  the  court 
of  Boulogne  (honour). 

Cambridge.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Barnabas,  55  Hen.  III.  {defective). 

Grantecete.     52a.  arable,  8a.  meadow,  18«.  ^d.  rent,  and  a  watermill, 
&c.  held  of  the  king  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  J  knight. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (15.) 

783.  William  de  Mabes. 

Writ,  22  Oct.  56  Hen.  III.    Inq.  {undated.) 

John  de  Mares  his  brother,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

[Kent.]  Wycheling.  1  knight's  fee  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson  of  the 
church,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  doing  as  pertains  to  the  shield,  and 
10«.  every  20  weeks  for  the  guard  the  castle  of  Dover. 

Sentlinge,  Acmere  and  Selve.    2  knights*  fees  (extent  given),  held  by 
doing  for  shield  and  guard  of  the  said  castle  as  above. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  40.  (16.) 

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784.  Ralph  Musabd. 

Writ,  12  Oct.    Inq.  Wednesday  before  SS.  Simon  and  Jude,  56  Hen.  HI. 
Nicholas  Musard,  his  brother,  aged  80  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Glougestbb.  Seynesbyri.  2  parts  of  the  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king 
in  chief,  pertaining  to  the  barony  of  La  Musardere,  service  unspecified. 

La  Musardere  and  Sudinton  manors,  held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  40.  (17.) 

785.  Ralph  de  Ives  alias  Iuweaub. 

Writs  to  Guy  de  Taunton  and  to  the  sheriff  of  Somerset,  4  Aug.    Inq.  Saturday 
before  the  Decollation  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  56  Hen.  III. 
He  had  an  aunt  named  Maud  de  Wyke,  who  is  dead,  and  had  children,  but 

the  jury  know  not  which  of  them  is  the  heir. 

Somerset.  KnoUe  luweaus  manor,  held  of  Henry  del  Ortyay,  heir  of  Richard 
del  Ortyay,  who  is  in  the  king's  wardship,  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee. 

Northstok  manor.      20a.  pasture  and  more,  held  of  Sir  William  de 
Monte  Acuto,  service  unspecified. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (18.) 

786.  Thomas  Gredlbt  alias  Gbelley. 

Writ  of  extent  to  the  sheriff  of  Rutland,  27  May,  on  the  petition  of  Robert 
Gredley,  nephew  and  heir  of  the  said  Thomas,  and  his  friends,  showing 
that  the  king's  son,  Edmund,  to  whom  the  king  had  granted  the  wardship, 
had  distributed  the  same  amongst  his  friends  (JamUiares),  who  neglect  to 
furnish  the  heir  as  is  fitting,  and  praying  restitution.  Extent,  The  eve  oi 
SS.  Peter  and  Paul,  66  Hen.  III. 

Rutland.  Wodeheved  manor  (extent  given),  (which  is  in  the  hand  of  Laurence 
de  Sancto  Mauro). 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Oxford,  28  May.  Extent  Saturday  the  morrow  of 
St.  Botalph,  56  Hen.  III. 

Oxford.  Piryton  manor  (extent  given),  (which  is  in  the  hand  of  the  executors  of 
Philip  Basset). 

Similar  writ  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  27  May,  56  Hen.  HI. 

[Norfolk.]     Extent  {undated). 

Tunstede  manor  (extent  given),  (which  is  in  the  hand  of  Richard 
de  Wyk). 

[Suffolk.]     Extent  (undated). 

Wylaesham  {alias  Wyllauesham)  manor  (extent  given),  (which  is  in  the 
hand  of  Laurence  de  Sancto  Mauro). 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  40.  (19.) 

787.    Robert  db  la  Mare. 

Writ,  25  July.    Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Lawrence,  56  Hen.  IH. 
Peter  his  son,  aged  24,  is  his  heir. 

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HENRY  III.  261 

Wilts.     Stupellaunton.    7  of  the  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  socage 
by  service  of  20s.  yearly  payable  to  the  castle  of  Devises. 
The  men  of  Edmund,  son  of  the  King  of  Almain,  will  not  permit  the 

escheator  to  take  seisin  of  the  lands  of  the  said  Bobert,  which  were  of  the  fee  of 

the  said  Edmund,  in  cos.  Oxford  and  Gloucester. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  40.  (20.) 

788.  James  de  Aldithele  alias  de  Audithelb. 

Writ  of  certiorari,  16  July,  56  Hen.  Ill,  on  the  complaint  of  Ella,  late  the  wife  of 
the  said  James,  that  the  escheator  had  taken  into  the  king's  hand  the 
manors  of  Stratton  and  Wechewik,  which  were  of  her  free  marriage  of  the 
gift  of  her  father  William  Lungespei.    Inq.  (undated.) 
James  his  son,  aged  22  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

OxFOSD.  Stretton  and  Wrechewic  manors,  are  held  of  the  fee  of  Henry  de  Laci, 
and  were  given  in  free  marriage  with  the  said  Ella  to  the  said  James. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  41.  (1.) 

789.  Jambs  de  Aldeleyb. 

Writ  of  certiorari,  12  Sept.  on  the  complaint  of  Alice  de  Bello  Campo  that  the 
escheator  had  taken  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor  of  Herdewyk,  which  she 
bought  of  Balph  de  Audely.    Inq.  Monday  before  St.  Michael,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Oxford.  Herdewick  manor  was  bought  by  the  said  Alice  of  Ealph  Daudeley, 
sometime  lord  of  the  same,  and  is  held  in  chief  of  Sir  Maurice  Daudele  by 
one  knight's  fee.  It  was  seized  (into  the  king's  hands)  by  reason  of  the 
death  of  James  de  Audele,  but  he  never  had  any  seisin  there,  and  it  may  ^be 
restored  to  the  said  Alice  without  prejudice  to  anyone. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  FUe  4:1.  (2.) 

790.  IsMANNiA  alias  Ymannia  Baynabd. 

Wnt,  12  June,  56  Hen.  III. 

Boger  Baynard,  her  son,  aged  50,  is  her  heir. 

Essex.    Extent  and  Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  John  the  Baptist,  56  Hen.  III. 

Little  Eeyn  in  Heng[ford]  hundred.     1  hide  land  with  messuage,  &c. 
(extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  1  hidage. 

Essex.     Extent  and  Inq.  Tuesday  before  St.  John  the  Baptist,  56  Hen.  III. 

Messing  in  Lexeden  hundred.    A  capital  messuage,  lands,  &c.  (extent 
given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (3.) 

791.  Thomas  de  Beeering. 

Writs,  6  Sept.     Inq.  Wednesday  the  feast  of  St.  Matthew,  56  Hen.  III. 

Thomas,  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  26  and  more,  and  SO,  is  his  heir. 

Nobthumbbbland.  (Unspecified.)  1^  knight's  fee,  held  in  barony  of  the 
inheritance  of  Mary  his  wife ;  and  the  said  Thomas  and  Mary  rendered 
their  relief  to  the  king  in  the  time  of  Peter  de  Yallibus,  the  escheator. 

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Hemham  manor,  a  moiety  of  Bolum,  and  a  moiety  of  Bradeford, 
held  in  demesne  and  in  services  (extent  given). 

(Unspecified.)  8}  carucates  land,  with  9«.  rent  and  a  mill,  held  of  the 
inheritance  of  the  said  Mary,  of  the  barony  of  Bolebek. 

Lyhtedon,  held  of  the  barony  of  Bolnm. 
The  said  Mary  is  his  heir  (of  these  lands)  and  of  full  age. 

Wnt,  6  Sept.,  56  Hen.  III. 

Lincoln.    Inq.  Monday  after  the  Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Gross,  56  Hen.  III. 

Bekering.  A  capital  messuage,  7^  bovates  land,  5a.  meadow,  17  tofts, 
7^  bovates  land  in  the  hands  of  villeins,  a  mill,  &c. 

Westirington.    A  messuage  and  6  bovates  land. 

Herthewik.    A  messuage  and  1^  bovates  land. 

Tyrington.     5a.  meadow  and  2  tofts. 
All  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  Robert  de  Bos,  service  unspecified,  and  of  the 
inheritance  of  the  said  Thomas. 

Barthon.  4  bovates  land,  held  of  the  fee  of  Sir  Gilbert  de  Gaunt, 
service  unspecified. 

Huntingdon.    Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Denis,  56  Hen.  HI. 
Great  Cattewrd.    4^  virgates  land. 

Werkwelle.    4  virgates  land,  held  of  the  earl  of  Hereford,  as  pertaiiiing 
to  Einebauton,  to  whom  relief  is  due  and  not  to  the  king. 
All  held  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said  Mary. 

The  next  heir  after  the  deatib  of  the  said  Mary,  who  is  now  the  heir,  will  be 
Thomas,  son  of  the  said  Thomas  and  Mary,  aged  80. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (4.) 

792.  Jomff  DE  Dyve. 

Writy  17  July,  66  Hen.  III. 

Henry  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  21  and  more  and  22  and  more,  is  his 

Sussex.    Extent  Monday  after  St.  Martin,  57  Hen.  III. 

Wunewerthe  manor  in  Grafham  (extent  given),  held  of  the  lord 
of  Arundel  in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee. 

NoBTHAMPTON.     Ifiq.  (undated.) 

Wyke.  A  capital  messuage,  4  carucates  land  in  demesne,  meadow  and 
pasture,  8  virgates  land  in  viUenage,  6  cottars,  60s.  free  rent,  &q.  held  of 
Sir  Hugh  de  Plecy,  service  unspecified. 

Oxford.    Dadington.    ^  of  2  knight's  fees  held  of  the  king  by  knights'  service. 

Oxford.    Extent  Wednesday  before  St.  Giles,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Dadinton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by  service  of  ^  of  2 
knights'  fees. 

Oxford.      Extent  Sunday  before  the  Decollation  of    St.   John  the  Baptist, 
56  Hen.  III. 

Dokelinton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  Hugh  de  Plessetis  by 
service  of  1^  knight's  fee. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  41.  (5.) 

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HENRY  III.  263 

793.  William  de  Wavebe. 

Writ,  4  March,  66  Hen.  III. 

Bobert  his  son,  aged  24  as  they  say,  is  his  heir,  and  has  taken  a  wife. 

Warwick.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Wavere  in  Knytelawe  hundred,  held  of  Sir  Richard  le  Cursun  of 
Queneborou,  service  unspecified. 

Neubolde,  Lalleford  and  Cosforde,  lands  (unspecified),  held  of  Lady  Joan 
Wake  in  chief,  service  unspecified. 

Lincoln.    Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Annunciation,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Siyestan  manor,  held  of  Lady  Christiana  Ledet  and  her  heirs,  rendering 
1  mark  yearly  for  all  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (6.) 

794.  John  Berenger  alias  Benigbr. 

Writ,  28  Aug.    Inq.  Thursday  before  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary 
56  Hen.  III. 
His  heir  is  named  Ingram,  aged  7. 

Wilts.  [Alvedeston.]  2  parts  of  12  bovates  land,  held  of  the  abbess,  &c.  of 
Wilton  in  fee  farm,  by  rendering  yearly  48  quarters  wheat,  and  48  quarters 
malt,  whereof  24  quarters  shall  be  of  barley,  8  of  wheat  and  16  of  oats ; 
also  24  quarters  oats  for  making  gruell,  and  8  quarters  wheat  and  8  quarters 
barley  for  making  household  bread  (panemfam') ;  also  400  loaves  of  bread 
containing  at  least  7  quartern  of  wheat  and  barley  in  equal  portions  ;  also 
9i  marks  rent  of  assize,  and  200  fleeces ;  all  which  are  for  the  food  and 
clothing  of  the  nuns  of  Wilton ;  nor  is  there  wardship  or  marriage  because 
the  land  is  held  by  fee  farm. 

Writ  to  enquire  whether  the  wardship  and  marriage  of  the  heir,  &c.  pertain 
to  the  king,  by  reason  of  the  vacancy  of  the  abbey  of  Wilton,  9  Sept. 
Inq.  Monday  before  St.  Matthew,  56  Hen.  III. 

Wilts.  Alvedeston.  2  carucates  land  held  of  the  said  abbess,  &c.  as  above. 
The  wardship  and  marriage  pertain  to  the  said  abbess,  &c.  but  Alice  de 
Parham  sometime  abbess,  sold  the  wardship  and  marriage  of  the  said  John 
to  Christina,  his  mother,  who  still  survives,  for  40  marks.  The  jury  were 
deceived  through  the  haste  of  their  clerk. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (7.) 

795.  William  la  Zuch. 

Writ  of  certiorari,  3  Feb.  on  the  complaint  of  John  de  Traylli,  that  the  escheator 
had  taken  into  the  king's  hand  the  manor  of  Hobrugg',  which  the  said 
William  held  by  the  courtesy  of  England  of  the  inheritance  of  Maud  the 
said  John's  mother.     Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Peter  ad  Cathedram,  56  Hen.  III. 

Essex.  Hobrug'  manor  was  not  held  of  his  own  inheritance,  but  he  held  it  by 
the  courtesy  of  England  of  the  inheritance  of  Maud,  sometime  his  wife. 
Sir  John  de  Trailly  is  the  next  heir  of  the  said  Maud. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (8.) 

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796.  William  de  Staundon  alias  de  Stondonb. 

Writ  of  certiorari,  to  the  sheriflF  of  Essex,  24  May,  56  Hen.  lU,  on  the  petition  of 
brother  Eanulph  de  Bremesgrave,  preceptor  of  the  New  Temple,  London, 
showing  that  the  wardship  of  certain  lands  in  Little  Cressing  ought  not  to 
belong  to  the  king,  because  held  of  the  master,  &c.  of  the  Temple,  in  socage. 

Essex.  Inq.  (undated.)  Little  Kyrsing.  The  said  William  held  his  land  in 
socage,  rendering  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  Knights  Templars  in 
England  48«.  yearly,  and  doing  certain  customs  and  works  (specified),  and 
suit  of  court. 

London.    Inq.  Thursday  after  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

The  said  William  held  that  capital  messuage  in  the  parish  of  St.  Mary 
Somersete  which  Sir  John  de  Wy vill  used  to  inhabit ;  and  now  Orabilia  his 
relict  holds  it  by  his  bequest,  together  with  20«.  rent  from  the  prior  and 
canons  of  Suwerk  for  tenements  at  Tymberhuth,  and  other  small  rents  (extent 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  41.  (9.) 

797.  Bobebt  Pasbman  of  Kereby. 

Writy  4  Sept.    Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Michael,  56  Hen.  III.  held  in  the  court  of 
the  view  of  frank  pledge  of  the  honour  of  Peverel. 
Bobert,  his  son,  aged  21  at  the  feast  of  St.  Margaret  last,  is  his  heir. 

Lbigbsteb  [Kereby?].  10  virgates  land  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
including  S  virgates  held  by  the  abbot  of  Gerondon,  and  ^  virgate  by  the 
parson  of  Glenefeld,  in  alms,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
J  knight's  fee,  and  suit  at  the  court  of  the  honour  of  Peverel  at  Leicester. 

Oddeston.    2  virgates    land,    held  of  John  Maunsel,  by  service  of 
28.  yearly. 

C.  Hen.  HI.  File  41.  (10.) 

798.  Hbnby  de  Umpraunvill. 

Writ,  28  Dec.    Inq.  19  Jan.,  56  Hen.  III. 

John  de  Unfranvile,  his  brother,  aged  30  and  more,  is  his  heir. 

Devon.  Toriton  and  Eelminton  manors.  A  fifth  part  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  3  knights'  fees. 

Lapford  and  Dune  manors,  held  of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  by  service  of 
8  knights'  fees. 

He  also  had  a  certain  land  called  Langetrewe  of  the  gift  of  the  said  earl, 
but  whether  he  was  enfeoffed  for  life  only,  or  to  him  and  his  heirs  is  unknown  to 
the  jury. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FiU  41.  (11.) 

799.  AvicB  db  Blaeefobd,  late  the  wife  of  William  de  Ber&elbye,  deceased. 

Writ,  28  June,  56  Hen.  III.    Inq.  (undated.) 

John  de  Blakeford,  her  son,  aged  24,  is  her  heir. 

Devon.  Brauntune  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty,  doing  service 
of  1  knight's  fee. 

Bewes  manor,  held  of  Sir  Henry  de  Traci  by  service  of  ^  knight's 

Dunesford  manor,  held  of  Sir  Geoffrey  de  Maundevil  by  service  of  ^ 
knight's  tee« 

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HENRY  III.  265 

Writ  of  ad  plenum  certiorari,  8  Aug,,  56  Hen.  IH.    Inq,  (undated.) 

William  de  Berkeleye  held  no  lands  of  his  own  inheritance,  nor  of  purchase 
except  the  manor  of  Lyditune  in  co.  Dorset,  which  he  had  only  by  exchange  and 
by  alienation  to  Sir  Balph  de  Gorges  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said  Avice  against 
her  will.  He  held  the  above-mentioned  manors,  of  the  inheritance  of  the  said 
Avice,  for  many  years,  until  against  her  will  he  alienated  20s.  land  in  Brauntune 
manor  to  Heniy  de  Stanwee,  1  ferling  land  in  Dunesford  manor  to  the 
prior  of  St.  Nicholas,  Exeter,  and  the  residue  of  the  said  manors  and  the 
whole  land  of  Bewes,  to  Sir  Balph  de  Gorges ;  after  whose  death  the  sub-escheator 
took  them  into  the  king's  hands  and  still  holds  them.  All  which  alienations  the 
said  William  made  11  years  ago  for  the  purpose  of  eloigning  the  inheritance 
from  the  right  heirs  of  the  said  Avice. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (12.) 

800.  Pbteb  db  Bbus. 

Writ,  28  Sept.  56  Hen.  IH. 

Agnes  the  wife  of  Walter  de  Faucunberge,  Lucy  the  wife  of  Marmaduke  de 
Twenge,  Margaret  the  wife  of  Bobert  de  Bos  of  Werke,  and  Ladereyna  the  wife 

of  John  [de  Bella  Aqua] ,  are  his 


[Wbstmorbland.]      Inq.     Thursday (fragment) 

Kirkeby  in  Eendale 

advowsons  of  churches,  abbeys  and  priories 

[York.]     Inq.  (undated  and  very  defective  and  faded).     Seel  ton 

.     .     .     .     of  the  king  in  chief  for  15  knights'  fees  by  ancient  feoffment, 
and  the  town  of  Daneby  with  the  forest  for  1  fee  of  new  feofl&nent    .     .     . 

William  Sturmy  and  his  parceners  2  fees,  Bobert  de  Laceles 

1  fee,  William  Mauleverer  1^  fee,  John  Mauleverer  1^  fee,  Bobert  Hyngeram 


^  fee,  Bobert  de  Butterwike  1  fee,  the  heir  of  Fossard  1  fee,  Thomas  (?)  de 

Grimeston  1  fee,  William  de  Boseles  (?)  8 

6  bovates  land  in  Jarum,  Adam  de  Seton    .     .     carucates  land  in  the  same 
by  knight's  service,  the  same  Adam  holds  in  Scelton  ^  carucate  in  the  same 

manner,  John  de  Thocotes  2  carucates 

Bichard  de  Hoton  7  carucates  in  the  same  manner, 

Bobert  Scarbode  1  carucate  in  the  same  manner,  Bichard  de  Lackeneby 
^  carucate  in  the  same  manner,  Bobert  de  Tuenge  in  the  same  8     .     .     .     . 

i    fee,    Anselm    de    Harpham 

1  carucate  and  2  bovates  in  the  same,  whereof  8  carucates  make  a  fee, 

Marmaduke  de  Tuenge  12  bovates  in  Thorp  and  Morsum 

,     .     .     .    Anselm    de    Harpham 

8^  carucates,  whereof  8  make  a  fee,  Beginald  son  of  Peter  8  carucates  in 
Cromer ;  also  Peter  de  Brus  held  1  fee  of  the  bishop  of  Durham  (DumeV), 

and  Sir  Bobert  de 

holds  1  fee  and  rendered  yearly  to  P.  de  Brus  20«.,  of  which  he  rendered 
19s.  4d.  to  William  de  Perci;  also  Peter  de  Brus  held  in  Elmeland  2  fees  of 

Henry  de  L .    '. 

Maucovenaunt  holds  1  fee,  Bobert  de  Nevile  1  fee,  William  de  Boivile  1  fee, 
Conan  de  Liverton  J  fee,  the  prior  of  Gisebum  and  William  Humet  and 

other  free  tenants  ^  fee  in  Lothus,  William  de 

t- eby  ^  fee ;  all  that  hold  of  the  fee  of  Henry  de  Lacy  hold  at 

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foreign  service ;  Matthew  de  Glaphou  holds  in  the  same  of  P.  de  Brus  J  carucate 

by  knight's  service,  the  heir  of  Merley  holds 

and  the  same  P.  holds  of 

the  earl  of  Albemarle 

with  all  adjacent  buildings  outside  the 

castle,  a  small  park  around  the  castle,  the  liberty  of  taking  one  skep  of  salt 
yearly  from  every  salt  pan  (salina)  in  the  marsh  of  Cotum,  and  12«.  from 
every  boat  on  the  shore  {marina)  of  Redker,  and  thus  the  castle  with  its 
appurtenances  aforewritten  is  worth  14{.  yearly;  and  a  fish  pond  at 
Scelton  worth  •  .  ;  and  [wreck  of  the  sea  ?J  from  Jarum  to  Renes- 
wike  which  cannot  be  extended  ;   the  whole  14Z.  8«.  Sd. 

Scelton  borough,  with  the  farm  and  pleas  of  court,  and  toll  there  and  at 
Cotum  and  Cotum  marsh  for  the  berth  {situ)  of  each  ship  landing  there, 
excepting  ships  of  the  prior  of  Giseburn,  and  toll  of  Bedker,  Mersk,  Brocton 

Grenerig,  demesne  lands,  5  mills,  100  quarters 

of  oats,  &c.,  the  whole  worth  38Z.  2«.  4d.  yearly. 

Scelton.  667a.  arable  and  84a.  meadow  in  demesne,  21  bovates  land  in 
villenage,  16 J  cottages,  &c.  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
the  pasture  of  Holm  held  by  William  Capun,  6«.  from  dales  {vaUes)  towards 
the  sea,  and  herbage,  &c.,  in  the  Hay  (Haya)  with  the  great  park  and 
Hasdale,  and  in  le  Grene,  the  whole  worth  29Z.  6«.  8d.  yearly. 

Stanghou,  pertaining  to  Scelton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
including  an  assart  called  Eateriding. 

Morsum,  pertaining  to  Scelton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants), 
the  whole  worth  114*.  3d. 

Grenerig,  pertaining  to  Scelton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants). 

Mersk  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  a  pasture  called 

Dunesdal i  carucate  land  and  8  assarts  called 

Pyleflat,  Wudeflat  and  Cornegreve,  with  12a.  land  in  Uplithum. 

Brocton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  a  piece  of 
wood  in  Cam    .    «     .     . 

Scinergreve  (extent  given),  including  3  assarts  in  Playgrive,  fisheries, 

10«.  for  each  boat  there Scelton,  worth  30«. 

The  whole  worth  1101.  6s.  6d. 

Langebergh  wapentake,  held  by  chajrter  of  king .  Henry  to  farm, 
rendering  40  marks  yearly  at  the  exchequer  of  London. 

The  priory  of  Giseburn  has  all  the  churches  in  the  barony  to  its  own 
uses  and  the  advowson in  frank  almoin. 

The  abbot  of  Wyteby  has  the  church  of  Middelburg,  with  a  moiety  of 
the  same  town  in  frank  almoin. 

No  extent  has  been  made  of  courts  baron,  because  suit  is  not  due  nor 
accustomed  from  any  free  tenants  throughout  the  barony. 

Danebi  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants)  including  4«.  from  the 
shepherds  of  the  prior  of  Giseburn  for  pasture  for  their  own  cattle,  worth 
37L  14«.  Id. 

Lelum  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  herbage  of  the 
forest  of  Heckedale,  and  the  quarry  of  Clitherbec,  worth  27i.  7«.  Id. 

Freemen  in  the  forest  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  worth 
101. 128. 

Jarum  pertaining  to  Scelton  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants) 
including  the  service  of  Eobert  de  Muncheus  given  to  the  prior  of  Park  in 

frank  almoin,  and held  by  the  nuns  of  Handale ;  all  the 

lands  there  are  alienated  from  the  demesne ;  worth  191.  Ids.  8d. 

Kirkebrun  (extent  given),  worth  56Z.  18«.  6d. 

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HENEY  m.  ,  267 

Estbrnnne  (extent  given),  worth  52Z.  28. 

Sutbrunne  (extent  given),  worth  52Z.  IBs.  2d.,  Adam  de  Seton  holding 
2  caracates  land  by  foreign  service. 
All  these  townships  of  Brunn  are  held  of  the  king  in  chief. 

Tibethorp  (extent  given),  worth  55Z.  6«.  8d. 

Tipetoft  township  is  of  the  fee  of  Bros. 

Earleton  in  Balne  (extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  land 
in  Fortker. 

Thorp  de  Arches  (extent    given  with  names  of  tenants),  including 
herbage  in  the  park  of  Walton,  worth  80i.  Os.  lOd. 

The  part  of  Sir  Robert  de  Bos  and  Margaret  his  wife  (undated). 

[Westmoreland  and  Yobk.]  Kirkeby  in  Kendal  castle,  with  the  whole  of 
Eendal  which  pertained  to  Sir  Peter  de  Brus,  excepting  the  dale  of  Eentemere, 
which  is  assigned  to  Sir  John  de  Bella  Aqua  and  La  Dereyne  his  wife,  and 
with  the  advowson  of  the  priory  of  Konigesheved,  and  ^  of  wreck  in 
the  sea  in  Gliveland,  viz. — from  Benneswys  as  far  as  Jarum. 

The  part  of  John  de  Bella  Aqua  and  La  Dereyne  his  wife  (undated). 

[York  and  Westmoreland.]  Earleton  in  Baune  manor,  with  the  marriage  of 
La  Dereyne,  wife  of  Sir  John  de  Belewe. 

Thorpe  de  Arches  and  Waleton  manor,  with  the  park,  rents,  &c. 
Tibetorp  manor. 

Suthbrume  and  Estbrume,  certain  lands,  &c. 
Eentemere  dale  in  Eendal. 
The    advowson    of    Moneketon    priory,  and  J  of   wreck  in  Gliveland  as 

Together  with  all  lands,  (be.  assigned  to  the  other  sisters  and  heirs  of  the 
said  Peter  in  marriage  and  returned  into  the  king's  hands,  to  be  parted  between 
them  as  is  the  custom  in  the  realm. 

The  part  of  Marmaduke  de  Tueng  and  Lucy  his  wife  (undated). 

[York.]     Daneby  manor  with  the  forest. 

Lelhom  and  Wolvedale. 

Manselinges  with  the  farm  of  Thomas  de  Wolvedale. 

Brocton  manor  and  Skinergrive,  and  the  boats  of  Skinergrive,  rents,  &c. 

Jarum  with  the  rents  and  fishery. 

Great  Morsom,  with  rents,  &c.  of  freemen  and  others. 

The  forest  of  the  chace  of  the  dales,  viz. — Swindale  and  Le  Havenes 
and  other  dales  as  the  high  way  extends  from  Lardethorn  to  Scelton 
hj  Skaytebec,  between  Eaterig  and  Stangho,  and  so  as  far  as  the  wood  of 

Eirkebrun  manor  and  Suthbrune  with  the  mills,  &c.  excepting  lands 
and  rents  assigned  to  John  de  Bella  Aqua  and  La  dereyne  his  wife. 
A  fourth  part  of  wreck  of  sea,  as  above,  with  moieties  of  the  advowson 
of  Gisebum  priory,  and  of  the  bsdliwick  of  Langeberewe. 

Memorandum.  On  the  first  vacation  the  prior  will  be  presented  by  Sir  Walter 
de  Pacunberg  or  his  heirs,  and  on  the  next  by  Sir  Marmaduke,  and  so 
on  alternately  to  the  end  of  the  world. 

The  jpart  of  Walter  de  Pacunberg  and  Agnes  his  wife  (undated). 

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[York.]  Scelton  castle  with  the  park  around  it,  and  the  profits  of  the  boats  of 
Cotum  and  Bideker,  with  the  demesnes  of  Scelton,  meadows  and  dales,  and 
with  rents  of  Scelton  town,  and  mills. 

Mersk  manor,  Rideker  and  Plyom. 

Stangho  and  Grenerig. 

Scelton  forest,  with  the  hay  and  the  great  park. 


Westwyc  chace,  with  the  forest,  as  the  high  way  extends  between 
Stangho  and  Eadriding,  and  so  to  Lardegate  and  by  Sketebek  to  Larthorn, 
and  so  to  the  bounds  of  Daneby  forest  and  so  to  Golemandale.  All  the 
chaces  within  these  boundaries,  viz. — Locwyt,  Wornelsco,  Hardale  and 
Hache,  and  the  herbage  of  La  Grene  and  Le  Dynant. 

The  whole  of  Estbroune,  excepting  the  lands  assigned  to  Sir  John  de 
Bella  Aqua  and  La  Dereine  his  wife. 

A  fourth  part  of  wreck  of  the  sea,  as  above. 

Moieties  of  the  advowson  of  Gisebum  priory  and  of  the  bailiwick  of 


Memorandum.     Concerning  the  advowson  of  Giseburn  priory,  as  above. 

Endorsed : — 

It  is  agreed  between  the  said  co-heirs  that  all  the  lands,  &c.  shall  be 
re-extended,  and  anyone  who  has  had  more  than  his  reasonable  portion  assigned 
shall  (give)  to  him  that  has  less,  according  to  the  judgment  of  4  knights  or 
others  thereto  elected  ;  and  this  each  of  the  heirs  has  acknowledged  in  the  king's 
chancery,  and  granted.  And  if  anyone  shall  presume  to  go  against  this,  the  lands 
shall  again  be  re-extended  by  the  king,  who  shall  supply  the  defect  as  shall  be 
just.  In  the  same  manner  it  is  agreed  concerning  the  fees  pertaining  to  the 
inheritance.  Saving  to  the  said  Marmaduke  and  Lucy,  and  to  the  townships, 
common  of  pasture  for  cattle  and  beasts  as  the  said  P.  and  the  townships  have 
been  accustomed  to  have. 

Writ  of  scire  facias,  dec.  20  April,  2  Edw.  I. 

Whereas  John  de  Beygate,  the  late  escheator,  was  commanded  to  cause  the 
heirs  of  Peter  de  Brus  to  have  seisin  of  their  pourparties  of  his  inheritance, 
according  to  the  partition  lately  made  in  the  king's  court ;  but  the  knights'  fees 
have  not  yet  been  parted,  and  the  co-heirs  of  John  de  Bella  Aqua  and  Laderina 
his  wife  have  intruded  upon  those  fees  without  partition.  The  escheator  is  to 
take  into  the  king's  hands  all  the  said  knights'  fees  and  to  warn  the  heirs  to  come 
before  the  king  on  the  octave  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  next,  to  receive  their 
pourparties  according  to  the  partition  to  be  made  in  the  king's  court.  [See  Bot. 
Fin.  66  Hen.  III.  m.  4  alias  3.] 

C.  lien.  ILL  File  41.  (18.) 

801.  Henbt  le  Forcer  alias  de  Linley. 
Writ,  25  Oct.  56  Hen.  III. 

He  died  on  Thursday  after  St.  Michael,  56  Hen.  VI.  William  le  Forcer  his 
son,  aged  16  on  the  said  feast,  is  his  heir. 

Lbicbstbb.    Inq.  Thursday  before  Epiphany,  1  Edw.  I. 

Ayliston.  4J  virgates  land,  held  of  Sir  William  de  Harecurt  and  his 
heirs  by  service  of  being  their  pantler,  and  he  enfeoffed  William  Iring 
thereof  three  years  before  he  died.  The  wardship  of  the  lands  he  held  of  the 
priory  of  Wenlok  pertains  to  the  king,  for  the  priory  was  vacant  when  he  died, 
and  when  the  king  granted  the  custody  of  the  priory  to  the  subprior  and 
convent  he  retained  the  wardships,  &c.  pertaining  to  the  priory  to  his  own 

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HENRY  m.  269 

Salop.    Inq.  Monday  after 1  Edward  I.  {defective). 

Brocthon.  J  virgate  land  was  held  by  the  said  Henry  de  *  Linley  of 
the  king  in  chief,  which  a  certain  freeman  held  of  him  doing  service 
for  him  at  the  castle  of  Salopsb[uri] ,  viz. — one  yeoman  on  foot  with  a  lance 

for  40  days  at  the  cost  of  the  tenant,  which  tenement  and  all  his  right  therein  the 

said  Henry  sold  to  Sir  Robert  Burnel  long  before  his  death. 

Linley.  A  moiety  (extent  given),  held  of  the  prior  of  Wanloc  in  chief 
in  socage,  owing  suit  at  the  court  of  Wanloc. 

Northil  in  Astley  manor.  An  assart  containing  4a.  held  of  the  abbot 
of  Salopsb[uri]  in  chief ;  a  messuage  and  6a.  held  by  N.  le  Forcer  of  the  said 
Henry  for  6«.  rendered  to  the  said  abbot ;  a  messuage  and  6a.  held  by 
W.  Pykart  for  14«. ;  a  messuage  and  15a.  freely  held  by  Richard  Albin  for 
2«. ;  .  .  .  virgates  land  freely  held  by  Sibyl,  daughter  of  H.  son  of  Tyrry 
dwelling  at  Appeley  ferry  {transsitum)  in  the  said  manor,  for  4«. ;  and  pleas  and 
perquisities  at  Northill,  &c. ;  for  all  which  he  rendered  8«.  yearly  to  the  said 
abbot,  and  12d.  to  the  lords  of  Farnlowe,  and  he  owed  suit  at  Astley  court. 

Memorandum.  Burga  late  his  wife,  who  sues  for  his  heir,  acknowledges  that  the 
said  Henry  owed  to  Sir  Walter  de  Merton  suit  at  the  prior's  court,  and  to 
Roger  Cancellarius  the  service  of  cutting  up  his  food  before  the  said  prior 
on  the  feast  of  St.  Milberge. 

Writ  of  ad  plenum  certiorari,  10  Feb.  1  Edw.  I.  on  the  petition  of  Burgea  late 
the  wife  of  the  said  Henry,  for  the  wardship  of  his  heir  and  lands,  as  held  in 

Leicester.    Inq.  Thursday  before  the  Invention  of  the  Holy  Cross,  1  Edw.  I. 

Ayliston.  4J  virgates  land  and  a  messuage,  held  of  Richard  father  of 
William  le  Harechurt  by  service  of  going  into  Wales  for  40  days  at  his  own 
cost  and  being  pantler  there  and  butler  to  his  lord.  The  jury  know  not 
whether  he  held  anything  of  the  priory  of  Wenlok  or  not.  He  held  nothing 
of  the  king  that  they  know  of,  nor  had  any  of  the  king's  predecessors  the 
wardship  of  his  lands,  nor  did  he  ever  alienate  any  lands  without  the  king's 

[Salop.]     Inq.  Sunday  when  *  quasi  modo  geniti '  is  sung,  1  Edw.  I.  (defective). 

liinleje.  A  moiety  of  the  town  held  of  the  prior  of  Wanlok  by  socage 
as  abovesaid. 

Nortkley.  A  tenement,  held  of  the  abbot  of  Salopsb[uri]  in  socage 
by  8$.  yearly  and  suit  at  his  court  at  Astley.  He  never  owed  service  of 
cutting  up  the  food  of  the  prior  of  Wanloc  on  the  day  of  St.  Milburge. 

Brocton  town.  J  virgate  land,  held  of  the  king  of  the  barony  of 
Monte  Gomeri  by  service  of  finding  one  footman  with  a  lance  for  8  days  at 
his  own  cost  in  time  of  war  ;  which  land  (the  said)  Henry  sold  to  Sir  Robert 
Burnel,  who  now  has  the  wardship  of  that  barony.  He  held  nothing 
by  which  the  wardship  of  his  heir  or  tenements  ought  to  pertain  to  the  king 
or  anyone  else. 

[Salop.]  Inq.  Thursday  before  the  Translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr, 
1  Edw.  I. 

Linleye  within  the  Liberty  of  St.  Milburge.  A  messuage  and  1  carucate 
land  (extent  given),  whence  9«.  are  due  to  the  heirs  of  Philip  de  Farlowe 
yearly,  held  of  the  priory  of  Wenlok  by  socage,  doing  homage  and  suit  of 
court  only ;  and  the  libertjr  of  St.  Milburge  is  such  that  the  prior  shall  not 
have  the  wardship  or  marnage  of  the  heirs  of  the  tenants  holding  by 

C.  Hen.  III.  FUe  41.  (14.) 

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802.  John  Gravenel  alias  Gbavenal. 

Writj  15  Jan.    Extent,  Sunday  before  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III.  (defective.) 
Richard,  his  son,  aged  14,  is  his  heir. 

Kent.  [Gravenal]  manor  (extent  given),  (held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  reason  of 
the  custody  of  the  archbishopric  of  Canterbury),  service  unspecified,  out  of 
which  he  ought  to  pay  yearly  to  the  monks  of  Christchurch  at  mid  Lent 
20^.  ;  also  20a.  held  of  the  abbot  of  Faversham,  and  18a.  held  in  small 
parcels  of  other  lords  in  barony. 

a  Hen.  III.  FUe  41.  (15.) 

803.  John  Gbul. 

Writ,  6  Nov.    Extent,  The  feast  of  St.  Martin,  56  Hen.  III. 
No  heir  specified. 

[Kent?]  (Unspecified.)  44a.  socage  and  6a.  underwood  (?)  {hroc'),  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  by  reason  of  the  custody  of  the  archbishopric  of 
Canterbury,  which  is  vacant,  doing  rent  and  service  worth  47*.  5Jd.  yearly  ; 
66a.  socage,  held  of  the  house  of  Lhedes,  St.  Gregory,  Sir  Roger  de 
Leyburne,  Chilton  and  many  others,  doing  rent  and  services  worth 
6Z.  128.  1^.  yearly ;  and  lis.  rent  of  assize  and  18  hens  pertain  to  the  said 
lands,  &c.  The  sum  of  the  extent  exceeds  the  said  services  and  customs  by 
788.  6d.,  whereof  a  moiety  ought  to  pertain  to  the  wife  of  the  said  John  and 
the  other  moiety  to  his  heir. 

C.  Hen.  III.  FU^s  41.  (16.) 

804.  Hugh  de  Balliolo. 

Wiit  {missing).    Inq.  Sunday  before  St.  Gregory,  56  Hen.  III. 

Alexander  de  Balliolo,  his  brother,  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age  and  more. 

[Northumberland.]  Bywell  manor,  with  Crombeclyve,  Oyynton  and  other 
townships  of  Bywell,  and  the  manor  of  Wodhorn,  Newbigging,  Seton  and 
Hurst,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  rendering  5  marks  and  6d.  yearly  for  the 
guard  of  the  castle  of  Newcastle  on  Tyne,  and  going  in  the  king's  army  with 
two  knights  at  his  own  charges  for  40  days,  and  afterwards  at  the  king's 

Bywell  (extent  given),  and  there  were  2  water  mills  fixed  on  the  Tyne 
which  were  carried  away  by  the  water. 

Crombeclyve  (extent  given). 

Ovynton  township  (extent  given). 

Akum  township  (extent  given),  with  1  mark  from  a  pasture  demised  to 
the  township  of  Welteden  to  farm  for  ever. 

Bromley  (extent  given). 

Eltringham,  held  in  drengage  by  Adam  de  Eltringham,  who  pays 
Sis.  4d.  yearly. 

Mickeley  (extent  given),  the  lord  of  which  was  in  the  wardship  of 
Hugh  de  Balliolo. 

Heley,  held  by  the  preceptor  of  Thorenton,  who  pays  2s.  yearly. 

Falderley,  held  by  2  free  tenants,  who  pay  6s.  yearly  and  do  suit  at 
Bywell  court. 

Mynstanacres  and  Heseliherst,  held  by  Robert  de  Rue,  Adam  Waryn 
and  Emma  the  widow  of  Craucrok. 

[Fayrhill  and  Mora.]  Elias  de  Fayrhill  and  Thomas  de  Mora  hold  that 
township  and  pay  14«.  8d.  yearly. 

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HENRY  HL  271 

Backeworth  (extent  given)  (held)  in  bondage. 

Bromycrok  (extent  given)  (held)  in  bondage. 

Brotherseth  used  to  be  in  bondage  but  now  lies  entirely  waste. 

Espersheles  (extent  given)  (held)  in  bondage, 

Whyttonstall  and  Newland  (extent  given). 

Wodhorn  (extent  given). 

Neubigging  (extent  given). 

Seton  (extent  given),  (held)  in  drer^age. 

Hirst.     A  moiety  now  in  wardship. 

Est  Neuton,  held  by  Eobert  de  Insula  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  9s. 
rent,  3«.  4d.  for  the  guard  of  the  castle  of  Newcastle  on  Tyne,  and  suit  of  court. 

Heddon,  held  by  John  de  Heddon  by  service  of  ^  knight's  fee,  J  mark 
for  the  said  guard,  and  suit  of  court. 

Ryhill,  held  by  Peter  de  Faudon  and  Robert  de  Boteland  by  service 
of  1  knight's  fee,  1  mark  for  the  said  guard,  and  suit  of  court. 

Dalton,  held  by  William  de  Dalton  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  and 
1  mark  for  the  said  guard. 

Bechefeld,  held  by  Roger  Bertram  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  J  mark 
for  the  said  guard,  and  suit  of  court. 

[Ovynton.]  1  carucate  land  held  by  Philip  de  Ovynton  by  service  of 
j^  knight's  fee,  13Jd.  for  the  said  guard,  and  suit  of  court. 

[Stokesfeld.]  As  much  land  held  by  Gilbert  de  Stokesfeld  by  the 
same  service. 

Ryddeley,  held  by  Robert  de  Meynevill  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee, 
i  (mark  ?)  for  the  said  guard,  and  suit  of  court. 

Bromley.  46a.  land  held  by  Walter  de  Bromley  by  service  of  ^  knight's 
fee,  lis.  6d.  for  the  said  guard,  and  suit  at  the  court  of  Bywell  as  all  the 
others  do. 

Newcastle  upon  Tyne.  8  burgagers  who  hold  of  the  fee  of  Bailloil  and 
pay  10«.  for  the  said  guard. 

These  lands  are  in  the  custody  of  Guiscard  de  Charron  and  William  de 
Kyrketon  by  the  king's  command.     {See  Nob.  691  and  773.) 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (17.) 

805.  WniLiAM  DB  Malevill  alids  de  Malbvilb. 

Writ  to  the  guardian  of  the  archbishopric  of  Canterbury,  30  Aug.    Extent,  The 

morrow  of  St.  Matthew,  56  Hen.  III. 

John,  his  son,  aged  16  in  April  last,  is  his  heir. 

[Kent]  .  Haltested  and  Cudenum.  i  knight's  fee  held  of  the  archbishopric;  and 
1  yoke  of  gavelkind  land  in  Godingeston,  similarly  held  by  divers  services 
paid  for  him  by  the  tenants  to  Otteford  court ;  certain  gavelkind  land  called 
Neweland,  similarly  held  by  service  of  4«. ;  a  mill  in  Godingstone,  similarly 
held  by  service  of  Qs. ;  30a.  gavelkind  land,  held  of  Sir  Hamon  de  Vyelestone 
by  service  of  2«.  6d. ;  20a.  gavelkind  land,  held  of  Richard  de  Kingesdun  by 
service  of  As.  Id. ;  9a.  gavelkind  meadow,  held  of  Martin  de  Geppeham  and 
his  partners  by  service  of  2s.  9d.,  and  8a.  land  and  2a.  meadow,  held  of  the 
same  by  service  of  15d. ;  2a.  land  and  la.  wood,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Alexander 
ate  Hoke  by  service  of  6d. ;  and  certain  gavelkind  land  before  the  gate  of 
Haltestede  manor,  held  of  the  heirs  of  Geoffirey  Hunte  by  service  of  Id. ;  all 
pertaining  to  Haltestede  manor. 

Crofton  manor,  held  of  Lady  Lora  de  Hortone  by  service  of  J  knight's 
fee ;  and  |  knight's  fee,  held  of  the  said  Lora  in  the  same  town. 

Little  Orpintone.     J  knight's  fee,  held  of  Sir  John  de  Rokesle. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (18.) 

Digitized  by 



806.  Henrt  de  Baohton  alias  db  Bauhton. 

Writ,  11  May.     Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Dunstan,  56  Hen.  III. 
Simon  his  son  is  his  heir  and  of  full  age. 

Cumberland.  [Rauhton  ?]  6a.  land  held  of  the  king  in  chief  in  serjeanty  of 
keeping  the  eyries  of  the  king's  goshawks,  and  rendering  3s.  yearly ;  4a.  of 
the  same  serjeanty  held  of  the  bishop  of  Carlisle  rendering  14d.  yearly ; 
and  10a.  and  3  roods  of  purpresture  held  of  the  king  rendering  6s.  2d.  at 
the  king's  exchequer  yearly ;  and  he  had  poor  cottar  tenants  rendering  20$. 


C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (19.) 

807.  Philip  Basset. 

Writ,  6  Nov.  56  Hen.  III. 

He  died  on  the  morrow  of  SS.  Simon  and  Jude  last. 

Aline  his  daughter,  wife  of  Boger  Bygod  earl  of  Norfolk,  marshal  of 
England,  late  the  wife  of  Sir  Hugh  le  Despensir,  age  variously  stated  as  22  and 
more,  24  and  more,  26,  and  80  and  more,  is  his  heir.  Or  the  said  Boger  Bygod 
is  the  heir  by  reason  of  his  wife. 

Surrey.    Inq.  {undated  and  defaced.) 

Wocking  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 

rendering  yearly of  gloves  furred  with  grey  at 

the  king's  exchequer. 

Cambridge.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Martin,  56  Hen.  III. 

Oxecroft  manor  in  Balesham  parish  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  Gilbert 
Peche  by  service  of  one  knight,  10«.  for  the  guard  of  Bichemunt  (castle),  and 
18d.  to  sheriffs'  aid ;  excepting  14 Ja.  arable  held  of  William  le  Myre  render- 
ing 4d.  yearly,  and  la.  arable  of  William  Gileberd  rendering  4d.  yearly. 
Chattels  were  found  in  the  manor  to  the  value  of  20Z.  13«.  4d. 

Wilts.    Extent  Wednesday  after  St.  Edmund  the  Confessor,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Cumpton  Basset  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Calne  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  king  of  Almain  by  (service  of)  1  knight's  fee. 

Berewyk  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  for  1  sparrowhawk 
yearly  to  be  paid  at  the  king's  exchequer. 

Wilts.    Extent,  Thursday  after  St.  Edmund  the  Confessor,  56  Hen.  III. 

Wotton  Basset  free  manor  (extent  given),  held  with  its  members  of  the 
king  of  Almain  by  reason  of  the  honour  of  Wallingford  by  knight's  service. 
Brodeton  manor  (extent  given),  similarly  held  of  the  king  of  Almain. 

Oxford.    Extent,  Sunday  after  St.  Martin,  56  Hen.  III. 

Kertlinton  manor,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Elsefeld  manor,  held,  in  exchange  for  a  manor  of  Walter  de  Morton 
called  Ledred  in  Soserey  (sic),  of  William  de  Straford  in  chief  by  service 
of  1  knight. 

Karsinton  manor,  held  in  exchange  from  Sir  William  de  Monte  Acute 
for  a  manor  called  Surleber  (sic)  in  Somerset. 

Southampton.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Martin,  56  Hen.  III. 

Mapelderwelle  manor.  lOZ.  land,  held  by  service  of  i  knight's  fee,  of 
whom  unspecified. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  273 

Essex.    Extent  and  Inq.  Saturday  after  St.  Katherine,  56  Hen.  III. 

Lammers  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Hengeford  (extent  given),  held  of 
Sir  Eobert  de  Bruys  in  chief  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee. 

Essex.     Extent  and  Inq.  The  day  of  St.  Andrew,  56  Hen.  III. 

Toleshunte  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  marsh  and  park,  held  of 
the  king  in  chief  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  by  service  of  1  'knight's  fee. 

Leyre.  Land,  held  in  part  of  the  bishop  of  London  and  in  part  of 
Clement  de  Rysing,  service  unknown. 

Suffolk.    Inq,  Friday  before  St.  Andrew,  56  Hen.  III. 

Ewstone  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  watermill  with  fishery, 
held  of  Sir  Gilbert  Pech  in  chief  by  service  of  J  mark  towards  a  scutage 
of  40«, 

Suffolk.    Inq.  Wednesday  the  feast  of  St.  Katherine,  56  Hen.  III. 

Kers[eie]  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of  1 
pair  of  gilt  spurs  price  6d.  yearly ;  and  the  prioress  of  Chateris  takes  101. 
yearly  there,  and  the  prior  of  Canterbury  Sd. 

Buckingham.    Inq.  The  eve  of  St.  Edmund  the  King,  56  Hen.  III. 

Clinton  Aston  manor  (extent  given),  held  in  exchange  from  Sir  William 
Muntagu  for  the  life  of  the  said  Philip  and  of  Lady  Ella  his  wife  ;  the  said 
Philip  died  on  the  morrow  of  SS.  Simon  and  Jude  last,  and  Simon  son  of 
the  said  Sir  William,  aged  13  at  Whitsunday  next,  is  the  heir  after  the 
death  of  the  said  Ella. 

Essex.    Extent  and  Inq.  Friday  after  St.  Katherine,  56  Hen.  III. 

Wyk[es]  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Tendring  (extent  given),  held,  by 
the  courtesy  of  England,  of  the  inheritance  of  Helewisa  his  wife,  in  chief 
of  Sir  Matthew  de  Luviayn  alias  Luvayn  by  service  of  20s.  yearly. 

Cambkidoe.     Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Martin,  56  Hen.  III. 

Saham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  Sir  John  de  Burgo,  service 
unknown ;  also  15a.  arable,  held  of  Lady  Basilea  de  Saham  by  service  of  J 
mark;  10a.  meadow,  of  Luke  the  chaplain;  22a.  arable,  J  of  a  water  mill,  and 
J  of  a  weir  of  Eobert  and  Cecily  le  Mundford,  by  service  of  2s.;  and  7a.  arable 
and  3a.  meadow,  of  John  son  of  Eeginald  ;  8a.  arable  and  10a.  meadow  and 
a  fishery,  of  Eobert  le  Wariner  ;  and  J  of  a  mill  and  J  of  a  weir  in  the  mere, 
of  Lady  Maud  Heyloc  ;  services  unspecified. 
The  chattels  found  in  the  manor  were  worth  42i.  3s.  4d. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  41.  (20.) 

808.   BiCHABD  KINO  OF  AlMAIN. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  subescheator  in  cos.  Oxford  and  Berks, 
reciting  writ  dated  5  April,  56  Hen.  III. 
Sir  Edmund,  his  son,  aged  22  on  the  day  of  St.  Stephen  last,  is  his  heir. 

Berks.    Extent,  Friday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  III. 

Walingford  borough,  with  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  All  Saints, 
St.  Peter  and  St.  Michael,  held  of  the  king  of  England  in  chief,  service 

Bbrks.    Extent,  Thursday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  III. 

Arewelle  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held  of  the  bishop  of 
Winchester  in  chief  by  1  knight's  fee,  rendering  nothing  except  scutage  when 
it  runs,  and  then  to  the  bishop. 

22880  B 

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Oxford.    Extent,  Friday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Bensindon  manor,  with  4J  hmidreds  and  the  advowson  of  the  church  of 
Henele  which  pertain  to  the  said  manor,  held  in  chief  of  the  gift  of  the  king 
of  England. 

Walingford  castle  with  the  honour,  with  2  mills,  held  of  the  king  of 
England  by  service  of  3  knights,  and  120J  knights'  fees  pertain  to  the  said 
castle  and  honour. 

Oxford.    Extent,  Tuesday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  III. 

Erdinton  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  bishop  of  Lincoln  in  chief 
by  service  of  2  knights,  but  he  owed  nothing  to  him  but  scutage  when  it  runs. 

Esthalle  hamlet  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  of  England  by  service 
of  J  knight's  fee ;  and  Estallingeleye,  a  hamlet  of  Esthalle,  was  held  by 
the  abbot  of  Butlisden  of  the  said  king  of  Almain  for  J  knight's  fee. 

Oxford.    Extent,  The  eve  of  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  III. 

Watlington  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  of  England  in  chief 
by  service  of  1  knight  and  scutage  when  it  runs. 

Witham,  Croultone,  and  Losmere  were  held  of  the  said  king  of  Almain 
by  service  of  2  knights. 

Oxford.    Extent,  Monday,  the  morrow  of  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Henele  manor  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  (extent  given),  held  of 

the  king  of  England  in  chief  by  free  marriage. 

Endorsed,  This  is  the  Inquisition  made  of  the  honour  of  Walery  and  of  the 
borough  of  Walingforth,  and  of  the  4 J  hundreds  of  Bunsinton  and  Henele. 

Oxford.    Extent,  Wednesday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Beckele  manor  with  the  advowson  (extent  given),  held,  with  Ambresdone, 
Blakethurne  alias  Blakehurne,  and  Willarston,  by  barony  of  the  honour  of 
St.  Valery. 

Orton  (extent  given). 

Ambredone  manor  and  Blakehurne,  with  the  advowson  of  Ambredone 
church  (extent  given). 

Willarston  manor,  with  the  advowson  of  Mixebury  church  (extent 

Combe.     1  knight's  fee,  held  by  Simon  de  Sancto  Licio. 

Norton.  7  knights'  fees,  held  by  William  le  Brun  and  Robert  de 

Horspahe,  held  by  the  Templars  at  fee  farm,  rendering  9i.  yearly. 

Norhoseneye  manor,  of  the  honour  of  St.  Valery,  59«.  4<i.  rent  of  assize. 

Buckingham.    Inq.  and  Extent,  Thursday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Risseberg  manor  with  the  park  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Buckingham.    Inq.  and  Extent  Friday  before  Palm  Sunday,  56  Hen.  III. 

Scipinham  alias  Scpinpinham  manor  with  the  park  and  the  advowson 
of  the  chapel  (extent  given),  held  of  the  abbot  of  Westminster  and  others. 

Mandate,  &c.  to  the  subescheator  in  cos.  Essex  and  Hertford,  reciting  writ  dated 
5  April,  56  Hen.  III. 

Essex.     Extent  and  Inq.  Friday  before  St.  Mark,  56  Hen.  III. 

Neuport  manor  (extent  given),  including  2  watermills  and  a  fishpond, 
held  of  the  king  in  chief,  service  unknown.  The  dean  of  St.  Martin  le  Grand 
(3/a/7;??/s),  London,  has  always  the  church  to  bis  own  uses,  but  the  advowson 
pertains  to  the  king. 

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HENRY  III,  275 

Hbbtford.    Inq.  and^xtent,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Bercam  [sted]  borough  (extent  given),  held,  with  Hemelhamsted,  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  knight's  service  ;  and  6J  knights'  fees  are  held  in  the  county 
of  the  honour  of  Bercam  [sted] . 

Hemelhamsted  with  the  advowson  (extent  given). 

C,  Hen.  IIL  FUe  42.  (1.) 

809.  Henky  Engayne  alias  den  Gayne  alias  be  Engayn. 

Writ,  31  Jan.  56  Hen.  III. 

John  en  Gayne  alias  den  Gayne  his  brother,  age  variously  stated  as  40  and 
more,  and  44  and  more,  is  his  hen:. 

Northampton.    Inq.  Saturday  after  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

Laxton,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  serjeanty  of  chasing  the  wolf  with 
his  dogs  through  four  counties. 

Pittesle.  (Land)  worth  lOZ.  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  the  aforesaid 

Bolewyk.     5  virgates  land,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  hauberk  fee. 

Blatherwyk  manor,  held  of  Eichard  Basset  in  chief  by  hauberk  fee. 

Suffolk.    Inq.  Sunday  the  feast  of  St.  Valentine,  56  Hen.  III. 

Badmundesfeld  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  without 
service,  because  King  Henry,  son  of  King  William  the  bastard,  gave  the 
manor  to  Baldwin  de  Buleres  in  free  marriage  with  Sibyl  de  Faleyse. 

Huntingdon.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Agatha,  56  Hen.  III. 

Great  Gidding.  80a.  land  in  demesne,  8  virgates  in  villenage  containing 
24a.  each,  2  marks  rent,  and  a  mill,  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service  of 
chasing  the  wolf,  fox,  hare,  and  cat. 

Cambridgb.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  the  Purification,  56  (Hen.  III.). 

Kotis  manor  with  the  advowson  of  the  chapel  (extent  given),  held  of 
Ingram  {Ilinger')  de  Fenis  of  the  honour  of  Boulogne  for  J  knight's  fee. 

Essex.     Extent  and  Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  Valentine  56  (Hen.  III.). 

White  Notheleg  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Wyham  (extent  given),  held  of 
the  earl  Marshal  by  service  of  59s.  6d.  yearly. 

Hertford.    Extent  and  Inq.  Wednesday  after  St.  Valentine,  56  (Hen.  III.). 

Honesdon  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Brackyng  (extent  given),  held  of  the 
earl  of  ^Hereford,  rendering  J  mark  yearly. 

Huntingdon.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

DiUntone  manor  (extent  given),  with  parks  called  Litlehey  and  Est- 
park,  and  a  foreign  wood  called  Westwode,  held  of  the  abbot  of  Eameseye 
in  chief  for  5  hides  land,  for  which  he  does  two  suits  yearly  at  the  abbot's 
court  of  Brouton,  and  answers  for  them  for  foreign  (service)  to  the  abbot. 

Perye.  100a.  arable,  2a.  meadow  and  15s.  rent,  held  for  1  hide  land 
of  Roger  de  Lovetot,  answering  for  foreign  (service)  for  the  same. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  ^2.  (2.) 

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810.  John  de  Grey  alias  le  Grey. 

Writ,  5  Jan.  56  Hen.  HI. 

Henry  his  son,  age  variously  stated  as  14  in  next  Lent,  14  at  the  feast  of 
All  Saints  last,  15  in  next  Lent,  15,  and  17  at  the  feast  of  St.  Edmund  the  King 
and  Martyr  last,  is  his  heir. 

York.    Inq.  Sunday  before  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

Barton  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  doing  foreign 
(service).  One  Thomas  de  Codenore  came  to  Barton  bringing  Sir  John  de 
Grey's  writ  and  took  seisin  and  fealty  to  the  use  of  Joan  daughter  of  the  said 
John,  aged  16  ;  but  because  this  was  after  the  date  of  the  king's  writ,  the 
escheator  took  the  land  into  the  king's  hands. 

Nottingham.    Inq.  (undated.) 

Tofneton  manor,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Adingburi  (extent 
given),  held  of  the  honour  of  Peverel,  which  is  the  king's  escheat,  by  service 
of  going  with  the  king  in  his  army,  as  pertains  to  1  knight's  fee. 

Estsweit  township.  2  parts  of  J  carucate  land,  a  toft  where  was  in  old 
time  the  capital  messuage  of  the  fee,  \  mill,  and  the  advowson  of  the  church, 
tenure  unspecified ;  and  J  carucate  land  held  by  Eobert  de  Kinmarley  oi 
the  fee  of  Codenower,  rendering  J  mark  yearly  and  suit  at  the  court  of 

Writ,  25  Jan.  56  Hen.  III. 

Mandate  from  the  king's  escheator  to  the  subescheator  in  co.  Southampton, 
reciting  writ  of  ad  plenum  certiorari,  dated  3  Feb.  on  the  complaint  of  Lucy 
late  the  wife  of  the  said  John  that  the  escheator  had  taken  into  the  king's 
hand  the  manor  of  Upton  of  which  she  was  jointly  enfeoffed  with  the  said 

Southampton.    Inq.  Sunday  after  the  Octave  of  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  HI. 
Upton  manor,  held,  by  purchase  from  William  de  Arundel,  of  John  de 
Sancto  Johanne  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Tonewurthe  manor  with  the  advowson,  held,  of  the  marriage  of  his  wife, 
of  the  said  John  de  Sancto  Johanne  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee. 

Writ,  25  Jan.  56  Hen.  IH. 

Norfolk.    Inq,  Thursday  before  St.  Valentine,  56  Hen.  III. 

Schiringham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  service 
of  12d.  at  the  king's  manor  of  Aylisham. 

Essex.    Extent  and  Inq.  Friday  the  feast  of  St.  Agatha,  56  Hen.  IH. 

Thurrock  manor  in  the  hundred  of  Chafford  (extent  given),  held  of  the 
earl  of  Fereres  by  J  knight's  fee. 

Writ,  25  Jan.  56  Hen.  III. 

Kent.    Extent,  The  morrow  of  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

Eyllesford.  1  knight's  fee  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief 
by  doing  as  pertains  to  the  shield.  The  church  was  bestowed  by  the 
said  John's  ancestors  upon  the  master  and  brethren  of  Strode. 

Kent.    Extent,  The  morrow  of  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

Ho  manor,  with  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Halesto  and  Ho  St. 
Mary  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  J  knight's  fee,  doing  as 
pertains  to  the  shield.  And  John  de  Cobeham  held  of  him  i^V  knight's  fee, 
doin^  as  pertains  to  the  shield. 

Digitized  by 


HENBY  III.  in 

Writ,  26  Jan.  66  Hen.  III. 

Nottingham.    Inq.  The  morrow  of  St.  Valentine,  56  Hen.  III. 

Kadeclyve  manor  (extent  given),  held  by  barony  pertaining  to  Tottenton 
which  is  held  of  the  king  in  chief.  The  advowson  of  the  church  pertains  to 
Awis  de  Eynecurt. 

Leicester.    Inq.  Saturday  before  St.  Valentine,  36  Hen.  III. 

Evynton  manor  (extent  given),  including  11a.  8d.  rent  from  2  villeins  of 
Humberston,  held  by  barony  of  the  honour  of  Leicester  for  SJ  knights'  fees. 
The  advowson  of  the  church  pertains  to  the  abbot  of  Leicester. 

Writ,  25  Jan.    Liq.  The  morrow  of  the  octave  of  the  Purification,  56  Hen.  III. 

Northampton.  Neubotil  manor  (extent  given),  held  by  barony  of  the  honour  of 
Leicester  by  service  of  2  knights'  fees*  The  advowson  of  the  church 
pertains  to  the  prior  of  Dunstaple. 

Derby.    Inq,  {undated  and  defective.) 

[Codenower]  manor  (extent  given),  including  2  parks,  2  mills,  the 
advowson  of  Henower  &c.,  held  of  the  honour  of  Peverel  of  the  king's  ancient 
escheat  by  service  of  going  with  the  king  in  his  army  as  pertains  to  i  knight's 

Henower,  held  by  Nicholas  de  Henower  for  1  knight's  fee,  2«.  to 
Codenower  manor  and  suit  at  Codenower  court. 

Scirlund,  held  by  Eeginald  de  Grey  of  the  honour  of  Codenower,  service 

Normanton,  held  by  Ranulf  le  Pouer  for  1  knight's  fee  of  the  said 
honour,  and  suit  of  court  at  Codenower. 

Beley  in  the  Peak,  held  by  Margery  de  Beley  for  1  knight's  fee  for 
foreign  service. 

Eslessbecke  in  the  Peak,  held  by  Robert  de  Stredley  for  J  knight's  fee 
for  foreign  service. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  42.  (3.) 

811.  Helewisa  de   Levynton,  late    the  wife  of  Eustace  de  Balliolo  alias 
DB  Baylloll. 

Writ,  1  Oct.  56  Hen.  III. 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  de  Multon  of  Gilleslond,  is  her  heir,  and  of  full  age. 

Westmoreland.    Inq.  Monday  after  St.  Edmund  the  King,  57  Hen.  III. 

Hoffe.  A  moiety  of  the  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  heirs  of 
Robert  de  Veteri  Ponte. 

Cumberland.     Inq.  Wednesday  before  St.  Katherine,  57  Hen.  III. 

Levington  manor  (extent  given),  including  lands,  &c.  in  Levinholme, 
Westcudbrytteby,  Hedrisford  and  Honchal  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Skelton  manor  (extent  given)  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Kirkamdres.     12  bovates  and  2  parts  of  2  bovates  land. 

Glassanby  and  Gamelesby.  65^^,  land  in  demesne,  a  meadow, 
51  bovates  land,  85s.  3^d.  from  cottars,  2  mills,  and  a  moiety  of  the 
advowson  of  the  church  of  Glassanby. 

Staflfol  with  Blundelfel.     Certain  lands,  worth  46s.  M.  yearly. 

Ayketon  manor  with  lands,  &c.  in  Gamelesby  (extent  given),  with  a 
moiety  of  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Digitized  by 



Burgh.  8a.  in  demesne,  60a.  herbage,  a  little  meadow,  16  bovates  land, 
14a.  from  cottars,  a  fishery  worth  81.  8«.,  56s.  lid.  from  free  tenants,  and 
a  moiety  of  a  mill. 

Bothecaster.    Land  worth  5  marks  yearly. 

Kyrcoswald.  Capital  messuage,  lands,  &c.  with  the  advowson  of  the 
church  (extent  given),  including  herbage  at  Rawenholme. 

Laysingby.  15a.  in  demesne,  11a.  meadow,  16  bovates  land,  4«.  rent, 
and  a  mill. 

Levington,  Scelton  and  Kircandres.  Two  parts  held  by  the  said 
Helewisa  of  the  king  in  chief  by  barony  doing  suit  at  Cumberland  county 
(court),  and  the  third  part  by  Robert  de  Paveley  through  his  wife  in  dower : 
the  whole  barony  renders  79«.  yearly  to  the  king's  cornage. 

A  moiety  of  Gamelisby  and  Glassanby  in  another  barony,  held  of  the 
king  in  chief  by  9s.  lOcL  cornage. 

Ayketon  manor,  a  moiety  of  Burgh  on  Sands  and  a  moiety  of  Kircoswald 
and  Laysingby  were  held  of  the  king  in  chief  for  half  a  barony,  doing  suit 
at  Cumberland  county  (court),  and  rendering  40s.  Qd.  cornage. 
The  land  of  Bothecaster  was  held  of  the  barony  of  Burgh,  and  not  of  the  king. 
The  land  of  Staflfol  and  Blundelfeld  was  held  of  Thomas  de  Beuchampe 
and  John  de  Staffol. 

Of  the  barony  of  Levington,  Skelton  and  Kirkandres,  a  moiety  of  Gamelisby 

and  Glassanby,  and  the  land  of  Buthcaster,  Staffol the 

heirs  of  Euphemia  de  Kirkebrid,  Isabel  de  Twynham,  Agnes  de  Corri,  Margery 
de  Hampton,  Juliana  de  Carrig,  and  Eva  de  Sutheayt,  aunts  of  the  said  .  .  . 
.     .     .    are  next  heirs  of  the  same  Helewisa,  late  the  wife  of  Sir  Eustace  de 

BaylloU,  but  all  remain  in  Scotland,  except  Robert  de  Hampton 

.  .  .  son  and  heir  of  Margery  de  Hampton,  of  full  age,  and  Richard  de  Kirke- 
brid, heir  of  Euphemia  de  Kirkebrid,  who  is  not  of  full  age : 

the  heirs  in  Scotland  are  of  full  age. 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  de  Multon  of  Gillesland,  is  the  heir  of  Ayketon,  and 
of  moieties  of  the  towns  of  Burgh  on  Sands,  Kircoswald  and  Laysingby,  viz. — 
of  a  moiety  of  a  barony,  and  is  of  full  age. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  42.  (4.) 

812.  John  son  of  Alan. 
Writ  (missing). 

He  died  on  Friday  before  the  Annunciation,  56  Hen.  III. 

Richard  son  of  John  of  Alan,  aged  5  on  the  day  of  St.  Blaise  in  the  same 
year,  is  his  heir. 

[Sussex.]     Exteiit,  The  vigil  of  Trinity,  56  Hen.  III. 

Arundel  borough  (extent  given),  including  the  pleas  and  pannage  of  the 
park  and  the  forest  of  Roeir,  a  fishery  in  the  weir  and  water,  market  toll, 
and  the  collations  of  the  chapels  in  the  castle  and  of  St.  James  for  the 
The  church  is  held  by  the  prior  and  convent  of  Arundel  to  their  own  uses. 

[Sussex.]     Extent,  Sunday  before  St.  John  the  Baptist,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Avesford  hundred  (extent  given). 

Paling  hundred  (extent  given). 

Sengelton  hundred  (extent  given). 

Boxe  and  Stocbrugge  hundred  (extent  given). 
The  a])bot  of  Feskham  used  to  give  40«.  rent  of  assize  for  the  manors  which 
he  holds  within  the  liberty  of  Arundel,  throughout  the  time  of  the  said  John's 
father,  but  there  was  an  agreement  about  the  40s.  between  the  abbot  and  this 
John,  who  was  never  in  seisin  thereof. 

Digitized  by 


HENBY  III.  279 

Southampton.    Olethorne  hundred  (extent  given),  pertaining  to  the  honour  of 

[SusBHX.]     Arundel  castle,  with  the  honour,  held  for  J  of  a  barony,  and  the 
following  fees  were  held  of  it,  viz. — 3  fees  by  Franco  de  Boun,  doing  suit 
at  Arundel  court,  and  guarding  the  castle  in  time  of  war  for  40  days  at  his 
own  charges. 
22  fees  held  by  Henry  de  Percy  by  the  same  service. 

[SuBSBX.]     Extent  {undated). 

Westden  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  windmill  called  Chussehar', 
whereof  the  said  John's  mother  has  a  third  part  in  dower. 

Sengelton  manor  (extent  given),  including  the  pasture  of  Dunlee  and 
Westholt,  4:8,  2d.  service  of  *foresposmen,'  and  the  advowson  of  the  vicarage. 

Cherleton  manor  (extent  given),  including  28.  custom  of  a  *fores- 
posman,'  and  the  pleas,  perquisities,  and  pannage  of  the  forest  of  Esteden. 

Cycestre.     2  chantries  of  2  chaplains  pertaining  to  Arundel. 

Northstoke  manor  (extent  given)  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Palingham  manor  (extent  given). 

[Sussex.]     Extent  {undated  and  defective). 

Swaneburne  mills  in  Arundel,  from  which  the  prior  of  the  monks  of 
Arundel  receives  yearly  15  qu£^rters  com  and  15  quarters  barley,  the  (chaplain 
of  ?)  Eastry  10  quarters  corn  and  10  quarters  barley,  the  leprous  women  of 
Arundel  91.  8d.,  and  the  residue  is  now  held*  by  Master  GeoflFrey  de  Hohot 
for  life  by  the  charter  of  the  said  John  son  of  Alan.  Richard  de  Mandeville 
and  Maud  his  wife  hold  ^  of  the  mills  as  dower  of  the  said  Maud. 

[Salop.]     Extent,    The    morrow    of    the    Nativity  of   St.   John  the  Baptist 
66  Hen.  III.  (defaced). 

Oswaldestre,   which   is  called  Blancmostre,   castle  and  town   (extent 
given  with  names  of  tenants),  with  its  members  : — 
Weston  (extent  given). 
Middleton  (extent  given). 
Cotun  (extent  given). 
Mersburi  and  Trevelech  (extent  given). 

Tibetone,  Trevelpolvel  (?)  and  Blodowauham,  rents  from  free  tenants,  &c. 
Clanordaf.     Similar  rents. 
Gruchet.     Similar  rents. 
Bren.     Similar  rents. 
Bloduorvaur  (?)     Similar  rents. 
Swyne  and  Kaercolion.     Similar  rents. 
Suftone  (?)  and  Randioners.     Similar  rents. 
Dodelestone.     Similar  rents. 
Westone  and  If  tone.     Similar  rents. 
TVigtone  (?)  and  Brongarth.     Similar  rents. 
Trevelen  (?)     Similar  rents. 
Fenches.     Similar  rents. 
Travorclauch.     Similar  rents. 

Knights'  fees: — 

Somford  and  Osselton.    J  fee  (?)  held  by  Adam  de  Mongomery. 
Aston,  Wodeton,  Twyford,  Hideslond  (?),  and  Bromehurst.  '  1  fee  held, 
by  Hamo  le  Botiller  and  others. 

Digitized  by 



[**Mor]don.    J  fee  held  by  John  Coyne  (?) 

AUespathe  in  co.  Warwick  (?) 

Frisell  in  co.  Leicester  (?) 

[®  Heggesworth,  Waketon,  Emoretone,  Tewe,  Ruyton,  Middell,  Rossale, 

Jagedon,  Henton,  Chetwinde,  Eton,  Birewike,  Knock,  Knitteley,  Stanewey, 

Wolvrestone,    Wetenestone,   Hetly    manor,    Thonglond,   Dodinton,   Eston 

Boterell,  Hales,  Rideward.] 

[Salop.]     Extenty  Monday  after  the  Nativity  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Serewardin  (extent  given). 

Nesse  (extent  given). 

Manford  (extent  given). 

Fortone  (?)  (extent  given). 

[Salop.]      Extent,  Tuesday  after  Trinity,  56  Hen.  III. 

Cloun  alias  Clune  Castle  and  borough  (extent  given). 

Pusselowe  hundred  held  of  the  king  in  chief  to  fee  farm  for  20«.  yearly. 

Knights'  fees : — 

Hopton,  Scheldreton,  Bradeford,  Coston,  Tattel'  and  Haggele,  held  of 
Welshry  by  Sir  W.  de  Hopton  in  chief  of  the  said  castle  by  service  of 
2  knights'  fees,  and  suit  every  three  weeks. 

Gaie,  Bedestone  and  Beckele,  held  by  Walter  de  Gaye  by  service  of  1 
knight's  fee,  and  suit  as  above- 

Sibetone,  moieties  of  Witstonstowe  and  Brome,  Clunburi,  Streford, 
La  Merse  and  Brompton,  held  by  Soger  de  Sibeton  by  service  of  1  knight's 

Egeton,  Wlfreton  and  Bruseloue.  Moieties  held  by  Philip  de  Egetone 
by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  suit  as  above ;  and  the  other  moieties 
similarly  held  by  John  de  Egetone. 

Clungonvert,  Abbacote  and  Ruton,  held  by  Roger  Haberden  by  service 
of  (1  ?)  knight's  fee,  and  suit  as  above. 

Longefeude,  held  by  Roger  Waldin  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  and 
suit  as  above. 

A  moiety  of  Bukenhulle,  Over  Pusseloue,  a  moiety  of  Brome, 
J  virgate  in  Acton,  and  the  town  of  La  Munede,  held  by  Walter  de  Buken- 
hulle and  others  by  service  of  1  knight's  fee,  and  suit  at  the  hundred  (court) 
as  above. 

Brompton  and  Weston,  held  by  Sir  Brian  de  Brompton  by  service  of 
I  knight's  fee,  and  two  appearances  yearly  at  the  said  hundred  (court). 

Cauton,  held  by  the  prior  of  Brampton  in  alms. 

Dune  juxta  Clune,  held  by  Giles  de  Berkele  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee, 
and  suit  every  three  weeks  at  the  said  hundred  (court.) 

Westone,  held  by  Philip  Schelaker  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee,  and  suit 
as  above. 

Clunburi,  held  by  the  heir  of  John  le  Engleys  by  service  of  1  knight's 
fee,  and  suit  as  above. 

The  aforesaid  tenants,  excepting  Sir  Brian  de  Brompton,  owe  in  time  of  war 
guard  at  the  castle  of  Clun  for  40  days  yearly  with  one  man  with  corslet  and  horse 
for  a  whole  fee,  and  the  said  guard  is  worth  61.  15«.  yearly  in  time  of  war, 
but  an  esquire  shall  take  4^(1.  daily. 

Wentenouere,  held  by  Sir  Thomas  Corbet,  doing  suit  at  the  hundred 
(court)  for  all. 

Kilnerton,  held  by  the  abbot  of  Buldiwas,  doing  the  like  suit. 

Stutte,  held  by  the  abbot  of  Haweman,  doing  the  like  suit. 

•  So  given  in  the  Calendar  printed  in  1806,  but  now  illegible. 

Digitized  by 


HENRY  III.  281 

Chet  and  Eton.  Moieties,  held  by  the  abbot  of  Wigemore,  doing  the 
like  suit. 

Eoderhope,  held  by  the  prior  of  Eoderhope  for  the  same. 

Lidun,  held  by  William,  son  of  Walter  de  Neuton,  doing  suit. 

La  More,  held  by  the  heir  of  Eoger  de  la  More,  doing  suit  at  the 
hundred  (court). 

Eton  and  Schelton.  Moieties,  held  by  Eeginald  le  Botereus,  doing  the 
like  suit. 

Clumpton  (extent  given). 

Kempiton  (extent  given). 

Aston  (extent  given). 

Hope  (extent  given),  with  the  advowson  of  the  church. 

Westhope  (extent  given),  including  pannage  in  the  long  forest  called 
Lurwode,  and  a  watermill. 

Dune  (extent  given). 

Actone  (extent  given). 

Also  the  towns  of : — 

Obbele,  Percheroderi,  Obbendrif,  Obaris,  Larcwenhope,  Eyliston 
under  Portloge  and  Munetone,  which  remain  to  be  extended  because  the 
tenants  were  unwilling  to  come  before  the  escheator ;  they  are  beneath 

Towns which  are  in  the  hands  of  the 

prince,  viz. — 

Spoot,  Kevengalonkok,  Eouganton  (?),  Treuntprouere  (?),  .  .  luf  ., 
*  .  .  bore,  Hicheke,  Ulle  (?),  Edenhope;  these  towns  are  above  Portloke 
and  in  the  hands  of  the  prince  with  Portloke  forest. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  42.  (5.) 

813.  William  de  Sey. 

Writ,  12  Feb.  56  Hen.  III. 

William    de    Say,  his   son,   age  variously  stated  as   18  on   the  feast  of 
St.  Edmund  the  King  last,  and  19  on  the  same  feast,  is  his  heir. 

NoBFOLK.    Inq.  Tuesday  the  morrow  of  St.  Peter  ad  Cathedram,  56  Hen.  III. 

Strattun  (manor)  (e^ftent  given),  including  a  tenement  at  Thaverham 
held  by  Sir  John  de  Estru  by  service  of  one  lance  of  fir  Qiaste  de  saj)),  held 
of  the  earl  of  Gloucester  by  service  of  J  knight's  fee  and  one  lance  of  fir. 

Kent.    Extent,  Wednesday  the  eve  of  St.  Matthias,  56  Hen.  III. 

Burgham  manor  (extent  given),  held  of  the  king  by  barony,  service 
unknown,  but  he  ought  to  maintain  part  of  the  bridge  of  Eochester,  and  a 
certain  house  in  the  castle  of  Dover.  The  prior  of  the  hospital  of  Jerusalem 
is  the  true  patron  of  the  church. 

Kent.     Extent^  The  morrow  of  St.  Matthias,  56  Hen.  III. 

Codham  manor  (extent  given),  including  pasture  in  the  wood  of 
Bokehurst  and  the  parks  of  Codham  and  Betred,  rents  in  Bertred,  and  two 
knights'  fees  held  by  Sir  Henry  de  Apelderefeld,  whose  heir  shall  give  101. 
for  relief,  and  ^  knight's  fee  held  by  Sir  Nicholas  Peissun,  whose  heir  shall 
give  508.  for  relief,  held  of  the  king  by  barony.  Sir  William  de  Sey  was  the 
true  patron  of  the  church,  and  Laurence  de  Dunewic  is  rector. 

[Kent.]     Inq.  (undated.) 

Westgernewich  manor  (extent  given),  including  178a.  in  Uppelond 
outside  the  marsh,  held  of  the  king  by  barony,  service  unknown. 

Digitized  by 



Kent.    Extent,  The  day  of  St.  Matthias,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Barling  alias  Berlinges  manor  (extent  given),  including  a  cart,  2  wheels, 
8  ploughshares,  &c.  from  the  men  of  Wald',  held  of  the  king  as  baron.  The 
prior  and  convent  of  Bermund[sey]  have  the  church  to  their  own  uses. 

SussBX.    Inq.  Sunday  before  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra,  56  Hen.  HI. 

Strete  manor  (extent  given),  tenure  unspecified.  Sir  William  was  the 
true  patron  of  the  church,  and  John  de  Sebriteswrth  is  rector. 

[Hertford.]     Extenty  Saturday  after  St.  Matthias  (?)  56  [Hen.  III.] . 

Sabritteswrth  manor  (extent  given  of  the  part  which  was  of  William 
de  Say),  tenure  unspecified. 

Cambridge.    Inq.  Tuesday  after  St.  Mattl^as,  56  [Hen.  HI.] . 

Lintone  manor  (extent  given),  including  2  water-mills,  held  of  the  earl 
of  Her  [e]  ford  by  service  of  1  knight. 

Sussex.    Inq.  Sunday  before  St.  Peter  ad  Cathedram,  56  Hen.  III. 

Hammes  manor  (full  extent  given  with  names  of  tenants),  including  2«. 
rent  from  two  free  tenants  at  Lewes,  a  fishery  of  eels,  and  a  fish-pond,  tenure 
imspecified.  Sir  William  was  the  true  patron  of  the  church,  and  Roger 
Harding  is  rector. 

Middlesex.    Extent,  The  day  of  St.  Peter  in  Cathedra,  56  Hen.  III. 

Edelmeton  manor   (full  extent  given),  including    housbote,  heybote, 
ferbote  and  common  of  pasture  in  the  park  of  Enefeud,  and  57^.  Wd.  rent  of 
*  smalmolmen,'  held  of  the  king  in  chief  by  knight's  service. 
The  age  of  the  heir  is  unknown  to  the  jury,  but  he  was  in  his  mother's  womb 
at  the  hour  when  the  king  went  into  Gascony. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  42,  (6.) 

814.  John  de  Chubchull. 

Wnt  of  extent  and  appraisement  to  the  sheriff  of  Worcester,  as  well  of  the  moiety 
of  lands  of  the  said  John,  of  the  fee  of  William  le  Poer  in  Churchull  and 
Fuplinton,  which  Maud  late  the  wife  of  the  said  John  had  of  the  king's  gift, 
as  of  the  moiety  which  she  had  of  the  gift  of  Hamo  L'Estrange(-E.rira7iei),  to 
whom  Thomas  Boterel  granted  it,  after  the  king  had  given  it  to  him  until 
the  lawful  age  of  the  said  John's  heir,  according  to  the  *  dictum '  of 
Kenileworth,  20  Oct.  56  Hen.  III.     Extent  (undated). 

Worcestbb.  Pupplinton.  A  messuage  and  garden,  2a.  Id.  rent  of  assize,  lid. 
services  of  customary  tenants,  32|a.  land,  and  a  piece  of  meadow. 

Churchull.  Extent  of  these  lands  was  not  made  because  the  bailiff  of 
the  bishop  of  Worcester  did  not  cause  any  jurymen  to  come  to  make  it. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  42.  (7.) 

815.  WiLLUM  de  Abderne,  sometime  officer  of  the  (king's)  saucery  {salsarius). 

Writ  of  escheat  to  the  sheriff  of  Devon,  7  Nov.  56  Hen.  III.     Inq.  {undated.) 

Devon.  Chulaworth  is  the  king's  escheat  by  the  death  of  Bobert  de  Sancto 
Denisio,  and  William  de  Arderne  who  held  it  before  (for  life  by  the  king's 
gift),  is  dead,  and  the  king  can  give  it  to  whomsoever  he  will. 

C.  Hen.  III.  File  42.  (8). 

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HENEY  III.  288 

816.  Richard  Martel. 

Writ  of  plenius  certiorari  to  Master  Roger  de  Glouc[e8tre] ,  justice  assigned  for 
hearing  pleas  of  lands,  given  by  reason  of  the  disturbance  in  the  realm, 
in  CO.  Gloucester,  on  the  petition  of  John  de  la  Fenne,  guardian  of  the 
said  Richard's  lands  in  Stowell,  the  heir  being  under  age,  2  Nov.  Inq. 
Monday  after  Epiphany,  56  Hen.  III. 

Gloucester.  Stowelle  manor.  The  said  Richard  satisfied  Henry  Haketh,  to 
whom  the  king  gave  those  lands  according  to  the  form  of  the  *  dictum '  of 
Kenillworth,  for  the  redemption  of  the  said  manor  for  40«.,  and  (it  was)  so 
much  the  less  because  he  asserted  that  the  manor  was  held  of  the  earl  of 
Leicester  in  chief,  but  afterwards  it  was  found  to  be  held  of  WiUiam  de 

C.  Hen.  III.  FU€  4.2.  (9.) 

817.  Richard  lb  Ussbr. 

Writ  de  escaeta  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Winchester,  8  Jan.  56  Hen.  III.  Inq. 

Southampton.  Winchester.  The  houses  in  Calpestreet,  which  were  of  the  said 
Richard,  are  not  the  king's  escheat  through  his  death,  for  their  site  was 
jointly  bought  by  the  said  Richard,  who  died  without  heir  of  his  body,  and 
Edelina  de  Cruce  his  wife,  who  afterwards  took  another  husband,  by  whom